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新多益藍皮書 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

發 行 人


總 編 輯







英文編輯 英文錄音

Jenny Wilsen · Mike Corsini Jenny Wilsen · Mike Corsini · Joseph Schier Carrie Marshall · Nick Wheeler · Heather Brown











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民國 年 月 初版一刷

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互 動 英 語 教 學 集 團







Part 1 照片描述 Photographs


Part 2 應答問題 Question-Response


Part 3 簡短對話 Short Conversations


Part 簡短獨白 Short Talks

Part 單句填空 Incomplete Sentences


Part 段落填空 Text Completion


Part 閱讀測驗 Reading Comprehension



Test 1 模擬試題 Listening Test

1 1

Test 1 模擬試題 Reading Test

1 1

Test 2 模擬試題 Listening Test


Test 2 模擬試題 Reading Test


Test 1 模擬試題解析 Answer Key


Test 2 模擬試題解析 Answer Key





Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

TOEIC 多益測驗是近年來熱門的檢定考試,對於上班族或即將進入職場的社會新 鮮人來說,這項測驗已成為評量個人英語能力的指標。TOEIC 雖是為職場人士設計的 考試,但並非只著重專業領域,除了與職場相關的議題如一般商務、採購、財務預算、 管理事務等,日常生活中談論的話題如旅遊、飲食及娛樂也都是評量的範圍。 本書分成四個部份,第一部份是關於新版多益考試的應考資訊;第二部份是針對聽 力及閱讀共七大單元提供的應考策略;第三部份提供兩回完整的模擬試題;第四部份則 是兩回試題的逐題解析。希望藉由本書能協助您了解 TOEIC 測驗題型、掌握應考訣竅, 順利取得高分的金色證書。


Test Information

六、TOEIC 成績與英語能力參照

四、新版多益測驗題型簡介 紙筆測驗








45 分鐘

75 分鐘

20 分鐘

60 分鐘


100 題

100 題

11 題




題目及選項印在 題本上

對複雜的英語錄 音作出應答

對複雜的英語文 章作出回應

5–495 分

5–495 分

0–200 分

0–200 分


1. 聽力測驗時會聽到各類英語之直述句、問句、簡短對話以及簡短獨白,須

多益測驗的記分方式由答對題數決定,再將每一大類(聽力類、閱讀類)答對題數轉換 成分數,總分在 10 分到 990 分之間。 多益英語測驗所提供的語言能力測驗指標相當可靠,得到不同的成績代表擁有不同層級 的英語能力,請參閱以下對照表。




英語能力已十分接近英語母語人士,能夠流暢有 調理的表達意見、參與談話、主持英文會議、調 和衝突並做出結論,語言使用上即使有瑕疵,亦 不會造成理解上的困擾。


可有效運用英語滿足社交及工作所需,措詞恰 當,表達流暢;但在某些特定情形下,如:面臨 緊張壓力、討論話題過於冷僻艱澀時,仍會顯現 出語言能力不足的狀況。


可以英語進行一般社交場合的談話,能夠應付例 行性的業務需求、參加英文會議、聽取大部分要 點;但無法流利的以英語發表意見、作辯論,使 用的字彙、句型亦以一般常見者為主。


英文文字溝通能力尚可,會話方面稍嫌辭彙不 足、語言簡單,但已能掌握少量工作相關語言, 可以從事英語相關程度較低的工作。


語言能力僅僅侷限在簡單的一般日常對話,同時 無法做連續性交談,亦無法用英文工作。


只能以背誦的句子進行問答而不能自行造句,尚 無法將英語當作溝通工具來使用。


2. 閱讀測驗時考生可在時間內依自己能力調配閱讀及答題速度。 備註

3. 口說測驗評量字彙、發音、文法、流暢度及較長的談話發表。 4. 寫作測驗由句子到段落分別評量字彙、文法、理解及組織能力。 5. 其他:在答案卷上填寫個人資料,並簡短回答關於教育與工作經歷的問 卷。

五、新、舊版多益測驗題型比較表 聽力測驗




Part 1

照片描述 20 題

照片描述 10 題

題數減少 10 題

Part 2

應答問題 30 題

應答問題 30 題


Part 3

簡短對話 30 題

簡短對話 30 題

Part 4

簡短獨白 20 題 題組出題

簡短獨白 30 題

1. 變成題組 2. 對話時間加長 3. 題目印於題本上且同 時播放



1. 獨白時間加長 2. 每 段 獨 白 搭 配 3 道

金色 (860–990)


提供關於新版多益考試的相關資 訊,掌握考試訊息。



藍色 (730–855)

綠色 (470–725)

棕色 (220–465)

橘色 (10–215)


Part 5

單句填空 40 題

單句填空 40 題


Part 6

挑錯 20 題

段落填空 12 題

移除原有挑錯題,新增 段落填空題

Part 7

文章理解 40 題 題組出題

單篇文章理解 28 題


雙篇文章理解 20 題

新增具關聯性的雙篇文 章,並以交叉題組出題








Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

16 地點題:與地點有關的題型包括:所在地、情境、環境等。


人物題 : 與人物有關的題型包括:性別、人數、身分、關係、職業、表情、穿 著外觀等。


• She is behind the counter. 她在櫃台後面。


• Jars of candy are on the store’s back wall. 商店後牆上有幾罐糖果。

• The woman is wearing a tool belt. 女子戴著工具袋。

• The woman is wearing a collared shirt. 女子穿著有領的襯衫。

Track 1 (A) The woman is being trained how to use a saw. (B) The woman is wearing a utility belt. (C) The woman is cutting wood into smaller pieces. (D) The woman is painting the ceiling.

針對聽力及閱讀七大單元提供應考 策略。 q【題型解析】 說明 NEW TOEIC 七單元的常考 題型,幫助您掌握出題方向。

• She is in a candy store.

• There is a woman in the room.


Part 1

Part 1 常考的題型有人物、地點、動作、物件,考試時先仔細觀察照片,利用影

Track 2

(A) (B) (C) (D)

The store has paintings on the wall. The store is full of customers. The woman is working in a candy store. The scene is very noisy and chaotic. 由照片中出現的糖果罐和女子的動作可看出她在 candy store(糖果店)工作。(A) painting(畫),照片中的牆壁上並沒有任何畫; (B) full of customers(充滿顧 客); (D) chaotic(混亂的;無秩序的) ,皆與圖示不合。

照片中只有女子一人,拿著 saw(電鋸)、戴著 utility belt(工具袋)。(A) train (訓練),圖中只有女子一人並沒有人在教她使用鋸子; (C) cut(切割),女子並沒 有在切割任何東西,她只是拿著電鋸; (D) paint the ceiling(粉刷天花板)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC




Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

題型 解析

13 Test Information


w【重點說明】 針對各題型說明準備重點,破解考 題陷阱。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

e【暖身練習】 每個題型提供一到兩題練習及解 析,聽力測驗的部份請搭配 MP3 練習。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

From the Editor


From the Editor

r【考前快覽】 根據不同題型,在第四單元至第七單元提供考前快覽,讓您可立即掌握該題型的重點。 t【重點叮嚀】 根據各單元的準備方向,提供不同的注意事項。 y【作答技巧】 根據每單元提供快速的作答技巧 。 u【模擬測驗 / 模擬測驗解答】 每單元最後均附上模擬試題,馬上練習培養實力,測驗後並提供逐題解析。 58

52 Part 3

Part 4

題型 解析

Part 4 的考題是多篇不同形式的獨白,常見的有演講內容、會議或研討會的開場

白、商場或機場廣播、新聞報導、推銷廣告、導覽介紹,客戶申訴及圖表描述等 多元的主題。以下列舉十五篇短文,來看看這些主題的內容重點及關鍵字詞:


* 以歡迎詞開場

* 主題的背景介紹

* 說明主題的目的


2. 與主旨或大意相關:mainly(主要)、overall(總體而言) 3. 與隱含的意思相關:most likely(最有可能)、probably(大概)、implied (隱含的)

重點 叮嚀

作答 技巧


Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4:


先快速閱讀問題。 仔細聆聽對話內容。 思考可能的答案。 找出符合你所想的答案。

Part 3

• introduce 介紹 • experience 經驗 • a warm welcome 熱烈歡迎 • it’s my pleasure 這是我的榮幸 • join me in welcoming (name) 讓我們一起歡迎…… • hand over the mic/floor/stage to sb 把麥克風 / 發言權 / 舞台 / 交給某人

1. 與特殊細節相關:what type/kind of(哪一種)、what is true(哪個選項

38 Part 2



重點 叮嚀


Track 42

It is my pleasure to introduce you to the winner of the last essay competition John Greene. Mr. Greene has kindly decided to come here today to share his experiences as a professional writer with us all and, hopefully, pass on a few tips to those of us who are thinking about entering this year’s competition. So if you’d please join me in welcoming Mr. John Greene.

Q: How do you manage to stay in such great shape?

你怎麼設法自己保持這麼好的身 材?

R: (✘) My father is the manager of a large office.


(✔) It’s quite easy since I go running every morning.

非常容易,因為我每天早上都去 慢跑。

manage(設法)與 manager(經理)發音類似。

很榮幸為各位介紹上屆論文競賽的優勝者,約翰.格林。格林先生欣然決定今天 親臨會場和在座各位分享作為一名職業作家的經驗,希望能傳授一些技巧給我們這些 想要參加今年競賽的人。請和我一起歡迎約翰.格林先生。

模擬 測驗

Q: Do you know a good store to rent a tuxedo?


R: (✘) The tuxedo store rented me a good suit.

那間晚禮服店租給我一套不錯的 禮服。









Questions 1–2 refer to the following conversation.

(✔) I think there’s a cheap one on King St.


錯誤的答案裡出現與題目相同的 tuxedo、good、store 等字,但其實是陷阱。

題目問到:「約翰.格林最可能從事什麼職業?」,由 share his experiences as a professional writer (分享作為一名職業作家的經驗)可知他可能是作家,故選 (A)。(B) 他當比賽的評審; (C) 他訓練運動員; (D) 他是演員。

F: Trust me. He’ll be ecstatic to meet you. • drop in (on sb) 順道拜訪(某人) • ecstatic 非常高興的

1. What does the man not want to do? (A) Call Matt on the phone (B) Visit his college (C) Meet his old college friend (D) Visit Matt without notice

由 share his experiences(分享經驗)及 pass on a few tips(傳授一些技巧)兩 點可知這場演說的目的是要提供寫作建議,故選 (C)。(A) 提供演說的建議; (B) 如 何有效減重; (D) 提供演戲技巧的建議。

Q: Was the meter correct?


R: (✔) Yes, it was.


(✔) Yes, he said there wasn’t a problem.


(✔) He said so.


(✔) He said there wasn’t a problem.


Track 38

I really don’t think we should drop in on Matt like this.(我不認為要順道去 拜訪麥特) ,like this 指的就是 visit Matt without notice(沒有通知就去拜訪) , 可知男子認為應該要先通知對方,故選 (D)。

1. What does the man not want to do? (A) Call Matt on the phone (B) Visit his college (C) Meet his old college friend (D) Visit Matt without notice

2. How does the woman think Matt will feel? (A) He will be extremely bored. (B) He will be extremely irritated. (C) He will be extremely happy. (D) He will be extremely worried.

2. How does the woman think Matt will feel? (A) He will be extremely bored. (B) He will be extremely irritated. (C) He will be extremely happy. (D) He will be extremely worried.


What is the purpose of John Greene’s talk? (A) To give advice on public speaking (B) How to lose weight effectively (C) To give advice on writing (D) To give advice on acting techniques

extremely(非常地),由最後一句 He’ll be ecstatic to meet you.(他一定會非 常高興見到你)可知答案是 (C)。(A) bored(無趣的); (B) irritated(惱怒的); (D) worried(擔心的)。

Questions 3–4 refer to the following conversation.

作答 技巧

M: I’m sorry, ma’am. We respect the privacy of our guests and do not give out room numbers. Perhaps you could use the courtesy phone on the opposite end of the lobby.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Step 1: 仔細聆聽對話,想想題目所屬的類型。 Step 2: 聆聽答案時記下重要字詞。 Step 3: 刪除錯誤答案。 Step 4: 在下一題開始前選出答案。

F: I have; no one picked up. She’s a college friend. She’s expecting me. There must be some way for you to help. M: Again, I’m sorry. Telling you her room number is against hotel policy. • privacy 隱私 • courtesy phone 旅客服務電話

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC




Test 1

提供兩回模擬試題,考題 多元豐富,讓您在正式應 考前培養基本實力。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Listening Comprehension


Track 39

F: Could you tell me which room Glenna Dwight is in?

除了直接回答外,暗示性的答案如上面的 He said so. 及 He said there wasn’t a

problem. 也會出現在這類考題中。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Track 38

M: I really don’t think we should drop in on Matt like this.

M: But you haven’t seen him in fifteen years, Tina.


What does John Green most likely do for a living? (A) He is a writer. (B) He judges competitions. (C) He trains athletes. (D) He is an actor.

模擬測驗解答 Questions 1–2 refer to the following conversation.

F: He’s an old college friend of mine. It’ll be fine. We’re only in town for a few days. If we don’t see him now, we won’t have time later.


For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.


Track 61



164 76. From the talk, what is true? (A) The government and post office are in agreement. (B) The speaker agrees with the government. (C) The speaker agrees with the post office. (D) The government and post office are not in agreement.

You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

Statement (C), “A pair of eyeglasses is in the man’s hand.” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (C) Track 64 and mark it on your answer sheet.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

71. What is the speaker discussing? (A) A problem with the company’s computing system (B) A problem with the kitchen staff (C) A notice in the hallway (D) New rules for engineers 72. Why did the servers become too hot? (A) An engineer turned on the heat (B) Too many people were using the servers (C) There was an electrical problem (D) A new employee turned off the air conditioner 73. When will everything be back to normal? (A) Tomorrow morning (B) Friday (C) Next week (D) Over the weekend 74. What do top postal employees want? (A) To reduce the number of jobs (B) To fight private shipping agencies (C) To reduce their incomes (D) To lower the cost of postage 75. Who is the speaker? (A) A television newscaster (B) A government official (C) A museum tour guide (D) An economics professor

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1

Listening Comprehension

Sample Answer




77. What is expected to happen this summer? (A) Temperatures will be very high around the world. (B) Air conditioners will sell well. 4. (C) People will be unprepared for summer. (D) There will be a record-setting number of fluorocarbons. 78. What discount will customers receive before midnight on Friday? (A) Five percent (B) Fifty percent Go on the next page > (C) Twenty-five percent (D) Fifteen percent 79. What is the name of the company selling air conditioners? (A) Globe (B) Blowhard (C) Fluorocarbons (D) Midnight 80. What is the speaker describing? (A) Car rental prices (B) Vacation prices (C) Flight schedules (D) Web site design 81. When are the special deals available? (A) In February (B) This week only (C) All year (D) After the winter

Go on the next page >


The woman is making a reservation. The woman is inspecting a document. The woman is talking to the other women. The woman is counting money.

4. (A) The person is looking up a word. (B) The person is putting a cap on her pen. (C) The person is filling out a form. (D) The person is writing a letter to a friend.

,所以 (D) 為正確 由圖片判斷女子正在數鈔票(count money) 答案。

由圖片可看出某個人正在填寫表格( fill out a form ),故選

(C)。 • look up 查詢 • cap 筆蓋

• reservation 預約 • inspect a document 審查文件(inspect 檢查;審查)

5. (A) Two people are on the escalator. (B) Two people are ascending a circular staircase. (C) Two people are in an unfurnished room. (D) Two people are descending a staircase.

2. (A) The woman is an agent in a front yard. (B) The woman is a nurse in a large hospital. (C) The woman is a cleaner at a hair salon. (D) The woman is a secretary in an office.

圖中兩人正在下樓,故選 (D)。(A) 兩人在手扶梯上; (B) 兩人 正在爬螺旋式樓梯; (C) 兩人在沒有附傢俱的房間,均與圖片不 合。

圖中牌子上的 SOLD 表示「售出」。在房子前面立個出售牌子 是美國銷售房子的主要方式之一,可以推論這位女士的職業可能 是房屋仲介人員(real estate agent) ,答案是 (A)。

• escalator 電動手扶梯 • ascend 上升;往上走 • circular staircase 螺旋式樓梯

• hair salon 髮廊、美髮院



TRANSCRIPT OF Under Management, Season 2, Episode 4 Janet: So, Mitchell. We’re finalizing the health

plans this week. Which one have you decided to offer your staff?

Mitchell: Only the best. You know, the one with

the acupuncture, therapeutic massage options. My employees deserve the works.

(audience laughs)


• purse 女用皮包

珍妮 : 嘿,米契爾,我們這 禮拜要決定健康險的 方案。你要選哪一家 給你的員工?

Mitchell: I did. Did you? I’m talking about Cognet’s

Goldnet Plan.

Janet: The Goldnet Plan from Cognet? There’s no way I’m authorizing that. Not even I,

the CEO, am on that plan.

Mitchell: Well, I’d recommend it. It’s very good. I’ll

have my entire team signed up for the Gold Plan. Is that all, boss?

Janet: No, it is not all. This whole issue of

changing health plans is to save money. All I need you to do is choose the cheapest plan. I think even a monkey could do that, Mitchell.

(audience laughs)

DATE: May 1, 2009 SUBJECT: Using Trademarked Names

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

In last night’s Under Management show (Season 2, Episode 4), two main characters refer to Cognet and Goldnet Plan, both trademarked names held by the insurance company Cognet. This morning, our office received a phone call from Cognet’s lawyers, but the situation has been dealt with. We settled this by paying a retroactive royalty fee.

(觀眾笑聲) 珍妮 : 等等,針灸?這些方 案都沒有包括針灸 啊。你有把資料都仔 細看過嗎?

珍妮 : 寇 內 公 司 的 金 網 方 案?我不可能批准 的。就連我這個執行 長都不能用這個方案。

It is unfortunate that this was not caught during the January workshop nor in February’s filming, nor in March’s screening.

米契爾 : 喔,我倒很推薦呢。 這個方案很好啊。我 會讓整組員工都用金 網方案。沒別的事了 吧,老闆?

I hope in the future we will all be more aware of the names we use. Please use fake names, or if necessary, be sure all permissions are in hand before we reach the workshop stage.


(audience laughs)

珍妮 : 不,還有,更換健康 險方案的目的就是要 省錢。我只要你選最 便宜的方案。我想連 猴子都會選,米契爾。

多益測驗分數換算對照表 原始測驗 分數換算



100-98 495 495 97 495 495 96 495 490 95 495 485 94 495 480 93 495 470 92 495 465 91 495 455 90 495 450 89 490 445 88 485 435 87 480 430 86 475 425 85 470 420 84 465 415 83 460 410 82 450 405 81 445 400 80 440 395 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 79 430 390 ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER 78 No. 425 No. 385 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. A B C D A B C A B C A B C A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C 77 D A B C 420 D A B C 380 D 76 410 370 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 75 405 365 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 74 82 400 92 360 63 73 3 13 23 33 43 53 73 83 395 93 355 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 4 14 72 390 350 71 85 385 95 340 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 70 86 380 96 335 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 69 370 330 87 97 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 68 365 325 48 58 68 78 88 98 8 18 28 38 67 360 320 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 9 66 89 350 99 310 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 65 90 345100 305 64 340 300 63 330 290 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 62 325 285 ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER 61 320 280 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 60 No. 315 No. 270


TOEIC® 模擬測驗 (1)答 案 紙




131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140


141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150


151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160

令人遺憾的是,經過一月的劇本 討論、二月的拍攝和三月的試 映,居然都沒有人發現這個問 題。 希望未來我們使用名稱的時候要 更小心。請使用假名,如果非用 真名不可,一定要在劇本討論之 前取得所有的同意書。

• permission 同意;允許 • retroactive 有追溯效力的 • royalty 版權費 • workshop 專題研討會

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

完成兩回模擬測驗後,先核對答案,確認答對的題數,各單元答對的題數就是該 單元的原始分數,分別計算聽力與閱讀的原始分數後再對照下表,就可以換算出 實際的得分。

121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130

在昨晚的《管理風雲》 (第二季 第四集),兩名主角提到了寇內 公司與金網方案,這兩者皆為寇 內保險公司註冊的商標。今天早 上,寇內公司的律師打電話到製 片室,不過事情已獲得處理。我 們補付版權費,解決了問題。

第一篇文本(transcript)一開始就有標示 Season 2, Episode 4(第二季 第四集),還有 audience laughs (觀眾笑聲),可見這是喜劇的劇本,故 選 (C)。(A) 寇內公司的電視廣告(commercial),但是後來製片室需要補 付寇內公司版權費,可見這不是該公司的廣告; (B) 關於保險員(insurance agents)的電視節目,劇中人物是在談論健康險,而非保險員; (D) 訪問兩 名寇內公司的主管。

TOEIC® 測驗分數換算對照表


請注意,無論如何,我們都應避 免使用註冊商標,除非商標的所 有權人已簽署正式文件,同意我 們使用。

186. What is the transcript of? (A) A Cognet TV commercial (B) A TV show about insurance agents (C) A sitcom on television (D) An interview of two Cognet managers

( 觀眾笑聲 ) • acupuncture 針灸 • therapeutic 有療效的 • recommend 推薦

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120

收信人 :《管理風雲》編劇群 送信人 : 製片室 萊斯利.曼德 日 期 : 二○○九年五月一日 主 旨 : 使用註冊商標事宜

Please note: Trademarked names are to be avoided at all costs, unless permission from the trademark holder has signed the proper permissions documents.

米契爾 : 我只選最好的。妳知 道,就是有含針灸和 按摩治療的那一家。 我的員工應該要好好 治療一下。

米契爾 : 有啊。那妳有嗎 ? 我 說的是寇內公司的金 網方案。

have acupuncture. Have you looked at the packet closely?


圖中兩人在路上邊走邊說,故答案為 (D)。(A) 女子拿著皮包; 年輕男子頭髮留到下巴,以上均與 (B) 年輕男子戴著眼鏡; TO:(C) Under Management Writers 圖片不合。 FROM: Leslie Mand, Producer’s Office

transcript and memo.

Janet: Wait, acupuncture? None of the plans


兩回模擬試題均包含試題解析,並 在第四單元簡短獨白和閱讀測驗的 部份題提供完整中譯及重點單字, 讓您理解考題內容,分析錯誤選項 及考題陷阱,快速獲得正確解題。

Test 1 Answer Key

Reading Comprehension

由此圖得知小男孩準備要吹熄蠟燭( ) , blow out thetocandles Questions 186–190 refer the following 而其他選項均與此圖不合,故答案是 (D)。

101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110


6. (A) The woman is holding a purse. (B) The young man is wearing glasses. (C) The young man has chin-length hair. (D) The two people are walking on the street.

3. (A) A birthday hat is on the woman’s head. (B) The cake is in the dad’s hands. (C) Birthday candles are on the table. (D) One boy is about to blow out the candles.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

Listening Comprehension

PART 1 1. (A) (B) (C) (D)


161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170


171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180

59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51


181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190

310 300191 295192 290193 280194 275 195 270 260196 255197

198 199 200


265 260 255 250 240 235 230 225 220

原始測驗 分數換算



50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 1-3

250 245 240 230 220 215 210 200 195 190 185 180 175 170 165 160 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 5 5 5

215 210 200 195 190 180 175 170 165 160 150 145 140 130 125 120 115 110 100 95 90 85 80 70 65 60 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

附錄 提供模擬測驗答案紙與分數換算對照 表,可增加實際測試的臨場感及了解 自己的實力。

CD-ROM + MP3 互動光碟收錄兩回模擬測驗題目及解析,MP3 則提供聽力部份各單元的練習及聽力測 驗,讀者可反覆播放練習,適應多國口音及速度,做好聽力測驗的準備。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

From the Editor


User Guide

如何使用光碟 系統最低需求

• 處理器 133MHZ 或以上 • MB 記憶體 • 全彩顯示卡(1 K 色以上) • 硬碟需求空間 0MB • Adobe Flash Player

• MS-WINDOWS 2000 以上繁體中文版 • 倍速光碟機 • 音效卡、喇叭、麥克風 • Microsoft Media Player

光碟安裝程序 步驟一: 進入中文視窗。 步驟二: 將光碟片放進光碟機。 步驟三: 本產品備有 Auto Run 執行功能,如果您的電腦支援 Auto Run 光碟程 式自動執行規格,則將自動顯現【新多益藍皮書】之安裝畫面。

1. 如果您的電腦已安裝過本公司產品,如【CNN 互動英語雜誌】或【Live 互動 英語雜誌】,您可以直接點選「快速安裝」圖示,進行快速安裝;否則,請點選 「安裝」圖示,進行安裝。

2. 如果您的電腦無法支援 Auto Run 光碟程式自動執行規格,請打開 Windows 檔案總管,點選光碟機代號,並執行光碟根目錄的 autorun.exe 程式。 3. 如果執行 autorun.exe 尚無法安裝本光碟,請進入本光碟的 setup 資料夾, 並執行 setup.exe 檔案,即可進行安裝程式。 . 如果您想要移除【新多益藍皮書】,請點選「開始」,選擇「設定」,選擇「控制 台」,選擇「新增 移除程式」,並於清單中點選「新多益藍皮書」,並執行「新 增 移除」功能即可。

操作說明 點選執行即可進入本光碟的學習內容,依序說明如下: 主畫面 進入主畫面可看到 Test 1 及 Test 2 兩回測驗,點選任一圖示即可進入測試單元。

測試單元 提供有關光碟使 用與學習上相關 的協助 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

連結至 LiveABC 及相關部門網站, 提供豐富的學習資 源與訊息 退出光碟

點選進入閱讀測驗三個 單元 切換回到主畫面

該單元完成的題數及花 費的時間 測試單元作答說明

可選擇其他測驗單元 按下此圖示可檢視測驗記 錄及解析

在閱讀測驗單元可依照答 題習慣及速度選擇題目順 序

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

User Guide

點選進入聽力測驗四個 單元

10 User Guide

內含各題解析說明及測 驗日期、得分、使用時 間、測試類型等訊息 可列印整回解析內容

聽力 MP3 電腦互動光碟中含有聽力測驗 MP3 的內容,您可以放在 MP3 播放器聆聽,也可 以將光碟放置於電腦中,從「我的電腦」點選您的光碟機,點選【新多益藍皮書】 資料夾即可看見 MP3 音檔,使用播放軟體來聆聽 MP3 內容。

請注意 在 Vista 系統中,如果安裝互動光碟時遇到以下問題: 1. 出現【安裝字型錯誤】之訊息 2. 出現【無法安裝語音辨識】之訊息 請依照下列步驟再執行一次: 1. 移除該產品 2. 進入控制台 3. 點選「使用者帳戶」選項 . 點選「開啟或關閉使用者帳戶控制」 . 將「使用(使用者帳戶控制)UAC 來協助保護您的電腦」該項目取消勾選。 . 再次執行安裝光碟

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

11 一、什麼是多益測驗? TOEIC 多益測驗全名是 Test of English for International Communication(國際 溝通英語測驗),這是針對英語非母語人士所設計之英語能力測驗,其測驗分數反映受 測者在國際職場環境中與他人以英語溝通的熟稔程度,不過參加本測驗並不需具備專業 的知識或字彙,因為測驗內容以日常使用之英語為主。多益測驗是以職場為基準點的英 語能力測驗,每年全球有六十多個國家,超過八千家企業、政府單位、學校及各類機構 使用 TOEIC 作為英語能力評量工具。

二、誰需要多益認證? 每天工作環境中會用到英語之人士,例如在企業、飯店、醫院、餐廳、 航空業、以及經 常要出席國際會議的專業人士。 ' 跨國企業的員工,英語已經成為必要的工具。 ' 欲在履歷表與學歷證件上,附有經國際肯定的英語能力檢定者。 跨國企業以及其他民營機構皆可以採用多益測驗來因應下列的需要: ' 招募員工時可設定應徵或報名考試之標準。 ' 評量員工英語程度作為升等、海外受訓及開會的甄選參考。 ' 作為英語進修課程編班標準以及檢定進修效果。

三、多益測驗考哪些內容? 多益測驗的設計以職場需要為主。測驗題的內容是從全世界各地職場的英文資料中蒐集 而來,題材多元,包含各種地點與狀況: 一般商務 製造業 金融 / 預算 企業發展 辦公室

契約、談判、行銷、銷售、商業企劃、會議 工廠管理、生產線、品管 銀行業務、投資、稅務、會計、帳單 研究、產品研發 董事會、委員會、信件、備忘錄、電話、傳真、電子郵件、辦公室 器材與傢俱、辦公室流程





技術層面 房屋 / 公司地產 旅遊

電子、科技、電腦、實驗室與相關器材、技術規格 建築、規格、購買租賃、電力瓦斯服務 火車、飛機、計程車、巴士、船隻、渡輪、票務、時刻表、車站、 機場廣播、租車、飯店、預訂、脫班與取消


商務 / 非正式午餐、宴會、招待會、餐廳訂位





Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test Information



12 Test Information

四、新版多益測驗題型簡介 紙筆測驗










20 分鐘

0 分鐘


100 題

100 題

11 題



題目及選項印在 題本上

對複雜的英語錄 音作出應答

對複雜的英語文 章作出回應


– 分

– 分

0–200 分

0–200 分

1. 聽力測驗時會聽到各類英語之直述句、問句、簡短對話以及簡短獨白,須 依照錄音帶的播放速度作答。

2. 閱讀測驗時考生可在時間內依自己能力調配閱讀及答題速度。 備註

3. 口說測驗評量字彙、發音、文法、流暢度及較長的談話發表。 . 寫作測驗由句子到段落分別評量字彙、文法、理解及組織能力。 . 其他:在答案卷上填寫個人資料,並簡短回答關於教育與工作經歷的問 卷。

五、新、舊版多益測驗題型比較表 聽力測驗




Part 1

照片描述 20 題

照片描述 10 題

題數減少 10 題

Part 2

應答問題 30 題

應答問題 30 題


Part 3

簡短對話 30 題

簡短對話 30 題

1. 變成題組 2. 對話時間加長 3. 題目印於題本上且同 時播放

Part 4

簡短獨白 20 題 題組出題


簡短獨白 30 題

1. 獨白時間加長 2. 每 段 獨 白 搭 配 3 道 題目




Part 5

單句填空 0 題

單句填空 0 題


Part 6

挑錯 20 題

段落填空 12 題

移除原有挑錯題,新增 段落填空題

Part 7

文章理解 0 題 題組出題

單篇文章理解 2 題


雙篇文章理解 20 題

新增具關聯性的雙篇文 章,並以交叉題組出題








Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

13 多益測驗的記分方式由答對題數決定,再將每一大類(聽力類、閱讀類)答對題數轉換 成分數,總分在 10 分到 0 分之間。 多益英語測驗所提供的語言能力測驗指標相當可靠,得到不同的成績代表擁有不同層級 的英語能力,請參閱以下對照表。




英語能力已十分接近英語母語人士,能夠流暢有 調理的表達意見、參與談話、主持英文會議、調 和衝突並做出結論,語言使用上即使有瑕疵,亦 不會造成理解上的困擾。


可有效運用英語滿足社交及工作所需,措詞恰 當,表達流暢;但在某些特定情形下,如:面臨 緊張壓力、討論話題過於冷僻艱澀時,仍會顯現 出語言能力不足的狀況。



可以英語進行一般社交場合的談話,能夠應付例 行性的業務需求、參加英文會議、聽取大部分要 點;但無法流利的以英語發表意見、作辯論,使 用的字彙、句型亦以一般常見者為主。


英文文字溝通能力尚可,會話方面稍嫌辭彙不 足、語言簡單,但已能掌握少量工作相關語言, 可以從事英語相關程度較低的工作。


語言能力僅僅侷限在簡單的一般日常對話,同時 無法做連續性交談,亦無法用英文工作。


只能以背誦的句子進行問答而不能自行造句,尚 無法將英語當作溝通工具來使用。

金色 (860–990)

藍色 (730–855)

綠色 (470–725)

棕色 (220–465)

橘色 (10–215)

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test Information

六、TOEIC 成績與英語能力參照

Part 1

Photographs 照片描述 TOEIC 考試中,這個部份會有 10 題,每題有一張照片,你會聽 到針對每張照片所做的四段描述,每題只播放一次,在四個選項 中,請選擇將照片描述得最完整的句子。

16 Part 1

題型 解析

Part 1 常考的題型有人物、地點、動作、物件,考試時先仔細觀察照片,利用影 像中的線索和情境來幫你作答。接下來,請看照片及相關的敘述來練習。

人物題 : 與人物有關的題型包括:性別、人數、身分、關係、職業、表情、穿 著外觀等。

• There is a woman in the room. 有一女子在房間裡。

• The woman is wearing a tool belt. 女子戴著工具袋。

• The woman is wearing a collared shirt. 女子穿著有領的襯衫。

Track 1 (A) The woman is being trained how to use a saw. (B) The woman is wearing a utility belt. (C) The woman is cutting wood into smaller pieces. (D) The woman is painting the ceiling. 照片中只有女子一人,拿著 saw(電鋸)、戴著 utility belt(工具袋)。(A) train (訓練),圖中只有女子一人並沒有人在教她使用鋸子; (C) cut(切割),女子並沒 有在切割任何東西,她只是拿著電鋸; (D) paint the ceiling(粉刷天花板)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


• She is in a candy store. 她在一間糖果店裡。

• She is behind the counter. 她在櫃台後面。

• Jars of candy are on the store’s back wall. 商店後牆上有幾罐糖果。

Track 2

(A) The store has paintings on the wall. (B) The store is full of customers. (C) The woman is working in a candy store. (D) The scene is very noisy and chaotic. 由照片中出現的糖果罐和女子的動作可看出她在 candy store(糖果店)工作。(A) painting(畫),照片中的牆壁上並沒有任何畫; (B) full of customers(充滿顧 客); (D) chaotic(混亂的;無秩序的),皆與圖示不合。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC



18 Part 1


• No one is using a computer. 沒有人在用電腦。

• The four people are focusing their attention on the man in the middle. 四人的注意力都在中間男子的身上。

• There are five people holding a meeting in a conference room. 有五個人在會議室開會。

Track 3 (A) Three of the people have papers in front of them. (B) The men are writing notes. (C) One man is holding his head in his hands. (D) The people are standing at a table. 圖片中間的男子正用手抱著頭,所以 (C) 的敘述正確。(A) 三個人前方放著報告,與 圖片不合; (B) write notes(記筆記); (D) stand at a table(站在桌邊) ,但圖中 五人都是坐著的。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


• A pen is in between a teacup and a cell phone. 筆在茶杯和手機的中間。

• The cup is full of tea. 杯子裝滿了茶。

• The pen is uncapped. 這隻筆沒有套筆蓋。

• The phone has an antenna. 這隻電話有根天線。

Track 4 (A) A phone is next to a notepad. (B) Notes are being written. (C) The pen is on top of the teacup. (D) A spoon is resting on a saucer. rest 是「放置」,圖中的湯匙放在碟子(saucer)上,所以(D)是正確的; (A) 手機 放在筆記本旁邊; (B) 此句應該是 notes have already been written(筆記已寫 下); (C) 筆是在茶杯的左邊而非上方,與圖示不合。

1. 正確答案一定是照片中顯而易見的,不需要猜測任何與照片無關的東西。例 重點 叮嚀

如照片中只有一個人,正確答案必定不會出現與多數人相關的句子。如果看不 到圖中人物的臉,則正確答案就不會是人物的表情,除非可以從圖中其他部份 得知。

2. 考題不會只是針對某一種題型,有時選項可能包括一種以上的描述,但基本上 不脫人物、地點、動作、物件這幾種情況。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


物件題:與物件有關的題型包括:物件擺放方式、用途,此物件屬於誰的,物 件的種類、形態及數量。

20 Part 1

作答 技巧

Step 1: 快速瀏覽照片,注意人物、地點、動作及物件。 Step 2: 聆聽選項並記下重要字詞。 Step 3: 刪除錯誤答案。 Step : 在下一題開始前選出答案。

模擬 測驗






Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Track 5

21 Photographs





Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

22 Part 1

模擬測驗解答 1. (A) The men are standing in a building lobby. (B) The men are waiting for the traffic light to change. (C) Both men are leaning against a column. (D) The men standing outside the building are jacketed. 這題是「地點題」。 to be jacketed 指的是「穿著外 套」,這兩名穿著外套的男子站在大樓外是正確的敘述。 (A) 兩名男子是站著,但不是在 lobby (大廳),而是在 室外; (B) wait for the traffic light to change 是「等 著過馬路」,與圖示不合; (C) lean (倚靠), column (柱子) ,男子並沒有靠在柱子上。

2. (A) The man is looking at the two women. (B) The women are developing slides in a laboratory. (C) A woman is explaining data to her coworkers. (D) The man is inputting data on the computer. 這題是「動作題」。(C) explain(解釋;說明),女子正 在向她的同事( coworker )解釋某個 data (資料;數 據),所以是正確答案。 (A) 男子正在看電腦不是看著兩 名女子 ; (B) 女子在實驗室( laboratory )沖洗幻燈片 (slide); (D) input(輸入),男子並沒有把資料輸入電 腦。

3. (A) A compass is in the man’s hand. (B) A hat is on the table. (C) The man’s hand is empty. (D) A desktop computer is on the table. 這題是「物件題」。 compass (指南針),指南針在男 子手中是正確的敘述。 (B) 男子戴著帽子,不是在桌上; (C) 男子手上握著指南針,並非空手; (D) desktop(桌 上型電腦) ,桌上放的是 laptop(筆記型電腦)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


這題是「動作題」。claim(領取),男子正在拿托運的行 李。(B) suitcase(行李箱),男子不是在買行李箱; (C) put on a tie(打領帶),男子已戴著領帶; (D) place sth on the ground 是「把某物放在地上」,男子正拿起 行李,並無法斷定他接下來的動作,所以不可選 (D)。

5. (A) The person is sticking a note on the cubicle wall. (B) An employee is taking notes in a notebook. (C) The person is typing a letter. (D) The person is writing a reminder. 這題是「動作題」。(D) reminder(提醒的人事物),圖 上的字為 Don ’ t forget! 可推測這是一張提醒的字條。 (A) stick a note(黏貼、釘住紙條),cubicle wall 是指 辦公室個人位子隔間的牆壁; (B) employee(員工)正 在筆記本上記下重點; (C) type(打字),不符合圖示。

6. (A) The man is holding a clipboard. (B) The man’s glasses are in his pocket. (C) The man is visibly upset. (D) The man is a construction worker. 這題是「人物題」。(A) clipboard(寫字夾板),男子正 拿著夾板寫東西。(B) glasses(眼鏡),男子戴著眼鏡, 並非把眼鏡放在口袋裡; (C) visibly (明顯地), upset (苦惱的),但圖中的男子是面露微笑的; (D) construction worker (建築工人),男子可能是銷售員或商店 老闆。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


4. (A) The man is claiming his luggage. (B) The man is buying a suitcase. (C) The man is putting on a tie. (D) The man is placing his luggage on the ground.

24 Part 1

7. (A) The man is standing on a dock. (B) The man is pulling a rope. (C) The man is steering a boat. (D) The man is holding on to the railing. 這 題 是 「 動 作 題 」。 圖 中 男 子 正 在 掌 舵 ( steer ), 所 以 (C) 是 正 確 答 案 。 (A) 男 子 是 站 在 船 上 而 不 是 在 碼 頭( dock )上 ; (B) 男子正在駕駛並沒有拉繩( pull a rope); (D) railing(欄杆),男子沒有抓著船邊的欄杆。

8. (A) The conference room is empty. (B) There is a television in the room. (C) A woman is giving a presentation. (D) The woman is setting out folders. 這題是「動作題」。(D) set out 是「陳列;擺設」,符合 圖中女子的動作。(A) empty(無人的),但這裡有一名 女子; (B) television(電視),房間裡並沒有電視; (C) is giving a presentation 是「正在做簡報」,但女子並沒 有跟任何人說話,與圖片不合。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Part 2

Question-Response 應答問題 TOEIC 考試中,這部份會有 30 個應答問題,你會聽到一個問題 及三種不同的回答,問題及三個選項都只播放一次,同時都不會印 在試題本上,請針對聽到的內容選擇最適合的答案。

26 Part 2

題型 解析

Part 2 常考的題型多是以 wh- 疑問詞為首的相關考題,考試時先仔細聆聽對 話,記下題型及關鍵字可以幫助作答。以下是各種題型的重點介紹及相關敘述, 你可以邊學邊練習。

1. 以 wh- 疑問詞來詢問人物、事件、地點、時間、原因等問句。

who/whom/whose 詢問人物 除了詢問人物,who 還會用來詢問名字、職稱或身分關係。

• Who turned on the air conditioning? 誰開了空調?

• Whom should I go to ask for help? 我應該找誰幫忙?

• Whose chair is this? 這張椅子是誰的?

Track 6 Whose file is this on my desk? (A) I think that’s Tony’s cell phone. (B) Yes. Tony got fired yesterday. (C) I think Tony left it there. (B) 句中的 fired 與 file 音近,但 whose 問句不會有 yes/no 的回答,所以 (B) 可 刪除。而 (A) 選項中之 cell phone 並未在問句中提及,所以正確為 (C) 我想是東 尼留下來的。

what 詢問事件 what 用於詢問事件、事物、日期或職業等。 • What did the repairman say about the copier? 維修員說印表機有什麼問題? • What is the new manager’s name? 新來的經理叫什麼名字?

Track 7 What did Mary Anne file this report under? (A) Put it next to the others for now. (B) It’s not due until after the first. (C) She called it “March Sales.” file(建檔),選項 (C) 意思是「就取名為『三月銷售』」,為最適合的答案。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

27 以 where 提問的回答應是某一地方或場所。

• Where will the banquet be held? 宴會將在哪裡舉行?

• Will the banquet be held in the cafeteria or somewhere else? 宴會會在自助餐廳還是別的地方舉行?

Track 8 Where’s a good place to meet a client for lunch? (A) You should try the Japanese place around the corner. (B) I’m not hungry, thanks. (C) We have a meeting tomorrow at 12 p.m. where 是詢問地點的問句,a good place to meet sb for lunch 是指「與某人見 面吃飯的好地方」,答案 (A) 的 Japanese place 即是關鍵字。

when 詢問時間 除了用 when、what time/day/year、which time/day/year 來詢問時間,也會出 現以助動詞提問的形式。這類題目中常會出現 late、early、on time、delay、yet、 still、start、begin 等字詞。

• When does the contract go into effect? 這份合約何時生效? • When is your return flight? 你回程的班機是什麼時候?

• Does the art show begin at seven? 這場藝術表演是七點開始嗎?

Track 9 When did you place the order? (A) We ordered two thousand units. (B) I made it last Tuesday. (C) It should have arrived by now. when 起始的問句是詢問關於時間的訊息,place the order 是指「下訂單」,選項 中與時間有關的訊息只有 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


where 詢問地點

28 Part 2

why 詢問原因 詢問原因、理由可用 why、what’s the reason。

• Why don’t we take a rain check on lunch this Wednesday? 這星期三的午餐我們何不另約時間?

• What’s the reason for moving the factory? 工廠搬遷的原因是什麼?

Track 10 Why was our profit significantly lower last month? (A) Yes, revenue was up twenty percent. (B) Our bills were higher than normal. (C) I don’t know why he bought the wrong size. 題目問「為什麼我們上個月的利潤明顯變少?」,(A) revenue(營收),此句與題意 不合,且 why 提問不會出現 yes/no 的回答。(B) 意思為「帳單費用比平常高出許 多」,從關鍵字 lower 和 higher 可得知答案。

which 詢問選擇或可能性 除了用 which 詢問外,也會出現二選一的句子如 which one,A or B 等型式。

• Which exit do we use, the north one or the south one? 我們要從北邊還是南邊的出口離開?

• Which ticket did you buy? 你買了哪一種票?

• On which date is the surgery scheduled? 手術排在哪一天?

• Is the pattern striped or dotted? 這個圖案是花紋還是圓點的?

Track 11 Which one do you like better? (A) The expensive one, of course. (B) I don’t like him. (C) What’s going on? which one 是要對方擇一選擇,與喜好有關的選項即是 (A)。(C) 意思為「發生什麼 事啦?」。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

29 how about 詢問意見或提出建議 詢問對方意見可以用 how about + V-ing 或 let’s + V.,回答可以是 yes/no 為首的 回答或表示同意、拒絕的字詞。

• How about reserving a nonsmoking table? 訂非吸煙區的位子好嗎? • Let’s not quibble over details, alright? 我們不要再爭論細節了,可以嗎?

Track 12 Let’s grab a bite on the way to the office. (A) I agree. The office is a little out of the way. (B) No, I don’t ride my bicycle when it’s raining. (C) Good idea! I haven’t eaten all morning. 關鍵詞 grab a bite(找點東西隨便吃吃),這是口語中很常見的用法,通常是指「在 時間不多的情況下找點東西填飽肚子」 ,只有 (C) 提及吃東西,所以是正確答案。

how do you feel/think about 詢問感覺或意見 詢問對方感覺或意見,也可以用 what do you think about 或 do you think。

• How do you feel about the carpenter’s work? 你覺得那個木工的作品怎麼樣?

• How do you feel about taking a detour? 我們走別條路如何?

• What do you think about bringing the baby? 你對養育小孩有什麼看法?

• How do you think we should decide which copier to lease? 你覺得我們應該決定租哪一台影印機?

Track 13 How do you feel about their offer? (A) I think it’s in our best interest. (B) No, I can’t accept that. (C) She’ll have to think about it. offer(提議),be in sb’s best interest 是「對某人來說最好的做法」, 故選 (A)。 以 how 為首的提問不會出現 yes/no 的回答,所以 (B) 不正確。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


2. 以疑問詞 how 來詢問感受、時間、金額、方法、頻率、數量等。

30 Part 2

how long 詢問時間有多長 類似的問法還有 how much time、how many days/weeks 等。回答通常是一段 時間,或者是未來式的時間說法。

• How long will you be on vacation? 你休假會休多久?

• How much longer will she be in the hospital? 她在醫院還會再待多久? Track 14 How long does it take for a package to get here from Hong Kong? (A) I don’t think it will make it. (B) Usually about four business days. (C) We sent it three days ago. how long does it take 是指「某事需要花多少時間」,題目問:「從香港送包裹來這 裡要多久?」,最適合的答案是 (B) 通常大約需要四個工作天。

how much 詢問金額 how much 之後接不可數名詞,回答通常與金額有關,或描述物品價值的形容詞。 • How much will the book sell for in stores? 這本書在門市會賣多少錢?

• How much do you pay for rent? 你一個月房租多少錢?

Track 15 How much will it cost to send this package first class? (A) A meal costs between $3 and $7. (B) You may want to fly economy class. (C) Let me check the price list. 題目問「用快捷寄這個包裹要多少錢?」。(A) 一頓飯花費在三到七美元之間,$3 and $ 通常唸作 three and seven dollars; (B) economy class 是「經濟艙」, (C) price list(價目表),最符合題意。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

31 how 用於詢問方法或程度,回答通常會提供某種方法。 • How can I get him to start the meeting earlier? 我如何讓他早點開始開會?

• How are you getting to Tainan? 你要怎麼去台南?

• How do you expect the expansion to happen if we don’t have the funding? 如果我們沒有資金,你期望要怎麼擴展?

Track 16 How do you expect me to finish the report by tomorrow? (A) You’ve had all week. (B) What report? (C) I used to be a reporter. how do you expect . . . 是指「如何期待某事」,「by + 未來時間」是「預期某事 在未來時間之前會發生」,與時間相關的回應只有 (A)。

how often 詢問頻率 類似的問法還有 how many times a day/week 等,回答通常是某事在一段時間所 發生的頻率或次數,如 once in a while、once every week。

• How often does the retailer send back a defective product? 零售商多久會把瑕疵品寄回來?

• How often does the inspection happen? 多久會做一次檢查?

Track 17 How often do you go golfing? (A) About once or twice every month. (B) I used to play the piano, too. (C) I prefer big dogs to small dogs. go golfing(打高爾夫球),和時間頻率有關的答案只有 (A) 大概每月一或兩次; (C) 雖然答非所問,但 dog 和 go golfing 音類似,要仔細聆聽。

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how 詢問方法

32 Part 2

how many 詢問數量 how many 主要是詢問數量,之後接可數名詞複數,類似的問法還有 what ’ s the number . . .。 • How many orders did we get yesterday?

我們昨天拿到多少訂單? • What’s the number of violations we are allowed before the factory is



Track 18 How many books do you want me to order? (A) It costs about three hundred dollars. (B) I’ve booked a table for three. (C) Ten should be enough. order(下單、訂購),(A) 回答應該是數量而非金額; (B) 指的是預約餐廳桌位,答 案是 (C)。

3. 以 be 動詞或助動詞 do 、 have 和情態助動詞置於句首構成的問句,回答時可用 yes/no 或其等同語,亦可省略 yes/no,直接敘述來作為回答。

Be + S. + V.? 一般詢問 回答 be 動詞為首的問句時要注意時態及人稱的變化。有時會省略 yes/no 直接以敘 述句回答。

• Are you going to make it to work on time? 你會準時上班嗎?

• Will the issue be dealt with on Tuesday? 這個議題禮拜二會處理嗎?

• Was the customer satisfied with her purchase? 那個消費者對她買的東西滿意嗎?

Track 19 Are you ready for the test tomorrow? (A) I can drive you to the hospital now. (B) I don’t like dentists, either. (C) Yes, I’ve been studying all week. (A) 答非所問; (B) 選項中的 either 是用來附和對方否定的看法,與題意不合,故 (A)、(B) 可排除。(C) 是最適當的回應。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

33 常見以 do 為首的問句形式包括 do you mind/know/like/think 等。

• Do you know how to fix the fax machine? 你知道怎麼修理傳真機嗎?

• Does Jack like to go camping on weekends? 傑克喜歡週末去露營嗎?

• Do you think we can wrap up a little earlier today? 你覺得我們今天可以早一點結束嗎?

Track 20 Do you think long-term bonds are a good idea? (A) It depends on interest rates. (B) I pay them once a month. (C) I’ve been investing for a long time. long-term bonds (長期債券),與題意有關的回應是 (A) 「要看利率而定」, depends on(視情況而定)。(C) 句意為「我已經投資了很久」,雖與主題相關但不 是適當的回應。

have/has/had + S. + p.p. 詢問完成狀態 以 have 起始的問句通常是詢問某事是否完成。

• Have you tried on the suit? 你有試穿那套西裝嗎?

• Have you given Jack an answer? 你有回答傑克嗎?

• Has the mail been picked up yet? 那封信被取走了嗎?

Track 21 Have you been to Australia? (A) I prefer a window seat when traveling, too. (B) Great! I’ll meet you in front of the train station. (C) Yes, I went there last year for Lunar New Year. have been to + place 表示「曾經去過某地」,所以 (C) 是最適當的回應。而 have gone to + place 表示「已經動身前往某地」,所以現在可能在某地或正在途中。(A) prefer 比較喜歡。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


do 詢問對方的意見或尋求幫助

34 Part 2

can 詢問可行性 除了 can 之外還可用 is there any way、is it possible、is it OK、is it likely 等來 詢問某事的可行性。

• Can you give me a rough estimate? 你可以給我一個粗略的評估嗎?

• Could the window be shut? 窗戶可以關上嗎?

• Is it possible (for us) to turn the back office into a staff lounge? 我們可以把後面辦公室改成員工休息室嗎?

• Is it alright/OK/fine if I leave the coffee and doughnuts outside the conference room? 我可以把咖啡和甜甜圈放在會議室外面嗎?

Track 22 Is there any way that we can hire another secretary? (A) I can’t talk about your salary right now. (B) The cleaner can start tomorrow. (C) No, not at this point in time. hire(雇用),與主題有關的回應是選項 (C) 現在不行,at this point in time(現 在)。(A) salary(薪資); (B) cleaner(清潔工)。

Tag Question 附加問句(詢問對某事的揣測) 附加問句為直述句後面的簡短疑問句,由助動詞和代名詞構成。直述句為肯定時,附 加問句用否定表示,直述句為否定時,附加問句用肯定表示。另外,可藉由附加問句 的語調來了解對方的意思,語調上升表示對方想知道答案或相關資訊;若語調下降則 表示對方並非真想知道或已知道答案。

• The market has gotten bearish, hasn’t it? 股市已經看跌了,是嗎?

• The meeting was rescheduled, wasn’t it? 會議改時間了,是嗎?

• We will send a self-addressed stamped envelope, won’t we? 我們會附上回郵信封,對不對?

• The survey will include questions about health, won’t it? 這份報告會包含關於健康的問題,是不是?

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


題目為「你沒忘記我們的管理會議(management meeting)吧,是嗎?」,最正 確的回答是選項 (A)。(C) 選項中雖提到 manager(經理),但與題意無關。

shall/should 詢問意見 shall/should 所引導的問句是詢問對方對某件事的看法,回答多是 yes/no 為主。 • Should we use this recipe to cook the chicken? 我們該用這份食譜來煮雞肉嗎?

• Shall we stay at a five-star hotel while vacationing in Venice? 我們在威尼斯渡假時要住五星級飯店嗎?

Track 24 Shall we call you when your glasses are ready? (A) Yes, that would be great. (B) I prefer black to red, thanks. (C) He called to say that he’d be late. sth be ready(某物已備妥)。(B) 回答的是「偏好」,(C) 則是指「他來電說他會遲 到」,均非正確回應,故選 (A)。

would/could you . . . 表達請求 could/would you . . . 是比較正式或客氣的問句,主要用於向長輩、上司或陌生人 提出請求時。回答除了可用 yes/no 表示外,還可用 of course、no problem、I’m sorry 等用語。 • Would you please turn off the copier before you leave today? 可以請你今天在離開前關掉影印機嗎?

• Would you make copies of this letter, please? 可以請你幫我影印這封信嗎?

• Could I put you on hold, sir? 先生,可以請您等一下嗎?

• Could your sister pick me up after class? 你姐姐下課後可以來接我嗎?

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


Track 23 You haven’t forgotten about our management meeting, have you? (A) No, I’ll be there. (B) You sure have. (C) I’m not a manager.

36 Part 2

Track 25 Could you help me with my project? (A) Yes, of course. Let me know what you need. (B) Sure, no problem. I can pay you back tomorrow. (C) I didn’t know that you had a color printer. 題目是要尋求對方幫忙,但 (B) 沒問題,我明天可以還錢給你; (C) 我不知道你有彩 色印表機(color printer),皆與題意無關,只有 (A) 為最適當的回應。

would/do you mind . . . 表達請求 擔心會被拒絕,或想更有禮貌地向對方表達請求時,可以用 would you mind . . . 來 表示。若回答 yes 則表示會介意,回答 no 則不介意。

• Would you mind making me a cup of coffee? 你介意幫我煮杯咖啡嗎?

