Scrutiny final callbacks report

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Internal Affairs for Adactus500 Scrutiny Panel Callbacks: Final Report 27 November 2015

Internal Affairs for Adactus500 Scrutiny Panel



Project background ................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1

Statistics................................................................................................................................................... 3


Callback Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 5


CRM Database ......................................................................................................................................... 8


Calls completed at first point of contact ............................................................................................... 10


Monitoring ............................................................................................................................................. 11


Case study .............................................................................................................................................. 12


Complaints ............................................................................................................................................. 12 What we liked ........................................................................................................................................ 14 What concerned us? .............................................................................................................................. 14 Recommendations................................................................................................................................. 15 Appendix: Staff Interviews ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Spot check – outcome categories.......................................................................................................... 17 Spot check – completions by individuals and teams ............................................................................. 17 Spot check - complaints ......................................................................................................................... 19 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................... 21

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Internal Affairs for Adactus500 Scrutiny Panel

Scrutiny Review: Callbacks Final Report The Project Callbacks: this was a complaint theme.

Background The topic came about as a result of complaints from tenants who had not been called back by planners after requesting a callback via voicemail or the contact centre.

What we wanted to know • • • •

How effective is the system for handling callbacks What measures are in place to achieve the service standard target? Is there an escalation process for unreturned callbacks? Are arrangements in place for monitoring of callbacks?

What we looked at • • • • • •

Contact Centre statistics; number of incoming calls/callback requests/outstanding callbacks The effectiveness of the callback procedure The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) database Effectiveness of calls resolved at first point of contact How callbacks are monitored and what action is taken for outstanding callbacks Complaints database for callback related complaints

What we found 1. Statistics a. Incoming calls • Adactus Connect Contact Centre is a central point from which customer contacts are managed and calls are routed to appropriate people. • Most customer contacts received through the contact centre are logged on CRM. Contacts not recorded are those from callers who are not QL clients (they cannot be recorded on CRM), arrears calls (they are logged in rents monitoring part of QL), calls that can lead to a repair order being raised, or calls transferred to other departments. • The contact centre receives between five hundred and eight hundred calls per day. Call levels tend to be highest on a Monday, and then decrease throughout the course of the week. Shehnaz Akhtar

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The aim is to resolve seventy percent of customer issues at first point of contact. Calls resolved at first point of contact increased from seventy-three percent in 2014/15, to seventy-four percent in 2015/16 (to date). It was difficult to establish how many callback requests had been received by email via the Adactus info-box; once an email has been dealt with (logged on CRM and forwarded to the appropriate staff member) it is deleted from the inbox. During the course of the scrutiny, evidence was seen of emailed callback requests logged on CRM.

b. Service Standards • Failure to complete a callback within the expected time scale can lead to more inbound calls from seriously unhappy customers. A callback success rate is therefore a critical measure of the callbacks process. • Adactus Housing Group’s service standard is to achieve 90% of telephone callbacks by the next working day (or at an agreed time) and 100% within two working days (or at an agreed time). • For other methods of enquiry (letter, email, web) the target is 80% by one day and 100% within two days. • A review revealed that the Group has failed to achieve its target for callbacks. In September the percentage completed within the two days was as follows: o Telephone – 67% o Email - 63% o Letter – 38% • The teams that received a low number of callback requests for example, between one and five, had achieved 100% completion within two days. • Generally, email callbacks achieved a higher completion rate and were more likely to be actioned within the timescales than callback requests by telephone or letter. c. Service standard awareness • Generally there was a lack of awareness amongst staff about the callback service standards (except contact centre staff) despite the following actions to raise awareness: o Service standards have been publicised on Pulse (the Group’s internet), in 2012. o An article on how to complete contact actions (including by email) and staff responsibilities has been publicised on Pulse in 2014. o CRM action requirements of staff have been publicised on Pulse in 2014. o HR training and training materials highlight what is required of staff. o Individual staff have been contacted directly by the Director of Corporate Services about poor performance with contact action completions. o Managers have been shown how to monitor their staff’s performance and reminded of their responsibility.

