
14 minute read
Fotografije / Photos: Privatna arhiva Jessica Chapplow / Jessica Chapplow private archives
Umjetna inteligencija po mjeri čovjeka Humanising AI
Jessica Chapplow, specijalistica za umjetnu inteligenciju, blockchain i proširenu stvarnost Jessica Chapplow strastvena je promicateljica etičke upotrebe podataka i poticanja obrazovanja o UI i povezanim tehnologijama Jessica Chapplow, a specialist in artificial intelligence, digital marketing and business transformation, is a passionate advocate for ethical data use and the importance of educating organisations about AI and related technologies

Više nije novost da su digitalizacija, virtualna realnost, umjetna inteligencija i robotika među glavnim obilježjima 21. stoljeća. Ono o čemu smo prije desetak i više godina čitali ili gledali u filmovima znanstvene fantastike postalo je realnost. Znači li to da uskoro prestaje doba ljudi i dolazi doba strojeva? Hoće li nam moderna tehnologija doista pomoći da krenemo naprijed i stvorimo više vremena za sebe ili će naš svijet učiniti složenijim i manje učinkovitim? Jedna od najboljih sugovornica o suživotu ljudi i strojeva jest Jessica Chapplow, specijalistica za umjetnu inteligenciju, blockchain i proširenu stvarnost. Jessica savjetuje brojne klijente o prihvaćanju novih tehnologija te je strastvena zagovornica etičke upotrebe podataka i odgovornog korištenja umjetne inteligencije. Autorica hvaljene knjige i pokreta Be More Pirate također ju je opisala kao 'modernog gusara', a usto je velika altruistica koja neumorno sudjeluje i pomaže u humanitarnim akcijama diljem svijeta. It is no longer news that digitalisation, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and robotics are one of the main features of the 21st century. The things we watched in science fiction movies or read about a decade or more ago have become a reality. Does this mean that the age of humans is about to end and the age of machines is coming? Will modern technology really help us move forward and create more time for ourselves, or will it make our world more complex and less efficient? One of the best people we could be talking to about the coexistence of humans and machines is Jessica Chapplow, a specialist in artificial intelligence, digital marketing and innovation Jessica advises many clients on embracing new technologies, and is a passionate advocate of the ethical use of data and the responsible use of artificial intelligence. She has also been described as a ‘modern-day pirate’ by the author of the acclaimed Be More Pirate book and movement. Whilst juggling a full-time career Jessica also somehow manages to take the time to tirelessly help in humanitarian efforts around the world.
Uvijek postoji sloj straha koji se pojavljuje kada smo suočeni s nečim što nam je nepoznato. Dio našeg mozga tako reagira jer ga je takvim napravila evolucija There's always an element of fear when we are faced with something unknown. Part of our brain reacts that way, because that's how evolution has made it


U Hrvatskoj je gostovala dva puta i pokupila velike pohvale za svoja inspirativna izlaganja. „Uvijek kažem da je kod umjetne inteligencije najteže natjerati me da prestanem govoriti o tome. Hrvatska se ubraja među moja najdraža putovanja. Ljudi su veseli, topli i nasmijani, a ja s taksistima mogu vježbati svoj loš hrvatski. Definitivno želim vašu zemlju posjetiti tijekom ljeta, a vrhunac mog posljednjeg putovanja u Zagreb u studenom bio je posjet Muzeju prekinutih veza. To je čudno i prekrasno mjesto na kojem sam se osjećala poput voajera koji posjećuje veze ljudi iz cijelog svijeta“
Izabrani ste kao jedna od MediaWeekovih 30 najtalentiranijih osoba mlađih od 30 godina, finalistica ste izbora Women in Tech's Young Leader of the Year i savjetnica globalnih brendova.