• Do you mind me staying late this afternoon? 你介意我今天下午待晚一點嗎?

• Do you mind keeping this news under wraps? 你介意繼續隱瞞這個消息嗎?

Track 26 Would you mind mailing this parcel for me? (A) No. I don’t know how to get there. (B) No. I’m going to the post office now. (C) I don’t mind where we go. 關鍵字是 mail(郵寄)及 parcel(包裹),對應選項 (B) 的 post office(郵局),可 以推知答案是 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

37 Remarks 一般敘述 應答問題的考題也會考直述句的問題,這類考題在回答時要注意時態與人稱的陷阱。

• Someone is waiting for you in the lobby. 有人在大廳等你。

• The ending of the film had a twist. 這部電影的結局有個意外的轉折。

Track 27 The weather is supposed to be cold and wet tomorrow. (A) Really? I heard it would be nice. (B) I prefer to go to the beach for my vacation. (C) I need to buy some new sunglasses, too. 題目為「明天的天氣應該會又冷又溼」,此句主詞是 the weather,故應在選項中尋 找與其相關的回應。(B)、(C) 明顯無關,而英語中表達天氣時常會用 it 作為主詞, 故 (A) 為最適當的答案。

Demands 表達要求 祈使句或帶有要求的句子在表達拒絕時,可能出現 no 或提出藉口,甚或反問對方為 何不去做等回答。

• I need you to send me a fax as soon as possible. 我要你盡快傳真給我。

• Please give Sylvia your passport. 請把你的護照給希薇雅。

• Go to the electronics store during lunch. 午餐時去一趟電器行。

Track 28 Please talk to Peter about being late. (A) I haven’t seen him. (B) He isn’t late. (C) Why can’t you talk to him? 題目是:「請向彼德說遲到的事」,與主題有關的回應是選項 (C) 為什麼你不去跟他 講?

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


4. 一般敘述及要求相關的直述句

38 Part 2

重點 叮嚀



Q: How do you manage to stay in such great shape?

你怎麼設法自己保持這麼好的身 材?

R: (✘) My father is the manager of a large office.


(✔) It’s quite easy since I go running every morning.

非常容易,因為我每天早上都去 慢跑。

manage(設法)與 manager(經理)發音類似。 重複的字詞

Q: Do you know a good store to rent a tuxedo?


R: (✘) The tuxedo store rented me a good suit.

那間晚禮服店租給我一套不錯的 禮服。

(✔) I think there’s a cheap one on King St.


錯誤的答案裡出現與題目相同的 tuxedo、good、store 等字,但其實是陷阱。


Q: Was the meter correct?


R: (✔) Yes, it was.


(✔) Yes, he said there wasn’t a problem.


(✔) He said so.


(✔) He said there wasn’t a problem.


除了直接回答外,暗示性的答案如上面的 He said so. 及 He said there wasn’t a

problem. 也會出現在這類考題中。

作答 技巧

Step 1: 仔細聆聽對話,想想題目所屬的類型。 Step 2: 聆聽答案時記下重要字詞。 Step 3: 刪除錯誤答案。 Step : 在下一題開始前選出答案。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

39 請聽下列各題的對話,在三個選項中選出最符合題意的答案。











Track 29

模擬測驗解答 1. Will the meeting be held here or in the other building? (A) Yes. I can hear you. (B) It will probably be held here. (C) No. He won’t. held 為 hold(舉辦;舉行)的過去分詞,題目是問:「會議會在這裡還是別棟大樓 舉行?」,or 表示二選一的情況,因此不會有 yes/no 的回答,故選 (B) 可能會在 這裡舉行。

2. Who left the front door open? (A) Mrs. Smith will open the new office tomorrow. (B) It was probably the deliveryman. (C) I thought the door was on the right. 這題的 who 是在詢問身份,left the front door open 是指「讓前門開著;沒關 門」,(A) 有提到人名但時式和語意都不對,(C) 中的 on the right(在右邊)與題 目 left ( leave 的過去式,「讓……維持某種狀態」)不同。 (B) 可能是快遞人員 (deliveryman) ,為正確答案。

3. When are we moving to the new office? (A) Last month. (B) Next weekend. (C) I don’t think so. 題目是問:「我們什麼時候要搬到新辦公室?」,選項 (C) 答非所問可先刪除;而選 項 (A) 上個月,時式不符,故選 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


模擬 測驗

40 Part 2

4. Should I hold all your calls? (A) No, that’s all right. (B) I didn’t have any calls. (C) It shouldn’t be a problem. should I do sth 是詢問對方自己是否應該做某事,hold a call(將打來的電話保 留掛在線上) ,只有 (A) 符合題意。

5. On which floor is the bank? (A) I think it’s on the third floor. (B) There are three floors in this building. (C) I have worked in banking for two years. bank(銀行),on which floor 是詢問在哪一層樓,(B) 指「大樓總共有三層樓」; (C) 是「我在銀行業工作兩年了」,因此答案是 (A) 我想是在三樓。

6. Is it possible to take Friday off next week? (A) It’s not the weekend yet. (B) I’ll have taken off by then. (C) I’m afraid not. We’ll be shorthanded. is it possible to do sth 是詢問是否可能做某事,take off(休假)。(A) 還不是那 個週末; (B) 我在那之前已經休完假了,皆與題意不合。故選 (C),恐怕不行,我們 人手不夠,shorthanded(人手不夠的)。

7. How long have you been working with Kelly? (A) I guess it’s been about two years now. (B) Kelly’s desk is about ten feet from mine. (C) She’s been here for about an hour. work with sb(與某人共事),這題的 how long 是問「時間有多久」,並非問距離 或長度,所以 (B) ten feet from mine(離我的有十英尺)不合題意,與一段時間 相關的答案是 (A)。

8. What did you think of the movie? I thought it was a little slow. (A) I haven’t seen a movie in a long time. (B) Yeah, they could have moved things along a little. (C) I know. I had to tell the taxi driver to speed up. 題目詢問對方對電影的看法、評論,slow 是用來描述劇情節奏有些慢、沈悶。(A) 「我很久沒看電影了」,答非所問; (C) speed up(加快速度),與題目無關; (B) 「could + have + 過去分詞」是「原本可以…… 」,即「他們原本可以把劇情節奏 弄快一些」 ,是最適當的回應。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


關鍵字 watch 在這裡是「看守」的意思,(A) in a couple of minutes(幾分鐘 內),「我幾分鐘內會離開」為正確答案。

10. You should have told us you were going to be late. (A) I didn’t know. Please accept my apology. (B) Don’t worry about that. He’s always late. (C) Yes. A table would look good over there. should have + 過去分詞是指「應做某事而未做」,所以本句題意為「你應該告訴 我們你會遲到」,因此 (A)「我不知道,請接受我的道歉」為正確答案。(B)、(C) 皆 答非所問。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


9. Would you mind watching my bag for me? (A) No, but I’m leaving in a couple of minutes. (B) I love watching movies. (C) Of course you can sit here.


Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Part 3

Short Conversations 簡短對話 TOEIC 考試中,這個部份會有 30 題,你會聽到兩個人之間的簡 短對話,每段對話都有三道與其相關的試題,對話只播放一次,請 從四個選項中選出最適合的答案。

44 Part 3

題型 解析

Part 3 常考的題型以 wh- 形式的問句為主,有人物、地點、人物間的關係、兩人 談論的主題、為什麼談論、對話中決定什麼事、對話可能發生的時間或地點等。 以下是常考的句子及相關說法:

Who are they? 人物身分 詢問人物的身分、職業及工作性質。

• Who is sb? • What is sb’s job? • What line of work is sb in? • What is sb’s occupation? • What type of job does sb have? Track 30 : I saw you at the regional sales meeting. What did you think of John’s M presentation? F: He had a lot of good information about next year’s goals, but I thought he dragged on a little. M: Yeah, he could have shortened it by at least twenty minutes. The middle section, where he talks about our line of netbooks, almost put me to sleep. F: I felt the same way. We already have all of the information on the computers. He didn’t say anything new. • presentation 簡報 • drag on 拖延 • shorten 縮短

What line of work are the people most likely in? (A) They make laptops. (B) They sell computers. (C) They are professional speakers. (D) They plan conferences. 題 目 問 這 些 人 可 能 從 事 什 麼 樣 的 工 作 , 關 鍵 詞 就 在 第 一 句 的 regional sales meeting(區域銷售會議),故選 (B)。(A) 他們製作筆記型電腦; (C) 他們是專業 的演講人; (D) 他們策畫研討會,皆不合題意。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

45 where 的問句形式還可延伸到說話者的工作地點、對話發生的場景、說話者在什麼地 方等。

• Where does sb work? • What is the location of the speakers? • Where is the conversation taking place /occurring? • Whereabouts are the speakers? Track 31 M: Excuse me. Can you help me find Gate 23? I’ve been walking in circles for the past five minutes. F: Certainly. When you see the duty-free store, turn left and walk almost to the end of Terminal 2. Gate 23 will be on your right. M: Thank you very much. F: You’re welcome. Can I interest you in any souvenirs? • interest 產生興趣;使參與 • souvenir 紀念品

Where does this conversation take place? (A) At a train station (B) At an airport (C) At a bus station (D) In a hotel 本段對話有許多與機場相關的用詞如 gate (登機門)、 duty-free store (免稅商 店)、terminal(航廈)等,因此可推斷場景是發生在機場裡,故選 (B)。

Where does the woman work? (A) In the duty-free shop (B) In a souvenir store (C) At a boarding gate (D) Not enough information to tell 對話最後提到 Can I interest you in any souvenirs?(我可以跟你推銷一些紀念品 嗎?),表示該女子可能是販售紀念品的店員,故選 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Short Conversations

Where are they? 人物所在地

46 Part 3

What is their relationship? 人物間的關係 回答這類問題時可從兩人所在的地方和談論的主題來掌握可能的訊息。

• What do the speakers have in common? • What is the connection between the speakers? • What is the relationship of sb1 to sb2? Track 32 M: Hello. I’m looking for a travel guide for Southeast Asia. F: Sure. The travel section is upstairs to your right. The books on Asia are in the far corner, next to the literature section. M: And, do you sell foreign language phrase books? F: Yes, we do. You can find them in the travel section, also.

• travel guide 旅遊指南 • upstairs 樓上 • phrase book 外語工具書(含慣用語及翻譯) • section 區域

What is the relationship between the speakers? (A) Teacher–Student (B) Two clerks (C) Bookstore clerk–Customer (D) Travel agent–Client 對話中談論的是旅遊指南書籍,因此可推測這兩人可能是在書店裡,答案選 (C) 書 店店員和顧客關係。

From the talk, what do the speakers have in common? (A) They both are familiar with the store’s layout. (B) They both speak multiple languages. (C) They are both in a bookstore. (D) They both have been to Southeast Asia. 題目問到兩人有什麼共同點,(A) 他們都對店裡的配置環境很熟悉; (B) 他們都說多 國語言; (D) 他們都曾去過東南亞,以上在對話中均未提及,只有 (C) 是最合適的 答案:他們都在書店裡。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

47 需注意對話中的特殊地名或名詞。

• What are the speakers mainly/mostly discussing? • What does sb1 say about sb2/sth? • What is the (main) subject/topic of the conversation? • What can be inferred/understood from the conversation? Track 33 M: Do you feel like Italian or Mexican tonight? F: Neither really, I would prefer something we haven’t had before. M: How about that new Greek place around the corner? F: That sounds perfect. • perfect 理想的;完美的

What are the two people talking about? (A) Different nationalities (B) Different countries (C) Different types of food (D) Different types of people 對話第一句就提到 Do you feel like Italian or Mexican tonight?(你今晚想吃義 大利菜還是墨西哥菜?),後來又提到 Greece place(希臘餐廳),可知兩人討論的 是各種食物,故選 (C)。

What does the man ask the woman? (A) If she is very hungry at the moment (B) If she knows where the restaurant is (C) If she wants to eat something different (D) If she wants to try a new restaurant 由 How about that new Greek place around the corner?(去那間轉角新開的 希臘餐廳如何?),place 在此指的就是 restaurant,可知答案是 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Short Conversations

What are they talking about? 談論的內容

48 Part 3

Why are they talking about their topic? 談論的主題 需注意對話中的前因後果及一些相關的線索。

• Why are the people talking about sth? • What is the purpose of the people’s discussion? • Why does sb have to do sth? • What reason does sb give to do sth? • Why does sb need/want/ask sth? Track 34 M: We should order some food for the meeting. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long one. F: Yeah, Jim didn’t look too happy when he came in this morning. M: We’ve got a lot of issues to resolve. If I were him, I wouldn’t be happy, either. F: Alright. I’ll ask Joannie to bring us some menus and we can place the order ahead of time. • issue 議題 • resolve 解決 • ahead of time 提早

What reason does the man give for ordering food for the meeting? (A) Jim didn’t look happy. (B) He didn’t eat lunch. (C) He has a lot of issues. (D) He thinks the meeting will be long. 第二句提到 I have a feeling it’s going to be a long one.,這裡的 one 指的是 meeting,所以原因是「會議要開很久」,答案是 (D)。

Why does the woman have to talk to Joannie? (A) Because she knows of good restaurants (B) Because she can give them menus (C) Because she likes to order lunch (D) Because she can make Jim happy 由 I’ll ask Joannie to bring us some menus,可知女子需要請喬安妮幫忙帶菜單 過來,故答案是 (B)。

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49 對話中人物對討論事項的觀感


• How does sb1 feel about sb2/sth? • What is sb’s reaction? • What best describes sb’s mood? • Why is sb excited? • What does sb think about the situation? • What is the matter/problem with sb? Track 35 F: I don’t understand why you never come home for dinner anymore. M: I’m sorry, sweetheart. We’ve just been so busy at the office. I feel guilty leaving before anyone else. F: Doesn’t your boss understand that some of you have families? M: I don’t think he really cares, to be honest. • guilty 罪惡感 • to be honest 老實說

Why is the woman upset? (A) She has to work late. (B) Her boss doesn’t care. (C) The man always works late. (D) She feels guilty leaving early. 對話一開始就是女子抱怨丈夫不回家吃晚飯,接著是丈夫的解釋,所以令女子不高興 的原因即是男子工作到太晚,答案應選 (C)。

How does the boss feel about his workers’ personal lives? (A) He cares too much. (B) He cares very much. (C) He cares very little. (D) He cares as much as the man’s wife. 由 I don’t think he really cares 可知老闆不太關心員工的生活,故選 (C)。(A) 他 過度關心; (B) 他很關心; (D) 他的關心像男子妻子的關心一樣多。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Short Conversations

What are their feelings about the discussion?

50 Part 3

What is being done in the conversation? 對話中被完成的事 回答這類題目時要注意對話中的動詞及接在其後的名詞。

• What does sb1 give sb2? • What is sb doing? • What does sb1 ask sb2 to do? • What have the people/speakers decided to do? • What is sb supposed to do? Track 36 M: Your menu is quite extensive. I’m having a hard time deciding what to order. Do you have any specials today? F: Yes, we have grilled beef tenderloin with boiled potatoes and also vegetarian pasta served with garlic bread. M: I don’t eat meat, so I’ll try the latter. F: Very well, sir. That comes with a choice of drink and a dessert. • special 特餐 • tenderloin 里脊肉;嫩腰肉 • vegetarian 素食的

What is the man having trouble doing? (A) Understanding the specials (B) Reading the prices on the menu (C) Choosing which item to order (D) Explaining his order 由 I’m having a hard time deciding what to order.(我很難決定要點什麼。), have a hard time 即 have trouble 之意,所以答案是 (C) 選擇要點的東西。(A) 了解特餐是什麼; (B) 看到菜單上的價錢; (D) 解釋他點的東西。

What does the man order? (A) A ladder to stand on (B) A meat dish (C) Grilled beef tenderloin (D) A vegetarian meal 本題關鍵句在 I don’t eat meat, so I’ll try the latter.(我不吃肉,我選後者), 後 者是 vegetarian pasta served with garlic bread(素食義大利麵佐大蒜麵包), 而不吃肉也是另一線索,所以 (D) 是最適當的選項。(A) 是陷阱選項,因為對話中提 到 so I’ll try the latter(我點後者),要小心 ladder 與 latter 的音容易混淆。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

51 回答這類問題時要注意與時間相關的字詞。

• When will sth go into effect/start? • Which day will sth happen? • What time will sth happen? Track 37 M: What does your schedule look like this week? I’d like to have lunch if you have any free time. F: I’m pretty booked this week, although I could postpone my dentist appointment until next week. Is Thursday good for you? M: Yes, it is. How about Bistro Melrose at 12:30? F: OK. I’ll see you there. • postpone 延後

When will the woman go to the dentist? (A) This afternoon (B) Next week (C) At 12:30 p.m. (D) Thursday 由 I could postpone my dentist appointment until next week(我可以把跟牙 醫的約延到下禮拜)可知答案是 (B)。

Which day will the two people have lunch together? (A) Monday, next week (B) Thursday, this week (C) Friday, this week (D) Thursday, next week 題目問的是兩人哪一天會一起吃午餐,對話中的 Is Thursday good for you?(你 星期四方便嗎?)是答題關鍵,故答案是 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Short Conversations

When will action take place? 事件何時會發生

52 Part 3


1. 與特殊細節相關:what type/kind of(哪一種)、what is true(哪個選項 重點 叮嚀


2. 與主旨或大意相關:mainly(主要)、overall(總體而言) 3. 與隱含的意思相關:most likely(最有可能)、probably(大概)、implied (隱含的)

作答 技巧

Step 1: 先快速閱讀問題。 Step 2: 仔細聆聽對話內容。 Step 3: 思考可能的答案。 Step : 找出符合你所想的答案。

模擬 測驗










Questions 1–2 refer to the following conversation. 1. What does the man not want to do? (A) Call Matt on the phone (B) Visit his college (C) Meet his old college friend (D) Visit Matt without notice 2. How does the woman think Matt will feel? (A) He will be extremely bored. (B) He will be extremely irritated. (C) He will be extremely happy. (D) He will be extremely worried.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Track 38

53 Track 39

3. Where is this conversation taking place? (A) In a hotel’s front desk (B) At a train ticket counter (C) Inside a hotel room (D) At an apartment complex 4. What does the woman want the man to do? (A) To call her friend’s room (B) To give her a hotel room (C) To give her friend a message (D) To say which room her friend is in Questions 5–6 refer to the following conversation.

Track 40

5. What problem do the man and woman have? (A) They don’t have enough buckets. (B) They cannot find their manager. (C) The plumber costs too much. (D) Water is coming out of a pipe. 6. What does the woman say should be done? (A) They should call another plumber. (B) They should wait to deal with the problem. (C) They should call the building manager. (D) They should buy another bucket. Questions 7–8 refer to the following conversation.

Track 41

7. What are the speakers mostly talking about? (A) A coworker who will work for another company (B) A coworker who will take a break to have a child (C) A coworker who will vacation in Madrid (D) A coworker who will relocate to another branch of the company 8. What does the woman say will happen once Jane leaves? (A) She will have more responsibilities. (B) The office will feel different. (C) The office will be more relaxing. (D) She will have to work with another supervisor.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Short Conversations

Questions 3–4 refer to the following conversation.

54 Part 3

模擬測驗解答 Questions 1–2 refer to the following conversation.

Track 38

M: I really don’t think we should drop in on Matt like this. F: He’s an old college friend of mine. It’ll be fine. We’re only in town for a few days. If we don’t see him now, we won’t have time later. M: But you haven’t seen him in fifteen years, Tina. F: Trust me. He’ll be ecstatic to meet you. • drop in (on sb) 順道拜訪(某人) • ecstatic 非常高興的

1. What does the man not want to do? (A) Call Matt on the phone (B) Visit his college (C) Meet his old college friend (D) Visit Matt without notice I really don’t think we should drop in on Matt like this.(我不認為要順道去 拜訪麥特),like this 指的就是 visit Matt without notice(沒有通知就去拜訪), 可知男子認為應該要先通知對方,故選 (D)。

2. How does the woman think Matt will feel? (A) He will be extremely bored. (B) He will be extremely irritated. (C) He will be extremely happy. (D) He will be extremely worried. extremely(非常地),由最後一句 He’ll be ecstatic to meet you. (他一定會非 常高興見到你)可知答案是 (C)。(A) bored(無趣的); (B) irritated(惱怒的); (D) worried(擔心的)。

Questions 3–4 refer to the following conversation.

Track 39

F: Could you tell me which room Glenna Dwight is in? M: I’m sorry, ma’am. We respect the privacy of our guests and do not give out room numbers. Perhaps you could use the courtesy phone on the opposite end of the lobby. F: I have; no one picked up. She’s a college friend. She’s expecting me. There must be some way for you to help. M: Again, I’m sorry. Telling you her room number is against hotel policy. • privacy 隱私 • courtesy phone 旅客服務電話 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


男子提到 We respect the privacy of our guests and do not give out room numbers.(我們尊重客人隱私所以不能洩露房間號碼。),可推測此對話可能發生 在旅館,加上 you could use the courtesy phone on the opposite end of the lobby (你可以用大廳對面的旅客服務電話),表示場景不會在房間裡,故選 (A)。(B) 車站售票處; (C) 房間旅館內; (D) 在出租公寓。

4. What does the woman want the man to do? (A) To call her friend’s room (B) To give her a hotel room (C) To give her friend a message (D) To say which room her friend is in 女子一開始就說 Could you tell me which room Glenna Dwight is in? 得知她 想問的是她朋友的房間號碼,故選 (D)。

Questions 5–6 refer to the following conversation.

Track 40

M: Do we have another bucket in the supply closet? The bathroom sink is leaking again. F: What? Did you call the plumber? M: Twice. Maybe I should give the building manager a call. He said if we have any more problems we should call him, not the plumber. F: Then we should do that right away. • sink 洗臉台 • leak 漏水 • plumber 水管工

5. What problem do the man and woman have? (A) They don’t have enough buckets. (B) They cannot find their manager. (C) The plumber costs too much. (D) Water is coming out of a pipe. 題目問到男子和女子碰到什麼問題,(A) 水桶不夠; (B) 找不到管理員; (C) 水管收 費太貴都與內容不符,由 The bathroom sink is leaking again.(洗臉台又漏水 了。)可知 (D) 為正確答案,pipe(水管)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Short Conversations

3. Where is this conversation taking place? (A) In a hotel’s front desk (B) At a train ticket counter (C) Inside a hotel room (D) At an apartment complex

56 Part 3

6. What does the woman say should be done? (A) They should call another plumber. (B) They should wait to deal with the problem. (C) They should call the building manager. (D) They should buy another bucket. 由 Then we should do that right away.(我們現在應該馬上去做。)可知女子認 為要立刻去找大樓管理員。

Questions 7–8 refer to the following conversation.

Track 41

F: Did you hear the news? Jane is going to start her maternity leave next week. M: Yeah, she told me this morning before the meeting. I’m quite happy for her. It means there will be a lot of changes in her household. F: That’s for sure. But it’s just not going to be the same in the office without her. M: Don’t worry. She’ll be back before you know it. • maternity leave 產假 • for sure 當然;一定

7. What are the speakers mostly talking about? (A) A coworker who will work for another company (B) A coworker who will take a break to have a child (C) A coworker who will vacation in Madrid (D) A coworker who will relocate to another branch of the company 這兩人主要在談關於同事 Jane 要請產假一事,故選 (B)。(A) 一位同事要到別家公 司工作; (C) 一位同事要去馬德里渡假; (D) 一位同事要轉到另一間分公司去。

8. What does the woman say will happen once Jane leaves? (A) She will have more responsibilities. (B) The office will feel different. (C) The office will be more relaxing. (D) She will have to work with another supervisor. 由 it’s just not going to be the same in the office without her(辦公室沒有 她就會不一樣),可知 (B) 為正確答案。(A) 她將付更多責任; (C) 辦公室氣氛會更 輕鬆; (D) 她將跟另一名主管工作。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Part 4

Short Talks 簡短獨白 TOEIC 考試中,這個部份會有 30 題,你會聽到幾段獨白,每段 獨白都有三道與其相關的試題,獨白只播放一次,請從中選出最適 合的答案。

58 Part 4

題型 解析

Part 的考題是多篇不同形式的獨白,常見的有演講內容、會議或研討會的開場 白、商場或機場廣播、新聞報導、推銷廣告、導覽介紹,客戶申訴及圖表描述等 多元的主題。以下列舉十五篇短文,來看看這些主題的內容重點及關鍵字詞:


* 以歡迎詞開場

* 主題的背景介紹

* 說明主題的目的

關鍵字詞與句型 • introduce 介紹 • experience 經驗 熱烈歡迎 • a warm welcome • it’s my pleasure 這是我的榮幸 • join me in welcoming (name) 讓我們一起歡迎…… • hand over the mic/floor/stage to sb 把麥克風 / 發言權 / 舞台 / 交給某人

Track 42

It is my pleasure to introduce you to the winner of the last essay competition John Greene. Mr. Greene has kindly decided to come here today to share his experiences as a professional writer with us all and, hopefully, pass on a few tips to those of us who are thinking about entering this year’s competition. So if you’d please join me in welcoming Mr. John Greene. 很榮幸為各位介紹上屆論文競賽的優勝者,約翰.格林。格林先生欣然決定今天 親臨會場和在座各位分享作為一名職業作家的經驗,希望能傳授一些技巧給我們這些 想要參加今年競賽的人。請和我一起歡迎約翰.格林先生。

What does John Green most likely do for a living? (A) He is a writer. (B) He judges competitions. (C) He trains athletes. (D) He is an actor. 題目問到:「約翰.格林最可能從事什麼職業?」,由 share his experiences as a professional writer (分享作為一名職業作家的經驗)可知他可能是作家,故選 (A)。(B) 他當比賽的評審; (C) 他訓練運動員; (D) 他是演員。

What is the purpose of John Greene’s talk? (A) To give advice on public speaking (B) How to lose weight effectively (C) To give advice on writing (D) To give advice on acting techniques 由 share his experiences(分享經驗)及 pass on a few tips(傳授一些技巧)兩 點可知這場演說的目的是要提供寫作建議,故選 (C)。(A) 提供演說的建議; (B) 如 何有效減重; (D) 提供演戲技巧的建議。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


* 以歡迎詞開場

* 提到未來的議程或計畫

* 對參與者的致謝詞

關鍵字詞 • conference 會議 • class 課程 • nametag 名牌

• seminar 研討會 • workshop 專題討論 • keynote 主旨 • speaker 演說者 • badge (標示身份的)標誌 • break the ice 打開話題

Track 43

Good morning. I’d like to welcome you to the third annual accountant’s seminar. In a few minutes, coffee and tea will be served, but before that, I’d like to ask you to make sure that you have completed your nametags. Once everybody has done that, we will participate in a getting-to-know-you activity. 早安。歡迎各位蒞臨第三屆年度會計師研討會。幾分鐘後,我們將會送上咖啡和 茶水,但在此之前,我要請各位將名牌確實填妥,等大家都填妥後,我們將進行一個 認識彼此的活動。

How often does this seminar take place? (A) Once every three years (B) Every year (C) Three times a year (D) Every month 由 annual(一年一次的)可知這個研討會是每年舉辦一次,所以答案是 (B)。

What did the speaker ask the audience to do with their nametags? (A) Ensure that they are pinned on their clothes (B) Hand over their nametags (C) Write their first and last name on it (D) Switch them with the person sitting beside them 文中提到 complete your nametags(完成名牌),也就是填好姓名及相關資訊的 意思,故選 (C)。(A) 確認名牌都已別在他們的衣服上; (B) 交出名牌; (D) 與鄰座 的人交換名牌。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Short Talks


60 Part 4

自動語音答錄系統內容 公司: * 公司名稱

* 說明分機轉接方式

* 說明總機轉接方式

個人分機: * 提供個人資訊(姓名、部門、分機號碼) * 說明當事人無法接電話的原因(忙線、外出) * 提供其他聯絡電話(總機、助理)

關鍵字詞 • representative 代表;客服人員 • operator 接線生 • extension 電話分機

• customer service 客戶服務 • receptionist 接待員 • dial/press 撥號

Track 44

Thank you for calling Express Freight Services. Our hours of operation are Monday to Friday, a.m. to p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to p.m. Unfortunately, all of our operators are busy at the moment. If you know the extension number of the person you wish to talk to, dial the extension number at any time. To use our automated ordering system, please dial one. To speak to a representative about a current order, please dial two. To speak to a representative about a future order or to request a quote, please dial three. To speak to a representative about a problem with our Web site or phone system, please dial four. If you are a member of the press and wish to speak to our media relations staff, please dial five. For all other needs, please hold the line and a customer service representative will answer shortly. Thank you. 謝謝您致電快捷旅遊服務公司。我們的上班時間是週一到週五,早上八點到晚上 七點,禮拜六早上十點到晚上六點。很抱歉此刻所有接線人員都在忙線中,如果您知 道您要找的人的分機號碼,請隨時直接撥打。 要使用自動訂購系統請按一,要與客服人員討論目前的訂單請按二,要與客服 人員討論之後的訂單或要求報價請按三,要與客服人員討論我們的網站問題或電話系 統請按四。如果您是媒體人員且想跟我們的媒體公關交談請按五。若您不知道分機號 碼,請在線上等候,客服人員將會立即接聽您的電話,謝謝。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


這是自動語音系統的內容,因此你會在電話上聽到這段話,故選 (A) 。 (B) travel agency 旅行社。

What does the message say to do if you know the number of the person you want to talk to? (A) Use their automated ordering system (B) Hold the line for an operator (C) Dial the person’s extension (D) Dial five to speak to a representative 一般語音系統內容的細項很多,答題時先瀏覽題目再仔細聆聽內容。這題問到如果知 道對方分機時該怎麼做?由 If you know the extension number of the person you wish to talk to, dial the extension number at any time. 可知答案為 (C)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Short Talks

Where would you hear this announcement? (A) On the telephone (B) At a travel agency (C) In a supermarket (D) In a hotel

62 Part 4


* 產品名稱 * 對產品的總評

* 說明產品的優點或特性 * 個人使用心得 * 提供產品可以在哪裡購得的資訊 * 說服對方購買

關鍵字詞與片語 • model 型式 • type 樣式 • review 評論 • opinion 意見 • in my (humble/general) opinion 我的淺見 • I speak for myself in saying . . . 依我之見…… • all in all / in all 總體來說

• kind/variety 種類 • suggest 建議

Track 45

This is one of our most popular models, the Jetul sports utility vehicle. Many customers have come back to tell me of how much they enjoy driving the countryside now that they own a Jetul. Not only is this vehicle popular with outdoor types, it is very popular among young couples with growing families. The Jetul’s interior is spacious. It seats five adults, easy. Plus, the back has space enough for two or three large bicycles. Surprisingly, given its size, the Jetul doesn’t consume much gas—mostly because the Jetul is a hybrid. If I haven’t sold you already on the Jetul, I can offer you $3,000 off the sticker price and two upgrades of your choice. All in all, your best bet is to go with the Jetul. 這是我們最受歡迎的車款之一,Jetul 運動多功能汽車。許多擁有 Jetul 之後的消 費者都回來告訴我他們有多享受在鄉間開車的樂趣。這款汽車不僅深受熱愛戶外活動 的人士喜歡,準備有小孩的年輕夫妻也非常喜愛。 Jetul 的內部很寬敞,空間坐五個 成人綽綽有餘。此外,後頭還有很大的空間可以容納二或三台大型腳踏車。令人驚訝 的是,儘管它的尺寸是這樣,Jetul 並不耗油,主要是因為它是一台油電混合車。如果 我還沒辦法說服你,那我再給你低於定價三千元的優惠及任君選擇的的兩種升級。總 之,你最好的選擇就是 Jetul。

Where is this talk taking place? (A) In a factory (B) In a repair shop (C) In a supermarket (D) In a car showroom 上述內容是推銷汽車的廣告,最有可能會在汽車展示場(car showroom)裡聽到, 因此答案是 (D)。(A) 工廠; (B) 維修場; (C) 超級市場。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


fit 是「適合」,題目問有多少人可以舒服地坐在 Jetul 後座?從 It seats five adults, easy. (空間坐五個成人綽綽有餘。),可知答案是 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Short Talks

How many people can fit comfortably in the back of the Jetul? (A) Three (B) Five (C) Two (D) Seven

64 Part 4


* 以停駐某地或注意某事物開始說明 * 導覽中可能包含故事 * 結尾可能是繼續下一景點的介紹

* 提及某事物的歷史 * 根據經驗提供建議

關鍵字詞與字型 • gather 聚集 • participant 參與者 • make/form a circle 圍成一圈 • take a (close) look 觀看(近看) • watch out for sth 注意某事 • it’s been my experience that . . . 我的經驗是……

Track 46

And now we’ll stop for a short rest. It’s very important that you cover up before we hike any farther. We see some cases of Lyme Disease this time of year due to the large number of mosquitoes, especially near the lakes. It’s also a good idea to take a good insect repellant and a good sunscreen, which you should apply even when it is cloudy. Many hikers have had severe sunstroke because they underestimated the power of the sun ’ s rays. Look what we have here! Come around, everyone. Take a look at this flower. This is a lady slipper orchid, and it is quite rare in these parts. Quite a sight, eh? Well, the sun is starting to go down a bit and we want to make it back to the campsite before dark. Let’s get a move on, everyone. 我們現在要停下來休息一下。我們繼續前進前,很重要的是,各位務必要把自己 包覆好。每年此時我們會發現一些萊姆症的病例,因為常有大量的蚊子,尤其是在湖 邊。攜帶品質不錯的驅蟲液和擦上防曬乳液也是個好主意, 即使是陰天也要塗抹防曬 乳液。許多健行者常常被嚴重曬傷是因為低估陽光的威力。看看我們發現什麼!各位 請靠過來看一下這個花,這是仙履蘭,在這些地區很罕見。很美吧?好了,太陽開始 下山了,我們要在天黑前回到營地。各位,趕快走吧。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


由整段多是介紹的內容及 come around、take a look 等關鍵字詞可得知說話者應 該是導遊,故選 (B)。

Where does the speaker say most of the mosquitoes are located? (A) Near trees (B) Near other insects (C) Beside lakes (D) At the bottom of the mountain 文中提到 especially near the lakes 可知蚊子多出現在湖邊,故 (C) 為正確答案。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Short Talks

Who is the speaker? (A) A doctor (B) A tour guide (C) A taxi driver (D) An electrician

66 Part 4


* 提出產品優點 * 說明使用方法 * 提供選擇或可替代的步驟 * 出現序數如 first、second 或與順序相關的字如 next、then、after that、 begin、 start、end、finish 等。 關鍵字詞 • don’t forget 不要忘記 • a key point 關鍵

• remember 記得 • essential 重要的

• critical 關鍵的 • essentially 基本地

Track 47

This camera may look difficult to use, but it is surprisingly easy. Just click this power switch to turn it on and . . . oh yes. I have to tell you about the battery. There is nothing more important than making sure that you have good, charged batteries. You never want to be in the situation where you’re out in the field and your batteries are dead. How’s your power? See the image of a full battery? Once you are sure that the batteries are OK, it’s just a matter of focusing on the subject and slowly pressing the shutter. You also have to remember not to shake the camera, otherwise the picture will be blurred. You can steady the camera by setting it up on the tripod. Until you learn how to use the camera’s functions, don’t forget to bring the manual with you. Most cameras today are automatic, but this camera has functions that can be adjusted to take amazing photos. 這台相機或許看起來不易操作,但卻出奇地簡單。只要按下電源開關打開它,喔 對了……我必須說一下電池。確認你使用品質優良、充好電的電池是最重要的。你不 會希望碰到你在野外但電池沒電的情況。電力狀況如何?看到充飽電的圖示了嗎?一 旦你確定電池沒問題,你只要對準目標調好焦距,然後慢慢按下快門。另外,記住別 晃動相機,否則相片會糊掉。你可以把相機裝在三腳架上來固定。在學會如何使用相 機功能前,不要忘記隨身攜帶使用手冊。今日大部份相機都是自動的,但這台相機有 一些功能可以調整並拍出很棒的照片。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


由 once you are sure that the batteries are OK 可知說話者強調確認電池是否已 準備好,故選 (D)。

What does the speaker suggest if you don’t know the camera’s functions? (A) Practice taking photos often (B) Study the camera’s manual (C) Buy a book on photography (D) Carry the manual with you 文中提到 Until you learn how to use the camera’s functions, don’t forget to bring the manual with you.(在學會如何使用相機功能前,不要忘記隨身攜帶使 用手冊。),可知答案是 (D)。(A) 多練習拍照; (B) 研讀使用手冊; (C) 買一本攝影 書。

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What does the speaker say one should do first when using the camera? (A) Focus on the subject (B) Set the camera on a tripod (C) Press the shutter slowly (D) Check the battery power

68 Part 4


* 以廣播節目名稱、頻道和主題開始 * 介紹來賓或闡述某個想法 關鍵字詞

• on air 廣播;錄音中 • live 現場直播 • caller 打電話進來的人 • open up 開放 • special guest 特別來賓 • expert 專家 • next up be 接下來是

• taped 預錄 • discussion 討論 • phone lines 電話線

Track 48

Today on Family Talk Radio we’re going to discuss the question, “Are we born smart, or do we become smart?” With me today is Dr. Anne Franklin, professor of child education, and Lorna Davies, a mother of twins from Washington D.C. Dr. Franklin was trained at the University of Texas and has worked as a clinical psychologist for ten years. After seeing her own children grow up, she began a research project investigating human intelligence. She and Ms. Davies met at a conference five years ago. Ms. Davies, who is a writer, worked with Dr. Franklin to write the book Aging Smartly. They’ve just published a short article in Nature Magazine. We’ll start with you, Dr. Franklin. Would you like to share your recent research with our listeners? After that, we’ll open up the discussion with Lorna. We’ll also be taking phone calls at the end of the hour. 在今天的《家庭漫談》節目中,我們將探討這個問題:「聰明是與生俱來的,還是 後天養成的?」今天和我對談的是兒童教育教授,安.法蘭克林博士,以及來自華盛 頓特區,育有一對雙胞胎的媽媽,羅娜.戴維斯女士。法蘭克林博士在德州大學受訓 並已擔任臨床心理醫師十年。經歷自己小孩的成長過程後,她開始進行人類智力的研 究計畫。她和戴維斯女士於五年前的一場研討會上認識。戴維斯女士是一位作家,她 和法蘭克林博士一起完成《年紀愈大愈聰明》這本書。他們剛在《自然雜誌》上發表一 篇短文。法蘭克林博士,我們先從您開始,可以和我們的聽眾分享您最近的研究結果 嗎?之後,我們會讓羅娜加入我們的討論。在這小時節目結束最後,我們將接聽來自 聽眾的電話。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


由第一句出現的 Family Talk Radio 可知這是廣播節目,故選 (C) 錄音室。(A) 電視 台; (B) 演講廳; (D) 醫院。

Who is Ms. Davies? (A) Dr. Franklin’s spouse (B) A professor of education (C) A caller to the show (D) A guest on the show with me today is Dr. Anne Franklin, professor of child education, and Lorna Davies, a mother of twins from Washington D.C. 可知她是節目的特別 來賓,故選 (D)。(A) 法蘭克林博士的配偶; (B) 教育學教授; (C) 打電話進節目的 人。

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Where is the speaker? (A) In a television station (B) In a lecture hall (C) In a radio station (D) In a hospital

70 Part 4


* 來電者姓名 * 是否需要對方回電

* 來電的目的 * 提供回電的電話號碼

關鍵字詞與句型 • message 訊息 • appreciate 感謝 • this is sb . . . 我是…… • I’m calling to . . . 我打電話是要…… • the reason I’m calling is . . . 我打電話來是因為…… • I hope you get this message in time . . . 我希望你能來得及收到這則訊息 • this call/message is for . . . 這是給……的電話 / 訊息

• call sb back at # . . . 請回電給分機……

Track 49

Mr. Thomson, this is Geraldine from Rod’s Hair Salon. I’m calling to remind you that you have an appointment with Raymond tomorrow at 11 a.m. As you know, Raymond has a very busy schedule, so we would appreciate it if you made sure that you show up at our salon in good time for your appointment. If you need to cancel or change your time, please call us back at -023 . We’ll be open until ten this evening. 湯森先生,我是洛德髮廊的傑諾丁。打電話來提醒您明天早上十一點與瑞蒙有 約。如您所知,瑞蒙的行程很忙碌,所以如您能確認能準時到沙龍赴約,我們會很感 激您。如果您要取消或更改您的時間,請回電 –02 3。我們今晚營業到十點。

Who is leaving the message? (A) Rod (B) Raymond (C) Geraldine (D) Mr. Thomson 題目問到留言的是誰?由 this is Geraldine from Rod’s Hair Salon 可知答案是 (C)。

When does the speaker want the listener to arrive at the salon? (A) Tomorrow evening (B) Just before 11 a.m. (C) At 10 a.m. exactly (D) Early in the afternoon 文中提到 we would appreciate it if you made sure that you show up at our salon in good time 即希望對方可以準時抵達,故選 (B),exactly 準確地。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


* 舉出可能的困難作為開始 * 介紹產品特性 * 提供優惠價格或活動

* 介紹可以解決問題的產品 * 如何取得產品及使用方式

關鍵字詞 • save money 省錢 • earn 賺錢

• sale 銷售 • combine 合併;結合

Track 50

Are you tired of slaving away all day in a tiny little cubicle? Would you like the freedom to be able to determine your own hours and make lots of money? If you have a computer at home, then Miracle Max’s Money Management Program is for you. Earn up to $ ,000 a month from the comfort and privacy of your own home. For the super low price of $100, you’ll get the Max Money start-up kit. Join today and start making your money work for you. 你厭倦了整天待在辦公室的小隔間裡做苦工嗎?你想要擁有決定自己工作時間 並且賺大錢的自由嗎?如果你家中有電腦,那麼「奇蹟麥克斯金錢管理程式」就是你 要的。在家中就能舒服且有隱私地賺取每月高達五千元的收入。只要花費超低價一百 元,你就能取得「奇蹟麥克斯金錢管理程式」的啟動組。今天就加入,並開始讓你的 金錢為你工作。

According to the ad, what do you need in order to use this program? (A) A little cubicle (B) A college degree (C) Five thousand dollars (D) A computer 由 If you have a computer at home, then Miracle Max ’ s Money Management Program is for you. 可知使用這套程式需要的是電腦,故選 (D)。

How much does this program cost? (A) $100 (B) $500 (C) $1,000 (D) $5,000 由 For the super low price of $100, you’ll get the Max Money start-up kit.,可知答案是 (A)。

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72 Part 4


* 引起注意 * 廣播的內容(特賣、尋人、商店資訊等) * 以感謝詞結束 關鍵字詞與句型 • attention, sb / calling all sb 各位請注意 • spill (口語)特賣 • discount 折扣 • reduced price 減價 • reduction 減少 • public address (PA) system 擴音系統

Track 51

Attention all shoppers: All red-tagged items are being reduced by an additional ten percent from now until closing. In our computer section, you’ll find the popular XT laptop—originally priced at $ —reduced to $ 0. Imagine the savings! Also, any purchases over $100 will qualify you to enter our lucky draw for a Hawaiian vacation getaway. We at Harvey Electronics value your patronage. 各位消費者請注意,從現在起所有紅標商品到打烊前將另外再打九折。您可以在 電腦部門買到原價七百九十九元,降價到四百八十元的 XP 筆記型電腦。想想看可以 省下多少錢!此外,只要購物超過一百元即有資格參加夏威夷夢幻假期抽獎。哈維電 器感謝您的光臨。

What will have an additional discount? (A) All items in the store (B) Additional items (C) Red-tagged items (D) Purchases over one hundred dollars 題目問到哪些東西有額外的折扣,由第一句即可知答案是 (C)。選項 (D) 是指「超 過一百元的商品」。

How can people qualify for the trip to Hawaii? (A) They must buy red-tagged items. (B) They must receive a 20 percent discount. (C) They must be Hawaiian. (D) They must spend at least one hundred dollars. 倒數第二句提到只要購物超過一百元即可參加抽獎,故選 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


* 依主題有不同的廣播內容,如:天氣狀況、抵達時間、購買免稅品、行李放置、安 全須知等。

關鍵字詞與句型 • first class 頭等艙 • take off 起飛 • delay 延誤 • entertainment 娛樂 • duty-free 免稅的 • landing 降落 轉機 • transfer • raise tray 收起托盤 • stow baggage 放置行李 • put your seat/seatback in an upright position 將椅背扶正 • please have your tickets/ boarding passes /cash/ credit cards ready 請備妥(機票 / 登機證 / 現金 / 信用卡)

Track 52

All passengers wishing to make a purchase from the in-flight catalogue please have your purchase forms filled out in full. Forms can be found in the back of the catalogue. If your seat is missing a catalogue or you need a new form, please stop one of our friendly flight crew members. Items from pages 22 through 0 are only available through our mail-order program. Other items will be available for pickup at your final destination. Flight attendants will come down the aisles shortly to help you with your purchases. Please have your cash or credit cards ready. Thank you. 凡是想從機上型錄購買商品的乘客,請完整填寫購物表格。表格可在型錄後面找 到。如果您的座位上沒有型錄或您需要新的表格,請向我們友善的機艙服務員索取。 第二十二頁到四十頁的物品只能透過郵購取得。其他的可以在您抵達目的地時領取。 空服人員隨後將到走道上協助您購買。請備妥現金或信用卡。謝謝您。

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74 Part 4

Where can purchase forms be found? (A) In the back of the catalogue (B) At the reception desk (C) At the information desk (D) Under the seats 由 Forms can be found in the back of the catalogue. 可知答案是 (A)。(B) 接 待處; (C) 詢問處 ; (D) 座椅下方。

What is TRUE about ordering? (A) Purchased items will be given on the plane. (B) Only first class passengers can mail-order items. (C) Flight attendants accept cash and credit cards. (D) All items can be picked up at the destination. 題目問到:「關於訂購哪一項是正確的?」,(A) 購買的物品可以在飛機上取得; (B) 只有頭等艙的人可以郵購物品; (D) 所有的物品都可以在目的地取得,以上三項皆 與內容不合,故答案是 (C)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


* 時式常是過去式 * 結尾會用未來式或描述目前狀況

* 可能會引述目擊者或專家的話來報導

關鍵字詞與句型 • report 報導 • reporter 記者 • correspondent 特派員 • sb was quoted as saying “words” 引用某人所說…… • sb said that . . . (reported speech) 某人說…… • sb said, “ . . . ” (quoted speech) 引述某人說……

Track 53

Animal rights protesters besieged the opening of a new Ranch ’ s Steakhouse in Montreal yesterday. The restaurant opened according to schedule, but potential customers were harassed by roughly fifty protesters. The police were called, but they claimed it was a peaceful assembly. Police Chief David Cup says that the activists requested the proper permission from the city and that the steakhouse owner was aware ahead of time. The proprietors offered the protesters free vegetables and beverages, and assured them that the cattle had not been treated poorly before being slaughtered. There were no injuries or arrests. 動物權利抗議者昨日包圍一家位於蒙特婁市新開幕的田園牛排館。這家餐廳依原 定時程開幕,但想入內用餐的客人被大約五十名抗議者騷擾。有人報了謷,但他們宣 稱這是和平的集會。警察局長大衛.科普說這些社會運動人士有申請許可,而且牛排 館老闆事前已知道這件事。業者提供抗議者免費的蔬菜跟飲料,並表示牛隻在宰殺前 並未被虐待。這起事件沒有人受傷或被逮捕。

Approximately how many people protested at Ranch’s Steakhouse? (A) Ten (B) Fifteen (C) Fifty (D) One hundred approximately (大概),由 but potential customers were harassed by roughly fifty protesters 可知答案是 (C)。

What did the owner of the steakhouse offer the protesters? (A) An explanation (B) Free drinks (C) Vegetables (D) All of the above (A) explanation(解釋;說明),牛排館業者除了提供免費的飲料和蔬菜外,還說 明了牛隻在宰殺前並未被虐待一事,故答案是 (D) 以上皆是。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

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76 Part 4


* 服務生以問候語開始 * 開始介紹餐點及點餐、送餐等

* 告知自己的姓名或餐廳名稱

關鍵字詞 • cooking methods 烹調方式 • bake 烘烤 • broil 煮 • sauté 淺鍋油煎 • stew 燉 • special 特餐 • chef 主廚 招牌菜 • house special • on the house 免費

• grill 燒烤 • prepare 準備

Track 54

Good evening. My name is Carol and I’ll be serving you this evening. I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you about our specials today. We have grilled salmon with sautéed vegetables. In addition to that, we have lamb chops with Greek salad. Our soup of the day is clam chowder. I’ll be bringing you a basket of our homemade bread as soon as the next batch comes out of the oven. If you have any questions, I’d be happy to help you make your selection. Please take a look at the menu and I’ll be back in a minute to take your order. 晚安,我是卡蘿,今晚將由我來為您服務。我想藉此機會向您介紹今天的特餐。 我們有烤鮭魚佐時蔬。除此之外,我們還有羊排搭配希臘式沙拉。今天的湯是蛤蠣濃 湯。只要下一批麵包一烤好我就會替您送上一籃自製麵包。若您有任何問題,我將樂 意協助您做出選擇。請先看一下菜單,我會馬上回來替您點餐。

What does the server say about the bread? (A) It is still in the oven. (B) It is cooling outside the oven. (C) It was baked this morning. (D) It will taste good with Greek salad. 侍者提到只要下一批麵包一烤好就立刻送上,表示麵包還在烤箱裡,故選 (A)。(B) 在烤箱外冷卻中; (C) 今天早上烤好的; (D) 搭配希臘式沙拉很好吃。

Which of the following is not mentioned in the special? (A) Fish (B) Soup (C) Salad (D) Potatoes 特餐裡有鮭魚、羊排、沙拉及湯,並沒有馬鈴薯(potato),故答案是 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


* 問題點 * 詢問如何解決

* 解釋問題發生的狀況 * 獨白中可能出現情緒性的字詞

關鍵句型與字詞 • upsetting 苦惱的 • frustrating 沮喪的 • disappointing 失望的 • repair/fix 修理 • maintenance 維修 • super/superintendent 負責人 • customer service representative (CSR) 客服代表 • give sb a piece of one’s mind 訓某人一頓 • there seems to be a problem with sth . . . 某事物似乎有問題 • in all likelihood 十之八九;極有可能

Track 55

I can’t seem to get this drink machine to work. Every time I put my money in, it doesn’t accept it. Last week, the same problem happened. The company said they would send someone ’round to fix it. Sandy, the office assistant said the repairman came on Wednesday and that she got a drink from the machine without a problem right afterwards. And now the problem is back! It is really frustrating when you have to waste time trying to get a cool drink during lunch time. I think I’ll call the manufacturer up right now and give them a piece of my mind. This is ridiculous. 我似乎無法弄好這台飲料機。每次我投錢進去,它就是不接受。上星期,同樣的 問題又出現了。這家公司說他們會派人過來修理。行政助理珊蒂說維修員禮拜三有過 來,之後她從飲料機拿出飲料都沒有碰到任何問題。但現在問題又出現了!你在午餐 時間想喝瓶清涼飲料卻得這樣子浪費時間,真是令人沮喪。我想我現在就去打個電話 給製造商,告訴他們我的意見。這真是太荒謬了。

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78 Part 4

What is the speaker talking about? (A) A machine (B) His job (C) A drink (D) A bank 第一句 I can’t seem to get this drink machine to work. 即表明問題出在 drink machine,故選 (A)。

Who is the speaker going to call? (A) His wife (B) A friend (C) A company (D) His secretary I think I’ll call the manufacturer up right now 提到 manufacturer(製造公司; 製造商),因此答案是 (C)。

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* 引起聽者注意 * 說明圖表波動的原因 * 分析圖表或表格所傳達的意義 關鍵字詞

• graph/diagram 圖表 • pie chart 圓餅圖 • bar graph 柱狀圖 • line graph 折線圖 • dotted line 虛線 • solid line 實線 • whiteboard 白板 • projector 投影機 • transparency 投影片 • slide 幻燈片 • illustrate/show/describe/represent 描述 • rise/climb/increase/improve/ go up 上升;增加 • reach a peak 達到高峰 • hit (rock) bottom 跌到谷底 • fall/go down 減少;下降 • get worse / take a downturn 衰退

Track 56

Prymton Ltd. announced its first quarter financial results early this morning. This chart clearly shows how this quarter’s numbers compare to those of last. From the solid line, we see sales were reported as US$2.1 million, down five percent. However, operating expenses (as shown by the dotted line) were down a whopping eleven percent, due in large part to the consolidation of their two factories into one. Not on this diagram is other good news: Shareholders will be pleased to know that net profit was US$1.3 million, a marked seven percent increase from last year’s first quarter results. 普爾蒙頓有限公司今天一早公布了第一季財報。圖表清楚顯示他們這一季與上一 季財務狀況的比較。從實線可知銷售量是兩百一十萬美元,降低五個百分點。不過, 營運費用(以虛線顯示)則降低了十一個百分點之多,主要原因是他們將兩座工廠合 併。沒有顯示在圖表上的另一個好消息是:股東們會很樂於知道淨利是一百一十三萬 美元,比去年第一季財報增加了百分之七。

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80 Part 4

What is the purpose of the chart? (A) To compare this year with last year (B) To compare this quarter with last quarter (C) To compare one factory with another (D) To compare net profit with operating expenses 圖表的目的主要是顯示這間公司這一季與上一季財務狀況的比較,所以答案是 (B)。

What does the speaker say about this quarter’s net profit? (A) It stayed the same as last year. (B) It decreased slightly from last year. (C) It increased a good amount from last year. (D) It did not change from last year. 獨白中提到這一季的淨利比去年增加百分之七,故 (C) 為最合適的答案:比去年顯 著增加。(A) 與去年相同; (B) 比去年微幅減少; (D) 從去年開始就沒有改變。

重點 叮嚀

作答 技巧


1. 看起來是正確的選項,可能與正確答案有關連但非正確的字詞。 2. 選項中出現內容未提及的單字或片語。 Step 1: 先快速閱讀問題。 Step 2: 辨別出題方向及重點。 Step 3: 仔細聆聽對話內容。 Step : 找出符合題意的答案。

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81 Short Talks

模擬 測驗














Questions 1–3 refer to the following conversation.

Track 57

1. What breakfast food is NOT mentioned in the advertisement? (A) Eggs (B) Toast (C) Fruit (D) Yogurt 2. What will happen if you call now? (A) You will have a twelve percent discount. (B) You will save ten dollars. (C) Your price will be ten percent off. (D) You will get twelve free meals. 3. Based on the advertisement, what is TRUE about the Meals2You service? (A) The service focuses on selling candy and snacks. (B) The service is only for people on a weight loss diet. (C) The service provides very nutritious meals. (D) The chefs deliver the meals to customer’s homes. Questions 4–6 refer to the following lecture introduction.