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With regards to customers, the service standards are available on the website and have previously been published in the tenants’ newsletter. Eighty-seven Adactus500 members took part in a recent consultation on callbacks, almost half of them stated they wanted to be called back within two hours (this rose to two-thirds of those aged thirty-five and under).

d. Callback requests • Twenty-three thousand four-hundred (23,400) callbacks requests had been received in the last financial year (between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015). • During September 2015, two-thousand two-hundred and eighty-one (2,281) callbacks had been actioned. Of those, one-thousand five-hundred and ninety-one (1,591) had been completed and one-hundred and one (101) were outstanding. For the other five-hundred and eighty-nine (589) the ‘outcome’ had been completed as: o cancelled - twenty-four (24) o job raised - eighty-seven (87) o message left - one-hundred and twenty-three (123) o no reply - twenty-six (26) o pending - thirty-four (34) o superseded (reallocated to someone else) - two-hundred and eighty-five (285) o tenant ok – ten (10) 2. Call back Procedure a. Logging a call • Adactus uses a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) computer system which allows all customer contacts to be logged. • When the contact centre receives an incoming call, staff are required to record detailed information on CRM relating to the call including the callers name, reason for call, and any further action required as a result of the call. The contact centre staff will try to resolve the issue however, if they are unable to do this then the call is passed through to someone who may be able to provide assistance. If they are unavailable then a call back action is requested. b. Allocating a callback • If a call back is required, staff selects the ‘call back’ action on CRM and allocates it to a member of staff or a team. Once the action has been added the system automatically generates an email and sends it to that person/team instructing them to call back the customer. • If a customer is flagged as vulnerable or having some form of issue, the way the callback is handled depends on the person making the call. Flags are mainly placed to make staff aware they may need to adapt their approach to the call. The staff member will decide when or if to adapt their approach depending on how well the call is going.

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The flags on QL are quite comprehensive for example; hard of hearing, allow extra time to get to the phone, and language preference. The flags contain sufficient information for staff returning a call to make an informed decision on what approach to take. The system does not generate a SMS (text message) acknowledgement to the customer to confirm that the callback request has been received by the individual or team. The responsibility of making the callback and completing the action on CRM rests with the member of staff to whom a callback request is allocated. Steps have been taken to allow contact centre staff to take ownership of the callbacks they request. The callback monitoring report identifies staff that have actioned callbacks. Contact centre staff chase up the appropriate member of staff if a callback request has not been completed on CRM. If a member of staff is on leave, contact centre staff often only become aware of this after the callback action has been allocated and the system email has been sent which triggers the automatic ‘out of office’ reply (if activated). If this happens then the action has to be reallocated to a colleague or their line manager. However, if the out of office has not been activated then the action will remain outstanding until the staff member returns back to work; therefore it will surpass the target time. There is a slightly different call back system in place for the Tenancy Enforcement and Support Team (who deal with reports of anti-social behaviour), and the Income Team (who deal with rent payment). o Income team - Each day a member of staff from each team acts as duty officer. When a call back is actioned the system will send an email to the duty officer and in addition to this, contact centre staff enter the call back request into the relevant team’s duty diary. The duty officer is responsible for returning any callback requests, initially as an acknowledgment with a follow-on action. o Tenancy Enforcement and Support Team also operate a duty diary for callbacks. Callback requests are entered in the duty officer’s diary who will be responsible for returning the call. If a customer asks for a particular member of staff who is not available then they are offered the option to speak with the duty officer first then a callback.

c. Completing a callback • Once contact has been made with the customer, staff are required to complete the ‘outcome’ section on CRM with one of the following actions: o Completed - no further action required (action has been completed) o Cancel - action cancelled (when action is no longer required/applicable) o Job raised - for repair order (when an appointment has been raised) o Message left - when contact with customer could not be made (voicemail left) o No reply - unable to leave message (when three unsuccessful attempts made) o Pending - waiting for information (when action is still waiting completion) o Superseded - contact reassigned or passed back

