Division 8 Newsletter - May 2013

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Adam’s Articles Henry Hudson, High Tech, MAST, Middletown North, Middletown South, Rumson-Fair Haven

Official Newsletter of Division 8 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International

An Update from Your LTG Wow, it’s June already! Soon we will be moving into summer, and although school is not in session that doesn’t mean Key Club needs to stop. Make sure to keep your club active over the summer! Keep reading for some helpful tips on how to do just that. Also, with this upcoming month there are some things you, as club officers need to know. This month there will be a Divisional Council Meeting, which will be further explained in the newsletter. I would like to remind all club secretaries that Club Monthly Report Forms are due to me on the tenth of every month. They are an important tool for the District to use to measure the success of our clubs. One final update before I go, I will be unavailable from

Volume 1 Issue 2

In this issue!

June 8th to June 13th as I will be down at the Naval Academy’s Summer Seminar Program. I should be in contact with all of you again soon after I return. Thank you all for being great clubs!

Update from LTG ....... 1 Divisional News........... 2 District News ............... 3 International News..... 4 Governor’s Project..... 5

Yours in Caring and Service,

Upcoming Events....... 5 Calendar .................... 6

Adam Rubin

CMRFs are due the 10th of every month!

(Courtesy of IP LTG Rocky)

DCM v. PCM This year the New Jersey District decided that we were going to keep with Key Club International’s core value of Inclusiveness, and we were going to call President’s Council Meetings (PCM), Divisional Council Meetings (DCM). This is to encourage general members to attend these meetings of they wish so that they can see what has been going on in the bigger scheme of things.

Divisional Council Meetings are gatherings of a Lieutenant Governor and club members from his/her clubs to talk about things that are going on in the division, whether it be divisional events or Officer Training Conferences or even club events that need advertising, and things going on in the District, like Fall Rally or District Convention.

Divisional News Soldier Drive: A Progress Report My first divisional event of the 20132014 service year is wrapping itself up, and I couldn’t be any prouder of my division, and district. Together, LTG Hannah and myself were able to collect tons items to send to troops overseas! We were also able to collect a bunch of letters to send overseas. We got letters from all over the District, including our own Division 8! I want to give a special shout out to the Key Club of the Marine Academy for setting aside part of their club meeting to make cards for the troops!


In the coming month, our division will be having our first DCM of the 20132014 service year! So please be on the lookout for an email with more information on it. Even if you aren’t an officer, if you want to attend, ask an officer to give you details about it! All members are welcome to attend.

Did you miss the Spring RTCs? Don’t worry! The New Jersey District will be holding three more Regional Training Conferences, or RTCs, in the fall that you can attend! At Spring RTCs, Key Clubbers from all across the district gathered to learn all about Key Club! From workshops for general members, to workshops explaining the biggest Key Club events of the year, to explaining the contests available at District Convention, there’s a workshop for everyone!

I want to stress the importance that club officers go to at least the one RTC in your area, during your term, so that you can learn more about your position and Key Club as a whole, and so that you can lead your club to be the best that it can be. As important as it is to go as an officer, don’t forget to extend the opportunity to your general members as well, as they can learn a great deal about Key Club and learn how to begin to take steps to become a leader in the club!

Fall RTC Dates and Locations: September 15 – TBA (South) September 21 – MAST (Central) September 22 – Livingston (North)

The District Board at North RTCs. (Courtesy of Pak Chau)

District News Fall Rally 2013! I know it’s a long way off, but its time to star thinking about Fall Rally this coming fall. As the 2013-2014 officers of the clubs begin to assume leadership of each club, it is time to start pushing Fall Rally. You may have members who joined after Fall Rally last year and don’t know about it, or who didn’t hear enough about it last year when they wanted to go! Every year we try and break a district attendance of at least 3,000 people attending, and last year we came really close, but we missed it by a few people. I know that we can achieve and surpass this goal, if we try and send members from every club! More information will be sent out over the summer about Fall Rally 2013, but even so make sure you start to tell your club members to begin thinking about it soon!


The IP District Governor, Nicole and Current Governor, Ryan at Fall Rally 2012. (Courtesy of IP LTG Heather)

Six Flags Great Adventure, where Fall Rally is held every year!

