Art of Literature - VARCCH Comenius Project

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Direzione Didattica Statale Mario Rapisardi - Giuseppe PitrĂŠ Palermo

Various Arti sti

c Roots, A Common H eritage Comenius Project

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Art of Litera ture European L iterary Wor and Childre ks n’s Re-inte rpretations

List of works 0 France - Josephine à la piscine (Josephine in the Pool) by Class CE1b – Ècole Primaire Fenelon, Clermont-Ferrand

0 Greece - Ντίλι, ντίλι, ντίλι, ντίλι (Dili, dili, dili) by Dimitris, Ntenis, Christos, Themis and Milena Pre-primary 1ο ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΡΟΜΙΡΙΟΥ ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΥ, Zakynthos

0 Hungary - A galagonya (The Hawthorn) by Júlia Herpai - Henrietta Horváth - Péter Pogácsás Teleki-Wattay Müvészeti Iskola, Pomáz

0 Ireland - Fields of Home by Seán Cronin and Ian-Val Austria - Primary School Glasheen Boys National School Scoil Mhuire gan Smal (B), Cork

0 Italy - Il pescatore di Cefalù (The Fisherman from Cefalù) by Claudia Vitali, Clara Conte, Silvia Valentino, Lidia Di Maria, Eva Arato - D.D. Statale Mario Rapisardi-Giuseppe Pitré, Palermo

0 Poland - Przyjaciele (Friends) by Patryk Kuznik Primary School SZKOłA PODSTAWOWA Z ODDZIAŁAMI INTEGRACYJNYMI NR 8 IM. JANA MATEJKI , Sopot

0 Spain - Mariposa (Butterfly) by Jimena Alarma, Arista Aroca y Adrián Carmona - Primary School C.E.I.P. SIGLO XXI, Las Rozas de Madrid

0 Turkey - Keloğlan ila Yadı Değirmanci (Bald Boy and Old Miller) -

MENEMEN CUMHURİYET İLKÖĞRETİM OKULU, Izmir 0 United Kingdom - «Egeus’ Speech» from Midsummer Night’s Dream by Bethan Williams, Nilaya Durafe, Harvey Coster and Vinnie Adams - Westlea Primary School, Swindon


“From an album to a comic strip”

Class CE1b – Ecole Fénelon

l tthhee ppooool in e in in e h p in é h erff s c JJoosép eennccee LLeecer et r u a r L u : a L r itttet AAuutthhoor : yyssee GGuuit r a M r a : M r to : IlIllu lussttrraator ilann M a n ion :: Mil EEddit itio

Josephine at the swimming pool

I like swimming pool.

It’s better than the bath.

We can make waves.

No, it’s not possible! Josephiiiiiinnnne, you flooded water everywhere !

It’s impossible to moove in this bath!

In the swimming pool, I can play with my things! My rubber ring, my two piece swimsuit, my armbands, my swimming glasses.

Great, bathing caps !

We all have strange heads.

Eurg ! Lices ! Beurk ! Luky, I have bathing cap! Lucky

We are all the same.

Nobody notices that I am bald.

Nobody laughs at me because of my tan marks.

Nobody sees my hairy legs.

Nobody sees that I am wellrounded.

It takes me everywhere. Except in water‌

We are all the same and all different, above all me and my wheelchair.

δημοτικό - popular rhyme

Ντίλι, ντίλι, ντίλι, ντίλι το καντήλι, που έφεγγε και κένταγε η κόρη το μαντήλι. Ντίλι, ντίλι, ντίλι.

Dili-dili-dili, dili the candili (oil lamp), which shone for the maiden embroidered the scarf, dili-dili-dili.

Ήρθε ο ποντικός και πήρε το φυτίλι μέσα απ΄το καντήλι, που έφεγγε και κένταγε η κόρη το μαντήλι. Ντίλι, ντίλι, ντίλι. Came the rat and took the wick from the oil lamp, which shone for the maiden embroidered the scarf, dili-dili-dili.

Ήρθε και η γάτα και έφαγε τον ποντικό, που πήρε το φυτίλι μέσα απ΄το καντήλι, που έφεγγε και κένταγε η κόρη το μαντήλι. Ντίλι, ντίλι, ντίλι.

