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The Hydrographic Society of America

A newsletter published quarterly by THSOA

Summer 2014

Volume I, Issue 5

From the President Special points of interest:  U.S. Hydro 2015

More than Surveys and Charts from More than Hydrographers by Paul Cooper, President of THSOA

 Call for Papers  Hall of Fame Nominations open now

 Workshops

Inside this issue:

Letter from the President


U.S Hydro 2015


THSOA Chapter News


Intracoastal Waterway— A Crowdsourcing Success Story


World Hydrography Day 18


oday not only is Hydrography more than just surveying and charts – Hydrography and Bathymetry data are also being collected by more than only Hydrographers. Over the years we have been seeing the refinement of precision and accuracy of hydrographic surveying and nautical charting through survey equipment improvements, IT development, training, and education. The skills of our professionals have never been better and the tools of the trade are incredible. In that growth of skills and tools, the job of hydrographer has also grown and become more complex. At one time the hydrographers job was fairly straight forward - getting the ship across the sea while ensuring safety of navigation and avoiding the dangers awaiting the imprudent mariner. Our data collection requirements now go far beyond those traditional parameters. In addition to the safety of navigation concerns, the hydrographer must take ocean measurements to include the sea as a destination on its own not just as a way to get to a far shore. The development of high resolution digital terrain models, surveys that support seafloor construction rather than surface navigation across those areas, surveys with dramatically increased depth limit, and data collection of a complete library of water column and oceanographic data that support models for a variety of uses. With the reality of growing hydrographic requirements and responsibilities we are also looking at steadily decreasing resources in the community. Hydrographic survey platforms worldwide are about 65% of what they were 15 years ago with a commercial maritime trade that has increased 3 fold since the 70's to almost 9 B GT – our jobs are getting bigger.. Just think of the relevant knowledge and skills required by today’s hydrographer: Project Management, pressure to economize, leadership, technical understanding of survey systems and the mission support systems, the legal aspects of a project (UNCLOS, permitting), and environmental concerns. Modernization and new thinking are being applied to dramatically (Continued on page 2)

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More Than Hydrographers

The Hydrographic Society of America 34-Years (1980-2014)

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change the way hydrography is collected, processed and served out to users. With new techniques and equipment in constant development it is possible to see hydrographers who do not go to sea at all. Their expertise will be only used in the office environment. Here are three examples that are currently in use that point toward a significantly reduced hydrographic corps at sea. 

Unmanned technology which has been proven with remotely operated vehicles (ROV) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) to collect seafloor and oceanographic information has been proven. Unmanned Surface Platforms (USP) have now been proven for hydrography. On board USP batch data processing of multi beam data has been proven to provide near real time hydrographic data reduced for sound velocity corrections, tide, draft, and other motion. The processed data is gridded and transmitted to an operations center for evaluation and use near real time. Satellite derived bathymetry has become increasingly useful and is now recognized as a good reconnaissance tool for near shore bathymetry. It is can be utilized in areas where surveying assets have not been deployed for a long period or in areas where they likely will never be deployed. The refinement of SDB processing by applying the bathymetry algorithm to Landsat 7 and 8 as well as Worldview 2 imagery is strengthening the case for SDB and eventually leading to use on charts. Slightly more controversial is Crowd Sourced Bathymetry. CSB is data collection by volunteers on ships and boats of opportunity. CSB is gaining recognition and popularity as a source of data that strongly supplements the work of traditional hydrography. The IHO is developing a position and program introducing CSB into the tool box of the hydrographic authorities.

The predictable growth and use of these methods is at once exciting and cause for concern in our community. In each of these cases there is no need for a complete crew of hydrographers at sea. With the challenge of reduced resources, the likelihood of these and other non-traditional methods for collecting data will grow to support the ever increasing needs and uses for hydrographic/bathymetric data for other than safety of navigation. We must suspend old thinking, prepare for, and embrace new while maintaining quality services and products that we have provided over the years. †