Kada ste prvi put shvatili da imate talent za posao? Ne mogu definirati točan trenutak koji je bio presudan u mojoj karijeri, ali mislim da sam uspjela zbog triju čimbenika. To su instinkt, prilika i poslovno okruženje. Počela sam kao jedan od prvih zaposlenika u specijaliziranom odjelu za e-trgovinu u jednoj od najvećih agencija. Tako sam dobila pravu priliku da izgradim nešto od nule. Radilo se o stvaranju nečega na temelju onoga što sam smatrala ispravnim i nečega što me u tom trenutku ispunjavalo. Moje zlatno radno pravilo je da uvijek znaš razliku između raditi ono što ti se kaže i raditi ono za što si sposoban. Svaki uspjeh koji sam postigla proizašao je iz razumijevanja i djelovanja po tom pravilu. Na Booking Manager Summitu u Zagrebu na jednoj ste radionici opisani kao osoba koja odluke donosi na logičan i racionalan način. Kako vam ta karakteristika pomaže u karijeri i svakodnevnom životu? She has visited Croatia twice and has been highly praised for her inspirational presentations. 'I always say the hardest thing in connection with artificial intelligence is making me stop talking about it. Croatia has been one of my favourite places to visit. People are cheerful, warm and kind, and I appreciate the patience of the taxi drivers that I practice my bad Croatian with.I can’t want to come back to visit again in the summer. The highlight of my last trip to Zagreb in November has to be visiting the Museum of the Broken Relationships. It's a weird and wonderful place where I felt as though I was making a voyeuristic visit into so many people’s relationships from around the world.
You have been selected as one of MediaWeek's 30 most talented people under 30 and have been a finalist for Women in
Tech's Young Leader of the Year; you are also a consultant to global brands. When did you first realise you had a talent for the job? I can't define the exact moment as I believe that a person's talent is honed through learning and dedication to their career over time. That being said, I think I succeeded because of three factors: instinct, opportunity and business environment. I started out as one of the first employees in a specialised e-commerce department at one of the largest advertising agencies. In this role, I gained invaluable exposure to the challenges of building a department and digital specialism from scratch. It was about creating something based on what I thought was right and something that I found personally fulfilling at that moment. My golden work rule is to always know the difference between doing what you are told to do, and doing what you are capable of. Any success I have achieved has been borne out of understanding and acting on this.

Način na koji se bavim područjima umjetne inteligencije i strojnog učenja zahtijeva zaista mnogo analitičkih podataka i racionalan način razmišljanja. Bez statističkih pokazatelja i brojeva oslanjanje na vlastitu kreativnost bio bi iznimno velik izazov. S druge strane, sve je vrlo relativno i u nekim drugim projektima i zadacima više se koristim kreativnošću, a zanemarujem analitiku. Ne postoji čarobna formula ili savršen omjer o upotrebi logike i mašte, to se mijenja ovisno o prioritetima. Mnoge moje odluke u karijeri i životu temeljile su se na kombinaciji srca i razuma.
Fokusirate se na ulogu vrhunske tehnologije u modernom društvu. Jeste li možda kao djevojčica čitali znanstvenofantastične romane ili gledali filmove iz kojih ste dobili ideje koje su vas inspirirale za neke vaše projekte? SF knjige i filmovi nadahnjuju ljude da sanjaju, inspiriraju ih da se odvaže iskoračiti u nepoznato i pokušaju postići nemoguće. Svijet je prepun mogućnosti, a ovakvim pomicanjem granica nadamo se da ćemo dobiti pristup barem nekima od njih. Znate, neke stvari koje se spominju u knjigama nisu više daleka budućnost, a neke stvari već su prisutne u našim životima. Uz mogućnost moderne tehnologije i umjetne inteligencije u nekim je situacijama nemoguće postala samo obična riječ. Velika sam ljubiteljica serijala „Matrix”, a vidimo da u našem pravom svijetu korištenje proširene stvarnosti, virtualne realnosti i strojnog učenja napreduje velikom brzinom. Jedna od mojih najdražih knjiga je The Book of Why. Fascinirana sam kako nam Judea Pearl omogućuje ne samo da upoznajemo utroke nego i da otkrivamo svjetove koji su mogli biti.
At one of the workshops at the Booking Manager Summit in Zagreb, you were described as a person who makes decisions in a logical and rational way. How does this characteristic help you in your career and everyday life? The way I work in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning requires a lot of analytical data and a rational mindset. Relying on your own creativity without using statistical indicators and figures would be a very big challenge. On the other hand, things are very relative and in some other projects and tasks, I use creativity more, ignoring analytics. There is no magic formula or perfect ratio in the use of logic and imagination; it changes depending on priorities. Many decisions I've made in my career and personal life came as a combination of heart and mind.
