Reopening Checklist and Simulation Planning Guiding Question How can principals ensure a smooth reopening of schools? Returning to school each fall brings its own mix of challenge and excitement for a principal, and for SY 2021–2022, that is true more than ever. We are returning after a long and unwanted separation, which even though it ended in the spring, will be felt long after. There is much to get right for the students, teachers, families, and staff within each principal’s direct circle of responsibility. As such, we are sharing a tool that was created and developed by principals for principals. The Reopening Checklist for Principals is a helpful reminder of key actions that will need to be taken ahead of and shortly after the reopening of school buildings. An example extract is below. Examples:
Action Items
Administrator DivisionOffice to Confirm Responsibility Level Support With (If Applicable)
Complete By
Coordinate temperature scanning technology to ensure an adequate number of scanners to handle the increased capacity.
Facilities & Operations
Schedule and complete a Facilities WalkThrough with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) liaison.
Office of the Superintendent
Ensure registration and residency paperwork for new and reenrolling ACPS students has been turned into the school registrar.
Student Services & Equity
Confirm the timeline of parent notification of class placement and bus route information from Tech Services.
Facilities & Operations
A Reopening Simulation Planning document is being prepared by school leaders to ensure a safe return to school buildings for all staff and students. School leaders will work together to establish experiential learning scenarios for schools to consider as they prepare for the first day of school. Link:
[Fall] 2021 ACPS Reopening Checklist for Pre-K–12 Principals