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Announcement and Technical Program The U.S. Hydro 2015 Conference, presented by The Hydrographic Society of America, will be held at the Gaylord Hotel in National Harbor, MD, on March 16-19, 2015. U.S. Hydro 2015 is a continuation of the series of hydrographic conferences that alternate between the United States and Canada. This is the fifteenth U.S. Hydrographic conference and follows on the very successful U.S. Hydro 2013, held in New Orleans, LA. In addition to the technical papers, the conference will feature an extensive series of Workshops, social program, Exhibition Hall, and a Student Outreach program. The conference will include technical sessions and a poster session on the latest developments and applications in hydrographic surveying, multibeam and side scan sonar, data management, electronic charting, marine archaeology, and related topics. The Call For Papers is available here. General Questions? Email: General Information (info@ushydro2015.com) Exhibits – John Marinuzzi (exhibits@ushydro2015.com) Technical Session – Al Rougeau (papers@ushydro2015.com) Poster Session/Lightning Rounds – Josh Mode (posters@ushydro2015.com) Pier and Boats – Brian Busey (pierspace@ushydro2015.com) Workshops – Sam Debow (workshops@ushydro2015.com) Registration – John Marinuzzi/Harold Orlinsky (registration@ushydro2015.com) Hall of Fame – Chic Ransone (hof@ushydro2015.com) Student Outreach – Jana da Silva (thsoasop@gmail.com) Accompanying Persons – June Byrd, Vikki Cooper, Pamela Sanabria (info@ushydro2015.com) Hydrographer Certification – Gary Davis (hcp@ushydro2015.com)

Registration The conference registration fee includes admission to technical sessions, workshops, exhibit hall, two hosted receptions (Exhibitor's Happy Hour on Tuesday and Wednesday nights). One day registrations do not include the social functions. Early Registration and payment is available until 5:00 pm EST on March 13, 2015. The Full/One day Conference registration for Members is $375/$175 and for Non-Members $500/ $250. Students of 'Member' organizations may register for $50.

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THSOA Your current officers and trustees are:

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President: Paul Cooper Secretary: Doug Lockhart Treasurer: Harold Orlinksy Trustee: RADM Chris Andreasen (ret)

A 'Member' is an Individual Member in The Hydrographic Society of America, The Canadian Hydrographic Association, Canadian Hydrographic Service, or the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies (IFHS). All New 'Members' must be in good standing as of February 15, 2015.

Trustee: Art Kleiner

There is no charge for accompanying guests. Spouses are welcome to attend the Tuesday and Wednesday Happy Hour in the Exhibit Hall.

Trustee: Lou Nash

Registration is 100% refundable if notification is made by email to registration@ushydro2015.com by 5:00pm EST March 6, 2015.

Trustee: Castle “Gene� Parker

ONLINE and Early Registration ends at 5:00pm EST, March 13, 2015. There is NO 'Exhibits Only' category. All persons must register as one of the above categories to view the Exhibits! General Registration will be available on November 1, 2014.

local Chapters:

Registration is now available here online. Click here or on the Registration link to preregister for U.S. Hydro 2015. If you are experiencing problems signing up online, you can download the manual registration form (PDF).


Questions? Email registration@ushydro2015.com.

THSOA has two


Comments, ideas, criticisms, hate mail, letters to the editor, etc. regarding the eSeahorse can be directed to the Editor-in Chief at the e-mail below: Francis.M.Woodward@ usace.army.mil

For more information visit U.S. HYDRO 2015 Homepage http://www.ushydro.org/2015

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News from the Chapters

Upcoming Events 2014 Height Modernization Workshop

FEATURING Bill Henning (NGS, ret.) 8 Continuing Education Units • RTK Best Practices • GNSS Derived Heights • Orthometric Heights • Vertical Geodetic Control • Product Demonstrations • Real-Time Networks • Free Registration • Equipment Vendors • More... Seating is limited so please register to reserve your seat ASAP! July 29th, 2014 | 8am - 4pm Cook Hotel & Conference Center 3848 West Lakeshore Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Louisiana State University CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

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The 2014 Officers THSOA Houston Chapter



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Chairman: Aboud Abotouk Harvey Lynch Inc. abouda@harveylynch.com Vice Chair: Brian Brookshire NCS Subsea, Inc. brian.brookshire@ncssubsea.com Technical Chair: TBD (This position is available Secretary: TBD (This position is available Treasurer: Audi Monje - ABIP Audi@abipcpa.com Memberships / Student Liaison: Tim Basinger - Survey Equipment Services tim@ses-services.com Fundraising / Events Coordinator: Rusty Sommers NCS Subsea, Inc. Rusty.sommers@ncssubsea.com

