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Okusi Jadrana

Flavours of the Adriatic

Gastronomski entuzijasti i ljubitelji plovidbe koji dolaze u Hrvatsku s lakoćom će se prepustiti čarima najzdravije kuhinje svijeta – one mediteranske. Prvoklasne namirnice i ambijent u koji se takva jela uklapaju razlozi su što se nautičari redovito vraćaju na jedno od najljepših svjetskih mora

Gastro and sailing enthusiasts coming to Croatia will easily be tempted by the allure of the healthiest cuisine in the world – the Mediterranean cooking. First-class ingredients and the surroundings that are a perfect fit for these dishes are the reasons why boaters regularly return to one of the world's most beautiful seas

Dobra jedriličarska đita nije potpuna bez gastronomskih užitaka. Sjajno pripremljen obrok i vrhunsko lokalno vino s pogledom na nebesko plavetnilo provjereni su sastojci nautičkog hedonizma, a za mnoge je foodieje Hrvatska obećana zemlja. Kako bismo obogatili vašu plovidbu Jadranom, pripremili smo listu restorana za nautičare u ACI-jevim marinama ili u njihovoj neposrednoj blizini gdje možete uživati u svemu onome što mogu pružiti samo plovidba i život na moru.

Damir & Ornella – Novigrad U pomalo skrivenoj uličici u novigradskoj jezgri skriva se gastronomsko blago. Konoba Damir & Ornella u obiteljskoj kući kraljevstvo je istarske verzije sashimija. Jednostavan, a istodobno vrlo rafiniran jelovnik nudi samo najbolje od mora, a kombinacija okusa ribe koja je samo nekoliko sati prije plivala u moru, izvrsnog ekstra djevičanskog maslinova ulja i nekoliko kapi limuna jamči unikatno iskustvo. A good sailing trip is not complete without savouring culinary delights. A fine meal and premium local wine enjoyed while looking at the blue sky is true hedonism at sea, and Croatia is the promised land for many foodies. In order to enhance your sailing experience in the Adriatic, we have prepared a boaters' list of restaurants in or near ACI marinas where you can enjoy what only sailing and living at sea can offer.

Damir & Ornella – Novigrad In a somewhat secluded alley in Novigrad's old town, you will find a real culinary treasure. Situated in a family house, Konoba Damir & Ornella is where the Istrian version of sashimi found its king's palace. A simple yet highly sophisticated menu offers only the best of the sea, and the taste of the fish that just a few hours earlier still swam in the sea, combined with excellent extra virgin olive oil and a few drops of lemon, guarantees a unique experience.

Damir & Ornella – Novigrad

Naša lista restorana za nautičare u ACI-jevim marinama ili u njihovoj neposrednoj blizini nudi hedonizam u magičnom ozračju

This boaters' list of restaurants in or near ACI marinas offers hedonism in a magical atmosphere

Cap Aureo – Rovinj Agli Amici – Rovinj

Cap Aureo – Rovinj Smješten na petom katu Grand Park Hotela Rovinj, ovaj restoran ima pogled od milijun dolara na staru gradsku jezgru i brodove vezane u ACI marini Rovinj. Uz otvorenu kuhinju i chef's table, gdje se jela pripremaju pred očima gostiju, na jelovniku je dvadesetak jela, točnije priča inspiriranih cucinom poverom. Sklad, zaigranost, nepoznati okusi i teksture poznatih namirnica pretvaraju Cap Aureo u izniman fine dining doživljaj.

Agli Amici – Rovinj ici – Rovinj Restoran čiji meni potpisuje poznati talijanski chef Emanuele Scarello donosi u Rovinj kuhinju koju krasi Michelinova zvjezdica. Smješten u srcu ACI marine Rovinj, restoran pruža zadivljujući pogled na staru gradsku jezgru Rovinja i otok Sveta Katarina, a gostima jedinstveno i nezaboravno gastronomsko iskustvo. Elegantno, precizno i originalno kuhanje prezentirano je u nekoliko degustacijskih menija posvećenih regionalnoj i mediteranskoj kuhinji. Cap Aureo – Rovinj Located on the fifth floor of the Grand Park Hotel Rovinj, this restaurant has a million-dollar view of the old town and the boats moored in ACI Marina Rovinj. In addition to the open kitchen and a chef's table, where dishes are prepared in front of the guests, the menu consists of twenty or so items, which are actually stories inspired by the cucina povera (lit. 'kitchen of the poor'). Harmony, playfulness, new flavours and textures of well-known ingredients make Cap Aureo an exceptional fine dining experience.

