The Hydrographic Society of America
A newsletter published quarterly by THSOA
Fall 2014
Special points of interest: U.S. Hydro 2015
Sponsorship Opportunities
Call for Papers
Hall of Fame Nominations open now
Volume I, Issue 6
Dear U.S. HYDRO 2015 Exhibitors, It has come to our attention that a company named Exhibition Housing Management (EHM) has been contacting exhibitors and offering a “discounted” hotel rate to exhibitors. This company is not affiliated with US Hydro or the Gaylord National Hotel. The only method for reserving the conference rate is by calling the Gaylord’s reservation line, or online using the hotel’s event website: https:// (Select “attendee”) Neither THSOA nor the Gaylord will contact you to make a reservation. Any company claiming to be affiliated with us or the Gaylord is fraudulent.
Inside this issue:
US Hydro 2015
Letter from the President
THSOA Chapter News
NOAA announces contract to build navigation response boats
We do not know how this company is collecting your information, but many conferences and conference attendees have reported these same actions from EHM and similar companies. This is a sophisticated and well organized fraud. Be assured that THSOA is committed to protecting the privacy of our exhibitors and attendees. If you have questions, please contact John Marinuzzi at
he Hydrographic Society of America (THSOA) will be hosting the US HYDRO 2015 event at the Gaylord Hotel National Harbor, MD on 16 – 19 March 2015 ( The event is the largest event of its kind, hosted by a non-profit organization. THSOA has strived to make this event affordable for its membership, breaking a trend of hydrographic conferences hosted by for-profit agencies. US HYDRO 2015 will feature hydrographic workshops focused on preparing hydrographers for the NSPS/THSOA Hydrographer Certification program, along with company -based training. Specific training sessions will be announced when confirmed. In addition, company-based training from hydrographic software and equipment manufacturers will also be taking place. (Continued on page 2)
Volume I, Issue 5
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The U.S Hydro 2015
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The workshop program will begin on Monday, 16 March and run through Tuesday, 17 March 2015. The Hydrographic Society of America 34-Years (1980-2014)
Registration for US HYDRO 2015 is now available at www.ushydro2015 .com. We hope to see you there!
This year’s Opening Ceremony will feature Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) and RADM Gerd Glang as keynote speakers along with the second class of inductees in THSOA’s Hydrographer Hall of Fame (HOF). The HOF was recently created to honor hydrographers who have made significant contributions to hydrographic science, hydrographic equipment and to THSOA. We are in an open period for nominations for induction. The HOF Committee, chaired by Chic Ransone of International Industries ( is accepting nominations now. One of the main focuses of US HYDRO 2015 is the technical program. This year’s technical program will feature the presentation of over 50 papers focusing on the latest trends and technology in hydrographic surveying. In addition to the technical papers, a poster session will feature hydrographic-related work by university students and hydrographic researchers. Gene Parker and Vanessa Miller ( are the Technical Session co-chairs for US HYDRO 2015 and Josh Mode of CARIS USA ( is managing the Poster Session. The technical presentations will begin on Tuesday, 17 March and run through Thursday, 19 March 2015. US HYDO 2015 will also feature a hydrographic exhibition, feature 60 booths filled with the latest equipment and software used in hydrographic surveying ( Adjacent to the exhibit center will be access to piers for on water demonstrations. Brian Busey of TerraSond ( will be coordinating the pier side and on water demonstrations. This year we will be offering limited and low cost exhibit space to “Hydropreneurs” who are entering the domain with new services and ideas for the industry. The exhibition will open on Tuesday morning, 17 March, after the Opening Ceremony. It will conclude on Thursday at noon time. A spouses program will also be arranged and details will be available from the THSOA’s US HYDRO 2015 web site. During the US HYDRO 2015, the NSPS/THSOA Hydrographer Certification test will be given. Interested hydrographers should register immediately to be eligible to take the test at the event with Gary Davis (hcp Finally, THOSA’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 19 March 2015 at 1:30PM.