Came the cat and ate the rat, which took the wick from the oil lamp, which shone for the maiden embroidered the scarf, dili-dili-dili.

Ήρθε και ο σκύλος και έπνιξε τη γάτα, που έφαγε τον ποντικό, που πήρε το φυτίλι μέσα απ΄το καντήλι, που έφεγγε και κένταγε η κόρη το μαντήλι. Ντίλι, ντίλι, ντίλι.

Came the dog and choked the cat which ate the rat which took the wick from the oil lamp, which shone for the maiden embroidered the scarf, dili-dili-dili.

Ήρθε και το ξύλο, που σκότωσε το σκύλο, που έπνιξε τη γάτα, που έφαγε τον ποντικό, που πήρε το φυτίλι μέσα απ΄το καντήλι, που έφεγγε και κένταγε η κόρη το μαντήλι. Ντίλι, ντίλι, ντίλι. Came the log and killed the dog, which choked the cat which ate the rat, which took the wick from the oil lamp, which shone for the maiden embroidered the scarf, dili-dili-dili.

Ήρθε η φωτιά και έκαψε το ξύλο, που σκότωσε το σκύλο, που έπνιξε τη γάτα, που έφαγε τον ποντικό, που πήρε το φυτίλι μέσα απ΄το καντήλι, που έφεγγε και κένταγε η κόρη το μαντήλι. Ντίλι, ντίλι, ντίλι. Come the flame and burned the log, which killed the dog which choked the cat, which ate the rat which took the wick from the oil lamp, which shone for the maiden embroidered the scarf, dili-dili-dili.

Ήρθε το ποτάμι και έσβησε τη φωτιά, που έκαψε το ξύλο, που σκότωσε το σκύλο, που έπνιξε τη γάτα, που έφαγε τον ποντικό, που πήρε το φυτίλι μέσα απ΄το καντήλι, που έφεγγε και κένταγε η κόρη το μαντήλι. Ντίλι, ντίλι, ντίλι. Came the stream and flooded the flame, which burned the log which killed the dog, which choked the cat which ate the rat, which took the wick from the oil lamp, which shone for the maiden embroidered the scarf, dili-dili-dili. Dili-dili-dili, dili the candili, which shone for maiden embroidered the scarf, dili-dili-dili.

is h t r o f eo d i v a Here is n w o n k t song. os m e h t One of y b s i n o versi iou m a S Domna

TTh his is p poop pu ula larr ssoon ng g is is vveery ry si sim mililaarr to to aan n It Itaaliliaan o n on nee,, A lla Alla fi fieera d e ra dell’ ll’E Est st (c (clic lickk h heere E re fo forr En ngglilish sh/S a /Sp n panis ish h vveers n rsio aan io n d nd h heere re fo forr Fr Freen nch ch oon nee)… )… b u butt b booth co th com mee fr froom m aan n oold H ld Heebbre rew w tr it traad ditio ion naall ch chaan tt ssu u n n ng g fo forr PPeessaach H ch:: Haad dG Gaaddyyaa.. H Heere re yyoou u ca n can een njo joyy aa S Sp paan M nis ish h-Mooro roccca can n vveers io rsion n aan d nd h eere h a re aw woon nd deerf rfu m ull meed dle leyy b beetw tweeeen It a n Italiliaan so n n songg aan nd dH Heebbre oon rew w nee b byy aa A Ara ia rab n bian-H -Heeb re brew ww woom e men n ch chooir ir..

By Dimitris, Ntenis, Christos, Themis and Milena, 4/5 years old

rn o h t w a The H ight n n m u Aut thorn w a h e h glows t thorn w a h e h glows t othes. her cl pike, s e h t f Drone o to and fro, ns u r orn d h n t i w w a h the n i g n i r shive lf. to herse n it on o o M e h In t l: lets vei , omes c e b l r i g cry. o t s n i beg ight n n m u Aut thorn w a h e h glows t thorn w a h e h glows t othes. her cl eรถres W r o d Sรกn


ma yh e w


n r o h t w ha

This poem of Sándor Weöres is very special because of the metrum. You can read it in two metrums: metrical verse and rate emphatic verse (the metrical verse is found only in three languages: italian, greek and hungarian). Regretfully the translation doesn’t illustrate the metrical verse but if you try to read the original you can try to play with the metrum. The theme is very simple, actually it is a play with the verse. It is very typical in his poems. Many people thinks that he wrote child poems but it is not true because you can perform the theme in two ways: one for the children and one for the others. After all the structure makes you wonder.