You focus on the role of cutting-edge technology in modern society. Did you, as a young girl, read sci-fi books or watch movies that gave you ideas for some of your projects? Sci-fi books and movies inspire people to dream, inspire them to venture into the unknown and try to achieve the impossible. The world is full of possibilities, and, pushing back the boundaries in this way, we hope to gain access to some of them at least. You know, some of the things that are mentioned in the books are no longer in the distant future, and some are already present in our lives. With the possibilities of modern technology and artificial intelligence, in some situations, the 'impossible' has become just an ordinary word. I'm a big fan of the Matrix film series, and we see that the use of augmented reality, virtual reality and machine learning is progressing at a rapid rate in our real world. One of my favourite books is The Book of Why, I am fascinated by how Judea
Tehnologija je dobra onoliko koliko su dobri ljudi koji je programiraju. Kao i u bilo kojem stručnom području, a to je posebno važno u slučaju umjetne inteligencije potrebni su nam ljudi koji različito misle jer ćemo uz njihovu pomoć stvoriti moćnije, raznovrsnije i ravnopravnije algoritme Technology is only as good as the humans who program it. As with any specialist field, but particularly critical in the case of AI is that we need people with diverse thoughts because they’re the ones we’re going to create, those algorithms that make the machine learning and the algorithms in the technology more powerful, more diverse, and more equal
Što ljudi misle o umjetnoj inteligenciji? Kao velika zagovornica odgovornog korištenja umjetne inteligencije smatrate li da može doći do zloupotrebe takve tehnologije? Neki je se boje, jedni misle da će ona preuzeti svijet, drugi vjeruju da će automatizirati dosta poslova i pojednostaviti mnogo profesija. Kada god sudjelujem na konferencijama, uvijek na početku svojeg predavanja ljudima postavim pitanje koliko znaju o umjetnoj inteligenciji i strojnom učenju. Neki su samo načuli o tome, a drugi su detaljno upoznati i zanima ih daljnji razvoj novih tehnologija. No ta moja mini anketa upućuje na veliku prazninu između onoga što znamo i onoga što ne znamo. Ono što umjetna inteligencija jest i onoga što nije. Za mene postoji mnogo razlika u vezi s tehničkim detaljima UI i područja u kojima se znanstvena tehnologija sukobljava s temeljnim vrijednostima ljudi. Smatram da se možemo bojati samo onoga o čemu ne znamo dovoljno. Svaka tehnološka revolucija donosi brojna pitanja i kontroverze. Sjetite se kako su ljudi reagirali na prve automobile, mobitele, kompjutore. Rekla bih da je ljudski bojati se novog. Uvijek postoji sloj straha koji se pojavljuje kada smo suočeni s nečim što nam je nepoznato. Dio našeg mozga tako reagira jer ga je takvim napravila evolucija. Za mene je jedno od ključnih pitanja ono o etici i moralu pri korištenju umjetne inteligencije. Mora postojati jasna legislativa koja će sprječavati njezinu zloupotrebu. Isto tako važno je da ljudi mogu vidjeti njezine pozitivne i negativne strane, naučiti kako joj se prilagoditi, kako se njome koristiti da bismo razvili različita rješenja za dobrobit čovječanstva. Tehnologija je dobra onoliko koliko su dobri ljudi koji je programiraju. HeartificialIntelligence.org je rođen s misijom podizanja svijesti i poticanja ljudi da se manje usredotoče na pronalaženje pravog odgovora, već umjesto toga postavljaju prava pitanja o AI i srodnim tehnologijama.
Velika ste poznavateljica industrije luksuza. Kako vidite njezinu transformaciju u posljednjih nekoliko godina? Industrija luksuza dugi je niz godina počivala na postulatu ekskluzivnosti, no danas, kada je gotovo 40 posto kupaca online, neka su druga pravila igre. Brendovi se okreću pričama o autentičnosti i održivosti jer sadašnji i budući klijenti to od njih traže. Onaj tko se neće mijenjati, neće uspjeti. Za nekoliko godina ACI-GITONE, tvrtka nastala iz partnerstva Lürssena i ACI-ja, predstavit će ACI marinu Rijeka, potpuno zelenu, održivu i pametnu digitalnu marinu s primarnim fokusom na sigurnost gostiju i personalizirano iskustvo. Što mislite o digitalnoj Pearl’s work enables us to know not just whether one thing causes another: it lets us explore the world and the worlds that could have been.
