Breathe annual report final 2016 17

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breathe Annual Report 2016/17

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Table of contents Breathe Foreword

Page 3

Environmental Change

pages 4 -15

Environmental Hit Squad

pages 6 - 7

Love food hate waste

pages 10 - 11

Miles Platting tower blocks

pages 10 - 11

Energy advice

pages 14 - 15

United utilities

page 15

Enterprise and Funding

pages 16 - 39

Breathe work clubs and step forward

pages 18 - 19

Introduction to self-employment Residents groups and partnership working More positive together

page 19 pages 21 - 22 page 23

Holiday fun and food

pages 24 - 27

Good neighbour events

pages 28 - 31

Breathe Investment Grants (BIG)

pages 32 - 39

Big Event, Showcasing success

page 2

page 36

Breathe Foreword Our Breathe team deliver our community work. The team is divided into two distinct areas; Environmental Change and Enterprise and Funding. Working in partnership with other stake holders, the team supports the improvement of particular areas by addressing highlighted issues, facilitating improvements to the external environment and infrastructure while at the same time offering advice and guidance on employment, skills and energy. Environmental Change The Adactus Housing Group is committed to reducing the impact it has on the environment while increasing sustainability. A recent five year carbon management plan helped improve the efficiency of the Group's offices, individual buildings and fleet of vehicles. The plan's successful delivery helped reduce the Group's carbon footprint by 25%. Our work however does not stop there. We are focused on reducing business waste and looking at ways of using less, re-using and recycling wherever possible. In July 2015, Adactus became one of the few UK social housing providers to achieve the Carbon Trust Waste Standard. Through our energy advice service and greening initiatives, we encourage and support residents to be greener, reduce waste and save money.

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Enterprise and funding Since 2010, the Adactus Housing Group has been committed to investing a significant level of efficiency savings in projects that will benefit the areas where our residents live. Breathe Investment Grants (BIG) have replaced and consolidated the Group's previous funding streams of the Neighbourhood Fund, Green Grants and You Decide. BIG makes funding available to support small scale community projects that make a real difference to the neighbourhoods where we operate and help improve the quality of life for residents. In addition to ensuring our neighbourhoods have access to funding, tackling worklessness amongst our residents helps our communities thrive and is an important part of the Group's work. We focus on supporting residents to obtain sustainable jobs offering them security in the long term. We aim to understand the barriers our residents face and come up with solutions to remove them by working in partnership with other statutory and specialist agencies.

As part of our commitment to environmental change, our Hit Squad have completed 68 environmental improvement projects and saved us an estimated ÂŁ90,000!

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Environmental Change The Environmental Hit Squad

Gardening projects

The Hit Squad provide intense, short term work for projects with a long term, sustainable plan.

There are many reasons why more and more groups are being inspired by nature to bring their communities together. Allotments and community gardens can help tackle food poverty, they can provide much needed green space in largely urbanised areas and with a wealth of seasonal fruits, vegetables and flowers to choose from - there is literally something for everyone.

Their programme of environmental improvements is carried out across stock that is not covered by our mainstream estate services. This year the team have been involved with supporting 32 gardening projects across six local authorities:  Nine in Manchester  Five in Chorley  One in Lancaster  Four in Sefton  One in Trafford  12 in Wigan. The team is made up of one supervisor and two operatives who have a range of skills to deliver services directed by the Breathe Team. These include the following:  Green space enhancements  Fence work  Paving  Removing fly tipping/providing support for clean up days  Support for individual gardens  Support for project referrals from internal departments  Environmental walkabouts and identifying untidy gardens.

The support offered to community gardens varies according to requirement. We can help groups to purchase tools, equipment and plants, facilitate and support open days, or, provide man power via the Environmental Hit Squad. Projects this year have included, the revival of the New Mossbrook Allotment in Manchester, start-up and ongoing support for Boyer Orchard in Maghull and ongoing support for established groups such as the Keeley Garden Club and two community gardens in Miles Platting. Miles Platting Community Gardens In 2013, following a very successful funding bid, Adactus started two community gardens right in the centre of Miles Platting. The gardens, which are located on Holland Street and Chippenham Road are composed of communal and individual plots that are now maintained by a dedicated group of local gardeners. In addition to growing crops, the gardens regularly host celebratory community events, hold drop in sessions for people interested in getting involved, and support a number of growing projects for the neighbourhood.

