Division 8 Newsletter - August 2013

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Adam’s Articles Henry Hudson, High Tech, MAST, Middletown North, Middletown South, Rumson-Fair Haven

Official Newsletter of Division 8 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International

Your Friendly Neighborhood LTG

Volume 1 Issue 4

I can’t believe it’s already

In this issue!

September! I hope everyone has had as productive of a summer as I have! Between college applications, schoolwork, and Key Club I have been keeping busy! With the school season very quickly approaching, its time to start thinking about how your going to grow club’s membership, and how you can plan out a successful and service filled year! Many of you are seniors and only have one year to make a difference in your club. My advice? Start early and don’t give up! Even if you are an underclassman, if you want to be an officer again next year, work hard this year and your club is likely to elect you again! In this issue I will be talking about a lot of events that are coming up, and things that you can use to make the beginning of the school year a great one!

LTGs Note.................... 1 Back to the Hook ....... 2 DCM/OTC ................... 2 Fall Rally ...................... 3 Fall RTCs ...................... 3 IT Madi Kemker........... 5 YOF .............................. 4 Membership…………..7 Calendar………………8

Yours in caring and service,

Adam Rubin Me doing various activities throughout the summer! What did you do this summer?

CMRFs are due the 10th of every month!

Officer’s Party and DCM/OTC On August 25, officers from MAST, Red Bank Regional, Middletown South, and High Tech all gathered for an end of the Summer Divisional Council Meeting, Officer Training Conference, and Barbecue. We talked about all of the exciting upcoming events in the district and what to expect going into the new school year! We got to bond as the leaders of the division, and I think some friendships were made. With that, this year I would like to try and get some of the clubs in Division 8 to

hold a project or two with each other. Whether it’s a simple one-day where they get together and volunteer at CSH together, or something on a larger scale, the opportunity to bond with people all over the state makes Key Club special. Also at the meeting I got to sit down with the officers and make sure that they understand their duties as the leaders of their clubs. If you didn’t get a chance to go, don’t worry, DCMs are held roughly every month, and everyone is invited!

Divisional News Back to the Hook! In late October 2012, the coastline of New Jersey was devastated by Hurricane Sandy, while many schools were affected by this storm, MAST was affected more than most. The students and faculty were unable to return to their location on Sandy Hook, due to damages sustained during the storm. They had to finish their year at a new location with next to nothing. However, the MAST community has made it back to Sandy Hook, and two weeks after starting school again, the MAST Key Club is being given the honor of being a host club for the Central Fall RTC!


That means they are in charge of decorating for the event, and preparing rooms to use for training. Also, since RTCs are at MAST this year that means they are in Division 8! That means they are a lot closer to us then they have been in previous years. If you are a club officer, remember, all officers must attend at least one RTC to be distinguished at District Convention. Please read the article about RTCs on the next page for more information.

The officers of Division 8 and myself enjoying a great meal and making friends at last weekends DCM/OTC

Fall Rally 2013 In the shadows lies a man who preys on the lives of the innocent to bring one thing, agony. This man, known as Neonatal Tetanus Man terrorizes and destroys the lives of the innocent throughout the planet. Claiming thousands of lives, Neonatal Tetanus Man strives for world domination. Traditional Superheroes are no match for Neonatal Tetanus Man and his army. When all hope is lost, a hero emerges out of the New Jersey District of Key Club by the name of Tito the Tomato. Tito gains his powers through the passion and motivation of Key Clubbers throughout the State of New Jersey,

but his power level is not high enough! Key Clubber, we need you to join us on October 13th at Six Flags Great Adventure for Fall Rally where we will aid Tito and make our stand against Neonatal Tetanus Man. Only with your power will we be able to raise Tito’s power level high enough to defeat Neonatal Tetanus Man! Fall Rally is a day when Key Clubbers throughout the state of New Jersey gather at Six Flags Great Adventure for a day to have fun! Attendees will meet Key Clubbers from all over the state, get to know the District Board, and learn more about our District Project! As

foreshadowed above, this year’s theme is "Superheroes of Service," so please feel free to wear a shirt of your favorite superhero! After the Rally, Key Clubbers will have the rest of the day to enjoy at park. Feeling like a superhero? Bring school supplies to Fall Rally to donate for Tools for Schools! We hope to see you there! -Kevin Huang, Division 4 LTG