Weöres Sándor

Music by Sebők Ensemble on YouTube Spoken in two languages on YouTube

1913 - 1989 Júlia Herpai - Henrietta Horváth - Péter Pogácsás

Elly, Michael and Peggy overcame great dangers to survive in famine-torn Ireland. Now the country is again in turmoil, with evictions, burnings and secret meetings. Michael’s job in the Big House is under threat and Elly worries for her family as the fight for land continues. What will the future hold for her daughter, Mary-Bridgid? In America, Peggy risks everything in hope of a better life. Will the Children of the Famine ever find a home they can call their own? From the book blurb

The great famine of Ireland claimed millions of lives. Entire families were wiped out. This is a story about one family and how they survived. We read about how each child grew up to be an adult and how they made their way in the world. We learn about Peggy and how she immigrated to America. She had to work very hard as a chamber maid in a big house, yet she still managed to stay cheerful. We find out about Eily and how she lived with the fear of the landlord putting up the rent or evicting them. Last but certainly not least we find out about how Michael worked in The Big House and survived the fire. These three characters show us how people can survive tragedy and go on to live full lives.

Peggy woke up. She wondered where she was and why her bed was so hard. Then she remembered. She was in the wagon with John, James and Sarah and they were heading for the Wild West. “The others must have been up long ago” thought Peggy. “I think I’ll just stay in bed for another”... and before she could finish her sentence she fell asleep again. It was two o’clock before Peggy got up again. When she went to the front of the wagon there was no one there. She saw a note stuck to the fridge. It said: Back in Ireland Eily, John, Mary Brigid, Nano, Michael and Jodie were busy rebuilding the dd,, house. They had been working on it for three a e a h e y h p y e p e e l d e s l n llkk aand a H weeks but they were still only half way w Heelllloo s a w a a r o r f o f e onne through. They had rebuilt the kitchen and the w kkee yyoouu weerree ggo t ttoo w a a w waannt living room. Today they were starting on Eily ddiiddnn’’tt w and John’s bedroom. It was seven am when oouurr.. h h uupp.. n a n a n i n Mary Brigid woke up. She was still trying to bbaacckk i e b e l b l ’ l e l ’ e W W adjust to not having the cockerel to wake her , e , LLoovve up. She was looking forward to another day s e s e m a m JJa with her family. It was ten am before they started on the bedroom. At half past twelve they stopped for a break. They had biscuits and orange juice. They had a long day ahead of them.

Marita Conlon-McKenna (born 1956 in Dublin) is an Irish children's novels author. She was born in Dublin in 1956 and brought up in Goatstown. She is the author of the Children of the Famine Trilogy which was inspired by the Great Irish Famine. Marita has won several literary awards, including the International Reading Association Award', the Osterreichischer Kinder und Jugendbuchpreis, the Reading Association of Ireland Award and the Bisto Book of the Year Award (1993).

Seån Cronin and Ian-Val Austria - Mr. Nelligan’s 6th class.

The The Fisherman Fisherman from from Cefalù Cefalù

Adapted Adapted from from Favole Favole al al Telefono Telefono by Gianni Rodari by Gianni Rodari