Agli Amici – Rovinj The restaurant whose menu is created by the famous Italian chef Emanuele Scarello, brings to Rovinj a Michelin-starred cuisine. Located in the heart of ACI Marina Rovinj, the restaurant offers to its guests not only stunning views of Rovinj's old town and the island of Sveta Katarina but also a unique and unforgettable gastronomic experience. Elegance, precision and originality are presented in several tasting menus faithful to the regional and Mediterranean cuisine.

Batelina – Banjole Konoba Batelina obiteljski je restoran vlasnika i voditelja Danila Skoka čija se ponuda temelji na ribi koju obitelj uglavnom lovi sama. Jelovnik je ovdje gotovo strani pojam jer izbor jela u restoranu diktira dnevni ulov pod krilaticom „što more da”. Kuhinja se temelji na tradicionalnim receptima mame Alde s inovativnim dodacima sina Davida.

Nebo – Rijeka U okolici Rijeke nalazi se hotel Hilton Rijeka Costabella Beach Resort & Spa, a na najvišem, petom katu ostakljenog hotela, s pogledom na Kvarner koji oduzima dah, restoran Nebo s Michelinovom zvjezdicom koji vodi chef Deni Srdoč vrlo se brzo svrstao u sam vrh hrvatske gastronomske scene. Stil kuhanja u Nebu kombinacija je modernih i tradicionalnih elemenata, a na jelovniku su zastupljeni sastojci i jela iz svih hrvatskih regija. Odabrani sastojci hrvatskih farmera i proizvođača podudaraju se sa chefovim filozofijama „od farme do stola” i „zero food waste”. Batelina – Banjole Owned and run by Danilo Skoko, Konoba Batelina is a family-owned restaurant whose offer is based on fish mainly caught by the family members. The menu here is almost an unknown term because the choice of dishes is dictated by the catch of the day under the motto 'provided by the sea'. The cuisine is based on traditional recipes from mum Alda with innovative additions from son David.

Nebo – Rijeka In the immediate vicinity of Rijeka, there is the Hilton Rijeka Costabella Beach Resort & Spa with the Michelin-starred restaurant Nebo, which is located on the highest, fifth, floor of this glasswalled hotel, offering breath-taking views of Kvarner Bay. Run by chef Deni Srdoč, Nebo quickly found its way to the very top of the Croatian gastronomy scene. The style of cooking at Nebo is a combination of modern and traditional elements, and the menu offers dishes and ingredients from all Croatian regions. The selected ingredients grown by Croatian farmers and producers correspond to the chef's farm-to-table and zero food waste philosophies.

Batelina – Banjole Nebo – Rijeka

Boškinac – Pag

Boškinac – Pag Restoran hotela Boškinac poznat je po interpretaciji tradicionalne otočne kuhinje na kreativan i moderan način. U restoranu se poštuje gastronomska baština s bogatom ponudom ribe, janjetine, sira, pršuta i drugih svježih sezonskih namirnica uz maslinovo ulje, začinsko bilje i med, ali predstavljena na poseban način, s izraženim autorskim pristupom. Ovu priču od 2020. krasi Michelinova zvjezdica, a gosti mogu uživati u maštovitim degustacijskim menijima koji predstavljaju teatar jedinstvenih okusa otoka Paga.

Pelegrini – Šibenik Smješten u srcu povijesnog grada Šibenika, s čarobnim pogledom na katedralu svetog Jakova, Pelegrini se ubraja među najljepša gastronomska iskustva na Jadranu. Restoran s Michelinovom zvjezdicom u kojem su lokalni okusi kraljevi kuhinje vodi vlasnik i jedan od najvažnijih hrvatskih chefova Rudolf Štefan. Mediteranski fine dining posveta je višestoljetnom bogatom gastronomskom nasljeđu i dalmatinskoj filozofiji života. „Hrvatska je prekrasna, gotovo butikna gastronomska destinacija u kojoj trebamo njegovati naše autohtone okuse. Čovjek treba biti svjestan svojeg okruženja. Upravo zato neprestano radimo na povećanju mreže lokalnih proizvođača kao jedne od okosnica naše kuhinje”, objasnio je Rudolf Štefan. Boškinac – Pag The restaurant at the Boškinac Hotel is well-known for modifying the traditional island cuisine in a creative and modern way. The restaurant respects the culinary heritage, offering a rich menu of fish, lamb, cheese, prosciutto and other fresh seasonal ingredients, along with olive oil, herbs and honey, yet presented in a special way with a distinctive chef's signature. This restaurant received a Michelin star in 2020, and its guests can enjoy imaginative tasting menus that represent the true theatre of flavors unique to the island of Pag.