Volume I, Issue 6
Page 3
From the President A Framework to Guide Our Future by Paul Cooper, President of THSOA
ecently I had the honor of being invited to speak at the Houston Chapter technical luncheon. I thank Chapter President Aboud Abotouk for the invitation. Unfortunately for me I was unable to make the trip. The subject theme of the meeting was Recruiting the Future which interests me greatly as I think about the future of our profession often. Since I had my speech written for the affair and could not present it I will share part of it here. Start with the vision of a survey fleet, assisted by unmanned platforms, permanent seafloor installations, remote sensing, and trusted partner data collection not limited by budget but only by the will, or the unique use of available resources, and imagination of our stakeholders. We must think of an integrated variety of data collectors. A limited world wide oceanographic fleet has proven that critical processes occurring on temporal and spatial scales cannot be adequately observed from the traditional fleet of oceanographic surface ships. Persistent, periodic, or aperiodic events cannot be effectively sampled, observed or studied using traditional methods of systematic surface survey. To complement and augment the traditional means of data collection the Integrated Ocean Observing System and Ocean Observing Initiative are establishing constant and persistent monitoring of ocean processes through permanent seafloor installations. Trusted partners data collection and networks of crowd sourced data collection will also complement the collection efforts. Users will set the timing for distribution of the data and products. Prompt and on time delivery of data or products can be one of the most maddening aspects of our profession. For so long it was normal and acceptable for products to come months or years after the survey was completed. Customers were taught to believe that it was ok to wait and wait and wait for the chart or data set that they had requested. Now that wait is no longer acceptable nor necessary and our customers should expect that we will deliver timely data and products on their timing. a. Real Time collection and distribution supporting at sea operations. To be effective weather forecasts, support for military operations, monitoring of disaster effect and delivering relief, and Optimized Ship Routing must be collected and distributed in near real time. Computer models dealing with the issues of weather and sea conditions for the various operations depend on the collection, analysis, and delivery to users of accurate and timely data from as wide a variety of sensors and as soon as possible. These vary from wide area data supplied by satellite systems, fixed observation stations, surface survey, human intelligence, to other remote sensing. Currently the satellite and other remote sensing require ground truthing to maintain their accuracy which is why none of these components can stand alone but they all complement each other when integrated. The call to act is in these statistics. Across the land – 1/3 of the earth’s surface – there are around 30,000 autonomous fixed sensors but there are less than 10,000 (including Argo Floats, drifters and Ships of Opportunity) covering the remaining 2/3 of the globe. (Continued on page 4)
Volume I, Issue 5
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The From the President
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b. Medium Term Timescale (observe, measure, quantify impacts of the environment ) The Hydrographic Society of America 34-Years (1980-2014)
Not all users need near real time distribution of data. In the short to medium term, improvements in development of Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI) will bring greater understanding of the oceans themselves and thereby the impact that human activity has on them can be more accurately assessed. The vision is to expand the depth and quality of the MSDI. An integrated collection approach with traditional and Trusted Partner resources will potentially add thousands of new eyes on the sea and thus reduce the required investment and accelerate the delivery time in specific surveys or general data gathering studies associated in the marine environment. c. Long Term Strategic Timescale This data will be publicly available for longer term uses including ship design, climate change, sea level rise, bio-fouling mitigation, resource stewardship, ocean dynamics, and biological impacts realized. Benefits will be gained through the development of research programs aimed at identifying improvements to physical structures by reducing fuel costs, manning requirements, maintenance requirements, emissions and improving the safety of those operating on and in the environment around those structures. Marine Spatial Planning, Legislative Compliance, and Enforcement. Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is an adaptive, integrated, ecosystem based spatial planning process based on sound science and good data. It is developed for analyzing current and anticipated use of off shore, near shore and coastal space. The most effective MSP will come from a mature and growing Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure which will come from the traditional and new data sources and be complemented by Trusted Partners who will contribute data to the greater purpose. Corporate Social Responsibility. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to a business practice that involves participating in initiatives that benefit society. As consumers' awareness about global issues continues to grow, so does the importance these customers place on CSR when choosing where to shop. In the industries that deal in the global ocean a CSR policy that includes a formal and published approach to issues such as corporate governance, IMO compliance, safety, economic responsibility, environmental responsibility, and social responsibility must be developed. The return on this investment will be long remembered.
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Volume I, Issue 6
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The From the President
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Trusted Partner Resources. Improved awareness has helped focus on the maritime element of global trade. Our survey fleet is already at sea. 90% of the world’s goods come via the sea. Seaborne trade figures have increased threefold from 2.5 billion tons in the 70’s to over 8.7 billion tons today. The world’s cargo carrying fleet in 2010 comprised over 54,000 ships. Construction completions in 2010 totaled over 2,500 more ships. An organized effort for on board Trusted Partner data collection would mean a tremendous growth of a survey fleet transiting the world and complementing planned and systematic survey operations carried out by organizations now. This is one way to think about how we might be able to guide future development in the sense of a framework that we can apply to the kind of work we want to do, the kind of profession we want to represent, and the kind of products we want to deliver. †
THSOA Your current officers and trustees are: President: Paul Cooper Secretary: Doug Lockhart Treasurer: Harold Orlinksy Trustee: RADM Chris Andreasen (ret) Trustee: Art Kleiner Trustee: Lou Nash Trustee: Castle “Gene� Parker
THSOA has two local Chapters: Houston Louisiana
Comments, ideas, criticisms, hate mail, letters to the editor, etc. regarding the eSeahorse can be directed to the Editor-in Chief at the e-mail below: Francis.M.Woodward@
Volume I, Issue 5
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The U.S Hydro 2015
Volume I, Issue 6
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The U.S Hydro 2015
Volume I, Issue 5
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The 2014 Officers THSOA Houston Chapter
News from the Chapters
Chairman: Aboud Abotouk Harvey Lynch Inc. Vice Chair: Brian Brookshire NCS Subsea, Inc. Technical Chair: TBD (This position is available Secretary: TBD (This position is available Treasurer: Audi Monje - ABIP Memberships / Student Liaison: Tim Basinger - Survey Equipment Services Fundraising / Events Coordinator: Rusty Sommers NCS Subsea, Inc.