Track 58

4. What is the speaker going to do? (A) Take a short break (B) Give a lecture (C) Record everybody’s questions (D) Finish in about fifteen minutes

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

82 Part 4

5. Why will the speaker talk about online pet stores? (A) To show a successful online retailer (B) To talk about demographics of online shoppers (C) To discuss the qualities of successful sites (D) To talk about sites that make money from advertising 6. How long has the speaker left in the talk for questions? (A) 5 minutes (B) 10 minutes (C) 15 minutes (D) 20 minutes Questions 7–9 refer to the following news piece.

Track 59

7. What do the SETIU astronomers think they have found? (A) The Milky Way (B) Aliens (C) A black hole (D) A new Earth 8. According to the news, what is the relationship between SETIU and NASA? (A) They only work together on special projects. (B) SETIU is part of NASA. (C) The two groups are not associated at all. (D) NASA has never heard of SETIU before. 9. What does the reporter say NASA is probably doing now? (A) NASA is talking with SETIU about the black hole. (B) NASA is helping SETIU confirm that it is a black hole. (C) NASA is thinking about how a black hole will affect Earth. (D) NASA is using the information to study light waves. Questions 10–12 refer to the following lecture introduction. 10. Who is the speaker? (A) A flight attendant (B) A fashion designer (C) A customs officer (D) A flight instructor

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Track 60

83 Short Talks

11. What will happen after the plane takes off? (A) The seats will be removed. (B) The No Smoking sign will be turned off. (C) A meal will be served. (D) The captain will make an announcement. 12. What is the purpose of this talk? (A) To answer a passenger’s question (B) To tell passengers flight rules (C) To scold bad passengers (D) To tell the passengers about Milan

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

84 Part 4

模擬測驗解答 Questions 1–3 refer to the following advertisement.

Are you putting the right food into your body? Today ’ s health tip is to eat a full nutritional breakfast every day. This will increase your energy levels and also help you lose weight. Fruit, yogurt, cereal and eggs are all excellent sources of essential vitamins and nutrients. By eating a complete breakfast, you will not only have more get-up-and-go, but you will also find yourself less hungry throughout the day. But, maybe you don’t have enough time to prepare a fully nutritious meal. That’s where Meals2You comes in. Our professional chefs handmake meals—breakfast, lunch and dinner— so our drivers can deliver healthy meals to you. We offer many meal plans, or you can customize our service to meet your goals or situation. Need to lose weight? Are you pregnant and eating for two? If you call our meal reservation hotline at -0 3 and order before the twelfth, you are eligible for a ten percent discount. Again, that number was -0 3. Operators are standing by.

Track 57

您有把對的食物吃進身體裡 嗎?今天的健康祕訣是每天要吃 完整的營養早餐。這會提升您的 能量等級並幫助您減重。水果、 優格、麥片與蛋都是基本維他命 及營養素的絕佳來源。吃一份完 整的早餐,您不只精力更充沛, 而且您會發現整天下來比較不會 餓。但也許您沒有足夠時間去準備 完整的營養早餐。這時您就需要 「 Meals2You 」。我們的專業廚 師會親手調製早午晚三餐,所以司 機可以快遞健康的餐點給您。我們 提供許多餐飲計畫,您也可以訂做 符合您的目標和情況的餐點。您 需要減重嗎?您是懷孕的媽媽需 要一人吃兩人補嗎?如果您撥打

-0 3 的訂購熱線並在十二 號前完成訂單,您就可以獲得百分 之十的折扣。再說一次,號碼是

-0 3。接線生準備接您的電 話。

1. What breakfast food is NOT mentioned in the advertisement? (A) Eggs (B) Toast (C) Fruit (D) Yogurt 題目問到:「廣告裡沒有提到哪一種食物?」,由 Fruit, yogurt, cereal and eggs are all excellent sources of essential vitamins and nutrients. 可知並未提到 (B) 吐司。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


由倒數第二句 If you call . . ., you are eligible for a ten percent discount. 可 知現在打電話訂購的人可享有百分之十的折扣。 「 a/an + 百分比 + discount」表示 折扣,相當於「百分比 + off」, 故選 (C)。(B) 你可以省十元。

3. Based on the advertisement, what is TRUE about the Meals2You service? (A) The service focuses on selling candy and snacks. (B) The service is only for people on a weight loss diet. (C) The service provides very nutritious meals. (D) The chefs deliver the meals to customer’s homes. 由 But, maybe you don’t have enough time to prepare a fully nutritious meal. That’s where Meals2You comes in. 可知 Meals2You 提供的是營養完整 的餐點,故選 (C)。(A) 主要販賣糖果和零食; (B) 主要為減重者設計; (D) 主廚會 將餐點送到顧客家中。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Short Talks

2. What will happen if you call now? (A) You will have a twelve percent discount. (B) You will save ten dollars. (C) Your price will be ten percent off. (D) You will get twelve free meals.

86 Part 4

Questions 4–6 refer to the following lecture introduction.

Good afternoon everybody. Thank you for attending this afternoon’s lecture on e-business. My lecture will be split into three parts with a 1 -minute break after the second part. The first part will be about the history of business practices on the Internet. I’ll focus on online retailers, especially the booksellers and auction sites. The second part will be about the demographics of users and what qualities they look for in a site. This section will also compare successful sites and those that closed down after less than a year. These could be considered “ 10-minute successes”, as the site might have been popular for a short time but users quickly lost interest and the sites closed. Not all failed sites are failures, though. One online pet store went bankrupt but later changed its focus from selling products to giving information to pet owners. This site now profits from advertising. This discussion is actually part of the third and final part of my talk which is about how sites are now counting on advertising. After the last part of my lecture, I’ll be happy to spend about 20 minutes or so taking any questions you may have.

Track 58

各位午安。感謝您參加今天 下午的電子商務講座。我的演說將 分為三個部份,第二部份結束後會 有十五分鐘的休息時間。第一個部 份是關於網路上商業實務的歷史。 我會針對網路零售商,特別是書商 和拍賣網站。第二部份是使用者的 人口統計及他們在網站上尋找什麼 特性的商品。這個部份也會比較成 功經營與不到一年就關閉的網站。 這些被認為「一炮而紅」的網站, 因為短時間內爆紅但使用者很快就 失去興趣而導致網站關閉。但並非 所有失敗的網站都是輸家。有一間 線上寵物店原本已破產,但之後將 重心從販賣商品改成提供資訊給寵 物主人。現在這個網站的收益都來 自廣告。 這個關於網站如何倚賴廣 告生存的討論是我演講的第三個部 份。在演講的最後一個部份結束 後,我將樂意撥出二十分鐘時間回 答各位的問題。

4. What is the speaker going to do? (A) Take a short break (B) Give a lecture (C) Record everybody’s questions (D) Finish in about fifteen minutes 由 Thank you for attending this afternoon’s lecture on e-business. 可知接下 來將有一場演講,故選 (B)。(A) 休息片刻; (C) 紀錄每個人的問題; (D) 十五分鐘 內結束。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


文中提到 This site now profits from advertising.,profit 是「利潤、收益」,故 正確為 (D) 談論從廣告獲利的網站。(A) 介紹成功的網路零售商; (B) 談論網路購 物人口統計; (C) 討論成功網站的品質。

6. How long has the speaker left in the talk for questions? (A) 5 minutes (B) 10 minutes (C) 15 minutes (D) 20 minutes 題 目問到 :「演說者會留多少時間讓人提問?」,由最後一句 I ’ ll be happy to spend about 20 minutes or so taking any questions you may have. 可知答 案為 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Short Talks

5. Why will the speaker talk about online pet stores? (A) To show a successful online retailer (B) To talk about demographics of online shoppers (C) To discuss the qualities of successful sites (D) To talk about sites that make money from advertising

88 Part 4

Questions 7–9 refer to the following news piece.

In science news this evening, we learn about new findings in outer space. SETIU— that’s Seeking Extraterrestrial Intelligence in the Universe—astronomers believe that they have identified a black hole on the fringes of the Milky Way. SETIU is a part of the University of California’s astronomy department. Researchers and astronomers from around the world come to SETIU’s facility to look for alien life living in the dark space surrounding our planet Earth. SETIU astronomers are not generally accepted by NASA or other space agencies around the world. SETIU’s new discovery is almost impossible to verify, as black holes emit no light waves. NASA officials have been unavailable for comment. Speculation has it that NASA astronomers are currently trying to determine whether the object in question really is a black hole and what impact it would have upon our solar system if it is.

Track 59 今晚的科學新聞,我們得知

外太空有新的發現。SETIU 指的是 「尋找宇宙外星智慧生物」,天文 學家們相信他們已經在銀河系邊緣 發現了一個黑洞。SETIU 隸屬於加 州大學天文系。來自世界各地的研 究人員和天文學家藉由 SETIU 的 設備來尋找圍繞在地球外黑暗太空 中的外星人的生活。SETIU 的天文 學家們並不被 NASA(美國太空總 署)及世界上其他太空總署認同。

SETIU 的新發現幾乎難以驗證, 因為黑洞並不會釋放出光波。美國 太空總署的官員並未就此事發表評 論。有人猜測太空總署的天文學家 目前正設法確認討論中的這個物體 是否真有黑洞,以及如果真有黑洞 會對太陽系造成何種衝擊。

7. What do the SETIU astronomers think they have found? (A) The Milky Way (B) Aliens (C) A black hole (D) A new Earth 文中提到 astronomers believe that they have identified a black hole, identify 在此是「發現;確定」之意,所以答案為 (C)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


題目問:「根據新聞,SETIU 和 NASA 間是什麼關係?」,由 SETIU astronomers are not generally accepted by NASA 這句話可猜測這兩個機構並無關係,故選 (C), associated 有關聯的。(A) 他們只有在特別的計畫上合作; (B) SETIU 隸屬於 NASA; (D) NASA 從未聽過 SETIU,三者皆與內容不符。

9. What does the reporter say NASA is probably doing now? (A) NASA is talking with SETIU about the black hole. (B) NASA is helping SETIU confirm that it is a black hole. (C) NASA is thinking about how a black hole will affect Earth. (D) NASA is using the information to study light waves. 由最後一句可知太空總署目前正設法確認討論中的這個物體是否真有黑洞,以及如 果真有黑洞會對太陽系造成何種衝擊,故正確答案是 (C)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Short Talks

8. According to the news, what is the relationship between SETIU and NASA? (A) They only work together on special projects. (B) SETIU is part of NASA. (C) The two groups are not associated at all. (D) NASA has never heard of SETIU before.

90 Part 4

Questions 10–12 refer to the following lecture introduction.

Good morning ladies and gentleman and welcome aboard this Trans Europe Airlines flight to Milan. We should be departing in a few moments so I’d just like to remind you to put your seatback in the upright position and fasten your seat belt. We will be serving breakfast after we are airborne. Please notice the No Smoking sign. All of our flights, as most flights these days, strictly do not allow smoking of any kind. Please also notice the Fasten Seat belts sign. Once we reach a certain altitude, the pilot will turn off this sign and you are free to walk about the cabin. If we expect any turbulence, we will turn the sign back on. At that time, we ask that you quickly return to your seat and buckle yourself in. Weather today is clear over Milan and we should arrive ahead of schedule. Please relax and enjoy the flight this morning.

Track 60

各位女士先生早安,歡迎搭 乘飛往米蘭的法歐航空班機。再過 幾分鐘我們即將起飛,所以提醒您 將椅背拉直並將安全帶繫緊。在空 中飛行後我們就會開始準備供應早 餐。請注意禁煙標示。我們所有的 班機,如同近日多數班機一樣,嚴 禁禁止各種吸煙方式。也請注意繫 緊安全帶的標示。一旦我們到達一 定高度,機長會關掉指示燈,之然 後您就可以在機艙裡自由走動。如 果遇上亂流,我們會再開啟指示 燈。同時我們會要求您盡速回到您 的座位並繫上安全帶。今天米蘭的 天氣晴朗,我們應該會提早抵達。 請放鬆心情,今天早上就好好享受 這趟飛行。

10. Who is the seaker? (A) A flight attendant (B) A fashion designer (C) A customs officer (D) A flight instructor 通常機上廣播會由機長(captain/pilot)或空服員擔任,故選 (A)。(B) 服裝設計 師; (C) 海關人員; (D) 飛行教練。

11. What will happen after the plane takes off? (A) The seats will be removed. (B) The No Smoking sign will be turned off. (C) A meal will be served. (D) The captain will make an announcement. take off(起飛),同 departure,由 We will be serving breakfast after we are airborne. 得知起飛後就會開始供應早餐,故選 (C)。(A) 座位會移走; (B) 禁煙標 示會關掉; (D) 機長會開始廣播,三者皆與題意不同。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


這段話的目的是告知乘客規定事項,所以正確答案是 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Short Talks

12. What is the purpose of this talk? (A) To answer a passenger’s question (B) To tell passengers flight rules (C) To scold bad passengers (D) To tell the passengers about Milan


Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Part 5

Incomplete Sentences 單句填空 TOEIC 考試中,這個部份會有 0 題,每題的句子中都缺了一個 單字或片語,請從四個選項中選出最適合的答案。

94 Part 5

題型 解析

Part 的題型以字彙、片語和文法結構為主。字彙、片語部份常考的題型有字

彙、詞類、易混淆字及動詞片語;文法常考的題型則有主詞與動詞的一致性、動 詞時式、被動語態、不定詞、分詞、關係代名詞、連接詞、介系詞、附加問句等。 文法結構的內容廣泛,以下列舉幾種常考的題型:


一般的詞類變化包括: 1. 形容詞:以 -y、-able、-fy、-ful、-al、-en 等結尾。 2. 副詞:以 -ly、-ily、-ally 結尾。 3. 名詞:以 -iness、-tion、-ment、-ness、-ance、-er、-or 等結尾。 . 動詞:以 -ize、-ise 結尾。

The old saying “a penny saved is a penny earned” has an ------- to business. (A) apply (B) applicable (C) application (D) applicably 冠詞 an 通常置於名詞之前,四個選項中只有 (C) 是名詞,意思為「應用;運用」。

If you want to keep -------, you should eat well and exercise often. (A) health (B) healthy (C) healthily (D) healthiness keep + 形容詞為「保持…… 」之意,題意為:如果你想保持健康,應該吃好一點並 且多運動。故答案為 (B)。

The unemployment rate has risen ------- over the last three years. (A) steady (B) steadfast (C) steadying (D) steadily has risen 是現在完成式,可以修飾動詞的為副詞,故選 (D) 不斷地。題意為:失業 比率在過去三年「不斷地」增加。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


a time to do sth 的 to 是不定詞,其後接原形動詞,所以答案是 (B),整句意思 是:現在似乎是「投資」長期債券的絕佳時機。

The third quarter proved to be the most ------- in each of the company’s first three years of operation. (A) profitable (B) profit (C) profitability (D) profiteering the most + 形容詞最高級表示「最……的」。選項中只有 (A) 是形容詞,所以為正 確答案,句子意思是:由每家公司前三年的營運狀況,第三季證明是最能獲利的。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Incomplete Sentences

It appears to be an excellent time to ------- in long-term bonds. (A) investment (B) invest (C) investing (D) investor

96 Part 5

不定詞與動名詞 不定詞的基本形式是 to + V.,動名詞的基本形式為 V-ing,兩者皆由動詞衍生而來作 名詞使用,另外,不定詞也可作形容詞和副詞用。

Someone is going to have ------- the blame for losing that file. (A) to take (B) taking (C) to took (D) took take the blame for sth 是「為某事(損失、過失等)而接受責難」,此外,have to 表示「必須」,之後接原形動詞,故答案是 (A)。

It is impossible ------- a working relationship with someone without trust. (A) to maintain (B) maintaining (C) maintains (D) had maintaining maintain a working relationship 指「維持工作某種關係」,without trust 是指 「缺乏信任」,it 為虛主詞,真正的主詞為其後的不定詞片語,故正確答案為 (A), 即「在缺乏信任下要與人維持工作關係是不可能的」。

The requirement ------- the payroll by ten percent will increase net profit. (A) Be cutting (B) Cut (C) Cutting (D) Cuts 本句缺少一名詞當主詞,動名詞 cutting 可當主詞,故選 (C),net profit 是「淨 利」,整句題意是:減薪一成可以增加獲利。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


動詞的考題需要注意時式變化,會因時間不同而有現在式、過去式和未來式三種。現 在式要注意第三人稱單數須用單數動詞;過去式的規則變化是在動詞之後加上 -ed 或 -d;而未來式除了 will + V. 外,也可用 be going to + V. 表示。

Last week, Julie ------- the entire list of over a thousand clients alphabetically. (A) files (B) filing (C) filed (D) file 由 last week 可知要用過去式動詞,故答案是 (C),題意為:茱莉上週把全部超過 一千位客戶的名單按字母順序「歸檔」。

Smarts Incorporated ------- hardware from Germany-based Marztech once the merger is official. (A) will incorporate (B) incorporated (C) incorporates (D) incorporate once the merger is official(一旦合併正式生效)為 once 引導的時間副詞子句, 由於時間副詞子句表將來時要用現在式代替,但主要子句仍須用未來式,故正確答案 為 (A) will incorporate。

動詞時式:進行式 進行式的基本形式是「be + V-ing」,其時式變化由 be 動詞來決定。進行式強調動作 正在進行、發展中。

While the reporter ------- the mayor, the phone call came. (A) was interviewing (B) is interviewing (C) will be interviewing (D) won’t be interviewing while 引導時間副詞子句,動詞常用進行式,強調動作正在進行,由於主要子句為過 去式,故正確答案為 (A),意思為「記者正在訪問市長時,電話就來了。」

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Incomplete Sentences


98 Part 5

This week, the union ------- all members who wish to change their health insurance plans to do so during the month of December. (A) asked (B) is asking (C) to ask (D) are asking 由 this week,可知空格要用現在式,由於主詞為 the union,故最適當的答案為 (B),意思為「本週,聯盟要求所有希望更改健保計畫的人在十二月時進行更改。」

動詞時式:完成式 完成式基本形式是「have + p.p.」,其時式由 have 的變化來決定,用來強調動作已 完成,常搭配 ever、just、already、never、once 等副詞。過去完成式通常會搭配 過去式一起使用,兩個動作較早發生的用過去完成式、較晚發生的則用過去式。

The stockholders ------- my brother to be the agency’s chief financial officer. (A) have appointed (B) has appointed (C) was appointed (D) have been appointed 根據題意,股東們「已經任命」我哥哥擔任公司的總財務長,由於主詞為複數,故正 確答案為 (A)。

No one ------- the spec sheets before the sales conference, which made the speaker angry. (A) had read (B) has read (C) having read (D) having been read 此題前後兩句有時間差,後句的時態是過去簡單式,根據題意,讓這位演講者生氣的 事是在銷售會前沒有人「讀過」這份規格表,故選 (A)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


欲強調受到動詞影響的對象而不是動作執行者,或要表達客觀立場時,就會使用被動 語態。其基本形式為「be + 過去分詞(p.p.)」。

The name ------- on the check appears to be fraudulent, said the bank’s handwriting experts. (A) writing (B) written (C) to write (D) is written 根據題意,名字是被寫在支票上的,要用被動式,故選 (B)。fraudulent 表示「詐 欺的;不誠實的」。

The copy machine ------- on by someone last night. (A) was left (B) left (C) are leaving (D) leaves 根據題意,昨天晚上影印機開著沒有關上,所以要用被動式,故選 (A)。

Darla wanted to know why the data for the chart ------- months ago. (A) calculated (B) is calculated (C) will have calculated (D) had been calculated 主要子句為過去式,故 why 所引導的字句要用過去完成式,題意為:達拉想知道為 什麼圖表數據已經被計算過了,故選 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Incomplete Sentences


100 Part 5



1. 對等連接詞包括: and、but、or、for、either . . . or、neither . . . nor、both . . . and、not only . . . but also 等,用來連接屬性相同的字詞或句子。 Mr. Stevens discussed ------- the need for more employees ------- the reasons the temporary workers would not be hired, but instead talked about the holiday bonus. (A) not only, but also (B) neither, nor (C) both, and (D) either, or 由 but instead talked about the holiday bonus 得知前面的句意一定與此相反, 故選項 (B) 不是……也不是……最適當,即史帝文先生既沒有談論更多員工的需 求,也沒有談論不雇用臨時員工的理由,反而討論休假獎勵。

2. 從屬連接詞用來引導從屬子句,常見的連接詞包括: because、since、when、 while、before、after、so that、such . . . that、though、although、if 等。 I will not be able to attend the introductory seminar ------- I have an important wedding to attend. (A) yet (B) because (C) due to (D) as a result 空格前後為兩個子句,故之間必須以連接詞連接,根據句意:「我不能參加入門研討 會,因為我要參加一個重要的婚禮」,得知兩者有因果關係,因此答案是 (B)。

3. 連接副詞為副詞,用來連接兩個句子,常見的包括: however、nevertheless、 therefore、hence、thus、furthermore、moreover、besides 等。 CXT Industries did not have much success with its latest product. -------, the company is still very profitable. (A) Moreover (B) Whatsoever (C) Nevertheless (D) Additionally 空格前後兩個句子意思相反,故需要表反意的字詞來連接,故選 (C) 然而。(A) 此 外、再者; (B) 無論如何; (D) 此外。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


形容詞和副詞都可用比較級和最高級來表示,一般的規則變化是:單音節的字在字尾 加 -er 表示比較級,加上 the + -est 表示最高級;雙音節的比較級和最高級分別是 用 -er/-est 或 more/most 表示;三個以上的音節則是在前面加上 more 和 most。

The economies of developing countries recover ------- than those of developed ones. (A) fast (B) faster (C) fastest (D) the fastest 依照題意:「開發中國家的經濟復甦比已開發中國家快」,故要用比較級,正確答案 為 (B)。

Our portable CD player is by far the ------- popular of our products available on the consumer electronic market. (A) so (B) very (C) most (D) extremely 根據題意,我們的手提 CD 播放器顯然是我們目前的消費電子市場產品中「最受歡 迎的」。形容詞最高級要在前面加上 the most,故選 (C)。



The customer suggests that the order be sent to ------- by courier because he is in a hurry. (A) he (B) he’s (C) his (D) him 根據題意,顧客建議將訂購的貨物快遞送給他因為他急著用,send sth to sb 的 sb 必須是受格代名詞,所以答案為 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Incomplete Sentences


102 Part 5


關係代名詞具有代名詞與連接詞的功能,代替前面的先行詞,同時引導之後的關係子 句。

We have a new payment system. Unfortunately, there are ------- will refuse to adapt. (A) to whom (B) those who (C) whoever (D) them that 根據題意:「我們有新的付費系統,但可惜有一些拒絕適應的人」,those who 是指 「那些……的人」,故選 (B)。

The hotel, ------- was built over one hundred years ago, was very comfortable. (A) that (B) which (C) when (D) what 逗號之間的句子用來補述說明 the hotel,故判斷空格須用具有補述功能的關係代名 詞 which,故正確答案為 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


助動詞出現在動詞前,分為一般助動詞(be、do、have)及情態助動詞(can/ could、may/might、must、shall/should、will/would 等)。

Our new benefits package ------- be quite popular with our employees. (A) do (B) will (C) have (D) did 根據題意,我們新的工資福利「將會」受員工歡迎,符合文法和題意的只有 (B)。

Mary isn’t ------- walk because of her car accident last year. (A) can (B) unable to (C) can’t (D) able to 此空格前已有 be 動詞,所以之後不能接 can 或 can’t,因此 (A)、(C) 皆排除,而 isn’t 已表否定,空格不能再接否定字詞,故選 (D)。

Even though Steve had been doing a good job, the company ------- afford to pay his salary. (A) wouldn’t (B) couldn’t (C) shouldn’t (D) may not afford(負擔得起)是原形動詞,前面可以接助動詞,從語意判斷是「無法」負擔他 的薪水,所以答案是 (B)。

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104 Part 5


介系詞用來表示受詞與其他人事物之間的關係,與受詞形成介系詞片語,在句中當名 詞、副詞或形容詞用。

The company’s main office is located ------- the center of the town. (A) on (B) in (C) from (D) next in the center of 指的是「在……的中心位置 / 中心點」,故答案是 (B)。

Mr. Lee is retiring after having worked at the company ------- 22 years. (A) during (B) for (C) since (D) in 接一段時間要用介系詞 for,根據題意:「李先生在這間公司工作二十二年後退休」, 故答案是 (B)。

Though this watch face looks like glass, it is made ------- plastic. (A) at (B) of (C) over (D) in be made of . . . 表示「以……製成」,題意為:「雖然這個錶面看起來像玻璃,但其 實是塑膠製成的」,所以答案是 (B)。

Mr. Smith would like to talk to you ------- the new software. (A) with (B) at (C) about (D) for talk to sb about sth 指「與某人談論某事」,故選 (C)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


附加問句要注意的是,用法是前面否定時,附加問句就用肯定;若前面是肯定,後面 就是否定。

You’re going to come out with us on Saturday, -------? (A) won’t you (B) don’t you (C) aren’t you (D) will you 附加問句形式為「助動詞 + 主詞代名詞」。主詞與陳述句的主詞一致,助動詞與陳 述句的助動詞一致,所以答案選 (C)。


要求對方做某件事或給予建議時可以使用祈使句。如果要強調語氣可以在句首加上 Do。另外一種祈使句的形式則是用 let 來表示:「let’s + (not) + 原形動詞」。

------- forget about the meeting this afternoon with the manufacturer; he will get angry if a manager fails to show up. (A) Please (B) Try to (C) Don’t (D) Needn’t

句中已有動詞 forget,從四個選項猜測空格要用為祈使句,但 (A)、(B) 與句意 不合,故用否定祈使句 (C),即「別忘了今天下午與廠商的會議,如果一個經理 都沒出席他會生氣的。」

重點 叮嚀

有些題目答題時不需拘泥句子本身的文意,例如考的是動詞時態則要想到與時間 相關的字詞,只要先瀏覽選項內容即可看出考題方向是字彙還是文法。另外,有 些關於詞性的題目可以從文法觀念來判斷,確定詞性後再看看是否有特定用法或 固定片語,可以加快答題速度。

作答 技巧

Step 1: 仔細閱讀考題的句子。 Step 2: 思考答案可能的詞性或字義。 Step 3: 刪除最明顯錯誤的答案。 Step : 選出正確答案。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Incomplete Sentences


106 Part 5

模擬 測驗














1. Please ------- all jewelry before passing through the security gate. (A) remove (B) removal (C) removing (D) removed 2. The company will pay all traveling expenses for those of you who ------- the conference in Boston next month. (A) have gone (B) is going to (C) are going to (D) would go 3. The gentleman ------- showed me to my seat at the meeting was very helpful. (A) what (B) whom (C) when (D) who 4. You are welcome to put those books next to -------, which are on the top shelf. (A) I (B) mine (C) me (D) myself

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


6. I have been ------- my marketing presentation for nearly a month now. (A) preparing (B) prepare (C) prepared (D) preparation 7. Thank you to everyone who -------- to the project. It went over very well with the board of directors. (A) contributed (B) assisted (C) helped (D) supported 8. One must take very careful ------- when choosing a career. (A) consideration (B) considering (C) considerate (D) condensation 9. Did anyone ------- while I was out? (A) reach me (B) settle down (C) drop by (D) listen to me 10. The new factory needs to have trained engineers ------- by the end of the month. (A) in place (B) on time (C) in view (D) for real

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Incomplete Sentences

5. ------- the growing trend towards electric vehicles, SpriteCars will continue production of fuel injection automobiles. (A) Before (B) Either (C) Furthering (D) Despite

108 Part 5

11. Our sales manager believes that bonuses are the most ------- incentives. (A) efficient (B) effectively (C) effective (D) inefficient 12. Supply and ------ are the factors which determine the price of goods. (A) cost (B) revenue (C) demand (D) purchasing

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

109 1.

此 題 測 試 的 是 祈 使 句 , p l e a s e 之 後 要 接 原 形 動 詞 , 根 據 題 意 , 通 過 安 檢 門 (security gate)前必須先「取下」身上所有的珠寶,因此答案是 (A)。


這裡的 who 是形容詞關係子句的主詞,其後要接動詞。主要動詞 will pay(將支 付)是未來式動詞,因此這裡的動詞也要用未來式動詞,而由 those of you 可知主 詞是複數,故選 (C)。


此題測試關係子句當形容詞使用的文法,修飾前面的先行詞 the gentleman,因此 要選 (D) who。(A) what 相當於 the thing which/that,故不可選; (B) whom 是受格的關係代名詞; (C) when 為關係副詞,用於先行詞是時間的情況下。


next to + 名詞指的是「在……旁邊」,名詞必須是受格,且由 which are on the top of shelf 推測,最適當的答案為 (B) mine,指「我的書」。


根據題意為 SpriteCars 會持續生產汽油燃料的車子,與不斷邁向電動車的潮流明顯 意思相反,故選 (D) 儘管。


本題時式為現在完成進行式,說明某事一直還進行著,空格缺少一個現在分詞,故 答案為選項 (A),(D) preparation(準備)為名詞。


who 是形容詞關係子句的連接詞,其後接動詞。由 It went over very well with the board of directors.(董事會很滿意這項計畫。)可推論是要感謝「參與」這項 計畫的人,而選項中只有 contribute 之後可以直接加介系詞 to,表示「貢獻」,故 選 (A)。(B) 協助; (D) 支持。


careful(小心的)是形容詞,其後只能接名詞,只有 (A)、(D) 是名詞,由提示字 when choosing a career(選擇職業時)可推論是小心「考慮」,故選 (A)。選項 (D) condensation 是「濃縮」,兩個字的拼法相似易混淆。


根據題意為,我不在時,有人來「拜訪」嗎?故答案是 (C) 順道來訪。其餘選項皆 不合題意,(A) 連絡我; (B) 安頓下來; (D) 聽我說。


此處的 trained 是過去分詞當形容詞用,修飾 engineers,根據題意,這個月底前 新工廠需要讓受過訓練的工程師「開始工作」,故選 (A)。(B) 準時; (C) 考慮中; (D) 真正的;道地的。


空格需用形容詞來修飾 incentives(誘因;動機),可先刪除作副詞用的 (B)。(A) 有效率的; (C) 有效的; (D) 無效率的,故正確答案為 (C)。注意: (A) 和 (C) 拼 法與意思接近,不可混淆。


根 據題意,供給與「需求」是決定物價的因素,故選 (C) 。 (A) 費用; (B) 利潤; (D) 購買。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Incomplete Sentences



Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Part 6

Text Completion 段落填空 TOEIC 考試中,這個部份會有三篇短文,每篇短文都有四個空 格,請從中選出最適合的答案以完成整篇文章。

112 Part 6

題型 解析

Part 的考題可以說是 Part 的延伸,除了加強文法實力外,對於單字、片語

及商業用語的理解也很重要。準備單字時要注意字義類似或拼法相似的字,如下 列的情形:

字義類似的字 • accurate 準確的 / exact 精確的 / correct 正確的 / precise 精確的 / valid 有根據的 • literal 字面意思的 / verbatim 逐字的;照字面意思的 • stare 盯 / glance 瞥見 / peek 窺視 / observe 觀察 • period 時期 / era 時代 / generation 世代 / term 一段期間(任期、學期) • sequence 連續 / order 順序 / series 系列 / chain 一連串 • guarantee 保證 / warranty 保證書

拼法相似的字 • kickback 回扣:名詞 / kick back 放鬆:動詞 • respective 各自的 / respectable 值得尊敬的 • successful 成功的 / successive 連續的 • expect 期待 / except 除……外 / aspect 方面 / accept 接受

常見於商業往來的片語 • account for 說明 • across the board 全面地 • back down 放棄 • come up 發生 • comply with 遵守 • cut back 削減 • cut corners 找更節省時間、金錢的方法 • deal with 處理 • deliver on 履行 • depend on 視……而定 • draw up 起草;制定 • drop off 減少 • figure out 理解 • get sth off the ground 開始某事 • give sb/sth the green light 允許某人、某事 • in black and white 白紙黑字 • in short supply 供應不足 • in stock 有現貨的;有庫存的 • in the black/red 盈餘 / 虧損 • in the long run 結果;終究 • in the market for 有意買進 • in the works 準備;進行中 • iron out 解決 • jump the gun 過早行動 百般討好 • jump through hoops • keep sth under wraps 對某事保密 • keep track of 注意……的發展 • meet with 符合 • pay off 償清(付款) • rely on 信任 • run short 變少的 • sell out 售完 • specialize in 專門從事 • strike while the iron is hot 打鐵趁熱 價格暴跌 • take a nosedive • take on 承擔 • take over 接管 • take sth at face value 字面意義 • work on 運作

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


To: suetaylor@sunnycorp.com From: rbannister@fmail.com Subject: Re: An Official Offer


敬愛的泰勒小姐: 首先要感謝您在整個面試過程中的

Dear Ms. Taylor,

殷勤招待。Sunny 公司的員工也非

Thank you for the hospitality extended to me throughout the interviewing process. The people at Sunny Corp. __1__ very courteous and respectful. I appreciate that.


After carefully weighing my options, however, __2__ have decided to respectfully decline your offer. It was a very difficult decision for me to make. In the end, this was a geographical decision. As much as I have __3__ of living in Chicago, I have decided to stay on the West Coast.


I wish you the best __ __ luck in the future.


Sincerely, Roger Bannister

• • • •

1. (A) was 2. (A) me 3. (A) dreamt 4. (A) at

(B) were (B) we (B) dreaming (B) by

然而,仔細衡量我目前的選擇後, 我只能決定婉拒您讓我進入貴公司 的機會。對我而說這是個艱難的決 個決定。儘管我非常嚮往芝加哥的 生活,但最後我還是決定留在西 岸。 祝您一切順利。 謹致

hospitality 親切招待 courteous 有禮貌的 weigh 衡量 decline 拒絕

(C) will be (C) his (C) dream (C) of

(D) is (D) I (D) dreamy (D) to


此句主詞是 the people ,可知動詞應為複數,加上時式是簡單過去式,故選 (B)。


本句缺少的是主詞,根據題意只有 (D) 最適合。


dream of 是「渴望」,這題考的是完成式動詞(即過去分詞的變化),故選 (A)。


best of luck 是固定用語,用來祝福對方好運或成功的意思,故選 (C)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Text Completion

收件人: suetaylor@sunnycorp.com 寄件人: rbannister@fmail.com

114 Part 6



Loan Representatives needed for a national lending/mortgage broker. No experience and no license required. Work part-time or full-time __1__ create a business for yourself. Yes! You __2__ hire loan representatives yourself and earn commissions and overrides on their services without a license. This is __3__ legal. __ __ to join one of the nation ’ s top lending/ mortgage brokers might be what your life is missing! Start today! 1. (A) however 2. (A) would 3. (A) complete 4. (A) To come

(B) despite (B) couldn’t (B) completely (B) Came

房貸經紀商徵全國放款 / 貸款 經紀人。不需經驗及證照。兼差或 全職皆可,為你自己打造事業。你 可以自己雇用放款業務代表,而且 不需執照就可從他們的服務賺取佣 金。這是完全合法的。現在就加入 國內頂尖的放款 / 貸款經紀公司。 今天就開始吧!

• mortgage 房貸;抵押 • license 執照 • commission 佣金

(C) and (C) can (C) completion (C) Come

(D) but (D) won’t (D) incomplete (D) Coming


此句需要一個對等連接詞來連接,根據文意最適合的字為 and,故選 (C)。


前後文的時式都是現在式,再依據文意可知答案是 (C)。


legal 是形容詞,可以用來修飾形容詞的只有副詞,故選 (B)。(A) 完成:動詞; (C) 完成:名詞; (D) 不完整的:形容詞。


此句缺少了主詞,而動名詞具備名詞的功用,故選 (D),選項 (A) 不定詞雖然也 可作名詞用,但不會兩個不定詞合在一起使用。

重點 叮嚀

在這個部份作答時,主要是閱讀有空格的那個句子,其他部份可迅速瀏覽以節省 時間。

作答 技巧

Step 1: 仔細閱讀考題的句子。 Step 2: 思考答案可能的詞性或字義。 Step 3: 可瀏覽空格的前後句以確認答案的正確性。 Step : 刪除最明顯錯誤的答案。 Step : 選出正確答案。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

115 每篇短文都有四個空格,請從中選出正確答案以完成整篇文章。









Questions 1–4 refer to the following memo.

MEMO To: All Bartenders and Servers From: Susie Chen, Manager Subject: Staff Training

There will be a ____________ training for all bar and floor staff next 1. (A) mandate (B) mandating (C) demanded (D) mandatory

Saturday, March 12th, from noon ______________ 3 o’clock. We have 2. (A) from (B) till (C) for (D) by welcomed several new employees over the past month, and it is necessary for everyone to fully learn our systems, policies and procedures.

A secondary purpose of this training is for everyone to get to know each other. This business requires us to work together. So, Saturday ____________, we invite you all for an early dinner at the Royal Tower. 3. (A) evening (B) night (C) dawn (D) afternoon

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Text Completion

模擬 測驗

116 Part 6

The meal will start at 3:30 p.m., so that those of you ____________ have 4. (A) who (B) whom (C) which (D) that to work Saturday night can still attend. The dinner is not compulsory, but I would strongly recommend that you make it if you can.

Questions 5–8 refer to the following article.

Meetings can be very bothersome as well as inefficient. In order ____________ meetings successful, you should follow a few simple rules. 5. (A) making (B) made (C) be made (D) to make

First, always have a clear agenda. This will keep you focused on what ____________ important. Next, decide who will be involved. The more 6. (A) is (B) are (C) won’t (D) be

people you have at a meeting, the less efficient it ____________ be. Only 7. (A) will (B) does (C) have (D) must

invite the people who are essential to the business at hand. Finally, make sure whoever is running the meeting keeps it ____________ along. It is 8. (A) stopping (B) moving (C) dragging (D) tagging very easy to get sidetracked, and everyone usually has opinions on every subject.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

117 Questions 1–4 refer to the following memo.



To: All Bartenders and Servers From: Susie Chen, Manager Subject: Staff Training

收件人:所有酒保及服務人員 寄件人:陳蘇西經理 主旨:員工訓練

There will be a mandatory training for all bar and floor staff next Saturday, March 12th, from noon till 3 o ’ clock. We have welcomed several new employees over the past month, and it is necessary for everyone to fully learn our systems, policies and procedures.

下週六三月十二日,從中午到下午 三點將進行一次所有酒吧及樓面職 員都必須參加的訓練。我們上個月 有幾名新進員工加入,而讓每個人 完全瞭解我們的系統、政策跟程序 是必要的。 這場訓練的第二個目的是要讓大家

A secondary purpose of this training is for 彼此認識。這個公司需要大家彼此 everyone to get to know each other. This 合作。所以,我們將在週六晚上邀 business requires us to work together. So, 請全體員工在皇家塔餐廳提早享用 Saturday evening, we invite you all for an 晚餐,晚餐將從下午三點半開始, early dinner at the Royal Tower. The meal 以 便 讓 周 六 要 上 晚 班 的 人 也 能 參 will start at 3:30 p.m., so that those of you 加。晚餐並非強制參加,但我強烈 who have to work Saturday night can still 建議各位盡量參加。 attend. The dinner is not compulsory, but I • secondary 第二的 would strongly recommend that you make • compulsory 強制的 it if you can.

1. (A) mandate

(C) for

(D) by

(B) night

(C) dawn

(D) afternoon

由 early dinner 可知晚餐時間比一般時間早,evening 的時間可以是傍晚四點到晚 上,night 通常是指八點以後,故最合適的答案為 (D)。

4. (A) who

(B) till

此題測試的是介系詞,from A to/until/till B 表示從 A 時間到 B 時間,所以答案 是 (B)。

3. (A) evening

(D) mandatory

這題需要一個形容詞來修飾名詞 training,故答案是 (D) 強制的。

2. (A) from

(B) mandating (C) demanded

(B) whom

(C) which

(D) that

本句主詞為 those of you,動詞為 can attend,故空格為關係代名詞,由於空格 之後為 have to work,故選主格關係代名詞 who。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Text Completion


118 Part 6

Questions 5–8 refer to the following article.

Meetings can be very bothersome as well as inefficient. In order to make meetings successful, you should follow a few simple rules. First, always have a clear agenda. This will keep you focused on what is important. Next, decide who will be involved. The more people you have at a meeting, the less efficient it will be. Only invite the people who are essential to the business at hand. Finally, make sure whoever is running the meeting keeps it moving along. It is very easy to get sidetracked, and everyone usually has opinions on every subject.

5. (A) making

(D) to make

(B) are

(C) won’t

(D) be

(B) does

(C) have

(D) must

根據題意,越多人參與會議,效率就會越差,必須用未來式,故選 (A)。

8. (A) stopping

(C) be made

整件事視為單數所以要用 is,故選 (A)。

7. (A) will

• bothersome 討厭的、麻煩的 • inefficient 沒有效率的 • involved 牽涉到的、涉及到的 • sidetracked 偏離主題的

in order to + V. 是固定用法,表示「為了…… 」,所以答案是 (D)。

6. (A) is

(B) made

會議可能會非常擾人而且沒有效 率。為了讓會議成功,你應該遵循 幾項簡單的規則。首先,一定要列 出明確議程。這會讓你將焦點放在 重要的事情上。其次,決定與會人 員名單。參與會議的人越多,效率 就越差。只要找與會議有關的必要 人員出席即可。最後,確保主持會 議的人要讓會議順利進行。會議上 很容易就會離題,而且通常每個人 對每個主題都有個人的看法。

(B) moving

(C) dragging

(D) tagging

keep sth moving 表示讓某事繼續進行,其餘選項均不合題意,所以答案是 (B)。 (C) 拖;拉; (D) 附加。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Part 7

Reading Comprehension 閱讀測驗 TOEIC 考試中,這個部份會有 題,包括數篇不同題材的文 章,單篇閱讀測驗有 2 道題,雙篇閱讀測驗則有 20 道題,每篇 文章有二到五個題目,請從四個選項中選出最適合的答案。

120 Part 7

題型 解析

Part 的考題是多篇不同形式的文章,因為篇幅較長,除了要熟悉各主題的形式 外,還要訓練自己的答題速度。以下列舉幾篇文章,來看看這些主題的內容重點 及出題方向:


* 可由信件主旨、寄件者或收件者來判斷其性質 * 商業書信通常會附上住址及電話

Dear Ms. Green,


O u r r e c o r d s s h o w t h a t y o u r a n n u a l subscription to Muscle Bound Health Spa is about to expire. In order to keep your membership valid, we are sending you this reminder 30 days before the expiry date.


We appreciate your membership at the Muscle Bound Health Spa and would like to inform you of our special offer for existing members. If you decide to renew your membership for another year before the end of November, you will be entitled to a 30% discount off our regular fees. This offer is limited and our fees will revert back to the full price in December.


Sincerely, Greg Nul

肉健康水療」年度會員資格即將到 期。為了保有您的會員資格,我們 在到期日三十天前寄這份提醒函給 您。

康水療」,同時要通知您現有會員 的特別優惠。若您在十一月底前決 定續約一年,您將享有定價七折的 優惠。這項優惠的對象有限,我們 所收取的會費將於十二月調回原 價。 葛雷格•諾爾 敬上

• • • • •

subscription 訂購 valid 有效的 expiry 期滿(= expiration) be entitled to 給與權利或資格 revert 恢復;重返

Why was this letter written? (A) To request a payment (B) To thank a long-time subscriber (C) To offer a renewal discount (D) To refund membership fees 這封提醒函的目的是要提供會員特別優惠,由 If you decide to renew your membership for another year before the end of November, you will be entitled to a 30% discount. 可知 (C) 為正確答案,renewal 即續購、續約的意 思。(A) 要求付款; (B) 感謝長期的訂購者; (D) 退還會費。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


* 電子郵件中的日期和主旨可能是出題方向。 * Re 的意思是 reply(回覆)或 regarding(關於)。 * FYI 常出現在這類文章中,表示 for your information(供你參考)。

Date: 12 May, 200 To: james@fishfly.com

From: allangill@forceconstruction.com

CC: patrick@forceconstruction.com

BCC: darlene@forceconstruction.com

Subject: Tomorrow’s Meeting

Re: New Turbine Purchase

日期:二〇〇九年五月十二日 收件人: james@fishfly.com 寄件人: allangill@forceconstrucion.com 密件: patrick@forceconstrucion.com 副件: darlene@forceconstrucion.com 主旨:明天會議 關於:購買新渦輪機

James, Due to unforeseen circumstances, I will be unable to attend tomorrow ’ s meeting in connection with your plans to purchase new turbines. I have, however, m a d e a r r a n g e m e n t s f o r o u r s a l e s manager, Mr. Patrick Henderson, to take my place. Mr. Henderson is an extremely capable individual and I am 100% sure he will be able to provide you with all the information you need, both from a business perspective and a technical perspective. If a replacement is unacceptable (and I can understand why you would prefer to talk to me regarding your purchasing needs), we can rearrange the meeting for next Thursday at the same time. Ultimately, the decision lies with you. In the meantime, please accept my sincerest apologies for this change in plan. I will call you later today around :00 to discuss this.

敬愛的詹姆斯: 由於發生無法預期的情況, 我無法出席明日關於購買新渦輪機 計畫的會議。不過我安排了我們的 業務經理派崔克•韓德森先生代表 我出席。韓德森先生非常能幹,我 非常確信他能提供你所需的任何資 訊,商業面和技術面皆然。 如果無法接受這種替代方式 (我能理解你寧願與我談論有關購 買的需求),我們可以在下週四同 一時間再安排一次會議。最後,決 定權在你。在此同時,對於這個計 畫的變更,請接受我誠心的道歉。 今天稍晚大約六點左右我會再打電 話跟你討論。 愛倫•吉爾

• arrangement 安排 • take sb’s place 替代某人的位置

• perspective 看法、觀點

Allan Gill

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122 Part 7

Who sent the e-mail? (A) Someone from Force Construction (B) Someone from fishfly.com (C) Someone who will buy turbines (D) Someone who repairs turbines 寄件者為 allangill@forceconstruction.com,所以正確為 (A)。(C) 是陷阱選項, 因為寄件者只是想買新渦輪機,不一定真的會買。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


* 通常在文末不會有簽名,但可能會出現如 cc(= carbon copy 副本) encl(= enclosure 附件)等訊息。 * Re 在此表示 regarding(關於)的意思。

TO: All Sales Staff FROM: Dorothy Clark RE: LAST MEETING DATE: April 2 , 200

此致:所有業務人員 發信人:桃樂絲•克拉克 關於:上次會議 日期:二〇〇九年四月二十五日

As you know, the possibility of shortening the lunch break from one and a half hours to one hour was discussed at the last meeting we had in March. Many of you indicated that you would prefer to finish work earlier if this option became available.


Having thought this through considerably a n d h a v i n g d i s c u s s e d i t w i t h M r. Stephenson, we have decided to try this out for six months to see how it goes. In order to make this work as smoothly as possible, each of you will have to indicate your preferred finishing time on a form that we will be passed around the office later today.


Please take time to read the form carefully and please contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks for your cooperation.

間由一個半小時縮短為一小時一 案,已經在我們上次三月召開的會 議中進行討論。許多同仁表示,若 能有選擇,他們比較傾向能早點下 班。

生進行討論後,我們已決定試行六 個月,看看成效如何。為能順利實 施本案,今天稍晚我們將在辦公室 內傳閱一份表格,請各位務必將您 希望的下班時間填上。 請各位撥冗仔細閱讀該份表格,若 您有任何問題或疑慮,請直接與我 連絡。 謝謝您的合作。

• indicate 指出 • option 選擇 • considerably 相當:非常

Who is the intended reader for this memo? (A) Mr. Stephenson’s assistant (B) The company’s sales staff (C) Dorothy Clark’s manager (D) Sales staff managers 題目問到這篇 memo 的讀者最有可能是誰?由 TO: All Sales Staff 內容可知應是 公司的業務人員,故選 (B)。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Reading Comprehension


124 Part 7


* 這類考題會出現報告中的一部分,如封面、目錄或其中一頁。

Plans for Las Vegas Road Development 拉斯維加斯道路發展計畫 拉斯維加斯市交通部

City of Las Vegas, Department of Transportation 目錄

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction i Acknowledgements iii List of Charts, Diagrams and Graphs iv Executive Summary Program Background 1 Program History 1 Road Crew Project Timeline 1 Background 1 The Communities of Las Vegas Plan Details 2 Funding and Sustainability 30 10-Year Expansion Plan Discussion of Proposed Changes Conclusion 3 Concluding Thoughts References Appendices Appendix A: Focus Group Research Appendix B: Questionnaires Appendix C: Research Tables Appendix D: Community Overviews Appendix E: Poster

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


i 致謝 iii 圖表、圖形和線圖目錄 iv 執行綱要 計劃背景 1 計劃歷史 1 道路計畫時程 1 背景 1 拉斯維加斯的社區 計畫細節 2 資金與永續性 30 十年擴展計畫 建議改善的討論 結論

3 結論 參考文獻 附錄 附錄 A: 焦點團體研究 附錄 B: 問卷調查表 附錄 C: 研究表格 附錄 D: 社區概觀 附錄 E: 海報

• introduction 前言 • conclusion 結論 • appendix 附錄(複數為 appendices 或 appendixes) • focus group 為了聽取對某事

(產品或議題)的意見而招集的一 群人


題目問:可以在哪一部分找到學生的問卷調查?作答時要注意比較特別的字詞,在 附錄 B 中可以發現 questionnaires 故答案是 (D)。

On which page would one find a summary of the project? (A) iv (B) 16 (C) 30 (D) 53 題目問:可以在哪一頁找到計畫綱要?在引言部份的 iv 有 executive summary (執行綱要),所以答案是 (A)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Reading Comprehension

In which section would one find a copy of the study’s questionnaire? (A) Introduction (B) Program Background (C) Conclusion (D) Appendices

126 Part 7


* 要注意行程表中出現的時間、班次和安排行程者。 * 如果是會議行程則要注意會議地點及會議內容。

Hague Business Services 301 Jupiter Crescent Boston, MA 01 3 Charlene Davis 2- Nelson Apts. Nelson Street Boston, MA 01

哈古商業服務公司 邱比特新月街 301 號 01 3 麻州波士頓市 查爾蓮•戴維斯 倪爾森公寓 2- 號 尼爾森街 01 麻州波士頓市


Dear Ms. Davis,


Please find below your itinerary for your forthcoming business meeting in London.


Please check this carefully and don ’ t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or queries.



旅客:查爾蓮•戴維斯 確認號碼: BAW33 002 Z 週三 12 月 30 日 0 :00 離開波士頓

PASSENGER: Charlene Davis CONF. NO: BAW33 002 Z WED 30 DEC DEP BOSTON 0 :00 WED 30 DEC ARR LONDON (LHR) 0 :00

週三 12 月 30 日 0 :00 抵達倫敦 (希斯洛機場) 英國航空 BA 班機 週五 1 月 2 日 1 : 3 離開倫敦(希斯 洛機場)


週五 1 月 2 日 13:12 抵達波士頓







Regards, Geoff Torridson Travel Consultant

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

英國航空 BA 班機

• • • •

itinerary 行程 forthcoming 即將到來的 query 需求、要求 consultant 顧問


行程表中第二項即提到抵達倫敦的時間是十二月三十號週三早上八點,故選 (B)。

Who will be flying on British Airways Flight 57, according to the itinerary? (A) Geoff Torridson (B) Charlene Hague (C) Davis Torridson (D) Charlene Davis 這張是 Geoff Torridson 給 Charlene Davis 的行程表,故答案是 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Reading Comprehension

When will the traveler arrive in London? (A) Thursday, December 3, 7:30 a.m. (B) Wednesday, December 30, 8:00 a.m. (C) Thursday, January 20, 2:43 p.m. (D) Wednesday, January 2, 9:00 a.m.

128 Part 7


* 閱讀這類表格時要注意時間和節目的對照。 * 工作進度表、教室或會議室使用表都是可能出現的考題。

Orange TV


Programming Lineup for Friday


Pet Pals :00 p.m.

See the Pet of the Week and find out what’s hot in Orange County for you and your pet.

Elections & You :30 p.m.

Important notes for voters from the Elections Committee.

Downtown Orlando Arts :00 p.m.

A discussion with members of the Orlando Arts Society on what’s new and what can’t be missed in the city’s art scene.

晚上六點 寵物伙伴: 觀看寵物一週的生活,及為你和你 的寵物找出橙鎮最熱門的事物。 晚上六點 選舉與你: 選舉委員會告知選民的重要事項。 晚上七點 奧蘭多城市藝術: 與奧蘭多藝術協會會員討論最新訊 息和不可錯過的城市藝術。

• lineup 電視節目時間表 • election 選舉 • committee 委員會

What is the purpose of this passage? (A) To tell what time pet programming will start (B) To show programming for the whole week (C) To list the times of shows on Friday night (D) To have viewers know more about the station 由標題 Programming Lineup for Friday 可知禮拜五的電視時間表,故選 (C)。(A) 告知寵物節目何時開始; (B) 顯示一週的節目; (D) 讓觀眾更瞭解電視台。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


* 這類題型要注意公告對象是誰以及公告事項內容及時間、地點、因應措施等訊息。

Notice to Residents Between the hours of 12:00 and 1 :00 on Friday June , 200 access to the building will be limited to the rear entrance. This is necessary as a result of damage incurred on the evening of June 2 during the bad storm. We envision that both entrances will be fully operational after 1 :00 on Friday. Should this not be the case, we will inform all residents. We apologize for the inconvenience and would like to thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

住戶通知 二〇〇九年六月五日週五中午 十二時至下午五時,大樓將僅限由 後門出入。這是為了因應六月二日 晚間那場暴風雨釀成的災害所必須 採取的措施。我們預期週五下午五 點過後,前後兩個出入口將可完全 開放。屆時若情況不是如此,我們 將會通知所有住戶。我們對於所造 成的不便致上歉意,也感謝您的配 合。

What will happen at 17:00 on Friday? (A) The front door will be locked for one hour. (B) Everything should be back to normal. (C) Both doors will be replaced. (D) A public apology will be made. 由 We envision that both entrances will be fully operational after 1 :00 on Friday. 可知週五下午五點過後,前後兩個出入口將可完全開放,故選 (B) 一切都恢 復正常。(A) 前門將上鎖一小時; (C) 兩個門都會換掉; (D) 將有人會公開道歉。

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130 Part 7


* 閱讀公告要特別注意標題、公告發布者及事情發生的原因及結果。

Department of Health and Social Security Manchester, England Eateries closed for health-code infringements

健康及社會安全部 曼徹斯特,英格蘭 餐廳因違反健康法規遭勒令歇業 商家名稱: 歡樂谷披薩屋 國王街 21 號


Happy Valley Pizza Barn 21 King Street

Reasons cited for closure:

Two counts of failing to store food properly ◆ Slippery floor surface encountered by inspectors during last visit ◆ Lighting fixtures in poor repair ◆

勒令歇業原因: ◆ 兩項食物未適當保存 ◆ 檢查員上次來訪發現地板溼滑 ◆ 照明設施失修 商家名稱: 孟買咖哩屋 鳳凰新月街 3 號 勒令歇業原因:


Bombay Curry House 3 Phoenix Crescent

Reasons cited for closure:

Inadequate ventilation in kitchen ◆ Dimly lit food preparation area ◆ Failure to comply with a previous order to reduce number of tables in main eating area ◆

◆ 廚房通風不良 ◆ 食物準備區照明不足 ◆ 未遵守先前命令減少主用餐區桌數

• • • • • •

infringement 違反;侵害 closure 關閉 slippery 溼滑的 fixture 裝置 inadequate 不夠的 ventilation 通風

What is being closed? (A) Two restaurants on King Street (B) Two agencies of the health department (C) Two pizza restaurants in Manchester (D) Two restaurants violating health codes 由標題 Eateries closed for health-code infringements 可知兩家違反健康法規的 餐廳被勒令停業,故正確答案為 (D)。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


* 會出現含 NOT 的題目,因此要注意廣告中的個別項目。


YARD SALE The Grahams are getting an addition to the family and will be holding a yard sale on Sunday, August 23, between 12:00 and 1 :00 to make room. There are some great things for sale such as: a six-foot aquarium (including pump, filter etc.) ■ six Beatles albums in 12” vinyl (very rare) ■ a Technics 1200 turntable (state-of-theart) ■ one professional skipping rope (as used in gyms) ■ various CDs, DVDs and videos (mostly Kung Fu movies) ■ leather sofa and three chairs ■ kitchen table and six chairs ■

There is plenty of parking outside our house. We can deliver any of these goods free of charge within a 30-mile radius. Please feel free to call if you have any questions at - , Robert and Carla Graham.