by Gianni Rodari

- Andiamo a pescare? - disse la mattina dopo il bambino di mare con la sua vocetta sottile sottile. Andarono, e il bambino di mare disse: - Rema diritto fin che te lo dico io. Ecco, siamo arrivati. Butta la rete qua sotto. Il pescatore ubbidì, e quando ritirò la rete la vide piena come non l'aveva mai vista, ed era tutto pesce di prima qualità. Il bambino di mare battè le mani: - Te l'avevo detto, io so dove stanno i pesci. In breve tempo il pescatore arricchì, comprò una seconda barca, poi una terza, poi tante, e tutte andavano in mare a buttare le reti per lui, e le reti si riempivano di pesce fino, e il pescatore guadagnava tanti soldi che dovette far studiare da ragioniere uno dei suoi figli per contarli. Diventando ricco, però, il pescatore dimenticò quel che aveva sofferto quando era povero. Trattava male i suoi marinai, li pagava poco, e se protestavano li licenziava. - Come faremo a sfamare i nostri bambini? essi si lamentavano. - Dategli dei sassi, - egli rispondeva, - vedrete che li digeriranno. Il bambino di mare, che vedeva tutto e sentiva tutto, una sera gli disse: - Bada che quel che è stato fatto si può disfare. Ma il pescatore rise e non gli diede retta. Anzi, prese il bambino di mare, lo rinchiuse in una grossa conchiglia e lo gettò in acqua. E chissà quanto tempo dovrà passare prima che il bambino di mare possa liberarsi. Voi cosa fareste al suo posto?

AA fisherman fisherman from from Cefalù Cefalù went went fishing and catched… fishing and catched… guess guess what? what? AA little little fish, fish, as as small small as as the the little little finger. He was about to finger. He was about to throw throw it it again again into into the the sea, sea, when when he he heard heard aa really really soft soft voice voice saying saying «Don’t «Don’t throw throw me, me, don’t don’t throw throw me!» me!» -- The The voice voice came came from from inside inside the the fish: fish: the the fisherman opened it and fisherman opened it and found found aa very very very very small small child. child. «Who «Who are are you?» the fisherman asked. you?» the fisherman asked. «I «I am am the the sea sea child, child, if if you you keep keep me me with with you, you, I’ll I’ll make make your your fortune». fortune». The The fisherman accepted, fisherman accepted, but but not not very very willingly: willingly: he he had had already already seven seven children, and this one children, and this one ate ate more more than than the the others others all all together! together! The The day day after, after, the the sea sea child child told told the the fisherman: «Let’s go fishing» fisherman: «Let’s go fishing» and and ordered ordered him him to to cast cast the the nets nets in in aa certain point. So he did, and when certain point. So he did, and when he he drew drew them them back, back, there there was was plenty plenty of of first first quality quality fish! fish! «I «I told told you» you» said said the the sea sea child, child, «I «I know know where where the the fish fish is!» is!» In In aa short short time, time, the fisherman turned rich, the fisherman turned rich, and and was was able able to to afford afford two, two, three three boats, boats, and and he he caught caught lots lots of of fishes fishes and and earnt earnt so so much much money money that that one one of of his his child child must must study study to to become become account account and and count them all. count them all. But But as as long long as as he he became became rich, rich, he he forgot forgot what what he he had had suffered suffered when when he he was was aa poor poor man, man, and and treated treated his his sailors very badly, and sailors very badly, and if if they they protested, protested, he he fired fired them. them. The The sea sea child child was was not not happy happy and and warned warned him: him: «What «What II did, did, II can can undo!» undo!» But But the the fisherman fisherman closed closed him him into into aa shell shell and and threw threw him him into into the the water. water. Will Will he he manage manage to to free free himself? What would you himself? What would you do do if if you you were were him? him?

What will the Sea Child do th en?

The Sea Child managed to free himself and everytime that the fisherman from Cefal첫 cast his nets, the child told the fish to go away!

The old ha rbour in

Cefalù ph.b y Salvatore Lumia

Gianni Rodari (1920-1980) is one of the most celebrated Italian writers, known worldwide for his works for children. A former teacher, he was a journalist, and he had the merit of bring the children’s literature a new spirit. In 1970 he won the Premio Andersen, an international award for children’s writers. Here you can watch a video with Rodari reading and talking about children. This story, from «Le Favole al Telefono» (“Fairy Tales Over the Phone”, 1962), is set in Cefalù and show us how wealth often makes you forget thankfulness. Our ending is a rewarding for all those people who worked for the fisherman and were mistreated by him… and for fishes too!