The 2014 THSOA – Houston Chapter – Events Summary - January: Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting was held to elect the vacant seats of the Committee. The elections resulted in: Chairman: Aboud Abotouk – Harvey-Lynch Inc. Vice Chair: Brian Brookshire – NCS Subsea Inc. Technical Chair: Noel Zinn – Hydrometronics LLC. - Noel resigned later and Scott Walters, MacArtney Inc. was selected by the Committee and voted in by the Membership. Membership/Student Liaison: Tim Basinger – SES Inc. Fundraising/Social Events Coordinator: Rusty Sommers, NCS Subsea Inc. Treasurer: Audi Monje – ABIP Secretary: was not elected, later Alan Craig, SES Inc. was selected by the Committee and voted in by the Membership.

- February Chili Cook Off The chapter has conducted its annual Chili Cook Off which was an enjoyable one this year. We had nine registered Cooks, seven Cooks competed and more than fifty attendees.

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The Chapters


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- March: Technical Presentation The Chapter invited Tim Osborn the Navigation Manger for the Eastern Gulf for NOAA's National Ocean Service Office of Coast Survey to speak about “SURVEYING AND SUPPORT TO THE NAVIGATION, PORT, AND COASTAL COMMUNITIES...DEALING WITH MAKING OUR WORK UNDERSTANDABLE AND USEFUL". The presentation covered a range of issues in working with ports and deep and shallow draft navigation as well as state and federal agencies that are involved in the Marine Transportation System (MTS).

- April: Selecting new location for the Chapter’s events The Chapter conducted a survey among the membership to collect their opinions about the monthly events venue and to hear their wishes and comments. Based on the survey results the committee selected a new venue in the area voted by the Membership. The technical presentation of April was held at the new location.

- April: Technical Presentation The presentation was given by Neil Manning of Teledyne-CDL. The topic was “MEASUREMENT AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT, SUBSEA LIDAR LASER SCANNING SYSTEM THAT USES TERRESTRIAL METHODOLOGY, TO PROVIDE HIGH DATA IMAGING AND MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGY”. The presentation covered Teledyne-CDL & 3D at Depth’s patented technology. This technology uses subsea LiDAR scanning techniques for the installation/ field development of inspection environments. Data sets and operational time line examples were provided.

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The 2014 Officers THSOA Louisiana Chapter Chairman: Eric Fisher C&C Technologies eric.fischer@cctech.us Treasurer: Byron LaBowe Hydroterra Techologies byron@hydroterratec.c om Secretary: Meghan Connell C&C Technologies meghan.connell@cctec h.us



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- May: The OTC Social: The OTC social event this year was exceptional for the number of attendees. We had over 175 attendees who joined us from different parts of the US and the world. The most important goal we achieved this year was to cover the scholarship program for four students and two scholarships for high school technical groups. In addition to that, we had 19 students who attended this event for the first time and they met many of our industry leaders in the event. The event included a raffle for many prizes and two square games. The event was enjoyed by all.

Technical Chair: AL Rougeau Al Rougeau Design & Development, Inc. al@ardd.biz Membership Drive/ Student Liaison: Brett Deshotels NEI GPS brett_deshotels@neigp s.com Fund Raising Chair: Kim Dailey Teledyne Odom Hydrographics kdailey@teledyne.com Tara Levy C&C Technologies tara.levy@cctech.us Webmaster: Robert Corkren ECF Consulting (contractor to Williams Midstream) rcokren@scfconsulting.com


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The Chapters


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- June: Technical presentation: The Chapter invited Lars Hansen of MacArtney Inc. who spoke about the “THE ROTV SYSTEMS�. The subject included the history of use, sensors packages and the latest advancements in technology in addition to discussing MacArtney FOCUS-2 system and others.

- Coming Months: The Chapter has planned the following events for the coming months: July: Technical Presentation August: Annual Bowling Night September: Technical Panel and Discussion October: Technical Presentation November: Technical Presentation December: Holiday party and Scholarships presentations.