葛拉罕家即將增添一名成員, 為挪出更多空間,葛家將於八月 二十三日週日中午十二時至下午五 時舉行一場庭院拍賣會。屆時將出 售一些不錯的東西,包括: ■ 六呎長水族箱一個(包括打氣 筒,過濾器等) ■ 十二吋披頭四黑膠唱片專輯六張 (極稀有) ■ 科 技 家 型 號 1 2 0 0 唱 盤 一 台 (最新型) ■ 專業跳繩一條(與健身中心所用 相同) ■ 各種雷射唱片、數位影音光碟、 及錄影帶(多為功夫片) ■ 皮沙發及三張椅子 ■ 廚房用桌子及六張椅子 本宅門外停車位多。以上物件 我們均提供方圓三十哩內的免費運 送服務。若有任何問題,歡迎致電

- 找羅伯特及卡拉.葛拉 罕夫婦。

• • • •

aquarium 水族箱 filter 過濾器 state-of-the-art 頂級的 radius 半徑

What have the Grahams NOT listed as for sale? (A) Rare music records (B) Professional exercise equipment (C) Leather furniture (D) Kitchen appliances 四個選項在拍賣品項中並未提到的是 (D) 廚房家電,此為陷阱選項,因為拍賣品中 的 kitchen table 是家具而非家電。 (A) 稀有的音樂唱片; (B) 專業的運動器材; (C) 皮製家具。

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132 Part 7


* 看到這類考題要注意買方、賣方、總金額、付現還是信用卡付款等細節。

Joe’s Ice Cream Delights

2 W 1 th St New York, NY 1001 212- -00 Subtotal: Sales Tax:

12.00 1.22

Total: 13.22 Cash tendered: Change:

$20.22 $ .00

歡樂喬冰淇淋店 第十五街西區 2 號

1001 紐約州紐約市 212- -00 小計: 12.00 美元 營業稅: 1.22 美元 總計: 13.22 美元 現金支付: 20.22 美元 找零: .00 元美

• subtotal 小計 • tender 償付

How much money did the customer spend? (A) $1.22 (B) $7.00 (C) $12.00 (D) $13.22 題目問的是這名顧客花了多少錢?由總計 Total: 13.22 可知答案是 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


* 一般新聞第一句就會將事件相關的人、事、時、地、物等交待出來,所以要格外留 意第一句內容以及事件的發展及參與的人物。



crashed into the side of the Lennox Bridge after midnight last night, following a lengthy chase with police. The car, reported stolen at 11:3 last night, was allegedly driven by two teenagers who were then chased by several police cars. Their names are not available because they are minors. They were both taken to the hospital and remain there in serious, but stable, condition. Police charges are pending an investigation.


( 洛杉磯報導)昨天午夜過後,一 輛二〇〇二年份的藍色科維特跑 車,在被警方追逐很長一段距離後 撞上了倫諾克斯橋側邊。據說這輛 在昨夜十一時三十五分報竊的車子 是由兩名遭到多輛警車追捕的青少 年所駕駛。由於兩名竊賊均未成 年,因此無法得知兩人的姓名。兩 名少年都被送往醫院就醫,雖然傷 勢嚴重但情況穩定。警方正在調查 該以何種罪名將兩人起訴。

• • • •

chase 追趕 allegedly 據傳 minor 未成年者 pending 在……期間;等待之時

What is the current situation, as reported by the article? (A) The car has not been found. (B) The robbers have not been found. (C) The police are still investigating. (D) The robbers are out of the hospital. 題目問到:當這篇報導刊登時的情況是如何?由 Police charges are pending an investigation. 可知答案應是 (C)。(A) 車子還沒找到; (B) 搶匪還沒找到; (D) 搶 匪出院了。

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134 Part 7


* 注意整篇文章所傳達的涵意,若沒有標題,則可能出現哪一個標題最合適的題目。


Thomas Giles has been working as a freelance journalist for the past ten years. He has worked for such famous publications as The London Banner, Dundee Courier and The Age. We caught up with Thomas while he was on assignment in Algeria. When asked about the dangers of his job, he told us this was one of the reasons he got into the profession in the first place. “As soon as I could ride my bike, I knew that there was a whole world out there waiting to be explored. My parents used to warn me about going to the river on my bike— they said it was treacherous. But that just made me more curious and determined to see what all the fuss was about.” Thomas advises up-and-coming journalists to weigh the pros and cons before taking the plunge into journalism. There are some very dangerous places out there. “This job is not for the faint of heart,” he reminded this reporter.

是個自由撰述記者。他曾為知名刊 物 , 如 《 倫 敦 工 商 報 》、《 丹 地 郵 報》、和《年代》工作。我們在湯 瑪士被派往阿爾及利亞出差時與他 結識。當我們問到他工作的危險性 時,他告訴我們這是他當初選擇這 份職業的原因之一。 「我剛學會騎 腳踏車後,就知道外頭有一整個世 界等著我去探索,我父母曾警告我 不要騎腳踏車到河邊玩耍,他們說 河水是變化莫測的。但是他們的話 只會讓我更好奇,並決定去一探究 竟。」湯瑪士建議即將入行的新聞 工作者,在投入新聞界之前要先衡 量一下其中利弊。有些地方真的非 常危險。他提醒這位記者,「膽小 者不適合從事這份工作。」

• freelance 自由投稿的;自由記 者、作者、撰稿人

• treacherous 危險的;變化莫 測的

• up-and-coming 嶄露頭角的 • take the plunge 長考後決定做 某事;決意冒險

Why did Thomas Giles become a freelance journalist? (A) He enjoys traveling. (B) He enjoys danger. (C) He enjoys talking to people. (D) He enjoys new assignments. 題目問到:為什麼湯瑪士會成為一位自由撰述記者?由 When asked about the dangers of his job, he told us this was one of the reasons he got into the profession in the first place. 可知他喜歡挑戰危險,故選 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


* 表格的型式有留言單、訂購單等,作答時要注意與勾選內容相對應的項目。


For: Mr. Livingston Date:



致:李文斯頓先生 緊急 日期:六月十二日 時間:四點


Mr. Jack Saunders of: didn’t say



Telephoned Came to see you Returned your call



Please call ✔

Will call you again Wants to see you

電話:分機 2



對方造訪 ✔



對方想與你見面 ✔


傑克有過來。他想跟你談明天簡報 的事。你去找他時要帶 USB 隨身

Message: Jack came while you were on a sales call. He wants to talk about tomorrow’s presentation. Bring USB memory stick when you go to see him. He has pictures to give you.


• urgent 緊急的 • presentation 簡報

What is true from the message? (A) Jack Saunders came to see Mr. Livingston. (B) Mr. Livingston was away at a presentation. (C) Jack forgot his USB memory stick. (D) Jack Saunders came at 6:00. 根據留言提到 Jack came while you were on a sales call. 得知傑克.桑德斯來找 李文斯頓,所以 (A) 是正確答案。(B) 李文斯頓離開去做簡報; (C) 傑克忘了他的 USB 隨身碟; (D) 傑克.桑德斯六點時來的。

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136 Part 7


* 這類文章要注意數字或備註的文字。

Save 75%* and learn more with Investor Plus Magazine. Not only does it cost you a lot less than a regular subscription; but having Investor Plus Magazine delivered to your mail box every week** saves you a lot of inconvenience. Thousands of wise readers have already signed up for this fantastic offer. To start saving on regular rates and learning about the best place for your money, complete the form below and mail it to: King Publishers, 10 Fleet St., Denvor, CO 020 * 10 -week subscription ** Allow two to three weeks for first issue.

《投資人升級雜誌》 讓你省下百分之 七十五,並且獲益良多 不僅比一般訂閱價格低,而 且《投資人升級雜誌》每週郵寄給 您,免除您許多的不便。已經有上 千名精明的讀者購買了這難得的方 案。想開始省下一般費用並學著將 錢花在最好的地方,就請填寫以下 的表格,並郵寄到: 國王出版社 芙栗特街 10 號

020 科羅拉多州丹佛市 * 訂閱 10 期 ** 二至三週後收到第一期雜誌 • subscription 訂閱、訂閱費 • deliver 傳遞、運送

How long might one wait for the first issue, according to the advertisement? (A) one week (B) three weeks (C) four weeks (D) five weeks 題目問:讀者需要等多久才會收到第一期雜誌?文末 Allow two to three weeks for first issue. 表示二至三週後會收到第一期雜誌,故答案是 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


* 雙篇文章的組合型式有文件 + 圖表 / 表格,信件 + 回應,要求 + 回應等。 * 這類考題要特別留意兩篇文章間的關連性。 * 如果是一長一短的文章,通常會敘述相同的看法,答題時可以從其中一篇找到答案。

Danielle: I need you to write up a memo telling the accounting staff that they will be expected to work overtime until the end of April. It can’t be demanding; try to be encouraging and appreciative. We’ll be giving bonuses and extra days off for hard workers. Also tell them the temporary workers have been hired to help.

丹妮爾: 我需要你幫我寫一封便條給會 計部門,他們在四月底前必須要加 班。可不用命令的語氣,試著用鼓 勵和感謝的方式。我們會給認真的 員工獎金和額外的休假。順便告訴 他們會有臨時約聘人員來幫忙。 完成後先給我看一下草稿然後我 再簽名。

Bring me the draft when you’re finished for me to review and sign.



• encouraging 鼓勵的 • appreciative 感謝的 • temporary 臨時的



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138 Part 7

Office Memo Date: March , 200 To: Sammy Martins, Accounting Dept. Head From: Paul Preston, Chief Executive Officer Re: Tax Season

Please distribute to your staff. I am requesting extra help from your team from now until the end of April. As you are all aware, we are about to enter another tax season. Overtime will be necessary during this and next month. I have hired several temporary assistants to help us, but I am relying on you all, my trusted employees, to pull us through this hectic period. I am confident you can do it, and you should be confident that your quarterly bonuses will be very rewarding if we can get the job done well. I will also be offering extra vacation time next year for those who go above and beyond the call of duty.

辦公室便箋 日期:二〇〇九年,三月五日 收件人:會計部主任山米•馬汀斯 寄件人:執行長保羅•普瑞司登 回覆:報稅季節

請告知你的員工 我請求你的團隊從現在起至四月底 多出一份心力。就如各位都知道, 我們即將邁入報稅季節。 這個月和下個月我們都需要加班。 我已經聘用幾位臨時助手來協助, 但我倚賴你們這幾位員工,來完成 度過這段勢必忙翻的期間。 我有信心你們做得到,而你們也可 以有信心,如果我們能把工作完 成,你們的季獎金將會非常優渥。 我也會在明年提供額外的休假給那 些在分內工作外來協助的人。

• distribute 散佈;分給 • confident 有信心的;有把握的 • rewarding 有報酬的

What is most likely the relationship between Danielle and Paul? (A) Danielle is Paul’s manager (B) Paul is Danielle’s assistant (C) Danielle is Paul’s assistant (D) Danielle is Paul’s wife 保羅要丹妮爾寫一封發給會計部門的便箋,加上第二篇文章中保羅是掛名 CEO,故 可推測丹妮爾應是保羅的助理,故選 (C)。

What is TRUE about the memo? (A) It states that no one can take vacation time in April. (B) It appreciates the work done by the temporary workers. (C) It demands harder work from the accountants. (D) It encourages the staff work hard during a challenge. 此篇內容主要是鼓勵員工在報稅季節加倍努力,故選 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


2. 雙篇文章通常一篇會有一或兩個問題,最後一個問題通常是整合這兩篇文章 所出的題目。

作答 技巧

Step 1: 快速瀏覽文章且思考其題型。 Step 2: 看題目並想想在文章哪個部份可以找到答案。 Step 3: 刪除最明顯錯誤的答案。 Step : 選出正確答案。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Reading Comprehension

重點 叮嚀

1. 這部份的問題有幾種常見的題型: • 推論性的問題 • 含主旨的問題 • 暗示性的問題 • 題目中出現 NOT 的問題

140 Part 7

模擬 測驗













Questions 1–3 refer to the following advertisement.

Make BIG Money Do you want to make $100, $200 or even $400 in a matter of hours? Well, this is your chance! You’ll earn a whopping $25 for every single person you refer to our program. This program is simple and you can do it from anywhere with an Internet connection. There are absolutely no requirements other than a computer. For a one-time fee of $25 you can have my Powerful Internet Money Making System that can turn you into a millionaire. Once you’ve acquired this revolutionary program, it’s up to you how much money you make. The sky is the limit! Hundreds of people are making money using our system as you read this ad right now! Don’t be left behind. Visit our Web site www.bigmoney.com today for more information and instructions how to order this once in a lifetime package.

1. According to the advertisement, how long will it take to make $100? (A) One hour (B) One day (C) One week (D) A few hours

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


3. How can interested people order the Powerful Internet Money Making System? (A) By phone (B) By money order (C) From the Web site (D) By credit card

Questions 4–6 refer to the following instructional article.

HIRING A WINNER If you’re an employer, how many times have you had to make a tough decision between two or more qualified candidates? How many times have you made the wrong decision? Want a tip that will help you make the right decision without the time consuming pain and agony that often goes with hiring? Have your applicants write a memo. A memo says it all. It may sound simplistic, but trust me—it works. Have them write a memo that outlines not what your company’s problems are, but how they intend to solve them. You’ll find out quickly who wants to do what they’re told, and who will actually help you solve problems and move forward. When you’re hiring, send an e-mail after your interview that goes something like this: “Thanks for meeting with us today, John. It was terrific sharing ideas with you. May I ask you to send me a one-page memo, outlining your thoughts on how you’d approach your role with us, and what you view as the short-term and long-term priorities for our company? I would like to see your way of thinking.” Then see what happens. You’ll get insight into the candidate’s writing skills, their sense of logic, their listening skills and their understanding of your department’s current situation.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Reading Comprehension

2. How many people are currently using this system? (A) Hundreds (B) Thousands (C) Millions (D) Unknown

142 Part 7

4. What problem is the writer trying to help employers solve? (A) Prioritizing (B) Managing (C) Hiring (D) Writing 5. How does the writer suggest employers request candidates write a memo? (A) Ask them during the interview (B) Fax them a request (C) Call them to request it (D) Write an e-mail request 6. What advantage will employers gain by receiving memos from candidates? (A) They’ll learn about their handwriting. (B) They’ll learn about their computer skills. (C) They’ll learn about their temperament. (D) They’ll learn about their ability to think.

Questions 7–11 refer to the following two documents. WANTED: Personal Trainer for Halifax Worldwide Sports Center. Exp’d local trainer and fitness instructor needed for busy branch. Should have sports or physical education degree and experience coaching children. French and English needed. Send e-mail to Greg in Personnel at Greg@HalifaxWSC.ca. No phone calls.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


Dear Personnel Manager, My name is Ronnie Jackson, and I am a 33-year-old fitness instructor in Halifax, Canada. I hold a bachelor’s in athletics from Queen’s University and I have been working in the fitness industry for nearly ten years. I am currently employed by Fitness Canada, where I have worked for the last six years as a fitness instructor, afterschool basketball coach and weight trainer. My interests pertain to any and all athletic activities. I am fluent in English and Spanish. My coworkers tell me I am a team player who gets along well with others. My interest in Worldwide Sports Centers comes from your excellent reputation and the opportunity for growth and adventure. I am very open to traveling and working in different parts of the world. From the research I have done, your company would allow me to do that. I have attached a résumé with references. If there is any other information you would like from me, please don’t hesitate to ask. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Yours truly, Ronnie Jackson ronniej@hotmail.com.ca

7. Who is Greg? (A) A trainer at a gym (B) A hiring manager (C) A physical education instructor (D) A job applicant 8. How long has Mr. Jackson worked in the fitness industry? (A) Ten years (B) More than ten years (C) Six years (D) Almost ten years

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Reading Comprehension

To: Greg@HalifaxWSC.ca From: ronniej@hotmail.com.ca Subject: Fitness Instructor Opening

144 Part 7

9. Which of the following jobs has Mr. Jackson NOT held? (A) Weight instructor (B) Baseball coach (C) Basketball coach (D) Fitness coach 10. What type of document did Mr. Jackson send? (A) A cover letter (B) An application form (C) A letter of recommendation (D) A reference letter 11. What does the ad ask for that Mr. Jackson does not have or do? (A) He does not have experience with children. (B) He does not speak French. (C) He does not live in Halifax. (D) He does not have a degree in sports.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

145 Questions 1–3 refer to the following advertisement.

Make BIG Money Do you want to make $100, $200 or even $ 00 in a matter of hours? Well, this is your chance! You’ll earn a whopping $2 for every single person you refer to our program. This program is simple and you can do it from anywhere with an Internet connection. There are absolutely no requirements other than a computer. For a one-time fee of $2 you can have my Powerful Internet Money Making System that can turn you into a millionaire. Once you’ve acquired this revolutionary program, it’s up to you how much money you make. The sky is the limit! Hundreds of people are making money using our system as you read this ad right now! Don’t be left behind. Visit our Web site www.bigmoney. com today for more information and instructions how to order this once in a lifetime package.

賺大錢 你想在幾小時內就賺取到一百元、兩百 元、甚至四百元嗎?

嗯,你的機會來了!每介紹一 個人加入我們的計畫,你就能賺到 二十五元。這個計畫很簡單,只要 有網路連線,你可以在任何地方做 這項工作。除了電腦之外,絕對沒 有其他條件。只要支付一次二十五 元手續費,就能擁有讓你變成百 萬富翁的「強力網際網路賺錢系 統」。 一旦你獲得這個開創性的程式, 想賺多少錢都隨你。前途無量!就 在你看這則廣告的時候,正有好幾 百個人在使用我們的系統賺錢。不 要落後了。 要取得更多訊息及瞭解如何訂 購這個一生難得的方案,請今天就 上我們的網站 www.bigmoney. com 洽詢。

• • • • •

whopping 龐大的 absolutely 絕對地 acquire 獲得 revolutionary 革命性的 instruction 指示、說明

1. According to the advertisement, how long will it take to make $100? (A) One hour (B) One day (C) One week (D) A few hours 由 Do you want to make $100, $200 or even $ 00 in a matter of hours? 可知在幾小時內就可能賺大錢,故選 (D)。

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146 Part 7

2. How many people are currently using this system? (A) Hundreds (B) Thousands (C) Millions (D) Unknown 由 Hundreds of people are making money using our system as you read this ad right now! 得知有上百人在使用這個系統,故選 (A)。

3. How can interested people order the Powerful Internet Money Making System? (A) By phone (B) By money order (C) From the Web site (D) By credit card 文章最後提到如果要取得更多訊息就請上他們的網站,故答案是 (C)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

147 HIRING A WINNER If you ’ re an employer, how many times have you had to make a tough decision between two or more qualified candidates? How many times have you made the wrong decision? Want a tip that will help you make the right decision without the time consuming pain and agony that often goes with hiring? H a v e y o u r a p p l i c a n t s w r i t e a memo. A memo says it all. It may sound simplistic, but trust me—it works. Have them write a memo that outlines not what your company’s problems are, but how they intend to solve them. You ’ ll find out quickly who wants to do what they’re told, and who will actually help you solve problems and move forward. When you’re hiring, send an e-mail after your interview that goes something like this: “ Thanks for meeting with us today, John. It was terrific sharing ideas with you. May I ask you to send me a one-page memo, outlining your thoughts on how you’d approach your role with us, and what you view as the shortterm and long-term priorities for our company? I would like to see your way of thinking.” Then see what happens. You’ll get insight into the candidate ’ s writing skills, their sense of logic, their listening skills and their understanding of your department’s current situation.

聘雇贏家 如果你是雇主,你有多少次要在 兩個或多個適當的人選之間做出困 難的抉擇?有多少次做了錯誤的決 定呢?這裡有個祕訣能幫助你做出 正確的決定,而不用經歷聘雇人時 耗時的痛苦與折磨。 先讓你的應徵者寫一份短箋。短 箋能透露出一切。聽起來很簡單, 但相信我,這一招有效。要他們寫 一份短箋,不是要他們概述公司的 問題,而是他們打算如何解決這些 問題。你很快就會發現誰是聽命行 事,誰是真正會幫你解決問題,並 幫助公司往前邁進。 當你聘雇人時,在面試結束後發 一封如下的電子郵件 :「謝謝你今 日與我們會面,約翰。能與你分享 想法真的很棒。我想請你寄一頁短 箋給我,概述你會在我們公司扮演 何種角色,及你認為本公司短期及 長期優先順序事項為何?我想看看 你的想法。」 然後就看事情怎麼演變 : 你會 看到應徵者的寫作技巧、思考邏輯 感、傾聽能力,及他們對你這個部 門目前狀況的瞭解。

• • • •

qualified 合格的 consuming 消耗的、耗費的 agony 痛苦、折磨 priority 優先順序

4. What problem is the writer trying to help employers solve? (A) Prioritizing (B) Managing (C) Hiring (D) Writing 由這篇文章都在談論聘雇的問題,可知作者要幫雇主解決的問題是 (C)。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Reading Comprehension

Questions 4–6 refer to the following instructional article.

148 Part 7

5. How does the writer suggest employers request candidates write a memo? (A) Ask them during the interview (B) Fax them a request (C) Call them to request it (D) Write an e-mail request 文中提到 when you’re hiring, send an e-mail after your interview that goes something like this . . .,故答案是 (D)。(A) 面試時要求他們; (B) 以傳真方式 要求; (C) 打電話要求。

6. What advantage will employers gain by receiving memos from candidates? (A) They’ll learn about their handwriting. (B) They’ll learn about their computer skills. (C) They’ll learn about their temperament. (D) They’ll learn about their ability to think. 文中最後一段提到雇主可以從中得知求職者的某些能力,但 (A) handwriting(筆 跡); (B) computer skill(電腦技能)及 (C) temperament(性情)等均未提 及,所以答案是 (D)。

Questions 7–11 refer to the following two documents. WA N T E D : P e r s o n a l Tr a i n e r f o r Halifax Worldwide Sports Center. Exp’d

local trainer and fitness instructor needed for busy branch. Should have sports or physical education degree and experience coaching children. French and English needed. Send e-mail to Greg in Personnel at Greg@HalifaxWSC.ca. No phone calls.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

徵人啟示 : 哈利費克斯全球運動 中心徵求私人教練。需要分店所在 地有經驗的教練和健身中心指導 員。須具備運動和體育學位及擔任 過兒童教練的經驗。必須會說法 文和英文。請寄電子郵件給人事 部的葛瑞格,郵件地址為 Greg@ HalifaxWSC.ca。請勿來電。

• instructor 指導員


Dear Personnel Manager, My name is Ronnie Jackson, and I am a 33-year-old fitness instructor in Halifax, Canada. I hold a bachelor ’ s in athletics from Queen’s University and I have been working in the fitness industry for nearly ten years. I am currently employed by Fitness Canada, where I have worked for the last six years as a fitness instructor, afterschool basketball coach and weight trainer. My interests pertain to any and all athletic activities. I am fluent in English and Spanish. My coworkers tell me I am a team player who gets along well with others. My interest in Worldwide Sports Centers comes from your excellent reputation and the opportunity for growth and adventure. I am very open to traveling and working in different parts of the world. From the research I have done, your company would allow me to do that. I have attached a résumé with references. If there is any other information you would like from me, please don’t hesitate to ask. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Yours truly,

收件人: Greg@HalifaxWSC.ca 寄件人: ronniej@hotmail.com.ca 主題:健身指導員職缺

敬愛的人事經理: 我的名字叫做羅尼•傑克森,我 來自加拿大哈力費克斯,是一位健 身教練,今年三十三歲。我擁有皇 后大學體育學士學位,我在健身中 心工作了近十年。我目前由健身加 拿大所聘用,過去六年我都為他們 工作。我有健身教練、課後籃球教 練、重量訓練師等工作經驗。只要 是運動而且是全部的運動我都有興 趣。我會流利的英語和西班牙文。 我的同事都認為我能與他人相處融 洽且合群。 我對全球運動中心深感興趣,因 為貴公司優良的信譽及能提供成長 和探險的機會。我非常願意到世界 各地工作。根據我所做的研究,貴 公司是允許我這麼做的。 附上我的履歷及推薦信函。如果 您需要知道其他有關我的資料,請 儘管問我。期盼不久就可以聽到您 的消息。 謹致 羅尼•傑克森

ronniej@hotmail.com.ca • • • •

industry 行業 pertain 有關於 reference 介紹信;推薦信 hesitate 猶豫、遲疑

Ronnie Jackson ronniej@hotmail.com.ca

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Reading Comprehension

To: Greg@HalifaxWSC.ca From: ronniej@hotmail.com.ca Subject: Fitness Instructor Opening

150 Part 7

7. Who is Greg? (A) A trainer at a gym (B) A hiring manager (C) A physical education instructor (D) A job applicant 由 Send e-mail to Greg in Personnel at Greg@HalifaxWSC.ca. 可知葛瑞格應 是健身中心的人事主管,故選 (B)。

8. How long has Mr. Jackson worked in the fitness industry? (A) Ten years (B) More than ten years (C) Six years (D) Almost ten years 由 and I have been working in the fitness industry for nearly ten years 可知 答案是 (D),almost 與 nearly 同義,都是「差不多」的意思。

9. Which of the following jobs has Mr. Jackson NOT held? (A) Weight instructor (B) Baseball coach (C) Basketball coach (D) Fitness coach 文 中提到他有當過健身教練、籃球教練、重量訓練師等工作經驗,只有 baseball coach(棒球教練)未提到,故選 (B)。

10. What type of document did Mr. Jackson send? (A) A cover letter (B) An application form (C) A letter of recommendation (D) A reference letter 雖然文末出現 résumé 與 reference,但這篇就是一封求職信(cover letter),所 以答案是 (A)。

11. What does the ad ask for that Mr. Jackson does not have or do? (A) He does not have experience with children. (B) He does not speak French. (C) He does not live in Halifax. (D) He does not have a degree in sports. 第一篇徵人廣告中提到的條件之一是要會說英文和法文,但求職者在信中說自己會 的是英文和西班牙文,所以答案是 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

LISTENING TEST In the Listening Test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening Test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book.

152 Listening Comprehension

PART 1 For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.


Track 61

Sample Answer

Statement (C), “A pair of eyeglasses is in the man’s hand.” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

153 Test 1





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154 Listening Comprehension 5.




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155 Test 1



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156 Listening Comprehension

PART 2 You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.


Track 62

You will hear: What is the meeting about? You will also hear: (A) He’ll probably be late. (B) Our new marketing plan. (C) I have an interview. Sample Answer

The best response to the question “What is the meeting about?” is choice (B), “Our new marketing plan,” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

157 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

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Test 1

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

158 Listening Comprehension

PART 3 You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversation will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

Track 63 41. What is the woman most likely going to do? (A) Order ink from a supplier (B) Go to the store to buy ink (C) Ask a colleague to buy ink (D) Borrow ink from a colleague

42. What is the relationship between the speakers? (A) Customer–supplier (B) Coworkers (C) Machine repairer–machine owner (D) Telephone operator–caller 43. Why does the man talk about a credit card? (A) The woman left it in the supply cabinet. (B) Greg bought ink using the credit card. (C) Jenny asked for the credit card. (D) The ink can be bought with the company’s card. 44. Why is the woman worried about Jim? (A) He has had a headache for weeks. (B) He doesn’t eat healthy food. (C) He has lost a lot of weight. (D) He is often rude. 45. What advice does the man give the woman? (A) Talk to Jim when the office is crowded (B) Don’t say anything to Jim (C) Call Jim’s doctor (D) Tell Jim privately Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

159 Test 1

46. What is true about the man? (A) He has known about Jim’s problem for a long time. (B) He only saw the problem after the woman told him. (C) He says he will talk to Jim about the problem. (D) He doesn’t think Jim has a problem. 47. What does the woman say about Paul? (A) She doesn’t want him to do the presentation. (B) She is unable to find him at the moment. (C) She feels few people are as qualified as Paul. (D) She knows Paul will not return from vacation this week. 48. Why can’t the man do the presentation? (A) He has previously scheduled appointments. (B) He is preparing a workbook for employees. (C) He is doing the books for accounting. (D) He has little knowledge about the subject. 49. What does the man say the woman will have to do? (A) Contact Paul on his cell phone (B) Cancel the presentation (C) Work with him closely on the project (D) Do the best she can in this situation 50. What is the woman’s opinion about the soup? (A) It tastes terrible. (B) It is too sour. (C) It tastes like tomatoes. (D) Its flavor is not the same. 51. What does the man suggest the woman do? (A) Finish eating the soup (B) Call the waitress (C) Complain to the owners (D) Order another dish

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160 Listening Comprehension

52. Where is this conversation taking place? (A) In a kitchen (B) At a hospital (C) In a restaurant (D) At a grocery store 53. At what time does this conversation take place? (A) Early in the evening (B) Early in the morning (C) Late in the afternoon (D) Just before midnight 54. What does the woman think about the man? (A) He woke up early. (B) He stayed up late. (C) He did not fall asleep. (D) He neglected his other work. 55. How long has the man been working on the manual? (A) Over a month (B) Exactly a month (C) Close to a month (D) Nearly two months 56. What does the woman say about talk shows? (A) There aren’t enough of them on TV. (B) They come on too late at night. (C) There are many of them being shown. (D) The writing on these shows is substandard. 57. What does the woman want to know about the writers? (A) Why they are so angry (B) Where they are working now (C) Why they are not being hired (D) Why they have become less creative

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

161 Test 1

58. Why are the writers on strike? (A) They aren’t getting enough recognition. (B) They are being discriminated against. (C) They aren’t being paid enough. (D) Their shows aren’t being put on the Internet. 59. What does the man request? (A) The woman’s table (B) The woman’s pen (C) The chairs near the woman (D) The menu on the table 60. What does the woman offer the man? (A) Her chair (B) The entire table (C) The seat at another table (D) Her name card 61. What does the woman say she is doing? (A) Working on a report (B) Trying to meet a deadline (C) Waiting for someone (D) Setting up a table for customers 62. According to the man, what did the weatherman say? (A) That a monsoon was approaching the town (B) That storms were starting to form outside of town (C) That a storm would blow over the city (D) That the weather would be clear 63. What does the woman complain about? (A) Bad traffic (B) Poor service (C) Poor visibility (D) Bad directions

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162 Listening Comprehension

64. Why are the speakers meeting each other? (A) For a conference (B) To go on a road trip (C) To do a weather experiment (D) For a family reunion 65. What does the letter say has changed about the trade show? (A) The date (B) The floor plan (C) The number of attendance (D) The location 66. What happened last year? (A) The woman misplaced her program and got lost. (B) The floor at the conference center hadn’t been cleaned. (C) The floor plan in the program was incorrect. (D) Too many clients came to their booth. 67. What is said about the people who arrange the schedule? (A) They are under a lot of pressure. (B) They do not wear comfortable shoes. (C) They should be fired. (D) They are too inexperienced. 68. What does the woman want the man to do? (A) Let her borrow some money (B) Accompany her to an event (C) Invest in some stocks (D) Arrange a meeting with her parents 69. What does the woman say will happen if the man goes with her? (A) He’ll be sold shares of a company. (B) He’ll have the time of his life. (C) He’ll meet very interesting people. (D) He’ll learn how to make money.

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163 Test 1

70. What does the man say about pyramid schemes? (A) He thinks they are effective. (B) He doesn’t understand how they work. (C) He used to run one many years ago. (D) He doesn’t believe they work.

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164 Listening Comprehension

PART 4 You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

Track 64

71. What is the speaker discussing? (A) A problem with the company’s computing system (B) A problem with the kitchen staff (C) A notice in the hallway (D) New rules for engineers 72. Why did the servers become too hot? (A) An engineer turned on the heat (B) Too many people were using the servers (C) There was an electrical problem (D) A new employee turned off the air conditioner 73. When will everything be back to normal? (A) Tomorrow morning (B) Friday (C) Next week (D) Over the weekend 74. What do top postal employees want? (A) To reduce the number of jobs (B) To fight private shipping agencies (C) To reduce their incomes (D) To lower the cost of postage 75. Who is the speaker? (A) A television newscaster (B) A government official (C) A museum tour guide (D) An economics professor Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

165 Test 1

76. From the talk, what is true? (A) The government and post office are in agreement. (B) The speaker agrees with the government. (C) The speaker agrees with the post office. (D) The government and post office are not in agreement. 77. What is expected to happen this summer? (A) Temperatures will be very high around the world. (B) Air conditioners will sell well. (C) People will be unprepared for summer. (D) There will be a record-setting number of fluorocarbons. 78. What discount will customers receive before midnight on Friday? (A) Five percent (B) Fifty percent (C) Twenty-five percent (D) Fifteen percent 79. What is the name of the company selling air conditioners? (A) Globe (B) Blowhard (C) Fluorocarbons (D) Midnight 80. What is the speaker describing? (A) Car rental prices (B) Vacation prices (C) Flight schedules (D) Web site design 81. When are the special deals available? (A) In February (B) This week only (C) All year (D) After the winter

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166 Listening Comprehension

82. What is true about the “twin share� deal? (A) Single people can buy this package. (B) The deal only includes the hotel room. (C) The deal requires two people. (D) The hotel is a three-star hotel. 83. How long will the sale last? (A) One month (B) One week (C) One hour (D) One day 84. Which stores are participating in the sale? (A) Stores that are already having a sale (B) All of the stores in the mall (C) Twenty percent of the stores (D) Clothing stores only 85. What is a condition of the sale? (A) Items may be returned but not exchanged. (B) Sale items cannot be exchanged. (C) Damaged items may be returned. (D) Items may be exchanged but not returned. 86. What do the two Canadian companies manufacture? (A) Fishing products (B) Boats (C) Outboard motors (D) Sporting goods 87. When will the merge officially happen? (A) December 1 (B) December 11 (C) December 31 (D) January 1

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

167 Test 1

88. What happened a few weeks ago? (A) Press releases about the merger were sent. (B) Zoom’s CEO said there would be no merger. (C) Rumors about the merger started. (D) Press releases were received. 89. Which level of fisherman was the speaker before the trip? (A) Beginner (B) Intermediate (C) Professional (D) Expert 90. How much of a discount is Freddy’s offering? (A) 10 percent off (B) 20 percent off (C) 30 percent off (D) 40 percent off 91. Most likely, who is the speaker? (A) A television actor (B) A satisfied customer (C) Freddy (D) Freddy’s competitor 92. Where is this announcement most likely being made? (A) In the boarding area (B) On the plane (C) At the arrival gate (D) In the airport parking lot 93. Which gate must BV22 passengers report to? (A) 19 (B) 22 (C) 90B (D) 19B

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168 Listening Comprehension

94. What will happen to passengers if they are late? (A) They will have to pay an extra charge. (B) They will lose their assigned seats. (C) They will not be allowed on the airplane. (D) They will need a permit. 95. What is the main topic of this speech? (A) University enrollment in first world countries (B) The gap between the first and third world (C) Academic knowledge of graduate students (D) Universities in the third world 96. What does the speaker’s graph show? (A) A financial gap (B) A drop in third world university enrollments (C) A decline in third world economies (D) An increase in third world university enrollments 97. What is problematic about the top students of third world countries? (A) They find jobs in first world countries. (B) They want to return home after graduation. (C) They do not graduate from university. (D) They are not accepted to university. 98. Where is this speech most likely taking place? (A) On a plane (B) In a locker room (C) In a classroom (D) At a sports banquet 99. Why does the speaker think the crowd wants to see his team lose? (A) The crowd doesn’t like him. (B) The speaker’s team is the home team. (C) The speaker’s team is the visiting team. (D) The crowd is full of other teams.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

169 Test 1

100. Which sport will be played? (A) Basketball (B) Volleyball (C) Soccer (D) Baseball

This is the end of the Listening Test. Turn to Part 5 in your test book.

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170 Listening Comprehension Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

READING TEST In the Reading Test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading Test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book.

172 Reading Comprehension

PART 5 A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. The manufacturer had to ------- production due to a lack of raw materials. (A) limit (B) expand (C) develop (D) increase 102. The supervisor was very annoyed ------- the new employee who was always late. (A) for (B) to (C) in (D) with 103. John is really ------- forward to the company vacation this year. (A) going (B) seeing (C) looking (D) moving 104. It was when you told me you were arriving on Thursday that my secretary ------- for our driver to pick you up at the airport. (A) arranges (B) arranged (C) arranging (D) arrangement 105. We really need those flyers to be ------- by six o’clock at the latest. (A) deliveries (B) delivering (C) deliver (D) delivered

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


107. The plane has been ------- so that it can land without the help of a pilot. (A) demolished (B) hurried (C) hung (D) designed 108. Have you interviewed any ------- applicants for the translator position? (A) qualified (B) quantified (C) quantity (D) quarterly 109. Jack’s Self Storage, ------- is located on First and Main Streets, is open from seven a.m. through seven p.m. seven days a week. (A) which (B) there (C) that (D) where 110. We need someone to ------- the training program next year. (A) overtake (B) take over (C) hang up (D) take out 111. In order to have a full lunch hour, we should ------- our discussion. (A) undo (B) unwrap (C) package (D) wrap up

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Test 1

106. The company’s ------- is to buy out smaller competitors, with plans to dominate the northwest region’s party supply center. (A) strategy (B) privilege (C) domain (D) market

174 Reading Comprehension

112. There are plenty of ------- available to people who can speak both English and another language fluently. (A) opportunities (B) opportunity (C) opportunists (D) opportunistic 113. It’s about time something ------- about the office’s broken coffeemaker. (A) had better (B) was done (C) is doing (D) has been 114. The newspaper’s account of the incident is based on extensive interviews with more than a dozen of the firm’s managers, some of ------- spoke on the condition of anonymity. (A) which (B) whom (C) them (D) whose 115. The Association of Realtors have seen a 33% increase in membership over the past seven months with more than 10,349 applications having been processed, ------- the facts of the press release are correct. (A) thereabouts (B) somewhat (C) though (D) if 116. Most employees would rather work longer days in ------- more vacation time. (A) exchange for (B) change to (C) changing (D) exchange to

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


118. The board of directors ------- against a dividend payout to investors this quarter. (A) decision (B) decided (C) decisive (D) decreed 119. A diversified portfolio will ------- the risk involved with investing large sums of money in the stock exchange. (A) minimize (B) minimal (C) minimum (D) minute 120. Dr. Vince’s arguments on the future of the chemical industry were ------enough that funding for his current project was doubled. (A) convincing (B) convinced (C) convince (D) convincingly 121. Is your boss going to give you any ------- vacation time this year? (A) addition (B) additionally (C) add (D) additional

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Test 1

117. The capital raised from the initial public offering will be used to ------- the company’s mining exploration plans. (A) financed (B) financial (C) financing (D) finance

176 Reading Comprehension

122. Tom ------- basketball for two hours yesterday. (A) played (B) has played (C) has been playing (D) had played 123. How National Auto Suppliers will be restructured depends ------- on this quarter’s financial results. (A) steadily (B) nonchalantly (C) consistently (D) heavily 124. The problem with many business ideas is that the start-up costs are ------high. (A) also (B) in addition (C) too (D) as well 125. Sam could not pay back the money he owed the bank and ultimately ------on his loan. (A) defaulted (B) tempted (C) declined (D) hinged 126. The election was decided by the ------- of margins seen in over a century. (A) narrowly (B) narrowest (C) narrow (D) narrowed 127. Surveys are very useful because companies benefit from customer -------. (A) feedback (B) backyard (C) feeding (D) backing Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

177 Test 1

128. The objective of any business is to be -------. (A) profit (B) net profit (C) profitable (D) revenue 129. A decrease in the number of nursing home residents has been ------- to seniors over the age of 65 being healthier and wealthier. (A) included (B) studied (C) attributed (D) marked 130. The post of accountant is the job for ------- Jane applied. (A) that (B) what (C) which (D) whom 131. Tonight’s annual town hall meeting will go ahead as planned ------- the bad weather predicted for this evening. (A) despite (B) because (C) in case of (D) in spite 132. Though the singer is very popular, ------- at the concert was very low. (A) turnout (B) turnover (C) turn (D) turnaround 133. The hotel lobby’s gift shop sold handmade crafts, but Deborah didn’t buy any saying the items ------- too much. (A) spent (B) charge (C) cost (D) worth Go on the next page >

178 Reading Comprehension

134. The research department was ------- for the lack of innovative ideas. (A) forced (B) placed (C) blamed (D) sacrificed 135. Not only ------- distributors allowed to decide their own prices, they can also choose how to position the products to their clients. (A) does (B) do (C) are (D) is 136. The ------- from the hotel balcony was fantastic because the suite was located on the top floor. (A) scene (B) view (C) look (D) appearance 137. The provisions provided during the emergency were -------, but they could have been better. (A) adequate (B) adjacent (C) adversity (D) adverse 138. The technology sector of the economy achieved enormous ------- during the nineties. (A) increase (B) growth (C) advance (D) develop

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


140. The shareholders had the option of ------- the capital from the dividend payout. (A) reinvesting (B) reinvestment (C) reinstating (D) rescuing

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Test 1

139. Companies are always looking for competitive advantages within their ------- industries. (A) respective (B) respectable (C) respecting (D) perspective

180 Reading Comprehension

PART 6 Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141–144 refer to the following advertisement.

Tons of Rugs We have rugs from all over the world. You name it, we’ve got it! We are proud to offer you a selection of 22,000+ _____________ rugs from over fifty 141. (A) distant (B) similar (C) different (D) solo countries. Our selection ranges from small, simple welcome mats to massive Persian rugs. We also guarantee that we have the ____________ prices in town. 142. (A) cheapest (B) cheaper (C) cheap (D) cheapen If you bring in any advertisement for a lower-priced rug, we _____________ beat 143. (A) is (B) are (C) will (D) am that price by at least ten percent. Our warehouse is full today, but it won’t be tomorrow. For this week only, we are offering twenty percent off every rug _____________ our warehouse. 144. (A) by (B) in (C) towards (D) through

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

181 Test 1

Questions 145–148 refer to the following letter. Dear Personnel Manager: The attached application is for the foreign analyst position listed on your Web site. For the past three years I have been working for one of Japan’s largest securities firms, Yamashita Ltd. Because of this, I speak _____________ Japanese and I have an excellent understanding of 145. (A) salaried (B) fluent (C) rationed (D) dual Asian markets. I have decided to return to the United States at the end of this year. I _____________ that your company, Moneyltd.com, may have a position 146. (A) understandable (B) understanding (C) understands (D) understand available for an analyst at your San Francisco branch. I am familiar _____________ your firm’s impressive performance record and I am excited 147. (A) with (B) at (C) under (D) near about the possibility of _____________ your team. 148. (A) join (B) joining (C) joined (D) joins The attached file includes my résumé and reference. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Sincerely, Hubert Brown hbrown@quickmail.com

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182 Reading Comprehension

Questions 149–152 refer to the following real estate advertisement.

Commercial Space Available (Financial District) This recently renovated office is _____________ located in the heart of the

149. (A) central (B) centrally (C) center (D) centered

Financial District. The building is adjacent to the New York Stock Exchange and Wall Street. It is within the area covered by the Downtown Manhattan Revitalization program and is eligible for benefits _____________ reduced

150. (A) so much as (B) such as (C) as such (D) as that

energy costs and taxes. (You will need to work these issues out with the landlord, as rebates need to be applied for in advance and are generally given to the landlord and not the tenant.) Space for rent is 2748 ft² _____________ $30 per square foot. It has two offices,

151. (A) on (B) in (C) at (D) as

a conference room, kitchenette and in-office bathroom. It features an open floor plan. Building renovations include brand new elevators and a _____________ lobby.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

152. (A) primeval (B) grimy (C) disgruntled (D) modernized

183 Test 1 Other amenities include separate freight entrance, central A/C, around-the-clock doormen and security guards, 24/7 video surveillance, and key-card access. To view, call Mark at 212-555-0063 or e-mail him at mark@isellnyapts.net.

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184 Reading Comprehension

PART 7 In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153–154 refer to the following article.

GRANDMA’S WORKOUT NOT CUTTING EDGE Barbara Jones Old and Healthy Magazine

Sally Granger, a 67-year-old grandmother of six, has a DVD player. She watches movies on it all the time. But, when it comes to her morning ritual, it’s still the exercise videotape, not the DVD, she reaches for once she’s done with her oatmeal and orange juice. Sally has been using Jane Works Out VHS tape to stay in shape for twenty years, and she’s not about to change. “I guess old habits die hard,” says Sally as she holds her favorite workout tape with both hands. “I just feel more comfortable with my workout tapes.” Despite the fact that her daughter has purchased for her several workout DVDs, Sally seems unimpressed with the features and convenience of the new technology. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” adds Sally softly.

153. How many grandchildren does Sally Granger have? (A) Six (B) Sixty-seven (C) Zero (D) We don’t know 154. Why does Sally say she isn’t interested in using workout DVDs? (A) She doesn’t have a DVD player in her home. (B) She feels more comfortable using videotapes. (C) She thinks videotapes are more convenient than DVDs. (D) She worries she will break the DVD player.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

185 Test 1

Questions 155–157 refer to the following agreement terms. We at Sun City Leisure have had many problems in the past with cancellations. Since Three Tigers Gorge requests exact numbers in advance, we have no choice but to introduce a new cancellation policy. Please read the below details and click the box in order to process your payment. Once you have booked a seat and paid in full for a tour of Three Tigers Gorge, no refund is allowed without a 10-day notice. If, for some unforeseen reason, you cannot participate in the tour, Sun City Leisure will allow you to transfer your seat to another person. I have read and understand the above cancellation notice.

155. Who would most likely read this passage? (A) Somebody interested in teaching abroad (B) Somebody interested in working at Three Tigers Gorge (C) Somebody ordering tickets for a day trip (D) Somebody thinking about booking a flight 156. If you have to cancel in less than 10 days, what does the passage suggest? (A) Ask someone else to go instead (B) Ask for a refund (C) Ask for a coupon (D) Call Three Tigers Gorge 157. Which company wrote the passage? (A) Sun City Leisure (B) Three Tigers Gorge (C) Leisure City Gorge (D) Three Tigers City

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186 Reading Comprehension

Questions 158–160 refer to the following news article.

Three Hospitalized after Eating Contaminated Fish TOKYO—Three foreign workers were rushed to the General Nippon Hospital here Tuesday morning after eating contaminated seafood from a local restaurant, news media reported. The three Germans became ill after sharing a plate of raw fish that had been mistakenly left out in the midday sun. A hospital spokesman said it was likely that the three would make a full recovery since the bacteria responsible had been identified and the correct measures taken to minimize their effect. Helmut Schmitt, 34, Dianne Leiz, 40, and Joseph Holtz, 35, were part of a group of German engineers involved in the construction of a new bridge in downtown Tokyo. 158. What was wrong with the seafood? (A) It hadn’t been cooked properly. (B) It was too old. (C) It had bacteria on it. (D) It had been incorrectly prepared. 159. What kind of seafood did the Germans eat? (A) Uncooked fish (B) Squid (C) Farmed salmon (D) Deep-fried fish 160. What did the hospital spokesman say about the workers’ condition? (A) He didn’t think they would survive. (B) He said they were very lucky. (C) He said that they would be fine. (D) He said that they should be punished.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

187 Test 1

Questions 161–164 refer to the following flyer.

Vegetables Galore This weekend at Villa Garden Park, there will be an incredible array of vegetables from all over the continent. Farmers from all parts of North America will make the pilgrimage to California to show off their finest, largest and most unique produce. Around five hundred of Canada’s, America’s and Mexico’s most dedicated veggie growers will be displaying close to ten thousand distinct items. We will hold fifty prestigious contests including Largest Pumpkin, Fattest Gourd and Plumpest Tomato. There will also be plenty to eat, so make sure you bring your appetite. Hours: Saturday & Sunday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Admission: Adults $1 (free with coupon—one coupon per person) Kids (under 12) Free 161. Where will the farmers at the event come from? (A) California (B) All over the world (C) Mexico (D) All over North America 162. Where will Vegetables Galore take place? (A) California (B) Mexico (C) Canada (D) All over the continent 163. Approximately how many farmers will attend Vegetables Galore? (A) 10,000 (B) 1,000 (C) 500 (D) 5,000 164. How much would it cost two adults, two children under 12 and one 17-year-old teenager if the family had coupons? (A) $2 (B) $3 (C) $5 (D) Nothing Go on the next page >

188 Reading Comprehension

Questions 165–168 refer to the following book review.

Look Up, It’s Better Up There Author: Henry Jacobson Genre: Personal Self-help Rating: ★★★★☆ Book:

This book, as you may gather from the title, is brimming with optimism, to say the least. Jacobson, as in his other three efforts, has no shortage of positive things to say. The common message in all of his volumes is to think and ye shall receive. That means, if you continually think and believe that good things will happen, they will. The concept of faith is paramount in Jacobson’s latest book, and although some will argue that he is living in a dreamland, I feel his messages relate very closely to reality. Look Up, It’s Better Up There will not only keep readers attention, it will enlighten them as to how simple it really is to be happy. He offers step-bystep instructions to help readers overcome depression. He focuses on the human spirit and how powerful it is. He preaches the merits of ridding oneself of desire. He offers so much in this one little book. Everyone really should take the time to read it. It won’t take more than a handful of hours to read, but if you pay attention, it may just improve the rest of your life.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

189 Test 1

165. What does the reviewer think about the book? (A) He believes it is worthwhile. (B) He thinks it is average. (C) He doesn’t think it is realistic. (D) He doesn’t like it. 166. How many books has Henry Jacobson written to date? (A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four 167. What is the main message of the book? (A) Don’t look down (B) Think positively (C) Live in a dreamland (D) Focus on spirituality 168. What does the reviewer suggest this book might do for you? (A) It will make your life better. (B) It will show you how to get promoted. (C) It will help you understand depression. (D) All of the above.

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190 Reading Comprehension

Questions 169–172 refer to the following advertisement. Now is the time to improve your skills with Maximize Management Association’s management training and professional development seminars. Join the tens of thousands of managers, leaders and professionals who come to MMA to enhance core skills and stay ahead of evolving trends. Attend our flagship management training or leadership skills seminars. Or register for our popular communication and interpersonal skills classes, finance seminars or project management courses. MMA offers over one hundred training seminars in nineteen different subject areas. Course rates start as low as $50! Browse our Web site at maximizetoday.com to view our full line of management education and professional development seminars. Register online for an MMA seminar to build your career and strengthen your organization . . . today.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


170. How many topic areas are advertised? (A) Nineteen (B) Ninety (C) One hundred (D) Over one hundred 171. What type of seminar is NOT mentioned in the advertisement? (A) Leadership skills (B) Project management skills (C) Finance skills (D) Telecommunication skills 172. What can be done by going to MMA’s Web site? (A) One can watch a seminar. (B) One can register for a seminar. (C) One can take an online survey. (D) One can talk to a professional online.

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Test 1

169. Approximately how many leaders and professionals are already attending MMA? (A) 100–1,000 (B) 1,000–10,000 (C) 10,000–100,000 (D) 100,000–1,000,000

192 Reading Comprehension

Questions 173–174 refer to the following recipe.

Home Ranch Apple Pie

Filling: • 5 large apples, peeled, cored and sliced • 1 cup sugar • 2 tablespoons flour • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg • 1 tablespoon finely grated lemon rind • 2 tablespoons butter at room temperature

Optional: 1 1/2 tablespoons cinnamon

Extra: A mixing bowl, a bowl of water, a brush and a fork.

Crust: Your favorite pie crust and pie crust top

Preheat the oven to 450°F. To make the filling, combine the sliced apples with the sugar, flour, nutmeg, lemon rind and cinnamon (optional) in a mixing bowl. Fill your prepared pie crust with the apple mixture. Dot the top with softened butter. Brush the crust’s edge with water and gently place the pie crust top on top of the pie. Crimp the crust edges together using either a fork or your fingers. Make a few holes or slits in the top crust to allow steam to escape. Turn the oven down to 350°F and bake the pie for 45 minutes. Allow the pie to cool for at least an hour before slicing and serving. 173. Which ingredient in the recipe is not essential? (A) Butter (B) Cinnamon (C) Flour (D) Lemon rind 174. At what temperature should the apple pie be baked? (A) At 350°F (B) At 400°F (C) At 450°F (D) Any temperature between 350°F and 450°F

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

193 Test 1

Questions 175–178 refer to the following magazine article.