Claudia Vitali, Clara Conte, Silvia Valentino, Lidia Di Maria, Eva Arato, Class VF - age 9/10

Ignacy Krasicki

Translation Translation of of child’s child’s ending ending version version -- Good, Good, I’ll I’ll take take you you on on my my back back even though the older ones didn’t’ even though the older ones didn’t’ -- the the calf calf said said and and didn’t didn’t run run away. away. The hare was very surprised at the calf’s The hare was very surprised at the calf’s reply, reply, though though he he was was sure sure the the calf calf would would run run away. away. He He was was sad sad that that his his great great friends, friends, had not much to do with the friendship. had not much to do with the friendship. The The horse horse although although he he was was huge, huge, tall tall and and strong, strong, when he saw the danger he wasn’t brave. when he saw the danger he wasn’t brave. The The ox, ox, instead instead of of saving saving him, him, preferred preferred playing playing with with the the cow, cow, rather than dealing with the dogs. rather than dealing with the dogs. The goat, The goat, appeared appeared to to feel feel sorry sorry for for the the hare, hare, but but preferred preferred to to run run away away and and hide hide himself. himself. The The wooly wooly and and soft soft ewe, ewe, was was worried worried too too much much about about the the distress distress itit would would cause. cause. However, amongst so many false friends, However, amongst so many false friends, there there was was one, one, who who was was aa true true friend. friend. The The calf, calf, although although small small and and weaker weaker than than others, others, eagerly helped, without blaming others. eagerly helped, without blaming others. So, So, when when the the hare hare was was in in despair despair about about his his fate, fate, his real friend helped him escape death. his real friend helped him escape death. Patryk Patryk Kuznik Kuznik age age 11 11

d's's LLaa olaannd ck si ra cki,i, PPol K si y ra ac K n y Ig ac y n b Ig en y ritttten b wri le w rigghht,t, wri fabble ,, ppla layyw is aa fa TThhis oovvel is is n el h is n ol h P t is rs ol fi P t e rs the fi thoorr ooff th ek.. dd G e, aauuth reek ine, an Gre Fo tain ch an Fonnta en Fr ch m en o Fr fr m or o ator fr slat ansl tran andd tr istt an alis jo rnal jouurn waass ichh w nn w so whhic ea R so f o ea e R g f A o e t g A en m t tennmen lighhte ry tury th cenntu 18 th ce in ved in TThhee EEnnlig s 18 al ed in in tu H s ec al ll tu Hee liliv te ec in ll f o te t in f en o t em v en o o er rder oonn in movem in ord as rall m ff re o as re er cultltuura w o an o p er elititee cu e ow an el th p e e iz th il e ob iz m il to ob iodd ooff souugghhtt to m erio at so that e, th ddgge. EEuuro le e. TThhee pper roppe, ow n le k w o ce n k an v ce ad an andd adv etyy an ciet soci rm so to form 20.. refo 30 1820 to re 17 m 30 –– 18 o 17 fr m as o w fr t as en w m t n en tenm PPol ishh EEnnliligghhte olis thaatt vver se,, th or erse se or ro p se in ro , p ry o in , st ry al o ionnal st ctio ct fifict inct atee ccin imat succ anim is aa su inan ppla A ts,, in blee is s, fabl lannts re A fa tu s, ea re cr tu al ea ic cr th al y ed mythic ized s, m als, orpphhiz imal anim omor th ress an fe roppom ee an thro atuure ar an feat h ic ar h h w ic re h u w at on sson less es ooff nnature rces oraall le forc mor te or fo ra s, or st ob tess aa m cts, lu ject ra il st obje at lu th il t d a an th , d s) ies), an in alititie citltlyy in an qquual ss expplilici man ed ex ppre ssed ex (g en hhuum re e iven b (giv d ex e en b e d th en at e maayy at th ichh m thee whhic to th uute raall"")),, w ib tedd to tr at (a ib e tr "moor ar at (a "m e ey h ar T . ey th h truuth. T or tr entt cien om or ee in anci isddom av in an wis ngg of aa sl of w av en sl aa sa be yin e en sayi av be h e to av ed to h osed suppppos esoopp,, su Aes aryy A le enddar leggen C.. 5500 BBC aroouunndd 55 G ecee ar reec Gre forr re fo ture ratu ee lilite tera th to g th on to el g b s on le el b b fables cki’i’ss fa sick rasi Kra ayss K aday N wad Noow ch renn.. chililddre