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o Tenant OK - when customer is happy with the explanation provided (this is used to close old outstanding contacts) Training is provided to staff to ensure they are aware of which outcome codes to use. When selecting a code on CRM, the drop down menu provides a brief self explanatory description against each code. There is currently no monitoring of whether the codes are used consistently. In January 2014, a new method of completing CRM contact actions was introduced. This enables staff that does not use CRM regularly to complete their outstanding actions by sending an email to the Task Centre (a database) using the customer’s unique contact reference number and providing a short detail of the outcome. Task Centre then automatically completes the callback and records the comment in the appropriate field. A review of completed callbacks revealed that the outcome feature on CRM was not being utilised correctly: o In cases where contact with the customer could not be made and there was no facility to leave a message, staff had not logged the date and time of calls. Therefore it could not be verified if staff had made three attempts to contact the customer. o Staff had omitted to complete the outcome details with the action taken for twohundred and forty-four completed callbacks (the detail section had been left blank). o Staff had provided minimal details of the outcome in two-hundred and ninety-five callbacks by stating; called back, completed, or rang tenant. It was difficult to determine what information had been provided to the customer and whether it was sufficient. o In a small number of cases staff had updated CRM with their answer when the customer could not be contacted. This would enable contact centre staff to provide an update on the status of an individual case if a customer were to follow up their enquiry. In many cases the callback had been made but staff had not closed down the action on CRM. Anecdotal evidence from a recent Adactus500 survey indicate that twenty customers had not received a callback and had to ring back, in some cases they rang back a number of times before the callback was returned. The majority were associated with asset management; waiting for parts, follow on repairs, and repair requests.

d. Completion by individuals and teams • A review was carried out to establish if callbacks actioned to teams produced a higher percentage of completions within target times. In order to do this two-thousand onehundred and thirty (2,130) callback requests actioned in October 2015 were analysed; ninety-six percent (96%) were telephone requests and four percent (4%) by email. • One-thousand five-hundred and forty-six (1,546) (seventy-three percent) of callbacks were assigned to individuals and five-hundred and eighty-four (584) (twenty-seven percent) to teams.

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Individuals One-hundred and five staff completed three-hundred and ninety-nine callbacks within target; sixty-two requests were received via email/website, others were by telephone. o It is worth mentioning that one housing officer in Miles Platting received the most callback requests (twenty-eight) which he had completed within one working day. The analysis showed that no action had been taken for forty callbacks (the percentage completed in two days was zero). The callbacks had been allocated to twenty-eight staff (eleven were managers). Teams Most teams achieved one-hundred percent email callback completions. Teams that failed to meet the target were grounds maintenance and service charge leasehold; they achieved sixty and eighty percent respectively. Completion rates for telephone callbacks ranged between forty-four and one-hundred percent. The cyclical decoration team completed the lowest number of callbacks at fortyfour percent.

3. CRM Database a. CRM • The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is computer system used to record and manage customer interactions. It has a facility that allows details of any contact made between the customer and the company to be logged. • Not all staff uses the CRM system, it is mainly used by staff in departments that have contact with customers such as; connect, finance (income team), asset management, and TEAS (who also use their own database, ReAct, to record sensitive information). • Departments that do not use CRM routinely are; o Development – they use their own database and do not routinely communicate directly with customers. o Internal Affairs – have their own database for logging complaints and contacts with customers. o IT – are not customer facing and do not directly deal with customers. o Finance (except income team) use QL but do not routinely communicate directly with customers. o Asset Management – staff who are not office-based for example, DLO, gardeners, window cleaners, and gas engineers. • Training sessions are provided for all staff including new recruits who are required to use CRM as part of their role. Refresher training is also available and is provided regularly by HR. Seventy-three staff had received CRM training (including refresher training) between 1 November 2014 and 31 October 2015.