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Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Boyer Orchard

Looking forward 2016/17

Originally a small piece of neglected land in Maghull, Boyer Orchard has blossomed. The Breathe team alongside the Hit Squad have helped seven local community members to take ownership of the orchard.

The Environmental Hit Squad have recently appointed a new apprentice. He will complete an NVQ in landscaping over the next three years with the hope of securing permanent employment after that.

With a variety of fruit trees to showcase, the newly constituted group held an apple pressing day. 50 members of the local community enjoyed making and tasting traditionally pressed apple juice using some of the orchard’s very own apples.

The Hit Squad will continue to work on a range of Breathe projects including:

Keeley Close Community Garden Keeley Close residents have been pivotal to the transformation of their garden. Their successful applications for various grants, have helped them develop the garden into a real community hub. They have planted flowers to encourage wildlife, fruit trees for residents to harvest and built their own pergolas, seating areas and raised beds to make the garden accessible for all. The gardeners continually re-assess what they and their garden can achieve, and the benefits of bees inspired their new venture. Bees promote biodiversity in the environment and virtually all fruit and seed crop production benefit from honey bee pollination. So, with the help of the Environmental Change team, Keeley gardens now have three trained beekeepers looking after four hives; creating a real buzz amongst residents. The residents’ hard work and innovation has garnered them numerous awards from a host or organisations including a national distinction award! page 7

 Large scale environmental improvement projects  Provide support for residents unable to get their

gardens into a manageable state  Encourage residents to complete their own

environmental works through workshops  Help to ensure that our community gardens remain

safe and enjoyable spaces for our residents to thrive.

In the UK, we throw away seven million tonnes of food and drink from our homes every year. Food waste costs the average household ÂŁ470 a year, rising to ÂŁ700 for a family with children.

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Environmental Change Love Food Hate Waste (LFHW)

Miles Platting tower blocks

Waste and recycling is always a challenge, but we are committed to helping residents live in a sustainable way.

We canvassed residents living in the Miles Platting tower blocks to better understand current attitudes towards recycling and the perceived barriers it generates.

Food waste is a major barrier to sustainable living. To help tackle this we want to enable residents to reduce the amount of food they waste on a daily basis. Although the ‘Love Food Hate Waste’ project’s primary focus is reducing food waste, it also helps residents in all aspects of waste and recycling. Communication and engagement is key; our awareness campaigns ensure that all residents have easy access to guidance, information and improved recycling facilities. In the UK, we throw away seven million tonnes of food and drink from our homes every year. Wasting food costs the average household £470 a year, rising to £700 for a family with children. The equivalent of around £60 per month. Our aim is to reduce the amount of wasted food going to landfill, and help resident’s wallets in the process. Partners: WRAP, MCC and Biffa

Research 21% (85) of the residents in the blocks completed the survey and of the 64% of residents that had a food waste caddy, only 41% of people recycled their food waste. As an incentive to recycle, all participants in the ‘face to face’ survey were given a ‘Love Food Hate Waste’ goodie bag (and every flat received a ‘Love Food Hate Waste’ leaflet). The goodie bags were created to help residents save food and reduce waste; they contained:    

An information leaflet Food bag clips Food storage containers Freezer labels

The main reasons residents gave for not recycling were:  Access - bins were too far away or difficult to use

with mobility issues  Confusion over what to recycle  Using uncovered bin areas in bad weather.

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Reasons given to encourage recycling were:     

Easier access Lift up bin lids Clear signage - what to recycle and where, Protection from the weather Ensure the lifts are in service.

This information enabled us to take clear actions to tackle the issues raised.

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017


Looking forward...2017/2018

 The MP tower blocks now offer improved facilities to

 The introduction of recycling information and

 

 

recycle food waste. Six new bins specially designed to reduce residual smells have been installed. External bin areas now have clear A2 signage to reduce confusion. All food caddies, compostable bags and split recycle bags are now ordered centrally from Baker House. Residents can get these free from their caretaker at any time. 10 staff completed a half day ‘Love Food Hate Waste’ training course. Seven staff and seven residents visited Viridor Recycling Plant to learn how waste materials are recycled once collected from households. Recycling bins have been provided inside Butler Court on a trial period, to encourage residents to recycle more. Cracking Good Food’ demonstrated how to waste less food whilst cooking on a budget (for residents and staff).