Best and Worst of First Class Richmagazine.com by Christian Varducci


magine the chief executive of a company in which you hold stock has to make a long overseas flight to attend a meeting that could have a major impact on the company’s share price. Naturally, you would want the CEO to be at the top of his game, rested, refreshed, relaxed and ready. When millions of dollars hang in the balance, the price of a first-class airline ticket doesn’t seem so expensive after all. It’s no secret that flying, especially on long-distance flights, can take a toll on the body. Busy executives, having a decent meal, a place to work and a good night’s sleep can make all the difference. We now offer you what Rich Magazine deems the best and worst airlines, in terms of comfort and convenience. We have paid no attention to price. By far, the most impressive first-class treatment came from Luxury Airlines. Not only was the food, beverage selections and in-flight service impeccable, but we were treated to a sleeping experience that many hotels would not be able to beat. To be honest, I didn’t want to exit the plane once we had landed. On the other side of the coin, Awesome Airways failed to impress us. The food was old, the wine new and the service seemed in a big hurry to land before we took off. I failed to see anything that was ‘awesome’ about this flying experience. Of course, every flier prioritizes differently. What follows is the opinion of the magazine’s editors and writers, who admittedly spend far too much time in the sky. We welcome your comments online.

175. What does the writer say about the price of first-class tickets? (A) They are too expensive. (B) They are inexpensive. (C) They aren’t worth the money. (D) They are worth the cost for traveling CEOs.

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194 Reading Comprehension

176. According to the article, why is the choice of airline so important? (A) Business people need to be well rested for meetings. (B) Different airlines serve different food. (C) The price of plane tickets varies widely. (D) Many airlines are like hotels. 177. What does the writer NOT say about Luxury Airlines? (A) The food on the plane was excellent. (B) The sleeping accommodation was superb. (C) The lounges at the airports were like hotels. (D) The in-flight service was flawless. 178. What was the writer’s impression of Awesome Airways? (A) He thought they were adequate. (B) He thought they were awesome. (C) He thought they were dreadful. (D) He thought they were gallant.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

195 Test 1

Questions 179–180 refer to the following announcement.

Gray Poodle Lost Last week my beloved Chewbacka slipped out of the house and has not returned since. He is a toy poodle with gray fur everywhere except on his snout and paws, which are white. He is not only my pet, but also my best friend. He answers to both “Chewbacka” and “Chewie,” and is partial to dairy products. If you have seen him or have any information regarding his whereabouts, please contact me ASAP. A very generous reward will be given to anyone who facilitates his safe return.

Hanson Solo 134 Endor Way Wookieville, NB (543) 443-5543

179. Which of the following foods would entice Chewbacka? (A) Cheese (B) Chips (C) Bacon (D) Salad 180. What is being offered to encourage people to help find Chewbacka? (A) A warm handshake (B) Dairy products (C) Money (D) A toy poodle

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196 Reading Comprehension

Questions 181–185 refer to the following list and form.

Proposal Summary Reasons • We have established ourselves as the market leader in the frozen-hamburger industry. • We last raised our prices twenty-four months ago. • Our product is simply the best on the market. Advantages Example • The price increase will create approximately US$1.2 million in additional annual revenue. • Long-term demand will not be affected by price changes. Disadvantages • Short-term demand will be affected negatively. • The company might have to issue coupons or rebates.

BILLY’S BBQ BURGERS PROPOSAL COVER SHEET *Completed proposals along with this form are to be left with the receptionist in General Management*

Proposal title: Increasing Price Points by 10% Submission date: May 10, 2009 Submitted by: Sam Broiler, Vice President For approval by: Board of Directors Expected approvalAnswer meeting date: Q2 Executive Meeting, TBD Sample

Will you attend meeting? _X_ YES __ NO If YES, time needed: 10 minutes

Summary It is my feeling that our strong reputation and quality product justify this price Statement (C), “A pair of eyeglasses is in the man’s hand.” increase. From my research, I believe our competitors are not in a position to is the of the picture, soOn youthe should select undercut our best pricesdescription after the proposed increase. contrary, I feel they answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet. will welcome this move as it will push the net profit margin of the industry upward. Notes Pre-meeting questions can be sent to Sam at sambroiler-20@billysbbqinc.com or left with Jeanne at x568.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


182. What is mentioned as a possible disadvantage of raising prices? (A) Prices will have to be raised again next year. (B) Long-term demand will go up. (C) The company will have to issue coupons. (D) Short-term demand will go up. 183. Who will most likely be the first to look at this form? (A) A member of the Board of Directors (B) The Board of Directors at their next meeting (C) The company’s president (D) The General Management office’s receptionist 184. According to the form, how might the competition react? (A) They will be upset. (B) They will sue the company. (C) They will change their menus. (D) They will be happy. 185. Where would one most likely find the list? (A) In Mr. Broiler’s proposal (B) In the company’s sales kit (C) On a handout for employees (D) In the company’s press release

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Test 1

181. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the price increase? (A) The company is losing money. (B) The company is the industry leader. (C) The company has not raised prices for two years. (D) The company’s product is superior.

198 Reading Comprehension

Questions 186–190 refer to the following transcript and memo.

TRANSCRIPT OF Under Management, Season 2, Episode 4 Janet: So, Mitchell. We’re finalizing the health plans this week. Which one have you decided to offer your staff? Mitchell: Only the best. You know, the one with the acupuncture, therapeutic massage options. My employees deserve the works. (audience laughs) Janet: Wait, acupuncture? None of the plans have acupuncture. Have you looked at the packet closely? Example Mitchell: I did. Did you? I’m talking about Cognet’s Goldnet Plan. Janet: The Goldnet Plan from Cognet? There’s no way I’m authorizing that. Not even I, the CEO, am on that plan. Mitchell: Well, I’d recommend it. It’s very good. I’ll have my entire team signed up for the Gold Plan. Is that all, boss? (audience laughs) Janet: No, it is not all. This whole issue of changing health plans is to save money. All I need you to do is choose the cheapest plan. I think even a monkey could do that, Mitchell. (audience laughs)

TO: Under Management Writers FROM: Leslie Mand, Producer’s Office DATE: May 1, 2009 SUBJECT: Using Trademarked Names

Please note: Trademarked names are to be avoided at all costs, unless Sample Answer permission from the trademark holder has signed the proper permissions documents.

In last night’s Under Management show (Season 2, Episode 4), two main characters refer to Cognet and Goldnet Plan, both trademarked names held by the Statement insurance company Cognet. This morning, (C), “A pair of eyeglasses is in our the office man’sreceived hand.” a phone call from Cognet’s lawyers, but the situation has been dealt with. We settled is the best description of the picture, so you should select this by answer paying a(C) retroactive royalty and mark it on fee. your answer sheet. It is unfortunate that this was not caught during the January workshop nor in February’s filming, nor in March’s screening. I hope in the future we will all be more aware of the names we use. Please use fake names, or if necessary, be sure all permissions are in hand before we reach the workshop stage. Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

199 Test 1

186. What is the transcript of? (A) A Cognet TV commercial (B) A TV show about insurance agents (C) A sitcom on television (D) An interview of two Cognet managers 187. Who are Mitchell and Janet? (A) Two main characters on Under Management (B) Two insurance agents from Cognet (C) Two writers (D) Two producers 188. What is the main purpose of the memo? (A) To tell writers about their settlement with Cognet (B) To inform staff about their insurance plan (C) To warn writers not to use trademarked names (D) To tell writers the TV show is being sued 189. When was the issue dealt with? (A) At the workshop (B) During filming (C) When the show was screened (D) After the show aired 190. What happened first? (A) The memo was sent. (B) Cognet trademarked the term “Goldnet Plan”. (C) The writers wrote the show’s script. (D) The show was filmed.

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200 Reading Comprehension

Questions 191–195 refer to the following e-mail and job ad. To: danielle@firestonegrill.com From: Rachel@hotmailz.com Subject: Still looking for a job?

Hi, Danielle, It’s been awhile since we worked together at Catz Grill, but I wanted to let you know Firestone is hiring again. We need another manager and I’m sure you’d be a perfect addition to the restaurant. You’ve been in the biz for years. Didn’t Example you start out as a bartender? We could use a manager with wine experience. Our current manager knows food like the back of his hand, but is lost behind the bar. Betty the owner is holding interviews next week, but if you’d like, I can arrange a special time for us all to meet and discuss. Also, I know the ad says we need a bilingual manager, but I think they’ll make an exception for you. Best, Rachel

RESTAURANT MANAGER WANTED Firestone Grill and Wine Bar, an upscale downtown restaurant, is looking for an experienced full-time manager to start at the end of September. The successful applicant must meet the following requirements and be committed to being a part of Answer a close team: Sample • 5 years of experience in restaurant management • 2 years of experience in bartending • Good interpersonal skills Statement (C), of “Arestaurant pair of eyeglasses in accounting the man’s hand.” • Working knowledge inventory is and systems is to theread best description of the • Ability and write English and picture, Mandarinso you should select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet. Interviews will be held next week (Mon.–Sat., 2 p.m.–4 p.m.) Qualified applicants should contact Betty Bellagio to schedule an interview: Phone: 718-555-0021 Fax: 718-555-0022 E-mail: betty@firestone.com Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

201 Test 1

191. From the e-mail, what is true about Rachel and Danielle? (A) They were both bartenders at Firestone. (B) Rachel was Danielle’s boss. (C) They worked together at Catz Grill. (D) Danielle hired Rachel to be a manager. 192. What is true about the current lunch manager? (A) His expertise is in alcohol. (B) He is quitting his job. (C) He is knowledgeable about food. (D) He used to be a bartender. 193. When does the restaurant want the successful applicant to start? (A) Immediately (B) As soon as possible (C) The end of September (D) The end of this year 194. How much bartending experience is required? (A) One year (B) Two years (C) Five years (D) Seven years 195. What requirement from the job ad will not apply to Danielle? (A) Experience in the restaurant business (B) Experience behind a bar (C) Ability to speak another language (D) Knowledge of restaurant accounting systems

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202 Reading Comprehension

Questions 196–200 refer to a comparison of the following visa information. U.S. Student Visa

In addition to the application and fee (which can be in the form of cash, a traveler’s check or cashier’s check), applicants are required to submit the following to request a U.S. Student Visa: • SEVIS I-20 or SEVIS DS-2019, issued by a U.S. college, school or university • Contact information in U.S. and work history form • Males between the ages of 16 and 45 must complete DS-0157 form • A passport valid for at least six months after entry into the U.S. • Four photographs, 2 inches x 2 inches • Financial documentation supporting study in the U.S. • Evidence of applicant’s TOEFL English-language test score and previous education (diplomas or transcripts)

U.K. Student Visa

The U.K. student visa application process requires the following documentation: • Student Visa Application form • Two 2” x 2” photographs • Offer letter from the institution • TOEFL/IELTS score • Passport valid for three months after expected entry into the U.K. • Visa fee in cash • Copies of academic grade sheets at previous institutions • Work experience certificates, if applicable • Proof of payment of institution’s fees • Bank records

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


197. What is special about males applying to the U.S.? (A) Males must complete all forms in person. (B) Some males must provide an additional form. (C) Males must submit an additional passport photo. (D) Males under 16 must provide an additional form. 198. What is not needed for the U.K. applicant’s application? (A) A letter from their sponsoring school (B) A DS-0157 form (C) Financial records (D) English test results 199. According to the above, what is true in terms of language tests? (A) Only the U.K. requires a TOEFL score. (B) Both countries require an IELTS score. (C) Both countries accept both IELTS and TOEFL scores. (D) The U.S. only accepts TOEFL scores. 200. How many photos are required for the U.S. and U.K. respectively? (A) 4, 2 (B) 3, 2 (C) 2, 4 (D) 1, 2

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Test 1

196. For the U.S. application, who gives the applicant a SEVIS I-20? (A) A school outside of the U.S. (B) The U.S. student visa office (C) The applicant’s bank (D) A school in the U.S.


Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

LISTENING TEST In the Listening Test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening Test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book.

206 Listening Comprehension

PART 1 For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.


Track 65

Sample Answer

Statement (C), “A pair of eyeglasses is in the man’s hand.” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

207 Test 2





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208 Listening Comprehension 5.




Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

209 Test 2



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210 Listening Comprehension

PART 2 You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.


Track 66

You will hear: What is the meeting about? You will also hear: (A) He’ll probably be late. (B) Our new marketing plan. (C) I have an interview. Sample Answer

The best response to the question “What is the meeting about?” is choice (B), “Our new marketing plan,” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

211 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

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Test 2

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

212 Listening Comprehension

PART 3 You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversation will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

Track 67 41. What does the man say about Sandy? (A) He thinks she is a favorite of the boss. (B) He thinks she is creative. (C) He thinks she is overbearing. (D) He wishes she worked in a different department.

42. What did the woman just finish doing with Sandy? (A) Calculating the payroll (B) Thinking up new ideas (C) Having lunch (D) Talking about the weather 43. According to the man, what must be true to be promoted? (A) Be on time to work each day (B) Work at the company for a long time (C) Put in overtime every day (D) Be a family member of the boss 44. What mistake did Sarah make? (A) She sat next to the head of the company. (B) She insulted her boss at a meeting. (C) She gossiped about her coworkers. (D) She said the project was not important. 45. What does the woman say Sarah needs to learn? (A) How to organize a meeting (B) When to offer the final price in a negotiation (C) How to remain quiet (D) What to say to potential customers Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

213 Test 2

46. What does the man say was the result of Sarah’s comments? (A) Sarah was asked to be the team leader. (B) Sarah helped the team receive more money. (C) The meeting came to an end abruptly. (D) Sarah created a chaotic situation. 47. What does the woman want the man to do? (A) Lodge a complaint (B) Answer a complaint (C) Admit to a mistake (D) Ignore a criticism 48. Why does the man not want to take the woman’s suggestion? (A) He thinks it is too complicated. (B) He believes it will cause trouble. (C) He thinks it will create unnecessary gossip. (D) He believes it will waste too much time. 49. What does the man suggest the woman do? (A) Avoid the topic altogether (B) Write a complaint herself (C) Stop getting involved (D) Create a workable solution 50. How does the woman describe the man’s pants? (A) As being extremely ugly (B) As being much too tight (C) As being far too cheap (D) As being way too loose 51. What does the man say about his pants? (A) He couldn’t find his size at the mall. (B) He got them at half price. (C) He thinks they are too loose. (D) He doesn’t like the color.

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214 Listening Comprehension

52. Why doesn’t the man want the woman to handle the shopping? (A) She takes too long to decide on an item. (B) She uses up all the credit on their credit cards. (C) She likes to buy clothes that clowns wear. (D) She only likes to shop for herself. 53. What does the woman think about the man’s doubts? (A) They’ll be able to hire new people. (B) The woman understands his key point. (C) They can survive this crisis. (D) They’ll find people with the right university education. 54. What does the man say they’ve lost? (A) The key to the store (B) The key ideas that will help them lead the company (C) Important documents that would solve their current problems (D) Important people that could help them solve their current problems 55. What does the woman say they have? (A) A lot of possible candidates for the key positions (B) A surplus of cash and investment capital (C) A group of experienced salespeople (D) A unique opportunity to corner the market 56. What is the man trying to do? (A) Explain something (B) Offer advice (C) Persuade a listener (D) Sell a product 57. What problem does his assistant have? (A) She can’t update the man’s schedule. (B) She doesn’t understand specialized language. (C) She has no time for lengthy chitchat. (D) She messed up his coffee order.

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215 Test 2

58. What does the man say he will NOT continue to do? (A) Buy his assistant coffee (B) Ask Danny to help his assistant (C) Teach his assistant how to replace the hard drive (D) Allow the woman to boss him around 59. What does Ms. Holden want? (A) A new warranty (B) A new product (C) Her money back (D) A repair 60. What does the man say about the warranty? (A) It has already expired. (B) It states that products can be returned. (C) It does not cover all repairs. (D) It covers all repairs for one year only. 61. What would be covered under Ms. Holden’s warranty? (A) A problem because someone dropped the product. (B) A problem because an animal chewed the product. (C) A problem because a wire was installed incorrectly. (D) A problem because of a software virus. 62. Who is Dan Ryder? (A) One of the speakers (B) The speakers’ manager (C) A book writer (D) The man’s favorite author 63. What is TRUE about both the man and the woman? (A) They both want to publish the romance novel. (B) They both want to attend the writer’s event. (C) They both are famous mystery writers. (D) They both will vote on the proposal at the meeting.

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216 Listening Comprehension

64. What is the man’s final decision on this matter? (A) He accepts the project. (B) He hires the author. (C) He will give the author less money. (D) He rejects the project. 65. What does the woman think about the man’s idea? (A) She thinks it is unreasonable. (B) She wants him to refine it. (C) She thinks it has possibility. (D) She doesn’t think it is good. 66. What does the man say gave him the idea? (A) That they should do something different (B) That the company is in serious trouble (C) That there are many options left open for them (D) That he and the woman have many differences 67. What is the man’s idea? (A) To end a line of weak products (B) To start a new line of pens (C) To change the color of the pens (D) To promote the woman to the executive level 68. Which of the following items is most similar to the one being discussed? (A) A baseball card (B) A silver dollar (C) A diamond necklace (D) A handmade leather purse 69. What does the woman think about the price of the item? (A) It is overpriced. (B) It is underpriced. (C) It is priced fairly. (D) It is priced the same as other shops.

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217 Test 2

70. What does the man suggest the woman do? (A) Buy the item from him (B) Sell the item to him (C) Buy the item at another location (D) Continue to bargain with him on the price

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218 Listening Comprehension

PART 4 You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

Track 68

71. What is the speaker describing? (A) Traffic rules (B) A hotel kitchen (C) Accommodation rules (D) A restaurant 72. What is the latest time you can have breakfast? (A) 9 a.m. (B) 10 a.m. (C) 4 a.m. (D) You can have breakfast anytime. 73. What must you do if you don’t want your food thrown out? (A) Make sure it hasn’t gone bad (B) Write your name on the container (C) Tell your roommate about your food (D) Check the fridge regularly 74. What is Ryan Davis’ occupation? (A) A tennis player (B) A playboy (C) An artist (D) An investment banker 75. How old is Ryan? (A) In his twenties (B) In his thirties (C) In his forties (D) In his seventies Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


77. What is the woman talking about? (A) Her new garden (B) Her home in Norwich (C) Her love life (D) Her new job 78. Why didn’t the woman want to move? (A) She liked her previous home. (B) She was scared of dogs. (C) She doesn’t like cities. (D) She has an illness. 79. Why did the change happen? (A) Her husband lost his job. (B) The company closed the facility. (C) Her husband was offered a promotion. (D) Their house was bought. 80. What has happened to the main runway? (A) It has changed color. (B) The lights are not working. (C) The cable is being repaired. (D) It has been dug up. 81. Who might be affected by this? (A) The cable company (B) Experts in radiology (C) Passengers scheduled for long flights (D) Spokespersons in other cities

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Test 2

76. What would happen if he did not love the girl who beat him? (A) He would still marry her. (B) He would not marry her. (C) He would play her again. (D) He would give her money.

220 Listening Comprehension

82. Which people are most likely hearing this news bulletin? (A) Those listening to the radio (B) Those watching television (C) Those listening to a podcast (D) Those watching a DVD 83. What was the initial share price of Tech-No-Fear? (A) Three dollars (B) Nine dollars (C) Ten dollars (D) Unknown 84. What kind of products does Tech-No-Fear make? (A) Smart sports equipment (B) Clothing for athletes (C) Watches and gadgets (D) Religious items 85. How do investors feel about Tech-No-Fear? (A) They have low expectations. (B) They think the company will fail soon. (C) They have no opinion. (D) They are positive about the company. 86. What can be done with your cars, according to the speaker? (A) Make them tax deductible (B) Refund the taxes on them (C) Pay them off (D) Pay more taxes on them 87. What does the company claim it will do regarding your taxes? (A) Cover your travel expenses (B) Send your children to college for free (C) Save you fifty percent (D) Pay for your medical expenses

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


89. At approximately what time did the gorilla escape from the zoo? (A) Noon (B) 5 a.m. (C) Just after 6 a.m. (D) Just before 6 a.m. 90. What happened to the gorilla after it escaped from its cage? (A) It hid in the forest. (B) It was harmed. (C) It returned to the zoo. (D) All of the above. 91. What is the gorilla’s nickname? (A) Darla (B) Saul (C) Flighty (D) Lou 92. Who is the speaker? (A) A bus driver (B) A news reader (C) A police officer (D) An actor 93. How long of a delay should someone traveling on the M6 expect? (A) An hour or two (B) Six hours (C) Nine hours (D) A day

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Test 2

88. What tax deduction is NOT mentioned in the advertisement? (A) University tuition (B) Automobiles (C) Housing (D) Medical costs

222 Listening Comprehension

94. What is not mentioned as a problem affecting listeners? (A) Drivers will have delays on the highway. (B) Luggage from the bus is scattered on the highway. (C) The chemicals that spilled are flammable. (D) The chemicals are dangerous to breathe in. 95. How many finalists does the radio station already have? (A) Six (B) Seven (C) Ten (D) Zero 96. What will the grand prize winner receive? (A) A Michael Jackson album (B) A radio station T-shirt (C) A trip from Phuket (D) A trip to Thailand 97. Who is most likely the speaker? (A) A radio DJ (B) A finalist (C) A bus driver (D) A famous musician 98. According to the speaker, who is NOT at fault for the problem? (A) Manufacturing corporations (B) Factory owners (C) Energy researchers (D) Production managers 99. What does the speaker say will happen immediately next? (A) He will show a movie about energy. (B) Researchers will answer questions. (C) Volunteers will come to the tables. (D) The speaker will give out handouts.

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223 Test 2

100. Who is most likely in the audience? (A) Average people interested in manufacturing (B) Plant owners and manufacturing executives (C) Wealthy people interested in research (D) Sustainable energy researchers

This is the end of the Listening Test. Turn to Part 5 in your test book.

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READING TEST In the Reading Test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading Test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book.

226 Reading Comprehension

PART 5 A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. The way technology is advancing today, just about anything seems ------in the future. (A) possibility (B) possible (C) positive (D) impossible 102. Our estimate is ------- the current cost of materials, which may change by the time of production. (A) as a result of (B) caused by (C) based on (D) because of 103. There is a possibility of rain tomorrow, ------- it is not likely. (A) though (B) which (C) because (D) since 104. Rick has done such a good job this year that he has been ------- to assistant marketing director. (A) promoted (B) produced (C) prompted (D) proactive 105. Many professional athletes have no education to ------- once they retire. (A) go back to (B) move forward on (C) fall back on (D) go ahead with Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

227 Test 2

106. The receptionist says he hasn’t received our package -------. (A) now (B) until (C) yet (D) soon 107. The price of a bond depends on several -------, including its yield. (A) factions (B) factories (C) factors (D) factorings 108. Some business people are ------- while others are followers. (A) leaders (B) leading (C) leadership (D) leads 109. The most ------- thing to remember for the test is the vocabulary. (A) importance (B) importantly (C) important (D) import 110. ------- the fact that the ozone layer continues to deteriorate, we can expect the sun to do more and more damage to the environment. (A) Giving (B) Give (C) Gave (D) Given 111. The whole team ------- a valiant effort. (A) took in (B) sat in (C) took down (D) put forth

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228 Reading Comprehension

112. It is often difficult to ------- between a Canadian and an American accent. (A) decide (B) discern (C) concern (D) discipline 113. Mrs. Burns decided to switch jobs due to the length of the ------- every day. (A) community (B) commuting (C) commute (D) commune 114. It is hard for some people to respect their boss because they have a problem with -------. (A) authorization (B) authorities (C) authors (D) authority 115. The conference ------- by more than one hundred management executives last week. (A) attendance (B) was attended (C) has been attended (D) is attended 116. I listened carefully to my opponent’s arguments before ------- my own. (A) present (B) being present (C) presenting (D) to present 117. When buying a new car, it is important to consider how ------- the car is. (A) dependable (B) reliability (C) dependability (D) reliance Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


119. I want you to be home before the clock ------- ten. (A) strikes (B) points (C) rings (D) predicts 120. I am genuinely looking forward to ------- our new CEO. (A) have meeting (B) have met (C) meet (D) meeting 121. I need to get the proposal back which I ------- you last week. (A) lent (B) borrowed (C) wrote (D) read 122. My boss ------- by the general manager. (A) is intimidated (B) has intimidated (C) is intimidating (D) intimidates 123. ------- our decreased revenue, we have been forced to reduce expenses. (A) Regardless of (B) Depending on (C) Due to (D) According to

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Test 2

118. We can’t ------- to make the types of mistakes that we have been making. (A) afford (B) prefer (C) accept (D) agree

230 Reading Comprehension

124. Our new benefits package seems to be quite popular ------- our employees. (A) for (B) with (C) about (D) from 125. ------- what happens, I’ll have my report on your desk by Friday morning. (A) However (B) No matter (C) Apart from (D) Despite 126. Employees were allowed to invite three ------- to the company picnic, such as their spouse or other family members. (A) guests (B) clients (C) visitors (D) customers 127. Technology has made it possible for objects to travel ------- the speed of light. (A) faster than (B) the same as (C) slower than (D) more quickly 128. It looks like you could use some help ------- for the conference. (A) prepare (B) prepared (C) preparation (D) preparing 129. Contrary to popular belief, significant revenue does not always ------- into profit. (A) transcend (B) transport (C) translate (D) transgress Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


131. It is difficult to be successful in business without some kind of ------advantage. (A) competing (B) competition (C) competitive (D) competitively 132. It is impossible to maintain a ------- relationship with someone without trust. (A) working (B) wanting (C) waning (D) willing 133. Each manager formatted their report differently, so Jack was asked to make the reports look -------. (A) synonymous (B) monotonous (C) simultaneous (D) uniform 134. John said he couldn’t make the retreat because he had ------- made plans for the weekend. (A) never (B) since (C) already (D) anyway

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Test 2

130. The first thing most employers look for in an employee is a good -------. (A) standing (B) appearance (C) attitude (D) occupation

232 Reading Comprehension

135. Your presentation is excellent, but you might want to ------- it by a couple minutes. (A) be shortened (B) shorten (C) be shorten (D) have shortened 136. I expect everyone to ------- the company banquet next Saturday night. (A) attend (B) apply (C) adopt (D) adapt 137. There will be a $10,000 bonus to the staff member with the ------- sales this month. (A) furthest (B) farthest (C) tallest (D) highest 138. There are both advantages and disadvantages ------- driving a car to work. (A) with (B) on (C) of (D) in 139. You will be provided ------- an extensive handbook at the start of the seminar. (A) for (B) with (C) against (D) to 140. Someone is going to have to ------- the blame for losing that file. (A) take (B) make (C) have (D) find Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

233 Test 2

PART 6 Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141–144 refer to the following medical announcement.

Mobile Phone Dermatitis Hopefully, you aren’t one of the thousands of people with “mobile phone dermatitis.” This once-unexplained rash _____________ doctors, but now we 141. (A) buffeted (B) baffled (C) battered (D) buttressed know why some cell phone fanatics are sporting red, itchy rashes on their ears and cheeks. Late last week, British dermatologists _____________ published 142. (A) citing (B) cite (C) cited (D) cites studies said this rash is caused by an allergic reaction to the nickel surface on mobile phones. They say prolonged usage _____________ the devices creates 143. (A) in (B) at (C) of (D) to the sensitivity to the metal. On Thursday, the British National Association of Dermatologists said doctors should be on the alert for a skin allergy caused by too much mobile phone use. They are putting out this announcement because, as they say, many doctors are unaware that mobile phones can cause the condition. As we grow more _____________ more reliant on mobile technology, 144. (A) in (B) by (C) so (D) and safety concerns need to be of top importance to the medical field. Go on the next page >

234 Reading Comprehension

Questions 145–148 refer to the following advertisement.

Ten Steps to Money Do you wake up in the morning with brilliant ideas? Elias Howe invented the sewing machine based on the events of a terrible nightmare. How about moments of inspiration, when good ideas just pop _____________ your head? 145. (A) by (B) into (C) to (D) with Post-It sticky notes were thought up in 1974 when Arthur Fry was daydreaming in church. Or, perhaps you have come up with a simple solution to a difficult problem? Earle Dickson created the Band-Aid in 1921 in his kitchen using tape and gauze to help his accident- _____________ wife. 146. (A) prune (B) prone (C) provide (D) purse Yes, that’s right. These revolutionary inventions came from ordinary people at ordinary times. Just about every great service or product started as just a twinkle in someone’s eye. But, _____________ you have connections, 147. (A) if (B) in case (C) unless (D) not your great idea might stay but that. Want to sell your idea and possibly make millions? We have guided many inventors through the process. Over time we’ve streamlined it into a ten-step program, which we are happy to help you through as well. The key to making your idea a _____________ is making sure 148. (A) real (B) realty (C) reality (D) retails the right people take it seriously.

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235 Test 2

Questions 149–152 refer to the following memo. TO: Hiring Managers FROM: Human Resources

RE: Panel Interviewing Starting next month, we will begin using a new technique in interviewing. In order to hire a new employee, you and two other managers from related departments will meet and conduct a panel interview. The following outlines why this style will benefit our company.

_____________ with all job interviews, panel interviews serve two purposes: 149. (A) As (B) To (C) Under (D) For First, they allow the interviewers to determine if candidates are suitable for the position. Second, they give candidates an opportunity to learn about the business and the job. _____________ the structure of a panel interview may be 150. (A) Nevertheless (B) Since (C) Indeed (D) To

more intimidating to a candidate than a one-on-one interview, this can be a useful way of determining how candidates fare under pressure. _____________, the session should not turn into an aggressive or hostile 151. (A) However (B) More (C) Indeed (D) Despite grilling. There are a number of tips and tricks to conducting a panel interview that helps ensure it proceeds according to plan and assists _____________ 152. (A) in (B) on (C) for (D) out identifying the best person for the role. Go on the next page >

236 Reading Comprehension

PART 7 In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153–155 refer to the following memo.

MEMO Date: April 17 To: Kitchen Staff From: Joe, Kitchen Manager Re: New menu items

As we have discussed before, we will add several new menu items at the beginning of next month. I have devised several recipes which you can find in the kitchen folder behind the bar. Please test all of these recipes. Your opinions are appreciated, as well are alternative recipes you believe may be good additions to our menu. Take into consideration our clientele and the skills of your fellow kitchen workers. We all recall the utter disappointment when the ostrich egg quiche did not create the excitement we expected. I will invite staff and friends to try these new items this Sunday, April 20 at 2:00 p.m. Thank you.

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237 Test 2

153. Who is the memo written to? (A) All staff members (B) The manager (C) Kitchen staff (D) New menu items 154. Where can the new recipes be found? (A) In the kitchen (B) In the manager’s office (C) In the kitchen folder (D) With the manager 155. When will staff and friends try the new menu items? (A) Sunday, April 17 (B) Friday, April 20 (C) Saturday, April 17 (D) Sunday, April 20

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238 Reading Comprehension

Questions 156–157 refer to the following article.

Technology Stocks Soar By John Wood

NEW YORK—Investors’ confidence in the technology industry improved greatly yesterday, as quarterly reports from market leaders showed profits up 14% from the final quarter of last year. The reports attributed this growth to a recent demand in handheld devices and improved technology. As a result, several technology stock prices rose dramatically, especially in afternoon trading. “This is the kind of activity the market needs now, and I for one am upping my investment in stocks, especially Thai-operated entities,” says one analyst who wished to remain anonymous. This trend is expected to continue, as it is anticipated that the remaining reports coming out this week will also be positive.

156. What is the main reason why technology stock prices rose? (A) Investors gained profits (B) Quarterly reports showed increased profits (C) Afternoon trading (D) Anticipation of profits 157. What is expected to continue? (A) Rising stock prices (B) Lowering profits (C) Distributing quarterly reports (D) Hiring market leaders

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239 Test 2

Questions 158–160 refer to the following article.

Dear AWA Airlines Personnel Manager: My name is Bob Richards. I have just returned from a business trip to Hong Kong aboard your airline service. I have been flying with various airlines for over twenty years, and I feel obliged to inform you that I have never received poorer service than I did from your company this past weekend. It started when I first arrived at the airport. Even though I had a confirmed ticket for your 18:50 flight, I was told that there were no seats left. You had overbooked the flight. Now, you would think in such a situation your representative, in this case Shirley Andrews, would be quite apologetic. But when I asked what type of compensation I would be given for my inconvenience, Ms. Andrews was extremely rude. She implied that it was my fault and that I should have arrived earlier, even though I arrived more than three hours before my departure time. She used incredibly offensive language and basically ruined my trip. I was eventually put on the 21:50 flight, without so much as an apology. My request for an upgrade to business class was refused. I would like to make a formal complaint against Ms. Shirley Andrews, and I feel I am entitled to some form of compensation for my inconvenience. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Sincerely, Bob Richards President Hofstra, Ltd.

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240 Reading Comprehension

158. Why did Bob Richards write this letter? (A) He wanted to go to Hong Kong. (B) His flight was delayed. (C) He was unhappy with his food. (D) He wanted to make a formal complaint. 159. What time was Mr. Richard’s flight originally scheduled? (A) 06:50 (B) 08:50 (C) 18:50 (D) 21:50 160. What was Mr. Richards given for his inconvenience? (A) He was given a coupon for a free flight. (B) He was given an upgrade to business class. (C) He was given a night’s stay in Hong Kong. (D) He was given nothing.

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241 Test 2

Questions 161–163 refer to the following flyer.

MUSIC OPPORTUNITY A former professional musician is offering advanced oboe lessons to experienced students of music. Geoffory Violet was principle oboist for fifteen years in the Chicago Philharmonic Orchestra before retiring last year. He has offered to take up to ten qualified students for a three-month period. Lessons will be individual, and his students will have the opportunity to play in performances with some of the country’s most talented musicians. Mr. Violet was trained in Vienna under the instruction of oboe master Gustav Mand. He has performed in a number of orchestras around the world. Whether it be for a concerto or a solo performance, Mr. Violet has entertained tens of hundreds in packed houses. Taking a dramatic turn from his performing career, Mr. Violet slowly began taking on students. Now, retired, Mr. Violet instructs promising young people full-time. Studying under such an accomplished oboist would truly be an honor. Auditions will be held December 1st and 2nd, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. at Mozart Hall (25 King St.).

161. How long did Geoffory Violet play in the Chicago Philharmonic Orchestra? (A) 3 months (B) 3 years (C) 15 years (D) 50 years 162. How many students will there be in each lesson? (A) One (B) Three (C) Ten (D) Unknown 163. When will people be able to try out for one of the positions? (A) December 1st only (B) December 2nd only (C) December 1st or 2nd (D) After December 2nd Go on the next page >

242 Reading Comprehension

Questions 164–167 refer to the following newspaper article.

Not All Agree City Has Problems The Bloomfield Baptist Church will begin a support and rehabilitation group for people addicted to gambling. The idea to establish such a support group came from Reverend Winkler’s wife, Mrs. Sally Winkler. When asked why the community had reason to offer support for people with gambling problems, Mrs. Winkler responded, “I have seen too many wives driven to the brink of insanity as they sit idly by and watch their husbands spend day after day betting their paychecks away.” While there are no casinos in the area, it is nonetheless one of the only districts in the country that permits gambling. There has been significant opposition concerning the support group from a few locals and gambling fanatics, who have stated that it is their God-given right to gamble, and reap whatever may come their way. There is general concern among these folks that this support group is a first step towards reversing the gambling legislation. If you suffer from a gambling addiction, or know anyone who does, meetings start this upcoming Sunday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Bloomfield Baptist Church’s basement. The group will continue on a weekly basis.

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243 Test 2

164. Whose idea was it to have a support group? (A) The mayor of Bloomfield (B) The reverend (C) The reverend’s wife (D) The reverend’s daughter 165. Why are local gamblers worried about the support group? (A) They feel that it would infringe upon their ability to gamble freely. (B) They want to bet their paychecks away. (C) They weren’t invited to participate with the group. (D) They want to see the gambling laws changed. 166. How long will each support group session last? (A) 6 hours (B) 8 hours (C) 15 hours (D) 3 hours 167. What is the main focus of the passage? (A) Support groups for religious people (B) Conflict of interest in a small community (C) New gambling legislation (D) Promotion of a church service

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244 Reading Comprehension

Questions 168–170 refer to the following letter.

Miss Cindy Oaks 7 Lemming Road Short Lane, NY 08078 Mrs. Wendy Mell Green Corp., Inc. 101 1st Avenue New York, NY 10002

Dear Mrs. Mell: It was wonderful news when you called this afternoon to offer me the position of buyer for Green Corp. Please consider this letter as an eager acceptance. I am pleased to accept your offer at a salary of $35,000 annually. I understand that we will discuss benefits and insurance options at a later date. As agreed, my starting date will be on August 13th to allow me to finish summer academic courses. I greatly appreciate this, as I believe these classes will enhance my skills for Green Corp. Thank you again, Mrs. Mell, for giving me this opportunity. Please let me know if I can do anything in advance of my start date to facilitate the paperwork, or if there are any areas you would like me to read up on. I look forward to working with you and the Green team! Sincerely,

Cindy Oaks Cindy Oaks

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245 Test 2

168. What is the main purpose of the letter? (A) To decline an offer (B) To defer an offer (C) To accept an offer (D) To give an offer 169. Why will Cindy begin work at Green Corp. on August 13th? (A) She needs to finish company training. (B) Negotiation over her benefits package must first be dealt with. (C) She will have to finish projects at her current place of employment. (D) She will need time to complete courses at school. 170. What position will Cindy be accepting? (A) Manager (B) Buyer (C) Sales assistant (D) Human resources manager

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246 Reading Comprehension

Questions 171–173 refer to the following notice. September 17 and 18 (Saturday and Sunday) 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. 24 Kerwood Ave.

Moving Sale We are moving out of the country and must sell all of our household items. No reasonable offer will be refused. Come by and take a look—we know we have something you need. 52-inch television with remote control Three-piece leather sofa set ◆ King-size bed (Has an oak frame and headboard; sorry, mattress not included) ◆ Large refrigerator (Has automatic ice maker in the freezer) ◆ Dining room set (Is an oak table with six chairs) ◆ Washer and dryer (Is three years old and purchased new—still under warranty) ◆ Kitchen gadgets (Includes silverware, plate, pots, pans and cooking utensils) ◆ ◆

Lots more! 171. When will the moving sale start? (A) Sunday afternoon (B) Saturday morning (C) Sunday morning (D) Saturday evening 172. Why is the family selling their things? (A) They need the money. (B) They are moving to a smaller house. (C) They have too many things. (D) They are moving to another country. 173. Which item is not advertised for sale? (A) A bed (B) A mattress (C) A TV (D) A fridge Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

247 Test 2

Questions 174–176 refer to the following letter. Dear Product Development Managers: My name is Peter Sandler. My partner/brother Dennis and I have created a product we think you will be interested in—a device that fits comfortably in one’s pocket and is able to perform two unique tasks. The first is that of a high-performance recorder. With the touch of a button, one can record any conversation within ten meters. The uniqueness lies in that it is able to do this from the confines of a bag, pocket or briefcase. The second feature is a 6.0-megapixel digital camera. It can take detailed pictures of objects as far as one hundred meters away without making a sound. We have also come up with what we think is a very marketable name for this product, Spy-Pod. If you would like to meet with us to discuss the features and costs of SpyPod, please respond to this letter. We will send you an e-brochure with all the information you will need. We will be touring Europe in January and February with a prototype of our product, so if you are interested, please let us know as soon as possible so we can fit you into our travel plans. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely,

Peter Sandler Peter Sandler President Spy-Pod Inc. peter@spypod.com

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248 Reading Comprehension

174. What is unique about the recording feature of the Spy-Pod? (A) It is a high-performance recorder. (B) It records within a ten-meter radius. (C) It can record from within a bag or pocket. (D) It fits in your pocket. 175. What is the range of the Spy-Pod camera? (A) From zero to ten meters (B) From ten to one hundred meters (C) From fifty to one hundred meters (D) Up to one hundred meters 176. Why will the Sandler brothers be traveling in Europe? (A) They will be meeting with potential distributors. (B) They will be looking for a prototype. (C) They are travel planners. (D) They will be on vacation.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

249 Test 2

Questions 177–180 refer to the following article. With everyone practicing “safe investing” these days, it’s hard to find something to get excited about in the financial world. Are people really on cloud nine because they are making one percent a year from interest on their savings account? What ever happened to rolling the dice? There is obviously something to be said about working hard, putting money in the bank every month and watching it grow ever so slowly, so that kids can go to college and parents can retire eventually. This is what the majority of our population does, so it must be the most reasonable thing to do. But wait. There are many investment opportunities out there. Most analysts agree that it’s a buyer’s market. Investing blindfolded is risky, so putting your money in areas you are not familiar with is not advised. Get yourself a good financial advisor and get your money working for you—not the other way around. 177. What would be the best title for this article? (A) Invest in Safe Investing (B) Trust the One Percent (C) Roll the Dice (D) Work for Your Money 178. What type of investor is the writer? (A) Conservative (B) Aggressive (C) Passive (D) Dependent 179. What does the writer say about majority of the population? (A) They invest money conservatively. (B) They go to college. (C) They retire early. (D) They are smart investors. 180. What advice does the writer give? (A) Hire someone knowledgeable to help invest (B) Invest in anything, especially if it involves risk (C) Put more energy into earning money at work (D) Cover your eyes when you invest your money Go on the next page >

250 Reading Comprehension

Questions 181–185 refer to the following e-mail and draft of a merger agreement. To: Winston Aims From: James Canada Date: 05/08/09 Subject: FWD: Merger Agreement Draft

Attached is the text of the agreement you requested in yesterday’s meeting. I agree that we need to change the section about training sessions. We need to sign and send this letter by tomorrow afternoon. Look at this and then stop by my office. James


MERGER AGREEMENT (Draft) This agreement is made between Harrison Medics and the Combs Retirement Complex. Points: A. Harrison Medics expresses desire to provide emergency medical support to the Combs Retirement Complex. B. Both parties desire to form a Tactical Emergency Medical Team (TEMT) to work out of what will be the Emergent Care Unit of the Combs Retirement Complex. The TEMT will consist of health-care professionals from Harrison Medics and on-staff caregivers and nurses at Combs Retirement Complex. C. The TEMT will provide advanced and intermediate life support and emergency medical care at the Combs Retirement Complex. If a patient needs to be treated for long-term needs or must be treated in a hospital, responsibility for the patient will be transferred to the hospital and the Sample Answer Combs Retirement Complex’s administration. will be provided year-round by external specialists. D. Training sessions IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have hereto executed this agreement and multiple originals as of the last date written below. Statement (C), “A pair of eyeglasses is in the man’s hand.” Signed,is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet. ____________ Winston Aimes and James Canada, Harrison Medics ____________ Sylvia Potter, Combs Retirement Complex ____________ Date Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

251 Test 2

181. What is the main point of the e-mail? (A) That Winston will be in his office (B) That James needs to look at the attachment (C) That a medical support system is needed (D) That James needs to sign the letter 182. Who are the two parties of the agreement? (A) TEMT, Combs Retirement Complex (B) Harrison Medics, Combs Retirement Complex (C) Harrison Medics, TEMT (D) Winston Aimes, James Canada 183. What is true about the agreement? (A) It has not been approved yet. (B) Both parties have signed it. (C) Only Harrison Medics has approved it. (D) Only Combs Retirement Complex has approved it. 184. Who is not eligible to be part of the TEMT? (A) A cafeteria worker at Combs Retirement Complex (B) A nurse hired by Harrison Medics (C) A nurse at Combs Retirement Complex (D) A doctor employed by Harrison Medics 185. What is most likely to change in the final draft of the agreement? (A) Part A (B) Part B (C) Part C (D) Part D

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252 Reading Comprehension

Questions 186–190 refer to the following letters. Dear Frank, It’s clear that new efforts for offshore drilling will lead to lower prices in fuel costs now. How can they not? With more oil, supply will rise above demand. Some may argue drilling in environmentally sensitive areas where oil extraction has never taken place will endanger ocean life; however, this argument is outdated. Drilling technology has advanced tremendously over the last twenty years and would pose very little danger to the environment. It’s time we began drilling for oil before supplies dry up. Regards, Paul

Paul, I don’t see it that way, Paul. First, drilling is not the same as actually discovering oil. There is no guarantee oil will be in the locations chosen for drilling. Second, drilling in these areas will take five to ten years to get underway. It will take longer to extract the oil, refine it and put it on the market. So, I hardly see how that will lower prices now. Finally, I don’t see how you can forecast the amount of damage that will be done to the environment in sensitive areas. You yourself just said it has never been done before. Frank

186. Where does Paul want drilling to take place? (A) In remote, deserted areas of the countryside (B) In desert regions of the United States (C) In developing nations (D) In the ocean, near the coast

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

253 Test 2

187. What does Paul think about drilling hurting ocean life? (A) He thinks drilling is of great danger to local ocean life. (B) He thinks the supporting argument is outdated. (C) He thinks it will be of no danger in twenty years. (D) He thinks that drilling poses no danger. 188. How long does Frank say it would take to extract the oil? (A) More than twenty years (B) More than fifteen years (C) More than ten years (D) Less than five years 189. What point does Frank NOT address when rebutting Paul’s argument? (A) That drilling technology has made advancements (B) That environmentally sensitive areas should be drilled for oil (C) That drilling poses little damage to environmentally sensitive areas (D) That drilling would lower oil prices 190. What is Frank’s response to Paul’s claim about oil prices? (A) That such drilling would only lower prices for a short time (B) That such drilling would actually raise oil prices (C) That such drilling would not lower oil prices now (D) That such drilling would increase prices in other commodities

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254 Reading Comprehension

Questions 191–195 refer to the following rating chart and review.

Judge One: The New Trade-Web Ad Hits the Wrong Buttons

Timeliness: ★★ ☆ Humor: ★ ☆☆ Originality: ★★★★ Memorableness: ★★★☆

Judge Two:

New Trade-Web Ad for Babies

The recent Trade-Web ad, which features a talking baby purchasing stock online, is a complete waste of ad space. How could the ad folk s at Trade-Web pull such a cliché stu nt? The only thing worse than a talking baby, in my humble opinion, is a talking dog or cat. That gimmic k has been employed so often it ceases to be cute or engaging for viewe rs. Thank heavens Trade-Web didn’t take that route, but it was almost just as bad. Where is the talent in the se giant ad agencies? How can these people justify the ridiculous sala ries they are paid? And to top off this bad judgment, the commercial spo t even seeks to disgust and shock the casual viewer. At the conclusion of the ad, the child vomits. During a prime time show—during dinner and family time—we are subject ed to a baby getting sick on a laptop. All that can be said is that this ad will go down as one of the worst of this yea r. But, we’ll all remember it.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

255 Test 2

191. What does Judge One NOT complain about? (A) How important the ad is for today’s viewers (B) How funny the ad is (C) How original the ad is (D) How memorable the ad is 192. What did Judge Two think of the final part of the ad? (A) It was cliché. (B) It was disgusting. (C) It was humorous. (D) It was boring. 193. Which of the following do the judges agree on? (A) The ad will be remembered for a long time. (B) The ad made them laugh. (C) The ad was made for children. (D) The ad is perfect for the market. 194. What is the talking baby doing in the ad? (A) Trying to tell a joke (B) Demonstrating how to buy children’s stockings (C) Showing how to buy a stock (D) Explaining how a parent should change a diaper 195. Where does the child vomit in the ad? (A) On his mother (B) On his father (C) On a computer (D) On his lap

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256 Reading Comprehension

Questions 196–200 refer to the following witness accounts.

Witness One I was in the back of the store when I heard the clerk shout to the elderly woman to be careful walking down aisle three. He was at the cash register helping another customer. He said the floor was still wet from mopping. Well, just about that time, the woman turned down that aisle, and I then saw her fall down. The clerk ran to help her, and so did I. Everything seemed fine, since the woman was able to stand on her own and walk out of the store. She even told us she didn’t need our help. To be honest, I was very surprised to discover she is suing the store for injuries.

Witness Two The clerk was busy at the front of the store, wrapping up an item for me. I saw the elderly woman begin to walk down aisle three, which still looked shiny and wet from mopping. From what I remember, I didn’t see a sign warning customers not to walk down the aisle. After the woman was halfway down the aisle, the clerk looked up and shouted for her not to walk there because the floor was slippery. But it was too late. The woman had already slipped and fallen. We all ran to help the woman stand again.

196. What does Witness One say about the aisle’s floor? (A) The floor needed to be mopped. (B) The floor was recently mopped. (C) The floor was waxed recently. (D) The floor was about to be mopped.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


198. Where was Witness Two standing in the store? (A) In the front of the store (B) In the back of the store (C) Next to the elderly woman (D) In the third aisle 199. What is different between the two accounts? (A) The fact that the clerk called out to the woman (B) The time that the clerk called out to the woman (C) Where the clerk was when the woman fell (D) How fast the clerk came when the woman fell 200. Which account would the elderly woman most likely agree with? (A) Witness One’s (B) Witness Two’s (C) The clerk’s (D) Both Witness One and Two’s

Test 2

197. Why is Witness One surprised to discover the woman is suing the store? (A) Because at the time of the accident, she didn’t seem hurt (B) Because the woman has been a regular customer there for years (C) Because the woman told the clerk the accident was her own fault (D) Because the woman told the clerk she would not sue the store


Getting It Right on the New TOEIC



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260 Listening Comprehension

PART 1 1. (A) The woman is making a reservation. (B) The woman is inspecting a document. (C) The woman is talking to the other women. (D) The woman is counting money. ,所以 (D) 為正確 由圖片判斷女子正在數鈔票(count money) 答案。

• reservation 預約 • inspect a document 審查文件(inspect 檢查;審查)

2. (A) The woman is an agent in a front yard. (B) The woman is a nurse in a large hospital. (C) The woman is a cleaner at a hair salon. (D) The woman is a secretary in an office. 圖中牌子上的 SOLD 表示「售出」。在房子前面立個出售牌子 是美國銷售房子的主要方式之一,可以推論這位女士的職業可能 是房屋仲介人員(real estate agent) ,答案是 (A)。

• hair salon 髮廊、美髮院

3. (A) A birthday hat is on the woman’s head. (B) The cake is in the dad’s hands. (C) Birthday candles are on the table. (D) One boy is about to blow out the candles. 由此圖得知小男孩準備要吹熄蠟燭(blow out the candles) , 而其他選項均與此圖不合,故答案是 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


由圖片可看出某個人正在填寫表格( fill out a form ),故選 (C)。

• look up 查詢 • cap 筆蓋

. (A) Two people are on the escalator. (B) Two people are ascending a circular staircase. (C) Two people are in an unfurnished room. (D) Two people are descending a staircase. 圖中兩人正在下樓,故選 (D)。(A) 兩人在手扶梯上; (B) 兩人 正在爬螺旋式樓梯; (C) 兩人在沒有附傢俱的房間,均與圖片不 合。

• escalator 電動手扶梯 • ascend 上升;往上走 • circular staircase 螺旋式樓梯

. (A) The woman is holding a purse. (B) The young man is wearing glasses. (C) The young man has chin-length hair. (D) The two people are walking on the street. 圖中兩人在路上邊走邊說,故答案為 (D)。(A) 女子拿著皮包; (B) 年輕男子戴著眼鏡; (C) 年輕男子頭髮留到下巴,以上均與 圖片不合。

• purse 女用皮包

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

. (A) The person is looking up a word. (B) The person is putting a cap on her pen. (C) The person is filling out a form. (D) The person is writing a letter to a friend.

262 Listening Comprehension

. (A) The sign is for the receptionist. (B) The sign is for visitors. (C) The sign is for taxi drivers. (D) The sign is for the doorman’s friends. 招牌意思為「叫計程車請找門房」,應該是飯店為旅客設置的, 故選 (B)。(A)、(C)、(D) 均與圖片不合。

. (A) Four sinks line the bathroom wall. (B) There is only one soap dispenser. (C) The pipes are not exposed. (D) Someone left their purse next to a sink. 圖中有四個洗手台並列,故選 (A) 。 (B) 只有一個洗手乳供應 器; (C) 水管並無外露; (D) 有人把包包留在洗手台旁,均與圖 片不符。

• soap dispenser 洗手乳供應器 • expose 暴露

. (A) The man is buttoning his collar. (B) The man is tying his bow tie. (C) The man is adjusting his tie. (D) The man is taking off his jacket. 圖中男子正在調整領帶,故選 (C)。(A) 男子正在扣衣領; (B) 男子正在打領結; (D) 男子正在脫外套,均與圖片不合。

• collar 衣領 • bow tie 蝶形領結 • adjust 調整

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


圖中這個人一手拿著吉他,一手在譜曲,故選 (A)。(B) 男子正 在寫信; (C) 男子正在修理吉他; (D) 男子正在唱歌,三者均與 圖片不合。

• write a score 譜曲

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

10. (A) The man is writing a score. (B) The man is writing a letter. (C) The man is fixing his guitar. (D) The man is singing a song.

264 Listening Comprehension

PART 2 11. When did he join the company? (A) He just started working for them. (B) In about three years. (C) He doesn’t want to join. 問句的 did 為過去式助動詞,回答也應該用過去式,故選 (A) 他剛開始替他們 工作; (B) 三年後。in + 一段時間表示「 未來的時間」,問句應該是未來式; (C) 「他不想加入」 ,答非所問。

12. How did the interview go? (A) Sorry, I can’t go. But, maybe next time. (B) Pretty good. They offered me the job. (C) It went to my father’s house. how did sth go 是問「某件事進展如何」,故選 (B) 不錯,他們給我工作的機 會。(A)、(C) 為陷阱選項,裡頭的 go(去)跟問句的 go(進展)意思不同,故 不選。

13. Have you been to Australia? (A) No, my friend Ben went to England. (B) Great! I’ll meet you in front of the train station. (C) Yes, I went there last year for Lunar New Year. have you been to 用來詢問「是否去過某地」,故選 (C) 有啊,我去年農曆新 年(Lunar New Year)的時候才去過。(A) Ben 和 been 發音近似,要仔細分 辨; (B) 太好了,我們在車站前見面,答非所問。

1 . Let’s grab a bite on the way to the office. (A) I agree. The office is a little out of the way. (B) No, I don’t ride my bike when it’s raining. (C) Good idea! I haven’t eaten all morning. grab a bite 指「找點東西隨便吃吃」,答案應與吃東西有關,因此選 (C) 好主 意 ! 我整個早上都沒吃東西。(A) 為陷阱選項,out of the way(離得很遠)和 題目 on the way to + place(去……的路上)意思不同; (B) bike 與 bite 發 音近似,要小心分辨。

1 . What do you mean you have to cancel our date? (A) I’m sorry. I’ll bring it tomorrow. (B) My brother wants a hot dog, not fruit. (C) I can’t go. I have to look after my cousin. 問句是詢問為何要取消約會,答案應為解釋理由,故選 (C) 我沒辦法去,我得照 顧(look after)我表弟。(A)、(B) 與題意不符。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


did 起始的問句通常要用 yes/no 開頭,題目是問「你有沒有收到關於星期五會 議的備忘錄?」,根據題意應選 (B) 沒有,但是哈利有跟我提過。(A) 我不能等 到禮拜五,雖然也有提到 Friday,但與題意無關; (C) 我似乎不記得今天有約。

1 . What do you want me to do with these old keyboards? (A) I don’t know how to use a keyboard. (B) He prefers the old style. (C) Put them in the back room. 本題是詢問「對方希望怎麼做」,因此答案應該與指示有關,故選 (C) 放到後面 的房間。(A) 我不知道怎麼用鍵盤; (B) 他比較喜歡舊的款式,(A)、(B) 雖然有 提到題目裡的字,但都與指示無關,故不選。

1 . What’s the correct fare to the airport from here? (A) About $16. (B) No, it’s not that far from here. (C) He had corrected the mistake. fare 是指「車資;載運費用」,what’s the correct fare 用於詢問車資,故選 (A) 大概十六塊。(B) 不,離這裡沒那麼遠; (C) 他已經修正錯誤,correct 在題 目中為形容詞,意思是「正確的」 ,這裡為動詞,意思是「修改」 ,(B) 和 (C) 兩 個選項雖然都提到與題目相關的單字,但都是答非所問的陷阱選項。

1 . Is it OK if I use your computer for awhile? (A) Sure. I won’t be using it all day. (B) He tried to fix it. (C) I can teach you how to send a fax. is 起始的問句常用 yes/no 來回答; sure 表示「當然」,相當於 yes,故選 (A) 當然可以,我不會用一整天。(B)、(C) 皆答非所問。

20. I can’t believe how lousy the weather has been lately! (A) I know. We’ve been lucky to have such warm temperatures. (B) Yes, but I’m sure my luck will run out sooner or later. (C) Yeah, there hasn’t been a nice day all month. how lousy the weather has been 是感歎句,表示「天氣怎麼這麼糟」,回

答應與天氣有關。a nice day 指「天氣好的日子」,故選 (C)。(A) 天氣暖和 (warm temperature)不合題意; (B) 是啊,但是我相信我的運氣遲早會用 光,答非所問。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

1 . Did you get the memo about Friday’s meeting? (A) I can’t wait until Friday. (B) No, but Harry mentioned it to me. (C) I can’t seem to remember today’s date.