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If staff use CRM incorrectly (despite training), the manager will advise them of the correct procedure and encourage them to take refresher training. Disciplinary action is considered only as a last resort if staff continues to disregard training and advice. The effectiveness of CRM training is not currently evaluated. Although CRM is a useful tool that enables staff to capture as much detail as possible regarding a contact, it is not user friendly. A review found it was somewhat difficult to follow the workflow of allocated call back actions. CRM does not have a facility for sending reminders to staff to complete their outstanding callbacks. There is no automatic escalation process for unreturned callbacks. The system does not recognise employees non-working days when an action is allocated therefore it affects the callback targets. QL does not determine working days therefore callbacks actioned on a Friday would be outside of the timescales and deemed to be out target on a Monday. The email action code on CRM does not correspond with the service standard timescale; the target on QL is three days whereas the service standard is two days. Evidence was seen of emails completed within three days but had been reported as out of target in the callback monitoring report. CRM does not have a facility that allows it to match up an outbound call to an outstanding contact.

b. Callback automated email • CRMs automated email’s subject line is ineffective and likely to be unread unless staff are aware that it relates to a callback; it states ‘QL Housing Contact Management’ - followed by the customer’s address. • The format of the automated email is not quick and easy to scan. It captures too much detail and does not highlight the main purpose of the email. It includes the caller’s name and address (over several lines), contact reference, telephone number, action reference, rent warning, tenancy and rent account numbers, class levels, a brief description of the call, date and time, the name of the person who took the call, and right at the end it states what action is required (callback) and the deadline for returning it. • The email is in a predefined format and cannot be edited by Adactus (it can only be done by the provider) however, it is possible for staff to overtype the subject line. • The scrutiny Panel reviewed the format of the email at the interim meeting and specifically suggested that Adactus: o Make the subject more obvious that a callback is required. o Remove unnecessary duplication. o Prioritise information at the top of the email. o Contain customer preferences for best time to call/method of contact.

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4. Calls completed at first point of contact a. Training • Contact Centre staff are trained to deal with a range of enquiries (up to a certain level) so that they are equipped to resolve queries at first point of contact. Anything above that level is referred to dedicated teams throughout the organisation. • The contact centre induction programme ensures new recruits are given all the help and guidance they need for them to do their job to the required standard as soon as possible. As part of the initial training the recruits work shadow other colleagues which is considered the best way for them to learn. On the job training is also provided in which the recruits deal with some calls up to a certain point. The whole process takes approximately thirty days depending how quickly staff learn. • Guidance notes are provided to assist contact centre staff in handling calls. They are advised to carry out security checks, identify the callers’ needs using questioning skills, take responsibility for dealing with the call, and carry it through. If they cannot answer an enquiry quickly, they are advised to give the caller the option of a call back. • The guidance notes also remind staff to ensure they record the contact on CRM so that there is a full record of contacts with the customer. • Evidence was not seen of situations where staff had solved issues superficially thus resulting in more incoming calls. • Contact centre’s performance is continually monitored and reported to Board for example, calls answered within a defined time, and calls resolved at first point of contact. Performance is also monitored on calls for; repairs, Turner House, Miles Platting, and housing management. If any issues are identified then corrective action is taken to resolve them for example, staff training. b. Knowledge base • Customer services staff have access to a ‘knowledge base’. This is a database that contains information on all service channels which allows it to be shared with customers. Its aim is to reduce the customer handling time, improve first contact resolution, and eliminate time wasted searching for information, and improve customer satisfaction. • The knowledge base contains guidance on sixteen service areas including aids and adaptations, allocations and lettings, anti-social behaviour, complaints, development, energy advice, grounds maintenance, home ownership – leasehold/shared, money matters, rents and payments, repairs and maintenance, resident involvement, sheltered and supported, tenancy enforcement and tenancy issues. It also provides information on a wide-range of other topics. • On each subject matter the knowledge base prompts staff to ask the caller additional questions in order to obtain further information. It guides them through the questions and possible answers and explains what they should communicate to the customer. • At the end of the guidance notes is a section that asks if the query has been answered and requests the user to leave feedback. Shehnaz Akhtar