Links: Links Links: Links Fables Fablesand andparables parables note notewith withaafew fewtexts texts “Friends” “Friends”in in the theshadow shadowplay play

by Federico Garcìa Lorca

re,, aire el ai osaa ddel M ipos arip Mar es,, eres osaa er rmos qu herm quéé he re aire dell ai osaa de m ipos arip mar e. rde. verd do da yy ve rada dora re,, aire dell ai osaa de m ipos arip mar í!..... ahí!. ahí,í, ah ahí,í, ah atee ah ¡q édat ¡quuéd ar,, ess ppar arar erre uiie N te qqu Noo te s. res. iere quie pa rtee nnoo qu rart para re aire el ai osaa ddel M ipos arip Mar e. rde. verd do da yy ve rada dora l, dil, canndi Lu de ca Luzz de re,, aire dell ai osaa de m ipos arip mar í!..... ahí!. ahí,í, ah ahí,í, ah atee ah ¡q édat ¡quuéd ahí!í! atee ah ¡Q uéddat ¡Qué í? ahí? ás ah stás ¿est a, ¿e osa, M ipos arip Mar

Bu Butt tter erfly fly O O’th ’thee ai air.. r.... W Wha hatt be au beautitifu u full yo you ar are! e! Ai Air’s r’s Bu tte Butterf rfllyy Go Gold lden en an andd gr gree eenn Bu Butt tter erfly fly O O’th ’thee ai air… r… St Stay ay th e, ther ere, th ther ere, e, th ther ere! e! Yo Youu do don’ is n’tt w h wish to d, to en en d, Yo Youu do don’ n’tt w wan antt to to st stop op Bu Butt tter erfly fly O O’th ’thee ai air,r, Go Gold an lden en andd gr gree een, n, O Oilil la lam mp’ p’ss lig light ht Bu Butt tter erfly fly O O’th ’thee ai air.r. St Stay ay th ther ere, e, th ther ere, e, th ther ere! e! St th Stay ay ther ere! e! Bu Butt tter erfly fly… … AAre re yo youu th ther ere? e?

Federico Garcìa Lorca queros, a V e t n e (Fu en cìa Lorca r a G o 98, betwe . 8 ic 1 r , 5 e Fede n Ju ) st 18, 1936 province, u a g d u a A n . a r id G , ib d Alfacar n a r a n iz V ter prose wri er d n a t h rig th oet, playw n many o i p l a il s k s a w h nis of He neration by its Spa e n G w d o le n l k a y o- c also popularit d to the s d e n h a c t a e t t o A p tial arts. terature, st influen li o h s m i e n h a t p yS 27, is jo. th c e n tu r ie t n ero Valle e u w B t d e n h t a f n o lá Valle Inc h it w g n alo prising of u y r a it il m e after the d e t u c nity to th e fi x f e a s s a it w y b He ivil War, ly C h is n a p eing open b the S r o f d n ront a Popular F ual. homosex

Jimena Alarma, Arista Aroca y Adrián Carmona - 8 years old

BALD BOY AND OLD MILLER Keloğlan and his poor mother were struggling life with bad straits. They were eating a loaf of bread and a piece of cheese for days. According to their neighbours their land so poor it wouldn't even raise a fuss. Winter time was coming so his mother talked to him at length. “Ah my son, pure son and the bald head son. This year winter came quickly so we have to make provision without loss of time. Go and find a work said his mother.” He thought about that where and how? Finally, he decided to go out and look for a job. Firstly, he looked at the shops but he couldn’t find a work. Then he decided to go windmill. He saw an old man there and he was upset because old man had lots of Works to do. “I could work here without receiving any money” said Keloğlan . Then he came back to home and tells her mother everything. Her mother was angry and she shouted at him and she started crying. Keloğlan went to windmill everyday without receiving any Money. One day winter came; he and her mother were hungry. Keloğlan found a packet front of the door. He opened it and there were plenty of food, drinks and money in it. This packet was coming from miller and he is rewarded for his goodness. This text is translated by Metin SAVURAL


