Spotlight Newsletter Spring 2016

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Miles Platting


Spring 2016

Issue 34


Breathe Breathe Investment Investment Grants Grants

What’s inside? St George’s Day Parade Page 3


Developing Neighbourhoods. Developing Neighbourhoods. Inspiring Communities. Read all about it

Inspiring Communities. on page 4...

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Dates for your diary Page 8

PIP - What you need to know Page 12

Adactus Miles Platting gets connected Facebook: Adactus Miles Platting Twitter: AdactusMP This document is available in other languages, larger text, braille and on audio cd

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Contact us.. Welcome to the Spring Edition of Spotlight Magazine. Once again we have a bumper edition full of local news, activities and events. If you’d like to get in touch about anything related to Spotlight contact: Amy Holden on 0161 2032600 or by email at:

Miles Platting Resident’s Group A group of Miles Platting Residents have recently got together to look at setting up a Resident’s Association with the hope of planning and delivering some really positive events/activities in the area. Do you have any thoughts or ideas that you could share with fellow Miles Platting residents? Are you interested in getting involved or would like to find out more? Please contact Amy on 0161 2032600.

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Stolen Medals Can you help? A house in Miles Platting has been broken into and thieves have managed to escape with £400, a full face silver strap watch and 4 medals – 2 from Cyprus and 2 from Korea. The medals are of sentimental value to the elderly homeowner and they are appealing for any information that might help to get them returned. If you recognise the medals, or if you have any information relating to their whereabouts, please contact PCSO Donna Kennedy on 0161 8563521.

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St George’s Day Parade Promising to be the best year yet, St Georges Day Parade will take place on Sunday 24th April. Starting at 12pm from Varley Street, Miles Platting, the route will be the same as last year and will see members of the parade travel down Oldham Road, Oldham Street, Piccadilly, Newton Street, Hilton Street, Stevenson Square, Lever Street, Great Ancoats Street, Oldham Road, Butler Street and Bradford Road before returning back to Varley Street at roughly 2pm. Following this year’s parade, there will be a festival of fun on the car park behind Adactus’ office, Baker House. There will be something for all the family, including entertainers, live music and a fairground. Anybody wanting to join the parade must register with organiser Thelma no later than 7th April. Thelma can be contacted on 07788 606234.

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You Decide goes



Cash available for your group/project! For the last five years Adactus have given away ‘You Decide’ funding to the community and allowed local people to vote for the projects they have wanted to see funded in Miles Platting.

Breathe Investment Grants

This year we have another pot of up to £25,000 to give away to any residents, group or organisation that wants Developing Neighbourhoods. to deliver a project in Miles Platting, but this year the Inspiring Communities. grants will be known as BIG (Breathe Investment Grant). Grants of up to £2,000 are available for any project that will benefit the community - trips out for young people, activity days, IT equipment, help for community cafes, clean up projects – the possibilities are endless! Applications are being accepted now! There is no set deadline as applications will be voted on at various points of the year, but projects must be delivered by 28th February 2017 so we encourage you to get your applications in as soon as possible. For an application form visit or contact us on 0161 203 2600.

Have your say on the projects we fund! Like You Decide, BIG grants will be voted for and chosen by local residents but this year we have updated the voting method.

the funds in the first round you may be asked to vote for a new set of projects later in the year so keep an eye on your inbox!

In previous years we have held voting events for you to cast your votes but some of you told us that you hadn’t been able to make these events and had missed out on voting.

Don’t miss the chance to have your say – sign up for Adactus 500 today!

This year votes will be cast online (or by post if you cannot access a computer) via the Adactus 500 (see page 5 for details). To be eligible to vote you will need to be registered with Adactus 500 in advance so sign up as soon as possible by visiting www.adactushousing. If you cannot access a computer you can request a paper copy of the registration form from Amy Holden at or 0161 2032600. Every household in Miles Platting that is registered to vote will be sent the first email inviting you to cast your vote on projects around April time. If we don’t give away all of 4 | spotlight

Summary - How to vote: 1. Register with Adactus 500 at www. (or contact Amy for a paper form) 2. Await an email inviting you to vote on the projects who want funding from us. If you have registered on a paper form you will receive a voting form in the post. 3. Cast your votes and enjoy your Adactus 500 reward! (See page 5 for details) 4. Keep your eyes peeled for future emails as there may future rounds of voting.