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Staff also have the opportunity to give suggestions on new topics and things they have learned so that the knowledge base can be updated in those areas. The review revealed that the knowledge base is a useful tool that provides detailed information and guidance to staff. If the customer’s enquiry cannot be dealt with by the contact centre staff, it instructs them to refer the call to a dedicated team/person. If that team/person is unavailable they are then advised to request a callback for the customer and reminded to log the contact on CRM. Not all guidance notes state that a callback should be made within twenty-four or the fortyeight hour timescale. The guidance notes do not advise staff to ask the customer for a preferred time of callback, or a preferred method of contact.

5. Monitoring • Since July 2015, callback performance is monitored by the Customer Services Manager (Quality) on a monthly basis. Prior to this, callbacks were not consistently monitored. • A report is run off the system that shows outstanding callbacks in the period, this could be by department, team, or an individual. Staff are then contacted by telephone or email to remind them to take action of their outstanding callbacks. • The monitoring report showed the teams that received the greatest number of callback requests had completed the highest percentage of callbacks within the target times. They are; arrears recovery, allocations & lettings, connect, and planned maintenance. These teams received on average between two-hundred and five-hundred callbacks each month. o Teams that received between one-hundred and two-hundred callback requests completed less than fifty percent callbacks within target. o Those who received up to ten callback requests completed less than thirty-five percent within target (with the exception of HR who completed one hundred percent). • Since the introduction of monitoring of outstanding callbacks in July 2015, there has been an improvement in the percentage of callbacks completed within target (from 64% to 73%). • A review of outstanding callbacks revealed that some actions showed as outstanding from 2012, 2013, and 2014; they had not been closed on the system. • The performance matrix is not linked to staff performance on callbacks. • The annual staff personal performance review (PPR) is part of career development and does not cover performance monitoring on callbacks. However, it does include a section that provides an opportunity for the manager (and staff member) to talk about any issues that may have an impact on their performance at work. • Adactus does not collect satisfaction data on how callbacks are handled (data is captured on repair satisfaction). • Collecting satisfaction data on how callbacks are handled is possible by looking at callbacks that are closed or raised within a specific date range. However, if a customer made more

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than one contact within the specified time then it would be difficult to determine which contact the survey relates to. 6. Case Study • A sample of ten callback requests were tested to see how calls were handled: o In all cases staff had been courteous. o In most cases the callbacks had been actioned after an attempt had been made to transfer the call to a member of staff. o In one case the advisor explained that the ASB team would call back over the next few days. o In one case it was evident the advisor would not be able to deal with the customers query and a callback was required. The duration of the call was twenty minutes after which a callback was actioned. o Customers were not advised of the timescales for making the callback (service standards). o Customers were not asked for a preferred method of contact for example, email. o Customers were not asked for a preferred time of call. • The results of the recent Adactus500 survey on callbacks revealed that: o Almost half the members were not asked for a time to be called back – nearly everyone thought it was important to be asked a preferred time to receive a call. o Over forty percent remembered being asked their preferred method of contact – nine in ten thought it was important to be asked how they would like to be contacted. 7. Complaints • Six complaints relating to unreturned callbacks were received between 1 September 2014 and 31 October 2015. A review revealed that where a service failure had been identified measures had been taken to redress the issue for example, a review of procedures, and staff training. • A case study was carried of two complaints: •

