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Cap Aureo Za sve gurmane rovinjska gastronomska ponuda postala je vrlo poticajan motiv za dolazak u destinaciju, tim više što je Michelinov tim odabrao upravo ovaj gradić ne samo za prvog nositelja zvjezdice u Hrvatskoj, već i za onaj koji jedini ima dva zvjezdana restorana. Također, prošle godine neka nova uzbudljiva mjesta obogatila su gourmet kartu Rovinja, donoseći joj nova iskustva i okuse.

Ovo je popis naših top pet restorana u Rovinju koje ove zime ne smijete propustiti.

Rovinj’s gastro offer has become a compelling motive for gourmets to visit the destination, all the more so because Rovinj has been chosen by the Michelin team not only to be the first town in Croatia to hold a Michelin star, but also to be the only one with two Michelin-starred restaurants. Last year, additionally, some new exciting places were placed on the gourmet map of Rovinj, enriching it and bringing to it new experiences and flavours.

This is a list of our top five restaurants in Rovinj that you should not miss this winter.


Smješten na najvišem katu hotela Grand Park, ovaj restoran vrijedan je posjeta i zbog svoje lokacije, veliki stakleni zidovi restorana pružaju zadivljujući pogled na slikovitu starogradsku jezgru i more. Ono po čemu se ovaj restoran izdvaja od svih ostalih jest to što nudi jela u kojima dominira povrće, pa se zbog toga i sami predstavljaju kao vegetable loving space. Ovdje ćete, na primjer, imati priliku probati karameliziranu cvjetaču ukuhanu s kozjim sirom s kvascem i jesenskim tartufom ili pak tart od artičoka s kozjim feta sirom, triljom i prahom od trilje. Jelovnik se sastoji od 20 sljedova, koji se temelje na sezonalnosti, lokalitetu i ljubavi prema ovom kraju, radi čega se neka jela, zbog specifične mikroklime, prilagođavaju i mijenjaju gotovo svaki treći tjedan. Its location on the top floor of the Grand Park Hotel is also the reason why this restaurant is well worth a visit: its large glass walls offer stunning views of the picturesque old town and the sea. What makes this restaurant stand out from any other is that it offers dishes with vegetables as their chief ingredients, and that is why it presents itself as a vegetable loving space. Here, for example, you can try caramelised cauliflower simmered with goat cheese, with yeast and autumn truffles, or an artichoke tart with goat feta cheese, red mullet and red mullet powder. The menu consists of 20 courses, based on seasonal and local ingredients as well as the love for this region, which is why some dishes, because of the specific microclimate, are adapted and changed almost every third week.


Lani je obitelj Scarello, koja već generacijama vodi restoran Agli Amici u mjestu Godia, Udine, otvorila restoran u Rovinju na šetnici Lungomare Plaza između Grand Parka i marine. Ovaj restoran koji je već dobio svoju prvu Michelinovu zvjezdicu, može se opisati kao jedinstveno, profinjeno i elegantno mjesto s čije se slikovite terase pruža izravan pogled na more. Ovdje kuhinja priča jezikom teritorija Istre i Furlanije-Julijske krajine, koji se prožima kroz tri degustacijska jelovnika koja je osmislio chef Emanuele Scarello: Godia, Istra i Rovinj; tri putanje koje prenose istu gastronomsku misao vodilju održivosti, strasti i istraživanja restorana Agli Amici. Last year, the Scarello family, which has been running the Agli Amici restaurant in Godia, Udine, for generations, opened a restaurant in Rovinj, located on the Lungomare Plaza promenade between the Grand Park and the marina. This restaurant, which has already received its first Michelin star, can be described as a unique, sophisticated and elegant place, with a scenic terrace that offers a direct view of the sea. Here the kitchen speaks the language of the regions of Istria and Friuli-Venezia-Julia, suffusing the three tasting menus created by chef Emanuele Scarello – Godia, Istria and Rovinj – the three directions that convey the same gourmet guiding principle of the Agli Amici restaurant: sustainability, passion and exploration.


Ovo je jedno od onih mjesta u Rovinju koje je popularno kod svih gurmana i ljubitelja tradicije, bilo domaćih ili turista, u potrazi za domaćim jelima i atmosferom. Konoba privlači svoje goste kvalitetom te jelovnikom čija je originalnost u tradicionalnim jelima koja se ne mogu naručiti nigdje drugdje u gradu. Prostor za sjedenje na vanjskoj terasi pruža pogled na najistaknutiju rovinjsku znamenitost, crkvu sv. Eufemije, kao i ribarsku luku prepunu ribarskih čamaca. This is one of the places in Rovinj that is popular with all gourmets and lovers of tradition – both Croatians and tourists – who are in search of local dishes and local atmosphere. The konoba (tavern) attracts its guests with its quality and a menu whose originality is in traditional dishes that cannot be ordered anywhere else in the city. The seating area on the outdoor terrace overlooks Rovinj’s most prominent landmark, the Church of St. Euphemia, and the fishing port full of fishing boats.


Dok istražujete gradsku jezgru, ne smijete propustiti šik restoran u stilu francuskog brasseria, koji se nalazi na trgu u srcu rovinjske vreve. Od 7 do 12 sati možete uživati u ukusnom i svježe pripremljenom à la carte doručku, nakon čega slijedi lagani ručak. Večera oduševljava u bogatom francuski inspiriranom tonu uz korištenje lokalnih okusa i sastojaka. Izbor viskija ovdje među najširima je u Hrvatskoj. Mještani ovo mjesto nazivaju gradskim dnevnim boravkom zbog lokalne atmosfere, okusa terroira i prekrasnog pogleda na glavni gradski trg i malu luku. While exploring the city centre, you should not miss the chic French brasserie-style restaurant, located in the square in the buzzing heart of Rovinj. From 7 am to noon, you can enjoy a delicious and freshly prepared à la carte breakfast, followed by a light lunch. Dinner with rich, French-inspired tones that use local flavours and ingredients is sheer pleasure. The selection of whisky here is among the widest in Croatia. Locals call this place the city’s living room because of the local atmosphere, the taste of terroir and the beautiful view of the main town square and the small port.


Ovo je još jedan novitet u gurmanskoj ponudi grada. Nakon što je zadnjih 20 godina jedno od najposjećenijih mjesta za ljubitelje japanske i azijske kuhinje s Michelinovom preporukom u Zagrebu, Tekka je okuse Istoka donijela na zapadnu obalu Hrvatske. Ovdje zaista možete kušati visokokvalitetni sushi, sashimi, nigiri, tempuru, wok, spring rolls... od najsvježijih sastojaka i tradicionalne tehnike pripreme. Atraktivna lokacija, koja nudi i dizajnerski interijer i primamljivu organsku vrtnu terasu okruženu lijepim travnjacima i borovima, upotpunjuje doživljaj. This is another novelty in the gourmet offer of the city. As one of the most visited places for lovers of Michelin-recommended Japanese and Asian cuisine in Zagreb for the past 20 years, Tekka has brought the tastes of the East to the west coast of Croatia. Here you can really taste high-quality sushi, sashimi, nigiri, tempura, wok, spring rolls, etc., made from the freshest of ingredients using traditional food preparation techniques. The attractive location, featuring both a designer interior and an inviting organic garden terrace surrounded by beautiful lawns and pine trees, rounds off the experience.

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