America’s Intracoastal Waterway is a network of canals, inlets, bays and rivers that runs the length of the Eastern Seaboard from Norfolk, Virginia, to the Florida Keys, and along the Gulf of Mexico from Apalachee Bay to Brownsville, Texas. The ribbon of water is divided into the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. Together they provide navigable routes for commercial barges and light water-borne pleasure craft, away from the hazards of the open sea. Traveling the entire length of the Intracoastal Waterway involves a journey of about 3,000 miles, with connections to the Great Loop offering access to an additional 4,500 miles of inland waterways.

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The Intracoastal Waterway - A Crowdsourcing Success Story Technology and Social Media Combine for Intracoastal Waterway Reconnaissance By John Hersey, SURVICE Engineering Company, LLC Paul Cooper, CARIS USA In this Internet age, crowdsourcing is fast providing practical contributions to our understanding of the world around us. Whether it be software developed in an open-source environment, inputs from “those in the know” to create and maintain wiki pages, or the provision of weather and traffic data through the mobile devices we use every day, society as a whole benefits from what we each “know” and the ability to communicate that information with today’s technology. In observance of World Hydrography Day 2014, it is fitting to report on the application of 21st century technology and social media, both now an integral part of our everyday lives, as one of the newest tools in the hydrographer’s toolbox. While high-end surveying equipment is still unmatched in precision and accuracy in the hands of a professional hydrographer, very capable surveying technology is now low cost, readily available, and already distributed worldwide in the form of standard-equipment vessel electronic charting systems, or chartplotters. Combined with the wireless and cellular networks that we are all constantly connected to, we have the ready means to aggregate and share this distributed coastal intelligence; and with the application of scientific principles rooted in hydrography and big data, we also have the ready means to compute solutions (along with uncertainty estimates) of this data to meet a variety of needs. And thus, the science of crowdsourced bathymetry (CSB) is emerging as a next-generation tool that mirrors the connected mindset of the next generation of hydrographers. One such purpose for which CSB is being successfully implemented is as a reconnaissance tool for boaters on the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) (see Figure 1). The regional maritime community is taking advantage of CSB as a self-enabling technology through a creative collaboration with industry. Leveraging the public’s availability of modern technology and their natural desire to be well informed as well as to benefit society, mariners are providing data that bestow unprecedented insight into conditions and resources along the ICW.

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The Success Story


(from page 10) FIGURE 1. The Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) is a 3,000-mile (4,800 km) waterway along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. Some sections of the waterway consist of natural inlets, saltwater rivers, bays, and sounds, while others are artificial canals. It provides a navigable route along its length without many of the hazards of travel on the open sea (image courtesy of NOAA).

The Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net (SSECN, http://cruisersnet.net/) is an online social media forum focused on the Atlantic ICW, and is a treasure trove of useful reports and articles provided by and consumed by ICW cruisers. The SSECN website informs others via familiar chart displays provided by EarthNC, enhanced with access to information such as fuel prices, marina accommodations, and navigation hazards like misplaced buoys and shoaling. These reports are also enhanced by the millions of water depth measurements made by cruisers during their routine ICW transits, autonomously delivered and processed through the ARGUS™ CSB innovations of SURVICE Engineering and CARIS USA. What was previously a fleeting number on a chartplotter screen, that may or may not have been looked at and interpreted, is now useful knowledge thanks to this pioneering partnership. ARGUS™ Crowdsourced Bathymetry ARGUS™ (http://argus.survice.com/) is a patented (U.S. Patent 8,417,451) autonomous CSB system that provides automated acquisition and processing of CSB data. ARGUS™ universally interfaces with vessels’ existing GPS and depth -finding systems. The compact, onboard unit automatically processes the GPS and depth signals and wirelessly ports the output to a central server. Post-processing the data from routine vessel traffic provides continuous waterway depth surveying. Autonomous CSB is a novel hydrographic surveying approach that uses existing vessel traffic and thus an unlimited, distributed workforce to continuously survey waterways that may not have been surveyed in decades. (Continued on page 12)

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Success Story (from page 11) This virtual, distributed surveying “vessel” acts as a member of the SSECN cruising community, greatly enhancing condition reports provided through the SSECN website with a continuous flow of physical measurements as portrayed in Figure 2.