Case 1 – On 23 May 2014 an email was received via the Adactus inbox regarding a tenancy matter. It was logged on CRM and acknowledged by the receptionist who then allocated a callback to a neighbourhood development officer (NDO). The query was in relation to a tenancy matter therefore the NDO superseded the callback to the lettings manager on 2 June 2014; he failed to respond in accordance with the service standards. Resolution: the lettings manager apologised and was required to investigate the issue and respond directly to the customer. Case 2 – On 26 September 2014, an email enquiry was received regarding services charges. The query was passed to the service charge leasehold team for them to provide relevant

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information to the customer. On 29 October they superseded the query to the sheltered team (as it related to sheltered accommodation). The customer chased up the callback on 2, 15, and 29th October but failed to get a satisfactory response within this time therefore raised an official complaint. The operations manager had replied by email on 8 October 2014 (after twelve days) however, this action had not been completed on CRM. The customer was not satisfied with the response and had requested further information on 9 October. On 17 October, this request was passed to the service charge accountant who responded to the query on her return from leave on 27 October. Resolution: The operations manager apologised for the delay in responding to the customer and provided a full explanation to the query via telephone on 5 November 2014.

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What we liked: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Service standards are published on the website. Staff training to enable them to deal with a range of enquiries. Seventy staff received CRM training within twelve months. Provision of guidance notes to assist staff in handling calls. Knowledge base provides detailed information and guidance on all service channels. Aim to resolve calls at first point of contact. CRM generates an automatic email for a callback action. 100% callbacks completed within target in some departments. Duty diary system in operation by the Tenancy Enforcement & Support, and Income team. Initial acknowledgment call made by the Income team duty officer. Staff left an answer on CRM in cases where they could not make contact with the customer. Email method of completing actions for staff who do not use CRM regularly. Monitoring of outstanding callbacks – staff are prompted to return the callback.

What concerned us? • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The inconsistency in service standard callback targets between telephone and other methods of enquiry. Lack of awareness of the callback service standards amongst staff (outside of the contact centre) despite actions taken to raise awareness. Format of the automated email. The number of outcome actions available to select from. The outcome feature is not utilised appropriately to record information following returned calls. No automatic escalation of unreturned callbacks. Targets don’t take into account staff non-working days. CRM does not determine working days. Inconsistency between email target on CRM and service standards. Staff not closing down the action following a completed callback. CRM is not user friendly. Customers are not asked for a preferred time of call. Satisfaction data is not collected on how callbacks are handled.

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Revise service standards so they are consistent. Change the email action codes on QL to correspond with service standards. Amend the subject heading line of callback emails to make them more effective. Consider sending callback emails as high priority (red flag). Acknowledge the callback with the customer. Modify QL to recognise non working days (weekends). Send automated reminders for outstanding callbacks on day two of target times. Automatic escalation of unreturned callbacks for example, to a manager. Collect satisfaction data on handling of callbacks. Look into the feasibility of a new system to make contact handling more user friendly.

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Appendix Staff Interviews The following interviews were carried out with staff: Name Role Date interviewed Ceri Walker

Mike Watts

Customer Services Manager (Quality)

Database Officer

2 October 2015 20 October 2015

7 October 2015 20 October 2015

Topics covered Callbacks Service standards Training Performance Statistics Monitoring Reporting system - CRM monitoring reports (where information is derived). Automated emails Task Centre

Mike Murphy

Head of Income/Leasehold Management

12 October 2015

Callback procedure – duty officer system Task Centre Monitoring

Kate Sullivan

TEAS Manager

13 October 2015

Callback procedure – duty officer system Targets

Tracey Adu

Assistant Director of Corporate Services (contact centre)

17 November 2015

Callbacks CRM usage by departments Monitoring Satisfaction data

William Potts

Business Analyst

17 November 2015

Telephone system Statistics – direct dial, emails. Automated email SMS alerts Callback satisfaction data

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Spot Check - ‘outcome’ categories What we wanted to check We wanted to know if staff were correctly utilising the outcome section on CRM when they completed a callback. What we looked at A report was produced from Reporting Services that showed callbacks actioned and completed between 1 and 30 September 2015. We filtered the outcome column to identify actions taken and we categorised them into the available outcome options. We checked the descriptions to ensure the categories were used correctly. What we found There are too many options to choose from when completing a callback, it could not be established if staff had used the correct option where contact could not be made. Staff had completed the comments section with insufficient details or had omitted to complete them at all. Some staff had provided an update of the status of the callback where the customer could not be contacted.