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Adactus500 to Celebrate 5th Birthday! In February, the Adactus500 turned 5, and to celebrate we’ve launched an exciting new venture:

Premium membership! Simply take part in 5 photo activities, and you will level up to Premium membership which will give you access to even more activities, and even more opportunities to earn points. To coincide with the launch of this new feature, there will be more activities than ever before! Since launching 5 years ago, there have been 152 activities, and from these we have had 8469 submissions from tenants but more importantly, there have been hundreds of outcomes from these which have been shaping the services we provide. Activities include taking photos, completing surveys, reviewing documents, attending meetings and even voting for community project funding! 600 tenants have earned points since April 2015, so register now and see for yourself how easy it is to start earning! All you will need is your tenancy number and surname. Just google “adactus500� and visit our mobile friendly website today! Points can be redeemed for rent credits, supermarket vouchers, high street vouchers or even a trip to the cinema. For more information or for help registering with Adactus500, please contact Amy Holden on 0161 203 2600.

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Breathe… Breathe is a department within Adactus which was set up to help and support individuals, groups and communities to develop and grow. Within our remit, we offer advice and guidance relating to Employment and Skills, offer free Energy Advice and work with partners to fund, attract funding and deliver community events and/or projects. Our missions is ‘to support strong communities to create great places, where people feel they belong and want to live and work, and to empower local people to shape what happens in their area.’

…and feel the energy As part of our ‘Breathe’ initiative, Adactus are launching a FREE Energy Advice service to all Miles Platting residents. Members of our team will be able to help you to: • • • • •

understand your heating controls and timers compare other suppliers use less electricity and gas reduce condensation apply for the Warm Homes Discount (you can find out if you are eligible by contacting your supplier or by looking on their website).

For a FREE energy advice appointment call 0300 111 1133.

…and feel inspired Our in-house Step Forward programme aims to provide jobseekers with mentoring, skills development and job seeking support in order to move them towards sustainable employment. The offer is open to all Adactus Housing tenants and includes an initial Careers, Education, and Information Advice & Guidance (CEIAG) counselling session with our trained officers. Our aim is to support residents into learning, training or employment using a person centred approach. We do this by helping residents identify and remove barriers that may be preventing them from moving forward to achieve their career goals and aspirations. If you would like to find more about Step Forward then please call 0300 111 1133 and speak to a member of the Breathe team.

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The Miles Platting Work Club runs every Tuesday from 10:30am-12 noon at Baker House, Adactus Housing Association, Oldham Road, Miles Platting. Need help with your CV, job applications, volunteering or anything else work related? Pop along to find out more.

Have You Thought About Volunteering? There are numerous ways you can get involved with Volunteering and Volunteer Centre Manchester is there to help you on that journey. Volunteer Centre Manchester supports experienced and new volunteers, and works with numerous organisations to provide a variety of different opportunities. Get involved with your local community centre; help out with young or older people, volunteer with animals, or at charity shops, and much more! They can help you clearer define the term “Volunteering” and what it means to you, and discuss with you, your motivations for volunteering. Also, reflect on the skills that you already have and those that you want to gain, so you can get the very best out of your volunteering experience. Here are just some of the ways Volunteering can make a positive impact: • Build Key Skills And Experience Needed For Work • Improve Your CV • Give Something Back To The Community • Build Confidence • Make New Friends • Have Fun! Volunteer Centre Manchester can also provide access to information, training, resources and networks for volunteers, so, what are you waiting for?!

Start your volunteer journey now! For more information go to, email or call 0161 830 4770.

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ry a i d r u o y r o f s e Dat George’s Day Parade

St Big Dig Open Day 11am till 2pm Sunday 24th April from 12pm ch ril from rade whi Saturday 16th Ap munity Garden. at Holland Street Com volved in some Come down and get in shments and spring planting! Refre seeds available for all!

onwards. An annual pa and heads in to starts on Varley Street re. See page 3 for Manchester City Cent more information.