266 Listening Comprehension

21. Which bills still need to be paid? (A) Just the water bill, I think. (B) I’ll pay them. (C) Thanks for all your help. ,可見答案與 Which bills still need to be paid? 是指「還有哪些帳單要付?」 帳單有關,故選 (A) 我想應該只有水費。(B) 我會付的; (C) 謝謝幫忙。

22. Have you finished reading that article I gave you? (A) I didn’t give it to you. (B) I’m almost done. (C) What have I done? have you finished reading 是問「你是否讀完了」,根據題意,應選 (B) 快 要好了; done 在此是過去分詞作形容詞用,指「完成了」。(A) 我沒把它交給 你; (C) 我做了什麼 ?

23. Do you need anything from the stationery store? (A) Could you meet me at the station? (B) Could you pick up some fax paper? (C) Have you finished your paper? stationery store 為「文具店」的意思,故答案可能與文具有關,故選 (B) 你可 以買些傳真紙嗎?(A) 為陷阱選項,station(車站)不可與 stationery(文具) 混淆; (C) 也是陷阱,paper 在此是「論文」不是「紙」 ,因此不是文具。

2 . Can you believe the price of airfare doubled overnight? (A) No, Dale is in charge of buying the ticket. (B) You’re unbelievable. (C) I knew we should have bought tickets yesterday. can you believe 表示「對某事難以置信,轉而詢問對方並尋求對方認同」的語 氣,問句是說「你相信機票隔夜就漲了一倍嗎?」,(C) 最符合題意,指「我就 知道我們昨天就該買票」。(A) in charge of 是「負責」 ,此句意思是「不是,是 戴爾負責買票」; (B) 你真是不可理喻。

2 . Who gave you the authority to make that purchase? (A) I didn’t get an opportunity. (B) Jim told me I could do it. (C) I talked to the author. 問句是:「誰給你權限(authority)進行採購?」,who 是詢問身份,答案應與

身份有關,故選 (B) 吉姆告訴我可以這麼做。(A) 我沒得到機會; (C) author 是「作者」的意思,勿與 authority 混淆。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


題目是:「我真不敢相信,他們居然發駕照(driver’s license)給青少年」。(A) 我懂你的意思,用來表示贊同,最符合題意。(B) 我目前已經開了三年車; (C) 是的,請繫上安全帶。

2 . How do I turn down the air conditioner? (A) Watch me, I’ll show you. (B) Sure. It’s too hot. (C) The repair shop is near here. how 是在詢問做事的方法,因此答案應與解釋、示範有關,故選 (A) 看著,我 做給你看; (B) 當然,天氣太熱了; (C) 維修店就在附近。

2 . Would you mind saying a few words to the audience? (A) I don’t mind where we sit. (B) No, not at all. (C) Actually, I can’t read it. would you mind + V-ing 是問「你介不介意…… 」,可推斷回答應與「介不介 意」有關,故選 (B) 不,一點也不。(A) 我不介意坐在哪裡,where we sit 不符 題意; (C) 其實我不能唸這個。

2 . What’s the quickest way to get to the bank? (A) The riverbank is dangerous. (B) Most people prefer to eat cake. (C) The bus is probably the quickest. 問句是:「要怎麼去銀行最快?」,可見答案與方法有關,故選 (C) 公車大概是最 快的方式。(A) 為陷阱選項,這裡的 bank(河岸)與問句的 bank(銀行)意思 不同; (B) 多數人比較喜歡吃蛋糕。

30. Do you know why the kitchen is closed to staff? (A) I’m not sure. I’m new here. (B) The kitchen is opposite the entrance. (C) Because he’s the chef. 問句是:「你知道為什麼員工(staff)不能進廚房?」,根據題意,應選 (A) 我不 知道,我是新來的。(B) 廚房在入口對面; (C) 因為他是主廚 (chef),這個選項 雖然有 because,但無法為問句提供合理解釋,故不可選。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

2 . I can’t believe they give driver’s licenses to teenagers. (A) I know what you mean. (B) I’ve been driving for three years now. (C) Yes, please put on your seat belt.

268 Listening Comprehension

31. How do you expect us to send the postcards to all of our clients? (A) That’s easy. Use the computer. (B) OK, the postcards are in the hallway. (C) She used to work for the post office. 問句是:「你要我們怎麼把明信片寄給所有的客戶?」,how 是詢問方式,故選 (A) 很簡單,用電腦。(B) 好,明信片在走廊; (C) 她以前在郵局工作。

32. Why is it so important to you? (A) What’s your problem? (B) It belonged to my father. (C) It doesn’t matter. why 是在詢問原因。be important to sb 指「對某人而言很重要」,因此根據 題意,應選 (B) 這是我父親的。(A) 你哪根筋不對啊?(C) 那不重要,均不符題 意。

33. Where should I put my jacket? (A) On the chair is fine. (B) That’s a nice jacket. (C) Where are you going? where 是詢問地點、位置,答案也要與位置有關,故選 (A) 放在椅子上就可以 了。

3 . I’ve got a hunch he won’t return our calls. (A) I’ve got one too, and it’s really hurting my back. (B) Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if I caught one, too. (C) Well, let’s not think the worst until we have to. hunch 指「預感;直覺」,此句是說「我有預感他不會回電給我們」。 根據題 意,應選 (C) 嗯,非到必要時別想最壞的情況。(A) 我也有一個,而且它把我的 背弄得好痛; (B) 喔,如果我有的話,我也不意外。

3 . How many times a week do you usually cook? (A) What’s for dinner? (B) My dad’s a cook. (C) Once or twice. how many times 是問次數,相關的回答應是 (C) 一或兩次。(A) 晚餐吃什 麼?答非所問; (B) 是陷阱選項,裡頭的 cook(廚師)和問句的 cook(烹飪) 意思不同。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


,ask sb out 指「約某人出去約會」 , have the nerve to V. 指「有勇氣做某事」 根據題意應選 (B) 我一直都知道提姆喜歡你。(A) go outside 指「外出」; (C) nervous 指「緊張的」,這兩個選項雖然有和題目相近的字,但意思不同。

3 . Have you seen my umbrella? (A) I think it’s in the basement. (B) That was the movie’s best scene. (C) It might rain. 題目是:「你有沒有看到我的雨傘?」,最合適的回答為 (A) 我想雨傘在地下室 (basement)裡。(B) scene(電影場景)和 seen(看到)發音一樣,但意義不 同; (C) 答非所問。

3 . What time will you arrive at the office tomorrow? (A) The same time as usual. (B) That time should work fine. (C) The key is at reception. what time 是詢問時間,故選 (A) 就跟以往一樣的時間。(B) 那個時間應該可 以; (C) 鑰匙在櫃台。

3 . Where are you off to? (A) I turned off the TV. (B) I’m on my way to the office. (C) I’ll be fine. where 是詢問地點,off to 指前往某地,與地點有關的回應是 (B) 我正要去公 司。(A) 我關了電視機。雖然有提到 off,不過在此 turn off(關掉)是片語動 詞; (C) 我不會有事的。

0. I guess we will see each other at the conference next month, won’t we? (A) Yes, I’m really looking forward to that. (B) Yes, the weather doesn’t look good. (C) I hate conference calls. 題目說到「我猜我們下個月會在會議中見面」,可知是未來時間,依據題意應選

(A) 是的,我很期待(look forward to)。(B) 是啊,天氣看來不太好; (C) 我 討厭會議通知。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

3 . Can you believe Tim had the nerve to ask me out? (A) You shouldn’t go outside. (B) I always knew Tim liked you. (C) I’m a little nervous.

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PART 3 Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following conversation. M: Do you know why our faxes are so faint? I can hardly read the message. F: The fax machine needs a new ink cartridge. Didn’t Greg say he bought an extra one last time? He would have put it in the office-supply cabinet. M: I think we used that last one. Do you have time to go to the store? I can give you the company credit card to buy a new one. F: Not really. I’ll ask Jenny if she can go. • faint 模糊的 • ink cartridge 墨水匣 • office-supply cabinet 辦公用品櫃

1. What is the woman most likely going to do? (A) Order ink from a supplier (B) Go to the store to buy ink (C) Ask a colleague to buy ink (D) Borrow ink from a colleague , 女子最後說 I’ll ask Jenny if she can go.(我去問珍妮能不能去買墨水匣。) 故應選 (C) 請同事(colleague)去買墨水匣。(A) 跟供應商(supplier)訂墨水 匣; (B) 去店裡買墨水匣; (D) 向同事借墨水匣。

2. What is the relationship between the speakers? (A) Customer–supplier (B) Coworkers (C) Machine repairer–machine owner (D) Telephone operator–caller 對話中的兩人在討論辦公室的墨水匣,還提到辦公用品櫃和公司的信用卡,可推 測兩人的關係是同事,故選 (B)。

3. Why does the man talk about a credit card? (A) The woman left it in the supply cabinet. (B) Greg bought ink using the credit card. (C) Jenny asked for the credit card. (D) The ink can be bought with the company’s card. 男子說 I can give you the company credit card to buy a new one.(我可 以給妳公司信用卡去買個新的。) ,可推知是要用信用卡付款,故選 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


F: I’m a little worried about Jim. Have you noticed how skinny he has gotten? M: Now that you mention it, he does look as if he hasn’t eaten in weeks. F: Do you think I should say something, or would that be rude? M: It wouldn’t be rude if you went about it properly. You should go talk to him, but don’t make a big scene about it. I suggest you tell him in his office when no one else is around. • mention 提到 • properly 適當地

• rude 粗魯的;魯莽的

. Why is the woman worried about Jim? (A) He has had a headache for weeks. (B) He doesn’t eat healthy food. (C) He has lost a lot of weight. (D) He is often rude. 女子一開始就說 Have you noticed how skinny he has gotten?(你有沒有 注意到,吉姆最近變得很瘦?) ,而 (C) 提到 has lost a lot of weight(瘦了很 多) ,最符合題意。

. What advice does the man give the woman? (A) Talk to Jim when the office is crowded (B) Don’t say anything to Jim (C) Call Jim’s doctor (D) Tell Jim privately 男子最後說 I suggest you tell him in his office when no one else is around.(我建議妳在公司沒人的時候跟他談談。),可見是要女子與吉姆私下談 (privately) ,故選 (D)。

. What is true about the man? (A) He has known about Jim’s problem for a long time. (B) He only saw the problem after the woman told him. (C) He says he will talk to Jim about the problem. (D) He doesn’t think Jim has a problem. 男子一開始說 now that you mention it(聽妳這麼一說),可見他是在女子提 到吉姆的事情之後,才發現這個問題,故選 (B)。

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Test 1 Answer Key

Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following conversation.

272 Listening Comprehension

Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following conversation. F: We’re still short on speakers. I have an idea; why don’t you do the presentation? M: I can’t. I’m booked for the next week. Remember? I told you about this at the meeting. Next week I’m on my way to Atlanta to meet with Gregory. F: Come on, I can’t look to Paul to do it. Last time, he bored the audience with corny jokes that no one laughed at. He’s not nearly as good as you are. M: I really can’t. If Paul is the only option left, you’ll just have to make do. • be short on 缺少

• presentation (上台)報告;做簡報

• book 預定

• corny 老掉牙的;陳腔濫調的

• make do 勉強接受;將就著用

. What does the woman say about Paul? (A) She doesn’t want him to do the presentation. (B) She is unable to find him at the moment. (C) She feels few people are as qualified as Paul. (D) She knows Paul will not return from vacation this week. 女子說 I can’t look to Paul to do it(我不能指望保羅上台報告)。look to 是 「依靠;指望」的意思,故選 (A)。(C) qualified(合格的;勝任的) ,她認為 很少有人像保羅一樣能勝任; (B)、(D) 均不符對話內容,故不選。

. Why can’t the man do the presentation? (A) He has previously scheduled appointments. (B) He is preparing a workbook for employees. (C) He is doing the books for accounting. (D) He has little knowledge about the subject. 題目問到「男子為什麼無法報告?」,從男子說 I’m booked for the next week. (我下週已經有預定行程了。)得知 (A) 他之前已安排好(schedule) 行程。(B) 他要為員工準備工作手冊(workbook); (C) 他正在做會計帳簿 (books for accounting); (D) 他對這個議題不精通,均不符題意。

. What does the man say the woman will have to do? (A) Contact Paul on his cell phone (B) Cancel the presentation (C) Work with him closely on the project (D) Do the best she can in this situation 從最後一句, If Paul is the only option left, you’ll just have to make do.(如果保羅是唯一的人選,妳只能將就。),可知男子要對方只能勉強接受、 盡力而為, 故選 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


M: I just tried your soup. I’m telling you: there’s nothing wrong with the soup. F: I didn’t say that. I said it tastes different. It usually has a sour flavor, but today it’s quite sweet. I think I taste honey. M: And you’re sure you ordered the tomato soup? If you’re this unhappy about it, you could send it back. No, wait. I quite like the soup. Hand it over here and I’ll eat it. But, you could still complain about it. F: Pass me one of those customer-satisfaction cards. • hand over 交出來;拿過來

• customer-satisfaction card 顧客滿意度意見表

0. What is the woman’s opinion about the soup? (A) It tastes terrible. (B) It is too sour. (C) It tastes like tomatoes. (D) Its flavor is not the same. 女子一開始就說 I said it tastes different. It usually has a sour flavor, but today it’s quite sweet.(我說湯嚐起來不一樣。這道湯通常會有酸味,可是今 天的湯好甜。) ,可見湯的味道變了,故選 (D)。

1. What does the man suggest the woman do? (A) Finish eating the soup (B) Call the waitress (C) Complain to the owners (D) Order another dish 男子雖然把湯拿來喝,但是他對女子說 But, you could still complain about it.(不過妳還是可以抱怨。),故選 (C) 向店老闆投訴。

2. Where is this conversation taking place? (A) In a kitchen (B) At a hospital (C) In a restaurant (D) At a grocery store 由最後一句 Pass me one of those customer-satisfaction cards.(給我一張 顧客滿意度意見表。)可知兩人應是在餐廳用餐,故選 (C)。(D) grocery store 雜貨店;藥妝店。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

Questions 50 through 52 refer to the following conversation.

274 Listening Comprehension

Questions 53 through 55 refer to the following conversation. F: It’s nearly five a.m.! Why are you up at the crack of dawn? Did you just wake up? M: No, I pulled an all-nighter to finish this training manual. Can you believe this thing? It must be three inches thick. I can’t even imagine who’s going to read it all. F: How long have you been working on that? It must have taken a lot of time. M: It’s coming up on a month now. But it’s finally done, which is a good thing since it’s due today. • pull an all-nighter 通宵工作、活動

• due 到期的

3. At what time does this conversation take place? (A) Early in the evening (B) Early in the morning (C) Late in the afternoon (D) Just before midnight 從女子說的 It’s nearly five a.m.! 得知當時應該很早,故選 (B)。

. What does the woman think about the man? (A) He woke up early. (B) He stayed up late. (C) He did not fall asleep. (D) He neglected his other work. 女子一開始就問 Why are you up at the crack of dawn? Did you just wake up?(你怎麼這麼早就醒了?你剛起床嗎?),at the crack of dawn 指「一大 清早」 ,可見女子以為男子很早起,故選 (A)。(B) 他熬夜; (C) 他沒睡著; (D) 他忽略了(neglect)其他的工作,均不符。

. How long has the man been working on the manual? (A) Over a month (B) Exactly a month (C) Close to a month (D) Nearly two months 從最後一句 It’s coming up on a month now.(做到現在也快一個月了。)可 知 (C) 為正確答案。come up on 是「接近」的意思。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


F: The only thing on television these days seems to be talk shows and reality shows. M: That’s because there’s a writer’s strike going on. All of the writers at the major television stations have stopped working. F: What’s their problem? Something very important must have happened if they stopped en masse. M: Why else? They don’t think they’re being compensated enough. One writer was interviewed on the news last night and he said it had to do with the writers not being paid for shows that air on the Internet. • reality show 真人實境秀 • en masse 全體一起

• strike 罷工 • compensate 給予報酬

. What does the woman say about talk shows? (A) There aren’t enough of them on TV. (B) They come on too late at night. (C) There are many of them being shown. (D) The writing on these shows is substandard. 女子一開始就說 The only thing on television these days seem to be talk shows and reality shows.(最近電視播的都是談話節目和真人實境秀。),因 此要選 (C)。(A) 節目不夠多; (B) 節目播出時間太晚; (D) 節目腳本寫得不夠 水準(substandard)。

. What does the woman want to know about the writers? (A) Why they are so angry (B) Where they are working now (C) Why they are not being hired (D) Why they have become less creative 一開始男子提到作家罷工(writer’s strike),女子便問 What’s their problem? (他們有何不滿 ?) ,最接近的選項為 (A) 他們為何這麼生氣。(B) 他們現在在哪 裡工作; (C) 為什麼他們沒有被雇用; (D) 為什麼他們變得缺乏創意。

. Why are the writers on strike? (A) They aren’t getting enough recognition. (B) They are being discriminated against. (C) They aren’t being paid enough. (D) Their shows aren’t being put on the Internet. 本題是問罷工的原因,男子在最後一段說 They don’t think they’re being compensated enough.(他們覺得報酬不夠。)。compensate 是「給予報 酬」的意思,與 pay 同義,因此要選 (C)。(A) 他們沒有得到足夠的認同; (B) 他們受到歧視; (D) 他們的節目沒有在網路上播出。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

Questions 56 through 58 refer to the following conversation.

276 Listening Comprehension

Questions 59 through 61 refer to the following conversation. M: Excuse me, miss? Do you mind if we use the two chairs next to you? The food court is packed today! We’ll be on our way once another table opens up. F: It is unusually busy today. Well, actually, you can have the table. I won’t be here very long. M: I hope that’s not putting you out. We only need the two chairs. F: Please, sit here. Like I said, I’ll be leaving soon. I’m just here waiting for my friend. And, I see her now. Enjoy the table. • food court 美食街

• put sb out 為某人帶來麻煩

. What does the man request? (A) The woman’s table (B) The woman’s pen (C) The chairs near the woman (D) The menu on the table 男子一開始就問 Do you mind if we use the two chairs next to you?(妳介 不介意我們倆坐在妳的旁邊?) ,在此 chair 是「座位」的意思,故應選 (C)。

0. What does the woman offer the man? (A) Her chair (B) The entire table (C) The seat at another table (D) Her name card 男子問完以後,女子回答 you can have the table(桌子給你們用吧),可見 (B) 是最適合的答案。

1. What does the woman say she is doing? (A) Working on a report (B) Trying to meet a deadline (C) Waiting for someone (D) Setting up a table for customers 題目問「女子說她在做什麼?」,從最後面的 I’m just here waiting for my friend.(我只是在這裡等朋友。),可知 (C) 為正確答案。(A) 正在寫報告; (B) 試著在期限(deadline)之前完成; (D) 幫客人擺設(set up)餐桌。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


F: It’s already five o’clock? You have no idea how long it took us to get here. M: The weather was that bad? On this morning’s report, the weatherman said something about some storms brewing outside of town. F: Bad? We couldn’t see a foot in front of us. Between the wind and the lightning, I don’t know why we didn’t turn around and head back home. M: Well, you know how rainy it gets in monsoon season. Perhaps next year we should plan the family reunion when the weather is more agreeable. • brew 醞釀;即將發生 • reunion 重逢;團聚

• monsoon 雨季 • agreeable 令人愉快的

2. According to the man, what did the weatherman say? (A) That a monsoon was approaching the town (B) That storms were starting to form outside of town (C) That a storm would blow over the city (D) That the weather would be clear 男子提到 the weatherman said something about some storms brewing outside of town(氣象播報人員說城外有暴風雨正在形成),故選 (B) 暴風雨在 城外正要形成。(A) 雨季正接近市區; (C) 有一暴風雨很快會掃過城市; (D) 天 氣會變好。

3. What does the woman complain about? (A) Bad traffic (B) Poor service (C) Poor visibility (D) Bad directions 女子第二次說話的時候提到 We couldn’t see a foot in front of us.(我們連眼 前一呎的距離都看不清楚。) ,可見雨勢很大,以致於視線不良,故選 (C) 能見 度( visibility)很差。

. Why are the speakers meeting each other? (A) For a conference (B) To go on a road trip (C) To do a weather experiment (D) For a family reunion 由最後一句 Perhaps next year we should plan the family reunion when the weather is more agreeable.(也許明年我們應該把家族聚會計畫在天氣比 較好的時候。)可知他們碰面的目的是 (D)。(A) 為了一場會議; (B) 為了繼續旅 程; (C) 為了進行氣候實驗,選項雖然出現 weather 但與題意不合。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

Questions 62 through 64 refer to the following conversation.

278 Listening Comprehension

Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following conversation. F: A letter from the conference’s planning committee just arrived. The trade show will be moved to next month. It seems there is a problem with the program. M: I’m not surprised. They did this last year. Last time, they messed up the program’s floor plan so badly, no one knew where to go. Some of our clients complained that they couldn’t find our booth! F: Whoever arranges these things isn’t doing a good job. I could do better, I’m sure. M: I certainly wouldn’t want to be in their shoes. Can you imagine all the responsibility that job comes with? They must deal with problems every day. • floor plan 建築物平面圖 • responsibility 責任

• be in sb’s shoes 站在某人的立場 ; 身處某人的情境

. What does the letter say has changed about the trade show? (A) The date (B) The floor plan (C) The number of attendance (D) The location 女子一開始說 The trade show will be moved to next month.(商展將移到 下個月。)。在本題中,move 是「改變日期」的意思,故應選 (A)。(B) 場地平 面圖; (C) 參展人數; (D) 地點。

. What happened last year? (A) The woman misplaced her program and got lost. (B) The floor at the conference center hadn’t been cleaned. (C) The floor plan in the program was incorrect. (D) Too many clients came to their booth. 男子提到去年商展時說 they messed up the program’s floor plan so badly, no one knew where to go(他們把商展的平面圖弄得亂七八糟,害大家都不 知道要去哪裡) ,故應選 (C)。(A) 女子找不到她的商展手冊結果迷路了; (B) 會 議中心的地板沒有打掃; (D) 太多客戶到他們的攤位(booth)。

. What is said about the people who arrange the schedule? (A) They are under a lot of pressure. (B) They do not wear comfortable shoes. (C) They should be fired. (D) They are too inexperienced. 最後男子說 Can you imagine all the responsibility that job comes with? (你能想像那份工作的責任有多大嗎?) ,可見安排商展行程的人承受很大的 壓力(pressure) ,故選 (A)。(B) 是陷阱,這裡的 shoes(鞋子)和對話裡的 shoes(處境)意義不同; (C) 他們應該被炒魷魚; (D) 他們太沒有經驗了,皆 與題意不符。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


F: So, there’s no way I can persuade you to go? M: I don’t see what there is to gain. There is no benefit to going to this kind of event. F: Sure there is. They’ll show you how to make money without working. You’ll just have to sell shares of the company to your friends, who will sell them to other people. You’ll make a commission on each sale. M: Sorry, I don’t have faith in these pyramid schemes. They always break down in the end. • benefit 好處 • commission 佣金 • pyramid scheme 金字塔銷售術;多層次傳銷

. What does the woman want the man to do? (A) Let her borrow some money (B) Accompany her to an event (C) Invest in some stocks (D) Arrange a meeting with her parents 一開始女子就問 there’s no way I can persuade you to go(我沒辦法勸你去 嗎) ,而男子回答 There is no benefit to going to this kind of event. (去這 種活動沒什麼好處。) ,故選 (B),accompany 是「陪伴」。(A)、(D) 不合題 意; (C) 投資(invest in)一點股票,但女子是要男子「賣」公司股份,故不選。

. What does the woman say will happen if the man goes with her? (A) He’ll be sold shares of a company. (B) He’ll have the time of his life. (C) He’ll meet very interesting people. (D) He’ll learn how to make money. 女子對男子說 They’ll show you how to make money without working. (他們會教你如何不用工作就能賺錢。) ,故選 (D)。(A)、(C) 不合題意,(B) have the time of one’s life 是個片語,指「體驗人生最愉快的時刻」,亦不符 題意。

0. What does the man say about pyramid schemes? (A) He thinks they are effective. (B) He doesn’t understand how they work. (C) He used to run one many years ago. (D) He doesn’t believe they work. pyramid scheme 是「多層次傳銷」的意思,也就是俗稱的「直銷」。題目是問 男子對這種制度的看法,而最後男子說 They always break down in the end. (這種多層次傳銷最後一定會失敗。) ,break down 指「失敗」 ,因此答案應選 (D)。(A) 他認為多層次傳銷很有效(effective); (B)、(C) 不符對話內容。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

Questions 68 through 70 refer to the following conversation.

280 Listening Comprehension

PART 4 Questions 71 through 73 refer to the following talk. Sorry to have to call this meeting at such short notice but we are having a bit of trouble with our computer servers. Over the weekend, one of our new employees turned off the A/C and the servers overheated. We’re going to have to ask you to save all your work on to your computer’s hard drive. The engineers expect to have everything back to normal by Friday. Tomorrow morning we ’ ll have another meeting to let you know how things are progressing. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding. • server 伺服器 • progress 進展

很抱歉這麼急著通知各位來 參加這場會議,不過我們的電腦 伺服器出了一點問題。在週末期 間,我們一位新員工把空調關了 結果伺服器過熱。我們將要求各 位把工作內容存到你的電腦硬碟 中。工程人員預定在週五前讓一 切恢復正常。明天早上我們將召 開另一場會議,告知各位事情的 進度。謝謝各位的合作及體諒。

• engineer 工程師;工程人員

1. What is the speaker discussing? (A) A problem with the company’s computing system (B) A problem with the kitchen staff (C) A notice in the hallway (D) New rules for engineers 一開始便提到 we are having a bit of trouble with our computer servers (我們的電腦伺服器有問題) ,因此答案應與電腦有關,故選 (A)。(B) 廚房的員 工的問題; (C) 走廊上的公告; (D) 給工程師的新規定,均與獨白內容無關。

2. Why did the servers become too hot? (A) An engineer turned on the heat (B) Too many people were using the servers (C) There was an electrical problem (D) A new employee turned off the air conditioner 文中提到伺服器過熱(overheat)的原因是 one of our new employees turned off the A/C,故答案為 (D)。(A) 工程師打開暖氣; (B) 太多人使用伺 服器; (C) 用電出現問題,在文中均未提及。

3. When will everything be back to normal? (A) Tomorrow morning (B) Friday (C) Next week (D) Over the weekend 獨白中提到,工程人員表示 have everything back to normal by Friday(星 期五之前會恢復正常) ,故選 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


Excuse me, class. Today I want to start the lesson by reading from the newspaper. On the front page, it reads, “Due to increases in the number of online shoppers and discounts offered by privatized shipping companies, the postal service has announced its intention to reduce jobs by an alarming ten percent. Top postal employees are calling for changing the service’s pay scales. They say that this will enable the postal service to remain competitive with private shipping agencies without having the need to fire any workers. Government officials, however, have made it clear that such a move isn’t economically feasible and that the workforce must be reduced.” Let’s think about this. Based on last week’s reading, which economic models are we seeing here? • privatize 私有化 • call for 要求 • workforce 勞動力

各位同學請注意,在今天的課 程中,我要先唸一篇報紙上的文 章。在頭版,有則報導說:「由 於網路購物者愈來愈多,加上民 營貨運公司提供折扣,郵局宣佈 有意大幅裁員百分之十。郵局裡 的高階員工要求調整薪資結構。 他們聲稱此舉能讓郵局繼續與民 營貨運公司競爭,而不需裁員。 然而,政府官員已清楚表示,此 舉在經濟上並不可行,人力必須 裁減。」請大家想想,根據上週 的文章,我們這裡看到的是哪一 種經濟模式 ?

• intention 意圖 • feasible 可行的

. What do top postal employees want? (A) To reduce the number of jobs (B) To fight private shipping agencies (C) To reduce their incomes (D) To lower the cost of postage 文章裡面提到高階員工想 calling for changing the service’s pay scales(要 求調整薪資結構) ,而 (C) 提到 income(薪水) ,最接近題意。(A) 減少工作數 量; (B) 對抗民營貨運公司; (D) 降低郵資,均不符題意。

. Who is the speaker? (A) A television newscaster (B) A government official (C) A museum tour guide (D) An economics professor 一開始有提到各位同學(class),最後還提出問題讓大家想想,可推斷說話者 是老師,(D) 經濟學(economics)教授,最符合題意。(A) 電視新聞播報員 (newscaster); (B) 政府官員; (C) 博物館導覽人員(tour guide),均不符 題意。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

Questions 74 through 76 refer to the following talk.

282 Listening Comprehension

. From the talk, what is true? (A) The government and post office are in agreement. (B) The speaker agrees with the government. (C) The speaker agrees with the post office. (D) The government and post office are not in agreement. 這題的關鍵句在 Government officials, however, have made it clear that such a move isn’t economically feasible and that the workforce must be reduced.,however(然而)這類的轉折詞常是出題關鍵。員工希望調整薪 資、不要裁員,政府卻認為在經濟上並不可行,可見雙方意見不合,故選 (D), agreement(同意)。

Questions 77 through 79 refer to the following advertisement. Summer is quickly approaching and we ’ re looking at record-setting high temperatures across the globe. Are you prepared? Blowhard air conditioning units are now on sale. Our air conditioners emit less than half of the fluorocarbons of other major brands. Fluorocarbons are chemicals that are found in nature, but the manmade fluorocarbons emitted from air conditioners are not. These unnatural fluorocarbons might be hurting the environment. Do your part to protect the environment and go Blowhard. We are offering fifteen percent off all units until Friday at midnight. To learn more about Blowhard air conditioners and see how you can stay cool this summer without hurting the earth, visit your local Blowhard distributor. It only blows hard if it ’ s a Blowhard! • approach 接近 • distributor 經銷商

• fluorocarbons 氟氯碳化物

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

夏天的腳步正快速逼近,我 們看到全球溫度屢創新高。您準 備好了嗎?「強力吹」冷氣機現 正特賣中。我們的冷氣機排放的 氟氯碳化物,不到其他主要廠牌 的一半。大自然裡本來就有氟氯 碳化物,但冷氣機所排放的氟氯 碳化物卻是人為的,不屬於大自 然。這些不自然的氟氯碳化物可 能會傷害環境。請選擇「強力 吹」,為環保貢獻一己之力。週 五午夜前,所有機型都享有八五 折優待。若想知道更多關於「強 力吹」冷氣的資訊,以及清涼一 夏、又不傷害地球的方法,歡迎 蒞臨當地的「強力吹」經銷處。 只有「強力吹」的冷氣才夠強 !


一開始就提到 we’re looking at record-setting high temperatures across the globe(我們看到全球溫度屢創新高),故可以預期今夏全球都會很熱,故選 (A)。(B)、(C)、(D) 的論點,內容均未提及,故不選。

. What discount will customers receive before midnight on Friday? (A) Five percent (B) Fifty percent (C) Twenty-five percent (D) Fifteen percent 獨白有提到 we’re offering fifteen percent off all units(所有機種都享有八五 折優待) ,故選 (D)。

. What is the name of the company selling air conditioners? (A) Globe (B) Blowhard (C) Fluorocarbons (D) Midnight (Blowhard) ,故選 (B)。 獨白從頭到尾不斷重複品牌「強力吹」

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

. What is expected to happen this summer? (A) Temperatures will be very high around the world. (B) Air conditioners will sell well. (C) People will be unprepared for summer. (D) There will be a record-setting number of fluorocarbons.

284 Listening Comprehension

Questions 80 through 82 refer to the following advertisement. Tired of those long, cold winters? Need a sunfilled vacation? Sam’s Travel has some great specials on vacations during the month of February. How does two weeks in Jamaica for $3 sound? Or if Jamaica is not your scene, how about two weeks in beautiful Bali? We have complete vacation plans with prices starting as low as $ 00. This deal—we call it a “twin share”—requires two people at $ 00 each, since the four-star hotel room we book you in has two twin beds. If you are looking for the best deal, on the best resorts, contact 0 00-023-023, or visit our Web site at Samstravel.com. • special 特別的方案 • resort 渡假村

• twin bed 兩張相同的單人床 • contact 聯繫;接洽

受夠了漫長的寒冬嗎?需要 一個充滿陽光的假期嗎?在二月 份,山姆旅遊有絕佳的渡假特別 方案。花三百九十九美元,到牙 買加玩兩個星期如何?如果你不 想去牙買加,要不要到美麗的巴 里島玩兩個星期?我們有全套的 渡假方案,最低價為四百美元。 我們稱這項優惠為「雙人分享 行」,雙人同行,每人四百,因 為我們為您在四星級飯店訂的房 間有兩張單人床。如果您在尋找 頂級渡假村的最優惠方案,請打 0 00-023-023 或造訪我們的 網站: Samstravel.com。

0. What is the speaker describing? (A) Car rental prices (B) Vacation prices (C) Flight schedules (D) Web site design 廣告中提到絕佳的渡假特別方案(great specials on vacations)、用三百九十九 元遊牙買加、巴里島旅遊最低四百元起、雙人分享價等,可知是在描述渡假方案 的費用,故選 (B)。

1. When are the special deals available? (A) In February (B) This week only (C) All year (D) After the winter 廣告中提到 during the month of February(在二月份),因此要選 (A)。

2. What is true about the “twin share” deal? (A) Single people can buy this package. (B) The deal only includes the hotel room. (C) The deal requires two people. (D) The hotel is a three-star hotel. 廣告中提到 requires two people at $ 00 each, since the four-star hotel room we book you in has two twin beds,故正確答案為 (C)。(A) 單身人 士可以購買這項行程; (B) 這項優惠只包括旅館房間; (D) 訂的是三星級旅館, 均不符獨白內容。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


Attention customers: For today only, all stores in the mall are offering shoppers 20 percent off anything in the store. This includes items already on sale. Whatever the sticker price, a further reduction of 20 percent will be deducted. Don’t miss out on the biggest sale of the season. Remember, this offer is valid for today only, and sale items bought on sale may be exchanged, but not returned. Thank you and have a nice day. • offer 提供 • deduct 扣除

各位顧客請注意:只有今天, 購物中心內所有商店將提供購物 者全店商品八折價,包括促銷商 品在內。不管標價為何,都再打 八折。不要錯過本季最低的折 扣。別忘了,優惠價只有今天, 您所購買的促銷商品可以更換, 但不能退貨。感謝您,祝您有個 愉快的一天。

• reduction 減少;削減

3. How long will the sale last? (A) One month (B) One week (C) One hour (D) One day 獨白一開始就提到 for today only(只有今天),可知特價期間只有一天,故選 (D)。

. Which stores are participating in the sale? (A) Stores that are already having a sale (B) All of the stores in the mall (C) Twenty percent of the stores (D) Clothing stores only 題目是問「哪些店參與(are participating in)這場特賣會」,獨白提到 all stores in the mall (購物中心內所有商店),因此 (B) 為正確答案。

. What is a condition of the sale? (A) Items may be returned but not exchanged. (B) Sale items cannot be exchanged. (C) Damaged items may be returned. (D) Items may be exchanged but not returned. 題目是問「這些特價商品有什麼條件(condition)」,在獨白的最後提到 sale items bought on sale may be exchanged, but not returned(您所購買的 促銷商品可以更換,但不能退貨) ,故選 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

Questions 83 through 85 refer to the following announcement.

286 Listening Comprehension

Questions 86 through 88 refer to the following news report. Two of Canada ’ s largest outboard motor manufacturers, Zoom Ltd. and Fishtales Inc., have announced that they will be merging on December 31. The deal had been rumored for several months and Zoom Ltd. CEO Chaz Peirce said a few weeks ago that there were no plans of a merger. To the industry’s surprise, press releases were received this morning announcing the news. While the two sides did not disclose details of the merger, they did report that the new company will operate under the name ZoomFish Corp. • motor 發動機;馬達 • rumor 謠傳 • disclose 表明;透露

加拿大最大的兩家船外馬達製 造商,Zoom 有限公司及 Fishtales 公司,宣布他們將於十二 月三十一日合併。這樁合併案已 經謠傳了數個月,而 Zoom 有 限公司執行長查茲•皮爾斯在數 週前表示,並無合併計畫。這項 消息於今早發佈給媒體,令業界 震驚。雙方尚未透露合併案細 節,不過他們聲稱新公司將以 ZoomFish 企業之名運作。

• merge 合併 • merger (企業等)合併

. What do the two Canadian companies manufacture? (A) Fishing products (B) Boats (C) Outboard motors (D) Sporting goods 第一句就說 two of Canada’s largest outboard motor manufacturers(加 拿大最大的兩家船外馬達製造商) ,故選 (C)。

. When will the merge officially happen? (A) December 1 (B) December 11 (C) December 31 (D) January 1 題目問「合併何時會正式(officially)進行」,獨白一開始提到 they will be merging on December 31(他們將於十二月三十一日合併),因此要選 (C)。

. What happened a few weeks ago? (A) Press releases about the merger were sent. (B) Zoom’s CEO said there would be no merger. (C) Rumors about the merger started. (D) Press releases were received. 內容提到 Zoom Ltd. CEO Chaz Peirce said a few weeks ago that there were no plans of a merger(Zoom 有限公司執行長查茲•皮爾斯在數週前表 示,並無合併計畫) ,最接近的選項為 (B)。(A) 發佈合併消息; (C) 開始有合併 的謠傳; (D) 媒體收到發佈消息,均與內容不合。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


I have to say that Freddy ’ s Fishing Fantasy is the place to go if you’re looking to catch the big one. My brother and I signed up for one of their fishing packages for novice fishermen. We are new to fishing and didn’t even know how to bait a hook. Freddy helped us on the whole trip and taught us about the kinds of fish we can catch and why you should throw back very small fish. Freddy has fishing adventures for all levels, though. Did I mention their prices? They were about average for the area, but Freddy supplies lunch where his competitors sell meals separately. The only problem with Freddy’s is transportation. Neither my brother nor I have a car, so we had to rent one. Freddy told us that he can pick us up at the train station next time. That’s right. I’m thinking of going to Freddy’s again, especially now that he’s offering a twenty-percent discount. For a city boy such as myself, venturing out into the wild is scary, but Freddy made it thrilling. • fantasy 幻想 • transportation 交通;運輸

如果你想釣大魚,就得去佛瑞 迪的釣魚夢想世界。我們兄弟倆 報名參加他們的初級釣魚套裝行 程。我們都還是釣魚新手,連怎 麼上餌都不會。佛瑞迪全程協助 我們,還教我們哪些魚可以釣, 以及為何我們應該把小魚丟回 去。不過佛瑞迪有針對不同程度 的釣客設計的行程。我有說過他 們的價錢嗎?他們的價錢在當地 算是一般水準,但是行程包含午 餐,而其他競爭對手的午餐要另 外收費。佛瑞迪那裡唯一的問題 就是交通。我和我哥都沒有車, 所以得租車才行。佛瑞迪跟我們 說他下次可以到火車站接我們。 沒錯,我正打算要再去佛瑞迪那 裡,尤其他現在有八折優待。對 我這種城市長大的人而言,到野 外探險實在很恐怖,但是佛瑞迪 卻能讓冒險變得刺激有趣。

• novice 新手 • venture 冒險

. Which level of fisherman was the speaker before the trip? (A) Beginner (B) Intermediate (C) Professional (D) Expert 題目是問「說話者的釣魚程度」,一開始獨白有提到 we are new to fishing(我 們都是釣魚新手) ,因此要選 (A)。(B) 中級的; (C) 職業級的; (D) 專家級。

0. How much of a discount is Freddy’s offering? (A) 10 percent off (B) 20 percent off (C) 30 percent off (D) 0 percent off 獨白後半段有說 he’s offering a twenty-percent discount(他現在有八折優 待) ,故選 (B)。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

Questions 89 through 91 refer to the following talk.

288 Listening Comprehension

1. Most likely, who is the speaker? (A) A television actor (B) A satisfied customer (C) Freddy (D) Freddy’s competitor 說話者從頭到尾對佛瑞迪的服務讚不絕口,可知他對佛瑞迪公司的服務很滿意, 因此選 (B)。(A) 電視演員; (C) 佛瑞迪本人; (D) 佛瑞迪的競爭對手。

Questions 92 through 94 refer to the following announcement. Can I please have your attention? Passengers of Beva Airways Flight BV22 Tokyo to Hong Kong are being asked to come to the boarding gate immediately. Your flight is now in its final stages of boarding. The plane will be leaving the boarding area momentarily. Again, would all passengers on Beva Airways Flight BV22 to Hong Kong please report to gate 1 B immediately. This is the final boarding call. Passengers who do not arrive at the gate within the next three minutes will not be permitted on the aircraft. Thank you. • immediately 立刻 • permit 准許

各位旅客請注意。搭乘畢威 航空班機 BV22 、從東京往香 港的旅客,請馬上前往登機門報 到。您的班機已經快要完成登機 作業,即將離開登機區。重複一 次,搭乘畢威航空班機 BV22 往 香港的旅客,請馬上前往 1 B 登機門報到。這是最後一次登機 廣播。三分鐘內未到達登機門的 旅客將不准登機。謝謝您。

• momentarily 隨時

2. Where is this announcement most likely being made? (A) In the boarding area (B) On the plane (C) At the arrival gate (D) In the airport parking lot 題目問:「這則廣播最有可能是在哪裡宣佈的」,內容都是在催促旅客登機,因此 答案應為 (A) 登機區。(B) 在飛機上; (C) 在入境門; (D) 在停機坪。

3. Which gate must BV22 passengers report to? (A) 1 (B) 22 (C) 0B (D) 19B 獨白後半段提到 please report to gate 1 B immediately(請馬上前往 1 B 登機門報到) ,故選 (D)。ninety 和 nineteen 的發音很像,要仔細判別。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


題目問:「如果乘客遲到會發生什麼事?」,從最後的 will not be permitted on the aircraft(將不准登機)可知,答案應為 (C)。permit 和 allow 意思相 近,都有「允許」的意思。(A) 他們得另外付費; (B) 他們會失去指定的座位; (D) 他們需要許可證。此為陷阱選項,這裡的 permit 是名詞,指「許可證」。

Questions 95 through 97 refer to the following speech. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I’m here to discuss what we can do to reverse the widening of the financial gap between first and third world countries. I’ d like to draw your attention to the graph on page seven of your text. This graph clearly illustrates the recent sharp decline in university enrollment in third world countries. Top students from these countries often apply for admission to university programs in first world nations. There are negative consequences here that need to be addressed. When the best and the brightest of third world nations go abroad to study in first world countries, they often stay and seek employment upon graduating instead of bringing their academic knowledge back to their home countries. This gap between the first and third worlds will continue to widen, unless something is done to stop it. • reverse 使倒轉;徹底改變 • illustrate 闡明;清楚說明

• gap 差距;隔閡 • decline 下降;減少

• negative 負面的

• consequence 結果

各位女士先生晚安,我想在 此討論,該如何改變第一與第三 世界國家日漸擴大的金融差距。 請大家注意內文第七頁的圖表。 這張圖表清楚顯示,近來第三世 界國家的大學註冊率急遽下降。 來自這些國家的頂尖學生時常申 請就讀第一世界國家的大學。我 們必須正視這裡的負面結果。第 三世界國家最聰明的頂尖人才, 若到第一世界國家學習,畢業後 通常會留下來覓職,而不會把他 們的學術知識帶回自己的國家。 這種第一與第三世界的差距將會 持續擴大,除非我們採取遏止措 施。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

. What will happen to passengers if they are late? (A) They will have to pay an extra charge. (B) They will lose their assigned seats. (C) They will not be allowed on the airplane. (D) They will need a permit.

290 Listening Comprehension

. What is the main topic of this speech? (A) University enrollment in first world countries (B) The gap between the first and third world (C) Academic knowledge of graduate students (D) Universities in the third world 這段演講的主題在一開始就提到: I’m here to discuss what we can do to reverse the widening of the financial gap between first and third world countries.(我想在此討論,該如何改變第一世界與第三世界國家日漸擴大的金 融差距) ,故答案選 (B)。(A)(C)(D) 均不符題意。

. What does the speaker’s graph show? (A) A financial gap (B) A drop in third world university enrollments (C) A decline in third world economies (D) An increase in third world university enrollments 演講內容有提到,圖表顯示出 the recent sharp decline in university enrollment in third world countries(近來第三世界國家的大學註冊率急遽下 降) ,故應選 (B)。(A) 金融差距; (C) 第三世界經濟的衰退(decline); (D) 第 三世界的大學註冊率增加,均不符題意。

. What is problematic about the top students of third world countries? (A) They find jobs in first world countries. (B) They want to return home after graduation. (C) They do not graduate from university. (D) They are not accepted to university. what is problematic about something 表示「某事有什麼樣的問題」, 由 they often stay and seek employment upon graduating instead of bringing their academic knowledge back to their home countries 得知 第三世界的頂尖學生畢業後多在第一世界找工作,故選 (A)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


All right, everyone. Gather around me. Good. If we want to win this game, we’re going to have to play smart and stay disciplined. The other team may be bigger, faster and stronger, but that doesn’t mean that they’re better than us. We know how to hit the ball and run the bases too, and we’ve been practicing for this game. Now, there’s a big home-team crowd out there that would love to see us lose. But, we’re not going to give them that satisfaction. We’re going to shock the world. Are you with me? Let’s show them who we are! • disciplined 有紀律的 • satisfaction 滿足

好,大家圍過來。很好,如 果我們想贏得這場比賽,我們得 動點大腦,還要保持紀律。對方 或許塊頭比較大、速度比較快、 體格更壯,但那不代表他們比我 們行。我們也知道要怎麼揮棒跑 壘,而且我們為了這場比賽一直 練習。現在外頭有一大群地主隊 球迷很想看我們輸球。但我們不 會讓他們稱心如意。我們要讓世 人驚訝 ! 大家懂了沒 ? 讓他們見 識我們的厲害 !

• home-team 地主隊的

. Where is this speech most likely taking place? (A) On a plane (B) In a locker room (C) In a classroom (D) At a sports banquet 題目是問「這段話最可能在何處發生」,而內容提到 game(比賽),還說到 there’s a big home-team crowd out there(外頭有一大群地主隊球迷),故 可推斷應該位於球場上,因此選 (B) 在球員更衣室裡。(A) 在飛機上; (C) 在教 室; (D) 在球團舉辦的宴會(banquet)上。

. Why does the speaker think the crowd wants to see his team lose? (A) The crowd doesn’t like him. (B) The speaker’s team is the home team. (C) The speaker’s team is the visiting team. (D) The crowd is full of other teams. 內容提到 there’s a big home-team crowd out there(外頭有一大群地主隊 球迷) ,home-team 表示「地主隊的」 ,可見說話者這行人是客隊,故選 (C), 因為 visiting team 就是「客隊」的意思。

100. Which sport will be played? (A) Basketball (B) Volleyball (C) Soccer (D) Baseball 內容有提到 we know how to hit the ball and run the bases too(我們也知 道要怎麼揮棒跑壘) ,比賽項目應該是棒球,故選 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

Questions 98 through 100 refer to the following talk.