Spot Check - Completions by individuals and teams What we wanted to check We wanted to know whether callbacks were actioned more quickly when allocated to teams rather than individuals. What we looked at We ran a report from Reporting Services that showed callbacks actioned and completed between 1 and 31 October 2015. We filtered the report to identify callbacks actioned by teams and those by individuals. We analysed data to show individuals who had achieved one-hundred percent completions and those with zero completions, these were categorised into managers and other staff. Callbacks actioned in October 2015: Department



Allocations & Lettings




Arrears Recovery








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Auditing/Health and Safety








Caretaking/Grounds Main







Customer Services
















Internal Affairs



Miles Platting







Resp./Void/Inst. DLO operative




Resp./Void/Inst. planner/manager




Service charge/leasehold team




Sheltered Housing







Percentage completed



Analysis of Callbacks – Individuals and Teams: Method Individuals Telephone 1,481 % Completed 73% Email 63 % Completed 68% Letter 1 Website 1 Total 1,546

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47 3


335 5

23 1


Teams 555 27% 29 32%





Total 2,036 92 1 1 2,130

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Callbacks completed by teams: Team Inbox


% Completed


% Completed

Void DLO





Voids & Lettings








Money Advisors



Health & Safety






Grounds Maintenance





Central Repairs





Housing Management













Planned Maintenance





Gas Service








Service Charge Leasehold





Cyclical Decoration






What we found Individuals received and completed the highest number of callbacks compared with teams.

Spot Check - Complaints What we wanted to check We wanted to know how many customer complaints regarding unreturned callbacks were received between 1 November 2014 and 31 October 2015. We wanted to establish if there had been a failure to comply with service standards, and whether there was an underlying trend. What we looked at We accessed the complaints database and examined all complaints received between 1 November 2014 and 31 October 2015 in order to identify those relating to unreturned callbacks. We studied each case to establish if there was an underlying trend.

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Ref no.

Method of Nature of Query contact

Staff Response

Reason for delay in response

Complaint Outcome


Email (info box)

Tenancy matter – Initially acknowledged by LH who advised the query was being forwarded to a NDO.

NDO Superseded to DW.

DW - Overlooked as extremely busy

Apology and DW to investigate the issue and respond directly to customer.


Email (info box)

Query re service charge; request was acknowledged and passed on to Sheltered team.

Emailed customer on 8 October 2014 and provided additional information concerning service charge costing.

Not known

Apology and a full explanation to query via telephone on 5 November 2014 by the Ops Manager



Tenancy matter

No response calls



Repairs confirmation of request had not been provided and was given wrong response time for a repair.

Service failure - Training issue Training issue repair had been contact centre. addressed. given incorrect Apology and gift response time. voucher.



Tenancy matter re home improvements

Initial request acknowledged. Second query not acknowledged resulting in a chase up in July 2015.



Repair issue – the responsibility was of a management company.

Failed to keep Not known customer informed resulting in chase up calls.

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to Not known

Not known


Apology and review of home improvement procedure

Apology and gift voucher. Review of management company service delivery.

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What we found Delays were evident where the initial callback request had been superseded. This action resulted in a new target timescale for staff allocated the query however; the customer was not informed their query had been passed to someone else to deal with. Corrective action had been taken to remedy issues that had been identified (training and a review of procedures).

Acknowledgements: Callbacks Scrutiny Panel Members (Without their effort, the completion of this scrutiny project would not have been possible) Kevin J Dempsey Ronald Marshall Michael McDonagh Audrey Mcquade Sandra Nixon Dorothy Shepherd Gillian Welsh

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