The 2014 THSOA – Houston Chapter – Events Summary July to December 2014 July : Technical presentation: The Chapter invited Tony Wood of Fugro as the speaker for July 2014 Technical Presentation. The subject was: “DGNSS – Where Do We Stand Today”. Tony has detailed the current status of DGNSS services worldwide and what is coming down the pipe in the next five years. The presentation was followed by many questions of the attendees about the subject and the future expectations.
August : 2014 Hydro Bowl: This year we had one of the best attendance if not the best ever for the Hydro bowl event. The BOWLMOR lanes were fully booked by our teams with another number of members who were on the waiting list to register their teams. In addition to that, a number of members registered to attend the event but without playing. It was a pleasant night that was enjoyed by all.
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Volume I, Issue 6
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The Chapters
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September : 2014 Technical Luncheon and Panel Discussion: This year we selected the title to be:
RECRUITING THE FUTURE… Topics and speakers:
Recruiting the future generation of Professionals – Keith Williams - Fugro Recruiting the future Technology - Future Hardware and Systems - Jami Cheramie – C&C Technologies Recruiting the future Work Methods – Ken LaBry – Fenstermaker LLC. Recruiting the future Technology - Future Software and Deliverables – Matt Keith – Tesla Offshore Introduction and Keynote speaker: Aboud Abotouk – THSOA-HC Chairman, Harvey-Lynch Inc. Event Moderator: Jonathan Stigant - Stigant Enterprises Inc.
During the event we had a small exhibition for 20 exhibitors who supported the event with their sponsorships.
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Volume I, Issue 5
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The 2014 Officers THSOA Louisiana Chapter
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Chairman: Eric Fisher C&C Technologies Treasurer: Byron LaBowe Hydroterra Techologies byron@hydroterratec.c om Secretary: Meghan Connell C&C Technologies meghan.connell@cctec Technical Chair: AL Rougeau Al Rougeau Design & Development, Inc. Membership Drive/ Student Liaison: Brett Deshotels NEI GPS brett_deshotels@neigp Fund Raising Chair: Kim Dailey Teledyne Odom Hydrographics Tara Levy C&C Technologies Webmaster: Robert Corkren ECF Consulting (contractor to Williams Midstream)
Coming Months: The Chapter has planned the following events for the coming months:
October: Technical Presentation The Hydrographic Society of America - Houston Chapter (THSOA-HC) invited Brian Anderson, ASV Technical Sales Manager and Iain Miller - Subsea Intervention Manager Technip USA to give a presentation about: Review of C-Worker 6 Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) for Offshore Survey Support Operations.
Summary: The C-Worker 6 USV is a new tool, unique to the offshore survey industry. This unmanned vessel is capable of supporting up to 500 kg payloads with 1000+ Watts power for up to 30 days or longer on a single fueling. This talk reviews the implementation of the Sonardyne Lodestar Gyro USBL system during Technip pipe lay operations, ADCP loop current monitoring and Multibeam sonar payloads. Heavy seas operation and launch and recovery systems are also reviewed. The presentation will take place on Tuesday October 14, 2014
November: Technical Presentation- TBA: will take place on Tuesday November 11, 2014.
December: Holiday party and Scholarships presentations: The chapter has set the date and location to be Tuesday December 9, 2014 - at Perry's Steakhouse & Grille. The chapter will continue accepting the scholarship applications until the end of October 2014.
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Volume I, Issue 6
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The Chapters
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Past Events: 2014 Sporting Clays Tournament - Saturday, September 6th, 2014
Future Events: THSOA LA Chapter Meeting, Speaker will be Brent Saltzman with LA One Call
When: Wed, October 15, 6pm—9pm Where: Pat’s Fisherman Wharf Restaurant, 1008 Henderson Levee Rd, Breaux Bridge, LA Description: The outline of Brent's presentation will be 1. History of LA One Call 2. Mission Statement 3. Ticket process 4. Enforcement 5. Call center statistics 6. Advertising 7. Questions
Volume I, Issue 5
Page 12
The NOAA Office of Coast Survey is the nation's nautical chartmaker. Originally formed by President Thomas Jefferson in 1807, Coast Survey updates charts, surveys the coastal seafloor, responds to maritime emergencies, and searches for underwater obstructions that pose a danger to navigation. Follow Coast Survey on Twitter @NOAAcharts, and check out the NOAA Coast Survey blog at for more in depth coverage of surveying and charting.