The Intracoastal Waterway Eastern Seaboard from Norfolk, Virginia, to the Florida Keys.

FIGURE 2. The information cycle begins and ends with the cruising community, with millions of ICW soundings from recreational and commercial vessels being continually processed and made available to the boating public through the SSECN website. This model provides the ultimate opportunity to engage the public as it both leverages and supports the public’s recreational and commercial interests in the ICW.

Fundamentally, the ARGUS™ onboard unit processes every GPS position and corresponding water depth measurement that is output from the chartplotter, in addition to several other parameters that are also used in back-end post-processing. The timetagged and synchronized data are offloaded wirelessly using any such means available, such as WiFi, cellular, or satellite communications. The system operates autonomously with no operator interaction required other than turning on the chartplotter. Backend processing includes the application of vessel offsets, tide and other environmental corrections, filters, and CSB-specific data aggregation methods. Output from the process can be managed through CARIS’ Bathy DataBASE™ (BDB), which is used to compile survey data with appropriate metadata that can be used for searching.

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The Success Story


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CARIS' Spatial Fusion Enterprise™ (SFE) then can be used to serve out the data via the web. CARIS BDB and SFE provide powerful post-processing and visualization platforms for the web-served CSB solution sets, robust and scalable storage and analysis for the ever-expanding volumes of data, high resolution graphics, industry standard bathymetric processing modules, and simple yet powerful end user interfaces. Feedback to the participating vessels includes real-time position reporting and access to the solution sets processed from all contributing vessels. Process outputs are made available as a selectable layer on SSECN chart windows with specific coverage of each problem area of the ICW. The individual chart windows provide not only the ARGUS™ layer, but also a wealth of other useful information in the form of articles and user comments related to the problem areas. This is in addition to the layers that point out amenities and other types of hazards—with the majority of inputs and reviews contributed by SSECN readers. CSB Application on the ICW ARGUS™ has been in operation since 2010, acquiring over 100 million soundings from a distributed fleet of vessels navigating U.S. and international waters. Over 20 million of those soundings have been processed over the 1000+ miles from Norfolk to Key West, thanks to long-time contributors like Sea Tow, M/V Altair, M/V Chez Nous, Trawler Beach House, and Reality Check Sailing, and the data solution set is continually being refreshed. Figures 3 and 4 show two of the classic ICW trouble spots highlighted for SSECN readers: Georgia’s Jekyll Creek and Little Mud River, respectively. These are typical examples of ARGUS™ data providing a real “visual” of the conditions and of the best route of travel through these trouble spots. FIGURE 3. Cruisers who navigate through Georgia already know that the ICW’s trek through Jekyll Creek is one of the real “problem stretches” between Little Mud River and the Georgia/ Florida state line. The shallowest spot is found abeam of marker #19 (image courtesy of SSECN).

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The Success Story


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Red and green lighted channel markers show the extremely narrow channel flanked by shoals and shallows at Hell Gate along the Intracoastal Waterway, in Savannah, GA.

FIGURE 4. The section of the Little Mud River just north of the ICW’s intersection with Altamaha Sound is a challenge for cruising vessels, made easier by the clear indications as to which side of the channel should be favored (image courtesy of SSECN).

Clearly evident in the case of the ICW, an especially hard-to-reach area for official survey assets, the swath of ARGUS™ data provides the partnership with the ready means to update the magenta line, or preferred route of travel, as currently represented on official charts – last comprehensively surveyed in the 1930s. Figure 5 shows one of many examples where the swath alone indicates the preferred route of travel, yet without consideration for which is the deepest part of the swath. Endorsed by the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Association, this project will add a continuously updated magenta line as a layer in the SSECN chart windows.

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The Success Story


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FIGURE 5. ARGUS™ data not only indicate the preferred route of travel, but also indicate the deepest depths along the route. A misplaced magenta line that may pose a danger to vessel traffic is clearly evident in these examples as well as in many other sections of the ICW.

How good is CSB? Studies led by the University of Southern Mississippi and Towson University suggest that ARGUS™ solutions can meet IHO S-44 Order 2 standards, have immediate reconnaissance value, and can provide a vast improvement in positioning accuracy and reliability compared to the pre-GPS-positioned hydrographic data on most charts., Validity of the data is suggested not only by the examples shown in Figures 5 and 6, but is also bolstered by local knowledge of the SSECN community as the readers monitor local solution updates, make local chart comparisons, and identify areas of interest (e.g., shoaling) – which are then reaffirmed by and for the community. Reader testimonials indicate wide approval of these SSECN reports.