What to Expect at ICON 2013 At International Convention, clubs can expect to meet thousands of other amazing Key Clubbers who share their passion for service. In our nation’s capital, ICON will be a time of making new friends and having a once in a lifetime experience. At workshops, clubs will have the opportunity to learn how Key Club works and to learn more about what Key Clubbers do. They will have the chance to go to workshops unique from anything that can be found in their home district. Clubs can even send members to different workshops and gain a plethora of new knowledge to take home to their schools. However, ICON has so much more

than just the workshops. Key Clubbers can participate in contests, such as the 2013 Key Club oratorical contest, and speak on this year’s topic of, "How do people know you're a Key Clubber?" In addition to the amazing contests, numerous awards will be given out in categories such as Single Service Award, Major Emphasis Award, and the Video Contest. But wait, that’s not all! Key Clubbers will have the honor of hearing guest speaker Elizabeth Smart speak about how she persevered through the nine months she was held captive, along with getting to see Michael C. Anthony’s “Sleight of Mind” show. ICON will provide four days of nonstop fun-filled Key Club action that clubs do not want to miss!

International News Georgia District Governor: A Spotlight Hey New Jersey Key Clubbers! My name is Katie Fuller and I am the 2013-2014 Georgia District Governor. Georgia is a sister district of New Jersey and here in the south, things are a little different! For the past 25 years Georgia District Key Club has had a strong partnership with the Georgia Sheriffs' Youth Homes. This is an organization sponsored by the Georgia Sheriffs' Association. There are 5 campuses across the state. These children are given opportunities that were not possible prior to them living at these homes. They care for children of all ages and backgrounds. The children live with house parents who alternate every other week. They attend public school and do extra-curricular activities like every other student. Their


most recent need has been to expand their Learning Center on the Pineland Campus. Key Club was told the total project would be $150,000, in just 4 short years we were able to raise half that and they will be breaking ground for the expansion on June 1st! Georgia District loves working with the Youth Homes and will continue to work with them for many years to come! -Katie Fuller Georgia District Governor

Governor’s Project 2013 Hello NJ District, With each passing service year, the newly elected District Governor is requested to select an initiative that they would like to take on for the service year. This initiative is then presented to the New Jersey district as a whole, in hopes of garnering support for the cause. In past years, the Governor’s Project has benefited things from our fundraising goal, ELIMINATE, to "Tools for schools" that we still do to this day. After reflecting on my past four years as a member of the Kiwanis Family, I've decided to make this year’s governor’s project something that can bring this district back to its roots. Something that will not only get our hands dirty, but do it alongside those in our family. I have decided to join NJ Circle-K in Governor Shivam's effort to bring together our K- Family with K-Family Service! What do I mean by that exactly? In addition to Key Club, there also exists a variety of Kiwanis Clubs (adult volunteers), Circle K (College students), Builders Clubs (middle school students), K-Kids Clubs (elementary kids), and Aktion Clubs (adults with disabilities) spread across the state, who all make it their lifelong goal to give back to the world. My hope is for us as a district to take the first initiative in reaching out to each and every one of these organizations, potentially planning some fun inter-club activities in the process! Now what does this initiative entail exactly? If you happen to be from a Key Club that knows its neighboring Kiwanis or other K-Family clubs, try holding a project with them! Or, perhaps offer assisting them with one of their already standing projects? Heck, you can even invite them to one of your own! The whole purpose this year’s Governor’s Project is to get our entire New Jersey Kiwanis family to start recognizing each other more prominently. Ryan Clarkin 2013-2014 NJ District Governor

Important Contacts Adam Rubin

Lieutenant Governor of Division 8 Email: ltg.adam.div8@gmail.com 160 Kings Mountain Road Freehold, NJ 07728 Cell: (732) 320-8036

Look out! Upcoming events! Club Monthly Report Forms are due the tenth of every month! There will be a DCM the weekend of June 22-23! Try and get two representatives from your club to go! Remember to stay active over the summer months! September 15,21-22 are Fall RTCs! Fall Rally is October 13, 2013!

• • • • •

Ryan Clarkin District Governor governor.clarkin@gmail.com

Kelly Tran District Secretary dsectrank@gmail.com

Penny Xu District Treasurer njtreasurerpennyxu@gmail.com

Pak Chau District Editor district.editor.pak@gmail.com

Yuya Ong District Webmaster njwebmasteryuya@gmail.com

Kaitlin McCann District Administrator kaitin363@yahoo.com

Rob Acerra Zone Administrator acerra.kci@gmail.com

Please do not hesitate to contact me in any way you feel comfortable whether it’s through emails, text messages, phone calls, or even send me letters! My goal is to be as accessible to you as possible!


June 2013 Sunday











10 CMRFs are due today!











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23 Possible DCM date (I will sent an email confirmation soon)







Possible DCM date (I will sent an email confirmation soon)







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