Enhanced Expectations for Collaboration These Collaboration Expectations (effective August 2021) are intended to guide staff with engaging students in synchronous and asynchronous learning for the 2021-2022 school year. Listed below are examples of the key roles and expectations essential to successful collaboration. Role (s) Elementary Teachers, Including Encore (Fine Arts, Physical Education) (Grades K–5)
Expectations ● ● ● ●
Secondary Teachers, Including Fine Arts, Physical Education, World Languages, and Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) (Grades 6–12)
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● ● ● Career and Technical Education (CTE) Teachers
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Collaborate with your grade-level teams and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to plan effective lessons. Co-plan and collaborate with English Learner (EL) and Special Education (SPED) teachers on instructional lesson plans to meet the differentiated needs of students. Collaborate with EL and SPED teachers to develop common assessments. Identify a regular schedule for expected communications, responses, and deliverables. Collaborate with your grade-level teams and PLCs. Co-plan and collaborate with EL and SPED teachers on instructional lesson plans to meet the differentiated needs of students. Co-plan and collaborate with EL and SPED teachers to develop common assessments. Identify a regular schedule for expected communications, responses, and deliverables. Collaborate with supervising teachers to support the development of studentlearning activities. Collaborate with your content teachers regarding instructional support for students. Collaborate with SPED staff and administrators in providing instructional or behavioral support for Students With Disabilities (SWD) in the in-person learning model. Collaborate with SPED staff in collecting student data related to academic, behavioral, or Individualized Education Program (IEP) goal progress. Collaborate with your grade-level teams and PLCs. Collaborate with EL and SPED teachers to develop common assessments. Identify a regular schedule for expected communications, responses, and deliverables.