FIGURE 5. ARGUS™ data not only indicate the preferred route of travel, but also indicate the deepest depths along the route. A misplaced magenta line that may pose a danger to vessel traffic is clearly evident in these examples as well as in many other sections of the ICW.

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The Success Story


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Drawbridge opening over the Intracoastal Waterway, Miami, FL

FIGURE 6. A “painted” shoal matches the chart contour lines (left). Processed ARGUS™ soundings in the vicinity of a charted depth provide confidence that the charted depth is valid.

Not surprisingly, the international hydrographic community is taking notice of the potential value of CSB, and is rapidly moving to leverage its benefits. Among others, the development of CSB has been endorsed and encouraged by both the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office and the International Hydrographic Organization. The application of inevitable hardware improvements along with scientific expertise in the field of hydrography, fueled by interests in big data and information visualization, all promise to only make CSB solutions better—in fact magnitudes better than the pre-1940s “soundings” that are the basis for the majority of modern charts. Who Benefits? The private sector is the primary ocean user and is best placed to develop and implement the practices needed to ensure that marine ecosystem use is sustainable. Meanwhile, hydrographic offices realize that they must rely not only on their own capabilities, but that they must also engage stakeholders and the public at multiple levels in order to accomplish their missions. Crowdsourcing provides an opportunity to apply innovative technologies while engaging partners from academia, the public, and commercial entities. It also attracts populations that are currently underrepresented in the hydrographic science workforce. The continuous flow of coastal environmental information will promote stewardship and increase informed decision making by stakeholders, educators, students, and the public who are interested in science. Crowdsourcing is an effective engagement of key stakeholders and the public that will enhance literacy of our coastal environments. Van Norden, M., P. Cooper, and J. Hersey. “Crowdsourced Bathymetry: One Solution for Addressing Nautical Chart Data Deficiencies.” US Hydro 2013. Sedaghat, L., J. Hersey, and M. McGuire. “Detecting Spatio-Temporal Outliers in Crowdsourced Bathymetry Data.” GEOCrowd 2013.

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The Success Story


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Through this pilot application, SSECN readers are getting the benefit of a state-of-the-art reconnaissance tool that keeps them best informed about the journey that lies ahead. The chart windows and layers allow planning for tomorrow’s journey while in a slip or on the anchor with a look-ahead view of current attractions, alerts, and trouble spots. The general public benefits from a reduced need to tax current observing systems, which are already 100 years behind schedule and with growing requirements. Steadily decreasing resources have reduced the number of hydrographic survey platforms worldwide to about 65% of what it was 15 years ago. This is in the face of commercial maritime trade that has increased three-fold since the 1970s. With the condition of waterways ever-changing due to sedimentation, shoaling, and the growing presence of submerged debris, there is a critical need for new technology to supplement resource-challenged efforts. Especially in hard-to-reach areas such as the ICW, crowdsourcing can be used as a supplement to mission planning for official surveys requiring controlled measurements. As demonstrated in other application areas such as the Chesapeake Bay, Antarctica, coastal New York and New Jersey, and the ports of Baltimore, New York, and Pittsburgh, additional ARGUS™ networks are being established to support local interests while complementing the work of hydrographic services and surveyors. Combined with the availability of the Internet and wireless connectivity, remote sensing far beyond the capacity of all the world’s hydrographers combined is being realized. With the challenge of reduced resources, the use of CSB and other nontraditional methods for collecting data will grow to support the ever-increasing needs and uses for hydrographic data. This ICW application demonstrates the use of hydrography as one of a range of activities that benefits the coastal environment and the marine economy. This creative approach and partnership use hydrographic survey data for something beyond creating and updating nautical charts. Modernization and new thinking are being applied to dramatically change the way hydrographic data are collected, processed, and served out to users. The newest members of the hydrographic workforce—the commercial and recreational vessel captains that value the ICW—are bringing the fruit of their efforts to the benefit of the entire ICW community. Author Bios John A. Hersey – SURVICE Engineering (443-299-7646, john.hersey@survice.com) Mr. Hersey is the Research and Technology Team Leader for SURVICE’s Applied Technology Operation, focused on the development of innovative solutions to meet the requirements of Federal and commercial customers. Paul R. Cooper – CARIS USA (703-299-9712, paul.cooper@caris.us) Mr. Cooper is the Vice President of CARIS USA and the current President of the Hydrographic Society of America. He is also Vice President of the U.S. National Section of the Pan American Institute of Geography and History and a board member of the Mid Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARACOOS).