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294 Reading Comprehension

PART 5 101. The manufacturer had to ------- production due to a lack of raw materials. (A) limit (B) expand (C) develop (D) increase ,可推論製 句子後段提到 due to a lack of raw materials(因為缺乏原物料) 造商因此必須「限制」產量,故選 (A)。(B) 延伸; (C) 發展; (D) 增加。

102. The supervisor was very annoyed ------- the new employee who was always late. (A) for (B) to (C) in (D) with 根據題意,應是上司對老是遲到的新進員工(employee)生氣。be annoyed at sth 表示「對某事感到惱怒、生氣」; be annoyed with sb 則是「對某人 惱怒、 生氣」,故選 (D)。

103. John is really ------- forward to the company vacation this year. (A) going (B) seeing (C) looking (D) moving 一般員工對於 the company vacation(公司旅遊),應是相當期待。look forward to sth 指「期待某事」,故答案是 (C)。

10 . It was when you told me you were arriving on Thursday that my secretary ------- for our driver to pick you up at the airport. (A) arranges (B) arranged (C) arranging (D) arrangement 本句意思是:在你告訴我你會在星期四抵達時,我秘書就安排我們司機去機 場接你。it was . . . that 為分裂句型,將句子欲強調的部份置於中間,when you told me you were arriving on Thursday 即為強調的部份。由於時 式為過去式,故正確答案為 (B)。arrange for sb to V. 表示「安排某人做某 事」。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


flyer 是「廣告傳單」,而傳單應是「被人遞送」的,所以要用被動式,故選 (D)。

10 . The company’s ------- is to buy out smaller competitors, with plans to dominate the northwest region’s party supply center. (A) strategy (B) privilege (C) domain (D) market ,(A) 策略,是最適當 本句意思是「買進規模較小的對手公司是公司的…… 」 的答案。(B) 特權、榮幸; (C) 領域、領土; (D) 市場,皆不合題意。

10 . The plane has been ------- so that it can land without the help of a pilot. (A) demolished (B) hurried (C) hung (D) designed has been 之後可能接 p.p.(形成現在完成被動式)或 V-ing(形成現在完成 進行式) ,從題意判斷,應該要用被動 designed,表示「已設計好」 ,故選 (D)。(A) 毀壞; (B) 匆忙; (C) 懸掛,均與題意不合。

10 . Have you interviewed any ------- applicants for the translator position? (A) qualified (B) quantified (C) quantity (D) quarterly applicant 為名詞,指「申請人」,前面要用形容詞來修飾,(C) 為名詞,指 「數量」 ,最符合題意的答案是 (A) 合格的。(B) 量化的; (D) 一季的。

10 . Jack’s Self Storage, ------- is located on First and Main Streets, is open from seven a.m. through seven p.m. seven days a week. (A) which (B) there (C) that (D) where 根據題意,逗號中的句子用來補述說明 Jack’s Self Storage,因此需要一個具 有補述功能的關係代名詞,故正確答案為 (A) which。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

10 . We really need those flyers to be ------- by six o’clock at the latest. (A) deliveries (B) delivering (C) deliver (D) delivered

296 Reading Comprehension

110. We need someone to ------- the training program next year. (A) overtake (B) take over (C) hang up (D) take out (A) 超過、追趕上; (B) 接管; (C) 掛斷電話; (D) 取出。四個選項中,只有 (B) 符合題意,表示:我們需要人來「接手」明年的訓練計畫。

111. In order to have a full lunch hour, we should ------- our discussion. (A) undo (B) unwrap (C) package (D) wrap up (A) 還原; (B) 解開; (C) 包裹; (D) 結束。根據題意,(D) 為最適合的答 案,表示:為了能有一整個小時吃午餐,我們應該「結束」我們的討論。

112. There are plenty of ------- available to people who can speak both English and another language fluently. (A) opportunities (B) opportunity (C) opportunists (D) opportunistic plenty of 表示「很多」的意思,之後可接可數名詞複數或不可數名詞,由於 主要動詞為 are,故空格裡的名詞應為複數。能流利使用兩種語言的人, 「機 會」應該很多,故選 (A)。(B) 機會:單數; (C) 投機份子; (D) 機會主義的: 形容詞。

113. It’s about time something ------- about the office’s broken coffeemaker. (A) had better (B) was done (C) is doing (D) has been It’s about time (that) + S. + 過去式動詞,表示「該是做……的時候了」。 that 子句中的主詞是 something,因此動詞要用被動語態過去式,故選 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


本句意思為:報紙對這起事件的報導,是根據對這家公司十幾位經理人廣泛的 專訪而來, 「其中有幾位」匿名發言。some of . . . 用來補述說明,空格指稱 的是前面的 firm’s managers,且 some 前面少了連接詞,故要用指稱人的關 係代名詞 whom。

11 . The Association of Realtors have seen a 33% increase in membership over the past seven months with more than 10,3 applications having been processed, ------- the facts of the press release are correct. (A) thereabouts (B) somewhat (C) though (D) if 根據題意,空格需要一個連接詞,故作副詞用的 (A) 大約、在那附近; (B) 有幾分、稍微可先剔除。(C)、(D) 皆為連接詞,但 (C) 意思是「雖然」 , 與題意不合,故選 (D)。不動產經紀人協會就過去七個月來經手處理一萬零

三百四十九名申請案件來看,其成員已經成長了百分之三十三, 「如果」發佈的 事實是正確的話。

11 . Most employees would rather work longer days in ------- more vacation time. (A) exchange for (B) change to (C) changing (D) exchange to 根據題意,應是用較長的工時「換取」較多的假期,因此只剩 (A)、(D) 可 選。in exchange for 為固定用法,故選 (A)。

11 . The capital raised from the initial public offering will be used to ------- the company’s mining exploration plans. (A) financed (B) financial (C) financing (D) finance be used to 指「被用來作為…… 」時,之後接原形動詞。依據題意,首次公 開發行(initial public offering)所募得的資金(capital)應是用來「資助」 礦藏探勘(exploration)計畫,故選 (D),也可寫作 be used for financing。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

11 . The newspaper’s account of the incident is based on extensive interviews with more than a dozen of the firm’s managers, some of ------- spoke on the condition of anonymity. (A) which (B) whom (C) them (D) whose

298 Reading Comprehension

11 . The board of directors ------- against a dividend payout to investors this quarter. (A) decision (B) decided (C) decisive (D) decreed 本句缺少動詞,空格後又有介系詞 against,可見答案為不及物動詞。根據題 意,董事會(board of directors) 「決定」反對發放股息( dividend)給投資 者,故選 (B)。(A) 決定:名詞; (C) 決定的:形容詞; (D) 頒布:動詞。

11 . A diversified portfolio will ------- the risk involved with investing large sums of money in the stock exchange. (A) minimize (B) minimal (C) minimum (D) minute will 是助動詞,之後接原形動詞,因此答案是 (A),表示:分散的投資組合 (diversified portfolio)可以將投資到股票市場的大筆金錢的風險「降到最 低」。(B) 最小的; (C) 最少量:名詞; (D) 分鐘。

120. Dr. Vince’s arguments on the future of the chemical industry were ------- enough that funding for his current project was doubled. (A) convincing (B) convinced (C) convince (D) convincingly be 動詞之後可以接名詞或形容詞,當作主詞補語,因此只剩 (A)、(B) 可選。 根據題意,解釋必須是「有說服力的」 ,故選 (A)。(B) 被說服的; (C) 說服: 動詞; (D) 有說服力地:副詞。

121. Is your boss going to give you any ------- vacation time this year? (A) addition (B) additionally (C) add (D) additional 這四個字都跟 add 有關,根據題意,只有形容詞能描述名詞 vacation(假 期) ,故選 (D) 額外的。(A) 附加:名詞; (B) 此外:副詞; (C) 增加:動 詞。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


本題缺動詞,時間是昨天,故要用過去式動詞,答案是 (A)。選項 (D) 過去完 成式通常會搭配過去式使用,較早發生的用過去完成式表示。

123. How National Auto Suppliers will be restructured depends ------- on this quarter’s financial results. (A) steadily (B) nonchalantly (C) consistently (D) heavily 選項 (A) 穩固地; (B) 冷漠地; (C) 持續地; (D) 大量地,根據題意:全國自 動供應商將怎麼改組(restructure)主要會取決於(depend on)這一季的財 報結果,較接近的答案為 (D)。

12 . The problem with many business ideas is that the start-up costs are ------- high. (A) also (B) in addition (C) too (D) as well 根據題意,許多想做生意,都會碰到創業成本「過於」高昂的問題,故選 (C),too 在此作「太;非常」解釋。(A) 也; (B) 此外; (D) 同樣地。

12 . Sam could not pay back the money he owed the bank and ultimately ------- on his loan. (A) defaulted (B) tempted (C) declined (D) hinged 根據題意,山姆無法還清他欠銀行的錢,結果最後「拖欠」貸款,故選 (A), default on 是「不履行、拖欠」的意思。(B) 引誘; (C) 衰退; (D) 依……而 定。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

122. Tom ------- basketball for two hours yesterday. (A) played (B) has played (C) has been playing (D) had played

300 Reading Comprehension

12 . The election was decided by the ------- of margins seen in over a century. (A) narrowly (B) narrowest (C) narrow (D) narrowed 定冠詞 the 之後只能接比較級或最高級,因此只能選 (B)。the + 最高級 + of + 名詞,指「極、非常……的」,因此本題是說:這場選舉以百年來難得一見 的「極微小」差距(margins)定勝負。

12 . Surveys are very useful because companies benefit from customer -------. (A) feedback (B) backyard (C) feeding (D) backing 這題的關鍵字是 survey(問卷調查),因為公司可以從顧客的「回饋」獲益, 所以問卷調查很有用,故答案應為 (A)。(B) 後院; (C) 飼養; (D) 支持。

12 . The objective of any business is to be -------. (A) profit (B) net profit (C) profitable (D) revenue ,因此 is to be is to be 之後應接形容詞,profitable 指「有獲利的」 profitable 便指「為了能夠獲利」。(A) 利潤; (B) 淨利; (C) 營收,三者皆 為名詞。

12 . A decrease in the number of nursing home residents has been ------- to seniors over the age of being healthier and wealthier. (A) included (B) studied (C) attributed (D) marked 根據題意應該是:安養院住戶人數減少「歸因於」六十五歲以上的老年人口愈 來愈健康、富有。attribute to 表示「歸因於」。(A) 包括; (B) 學習; (D) 標 示,與題意不合。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


本題考的是關係代名詞,先行詞 job 為事物,故須用 which 或 that。然而關 係代名詞之前有介系詞 for,因此只能用 which,故選 (C)。本句即指:會計 師(accountant)這個職務就是珍申請的工作。

131. Tonight’s annual town hall meeting will go ahead as planned ------- the bad weather predicted for this evening. (A) despite (B) because (C) in case of (D) in spite the bad weather 為名詞片語,故空格要用介系詞,(B) 為連接詞,必須接 子句,故不選。(A) 儘管,為最適合的答案。(C) 萬一,與題意不合; (D) in spite 為 in spite of(= despite)之誤。

132. Though the singer is very popular, ------- at the concert was very low. (A) turnout (B) turnover (C) turn (D) turnaround 根據題意:雖然這名歌手很受歡迎,但是「出席」演唱會的人卻很少。(A) 出 席人數; (B) 營業額; (C) 轉彎; (D) 轉向。

133. The hotel lobby’s gift shop sold handmade crafts, but Deborah didn’t buy any saying the items ------- too much. (A) spent (B) charge (C) cost (D) worth 根據題意:黛柏拉沒有買旅館大廳禮品店販售的手工藝品,說是東西太貴了, 這裡須選一個過去式動詞,且主詞為物(the item) ,故不能選須以人作主詞 用的 (A) spent,選項 (D) worth 不作動詞用,故正確答案為 (C)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

130. The post of accountant is the job for ------- Jane applied. (A) that (B) what (C) which (D) whom

302 Reading Comprehension

13 . The research department was ------- for the lack of innovative ideas. (A) forced (B) placed (C) blamed (D) sacrificed 根據題意,研發部門缺乏創新的(innovative)點子,因此「被責備」, 故選 (C)。(A) 被強迫; (B) 被放置; (D) 被犧牲,均不合題意。

13 . Not only ------- distributors allowed to decide their own prices, they can also choose how to position the products to their clients. (A) does (B) do (C) are (D) is 本句為 not only . . . but also(不僅……而且…… )的句型,but 或 also 可 以省略,此句中的 not only 置於句首,故之後的主詞與動詞須倒裝。由於前 半句中出現 allowed,因此可判斷空格須為 be 動詞(被動語態) ,且主詞為 distributors,故正確答案為 (C)。

13 . The ------- from the hotel balcony was fantastic because the suite was located on the top floor. (A) scene (B) view (C) look (D) appearance 根據題意,因為我們的套房(suite)位在頂樓,所以從飯店陽台看出去的「景 色」迷人,故 (B) 最合適。(A) 場景; (C) 外表; (D) 外表。

13 . The provisions provided during the emergency were -------, but they could have been better. (A) adequate (B) adjacent (C) adversity (D) adverse ,整句題意為:緊急 本題需要形容詞來描述 provisions(糧食,須用複數形) 情況期間糧食的提供是「充足的」 ,但品質可以更好,故只能選 (A) 充分的。 (C) 苦難:名詞; (B) 緊臨的; (D) 逆向的,詞性符合但與題意不符。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


本句的動詞 achieved 需要一個名詞來作受詞,所以可先刪除 (D) 發展:動 詞。(A)、(B)、(C) 都有「增進、成長」的涵義,但是「經濟成長」的固定用法 為 economic growth,故選 (B)。

13 . Companies are always looking for competitive advantages within their ------- industries. (A) respective (B) respectable (C) respecting (D) perspective 這四個字拼法接近,然而根據題意判斷,應為每間公司都在「各自的」產業中 尋求競爭優勢。respective 和 respect 很像,卻沒有「尊敬」的意思,而是指 「各自的」 ,故為正確答案。(B) 值得尊敬的; (C) 關於、在……方面; (D) 展 望。

1 0. The shareholders had the option of ------- the capital from the dividend payout. (A) reinvesting (B) reinvestment (C) reinstating (D) rescuing 介系詞 of 後面可接名詞或動名詞,但由於 the capital 已經為名詞,空格內不 可能再為名詞,故 (B) 可排除。根據題意句子應為:股東可選擇將股利發放所 得的資金「再投資」 ,故答案選 (A)。(C) 使恢復原狀; (D) 拯救。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

13 . The technology sector of the economy achieved enormous ------- during the nineties. (A) increase (B) growth (C) advance (D) develop

304 Reading Comprehension

PART 6 Questions 141–144 refer to the following advertisement. 地毯王國

Tons of Rugs We have rugs from all over the world. You name it, we’ve got it! We are proud to offer you a selection of 22,000+ _____ rugs from over fifty countries. Our selection ranges from small, simple welcome mats to massive Persian rugs. We also guarantee that we have the _____ prices in town. If you bring in any advertisement for a lower-priced rug, we _____ beat that price by at least ten percent. Our warehouse is full today, but it won’t be tomorrow. For this week only, we are offering twenty percent off every rug _____ our warehouse.

1 1. (A) distant (C) different

我們有來自世界各地的地毯。 只要您說得出的,我們都有 ! 我 們非常自豪能提供您來自五十多 國、超過兩萬兩千種的各式地 毯。我們的產品有小而簡約的腳 踏墊,也有大張的波斯地毯。我 們也保證商品是全城最低價。如 果您有更低價的地毯廣告,只要 帶過來,我們就以該價格至少再 打九折。今天我們倉庫的貨源充 足,但明天可就沒有囉。只有本 週,倉庫裡的地毯都打八折。

• massive 大塊的 • guarantee 保證 • beat 擊敗 • warehouse 倉庫

(B) similar (D) solo

因為地毯種類繁多,故 different「不同的;各種的」最符合題意。

1 2. (A) cheapest (C) cheap

(B) cheaper (D) cheapen

根據題意,應是指城裡「最便宜的」,因此要用形容詞最高級,故選 (A)。

1 3. (A) is (C) will

(B) are (D) am 本句已經有動詞 beat,不需要另一個動詞,(A)、(B)、(D) 都是 be 動詞,故 只剩 (C) 可以選。

1 . (A) by (C) towards

(B) in (D) through

根據題意,應該是倉庫「裡面」最合理,故選 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


親愛的人事經理 :

Dear Personnel Manager: The attached application is for the foreign analyst position listed on your Web site. For the past three years I have been working for one of Japan’s largest securities firms, Yamashita Ltd. Because of this, I speak _____ Japanese and I have an excellent understanding of Asian markets. I have decided to return to the United States at the end of this year. I _____ that your company, Moneyltd.com, may have a position available for an analyst at your San Francisco branch. I am familiar _____ your firm’s impressive performance record and I am excited about the possibility of _____ your team. The attached file includes my résumé and reference. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Sincerely,

附件包括我的履歷及推薦函,希 望很快能接到您的回音。 謹致 荷伯特.布朗

hbrown@quickmail.com • personnel 人事部門、人事 • analyst 分析師 • security 有價證券 (身分、 • reference 推薦函; 能力等的)證明書

Hubert Brown hbrown@quickmail.com

1 . (A) salaried (C) rationed

我想應徵貴公司在網站上徵求的 國外分析師一職。過去三年來, 我任職於山下公司,這是日本最 大的證券公司之一。因此我能說 流利的日語,對亞洲市場也相當 瞭 解。我 決 定在今年底 返回美 國。我知道貴公司 Moneyltd. com 的舊金山分部或許有分析 師的職缺。我很清楚貴公司過去 的優異表現,也很熱切期待能加 入貴公司的團隊。

(B) fluent (D) dual

根據題意,答案應與「說日語」有關。(A) 有薪水的; (C) 定量的; (D) 雙倍 的,均與語言無關,故選 (B) 流利的。

1 . (A) understandable (C) understands

(B) understanding (D) understand

句中需要動詞,只有 (C)、(D) 可選;主詞 I 為第一人稱單數,故須用 understand。

1 . (A) with (C) under

(B) at (D) near

be familiar with 表示「對……熟悉」的意思,故用介系詞 with。

1 . (A) join (C) joined

(B) joining (D) joins

of 之後要接名詞或動名詞,空格之後為受詞 your team,故只能選 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

Questions 145–148 refer to the following letter.

306 Reading Comprehension

Questions 149–152 refer to the following real estate advertisement.

Commercial Space Available (Financial District) This recently renovated office is _____ located in the heart of the Financial District. The building is adjacent to the New York Stock Exchange and Wall Street. It is within the area covered by the Downtown Manhattan Revitalization program and is eligible for benefits _____ reduced energy costs and taxes. (You will need to work these issues out with the landlord, as rebates need to be applied for in advance and are generally given to the landlord and not the tenant.) Space for rent is 2 ft² _____ $30 per square foot. It has two offices, a conference room, kitchenette and in-office bathroom. It features an open floor plan. Building renovations include brand new elevators and a _____ lobby. Other amenities include separate freight entrance, central A/C, around-the-clock doormen and security guards, 2 / video surveillance, and key-card access. To view, call Mark at 212- -00 3 or e-mail him at mark@isellnyapts.net.

1 . (A) central (C) center

商務用空間歡迎洽租 (位於商業區) 這間剛整修完成的辦公空間主 要位 於商業中心。這棟大樓緊 鄰紐約證券交易所與華爾街。它 位 於曼哈頓中心復甦計畫的範 圍內,有資格申請電費和賦稅減 免的優惠。 (請與房東討論這些 事宜,因為退款必須事先申請, 而且通常會退給房東而非房客) 。 出租空間佔地兩千七百四十八平 方英尺,每平方英尺租金為三十 美元。內有兩間辦公室、一間會 議室、小廚房、以及附設在辦公 室裡的浴室。本空間採開放式平 面設計。 大樓整修的部份包括全新的電 梯以 及現代化的大 廳。其他 設 施包括單獨的貨運入口、中央空 調、全天候門房與警衛、全年無 休的影像監控以 及電子卡片門 禁管制。 如欲看房請撥打 212- -00 3 找馬克,或寄電子郵件到他的 信箱 mark@isellnyapts.net。

• renovate 整修;改善 • eligible 有資格的;在法律 上合格的 • rebate 折扣;退款 • amenity 便利設施 • around-the-clock 一天 二十四小時 • surveillance 監視

(B) centrally (D) centered

第一句的 located 為過去分詞作形容詞用,指「位於……的」。只有副詞能描 述形容詞,因此只能選 (B) 在中心地,(A) 中央的; (C) 中心; (D) 被集中的。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

307 (B) such as (D) as that

空格後的 reduced energy costs and taxes(減免的電費成本和賦稅)為前 面 benefits 列舉的項目,故空格要選 (B) such as,與 for example 意思相 同,不過之後要接名詞。

1 1. (A) on (C) at

(B) in (D) as 要表示每個單位面積的價格時,必須用固定用法: at + 價錢 + per + 面積單 位,故只能選 (C)。

1 2. (A) primeval (C) disgruntled

(B) grimy (D) modernized

根據文章,大樓剛整修過,應該是「現代化的」大廳,故選 (D)。(A) 原始的; (B) 污穢的; (C) 不高興的,均不合題意。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

1 0. (A) so much as (C) as such

308 Reading Comprehension

PART 7 Questions 153–154 refer to the following article. 不跟流行的祖母運動

GRANDMA’S WORKOUT NOT CUTTING EDGE Barbara Jones Old and Healthy Magazine Sally Granger, a -year-old grandmother of six, has a DVD player. She watches movies on it all the time. But, when it comes to her morning ritual, it’s still the exercise videotape, not the DVD, she reaches for once she’s done with her oatmeal and orange juice. Sally has been using Jane Works Out VHS tape to stay in shape for twenty years, and she’s not about to change. “I guess old habits die hard,” says Sally as she holds her favorite workout tape with both hands. “I just feel more comfortable with my workout tapes.” Despite the fact that her daughter has purchased for her several workout DVDs, Sally seems unimpressed with the features and convenience of the new technology. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” adds Sally softly.

芭芭菈•瓊斯 老人健康雜誌 六十七歲的莎莉•桂恩格有 六個孫子,她有一台 DVD 播放 機,常用來看電影。但是說到她 的晨間例行活動,她一吃完燕麥 粥、喝完柳橙汁之後,還是會去 拿健身錄影帶,而不是 DVD。 這二十年來,她都是使用《跟 珍一起健身》的錄影帶來保持身 材,而且她也不打算改變。 莎莉 雙手拿著她最愛的健身錄影帶 說:「我想這是積習難改吧!我 就是要用健身錄影帶才比較自 在。」儘管她女兒買了好幾片健 身 DVD 給她,莎莉對這種新科 技的特性及便利卻沒什麼感覺。 莎莉小聲地又補上了一句:「如 果沒壞,就不要修理。」

• workout 健身運動 • cutting edge 最新潮流的 • ritual 例行活動;儀式 • unimpressed 無印象的; 不受感動的

1 3. How many grandchildren does Sally Granger have? (A) Six (B) Sixty-seven (C) Zero (D) We don’t know 第一句就說 a -year-old grandmother of six(六十七歲、有六個孫子的 祖母) ,故選 (A)。

1 . Why does Sally say she isn’t interested in using workout DVDs? (A) She doesn’t have a DVD player in her home. (B) She feels more comfortable using videotapes. (C) She thinks videotapes are more convenient than DVDs. (D) She worries she will break the DVD player. 莎莉說 I just feel more comfortable with my workout tapes.(我就是要 用健身錄影帶才比較自在。) ,可知答案為 (B)。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


We at Sun City Leisure have had many problems in the past with cancellations. Since Three Tigers Gorge requests exact numbers in advance, we have no choice but to introduce a new cancellation policy. Please read the below details and click the box in order to process your payment. Once you have booked a seat and paid in full for a tour of Three Tigers Gorge, no refund is allowed without a 10-day notice. If, for some unforeseen reason, you cannot participate in the tour, Sun City Leisure will allow you to transfer your seat to another person. I have read and understand the above cancellation notice.

本公司太陽城旅遊過去遇過許多 行程取消的問題,由於三虎峽要 求事先通報確切遊覽人數,本公 司不得不實施新的訂票取消規 定。 請閱讀以下的細節並勾選空格 後,便可處理您的付款。 一旦您訂了位,並付清三虎峽的 遊覽費用後,若欲退費須在十日 前告知。若有不可預見之因素, 導致您無法參加旅遊,太陽城旅 遊公司允許您將您的座位轉讓給 其他人。 □ 我已經閱讀並理解上述的訂 票取消規定。

• cancellation 取消 • refund 退費 • unforeseen 預料不到的 • transfer 轉讓

1 . Who would most likely read this passage? (A) Somebody interested in teaching abroad (B) Somebody interested in working at Three Tigers Gorge (C) Somebody ordering tickets for a day trip (D) Somebody thinking about booking a flight 題目問誰最有可能閱讀這則文章。既然這是旅行社的退費政策通知,可知應該 是給訂票的旅客看的,故選 (C)。(A) 有興趣在國外教書的人; (B) 想在三峽 虎工作的人; (D) 想訂機票的人。

1 . If you have to cancel in less than 10 days, what does the passage suggest? (A) Ask someone else to go instead (B) Ask for a refund (C) Ask for a coupon (D) Call Three Tigers Gorge no refund is allowed without a 10-day notice(沒有在十日內通知取消, 照規定是不能退費的) ,但規定亦說 will allow you to transfer your seat to another person(允許您將座位轉讓給朋友),故只有 (A) 符合題意。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

Questions 155–157 refer to the following agreement terms.

310 Reading Comprehension

1 . Which company wrote the passage? (A) Sun City Leisure (B) Three Tigers Gorge (C) Leisure City Gorge (D) Three Tigers City 題目問:「寫這篇文章的是哪間公司?」,在一開始及第三段最後一句都出現 Sun City Leisure(太陽城旅遊公司),故應選 (A)。其餘選項出現類似字詞易 混淆,要小心作答。

Questions 158–160 refer to the following news article. 三人食用污染魚後送醫

Three Hospitalized after Eating Contaminated Fish TOKYO— Three foreign workers were rushed to the General Nippon Hospital here Tuesday morning after eating contaminated seafood from a local restaurant, news media reported. The three Germans became ill after sharing a plate of raw fish that had been mistakenly left out in the midday sun. A hospital spokesman said it was likely that the three would make a full recovery since the bacteria responsible had been identified and the correct measures taken to minimize their effect. Helmut Schmitt, 3 , Dianne Leiz, 0, and Joseph Holtz, 3 , were part of a group of German engineers involved in the construction of a new bridge in downtown Tokyo.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

東京訊——根據媒體報導,週二 上午有三名外籍員工,在當地餐 廳裡食用遭到汙染的海鮮後,被 緊急送往綜合日本醫院。這三名 德國人一同吃了一盤生魚片後感 到不適,這盤生魚片先前在正午 時被誤放在陽光下。院方發言人 表示,院方已確認致病的細菌, 並對症下藥將病情降到最低,因 此三人可望完全康復。三十四歲 的赫莫特 · 史密特、四十歲的黛 安 · 萊茲,以及三十五歲的約瑟 夫 · 霍茲,皆是一個德國工程師 團隊的成員,該團隊正在東京市 中心興建一座新橋。

• contaminate 污染 • bacteria 細菌 • identify 確認 • minimize 極小化


文章中提到 since the bacteria responsible had been identified(由於院 方已確認致病的細菌) ,可見這盤生魚片是受到細菌污染,故選 (C)。cook 和 prepare 都是「料理;烹調」的意思,因此 (A)、(D) 都指「料理不當」,故不 選。

1 . What kind of seafood did the Germans eat? (A) Uncooked fish (B) Squid (C) Farmed salmon (D) Deep-fried fish 這三個人吃的是 raw fish(生魚片),因此是「未經烹調」的魚肉,故選 (A)。 (B) 烏賊; (C) 養殖鮭魚; (D) 炸魚肉。

1 0. What did the hospital spokesman say about the workers’ condition? (A) He didn’t think they would survive. (B) He said they were very lucky. (C) He said that they would be fine. (D) He said that they should be punished. 院方發言人說 the three would make a full recovery(三人可望完全康 復) ,故 (C) 選項最接近題意。(A) survive 存活; (B) lucky 幸運的; (D) punish 懲罰。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

1 . What was wrong with the seafood? (A) It hadn’t been cooked properly. (B) It was too old. (C) It had bacteria on it. (D) It had been incorrectly prepared.

312 Reading Comprehension

Questions 161–164 refer to the following flyer. 蔬菜盛宴

Vegetables Galore This weekend at Villa Garden Park, there will be an incredible array of vegetables from all over the continent. Farmers from all parts of North America will make the pilgrimage to California to show off their finest, largest and most unique produce. Around five hundred of Canada ’ s, America’s and Mexico’s most dedicated veggie growers will be displaying close to ten thousand distinct items. We will hold fifty prestigious contests including Largest Pumpkin, Fattest Gourd and Plumpest Tomato. There will also be plenty to eat, so make sure you bring your appetite. Hours: Saturday & Sunday, a.m.– p.m. Admission: Adults $1 (free with coupon—one coupon per person) Kids (under 12) Free

本週末別墅花園公園將舉辦蔬 果大展,品項來自北美洲各處, 讓你嘖嘖稱奇。 來自北美各地的 農夫將會來到加州朝聖,展示他 們最優、最大、最獨特的農產 品。現場有大約五百名最用心的 菜農,分別來自加拿大、美國與 墨西哥,他們將展示近萬種的獨 特蔬果。我們將舉辦五十場享有 聲譽的比賽,包括最大南瓜獎、 最肥美葫蘆獎及最飽滿蕃茄獎。 展場將有許多食物,等你來大吃 大喝。 時間 : 週六及週日 早上九點到下午五點 門票 : 成人一元(持優待券免 費,一張優待券限用一人) 孩童(十二歲以下)免費

• array 陳列 • pilgrimage 朝聖 • produce 農產品 • dedicated 專心投入的 • veggie 蔬菜( vegetable 的口語簡稱) • distinct 獨特的 • prestigious 有聲譽的

1 1. Where will the farmers at the event come from? (A) California (B) All over the world (C) Mexico (D) All over North America 第二句就提到 farmers from all parts of North America(來自北美各地的 農夫) ,因此要選 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


本題的提示也是在第二句 Farmers from all parts of North America will make the pilgrimage to California to show off their finest, largest and most unique produce.(來自北美各地的農夫將會來到加州朝聖,展示他們 最優、最大、最獨特的農產品。) ,可見蔬菜展示在加州舉行,故選 (A)。

1 3. Approximately how many farmers will attend Vegetables Galore? (A) 10,000 (B) 1,000 (C) 500 (D) ,000 問題是說參加蔬菜展的農夫大約(approximately)有幾人。內容提到 around five hundred of Canada’s, America’s and Mexico’s most dedicated veggie growers(現場有大約五百名最用心的菜農,分別來自加 拿大、美國與墨西哥) ,故答案為 (C)。

1 . How much would it cost two adults, two children under 12 and one 1 -year-old teenager if the family had coupons? (A) $2 (B) $3 (C) $ (D) Nothing 入場費標示 free with coupon—one coupon per person(持優待券則免 費,一張優待券限用一人) ,由於這家人持優待券則可免費入場,故答案為 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

1 2. Where will Vegetables Galore take place? (A) California (B) Mexico (C) Canada (D) All over the continent

314 Reading Comprehension

Questions 165–168 refer to the following book review. 書名 : 往上看,頭頂一片天

Look Up, It’s Better Up There Author: Henry Jacobson Genre: Personal Self-help Rating: ★★★★☆ Book:

This book, as you may gather from the title, is brimming with optimism, to say the least. Jacobson, as in his other three efforts, has no shortage of positive things to say. The common message in all of his volumes is to think and ye shall receive. That means, if you continually think and believe that good things will happen, they will. The concept of faith is paramount in Jacobson’s latest book, and although some will argue that he is living in a dreamland, I feel his messages relate very closely to reality. Look Up, It’s Better Up There will not only keep readers attention, it will enlighten them as to how simple it really is to be happy. He offers step-by-step instructions to help readers overcome depression. He focuses on the human spirit and how powerful it is. He preaches the merits of ridding oneself of desire. He offers so much in this one little book. Everyone really should take the time to read it. It won’t take more than a handful of hours to read, but if you pay attention, it may just improve the rest of your life.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

作者 : 亨利•傑克伯森 類型 : 勵志 得分 : 四星 你看了書名就能猜到,本書洋 溢著樂觀精神,而這只是保守的 說法。傑克伯森的新書與他另外 三本著作一樣,傳達許多正面的 訊息。他的書都有共同的信 息 : 「只要相信,就有收穫」。意思 就是說,如果你不斷地相信好事 會發生,好事就會發生。這種信 仰是傑克伯森的新書裡最主要的 觀念,雖然有人會說他是活在幻 想世界裡,我倒覺得他的訊息與 事實滿接近的。 《往上看,頭頂一片天》不僅 能引起讀者注意,還能啟發讀者 快樂其實很簡單。他提供按部就 班的說明步驟,幫助讀者克服沮 喪。他著重於人的精神層次,以 及精神力量的強大。他傳達摒棄 個人慾望的好處。他在這本小書 中提供豐富的內容,大家真的應 該花點時間讀這本書。這本書只 要幾小時就可讀完,但如果你有 留心的話,它也許會改善你的後 半輩子。

• gather 推測;推斷 • brim 滿溢 • optimism 樂觀、樂觀主義 • paramount 主要的 • relate 與……有關連 • enlighten 啟發 • merit 好處 • rid 擺脫;去除


這位評論家(reviewer)在最後說 Everyone really should take the time to read it.(大家真的應該花點時間讀這本書。),可見他非常推薦這部作品,故 應選 (A)。

1 . How many books has Henry Jacobson written to date? (A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four 文章第二句有提到 as in his other three efforts(與他另外三本著作一樣), 因此加上這本新書,亨利應該有四本書,故選 (D)。

1 . What is the main message of the book? (A) Don’t look down (B) Think positively (C) Live in a dreamland (D) Focus on spirituality 評論家提到亨利的書有共通的訊息: if you continually think and believe that good things will happen, they will(如果你不斷地相信好事會發生, 好事就會發生) ,這種樂觀的信念與選項 (B) 最為接近。

1 . What does the reviewer suggest this book might do for you? (A) It will make your life better. (B) It will show you how to get promoted. (C) It will help you understand depression. (D) All of the above. 題目問:「評論家認為這本書可以帶給你什麼?」,從最後一句話 it may just improve the rest of your life(它也許會改善你的後半輩子),可見 (A) 為正 確選項。(B) 它會告訴你如何獲得升遷; (C) 它會讓你了解沮喪; (D) 以上皆 是。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

1 . What does the reviewer think about the book? (A) He believes it is worthwhile. (B) He thinks it is average. (C) He doesn’t think it is realistic. (D) He doesn’t like it.

316 Reading Comprehension

Questions 169–172 refer to the following advertisement.

Now is the time to improve your skills with Maximize Management Association’s management training and professional development seminars. Join the tens of thousands of managers, leaders and professionals who come to MMA to enhance core skills and stay ahead of evolving trends. Attend our flagship management training or leadership skills seminars. Or register for our popular communication and interpersonal skills classes, finance seminars or project management courses. MMA offers over one hundred training seminars in nineteen different subject areas. Course rates start as low as $ 0! Browse our Web site at maximizetoday.com to view our full line of management education and professional development seminars. Register online for an MMA seminar to build your career and strengthen your organization . . . today.

極致管理協會主辦的管理階層 訓練及專業發展研討會,要教您 改善個人技巧。 請加入上萬名經 理人、領導人、和專業人士的行 列,來本協會學習提升核心技能 及掌握瞬息萬變的趨勢。 請來參加我們最優質的管理訓 練及領導技巧研討會,或報名參 加我們熱門的人際溝通技巧課、 財經研討會,或企劃管理課。本 協會提供十九個不同領域、超過 一百種的訓練研討會。課程費用 最低只要五十元 ! 請到 maximizetoday.com 瀏覽我們的網站,參觀我們全系 列的管理教育及專業發展研討會 課程。今天就上網報名參加我們 的研討會,打造您的事業,強化 您的組織。

• enhance 提高;增加 • evolve 發展;進化 • flagship 最棒的產品;旗艦 • register 註冊

1 . Approximately how many leaders and professionals are already attending MMA? (A) 100–1,000 (B) 1,000–10,000 (C) 10,000–100,000 (D) 100,000–1,000,000 廣告一開始便呼籲讀者 join the tens of thousands of managers, leaders and professionals(請加入上萬名經理人、領導人、和專業人士的行列),可 見答案為 (C)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


題目是問「有多少主題領域出現在廣告中」,關鍵句在 MMA offers over one hundred training seminars in nineteen different subject areas.(本 協會提供十九個不同領域、超過一百種的訓練研討會) ,故應選 (A)。

1 1. What type of seminar is NOT mentioned in the advertisement? (A) Leadership skills (B) Project management skills (C) Finance skills (D) Telecommunication skills 題目問:「廣告中未提到哪一項訓練課程?」,答案可從 register for our popular communication and interpersonal skills classes, finance seminars or project management courses(報名參加我們熱門的人 際溝通技巧課、財經研討會,或企劃管理課)得知,故答案為 (D) 電信 (telecommunication)技能。(A) 領導技能; (B) 專案管理能力; (C) 財經 能力。

1 2. What can be done by going to MMA’s Web site? (A) One can watch a seminar. (B) One can register for a seminar. (C) One can take an online survey. (D) One can talk to a professional online. 題目問到:「上 MMA 的網站可以做什麼事?」,由最後一句 register online for an MMA seminar(上網報名參加我們的研討會)可知 (B) 為正確答案。 (A) 可以觀看上課情況; (C) 可以上網調查; (D) 可以在線上和教授對談。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

1 0. How many topic areas are advertised? (A) Nineteen (B) Ninety (C) One hundred (D) Over one hundred

318 Reading Comprehension

Questions 173–174 refer to the following recipe. 家庭農場蘋果派

Home Ranch Apple Pie Filling: • large apples, peeled, cored and sliced • 1 cup sugar • 2 tablespoons flour • 1/ teaspoon nutmeg • 1 tablespoon finely grated lemon rind • 2 tablespoons butter at room temperature Optional: 1 1/2 tablespoons cinnamon

Extra: A mixing bowl, a bowl of water, a brush and a fork.

Crust: Your favorite pie crust and pie crust top Preheat the oven to 0°F. To make the filling, combine the sliced apples with the sugar, flour, nutmeg, lemon rind and cinnamon (optional) in a mixing bowl. Fill your prepared pie crust with the apple mixture. Dot the top with softened butter. Brush the crust’s edge with water and gently place the pie crust top on top of the pie. Crimp the crust edges together using either a fork or your fingers. Make a few holes or slits in the top crust to allow steam to escape. Turn the oven down to 3 0°F and bake the pie for minutes. Allow the pie to cool for at least an hour before slicing and serving.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

內 餡: • 五顆大蘋果,削皮,去核 並切片 • 一杯糖 • 兩湯匙麵粉 • 四分之一茶匙荳蔻粉 • 一湯匙磨細的檸檬皮 • 兩湯匙奶油,置放在室溫下 選 用 : 一又二分之一湯匙的 肉桂 額外材料 : 攪拌碗、一碗水、刷 子和叉子各一把 派 皮 : 你最喜歡的派皮和派 的頂皮 烤箱預熱到華氏四百五十度 做內餡的方式是,將蘋果切片 跟糖、麵粉、荳蔻粉、檸檬皮和 肉桂(可加可不加)混合在攪拌 碗裡。在準備好的派皮裡填滿混 合好的蘋果餡,加上變軟的奶油 來點綴。在派皮邊緣刷上水,再 小心地將頂皮放在派上面。用叉 子或手指把派皮邊緣弄出縐摺。 並在派皮表面弄幾個小洞或細縫 讓蒸氣能夠散出。將烤箱溫度降 到華氏三百五十度後再烤四十五 分鐘。切片食用前至少先冷卻一 個小時。

• filling 內餡 • peeled 去皮的 • grated 研磨好的 • rind (瓜果的)外皮 • crust 派餅皮 • crimp 打摺;使起縐 • slit 裂縫


題目是問哪一樣並非必要的(essential)材料,(A)、(C)、(D) 都要用來做餡 料,只有 (B) 是 optional(選用)。

1 . At what temperature should the apple pie be baked? (A) At 350°F (B) At 00°F (C) At 0°F (D) Any temperature between 3 0°F and 0°F 由倒數第二句可知 Turn the oven down to 3 0°F and bake the pie for minutes.(將烤箱溫度降到華氏三百五十度,再烤四十五分鐘),故答案選 (A)。(C) 為陷阱,這是烤箱預熱的溫度(Preheat the oven to 0°F.),而 非實際烘焙的溫度。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

1 3. Which ingredient in the recipe is not essential? (A) Butter (B) Cinnamon (C) Flour (D) Lemon rind

320 Reading Comprehension

Questions 175–178 refer to the following magazine article. 最佳與最差的頭等艙

Best and Worst of First Class Richmagazine.com by Christian Varducci


magine the chief executive of a company in which you hold stock has to make a long overseas flight to attend a meeting that could have a major impact on the company’s share price. Naturally, you would want the CEO to be at the top of his game, rested, refreshed, relaxed and ready. When millions of dollars hang in the balance, the price of a first-class airline ticket doesn’t seem so expensive after all. It ’ s no secret that flying, especially on longdistance flights, can take a toll on the body. Busy executives, having a decent meal, a place to work and a good night’s sleep can make all the difference. We now offer you what Rich Magazine deems the best and worst airlines, in terms of comfort and convenience. We have paid no attention to price. By far, the most impressive first-class treatment came from Luxury Airlines. Not only was the food, beverage selections and in-flight service impeccable, but we were treated to a sleeping experience that many hotels would not be able to beat. To be honest, I didn’t want to exit the plane once we had landed. On the other side of the coin, Awesome Airways failed to impress us. The food was old, the wine new and the service seemed in a big hurry to land before we took off. I failed to see anything that was ‘awesome’ about this flying experience. Of course, every flier prioritizes differently. What follows is the opinion of the magazine’s editors and writers, who admittedly spend far too much time in the sky. We welcome your comments online.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Richmagazine.com 克李斯汀•瓦爾度齊 想像你擁有某公司的股票,公 司執行長要搭乘長途班機參加海 外會議,結果可能對公司股價有 極大影響。你自然會希望這位執 行長處於巔峰狀態,充分休息、 氣定神閒,而且蓄勢待發。當銀 行的戶頭進帳數百萬元,頭等艙 的機票似乎也就不那麼貴了。 大家都知道搭飛機會讓身體 疲累,尤其是長途飛行。對這些 忙碌的主管來說,有個地方好好 吃一頓、可以工作、再好好睡一 覺,是非常重要的。 我們現在從舒適與便利的角 度,提供您《富人雜誌》所評鑑 最好與最差的航空公司。價格 不在我們的考量之內。到目前為 止,最受好評的頭等艙服務來自 豪華航空。他們不僅食物、飲料 品項與服務無可挑剔,而且我們 在飛機上體驗到的睡眠經驗就連 許多飯店都比不上。老實說,飛 機著陸後,我都還不想離開。 另一方面,我們對極佳航空 一點也不欣賞。食物不新鮮,葡 萄酒的年份也不夠,而服務相當 草率,好像一起飛就要趕著陸似 的。我看不出這趟飛行有何值得 稱許之處。 當然,每個搭飛機的人要求 重點都不同。上述內容都是敝雜 誌的編輯與撰文者的看法,不可 否認,他們都花了太多時間坐飛 機。我們也歡迎您將您的評論上 網留言。

• impact 影響 • at the top of one’s game 處於巔峰狀態 • long-distance 長途的 • in terms of 依據;由…… 的觀點 • impeccable 無缺點的 • on the other side of the coin 另一方面


第一段最後一句說 the price of a first-class airline ticket doesn’t seem so expensive after all(頭等艙的機票似乎也就不那麼貴了),可見作者認為良好 的飛行品質遠勝於價格考量,故答案應為 (D)。

1 . According to the article, why is the choice of airline so important? (A) Business people need to be well rested for meetings. (B) Different airlines serve different food. (C) The price of plane tickets varies widely. (D) Many airlines are like hotels. 從第二段可看出,忙碌的主管需要好好休息,才能在飛機著陸後,精神飽滿地 談生意,最接近的選項為 (A)。

1 . What does the writer NOT say about Luxury Airlines? (A) The food on the plane was excellent. (B) The sleeping accommodation was superb. (C) The lounges at the airports were like hotels. (D) The in-flight service was flawless. 本題的關鍵在第三段,提到他們不僅是食物、就連飲料與服務都無可挑剔, 而且我們在飛機上體驗到的睡眠設施,遠遠勝過許多旅館,故只有 (C) 機 場的休息室像飯店一樣,沒被提到。(A) 機上的食物很棒; (B) 睡眠設施 (accommodation)十分良好; (D) 機上服務毫無缺點(flawless)。

1 . What was the writer’s impression of Awesome Airways? (A) He thought they were adequate. (B) He thought they were awesome. (C) He thought they were dreadful. (D) He thought they were gallant. 第四段最後說 I failed to see anything that was ‘awesome’ about this flying experience.(我看不出這趟飛行有何值得稱許之處),可見作者對極佳 航空的印象很差,故選 (C),dreadful 可怕的;糟透的。(A) adequate 適當 的; (B) awesome 印象深刻的; (D) gallant 華麗的、雄偉的。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

1 . What does the writer say about the price of first-class tickets? (A) They are too expensive. (B) They are inexpensive. (C) They aren’t worth the money. (D) They are worth the cost for traveling CEOs.

322 Reading Comprehension

Questions 179–180 refer to the following announcement. 協尋灰色貴賓狗

Gray Poodle Lost Last week my beloved Chewbacka slipped out of the house and has not returned since. He is a toy poodle with gray fur everywhere except on his snout and paws, which are white. He is not only my pet, but also my best friend. He answers to both “Chewbacka” and “Chewie,” and is partial to dairy products. If you have seen him or have any information regarding his whereabouts, please contact me ASAP. A very generous reward will be given to anyone who facilitates his safe return.

Hanson Solo 13 Endor Way Wookieville, NB ( 3) 3- 3

上週我心愛的裘巴卡從家裡溜 出去,之後就沒有再回來。他是 一隻玩具貴賓犬,除了鼻子跟腳 掌是白色外,全身都是灰色毛。 牠不只是我的寵物,也是我最 好的朋友。牠聽到「裘巴卡」跟 「裘依」就會回應,而且偏愛乳 製品。 如果你看過牠,或是有任何關 於牠下落的消息,請儘快跟我聯 繫。會有一筆優渥的獎金酬謝讓 牠平安歸來的人。 漢森•索羅 內布拉斯加州 伍其威爾市安多道 13 號

( 3) 3- 3

• beloved 心愛的 • partial 偏愛……的 • whereabouts 下落;行蹤 • facilitate 促進;幫助

1 . Which of the following foods would entice Chewbacka? (A) Cheese (B) Chips (C) Bacon (D) Salad 題目是問哪一種食物可以引誘(entice)裘巴卡,文中提到 is partial to dairy products(偏愛乳製品),而四個選項中,只有乳酪是乳製品,故選 (A)。

1 0. What is being offered to encourage people to help find Chewbacka? (A) A warm handshake (B) Dairy products (C) Money (D) A toy poodle 從最後一句可知,A very generous reward will be given to anyone who facilitates his safe return.(會有一筆優渥的獎金酬謝讓牠平安歸來的人。), 可見答案應是 (C)。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC



Proposal Summary

原因 :

Reasons • We have established ourselves as the market leader in the frozen-hamburger industry. • We last raised our prices twenty-four months ago. • Our product is simply the best on the market. Advantages • The price increase will create approximately US$1.2 million in additional annual revenue. • Long-term demand will not be affected by price changes. Disadvantages • Short-term demand will be affected negatively. • The company might have to issue coupons or rebates.


• 我們已在冷凍漢堡業界建 立起市場領導品牌。 • 我們已經有二十四個月未 提高售價。 • 我們的產品是市場上最棒 的。 優點 :

• 價格調漲後,每年將多創造 約一百二十萬美元的收益。 長期需求將不受價格變動影 • 響。 缺點 :

• 短 期 需 求 將 會 受 到 負 面 影 響。 公司可能必須發行折價券或 • 退費機制。 • proposal 提案 • additional 附加的;額外的 比利烤肉漢堡提案封面

* Completed proposals along with this form are to be left with the receptionist in General Management*

* 完整提案內容與本表格將放在 綜合管理處櫃台 *

Proposal title: Increasing Price Points by 10% Submission date: May 10, 200 Submitted by: Sam Broiler, Vice President For approval by: Board of Directors

提案標題:提高一成的漢堡售價 提案日期:二○○九年五月十日 提案人:副總經理山姆•伯禮樂 同意人:董事會成員

Expected approval meeting date: Q2 Executive Meeting, TBD Will you attend meeting? X YES NO If YES, time needed: 10 minutes

Summary It is my feeling that our strong reputation and quality product justify this price increase. From my research, I believe our competitors are not in a position to undercut our prices after the proposed increase. On the contrary, I feel they will welcome this move as it will push the net profit margin of the industry upward.

預計同意會議日期: 第二季主管會議,尚待決定 是否能參加會議 ? X 是 否 若能與會,所需時間為十分鐘 摘要: 我認為以我們穩固的信譽及優質 的產品,提高售價是很合理的。 根據我的研究,我相信在調漲價 格後,競爭者不可能用低於我們 的價格來銷售。相反地,我覺得 他們會歡迎這項舉動,因為這會 提高業界的稅後淨利率。


附註: 會前如有任何問題,請寫信到

Pre-meeting questions can be sent to Sam at sambroiler-20@ billysbbqinc.com or left with Jeanne at x .

sambroiler-20@billysbbqinc. com 給山姆,或是撥分機 找琴留言。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

Questions 181–185 refer to the following list and form.

324 Reading Comprehension

• approval 同意;批准 • TBD 尚待決定(為 to be determined 的縮寫) • justify 證明……有正當性 • in a position to 有可能做…… • net profit margin 稅後淨利率

1 1. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the price increase? (A) The company is losing money. (B) The company is the industry leader. (C) The company has not raised prices for two years. (D) The company’s product is superior. 在 Proposal Summary (提案摘要)裡有三點 Reasons (理由),分別為 (B) 該公司為產業龍頭; (C) 該公司兩年未調價; (D) 該公司的產品品質優良 (superior),故選項 (A) 並非漲價理由。

1 2. What is mentioned as a possible disadvantage of raising prices? (A) Prices will have to be raised again next year. (B) Long-term demand will go up. (C) The company will have to issue coupons. (D) Short-term demand will go up. 摘要裡提到,漲價有兩個缺點,其一就是 The company might have to issue coupons or rebates.(公司可能必須發行折價券或退費機制。),故選 (C)。(A) 次年將得再漲價一次; (B) 長期需求將會增加; (D) 短期需求將會 增加。

1 3. Who will most likely be the first to look at this form? (A) A member of the Board of Directors (B) The Board of Directors at their next meeting (C) The company’s president (D) The General Management office’s receptionist 提案封面有寫到 Completed proposals along with this form are to be left with the receptionist in General Management.(完整提案內容與本 表格將放在綜合管理處櫃台。),大家得到櫃台才能拿到提案全文,可見櫃台 人員是最先看到表格的人,故選 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

325 (A) They will be upset. (B) They will sue the company. (C) They will change their menus. (D) They will be happy. 提案封面的摘要最後說到 I feel they will welcome this move as it will push the net profit margin of the industry upward.(我覺得他們會歡 迎這項舉動,因為這會提高業界的稅後淨利率),因此答案應為 (D)。

1 . Where would one most likely find the list? (A) In Mr. Broiler’s proposal (B) In the company’s sales kit (C) On a handout for employees (D) In the company’s press release 這張清單紀錄著提案的要點,應該在伯禮樂的提案裡就看得到了,故答案 選 (A) 。 (B) 在公司的銷售宣傳資料( sales kit )裡; (C) 在給員工的講義 (handout)裡; (D) 在公司的媒體新聞稿裡(press release)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

1 . According to the form, how might the competition react?

326 Reading Comprehension

Questions 186–190 refer to the following transcript and memo. 《管理風雲》劇本

TRANSCRIPT OF Under Management, Season 2, Episode 4

Janet: So, Mitchell. We’re finalizing the health

plans this week. Which one have you decided to offer your staff?

Mitchell: Only the best. You know, the one with the acupuncture, therapeutic massage options. My employees deserve the works. (audience laughs)

Janet: Wait, acupuncture? None of the plans

have acupuncture. Have you looked at the packet closely?

Mitchell: I did. Did you? I’m talking about Cognet’s Goldnet Plan.

Janet: The Goldnet Plan from Cognet? There’s no way I’m authorizing that. Not even I,

the CEO, am on that plan.

Mitchell: Well, I’d recommend it. It’s very good. I’ll have my entire team signed up for the Gold Plan. Is that all, boss? (audience laughs)

Janet: No, it is not all. This whole issue of

changing health plans is to save money. All I need you to do is choose the cheapest plan. I think even a monkey could do that, Mitchell.

(audience laughs)

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


珍妮 : 嘿,米契爾,我們這 禮拜要決定健康險的 方案。你要選哪一家 給你的員工?

米契爾 : 我只選最好的。妳知 道,就是有含針灸和 按摩治療的那一家。 我的員工應該要好好 治療一下。


珍妮 : 等等,針灸?這些方 案都沒有包括針灸 啊。你有把資料都仔 細看過嗎?

米契爾 : 有啊。那妳有嗎 ? 我 說的是寇內公司的金 網方案。

珍妮 : 寇 內 公 司 的 金 網 方

案?我不可能批准 的。就連我這個執行 長都不能用這個方案。

米契爾 : 喔,我倒很推薦呢。 這個方案很好啊。我 會讓整組員工都用金 網方案。沒別的事了 吧,老闆?


珍妮 : 不,還有,更換健康

險方案的目的就是要 省錢。我只要你選最 便宜的方案。我想連 猴子都會選,米契爾。

( 觀眾笑聲 ) • acupuncture 針灸 • therapeutic 有療效的 • recommend 推薦


Please note: Trademarked names are to be avoided at all costs, unless permission from the trademark holder has signed the proper permissions documents. In last night’s Under Management show (Season 2, Episode ), two main characters refer to Cognet and Goldnet Plan, both trademarked names held by the insurance company Cognet. This morning, our office received a phone call from Cognet’s lawyers, but the situation has been dealt with. We settled this by paying a retroactive royalty fee. It is unfortunate that this was not caught during the January workshop nor in February’s filming, nor in March’s screening. I hope in the future we will all be more aware of the names we use. Please use fake names, or if necessary, be sure all permissions are in hand before we reach the workshop stage.

請注意,無論如何,我們都應避 免使用註冊商標,除非商標的所 有權人已簽署正式文件,同意我 們使用。 在昨晚的《管理風雲》 (第二季 第四集),兩名主角提到了寇內 公司與金網方案,這兩者皆為寇 內保險公司註冊的商標。今天早 上,寇內公司的律師打電話到製 片室,不過事情已獲得處理。我 們補付版權費,解決了問題。 令人遺憾的是,經過一月的劇本 討論、二月的拍攝和三月的試 映,居然都沒有人發現這個問 題。 希望未來我們使用名稱的時候要 更小心。請使用假名,如果非用 真名不可,一定要在劇本討論之 前取得所有的同意書。

• permission 同意;允許 • retroactive 有追溯效力的 • royalty 版權費 • workshop 專題研討會

1 . What is the transcript of? (A) A Cognet TV commercial (B) A TV show about insurance agents (C) A sitcom on television (D) An interview of two Cognet managers 第一篇文本(transcript)一開始就有標示 Season 2, Episode (第二季 第四集),還有 audience laughs (觀眾笑聲),可見這是喜劇的劇本,故 選 (C)。(A) 寇內公司的電視廣告(commercial),但是後來製片室需要補 付寇內公司版權費,可見這不是該公司的廣告; (B) 關於保險員(insurance agents)的電視節目,劇中人物是在談論健康險,而非保險員; (D) 訪問兩 名寇內公司的主管。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

TO: Under Management Writers FROM: Leslie Mand, Producer’s Office DATE: May 1, 200 SUBJECT: Using Trademarked Names

收信人 :《管理風雲》編劇群 送信人 : 製片室 萊斯利.曼德 日 期 : 二○○九年五月一日 主 旨 : 使用註冊商標事宜

328 Reading Comprehension

1 . Who are Mitchell and Janet? (A) Two main characters on Under Management (B) Two insurance agents from Cognet (C) Two writers (D) Two producers 這兩個人名出現在劇本裡,加上備忘錄提到 two main characters refer to Cognet and Goldnet Plan(兩名主角提到了寇內公司與金網方案),故選 (A)。

1 . What is the main purpose of the memo? (A) To tell writers about their settlement with Cognet (B) To inform staff about their insurance plan (C) To warn writers not to use trademarked names (D) To tell writers the TV show is being sued 備忘錄一開始就提到 trademarked names are to be avoided at all costs (無論如何,我們都應避免使用註冊商標),故應選 (C)。(A) 告訴編劇,製 片室和寇內公司和解(settlement),雖有此事,但並非備忘錄的主要目的; (B) 通知員工關於保險方案的事; (D) 告訴編劇,他們的節目被告了。

1 . When was the issue dealt with? (A) At the workshop (B) During filming (C) When the show was screened (D) After the show aired 備忘錄提到 in last night’s Under Management show(在昨晚的《管理 風雲》),以及 this morning, our office received a phone call from Cognet’s lawyers(今天早上,寇內公司的律師打電話到製片室),可見他們 是在節目播出後,才解決這個問題,故選 (D)。

1 0. What happened first?

(A) The memo was sent. (B) Cognet trademarked the term “Goldnet Plan.” (C) The writers wrote the show’s script. (D) The show was filmed. 這四個事件的順序應為: (B) 寇內公司將金網方案註冊為商標、(C) 作者寫了 劇本、(D) 節目拍攝、(A) 寄出備忘錄。因此 (B) 最早發生。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


收件人 :

To: danielle@firestonegrill.com From: Rachel@hotmailz.com Subject: Still looking for a job?

danielle@firestonegrill.com 寄件人 : Rachel@hotmailz.com 主旨 : 還在找工作嗎? 嗨,丹妮爾:

Hi, Danielle, It’s been awhile since we worked together at Catz Grill, but I wanted to let you know Firestone is hiring again. We need another manager and I’m sure you’d be a perfect addition to the restaurant. You’ve been in the biz for years. Didn’t you start out as a bartender? We could use a manager with wine experience. Our current manager knows food like the back of his hand, but is lost behind the bar. Betty the owner is holding interviews next week, but if you’d like, I can arrange a special time for us all to meet and discuss. Also, I know the ad says we need a bilingual manager, but I think they’ll make an exception for you.

Best, Rachel

離我們在凱茲烤肉店共事已經好 一陣子了,不過我想讓妳知道火 石餐廳又在徵人了。 我們還需要 一名經理,我相信妳是火石餐廳 需要的完美人選。妳在這行做了 好多年了。妳最早應該是當酒保 吧?我們需要有經驗的經理。我 們目前的經理對食物瞭若指掌, 但他一進酒吧就完全不知所措。 餐廳老闆貝蒂下禮拜要舉行面 試,不過如果妳有意願的話,我 可以特別安排時間,讓大家見面 談一談。還有,我知道徵才廣告 上說我們需要會說雙語的經理, 不過我想他們可以為妳破例。

祝好 瑞秋

• know sth like the back of one’s hand 對某事非常熟悉、瞭解 • bilingual 雙語的

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

Questions 191–195 refer to the following e-mail and job ad.