Result Caretakers at all the tower blocks say that the food waste bins are now being widely used and people are regularly asking for the green compost bags. Landos Court has seen paper and cardboard recycling increase and have now swapped a general waste bin for an additional recycling bin. page 11

materials in the sign up pack  Poster campaigns in communal areas such as the lifts  Including comprehensive signs in the bin chute areas  The possibility of providing recycling assistance for

residents with mobility issues  A follow up review of the MP tower block project will be completed over the summer 2017  Additional engagement is planned to find out if attitudes and behaviours have changed  Research data such as ‘weight of materials collected’ will be compiled from waste service providers to help us monitor the impact of campaign over the coming year.

Our Energy Advice has saved residents a total of ÂŁ61,900, and of those surveyed, 95% would recommend the service to a friend!

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Environmental Change Energy advice -

Breathe...and feel the energy

This year our energy advice service has generated savings of £61,900 for our customers and engaged with 517 residents. The service is available to all Adactus Group residents. Our officers are trained to offer support, provide up-to date information and answer any energy queries or concerns residents may have. We use different communication channels to ensure each of our directives reach the right residents in the right way. We make phone calls, send out leaflets/ information booklets, use social media, send emails, write blogs and update our website and, if requested we can provide a one to one home visit. This year we attended 42 energy advice visits and generated recordable savings of £5,832. These savings were made by:     

Switching tariffs Looking at water usage and tariffs Using heating controls Heating homes more effectively Reducing energy usage.

The benefits are likely to be much greater than this because people often under-heat their homes to reduce their heating bills. The residents who did not generate financial savings were able to heat their homes and gain thermal comfort for no extra cost following our energy advice visit.

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Once a resident has a visit or over the phone support, they are asked to complete a voluntary evaluation on the service they have received. The response statistics are below.


Of residents saved money.


Of situations improved after the advice.


Rated the service as excellent or good.


Found the information ‘very useful’.


Were given ‘new’ information.


Would recommend the service to friends.

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

United Utilities

Looking forward...2017/18

Using the information from our energy advice visits we worked in partnership with United Utilities to promote cheaper tariffs (where applicable) to our residents.

We will work towards achieving the following goals by 2018:

As part of this initiative we visited our retirement schemes with a Untied Utilities representative who advised residents on the cheapest and best tariff for them. In addition, we used our research to suggest water meters to residents that we felt would benefit financially from having them. United Utilities have told us that 372 Adactus residents have benefitted from the campaign, and that on average each resident has saved £159. Generating a total saving of £59,175!

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 300 residents will have received detailed energy

advice  Exploring an online diagnostic energy advice option

that would allow residents to gain tailored advice online  We will work in partnership with external

companies to assist our residents in reducing their water bills  We will ensure that all residents who are eligible

can access the warm homes discount which provides £140 towards electricity bills for eligible households throughout the coldest months. We will also assist our residents who need help to access trust funds held by the energy suppliers.

Of the 388 residents that contacted us for employment support, 150 are either in our work clubs, training, voluntary work, work placements, accessing advice or in full time employment!

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Enterprise and Funding Breathe Work Clubs

Step Forward

The Breathe team manage two weekly work clubs; one at Baker House in Miles Platting every Tuesday, and the other at Buttermere Community Centre in Chorley every Wednesday.

Step Forward is a free and confidential service that helps Adactus residents in their search for employment, training, personal development and self employment. This employment initiative delivers apprenticeship and graduate programmes internally and can also offer work experience placements, volunteering opportunities and certified qualifications.

Over the past 12 months the work clubs have been attended over 370 times, by 31 individuals. Participants have access to computers to undertake job searches, complete application forms and update CV’s. The skill gaps identified at the sessions prompted additional workshops to help develop individuals’ IT skills and interview techniques. These were devised and run by the Breathe team in conjunction with Adactus’ IT Learning Support Worker. The hugely popular sessions took place over a 10 week period at Baker House in Miles Platting and their success has ensured they will be repeated in the future. In addition, each work club has access to additional support from partner organisations, including the Lancashire Adult Learning College, Chorley Borough Council and The Lab Project (devised by The Proper Job Theatre Company). These affiliations enable participants to access specialised advice, build confidence and complete the necessary training.

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As part of the Step Forward service, 10 residents were awarded an AQA Unit Award Scheme Certificate (UAS) from the Adactus training centre. AQA are an independent education charity and the largest provider of academic qualifications taught in schools and colleges. They offer learners an opportunity to have their achievement formally recognised with a certificate. The residents completed short courses in job and interviews skills, volunteering in the community and an introduction in basic film making techniques. As an extension of this scheme, the participants from the supported hostels spent the summer working with REEL MCR, visiting Breathe Investment Grant (BIG) projects across the Northwest and documenting the positive impact they make on our communities. The culmination of this work was two documentary films shown at the BIG event detailed on page 36 of this report.


Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Introduction to self employment

Looking forward 2017/18

Our Step Forward initiative funded a three day ‘Introduction to Self- Employment’ course in three areas - Leigh, Miles Platting and Chorley. The course was run by Banana Enterprise Network; a leading provider of effective ‘real world’ pre-business start-up support at grass roots level.

 Re-launching the work clubs in Chorley and Miles

The course supports budding entrepreneurs who have a business idea but not the know how - and it helps them take their first steps to explore the idea of starting a business as a potential option for work. The interactive course covered essential topics such as market research, selling skills, funding and book keeping. On completion of the course participants received a certificate and were given a USB stick that contained templates and help sheets to support them in their forthcoming business ventures. After acquiring the necessary skills to become selfemployed, participants could make an informed decision about whether their business idea was viable, or a profitable hobby.

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Platting to include tailored employability courses in line with and lead by participant needs.  Launching the Aspire2b project which will help our

16-25 year old residents achieve their goals.  Launching the More Positive Together Project

outlined on page 23 of this report.  Re-launching our Enterprise Fund.

Provided continued support to 10 residents groups and attended 66 partnership meetings to promote strong communities and develop neighbourhoods.

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Enterprise and Funding Residents groups and partnership working Adactus proactively seeks to build strong relationships to support the delivery of our services and neighbourhood projects.

In 2016/17 we successfully applied to the Manchester City Council neighbourhood investment fund for grants totalling £4,917.83 to help five local projects.

We support a number of residents associations across the North West. These often tackle a wide range of issues, not just things to do with the housing service we provide, and can involve people from the wider community in addition to residents of Adactus.

In key areas of stock, such as Manchester, officers attend regular ward co-ordination meetings where all local stakeholders come together to look at the action plans for the area and how they can feed into them.

Residents’ groups can be a powerful force in their local community, acting as a pressure group to improve services provided in the area and accessing funding to deliver projects. We currently have 22 active residents’ groups; they champion their communities’ priorities and promote positive change in their neighbourhood. Some of these changes require extra support, some simply require funding - as a team, Enterprise and Funding ensure that groups have access to both. We work across a number of local authority areas forging productive partnerships with residents groups, other RSL’s, local councils and different community organisations to plan and deliver engagement events that improve community cohesion. These partnerships enable us to share and access a wealth of information, advice, training and practical help to ensure our residents and neighbourhoods flourish. And, in addition to our own funding initiatives these relationships mean we can tap into external funding opportunities for our residents.

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In Miles Platting we have set up a specific meeting for stakeholders with around 14 partners to ensure a cohesive approach when working in the area.

Residents groups by area


partnership meetings

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

More Positive Together

Looking forward...2017/18

As a result of the relationships and initiatives we have built within our communities, Adactus was chosen as a partner in the Lancashire Sport Partnership initiative ‘More Positive Together’.

 Working with Lancashire sport on ESIF More Positive

More Positive Together is a project designed to address and improve the employment prospects of Lancashire residents furthest from the labour market. The £4m EU Funded project will build on a successful pilot project – ‘Positive Together’. The 16 strong partnership brings together social housing organisations from across Lancashire, with a combined portfolio of over 61,220 properties. These are located in the 20% most deprived lower super output areas (LSOAs) in Lancashire. Many of the residents in these areas have multiple and complex barriers to their progression – these include substance misuse, mental and physical health problems, ex-offenders, caring responsibilities, poverty and debt. The initiative will deliver a programme of opportunities to prepare a minimum of 2250 people aged 15+ for employment. Initially, the programme will provide intense one to one support, then will progress to a wider engagement offer of sports, environmental and arts activities. Lancashire Sport will manage the project overall and will act as the Accountable Body.

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Together programme.  Will be ambassadors of Chorley Youth Zone in

2018.  Creating partnerships in Miles Platting and Chorley

to help tackle holiday hunger.  Working with Wigan Council to identify where we

can support each others priorities.

‘Holiday fun and food’ tackles food poverty and social isolation amongst low income families during the school holidays. In the 2017 February half term holiday, the fun and food project engaged with 24 families.

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Enterprise and Funding Holiday fun and food (HFF) Many families view the school holidays as an opportunity to spend valuable time together, but the reality for low income families can be very different.