Pelegrini – Šibenik Located in the heart of the historic city of Šibenik, with a spectacular view of the Cathedral of St James, Pelegrini is among the most enjoyable gastronomic experiences in the Adriatic area. The Michelin-starred restaurant, where local flavours rule the kitchen, is run by the owner and one of the most distinguished Croatian chefs, Rudolf Štefan. The Mediterranean fine dining is a tribute to centuries-old rich culinary heritage and the Dalmatian philosophy of life. 'Croatia is a beautiful, almost boutique, culinary destination, and we need to cherish our local flavours. One should be aware of one's surroundings. That is why we are constantly working to increase the network of local producers as one of the backbones of our cuisine,' Rudolf Štefan said.

Pelegrini – Šibenik

Zrno soli – ACI marina Split

Zrno soli – ACI marina Split Restoran Zrno Soli prezentira hrvatsku gastronomiju i njeguje kreativnu kuhinju uz domaću namirnicu, svježu ribu nabavljenu od lokalnih ribara te lokalno uzgojeno povrće i voće. Smješten u ACI marini, na prvom katu, odakle se pruža predivan pogled na grad Split, odiše elegancijom, toplinom i jednostavnošću Mediterana. Svako jelo u jelovniku priča autohtonu priču s modernim sjajem i predstavlja inovativan iskorak tradicije u suvremenost.

Adriatic – ACI marina Split Restoran Adriatic jedinstvena je mediteranska terasa koja stimulira sva osjetila jer osim vrhunskih aroma i mirisa probranih ribljih i mesnih jela s predznakom kreativne mediteranske kuhinje svojim gostima nudi i čaroban pogled kroz agave na obližnje otoke i pučinu kojom bešumno klize jedrilice. Svaki nautičar reći će vam da je duša svake ACI-jeve marine restoran kao mjesto druženja, prepričavanja doživljaja, uživanja u hrani i slavljenja života.

Zori – Pakleni otoci Smješten na otoku Sv. Klementu, na Paklenim otocima u blizini grada Hvara, obiteljski restoran Zori ima 65 godina dugu i dosljednu tradiciju u stvaranju rajske hrane u kombinaciji s iznimnim iskustvom gostiju. Zori je stekao prestižnu i redovitu klijentelu iz cijelog svijeta, i to s vrlo dobrim razlogom. Tradicionalno je poznat po izvanrednim jelima pripremljenim sa strašću i ljubavlju, prekrasnom krajoliku i, što je najvažnije, profesionalnoj usluzi koju odlikuje predanost i najsitnijim detaljima kako bi gosti doživjeli pravi komad savršenstva. Zrno Soli – ACI marina Split The Zrno Soli restaurant offers Croatian cuisine and nurtures creative cooking using local ingredients, fresh fish sourced from local fishermen, and locally grown vegetables and fruit. Located on the first floor of the ACI marina, from where there is a wonderful view of the city of Split, it radiates elegance, warmth and the simplicity of the Mediterranean. Each dish on the menu tells a local story with a modern flair and represents an innovative step forward from tradition to modernity.

Adriatic – ACI marina Split Restaurant Adriatic is a unique Mediterranean terrace that stimulates all the senses because, in addition to exquisite flavours and aromas of selected fish and meat dishes – creatively Mediterranean in style – it also offers its guests a magical view, through agaves, of the nearby islands and the open sea where sailing boats glide noiselessly. Every boater will tell you that the soul of every ACI marina is the restaurant – the place of socialising, recounting experiences, enjoying food and celebrating life.

Zori – Pakleni Islands Located on the island of Sveti Klement, in the Pakleni archipelago near the town of Hvar, the family-owned restaurant Zori has an unbroken 65-year-long tradition in creating and offering paradise food combined with unforgettable experience. Zori has gained prominent and regular customers from all over the world, and for a very good reason. The restaurant is well-known for outstanding dishes prepared with passion and love, for beautiful scenery and, most importantly, its professional service, with a staff that pays special attention to even the smallest detail so that guests can experience a piece of true perfection.

Laganini – Pakleni otoci LD restoran – Korčula

Laganini – Pakleni otoci Pakleni otoci mjesto su gdje se priroda pobrinula da oslika veličanstven pejzaž, poseban i jedinstven čak i u okvirima cijelog Jadrana. U Vinogradišću, jednoj od najljepših uvala Paklenih otoka, smjestio se Lounge bar & Fish house Laganini. Utemeljila ga je 1960-ih obitelj Novak kao gostionicu i pansion, a tijekom godina postao je nezaobilazna destinacija svih gurmana. Svježe pripremljena jela od ribe i morskih plodova te vinska karta koja sadržava neke najbolje domaće i međunarodne brendove dio su ponude jedinstvenog restorana koji s razlogom nazivaju hedonističkim rajem Dalmacije.