YPAC @ St G eorge’s Yo ut h and Co m mu nity Centre Youn g People

Tuesdays - Com munity Garden Pr oject- 3:15-5pm 8-16 Come and le at Holland Street arn how to plant Community Gard and grow your ow Tuesdays - Youth ens. Ages n food! Club @ St George’ s Youth and Com Wednesdays - Ev munity Centre. 6eryone Can Play 8pm for ages 13-1 @ St George’s Yo 6-11. 9. uth and Commun ity Centre. 5-7pm Thursdays - Yout fo r ages h Hub at Church of the Apostles’ 6Fridays - Youth C 8pm for ages 13-1 lub @ St George’s 9. Youth and Comm unity Centre. 4.30 -6 .30pm for ages 10 Adults and Comm -12. u nity Open all day Frid ay - Fridays at St Georges are alway of events during s a popular even the day for peop t. W le to get involved mornings, so ple in. We have crèche e run a full programme ase come down an facilities available d get involved! in the • 10am - Comm unity Café opens with advice availa • 10.30am - Yo ble from YPAC an ga d St Georges Staff • 11am - Work Cl . ub - Come get he lp with CV’s, job se IT skills arches and applic ations and brush • 1pm - Walk to on your running group • 2-4pm - Job C lub for 16-25 year olds - Come dow and applications n and get help w , and help with Id ith CV’s, job search eas about social es enterprise. We really value feedback and id eas on what Op things that will en all day should benefit the com look like, how w munity and what year olds. If you e can do we should do, p have any ideas co articularly from me down and le 16-25 t us know!

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Miles Platting Library, Victoria Mill Hut, Lower Vickers Street Monthly Coffee Mornings – Held on the first Wednesday of each month from 10:30am till 12pm. Come and join us for a brew, biscuit and a chat. Look out for posters in the library for details of guest attendees each month. Libraries Art Club – FREE weekly art workshops for children and young people aged from 8 years and above. Every Thursday from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. Adults are welcome to stay and join in the fun! Places are limited. Contact Amy on 0161 2032600 for more information.

Sports Sessions at Parkview Community Pitch

Ch u rch se rvices arou n d Easte r tim e Palm Sunday 20th March 9.45am at St Cuthbert’s Church & 11.30am The Church of the Apost les. This service marks the beginnin g of Holy week as we remember Jes us’ arrival in Jerusalem on a donkey and collect our blessed palms - there will be enough to take one to yo ur friends and neighbours. Maundy Thursday 24th Ma rch 7.30pm at St Cuthbert’s Church. We will remember the events of the last supper. Good Friday 25th March 10am -11am at The Church of the Apostles. This is a family friendly service followed by fish finger butties. A quiet reflective service will be he ld at 2.30 pm at St Cuthbert’s as we remember the day that Jesus wa s crucified. Easter Sunday 27th Marc h 9.45 am St Cuthbert’s Church & 11.30am The Church of the Apost les. On Easter day we celebrate the presence of the risen Lord, there will be an Easter egg hunt and all are welcome to this service of celebration. For details contact Reverend Ellie Trimble on 0161 948 4197

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Walking with the Wounded Walking with the Wounded, established in 2010, is a charity that is dedicated to raising funds to assist wounded ex Service Personnel with their re-training and re-education. They have support services based in Manchester on Canada Street, Miles Patting/Newton Heath. Around 15,000 skilled individuals leave the armed forces each year, the majority of which have a successful transition. For others the transition to civilian employment is not easy. Walking With The Wounded has four key programmes, each one addressing a barrier to employment for a vulnerable veteran; Head Start to support those with mental health difficulties, Project Nova which works with veterans in police custody, Home Straight for homeless veterans and First Steps for those without the necessary training or qualifications for their chosen civilian career. These programmes work in harmony to support vulnerable, wounded, injured and sick veterans in their pathway to sustainable independence and employment. In autumn 2015 empty houses on two streets in East Manchester were brought back to life as part of a huge project to help benefit military veterans. Ex service men and women, along with local trades companies and essential partners were given the chance to take part in the BBC 1 DIY SOS show with Nick Knowles and his team, in which 62 homes were renovated into training accommodation and homes for wounded military veterans. The project was given a boost by the visit of Prince William and Prince Harry, who were delighted to take part in the labour on site. Walking with the Wounded, working in partnership with the NHS can also provide mental health support and therapy at the Canada Street hub. Training and employment support can be accessed for those wanting to up skill or move into employment. If you know a veteran or military family that needs support, or for more information, contact Gary Lamb at

Would You Like To Know More About Dyslexia? Dyslexia affects 1 in 10 people, according to the British Dyslexia Association, but many people are not sure what it is or what to do to help someone who is learning to cope with it, whether they are at school, work/looking for work, or retired. Manchester and Salford Dyslexia Services are looking to put on a session to raise awareness about Dyslexia. If you are interested in attending a session near you please contact Roger Broadbent on 07711 070533.