In groups, the families were asked to produce a large collage using newspapers and magazines to recognise and visualise other people’s talents.

Many children actually face food poverty and social isolation. Even the loss of a much needed free school dinner can put increased financial pressure on families to find money for additional food and activities.

This was a great opener and got everyone (especially the children) thinking/talking about their own talents and gifts.

Holiday fun and food was devised to address these issues. The initiative brings vulnerable families together to enjoy breakfast, lunch and a varied programme of fun and educational activities. Working in partnership with the Church of the Apostles, we delivered our first ever holiday fun and food event for families of Miles Platting. The programme proved so successful we organised a two day programme for the February 2017 half term. The programme was fully booked and included some returning families alongside some new faces. Each event employs a different theme, one session was entitled, ‘I’m a celebrity get me out of here’ and included:  Bug eating  Den building  A visit from some very exotic creatures.

For the February half term session we used the themes ‘talent’ and ‘gifts’, to try to encourage both the adults and children participating to reflect on the things they are good at.

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The collages were followed up with a variety of fun activities that included:  Making dream catchers  Creating a star scene using sponge printing  Making star cookies to take home.

To conclude the session we asked each child to write their personal talent/gift on a tag, this was then hung on our ‘talent tree’. Our aim was to build confidence, and to ensure that every child left the session having discovered something that they are good at. Feedback included:

From a mum, “Thank you so much for this opportunity. We often have behavioural issues with our five year old and this helped greatly. Also for financial reasons.” From a nine year old, “I liked the activities, I enjoyed the painting and meeting the critters the most!”

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Holiday fun and food engagement

Looking forward...2017/18

HFF, Miles Platting - 8 day activity programme, summer 2016.

We have already started to plan the Holiday fun and food programme for summer 2017. We want to deliver a varied programme of fun and educational activities, and have identified key areas to help us develop the service, these are:  Secure external funding  Recruit volunteers

37 residents engaged HFF, Chorley - four day activity programme February 2017.

21 Residents engaged HFF, Miles Platting - 2 day activity programme, February 2016.

37 residents engaged page 27

 Establish further partnerships in Miles Platting and


Over the five good neighbour events held this year, 50 out of the 90 new residents that were invited, attended the event.

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Enterprise and Funding Good neighbour events At Adactus we strive to make our neighbourhoods more sustainable. Whilst collecting data on ‘areas of focus’ the Lettings, Tenancy Enforcement and Support Teams logged a number of ASB and nuisance behaviour reports made shortly after a new development handover. The good neighbour events were devised to pre-empt such issues and try to address them before they occur. Organised in conjunction with our development team, these events provide an unprecedented opportunity for residents moving into new developments to meet up and get to know each other before they move in. Residents can also meet our staff as well as representatives of regional organisations such as the local PCSO team. In addition, these events enable residents to voice their priorities for their Good Neighbour Agreements. We ask residents what they think makes a good neighbour and what makes a bad neighbour – their answers forms the basis of the agreement that they will sign during handover. It is hoped that these events, in conjunction with the tailored good neighbour agreements, will reduce the amount of queries, ASB cases and nuisance behaviour reports in the first six month of tenancy.

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During 2016/2017 we delivered a total of five good neighbour events and engaged with a total of 52 residents. Three of the events were held Morecambe and two were in Lancaster. We received very positive comments from these the events, the feedback included:

“It was great that I was able to get so much information, my neighbours seem really friendly”. “It was very helpful and well organised”. “Questions answered, easy to speak to staff”. “Everybody was really friendly and very helpful”. “Loved meeting neighbours already”.

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Looking forward...2017/18  Continue to work with Development and Lettings to

deliver Good Neighbour events.  Establish connections with local partners/

stakeholders in areas to help deliver the events.

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Breathe Investment Grants (BIG) awarded ÂŁ226,656 to fund and develop 154 community projects across our neighbourhoods!

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Enterprise and Funding Breathe Investment Grants (BIG) - Developing Neighbourhoods, Creating Communities During 2016/17 BIG has awarded £226,656.57 to develop 154 community projects across all Adactus neighbourhoods. Breathe Investment Grants (BIG) are available to support small scale community projects that will improve the quality of life for Adactus residents and make a real difference to the neighbourhoods where we operate. Successful applicants demonstrate that their project supports one or more of the following priorities.        

Community Safety Employment and training Bringing the community together Environmental improvements Healthy Living Older people Sustainability Young people and children.

