Staff Communication and Collaboration Expectations With the return to five-day-a-week instruction, there will continue to be multiple opportunities for planning, communication, and collaboration. Embedded planning time exists within daily schedules to support additional collaboration opportunities with a specific focus on equity by addressing racial and educational barriers. Additional expectations for staff across the division include the following: ● Collaboratively plan lessons with the ACPS-approved curricular resources. ● Plan daily to modify lesson plans, give feedback, and collaborate with teaching teams. ● Engage in collaborative data analyses and progress monitoring to improve instructional practice and student performance. ● Participate in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). ● Attend staff meetings and participate in divisionwide professional learning with registration through the Professional Learning Management System (PLMS). ● Participate in all contractual school-based activities and community events (i.e., Open House, Back to School Night, Teacher Conferences, etc.). ● Provide academic supports based on formative and summative assessments. ● Collaboratively plan and monitor academic and social-emotional supports implemented to enhance student success, including strategies to address the unique needs of targeted student groups such as English Learner (EL) students and Students With Disabilities (SWD). ● Include all stakeholders in collaboration efforts to ensure a clear understanding of the unique needs and challenges needed to support schools (i.e., nutrition services to understand language needs of students).