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Food for All @ the Apostles with St Cuthbert Miles Platting Every Sunday evening we welcome guests who are in need of a hot meal to eat with us. Volunteers from The Church of the Apostles, St Cuthbert’s Church of the Resurrection the Good Shepherd and St Barnabas plus volunteers from the community and Adactus Housing gather from around 4pm to begin peeling vegetables and planning what we can cook for our forty guests. The food is provided by Fare share and Costco. We serve tea and coffee plus a few snacks as our guests chat catch up with us and each other and listen to Smooth FM. We serve our meal around 6.30pm and welcome more volunteers so that we can produce a rota whereby people will work only one Sunday per month. If you have any spare time on Sunday evenings, have kitchen skills, can make a good brew, set tables or wash up and feel you want to join our happy team please give Reverend Ellie a call on 0161 948 4197.

Winstanley Day Nursery At Winstanley Day Nursery, our aim is to skilfully and wisely craft a solid early year’s foundation for your child by providing them with a caring, nurturing, stimulating and example-led environment thereby enhancing their moral, physical, social and spiritual values, making them exemplary leaders of tomorrow. We strive to meet the needs of your child in a safe and stimulating environment. Our staff have specialised training to work with children 0-11 years. We provide exceptional service with regards to education, safety and child development. Your child will enjoy our beautiful and stimulating play rooms, lunch times, structured activities and lovely staff. We offer: • FREE funded places for 2-4 year olds. • Full and part time day care for under 5’s. • Before and after school service for 3-11 year olds. • Emergency childcare with 24 hour notice. • Training room. We are open from 7:30am to 6pm Monday to Friday. For more information, contact us on 0161 2057933 or find us on Facebook ‘Winstanley Day Nursery’ spotlight | 11

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Personal Independence Payment What you need to know Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit that helps towards some of the extra costs you may have because of a long-term health condition or disability. It is gradually replacing Disability Living Allowance for people aged between 16 and 64. How will Personal Independence Payment affect you? The changeover to PIP only applies if you were aged between 16 and 64 on 8 April 2013, or you turn 16 after that date. People aged 65 or over (on 8 April 2013) who are already getting Disability Living Allowance will be unaffected. If you’re a new claimant You will only be able to claim Personal Independence Payment. If you’re already claiming Disability Living Allowance If you’re already getting Disability Living Allowance you will get a letter from the Department for Work and Pensions inviting you to make a claim for Personal Independence Payment. The Department for Work and Pensions expects that most people who are getting Disability Living Allowance should qualify for Personal Independence Payment. However, the two benefits have different qualifying conditions, so it’s possible that you might be entitled to a higher or lower rate of payment, or that you won’t be entitled to anything. Children under 16 You can still claim Disability Living Allowance for a child aged under 16 who has difficulty getting around or who needs more care than a child of the same age who doesn’t have a disability. When will Personal Independence Payment affect you? Personal Independence Payment is being introduced in stages. When it will affect you depends on your date of birth and where you live. The Manchester area, including postcodes M40 & M4 are currently being reviewed.

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How much Personal Independence Payment will you get? Personal Independence Payment is made up of two components. Each component can be paid at either the standard or the enhanced rate. Whether you get one component or both, and whether you get the standard or the enhanced rate depends on how your condition affects you. This is worked out at your assessment. Standard weekly rate (2015-16)

Enhanced weekly rate (2015-16)

Daily living component



Mobility living component



Assessments for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) As part of the claim process you will be individually assessed to work out your eligibility for the new benefit. • The new assessment is designed to determine your individual needs. It will focus on your ability to carry out a range of activities necessary to everyday life. • It will include gathering information from healthcare and other professionals who work with and support you. • You will usually have a face-to-face consultation with an independent, trained health professional. • Your award will be regularly reassessed to make sure you’re getting the right support. Get more information Find out more about the Personal Independence Payment on the GOV.UK website or on the Citizens Advice website.

You can also contact Tina Chadwick, Money Advice Worker at Adactus Housing Association, Baker House 542 Oldham Road Manchester M40 8BS or by phone on 0161 2032600.