NOAA announces contract to build navigation response boats NOAA announced on Sep 22, 2014, that Lake Assault Boats of Superior, Wisconsin, will build two small vessels for the Office of Coast Survey's navigation response program, part of a plan to eventually replace all six of the program's small survey boats. The combined cost of both 28-foot vessels is $538,200. "All of the navigation response team survey boats are nearing or have exceeded their designed service life," said Russ Proctor, division chief of Coast Survey's Navigation Services Division. "A phased program to replace the navigation response team boats over the next three to five years will help NOAA maintain the program's crucial capacity for inshore surveys and rapid response in emergencies." The navigation response team (NRT) boats, which accommodate three-person crews, carry high-tech multibeam echo sounders and side scan sonar to conduct hydrographic surveys in critical navigation areas. The surveys collect data to update nautical charts, and search for underwater debris or shoaling that could pose a danger to navigation -- especially after hurricanes or other national emergencies. "The modernization of the NRT fleet will continue to ensure reliable and rapid deployments to ports that need chart updates and assistance with recovery after severe weather events, even as it helps NOAA hold down costs," Proctor said. Coast Survey is phasing the retirement of its current fleet of NRT vessels, prioritizing the replacement of boats experiencing the highest escalating maintenance costs. Coast Survey expects delivery of the first two boats in April 2015. The six navigation response teams are placed strategically around the country, and each boat can be transported over land. (Continued on page 13)
Volume I, Issue 6
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NOAA (from page 12) In the past three years, underwater searches by NRTs have helped to speed the resumption of maritime commerce following Hurricane Isaac (in Port Fourchon, Louisiana); Sandy (in the Port of of New York / New Jersey, and in Delaware Bay); and the 2011 tsunami (Crescent City and Santa Cruz, California). An NRT also assisted the National Park Service in re-establishing safe navigation and docking at the Statue of Liberty after Sandy, and surveyed the Potomac River security zone in preparation for the 2013 Presidential Inaugural. Nautical chart data acquired by the navigation response teams supplement hydrographic surveys conducted by NOAA ships Rainier, Fairweather, Thomas Jefferson, Ferdinand R. Hassler, and research vessel Bay Hydro II, as well as private survey companies under contract to NOAA.
“To reach a port we must set sail – Sail, not tie at anchor Sail, not drift.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt
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Volume I, Issue 6
The Hydrographic Society of America Mailing Address: THSOA 56 Bradley St. Middletown, CT 06457 Fax: 860-635-1522 If you have any questions concerning a new membership or wish to change your existing membership, please e-mail us at If you are interested in joining the Hydrographic Society of America, please download the membership application at
ABOUT THSOA Membership in THSOA is open to any individual or organization with an interest in surveying in hydrospace. No formal qualifications are required. THSOA celebrated its' 31-year presence in the United States on April 1, 2011. Our total membership now stands at 600+. The mission of THSOA is to promote education in hydrography. THSOA was incorporated in the State of Maryland (United States) as a non-profit organization in 1984 and was granted 501(c)(3) status as a non-profit organization by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service in 1985. Individual Members of THSOA are eligible for membership in local chapters, and receive a discount on registration at THSOA sponsored events as well as some international conferences. Local Chapters have been formed in Houston, Louisiana, and West Coast (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California). Members also receive Hydro International (HI) Magazine which is published six times a year plus a buyers guide. THSOA ensures that your address is current and takes care of the periodic process of BPA subscription certification. On odd numbered years THSOA hosts the U.S Hydrographic Conference which alternates with the Canadian Hydrographic Conference (held on even years). THSOA was the co-organizer, with NOAA's Office of Coast Survey of the original US Hydro Conferences which were held from 1984-1994. In 1999 THSOA organized the "reborn" US Hydro event. In recent years we have worked very hard to strengthen our already strong ties with the Canadian Hydrographic Association (CHA; See also Links and References). We now offer a reciprocal arrangement on Exhibiting and Registration fees for our respective annual conferences. THSOA Corporate Members receive the same benefits as Individual Members plus a hot link on the Corporate Member page. Corporate membership includes two Individual Memberships. For the biennial U.S. Hydro Conference they receive a discount on exhibit space and may register any three employees of the organization at the member rate. Only Corporate Members and Government Agencies may place Employment Opportunity advertisements (no charge). All memberships begin on entry and are renewed on January 1. Dues are not prorated. Persons joining after October 1 will receive the remainder of the present year plus all of the next. THSOA is staffed by volunteers; we have no paid staff.
Check out our newly designed website @
The deadline for submission articles for the Winter issue of eSeahorse is 21 Dec 2014