Keloğlan is the most famous and the favourite person of the Turkish children’s tale. It has great significance among the Anatolian tales. Keloğlan is a hero who lives with his poor mother and who works in order to earn his living, he is careless and chaste but a ready reply boy. Also he is a hero who finds practical solutions to the problems and who achieves his goal in the end. By playing word games, he achieves his goal sometimes thanks to his cunningness, sometimes thanks to his chastity. Keloğlan is a clever public hero who has big dreams. Sometimes he is coward but at the same time he is brave enough to have a wish of marrying the sultan’s daughter. Keloğlan is hardworking, determined, decisive, active, strong, sworn enemy of injustice and the powerful defender of nature. He can have an optimistic point of view even in the hardest situations. He can smile, he never stops laughing and singing. By his intelligence,his working and efforts, he manages to get rid of the adventure where the tale takes him to. He never forgets about his mother, always helps his friends. He treats the monsters he struggles very well after he defeats them. Keloğlan’s goal is not only to reach the children who know him, but also to reach the whole world’s children and to be a universal hero. You can find 2 tales of keloglan in this link : or You can find games,videos etc.. in this link:

from A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare

Act Act 11 Scene Scene 11

Translation Translation of of Egeus’s Egeus’s Speech Speech from from Shakespearean Shakespearean English English to to modern modern English English

Full Full of of anger anger II come come to to complain complain about about my my daughter, daughter, Hermia. Hermia. Step Step forward forward Demetrius. Demetrius. My My lord lord this this man man has my permission to marry her. Step forward has my permission to marry her. Step forward Lysander. Lysander. This This man man has has put put aa spell spell on on my my child’s child’s heart. You, you Lysander you have given her heart. You, you Lysander you have given her poems poems and and exchanged exchanged tokens tokens of of love love with with my my daughter. daughter. Pretending Pretending to to be be in in love, love, you you sing sing sweetly sweetly at at her her window under the moonlight. You’ve captured window under the moonlight. You’ve captured her her heart heart and and her her imagination imagination with with your your locks locks of of hair, hair, rings, rings, silly silly toys toys and and fancy fancy things, things, knick knick knacks, knacks, trinkets, trinkets, bunches bunches of of flowers flowers and and chocolates chocolates .You .You have persuaded this inexperienced youth. have persuaded this inexperienced youth. You have You have stolen stolen my my daughter’s daughter’s heart heart with with your your evil evil plan, plan, making making her her stubborn stubborn and and disobedient. disobedient. And And my my gracious Duke if she refuses to marry Demetrius gracious Duke if she refuses to marry Demetrius now, now, in in front front of of you you II claim claim the the right right to to punish punish her her as as II see fit. see fit. II have permission as she have permission as she belongs belongs to to me, me, II may may get get rid rid of of her her before before Lysander, Lysander, and and II can can do do whatever whatever II want, want, order order her her death death or or make make her her marry marry Demetrius. Demetrius.

It all started in Athens, And was set in the woods, When Hermia loved Lysander, And here it was about to get good. Helena loved Demitrius, But Demitrius did not love her, Demitrius loved Hermia, And this caused a bit of a stir. Egeus lived in a castle, And Lysander he thought was a bore, He ordered Hermia to marry Demitrius, But they would have to run away and be poor. Helena told Demitrius , Thinking she would win back his love, But instead he went after her, And the fairies were fluttering above.

The magic herbs juice, Went into Lysander’s eyes, And when he awoke he loved Helena, She did not think it was wise. Meanwhile a play was going on, When Bottom wanted to be every part, Bottom got turned into a Ass, And won Titania’s heart. Bottom got turned into a human, Just in time for the play, When morning awoke in the woods, Egeus did not know what to say.

by Bethan Williams, Year 6, Age 10

Midsummer Nights Dream Act 1 Scene 1 From A Midsummer Night’s Dream film production

Translated into modern English by Harvey Coster and Vinnie Adams, Year 5, Aged 10

“I come full of anger, against my daughter, Hermia“.

“Stand forward Demetrius!”

“Sir this man has my permission to marry my daughter”.

“Stand forward Lysander!”

“Sir this man has cast a spell on my daughter’s heart. You, you Lysander, you have given her poems and exchanged them for love-tokens. He sang songs to her at her window with dying verses and stolen the impression of her fantasy, with bracelets, rings, nick knacks and chocolate”.

“Because she is young, you have stolen her heart”.

“As she is mine, I can do whatever I want with her. She shall marry this man or go to her death!”.

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