How can we best support our Special Education (SPED) students this fall? Specialized Instruction Citywide Program SWD (K–Age 22)
Guidance This program comprises Students With Disabilities (SWD) in grades K–age 22 who receive their SPED services in a specialized citywide program for autism (Aut), intellectual disabilities (ID), multiple disabilities (MD), or social-emotional learning (SEL) needs. Location: Students will return to their base school and receive instruction from SPED staff and related personnel in this setting.
Contacts DIVISION CONTACT ● Theresa A. Werner SCHOOL CONTACT ● To be determined by school leader
Face Masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): ACPS will provide reusable masks for all returning students and staff members. Disposable masks will be provided for all visitors, as needed. Additional PPE such as face shields, disposable gowns, and disposable gloves will also be provided to specialized instruction citywide staff. Sneeze guards will be provided for student desks, and all desks will be distanced appropriately. Cleaning: An increased frequency of cleaning will occur at ACPS facilities. This includes cleaning and disinfecting restrooms every 1.5 to 2 hours. The cleaning protocol will also include thoroughly disinfecting high-touch surfaces and ensuring that all supplies are fully stocked throughout the day. Additional custodial coverage during the day will be provided, where appropriate. Transportation: Masks will be worn by all riding the bus. Hand sanitizer will also be available on all buses. Buses will be loaded from the back to the front in order to alleviate unnecessary contact between students as they enter the bus. Buses will be unloaded from front to back in order to alleviate unnecessary contact between students as they exit the bus. Meals: Meals will be prepared, packaged, and delivered to students using the appropriate safety measures. Lesson Plans: SPED teachers will develop lesson plans and activities related to students’ Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals. Students will attend school five days per week. Staffing: SPED teachers and instructional assistants will staff classrooms. While these staff members have the appropriate certification, qualifications, and experience to provide the instruction necessary to address students’ goals. The reentry will be supported by the Student Support Team (SST), including psychologists, nurses, and other therapists.