This year we asked the Adactus500 to vote on the projects submitted. The Adactus500 is an innovative way for us to get regular and representative feedback on our services and plans for the future. Membership is open to all our residents and in December 2016 membership stood at 1,500 current residents. 130 Adactus500 members voted, and rated many projects ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’.

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In addition we were able to provide comprehensive feedback to both successful and unsuccessful projects. We have outlined some example of successful BIG projects on the next page. Funding distribution map

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Matthew's with Mary's Toddler and Parent group, Crumpsall - This group offer a safe, secure and happy environment for children to play, learn and interact. It is a place of trust.

North Manchester FM (NMFM), Miles Platting - This successful Manchester radio station has been broadcasting to the communities of North Manchester since 2009.

They offer a lifeline to families in crisis and support parents having a tough time.

Over 10 weeks NMFM trained young people from Newton Heath/ Miles Platting to get "on air" presenting and producing skills.

Mancunian Way, Manchester - Provide holiday club sessions for primary school children during the summer. This project has been created to help local children prepare for secondary school. The transition stage is important because research indicates that the children who fail in education, fail at this point. The activities are designed to be fun, stimulating and educational - their cooking sessions incorporate healthy eating, they use drama to explore social issues, and incorporate art and crafts to help children express themselves. Streetz Ahead Freestyle Urban Soccer CIC, South Chorley - The Streetz Ahead project is a mobile streets initiative within the South of Chorley; it provides the local community with pop up physical activities. The initiative engages with socially disadvantaged young people to help reduce crime and re-offending, tackle anti-social behaviour and substance misuse. They use Multi Use Games Areas (MUGA's) and a portable inflatable arena, to deliver positive activities such as football, basketball, boxing and cricket.

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The young production team were responsible for all aspects of a show, choosing playlists, using Myriad (computerised radio broadcast system), booking guests, conducting interviews, researching and promoting opportunities on air, networking and presenting their shows. In addition to the media skills and newly found confidence they acquired, the group developed their literacy, numeracy and contemporary digital skills. St Joseph's Mission to Deaf People - The St Joseph Mission to Deaf People (SJMDP) is a pastoral care service that focuses on the spiritual needs of deaf people. Every Friday a group of between 8 - 10 profoundly deaf people meet at the (SJMDP) to participate in their sit down exercise program. The sessions have helped to alleviate boredom and isolation in addition to aiding well-being. This has a positive impact on their psychological and emotional lives and look forward to the sessions weekly.

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Enterprise and Funding The BIG Event - Breathe.....and be inspired! As part of the AQA Unit Award Scheme Certificate, REEL Manchester worked with a group of young people living in Adactus supported schemes in Wigan, Leigh and Lancaster to teach them the skills required to become film makers. Filmed over six months, the project aimed to capture the positive impact BIG initiatives had on their communities. The resulting documentary was so uplifting, it spurred the BIG event. Hosted by Tony Walsh, Longfella Poet, the BIG event celebrated the young filmmakers’ achievements, and the dedication and hard work of the volunteers and community members who successfully set up and delivered the amazing projects celebrated in the film. The lavish ceremony featured the BIG film premier followed by an Oscars style awards ceremony. Project representatives from across the region made their way onto the red carpet, where they were photographed and interviewed in true Hollywood style! The film was an invaluable opportunity for everyone to see the different BIG funded projects in action, and to hear community members talk about how the projects have lifted neighbourhoods, helped individuals and strengthened communities. The awards that followed generated real excitement and anticipation. There were 541 votes cast by107 Adactus500 members - and there were eight category winners. page 36

But the truth is - the communities served by the 34 nominated projects had already won! Tony Walsh, Longfella Poet.

Adactus Housing Group Limited Breathe Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2017

Looking forward...2017/18 We will make it easier than ever for applicants to apply for BIG. We will:  Streamline the application form  Introduce a sample form for applicants to reference  Create/organise a film to celebrate 10 years in

Miles platting  Create a new payments method that will ensure

payments to groups are simple and straightforward.

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what could you achieve?

Adactus Housing Group Ltd. Turner House 56 King Street Leigh Lancashire WN7 4LJ t: 0300 111 1133 @AdactusHG Adactus Housing Group Ltd Chief Executive: Hilary Roberts BSc (Hons) MCIH Regulated by the Homes and Communities Agency Regulation Committee Registration No. LH 4345. Registered under the Co�operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 Registered No. 29433R.

breathe Annual Report 2016/17

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