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Pat’s Gardening Corner

It’s time to spring into action!

Time to brush away the thoughts of snow and think of the spring! As soon as daylight starts to lengthen, a feeling of optimism begins to creep into all gardening activities. Yes, its wet, its cold, its dark – but in a few weeks there will be longer to garden. Buds on the trees are still tight-furled but now you can begin to believe that one day in the not-too-distant future, they’ll flatten and unfurl and the world will once again be a green and pleasant place. A couple of jobs to be getting on with: 1. Tie your trees. Conifers that have been splayed by the strong winds, they can be pulled back into shape by wrapping them in black, 1 inch nylon netting. This will support the branches and let new growth through. It is almost invisible and will last for years. Be careful not to disturb any birds that may be nesting in large conifers at the moment! 2. Don’t be panicked into sowing seeds outdoors. Wait until the soil is warm, when they will have a good start. 3. Plant primulas, polyanthus, pansies, pots of dwarf irises and miniature daffodils – they are all hardy enough to be outdoors now. But be sure to keep them moist and shelter them from drying winds. 4. There’s still time to plant shrubs and perennials, but give them a good soak beforehand. 5. If you haven’t thought about cutting your lawn, best do so now. Pick a dry day and put the mower on a high cut for the first few times, gradually lowering the height as the grass grows more vigorously. Think about a spring feed if it is looking peaky. 6. If you get on top of weeds now, while the beds are still empty, you will be ahead for the rest of the year! 7. A pre-season check is a great idea this time of 14 | spotlight

the year. Are your garden tools ready for the busy gardening season? Check them and fix, sharpen or replace them as necessary. Lets think about the birds too, over winter bird feeders not only help keep our little friends happy when there is little else about, but if you keep it up over the year, they can be great little gardeners too, eating the bugs and keeping the infestations at bay!.

Spring garden giveaways – you’ll need to be quick for this one! • Great selection of seeds • Selection of indoor plant pots (various colours and sizes) • Garden gloves • Rolls of garden twine (great for securing your plants and climbers) • Handy canvas garden bags Be first in line and bag your freebie by contacting Patrice at Baker House on 0161 2032600. *Open to Adactus residents only/stocks are limited


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Q&A Q.

I have been tidying my shed and need to dispose of some garden chemicals. How am I supposed to do it?

A. Contact your local authority’s waste disposal section for disposal of out of date, withdrawn or sur-

plus pesticides, as they can advise on which household sites will accept chemicals. When taking large quantities of chemicals to your waste disposal facility, ensure that containers are carefully sealed and clearly labelled with the name and active ingredient. Never pour down a drain.

Q. My garden path has become very slippery over the winter months how can I remove

the green algae.

A. The quickest way is to use a power wash on it, this does the job in no time. If you don’t have one

you could buy some Jeyes fluid and a stiff brush to brush it off (please follow the instructions as directed on the tin).

Q. My lawn is covered in moss how can I get rid of it? A. Aerate the lawn, you can do this with a garden fork and brush in some sharp sand. You can also buy some lawn feed which contains a moss killer. Over time the moss will die off, just rake out the dead stuff and re-seed the patches.

Enter our spring photo competition and win a £20 high street voucher! It’s easy and fun for the kids too, just capture some of the best images of spring when you are out and about and be the first to send your photo with name, address and telephone number to patrice.campbell@ by 29th April 2016.

…..Pause for thought Consider your garden as ‘an extra room’ - it deserves as much consideration as the inside of your house. Please care for your garden and keep it tidy - it’s your responsibility! spotlight | 15

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Baker House Office Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (6pm on Wednesday) Emergency Repairs

T 0800 234 6826

Allpay For direct debit, debit/credit card payments & ordering new rent cards Housing Benefit queries:

T 0800 234 6826

T 0870 234 6040

T 0161 234 5003

e: Council Tax queries:

T 0161 234 5002

e: MCC Adaptions Team:

T 0161 234 5001

e: Miles Platting Outreach Library Open:

T 0161 227 3787

Tuesday 2pm - 5pm Wednesday 10am - 1pm Thursday 1pm - 7pm Saturday 10am - 1pm Environment on call:

T 0161 234 5004

e: Find out your utility supplier: 16 | spotlight

Gas: T 0870 608 1524 Electric: T 0870 751 0093

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