Lingua e Dialettu

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by Ignazio Buttitta

La UUnn ppooppuulluu Lang ngua uage iinnaa ge an t and a dD c Dia t iale a lect a c ct u a l i u t l i i t t mmiitt t i AA Pe op People le lu pu ssppuugghhiiaattii l u a vvuuccccaa putt th them em in in ch chai ains ns i a c st i i rip t c th a st i em rip p t na p th a em ke u p d t p na t ke u aa t t d ga gagg th iirruu.. b thei ou i eirr m th l b m s, ou i a th l s, r o a c r th èè aann c o uu i they h ey ar g i ill aree st g fr h ee a st g ill .. v g fr a ee a r v t u tra LLiivvaattiiccii u Ta Take ke aw r t uu away ay uu ppaassssaappoo r t u mmaanncciiaa th ei r jo their job, b, u n nn u th thei eirr pa pass sspo aa ttaavvuullaa u n d oorrmmii,, port rt th u e d ta n th bl n e u e wh u ta n bl er n e u wh u t eree th t u they ey ea eatt uu llee t t th ee be th d th be ey . d u sl th ee c ey . p c u sl in ee i , c p r c in i , a th they ey ar èè aannccoorr a r aree st still ill ric rich. h. u l u u p l o u p p o UUnn p AA Pe ee sseerrvvuu Peop u ople r le i u v r o i p v a o a u p t g a n n a u e i t be g v l co n n m i i be e dd i v e a l co im m e u a impo n pove veris rishe hedd an uubbbbaa n u andd se r r serv a r rvile wh ile,, r i en a c ta wh ke i en n u c ta fr om ken fro th em m th qquuaannnn u em : i th thee la lang ngua uage ge d i ppaattrr i : en aadddduuttaattaa d i e m pprrii.. w endo dowed ed by th by thei eirr fa fath ther ss e m ers: s: i p is i lo st u p is fo s lo re r st u ve e fo r. s re ve u r. èè pp e r v r u e v s r e e i s l p aarroo l i o v iirruu e DDiivveennttaa pp o v o l ii nnoonn ffiigggghhiiaannuu p Th They ey be beco com mee im impo pove r veris l a rishe o hedd an p r a andd se i p wh serv en u rvile i th ile,, wh n . ei n en i u r w a d n th . or ei u d n ds i r qq u a i w d do or ' n' d ds t d i ge do ' ne n' a d t ra ge r te ne t w a ra or r te an ds u words andd th i a nn u t they ey ea eatt ea each ch ot othe her. r. ee ssii mmaanncc i a u oorraa,, u g nn u No Now w II un unde MMii nnnn''aadddd u g d u llaa cchhiittaarrrraa dduu ders rsta tand nd as r u I o d tu c as r ne c I o up tu a c ne th c e up i gu a th r e t i guita n r itarr mmee n t of of th thee di ec tt dial al ec lo losin jjoorrnnuu.. singg aa st ddiiaalleettttuu u strin l ringg aa da u a l day. d y. r a o d c r o a [… c n ] a [… i n ] d r i e ccaa pp e r d


CClilicckk oonn th thee ppicictu turreess toto kknnooww mo morree!!

CClilicckk oonn tth hee ppicicttuurree for for th thee rreeccipipee!!

During During the the last last two two generations, generations, Sicilian Sicilian had had been been considered considered as as the the language language of of the the poor poor ignorant ignorant people. people. People People was was ashamed ashamed to to speak speak in in public public using using Sicilian, Sicilian, and and the the use use of of this this language language had had been been limited limited to to jokes. jokes. Nowadays, Nowadays, we we are are trying trying to to save save our our language language memory, memory, because because if if we we lose lose our our local local language, language, we we lose lose aa whole whole world. world. Inspired Inspired by by this this poem poem dated dated 1970, 1970, we we are are learning learning words, words, poems, poems, songs songs and and popular popular sayings sayings in in our our language, language, with with translation translation in in Italian Italian and and English English and and some some of of the the languages languages we we speak speak in in class, class, when when we we knew knew the the words: words: French, French, Filipino Filipino and and Tamil. Tamil. We We have have learnt learnt that that all all languages languages are are important, important, and and that that it’s it’s important important to to know know more more than than one, one, because, because, as as aa Sicilian Sicilian proverb proverb says says «Cu «Cu havi havi lingua lingua passa passa uu mari» mari» (The (The one one who who has has language, language, gets gets across across the the sea). sea).

IIggnnaazio zio B Buuttttititttaa ( m 1 moosstt im imppoorrttan (1889999--11999977) w antt S ) waass oone cceennttuury Sic icililia ne ooff tthe ian ry. H he wrroottee bbo n ppooeettss in IIttaaliliaan. . Hee w in t h e t h e ppaasstt otthh in n. IInn tthhe in S ic S icililia e 11997700s h tthhaatt dia iann aanndd in s hee w diale c le t a w c s c t a o a s c u w o ld aanndd,, in awaarree of in uld bbeeccom o in hhis o is w woorrkkss,, he mee aa ddeeaadd la f tthhee rris isk S Sic icililia n la h c iann la e coonnttrribu ngguuaaggee k lanngguuaage ib t e utedd ttoo k ge aalilivve. keeeepp e. H e Herree is is aa vvid ideeoo w tthhee w witithh tthhe whhoole e ccoom le p pooeem ccoom m lettee ppooem w witithh EEnngli mpple mm meenntt.. He em,, hheere g s h li H s r t h eree is re W trraannssla Wik is aa lilinnkk t ikip t la io ipeeddia t ionn aanndd oo B ia in t in S u B p t S t u a W t pannis tttitittta’s Wik ikip ishh aanndd a ipeeddia nnootthher a’s ppaaggee aatt a in S Sic EEnngglilish ia in ililia ic er lilinnk e sh ppaagge w iann.. H is aa lilinnkk t k ttoo e witithh crit Herree is critic too aann icss aanndd so som mee ppooeem mss..

Class V E, aged 9/11 - Direzione Didattica Statale G.Pitré-M.Rapisardi, Palermo, Italy

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