LD restoran – Korčula Strastvena gastronomija LD restorana s Michelinovom zvjezdicom u Korčuli ukorijenjena je u bogatoj dalmatinskoj kuhinji. Ideje za jelovnike inspirirane su onim što je sezonski dostupno na kopnu i moru u kombinaciji s najboljim maslinovim uljima i vinima. Tim, pod kreativnim vodstvom glavnog kuhara Marka Gajskog, uvijek maštovito radi kako bi od ulova dana, divljeg otočnog bilja i ručno biranih sezonskih delicija stvorio nešto izvanredno. Terasa restorana ugnijezdila se ispod borova samo nekoliko koraka od mora, uz stoljetne srednjovjekovne zidine povijesnog grada Korčule. Laganini – Pakleni Islands Pakleni Islands are a place where nature has already painted a magnificent landscape, special and unique even in the context of the Adriatic. In Vinogradišće, one of the most beautiful bays of the Pakleni Islands, you will find the Laganini Lounge Bar & Fish House. Founded in the 1960s by the Novak family as an inn, over the years it has become an unavoidable gourmet destination. Freshly prepared fish and seafood dishes and a wine list containing some of the best local and international brands are part of the offer of this unique restaurant, which is called the hedonist's paradise of Dalmatia for a reason.

LD restaurant – Korčula The passionate cuisine of the Michelin-starred LD restaurant in Korčula is rooted in rich Dalmatian style of cooking. The menu is inspired by seasonally available produce and seafood, combined with the best of olive oils and wines. The team, under the creative guidance of chef Mark Gajski, always uses their imagination to create extraordinary dishes from the catch of the day, the island's wild herbs and hand-picked seasonal delicacies. The terrace of the restaurant has nestled under the pine trees just a few steps from the sea, next to the centuries-old medieval walls of the historic town of Korčula.

Zephyrus – ACI marina Dubrovnik Restoran 360 – Dubrovnik

Zephyrus – ACI marina Dubrovnik Ručak ili romantična večera u sjeni romantičnog ljetnikovca Sorkočević doživljaj je koji rijetko koja marina može omogućiti svojim gostima, no ACI marina Dubrovnik ubraja se među svjetske raritete upravo zbog velebnog zdanja koje je nastalo u slavno doba Dubrovačke Republike. Budući da je restoran u marini jedan od prvih doticaja nautičara sa zemljom u kojoj plove, Zephyrus njeguje kulturu hrane koja predstavlja Hrvatsku kao destinaciju. Meni se mijenja sezonski, a gostima se nude lokalne i svježe namirnice po kojima je dubrovački kraj poznat.

Restoran 360 – Dubrovnik Zahvaljujući ukusnom i maštovitom meniju te ugodnom ambijentu s predivnim pogledom na staru dubrovačku luku Restaurant 360 elitna je oaza za goste istančanog ukusa. Inspiriran okusima i sastojcima dubrovačke i mediteranske kuhinje te uokviren francuskim tehnikama kuhanja, chef Marijo Curić koristi se hranom kao univerzalno razumljivim jezikom na kojem se slavi, nazdravlja i obilježava sve važno i sve milo. Michelinova zvjezdica i jedna od najljepših terasa na svijetu savršena su pozivnica za dubrovački teatar pod zvijezdama.  Zephyrus – ACI Marina Dubrovnik A lunch or a romantic dinner in the shadow of the romantic Sorkočević summer house is an experience that few marinas can offer to their guests, but it is this magnificent building, built in the glorious times of the Dubrovnik Republic, why ACI Marina Dubrovnik is one of the world's rarities. Since the restaurant in a marina is one of the first contacts of boaters with the country in whose waters they are sailing, Zephyrus promotes the food culture that presents Croatia as a destination. The menu is seasonal, and guests are offered local and fresh ingredients for which the Dubrovnik area is famous.

Restaurant 360 – Dubrovnik A delicious and imaginative menu and a pleasant ambience with a beautiful view of Dubrovnik's old harbour make Restaurant 360 an elite oasis for guests with refined tastes. Inspired by the flavours and ingredients of the Dubrovnik and Mediterranean cuisine and shaped by the French cooking techniques, chef Marijo Curić uses food as a universally understood language in which everything important and dear is celebrated, toasted to and honoured. The Michelin star and one of the most beautiful terraces in the world are the perfect invitation to visit the Dubrovnik theatre under the stars. 

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