What do people think of artificial intelligence? As a great advocate for the responsible use of artificial intelligence, do you think that such technology can be abused? Some are afraid of it, some think that it will take over the world, while others believe that it will help automate a lot of jobs and make a lot of them easier. Whenever I take part in conferences, I always ask people, at the beginning of my presentations, to rank their level of knowledge about artificial intelligence and machine learning. Some have only heard about these things, while others are more familiar and are interested in the further development of new technologies. But this mini-poll of mine points to a big gap between what we know and what we don't know; what artificial intelligence is and what it isn't. For me, there are many differences between the technical details of AI and areas where scientific technology is in conflict with people's fundamental values. I think we can only be afraid of what we don't know enough about. Each technological revolution brings up a number of questions and causes controversies. Remember how people reacted to the first cars, mobile phones, computers. I'd say it's human to be afraid of new things. There's always an element of fear when we are faced with something unknown. Part of our brain reacts that way because that's how evolution has made it. For me, one of the key questions is about ethics and morality when using artificial intelligence. Clearer and more standardised legislation must exist to prevent its misuse. Also, it's important that people are able to see its positive and negative implications, to learn how to adapt to it, how to use it in order to develop different solutions for the benefit of humanity. Technology is only as good as the humans who program it. HeartificialIntelligence.org was born with a mission to raise awareness and encourage people to focus less on finding the right answer, but instead, ask the right questions about AI and related technologies.
You're a great expert on the luxury industry. How do you see its transformation in the last few years? For many years, the luxury industry relied on the idea of exclusivity, but today, when almost 40 percent of customers are online, the rules of the game have changed. Brands turn to stories of authenti-

transformaciji i implementaciji umjetne inteligencije u pomorskoj industriji? Mogućnosti koje pružaju napredne tehnologije, strojno učenje i duboko učenje zaista mogu postati game changeri u pomorskoj industriji. Oko 90 posto robe prevozi se morem i industrija ima priliku donijeti odluke koje će imati dalekosežne posljedice na sve nas. Autonomni brodovi, umrežavanje različitih sustava, razmjena podataka u stvarnom vremenu između kopna i mora – sve to mijenja naše živote nabolje. Brodovi se već koriste različitim senzorima, digitalnim GPS-om, kamerom i s mnogo toga što se temelji na različitim softverima i matematičkim metodama, pa je ljudska pogreška u nekim situacijama bitno smanjena. Sustavi vizualnog prepoznavanja brodova velika su pomoć tijekom plovidbe u lošim vremenskim uvjetima ili noću. Umjetna inteligencija ima veliku mogućnost primjene u brojnim granama industrije. Vidljivo je to i u Hrvatskoj. Maritimni inovacijski klaster u kojem su tehnološke kompanije iz Hrvatske, Austrije i Njemačke izvrstan je pokazatelj sposobnosti pomicanja granica u pomorskoj industriji. city and sustainability because current and future clients ask them to. The one who won't change won't make it.

In a few years' time, ACI-GITONE, a company formed in the partnership between Lürssen and ACI, will present ACI Marina Rijeka, a completely green, sustainable and smart digital marina primarily focused on visitors' safety and personalised experience. What do you think of the digital transformation and the implementation of artificial intelligence in the maritime industry?
The opportunities provided by advanced technologies, machine learning and deep learning can really become game-changers in the maritime industry. About 90 percent of goods are transported by sea and the industry has the opportunity to make decisions that will have far-reaching consequences for all of us. Autonomous ships, networking of different systems, real-time data exchange between land and sea – these are all things that change our lives for the better. Ships and boats are already using different sensors, a digital GPS, a camera and a lot of what is based on different software and mathematical methods, and, in some situations, human error is significantly reduced. Vessel image recognition systems are a great help in navigation in bad weather or at night. Artificial intelligence can be applied in a number of industries. This is also evident in Croatia. The Maritime Innovation Cluster, which includes technology companies from Croatia, Austria and Germany, is an excellent indicator of the ability to push back the boundaries in the maritime industry.