District News Fall RTCs In the late Spring, after District Convention, Key Clubbers got together from all across the District gather to learn more about Key Club, the New Jersey District, and how they can better serve their homes, schools, and communities. Key Clubbers are treated to a wonderful breakfast and lunch, and spend the morning and afternoon learning all about Key Club from the 2013-2014 District Board. Attendees attend 4 workshops over the course of the day, with workshops ranging from officer training, to being a general member, to information about the New Jersey District Board, the New Jersey District project, upcoming events, and helpful tips for the service year. There is an opening and closing session as well, where there are icebreakers and activities to introduce people to each other! Fall RTCs are going to be held at three locations on three dates this September: RTCs North – September 15, 2013 – Livingston High School RTCs Central – September 21, 2013 – Marine Academy of Science and Technology RTCs South – September 22, 2013 – Burlington Township High School RTCs kick off at 9:00 AM and adjourn at around 1:00 PM RTCs Central this year is being held in Division 8. Officers are reminded they must attend at least one RTC in order to be Distinguished at District Convention.


Photos courtesy of Pak Chau, District Editor

As I’ve mentioned many times before, every year, at International Convention, Delegates from all around the world elect the next years International Board. The board is composed of the President, Vice President, and 11 Trustees. The job of a Trustee is to act as a liaison between International and the Districts. Each trustee is given three districts to advise, and those

district become known as “sister districts”. Last year our sister districts were Georgia and Indiana Districts, working with our Trustee Colten Meisner. For the 2013-2014 service year I am proud to announce that our Trustee is Madi Kemker from the Indiana District! Madi is also the Trustee to the Nebraska-Iowa and Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Districts.

International News Youth Opportunities Fund The International Programs Committee is in charge of bringing information about service partners to the Lieutenant Governors of our division, so they can bring it back to their clubs. Our service partners include March of Dimes, UNICEF and the Children’s Miracle Network. The International Programs Committee also works to promote Key Leader and the Youth Opportunities Fund. The Youth Opportunity Fund is a way for clubs to get money and perform large-scale service projects. Clubs can fill out an application online and get between $100-$2000 to facilitate their service project. Applications are due on October 15th. Service projects can range from reading books at the nursing home to building an entire playground. Involve your K-family and make the project as big as you want. Cynthia Thurairajah, Division 1B LTG

How to Recruit and Keep Members With the school year approaching in just over a week or two, its time to start thinking about how you can grow your club. How can you recruit members to join in September, and how can you get them to continue being active through the winter blues in December and January? Well the answer is simple, although it is multiple parts: 1.


3. 4.


Advertise Make sure you are advertising your club meetings all the time. Hang up posters announcing when and where the meetings will be, and make sure to let everyone know that everyone is invited! You can also try setting up a PR committee to make Key Club widely known in your school and community. Glamorize Share your stories about Key Club from when you were working on a service project, or at Fall Rally, or even DCON! Show people all of the leadership opportunities, from leading a project, to a club, district or international office! If you let your passion and dedication to Key Club show, people will join! Freshman are key Try and advertise Key Club at Freshman Orientation, or even your school’s Club Day! Activities Make sure plan events and projects all throughout the winter months. Give your members stuff to do and reasons to come to the meetings. Make sure your meetings are well thought out and planned in advance so you don’t waste your members’ time. Resources If you ever need help, contact me! I am here as your resource for everything Key Club. You can also find resources on keyclub.org

Important Contacts Adam Rubin

Look out! Upcoming events! CMRFs due the tenth of every month Fall RTCs – September 15, 21, 22 – Livingston, MAST, and Burlington Township o 9 AM – 1 PM Fall Rally Early Registration – Deadline September 25 Fall Rally – October 13 Early Bird Dues Deadline – November 1 Key Club Week – November 4-8 Key Leader – November 22-24

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Lieutenant Governor of Division 8 Email: ltg.adam.div8@gmail.com 160 Kings Mountain Road Freehold, NJ 07728 Cell: (732) 320-8036

Ryan Clarkin District Governor governor.clarkin@gmail.com

Kelly Tran District Secretary dsectrank@gmail.com

Penny Xu District Treasurer njtreasurerpennyxu@gmail.com

Pak Chau District Editor district.editor.pak@gmail.com

Please do not hesitate to contact me in any way you feel comfortable whether it’s through emails, text messages, phone calls, or even send me letters! My goal is to be as accessible to you as possible!


Calendar of the Upcoming Month

September Sunday


























CMRFs due!

15 Fall RTCs at Livingston High School




21 Fall RTCs at MAST


Fall RTCs at Burlington Township High School






Fall Rally Early Registration Deadline

Please do not hesitate to contact me in any way you feel comfortable whether it’s through emails, text messages, phone calls, or even send me letters! My goal is to be as accessible to you as possible!



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