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The World Hydrography Day, 21 June, was adopted by the International Hydrographic Organization as an annual celebration to publicize the work of hydrographers and the importance of hydrography, particularly in the promotion of safe navigation in international waters and ports, and the protection of marine reserves.



orld Hydrography Day is 21 June 2014. To commemorate this event, we asked for you to share photos which capture some of the great situations that we see during the course of any hydrographic survey. Pictures and captions below are courtesy of Kayla Johnson (independent contractor) Working on the back deck on the towfish while in transit from Vancouver to Price Rupert

Ridiculous Prince Rupert sunset at the fueling dock in August at around 10pm!

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World Hydrography Day (from page 18)

Sunset and the multi beam pole, Prince Rupert, Canada at 10pm!

Flying the towfish in Nas Bay, Prince Rupert, Canada.

Pictures of us waiting to clear immigration/ customs off of Mogadishu, Somalia while UN Zodiacs with mounted machine guns circled us for protection. Also to the right of the photos you can see our 25m multibeam pole.

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Volume I, Issue 5


The Hydrographic Society of America

Membership in THSOA is open to any individual or organization with an interest in surveying in hydrospace. No formal qualifications are required. THSOA celebrated its' 31-year presence in the United States on April 1, 2011. Our total membership now stands at 600+.

Mailing Address: THSOA 56 Bradley St. Middletown, CT 06457 Fax: 860-635-1522

The mission of THSOA is to promote education in hydrography. THSOA was incorporated in the State of Maryland (United States) as a non-profit organization in 1984 and was granted 501(c)(3) status as a non-profit organization by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service in 1985. Individual Members of THSOA are eligible for membership in local chapters, and receive a discount on registration at THSOA sponsored events as well as some international conferences. Local Chapters have been formed in Houston, Louisiana, and West Coast (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California).

If you have any questions concerning a new membership or wish to change your existing membership, please e-mail us at members@thsoa.org

Members also receive Hydro International (HI) Magazine which is published six times a year plus a buyers guide. THSOA ensures that your address is current and takes care of the periodic process of BPA subscription certification. On odd numbered years THSOA hosts the U.S Hydrographic Conference which alternates with the Canadian Hydrographic Conference (held on even years). THSOA was the co-organizer, with NOAA's Office of Coast Survey of the original US Hydro Conferences which were held from 1984-1994. In 1999 THSOA organized the "reborn" US Hydro event.

If you are interested in joining the Hydrographic Society of America, please download the membership application at http://www.thsoa.org/pdf/

In recent years we have worked very hard to strengthen our already strong ties with the Canadian Hydrographic Association (CHA; See also Links and References). We now offer a reciprocal arrangement on Exhibiting and Registration fees for our respective annual conferences. THSOA Corporate Members receive the same benefits as Individual Members plus a hot link on the Corporate Member page. Corporate membership includes two Individual Memberships. For the biennial U.S. Hydro Conference they receive a discount on exhibit space and may register any three employees of the organization at the member rate. Only Corporate Members and Government Agencies may place Employment Opportunity advertisements (no charge). All memberships begin on entry and are renewed on January 1. Dues are not prorated. Persons joining after October 1 will receive the remainder of the present year plus all of the next. THSOA is staffed by volunteers; we have no paid staff.

Check out our newly designed website @ http://www.thsoa.org/new/



Hydrographers: Then and Now

2014 Side Ways Yankee Cap

Horn-Rimmed Glasses (Pre-Lasik)

Ray-Ban Sunglasses

Pencils Battery Acid Holes in Jeans



The deadline for submission articles for the Fall issue of eSeahorse is 19 Sep 2014

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