Professional Learning Opportunities The division will provide the following support for all staff: ● Professional learning will be offered in person and virtually depending on the context of the learning and needs of the learners and schools. ● A Cross-Functional Professional Learning Team (CFPLT) will convene to create continued guidance on professional learning for the entire division. ● ACPS will develop a tiered prioritization to identify the professional learning priorities for faculty and staff. ● A three-day New Teacher Orientation will be held for all new instructional staff with a focus on divisionwide focus and initiatives, curriculum, and differentiation for diverse learners. ● Experienced mentors will be assigned to all new instructional employees for the first year of their ACPS employment regardless of their previous experience. ● The master calendar has four full days of professional learning throughout the year, with each day focusing on different aspects of teaching, learning, differentiation, or collaboration. ● School-based differentiated professional learning support will be offered for individual teachers and teams throughout the year through school-based coaches, curriculum specialists, or the Office of Talent Development. ● All professional learning will be designed and delivered with an equity and antiracist lens. In ACPS, professional learning is defined as the following: ● Employees’ intentional actions are aligned to personal goals as well as goals of the division, school, and team goals. ● Professional learning aims to enhance the knowledge, skills, mindsets, or behaviors of staff to equitably improve student outcomes. ● Professional learning happens collaboratively in learning communities and requires engagement with feedback and continuous follow-up. ● Professional learning activities include using identified data to evaluate learning and are focused on equitable results for students.