330 Reading Comprehension


RESTAURANT MANAGER WANTED Firestone Grill and Wine Bar, an upscale downtown restaurant, is looking for an experienced full-time manager to start at the end of September. The successful applicant must meet the following requirements and be committed to being a part of a close team: • years of experience in restaurant management • 2 years of experience in bartending • Good interpersonal skills • Working knowledge of restaurant inventory and accounting systems • Ability to read and write English and Mandarin

火石烤肉酒吧是一家位於市中心 的高檔餐廳,我們正在找一位有 經驗的全職經理,於九月底開 始上班。應徵者必須符合以下條 件,並能致力與團隊密切配合:

• 五年的餐廳管理經驗 • 兩年的酒吧經驗 • 良好的人際關係技巧 • 具備餐廳庫存管理與會計系統 的實務知識 • 讀寫英文、中文的能力 面試時間將於下週舉行(週一至 週六下午二點到四點) 合乎條件的應徵者請與貝蒂•貝 拉吉歐聯繫,以安排面試時間 電話: 1 - -0021 傳真: 1 - -0022 電子郵件 :

Interviews will be held next week (Mon.–Sat., 2 p.m.– p.m.) Qualified applicants should contact Betty Bellagio to schedule an interview: Phone: 1 - -0021 Fax: 1 - -0022 E-mail: betty@firestone.com

betty@firestone.com • upscale 高檔的;迎合高收 入的 • commited 專心致力的 • inventory 庫存;存貨清單

1 1. From the e-mail, what is true about Rachel and Danielle? (A) They were both bartenders at Firestone. (B) Rachel was Danielle’s boss. (C) They worked together at Catz Grill. (D) Danielle hired Rachel to be a manager. 瑞秋寫的信裡提到 it’s been awhile since we worked together at Catz Grill (離我們在凱茲烤肉店共事已經好一陣子了),可見她們曾經是同事,故 選 (C)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


瑞秋在信裡說, our current manager knows food like the back of his hand(我們目前的經理對食物非常瞭解),因此 (C) 是最接近的選項, knowledgeable 指「有知識的;博學的」。(A) 他的專業(expertise)是酒 類; (B) 他要離職了; (D) 他以前是酒保。

1 3. When does the restaurant want the successful applicant to start? (A) Immediately (B) As soon as possible (C) The end of September (D) The end of this year 徵才啟事裡提到 is looking for an experienced full-time manager to start at the end of September(正在找有經驗的全職經理,於九月底開始 上班) ,故答案應為 (C)。

1 . How much bartending experience is required? (A) One year (B) Two years (C) Five years (D) Seven years 應徵者的條件裡有寫 2 years of experience in bartending(兩年的酒吧經 驗) ,因此答案為 (B)。

1 . What requirement from the job ad will not apply to Danielle? (A) Experience in the restaurant business (B) Experience behind a bar (C) Ability to speak another language (D) Knowledge of restaurant accounting systems 瑞秋在最後寫說 I know the ad says we need a bilingual manager, but I think they’ll make an exception for you.(我知道徵才廣告上說我們 需要會說雙語的經理,不過我想他們可以為妳破例。),可見丹妮爾不會說雙 語,因此答案應為 (C)。(A) 餐飲經驗; (B) 吧台經驗; (D) 熟悉餐廳會計系 統。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

1 2. What is true about the current lunch manager? (A) His expertise is in alcohol. (B) He is quitting his job. (C) He is knowledgeable about food. (D) He used to be a bartender.

332 Reading Comprehension

Questions 196–200 refer to a comparison of the following visa information. U.S. Student Visa

In addition to the application and fee (which can be in the form of cash, a traveler’s check or cashier’s check), applicants are required to submit the following to request a U.S. Student Visa: • SEVIS I-20 or SEVIS DS-201 , issued by a U.S. college, school or university • Contact information in U.S. and work history form • Males between the ages of 1 and must complete DS-01 form • A passport valid for at least six months after entry into the U.S. • Four photographs, 2 inches x 2 inches • Financial documentation supporting study in the U.S. • Evidence of applicant’s TOEFL English-language test score and previous education (diplomas or transcripts)

除了申請表和手續費(可用現 金、旅行支票或支票),申請 人需要提交下列文件才可申請 美國學生簽證 :

• 由美國學院、學校或大學核 發的 SEVIS I-20 或 SEVIS DS-201 表格 • 在美國的聯絡方式及工作經 歷表 • 十六至四十五歲的男性須完 成 DS-01 表格 • 入境美國後至少要有六個月 的有效護照

• 四張兩英寸見方的照片 • 可供在美國就讀的財務證明 • 申請者的托福英語測試成績 及學歷證明(證書或成績 單)

• valid 有效的 • diploma 畢業文憑 • transcript (美)在學成績單

U.K. Student Visa

The U.K. student visa application process requires the following documentation: • • • • • • • • • •

Student Visa Application form Two 2” x 2” photographs Offer letter from the institution TOEFL/IELTS score Passport valid for three months after expected entry into the U.K. Visa fee in cash Copies of academic grade sheets at previous institutions Work experience certificates, if applicable Proof of payment of institution’s fees Bank records

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

英國學生簽證的申請需要下列文 件:

• 學生簽證申請表 • 兩張兩英寸見方的照片 • 錄取學校的通知信 • 托福或雅思成績 • 入境英國後至少需有三個月的 有效護照

• 簽證費用(現金) • 在校學業成績單影本 • 如可申請,須附工作證明 • 已支付學費之證明 • 銀行紀錄 • offer letter 錄取通知信 • academic 學校的;學術的


申請美國簽證的第一點就說 SEVIS I-20 or SEVIS DS-201 , issued by a U.S. college, school or university(由美國學院、學校或大學核發的 SEVIS I-20 或 SEVIS DS-201 表格),因此答案為 (D)。

1 . What is special about males applying to the U.S.? (A) Males must complete all forms in person. (B) Some males must provide an additional form. (C) Males must submit an additional passport photo. (D) Males under 1 must provide an additional form. 題目問:「美國對於男性申請者有什麼要求?」選項 (B),美國要求部份男性 申請者填寫其他的表格,規定確實有提到 Males between the ages of 1 and must complete DS-01 form(十六至四十五歲的男性需要完成 DS-01 表格),故為正確選項; (A) 男性需要本人親自填寫; (C) 男性申請 者另外必須繳交一張護照用的照片; (D) 十六歲以下的男性需要提供額外的表 格,規定裡均未提及。

1 . What is not needed for the U.K. applicant’s application? (A) A letter from their sponsoring school (B) A DS-0157 form (C) Financial records (D) English test results 申請英國簽證需要 (A) 就讀學校(sponsoring school)的信函,也就是錄取 通知書; (C) 財務紀錄,也就是銀行紀錄; (D) 英語考試成績,也就是雅思成 績。因此只有 (B) 不需要。

1 . According to the above, what is true in terms of language tests?

(A) Only the U.K. requires a TOEFL score. (B) Both countries require an IELTS score. (C) Both countries accept both IELTS and TOEFL scores. (D) The U.S. only accepts TOEFL scores. 辦美國簽證需要 evidence of applicant’s TOEFL English-language test score (申請者的托福英語測試成績),辦英國簽證要 TOEFL/IELTS score (托福或雅思成績) ,故正確答案為 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 1 Answer Key

1 . For the U.S. application, who gives the applicant a SEVIS I-20? (A) A school outside of the U.S. (B) The U.S. student visa office (C) The applicant’s bank (D) A school in the U.S.

334 Reading Comprehension

200. How many photos are required for the U.S. and U.K. respectively? (A) 4, 2 (B) 3, 2 (C) 2, (D) 1, 2 辦美國簽證要 four photographs, 2 inches x 2 inches(四張兩英寸見方 的照片),辦英國簽證要 two 2” x 2” photographs(兩張兩英寸見方的照 片) ,可知答案為 (A)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC



2 .




2 .




2 .




2 .




















3 .




3 .




3 .




3 .




3 .



1 .

3 .



1 .




1 .




1 .




1 .




1 .




















2 .




2 .




336 Listening Comprehension

PART 1 1. (A) The boxes have been loaded onto a forklift. (B) The boxes are being lifted onto the truck. (C) The boxes are being examined by the woman. (D) The boxes are being opened by the woman. 圖片中的女子正拿著單子看著紙箱,故應選 (C) 女子正在檢視 箱子。 (A) 箱子被放到起貨機上; (B) 箱子正被抬起放進卡車 裡; (D) 女子正打開箱子,均與圖片不符。

• forklift 叉架起貨機

2. (A) The doctor is lying down. (B) The doctor is looking in on his patient. (C) The patient is stretching his arms. (D) The man is in surgery. 圖片中有醫生與躺在床上的病人,可判斷場景是在醫院,由圖 片顯示 (B) 醫生正在探望病人,最接近題意。(A) 醫生正躺下; (C) 病人正伸展他的手臂; (D) 這名男子正在動手術,皆與圖片 內容不合。

• look in on 探望(某人);順道拜訪 • surgery 外科手術

3. (A) The teacher is writing on the blackboard. (B) The teacher is standing in front of a blackboard. (C) The teacher is referencing a textbook. (D) The teacher is instructing a student. 圖片中的老師正看著桌上的書,故選項 (C) 老師正在參考教科 書為最符合的答案。(A) 老師正在黑板上寫字; (B) 老師正站在 黑板前; (D) 老師正在指導學生,均與圖片不符。

• blackboard 黑板(= chalkboard) • reference 參考(在此作動詞用) • instruct 指導;教授

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


這名女子滿臉笑容,應該是很高興的樣子,故選 (B) 女子看起 來非常興奮。(A) 女子相當煩惱; (C) 女子看起來猶豫不決的樣 子; (D) 女子皺著眉頭,均與圖片不符。

• distraught 極煩惱的 • wear a frown 皺著眉頭

. (A) The man is in a parking lot. (B) The man is at a party. (C) The man is looking for his car. (D) The man is in a showroom. 男子身後有一排車子,窗戶窗明几淨,故推測男子很有可能在展 場中,故答案選 (D)。

• parking lot 停車場 • showroom 展示場;陳列室

. (A) The man is throwing his lunch in the trash. (B) The man is drinking coffee on the street. (C) The man is preparing paperwork for a meeting. (D) The man is yelling into a cell phone. 圖片中的男子一邊拿著食物,一邊喝著飲料,故答案為 (B)。(A) 男子把午餐丟進垃圾桶裡; (C) 男子正在準備會議用的書面資 料; (D) 男子對著手機大吼,均與圖片不合。

• paperwork 書面資料;書面作業 • yell 吼叫

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Test 2 Answer Key

. (A) The woman is distraught. (B) The woman looks thrilled. (C) The woman looks undecided. (D) The woman is wearing a frown.

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. (A) The sink is being used for washing hands. (B) Dishes are being washed in the sink. (C) The sink’s faucet is being replaced. (D) The sink is overflowing with water. 圖中有人在水槽前洗手,故選 (A)。(B) 有人在水槽裡洗碗; (C) 有人在換水槽的水龍頭; (D) 水槽的水滿出來了,均與圖片不 符。

• faucet 水龍頭 • overflow 滿到溢出來

. (A) The woman is feeding the baby. (B) The couple is pushing a baby carriage. (C) The woman is putting the child in a car seat. (D) The man is carrying the child in the park. 圖中有一對男女推著嬰兒車,故選 (B)。(A) 女子正在餵寶寶; (C) 女子正把小孩放進兒童座椅中; (D) 男子正揹著小孩在公園 裡。

• feed 餵食 • baby carriage 嬰兒車(= baby buggy) • car seat (汽車內)兒童座椅

. (A) One person is sitting in the audience. (B) The man is presenting an issue. (C) The man is walking up to the stage. (D) A lecture is being shown on the screen. 圖片中的男子站在講台後,台下有觀眾,可見最接近的答案是 (B) 男子正在闡述一項議題。(A) 有一人站在觀眾中; (C) 男子 走上講台; (D) 螢幕上顯示著演講內容,均與圖片不合。

• issue 議題 • lecture 演講;講課

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圖中男子把地圖攤在車子上,推測答案應為 (D) 男子用地圖判斷 方向。(A) 男子正在等火車; (B) 男子在電話中指引方向; (C) 男子正在確認下一班火車的時間。

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Test 2 Answer Key

10. (A) The man is waiting for the train. (B) The man is giving directions on the phone. (C) The man is checking the time of the next train. (D) The man is using the map for directions.

340 Listening Comprehension

PART 2 11. What impressed you the most about the last applicant? (A) It was a good impression. (B) She was very well-spoken. (C) No, I didn’t receive the application. 題目是:「最近這位應徵者(applicant)讓你印象最深刻的是什麼?」,因此回 答應該跟表現、特質有關,故選 (B) 她很能言善道。(A) 印象不錯; (C) 沒有, 我沒收到申請書,這兩個選項都有與題目相近的字,但並不符合題意。

12. Do you have any idea when Jim will be back? (A) He’s got a lot of good ideas. (B) Jim doesn’t have an opinion. (C) It’s hard to say with Jim. do you have any idea when . . . 是詢問「你知不知道某事何時發生?」,根 據題意應該選 (C) 吉姆這個人很難預測。(A) 是陷阱選項,have got a lot of good ideas 是「有很多好主意」 的意思,和題目無關; (B) 吉姆沒有意見,答 非所問。

13. What are we going to do if we lose this account? (A) I wouldn’t worry about it too much. (B) We haven’t lost anything for a while. (C) They are going to the bank, I think. 題目問到:「如果我們失去這個客戶(account)怎麼辦 ?」,根據題意,(A) 是 最好的回答,表示「我不會太擔心這件事」。(B) 我們已經有一陣子沒掉過東西 了; (C) 是陷阱選項,問句中的 account 是「客戶」而非「帳戶」,這裡出現 bank 可能會混淆意思。

1 . Can I depend on the Web site being done by Friday? (A) We depend on the Internet too much. (B) Yes, I can start after Friday. (C) You can count on it. depend on sth 表示「信任、任賴、指望」,題目為:「我可以相信網站會在星 期五之前完成嗎 ?」 ,最合適的回答是 (C) 你可以指望。count on 或 rely on 和 depend on 意思相同。(A) 我們太依賴網路了; (B) 好,我可以禮拜五開始。

1 . What makes you think she will change her mind? (A) The proposal is just too good to turn down. (B) She doesn’t change her mind very often. (C) Five o’clock should be fine, if you ask me. what makes you think 指「你為什麼會認為…… 」, 故回答應該是某種理由,

change one’s mind 是指「改變心意」,(A) 是最合適的回答 : 這個提案好到無法 拒絕。(B) 她不常改變心意;(C) 如果你問我,五點應該可以,答非所問。

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,根據題意應選 (B) 他說行銷很重要。(A) 題目是「說話者對行銷有什麼看法?」 他說他不能參加,答非所問; (C) 超市今天沒營業,是陷阱選項,supermarket 和 marketing 雖然聽起來相似但不可混淆。

1 . Are you going to cancel our subscription to the magazine? (A) Yes. The concert was cancelled last week. (B) I think we should. Nobody reads it. (C) The doctor will give you another prescription. 題目為:「你打算取消這本雜誌的訂閱(subscription)嗎?」,(B) 是最好的回 答。(A) 是的,演唱會上週取消了; (C) 是陷阱選項,prescription(處方箋) 和 subscription 聽起來很像,但意思不同。

1 . Who’s going to organize the party for Mr. Smith? (A) This organization is not very well known. (B) I would love to visit Spain. (C) Sarah has volunteered. who 是詢問身份,因此回答應該與人物有關,故選 (C) 莎拉自願要辦。(A) 是 陷阱選項,organization(組織,作名詞用)和題目的 organize(籌備,作動 詞用)雖然相近,但不可混淆。

1 . Do you know why they’ve moved the printer? (A) I think they’re trying to make more room. (B) There is a printing shop nearby. (C) I can’t move it. It’s too heavy. 題目為:「你知不知道他們為什麼把印表機移走了?」,(A) 我想他們是想要騰出 空間(make more room)是最合適的回答。(B) 附近有家影印店; (C) 我沒辦 法移動,太重了,均答非所問。

20. Do you need any help on that project you’re working on? (A) I’ve been working out about three times a week. (B) My wife just bought a new movie projector. (C) I could use a hand tomorrow afternoon, if you’re free. 題目是:「你正在進行的案子需不需要幫忙?」,回答應選 (C) 如果你有空的話, 明天下午我需要人幫忙,a hand 在這裡是指「幫忙」的意思。(A) work out (健身;解決;成功)和題目的 work on(從事;進行)不同; (B) projector (投影機)與題目的 project(計畫;方案)不一樣,要小心應答。

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Test 2 Answer Key

1 . What did the speaker just say about marketing? (A) He said he couldn’t attend. (B) He said it’s extremely important. (C) The supermarket is closed today.

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21. Which office is yours? (A) The one on the far right. (B) Not until tomorrow. (C) I just got a new office. which 是詢問哪一間辦公室,故回答應表示特定的辦公室,因此要選 (A) 右邊 最遠的那一間。 選項 (B) 和 (C) 答非所問。

22. You’re in great shape. How often do you work out? (A) I work too hard. (B) At least twice a week. (C) Yes, I have a full-time job. 問題為:「你體能很好(in great shape),你多久健身(work out)一次?」, 回答要與頻率、次數有關,故選 (B) 一星期至少兩次。 (A) 我工作太賣力和 (C) 是的,我有一份全職工作,與題目 work out 無關。

23. I need to charge my cell phone before we go out tonight. (A) Good idea. You don’t want the battery to die. (B) Really? Can you afford to buy another one? (C) No problem. We can pick it up on the way to the restaurant. 本題的關鍵在 charge my cell phone(把我的手機拿去充電),因此 (A) 是最 合適的回答,表示 : 好主意,你應該不想讓電池沒電。(B) 真的嗎 ? 你買得起另 一支嗎? (C) 沒問題,我們去餐廳的路上可以順便拿。

2 . Which hotel are you staying at? (A) I’ll be here on Monday. (B) I can’t remember the name of it. (C) He’s at the Sheraton. 題目為:「你住在哪間飯店 ?」,最符合題意的是 (B) 我不記得飯店的名字。(A) 我星期一會待在這裡; (C) 他在喜來登飯店,皆答非所問。

2 . Would you rather postpone the meeting? (A) It’s a matter of opinion. (B) I guess that would be better. (C) Yes, we can move up the date. would rather 是指「寧願 ; 寧可」的意思,題目為 :「你寧願把會議延期

(postpone)嗎?」最適合回答是 (B) 我想那樣比較好。(A) 見仁見智; (C) 對,我們可以把約會提前。

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題目為:「我們明天能不能一起吃午飯?」,故應選 (C) 我可以設法抽空跟你吃 飯,squeeze sb in 表示「把某人排入行程;設法抽空給某人」。(A) 他們共事 愉快; (B) 我會打電話跟他解釋。

2 . Do you have an excuse for being late? (A) Please excuse me for a second. (B) Not an acceptable one. (C) I still need a few minutes, thanks. excuse(理由;藉口),題目為:「你遲到有什麼理由?」,(B) 沒有可以令人接 受的理由,為最合適的回答。(A) 請容我先離開一會,這是陷阱選項,excuse 是動詞,指「讓某人告退」; (C) 我還需要幾分鐘,謝謝。

2 . Who’s going to take the blame for losing the advertising file? (A) My sister works next door. (B) It was my responsibility. (C) I don’t think we need to advertise. take the blame 是「承擔責任 」,題目為:「誰要為檔案遺失負責?」,(B) 這是 我的責任,是最合適的回答。(A) 我姐姐在隔壁工作; (C) 我覺得我們不需要廣 告。

2 . Has the shipment from China arrived yet? (A) No, but it should be here shortly. (B) I have mints in my pocket. (C) I don’t know what ship you mean. 題目是:「來自中國的船貨(shipment)抵達了沒有?」,可見回答應該與「有 沒有」相關,故選 (A) 還沒,但應該很快就到了。(B) 我包包裡有薄荷糖; (C) 是陷阱選項,這裡用的是 ship(船隻) ,跟題目的 shipment 無關。

30. What’s the best deal you can give me on this painting? (A) Yes, it’s the best work I’ve ever done. (B) Well, two thousand dollars is as low as I can go. (C) I’m not much of a painter. 題目為:「這幅畫你開價能夠開到多低?」best deal 指「最划算的交易」,就題

意判斷,說話者應該是買家,因此最划算的交易便指「最低的價碼」 ,故應選 (B) 嗯,我最低只能降到兩千元。(A) 是的,這是我最好的作品; (C) 我其實不太會 畫畫。

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Test 2 Answer Key

2 . Do you think we can get together for lunch tomorrow? (A) They work together just fine. (B) I’ll call him and explain. (C) I think I can squeeze you in.

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31. Isn’t that movie we rented overdue? (A) I don’t think so. (B) He didn’t understand. (C) There’s nothing I want to see. ,根據題意應該選 (A) 我 題目是:「我們租的電影是不是過期了(overdue)?」 想應該沒有。(B)、(C) 均答非所問。

32. The last bus to the airport should arrive in about ten minutes. (A) Yes, the airline has a good reputation. (B) Perfect, right on schedule. (C) I’m sorry. Your carry-on luggage is too heavy. 題目為:「最後一班到機場的公車應該大約十分鐘內會到。」根據題意,(B) 太好 了,正好準時(on schedule) ,是最合適的回答。 (A) 是的,這家航空公司有良 好的信譽; (C) 抱歉,您的隨身行李太重了。

33. I know I’ve met you, but I’m afraid I can’t remember your name. (A) The meeting was too long. (B) No problem. My name is Chris. (C) No, I don’t know his name, either. 題目為:「我知道我們見過,不過我恐怕想不起你的名字。」根據題意,(B) 沒關 係,我叫克里斯,是最合適的回答。(A)、(C) 選項裡有相似字但皆不合題意。

3 . Are you going to Amy’s party tonight? (A) Amy was at the bank this morning. (B) Yes, I should be there by nine o’clock. (C) Yes, I’ll see the movie tonight. 題目為:「你今晚要不要去艾咪的派對?」,選項 (B) 是最好的回答 : 要啊,我應 該九點前會到。(A)、(C) 皆答非所問。

3 . I can’t believe how hot it has been this summer. (A) Yes, it hasn’t rained in three months! (B) I know. It is cold and rainy every day. (C) I agree. I eat a lot in the winter. 題目為:「真不敢相信今年夏天會這麼熱。」根據題意應選 (A) 對啊,已經三個 月沒下雨了!(B)、(C) 均答非所問。

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,(A) 我明天應該有 when 問的是時間,題目為:「你什麼時候有空討論合約?」 點時間,為最合適的回答。(B) 是陷阱選項,have any time off(有時間休假) 和題目的 have time to V.(有時間去做某事)意思不同; (C) 這提議看起來非 常棒,不符題意。

3 . If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? (A) I have a pool near my house, too. (B) Geography was my favorite subject. (C) I’d go to South Africa. 本題關鍵句在句末:你會去哪裡,因此答案與地點有關,但 (A) 我的屋子旁也有 游泳池; (B) 地理是我最喜歡的科目,兩者都沒有地點的訊息,故選 (C) 我想去 南非。

3 . Jason got 100 percent on his calculus exam. (A) He must have studied hard. (B) Math isn’t one of his stronger subjects. (C) Perhaps he’ll do better next time. 題目為:「傑森的微積分(calculus)考試拿了滿分。」,根據題意應選 (A) 他一 定很用功。(B) 數學不是他拿手的科目; (C) 也許他下次會做得更好,兩者皆不 合題意。

3 . Can I help you organize these file folders? (A) Yes, it works better than we expected. (B) No need, thanks. I’m just looking through them. (C) You’ll find the organizer on the desk. 問句是「我可以幫你整理這些檔案夾嗎?」,最適合的回答為 (B) 不需要,謝 了。我只是在翻閱(look through)。(A)、(C) 皆答非所問。

0. Did you hear about the massive fire downtown last night? (A) Yes, I saw it on the news. (B) The fireplace hasn’t been used in years. (C) I don’t know. Tonight sounds better. 問句是「你有沒有聽說昨晚市中心發生大火?」,根據題意,只有 (A) 與火災有 關為正確答案,意思為:有,我在新聞上有看到。

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Test 2 Answer Key

3 . When will you have time to talk about the contract? (A) I should have some free time tomorrow. (B) No, I don’t have any time off during the holidays. (C) Yes, the proposal looks very good.

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PART 3 Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following conversation. F: I just had a great brainstorming session with Sandy. Not only did we figure out a solution, we did it in less than an hour. M: She’s always brimming with new ideas. F: I’m surprised she hasn’t received a promotion yet. Everyone here loves her and she never misses a deadline. M: You know how nepotism plays a role in this company. You’ll only move up the ladder if you’re the big boss’ relative! • brim with 充滿 • move up the ladder 升遷

• nepotism 用人惟親

1. What does the man say about Sandy? (A) He thinks she is a favorite of the boss. (B) He thinks she is creative. (C) He thinks she is overbearing. (D) He wishes she worked in a different department. 男子提到珊蒂時說 She’s always brimming with new ideas.(她總是有源源 不絕的新點子。) ,可見她很有創意(creative) ,故選 (B)。(C) 他認為她很傲 慢、氣勢凌人(overbearing); (A) 他認為她受老闆喜愛; (D) 他希望她在不 同部門工作。

2. What did the woman just finish doing with Sandy? (A) Calculating the payroll (B) Thinking up new ideas (C) Having lunch (D) Talking about the weather 女子一開始就說 I just had a great brainstorming session with Sandy.(我 剛才和珊蒂開會想了很多的好點子。) ,brainstorming 是「腦力激盪」的意 思,因此最接近的選項是 (B)。(A) 計算工資; (C)、(D) 皆不符題意。

3. According to the man, what must be true to be promoted? (A) Be on time to work each day (B) Work at the company for a long time (C) Put in overtime every day (D) Be a family member of the boss 男子最後一句說 You’ll only move up the ladder if you’re the big boss’ relative!(如果你是老闆的親戚就能升官!),可見要升遷就得是老闆的親戚, 故選 (D)。(A) 每天準時上班; (B) 在公司工作一段時間; (C) 每天加班工作。

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M: What was Sarah doing in that meeting? You know who she was sitting next to? Sarah was right next to the head of the company. And she went off and said the whole project was a waste of our time. F: I know. I talked to her after the meeting. She’s going to have to learn how to keep her thoughts to herself. M: Our group has spent months on this project and now our funding might get cut. I can’t believe what a mess she’s made. F: It’s nothing that can’t be fixed. • funding 資金

. What mistake did Sarah make? (A) She sat next to the head of the company. (B) She insulted her boss at a meeting. (C) She gossiped about her coworkers. (D) She said the project was not important. 男子一開始就抱怨 she went off and said the whole project was a waste of our time(她突然冒出說整個計畫都是在浪費時間),因此最接近的選項是 (D)。(A) 她坐在公司老闆旁邊; (B) 她在會議上侮辱老闆; (C) 她說了同事的八 卦,gossip 在此當動詞用。

. What does the woman say Sarah needs to learn? (A) How to organize a meeting (B) When to offer the final price in a negotiation (C) How to remain quiet (D) What to say to potential customers 女子說 She’s going to have to learn how to keep her thoughts to herself. (她得學會有些想法放在心裡就好。) ,故選 (C) 如何保持沉默。(A) 如何籌備會 議; (B) 在談判中該何時提出底價; (D) 對潛在客戶該說的話。

. What does the man say was the result of Sarah’s comments? (A) Sarah was asked to be the team leader. (B) Sarah helped the team receive more money. (C) The meeting came to an end abruptly. (D) Sarah created a chaotic situation. 男子抱怨說 I can’t believe what a mess she’s made.(真不敢相信她把事情 弄得這麼糟。) ,可見情況被莎拉搞得一團亂(chaotic) ,故答案為 (D)。(A) 莎 拉被要求當組長; (B) 莎拉幫她的團隊拿到更多錢; (C) 會議突然結束。

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Test 2 Answer Key

Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following conversation.

348 Listening Comprehension

Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following conversation. F: I heard you weren’t happy with how the bank manager treated us yesterday afternoon. Why don’t you put in a complaint? M: No thanks. We would run into trouble if I did that. You know that we do a lot of work with the bank, and I’d hate to have a small problem ruin our relationship. F: Dan, she hasn’t been able to fix the account for over three months. If writing a complaint will help fix the problem, it’s worth it. M: If it’s so worth it, why don’t you do it? • put in a complaint 正試提出抱怨;申訴 • run into trouble 惹上麻煩

. What does the woman want the man to do? (A) Lodge a complaint (B) Answer a complaint (C) Admit to a mistake (D) Ignore a criticism 女子一開始問男子說,Why don’t you put in a complaint?(你為什麼不提 出申訴呢?) , 因此最接近的選項是 (A),lodge a complaint 是固定用法,表 示「提出抱怨、申訴」。(B) 回應申訴案件; (C) 承認犯錯; (D) 對批評置之不 理。

. Why does the man not want to take the woman’s suggestion? (A) He thinks it is too complicated. (B) He believes it will cause trouble. (C) He thinks it will create unnecessary gossip. (D) He believes it will waste too much time. 男子不接受女子的建議,他說 We would run into trouble if I did that.(如 果那樣做我們會惹麻煩的。) ,故選 (B)。(A) 他覺得太複雜了; (C) 他認為這會 引起不必要的八卦; (D) 他認為這會浪費太多時間。

. What does the man suggest the woman do? (A) Avoid the topic altogether (B) Write a complaint herself (C) Stop getting involved (D) Create a workable solution 最後男子反問女子 why don’t you do it(那妳何不自己做),可見最接近的選 項是 (B) 自己寫申訴信。(A) 完全避開這個話題; (C) 不要再介入這件事; (D) 想出可行的解決辦法。

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349 Test 2 Answer Key

Questions 50 through 52 refer to the following conversation. F: Uh, Jack? Who dressed you this morning? Those pants . . . well, they’re hideous! M: Are you kidding me? I love this outfit. These pants were fifty percent off at the mall. I just love them! They have all of my favorite patterns, rolled up into one. F: That’s exactly my point. Why don’t you let me handle the shopping next time? I’ll make you sure your clothes aren’t more suited for clowns. M: Oh come on! They’re not that bad. Besides that, if I let you shop for me, you’d only max out our cards! • hideous 醜陋的 • max out 將信用卡刷爆

• pattern 花樣

0. How does the woman describe the man’s pants? (A) As being extremely ugly (B) As being much too tight (C) As being far too cheap (D) As being way too loose 由 well, they’re hideous(呃,這件褲子好醜喔),可知女子認為男子的褲子 非常醜,故答案是 (A)。(B)、(C)、(D) 中的 much、far、way 都用來修飾 too。

1. What does the man say about his pants? (A) He couldn’t find his size at the mall. (B) He got them at half price. (C) He thinks they are too loose. (D) He doesn’t like the color. 男子有提到 These pants were fifty percent off at the mall.(這件褲子打對 折,是在購物中心買的。) ,故應選 (B),at half price 跟 fifty percent off 同 義,皆指「打對折」。(A)、(C)、(D) 皆不符題意。

2. Why doesn’t the man want the woman to handle the shopping? (A) She takes too long to decide on an item. (B) She uses up all the credit on their credit cards. (C) She likes to buy clothes that clowns wear. (D) She only likes to shop for herself. 男子最後對女子說 if I let you shop for me, you’d only max out our cards (如果我讓妳替我買東西,妳只會把我們的卡都刷爆) ,最接近的答案是 (B) 她 會把他們信用卡的額度都用光(use up)。

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350 Listening Comprehension

Questions 53 through 55 refer to the following conversation. F: I don’t like what I’m hearing. What makes you think we can’t weather out this storm? We’ve seen harder times; missing the client’s deadline by one day is only a bump in the road. M: Do you know why the deadline was missed? We lost three key people to our competitor last month. F: I know. Well, we’ve got a lot of good new prospects. Now, we’ve apologized to the client and they weren’t upset about us missing the date. I don’t think this project is as much of a rush as we originally thought. M: True. We have the time, but I don’t have enough energy to train your “prospects.” They might have graduated from good schools, but they lack much needed experience. • weather (out) the storm 渡過難關 • prospect 有希望獲選的人

• a bump in the road 小麻煩;一時的不順遂

3. What does the woman think about the man’s doubts? (A) They’ll be able to hire new people. (B) The woman understands his key point. (C) They can survive this crisis. (D) They’ll find people with the right university education. 女子一開始問說 What makes you think we can’t weather out this storm? (你為什麼會認為我們無法渡過這次難關?) ,可見女子認為問題是可以解決 的,故最接近的答案是 (C) 他們能夠熬過這次危機。

. What does the man say they’ve lost? (A) The key to the store (B) The key ideas that will help them lead the company (C) Important documents that would solve their current problems (D) Important people that could help them solve their current problems 男子說 We lost three key people to our competitor last month.(我們上 個月就有三個重要成員被競爭對手挖走了。) ,這裡的 key 是形容詞,指「關鍵 的;重要的」 ,故答案應選 (D) 可以幫他們解決目前問題的重要人物。

. What does the woman say they have? (A) A lot of possible candidates for the key positions (B) A surplus of cash and investment capital (C) A group of experienced salespeople (D) A unique opportunity to corner the market 女子安慰男子說 we’ve got a lot of good new prospects(我們有很多不錯 的新人選) ,因此最接近的答案是 (A) 許多能擔任重要職位的可能人選(candidate)。(B) 現金和投資資本(capital)的盈餘(surplus);(C) 一群經驗豐富的 業務員; (D) 壟斷(corner)市場的獨特(unique)機會,皆不符對話內容。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


M: You would think replacing the hard drive on the computer would be simple. My new assistant just can’t get it. I’m through with trying to explain this to her. F: It would help if you could avoid all the technical jargon. You know she isn’t an engineer by trade. She is your assistant—she’s a secretary! You hired her to get you coffee and keep your schedule. M: Yes, but this is something she needs to know how to do. And, I’m using the simplest way to explain that I can. F: Well, apparently it’s not helping her in the least. Can’t you ask Danny to show her what to do? He’s good at explaining things. • replace 更換

• jargon 專業術語;行話

• assistant 助理 • by trade 以……為職業

. What is the man trying to do? (A) Explain something (B) Offer advice (C) Persuade a listener (D) Sell a product 男子對女子說 I’m through with trying to explain this to her.(我已經不想 再跟她解釋了。) ,be through with sth 和 be finished with sth 意思相似, 皆指「不再……;完結的」 ,故 (A) 是最接近題意的選項。(B) 提供建議; (C) 說 服聽者; (D) 銷售產品。

. What problem does his assistant have? (A) She can’t update the man’s schedule. (B) She doesn’t understand specialized language. (C) She has no time for lengthy chitchat. (D) She messed up his coffee order. 男子說 My new assistant just can’t get it.(我的新助理怎麼也聽不懂。),而女 子回答 It would help if you could avoid all the technical jargon.(如果你不

用技術術語的話,也許會有幫助。) ,可見男子用了很多專業詞彙讓助理聽不懂, 故選 (B) 她不懂專門的(specialized)用語。(A) 她不會更新男子的行程;(C) 她 沒時間一直閒聊(chitchat);(D) 她把男子點的咖啡搞錯了(mess up)。

. What does the man say he will NOT continue to do? (A) Buy his assistant coffee (B) Ask Danny to help his assistant (C) Teach his assistant how to replace the hard drive (D) Allow the woman to boss him around 本題線索在第一句 . . . replacing the hard drive on the computer would be simple (換電腦硬碟應該很簡單吧),不過男子的助理就是聽不懂,所以最接 近的答案應為 (C) 教他的助理如何更換硬碟。(A) 買助理的咖啡; (B) 要求丹尼 幫他的助理; (D) 讓女子對他頤指氣使(boss around)。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

Questions 56 through 58 refer to the following conversation.

352 Listening Comprehension

Questions 59 through 61 refer to the following conversation. F: Listen. All I want is what you promised me at the time of purchase. M: I didn’t promise unlimited repairs, Ms. Holden. I told you that you had unlimited use of our technical service hotline. This is all spelled out in your warranty. I included a copy in the envelope. F: Right, the warranty. It says it is under warranty for a year. M: What you’re asking for is not covered by the warranty. Only issues due to manufacturing errors are covered. You’re talking about a problem that is a result from dropping it into a vat of chemicals at your factory. • unlimited 無限的 • warranty 保固 • vat 大桶子

• hotline 熱線諮詢電話 • manufacturing 製造的

. What does Ms. Holden want? (A) A new warranty (B) A new product (C) Her money back (D) A repair 本題的線索在男子一開始的回答 I didn’t promise unlimited repairs(我並未 承諾無限次的維修) ,可見女子要求修理產品,故選 (D)。

0. What does the man say about the warranty? (A) It has already expired. (B) It states that products can be returned. (C) It does not cover all repairs. (D) It covers all repairs for one year only. 男子解釋保固條件為 Only issues due to manufacturing errors are covered. (保固只包含因製造過程而發生的問題。) ,可見並非所有問題都有保固,故選 (C)。(A) 保固已經過期了; (B) 確實有標明可以退貨; (D) 所有維修保固只有一 年。

1. What would be covered under Ms. Holden’s warranty? (A) A problem because someone dropped the product. (B) A problem because an animal chewed the product. (C) A problem because a wire was installed incorrectly. (D) A problem because of a software virus. 男子解釋保固條件只包含因製作過程產生的問題。(A)、(B)、(C)、(D) 四個選 項中,只有選項 (C) 因電線安裝錯誤造成的問題,是因製造過程產生的問題。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


F: I have here Dan Ryder’s proposal for his next novel. We have to publish this. M: I’ve seen it, but I’m going to vote to turn it down at today’s meeting. Dan is known for books in the mystery genre. What he’s given us is a romance novel. F: Yes, but his readers flock to his book signings. They’ll buy anything that carries the “Dan Ryder” name. I’m voting yes. His book is destined to be a blockbuster. M: I’m sorry; I’m not changing my mind. He’s expanding his horizons, but I’m only interested in publishing his mystery novels. • genre 文體 • flock 成群;蜂擁 • expand one’s horizons 拓展視野、眼界

2. Who is Dan Ryder? (A) One of the speakers (B) The speakers’ manager (C) A book writer (D) The man’s favorite author 女子一開始就說 I have here Dan Ryder’s proposal for his next novel.(我 有丹.萊德下一本小說的提案。) ,可知 Dan Ryder 是作家,故選 (C)。

3. What is TRUE about both the man and the woman? (A) They both want to publish the romance novel. (B) They both want to attend the writer’s event. (C) They both are famous mystery writers. (D) They both will vote on the proposal at the meeting. 兩人分別說到 I’m going to vote to turn it down at today’s meeting(我會 在今天的會議上投反對票)及 I’m voting yes.(我會投贊成票。) , 可見雖然意 見不同但還是都會參與表決,故選 (D)。

. What is the man’s final decision on this matter? (A) He accepts the project. (B) He hires the author. (C) He will give the author less money. (D) He rejects the project. 男子前面提到 vote to turn it down,turn down 是「拒絕」,和 reject 同義, 最後又說 I’m not changing my mind. (我不會改變心意的。) ,可知他最後還 是反對這項提案,故答案是 (D)。

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Test 2 Answer Key

Questions 62 through 64 refer to the following conversation.

354 Listening Comprehension

Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following conversation. F: Good work on today’s brainstorming session. I think you’re really onto something with this idea. M: Well, it just occurred to me the company should take a different track. We’ve been selling the same line of pens for years. It’s time that we branch out and take a few risks. F: And the executives agree. You provided sound evidence and we trust you to make this new product line work. M: Thanks. I’m excited to be starting something new here. I hope the project is as successful as I projected it to be. • branch out 擴充(業務、活動)範圍

• sound 穩健的;紮實的

. What does the woman think about the man’s idea? (A) She thinks it is unreasonable. (B) She wants him to refine it. (C) She thinks it has possibility. (D) She doesn’t think it is good. 女子一開始就說 I think you’re really onto something with this idea.(我覺 得你的點子也許是個很不錯的辦法。) ,be onto something 指「掌握成功或重 大發現的關鍵資訊」 ,可見女子覺得這個點子可能會成功,故選 (C)。(A) 她認為 點子不合理; (B) 她要男子再琢磨一下想法; (D) 她覺得這點子不好。

. What does the man say gave him the idea? (A) That they should do something different (B) That the company is in serious trouble (C) That there are many options left open for them (D) That he and the woman have many differences 因為男子說到 It’s time that we branch out and take a few risks.(現在該拓 展業務,冒一點險。) ,可見 (A) 是最接近的答案:他們應該做點不同的事。 (B) 公司陷入困境; (C) 他們有很多的選擇; (D) 他和女子有很多差異。

. What is the man’s idea? (A) To end a line of weak products (B) To start a new line of pens (C) To change the color of the pens (D) To promote the woman to the executive level 從男子說 We’ve been selling the same line of pens for years. It’s time that we branch out and take a few risks.(我們販售相同系列的筆已經好幾年了, 現在該是拓展業務、承擔點風險的時候了。) ,和女子所說的 we trust you to make this new product line work(我們相信新的產品系列交給你,應該會 成功) ,得知男子的想法是要推出新產品,故選 (B)。(A) 結束銷售不佳的產品系 列; (C) 改變筆的顏色; (D) 提拔(promote)女子擔任主管(executive)。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


F: Are you kidding? That price is outrageous. You said you were coming to our meeting prepared to sell. The price you give sounds like you don’t want to give up ownership. M: The price is high, but not unreasonable. Not when you consider the condition the coin is in. F: I’ve seen the same piece going for half as much at other places. M: Well, I suggest you go there then. You’ve seen my collection and heard my prices. I’ll be here if you wish to reconsider. • outrageous 過份的;可憎的 • collection 收藏品

• ownership 所有權

. Which of the following items is most similar to the one being discussed? (A) A baseball card (B) A silver dollar (C) A diamond necklace (D) A handmade leather purse 男子有提到 the condition the coin is in(錢幣的狀況),故可推斷他是在賣值 錢的錢幣,故 (B) 是最接近題意的選項。(A) 棒球卡; (C) 鑽石項鍊; (D) 手工 製的(handmade)皮包。

. What does the woman think about the price of the item? (A) It is overpriced. (B) It is underpriced. (C) It is priced fairly. (D) It is priced the same as other shops. 女子一開始就說 That price is outrageous.(這個價錢太過份了吧。),還說 I’ve seen the same piece going for half as much at other places.(我在別 的地方看過同樣的東西只要一半價錢。) ,可見她覺得很貴,故選 (A) 價格過高 (overpriced)。(B) 價格太低(underpriced); (C) 價格合理; (D) 價格和其 他店一樣,皆不符題意。

0. What does the man suggest the woman do? (A) Buy the item from him (B) Sell the item to him (C) Buy the item at another location (D) Continue to bargain with him on the price 女子說在別的地方看過更便宜的錢幣,男子就說 I suggest you go there then (那麼我建議妳去哪裡) ,可見 (C) 是最接近題意的選項。(A)、(B) 與內容不 符; (D) 繼續和他討價還價(bargain)。

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Test 2 Answer Key

Questions 68 through 70 refer to the following conversation.

356 Listening Comprehension

PART 4 Questions 71 through 73 refer to the following announcement. Now, we have certain rules that must be followed. There is no smoking in the rooms and lights must be out at 10 in the evening. No guests are allowed in the rooms, and breakfast is between seven and nine a.m. There is a kitchen for student use. The fridge is checked four times a day and any food without your name on it will be thrown out. We have food labels available for you in the kitchen. If you have any problems or questions, don’t hesitate to ask. • available 可供使用的

現在,我們有些規則必須遵 守。室內禁止抽菸,晚上十點熄 燈。訪客不准進入房間,而早餐 時間是七點到九點。這裡有學生 用的廚房。冰箱一天檢查四次, 未標上名字的食物將會被丟掉。 廚房裡有食物標籤給你們使用。 如果有任何問題或疑問,請不要 客氣儘管詢問。

• hesitate 猶豫

1. What is the speaker describing? (A) Traffic rules (B) A hotel kitchen (C) Accommodation rules (D) A restaurant 文中提到禁菸、熄燈、訪客等規定,可知這裡可能是學生宿舍之類的場所,因此 要選 (C) 住宿(accommodation)規則。

2. What is the latest time you can have breakfast? (A) 9 a.m. (B) 10 a.m. (C) a.m. (D) You can have breakfast anytime. 內容提到 breakfast is between seven and nine a.m.(早餐時間是七點到九 點) ,可見最晚是九點,故選 (A)。

3. What must you do if you don’t want your food thrown out? (A) Make sure it hasn’t gone bad (B) Write your name on the container (C) Tell your roommate about your food (D) Check the fridge regularly any food without your name on it will be thrown out(未標上名字的食物 將會被丟掉) ,可見要把名字寫在包裝盒(container)上,食物才不會被丟掉, 故選 (B)。(A) 確認東西有沒有壞掉; (C) 告訴室友你的食物; (D) 定期(regularly)檢查冰箱。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


A multimillionaire has announced his intention to marry the first woman that can beat him in a tennis match. Ryan Davis, a 2 -year-old investment banker, announced on the radio yesterday evening that he was tired of living the life of a playboy and that he’d like to settle down and raise a family. He moved to New York after graduating from the University of Nebraska, where he studied art history. Upon living in the Big Apple, Davis ran into a college friend who had connections on Wall Street and was lined up with a job at a French bank. A diamond ring from Davis might not come easy, girls. Davis is a tennis enthusiast who plays at least five times a week. He stated that he would marry a woman who could beat him in the best of five sets. He said he would also have to consider romantic interest. “I’m not about to marry just anyone, you know!” he said. • multimillionaire 千萬富翁 • investment 投資 • enthusiast 對……熱衷的人

一名千萬富翁剛剛宣布,第 一位跟他打網球獲勝的女子將可 成為他的妻子。萊恩.戴維斯是 一位二十七歲的投資銀行家,昨 晚他在電台宣布,他已厭倦了花 花公子的生活,想要定下來成 家。他在內布拉斯加大學主修藝 術史,畢業後便搬到紐約。戴維 斯一到紐約就巧遇大學時期的友 人,透過友人在華爾街的關係到 法國銀行工作。女孩們,要得到 戴維斯的婚戒可不容易。他熱愛 網球,每週至少打五次。他表示 比賽採五戰三勝制,打贏他的 女子就可和他結婚。他說他也 得考慮彼此是否有好感。 他說: 「要知道,我可不是什麼人都娶 的!」

• intention 意圖;意向

. What is Ryan Davis’ occupation? (A) A tennis player (B) A playboy (C) An artist (D) An investment banker 題目是問萊恩的職業(occupation),從第二句可知 Ryan Davis, a 2 -yearold investment banker(萊恩.戴維斯是一位二十七歲的投資銀行家),故答 案選 (D)。

. How old is Ryan? (A) In his twenties (B) In his thirties (C) In his forties (D) In his seventies 本題線索與上一題相同,萊恩今年二十七歲,故答案應為 (A) In his twenties (二十到二十九歲)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

Questions 74 through 76 refer to the following news story.

358 Listening Comprehension

. What would happen if he did not love the girl who beat him? (A) He would still marry her. (B) He would not marry her. (C) He would play her again. (D) He would give her money. 這則新聞在最後提到 He said he would also have to consider romantic interest. “I’m not about to marry just anyone, you know!”(他說他也得 考慮彼此是否有好感。 「 要知道,我可不是什麼人都娶的!」),因此 (B) 是最接 近的答案。(A) 他還是會跟她結婚; (C) 他會再跟她比一次; (D) 他會給她錢。

Questions 77 through 79 refer to the following talk. We’ve been living in this house for eight years now. Our last house was a lovely two-storey cabin in the mountains. We originally moved here because my husband, Ronnie, chose to transfer within his company. He works in electronics, you know, researching new technologies for televisions. They just opened up a research facility here. The company offered him a promotion if he relocated. It was either stay with the status quo or move up a notch. I was a bit reluctant to move to a new place because I loved my old home so much. There is nothing like clean mountain air. Have you ever woken up to birds chirping? It’s amazing. But it didn’t take us long to settle in and I must say, living in Norwich is quite nice. • transfer 調職 • facility (供特定用途的)場所 • stay with the status quo 安於現狀 • move up a notch 往上升一級;升遷 • reluctant 勉強的

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

這房子我們已經住了八年了。 我們上一棟房子在山裡,是兩層 樓的溫馨小木屋。我們最初搬到 這裡是因為我先生羅尼選擇調 職。他在電子業工作,你知道, 就是負責研究新的電視科技。他 們剛在這裡成立了研究機構。如 果他搬家的話,公司就會讓他升 遷。不是安於現狀就是獲得升 遷。當時我有點不想搬到新的地 方因為我很喜歡我的老家。山裡 的新鮮空氣是最棒的。你是否曾 在鳥叫聲中醒來?那感覺真的很 好。不過我們很快就安定下來 了,而我必須說,我喜歡住在諾 威奇。


女子主要是談她的舊家,提到搬家的原因以及搬家後的情形,因此只有 (B) 較接 近內容。

. Why didn’t the woman want to move? (A) She liked her previous home. (B) She was scared of dogs. (C) She doesn’t like cities. (D) She has an illness. 女子談到搬家時說 I was a bit reluctant to move to a new place because I loved my old home so much.(當時我有點不想搬到新的地方,因為我很喜 歡我的老家。) ,因此答案是 (A) 她喜歡先前的(previous)家。

. Why did the change happen? (A) Her husband lost his job. (B) The company closed the facility. (C) Her husband was offered a promotion. (D) Their house was bought. 女子搬家的原因是 The company offered him a promotion if he relocated. (如果他搬家的話,公司就會讓他升遷。) ,因此最接近的選項是 (C)。(A) 她丈 夫失業了; (B) 公司關閉該機構; (D) 他們的房子被買下了。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

. What is the woman talking about? (A) Her new garden (B) Her home in Norwich (C) Her love life (D) Her new job

360 Listening Comprehension

Questions 80 through 82 refer to the following announcement. We interrupt this program to bring you this important announcement: The lights on the main runway at Metrotown International Airport have been blacked out. A spokesperson for MIA says technicians have been called in and will isolate the underground cable and start digging a trench next to the runway to gain access to the line. The spokesperson says it is expected to be fixed later tonight and should only impact long-haul flights. No delays or cancellations have been reported and eastwest runways remain operational. Passengers using Metrotown International Airport tonight are advised to contact their airlines to check whether their flights are proceeding as planned. And now, we return to your regularly scheduled television program. • isolate 隔離 • long-haul 長途的 • proceed 繼續進行

目前節目插播一則重要公告: 鐵道鎮國際機場主要跑道的照明 設備發生斷電情形。鐵道鎮國際 機場發言人說已經找來技術人 員,他們將隔離地下纜線並開始 在跑道旁挖一條溝以接觸線路。 發言人表示,問題在今晚晚一點 應該就能修復,應該只會影響到 長程班機。目前尚未有班機延誤 或取消的消息,東西向跑道仍維 持運作。建議今晚會到鐵道鎮國 際機場的旅客與航空公司聯絡, 確認班機是否依原訂時間起降。 現在我們回到原先播出的電視節 目。

• trench 溝;溝渠 • operational 運作中的

0. What has happened to the main runway? (A) It has changed color. (B) The lights are not working. (C) The cable is being repaired. (D) It has been dug up. 聲明一開始就說 The lights on the main runway at Metrotown International Airport have been blacked out.(鐵道鎮國際機場主要跑道的照明設備發生 斷電情形。) ,因此最接近的選項是 (B)。(A) 跑道顏色改變了; (C) 纜線正在維 修中; (D) 跑道被挖得坑坑洞洞(dig up)。

1. Who might be affected by this? (A) The cable company (B) Experts in radiology (C) Passengers scheduled for long flights (D) Spokespersons in other cities 機場發言人提到 should only impact long-haul flights(應該只會影響到長程 班機) ,long-haul flights 與 long flights 意思相同,都指「長程班機」 ,故應 選 (C) 預定搭乘長程班機的乘客。(A) 纜線公司; (B) 放射學(radiology)專 家; (C) 其他城市的發言人。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


題目為:「哪種人最有可能聽到這則新聞簡報(news bulletin)?」。簡報最後 提到 we return to your regularly scheduled television program(現在我 們回到原先播出的電視節目) ,可見這是在電視節目裡插播的,故選 (B)。(A)、 (C)、(D) 不符題意; (C) 收聽播客節目(podcast)的人。

Questions 83 through 85 refer to the following news show. In business news today, it appears that there is a new kid on the technology block. A company called Tech-No-Fear went public on the New York Stock Exchange this morning, and the highly hyped group was well-received by investors. Tech-No-Fear is a startup by newcomer Henrietta Thomas. Ms. Thomas had her start in the watch business, but that was short lived. In interviews she has said Tech-No-Fear’s quick appearance was due to angel investors, who altogether granted her over $20 million in less than two months. Tech-No-Fear designs “smart” skateboards and other extreme sports equipment. They’re “smart” because they’re outfitted with technological advances. Their products have been well-reviewed in the market. It appears others are taking note of Ms. Thomas. The opening share price of $3 moved quickly to $10 before leveling off at $ by noon. The stock closed at that same price. It will be interesting to see if Tech-NoFear lives up to investors’ high expectations.

今天的商業新聞方面,在科技 業界似乎有股新勢力。一家名為 科技無懼的公司,今早在紐約證 交所上市,而投資者也相當歡迎 這家受到高度宣傳的公司。科技 無懼是家小型的新公司,由業界 新人亨莉塔.湯瑪斯創立。湯瑪 斯小姐最早在鐘錶界發展,但很 快就離開了。她在訪問中表示, 科技無懼之所以能快速創立是因 為好心的投資者,在不到兩個月 內,他們一共給了她兩千多萬美 金。科技無懼設計了「聰明」 滑板以及其他極限運動裝備。這 些裝備之所以「聰明」是因為它 們搭配了新科技。他們的產品在 市面上頗受好評。看來其他人也 注意到湯瑪斯小姐了。科技無懼 的股票開盤價為三塊美元,迅速 爬升到十塊美元,中午前則停在 九塊美元,收盤時以同樣價格作 收。科技無懼公司能否符合投資 人的高度期望,後續發展應該相 當有趣。

• hyped 高度宣傳的 • start-up 新成立的小型公司 給予 • grant • outfit 有……的裝備 • level off (上揚後)平穩下來

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

2. Which people are most likely hearing this news bulletin? (A) Those listening to the radio (B) Those watching television (C) Those listening to a podcast (D) Those watching a DVD

362 Listening Comprehension

3. What was the initial share price of Tech-No-Fear? (A) Three dollars (B) Nine dollars (C) Ten dollars (D) Unknown 題目為:「科技無懼公司一開始的(initial)股價(share price)為何?」內容提 到 the opening share price of $3(科技無懼的股票開盤價為三塊美元) ,故選 (A)。

. What kind of products does Tech-No-Fear make? (A) Smart sports equipment (B) Clothing for athletes (C) Watches and gadgets (D) Religious items 內容提到 Tech-No-Fear designs “smart” skateboards and other extreme sports equipment.(科技無懼設計了「聰明」滑板以及其他極限運動裝備。), 因此選項 (A) 是最接近的答案。(B) 運動員專用的服裝; (C) 手錶和小型科技產 品(gadget); (D) 宗教用品。

. How do investors feel about Tech-No-Fear? (A) They have low expectations. (B) They think the company will fail soon. (C) They have no opinion. (D) They are positive about the company. 題目為:「投資者對科技無懼公司的感覺為何?」,從第二句可知 the highly hyped group was well-received by investors(投資者相當歡迎這家受到高 度宣傳的公司) ,可見投資者抱持正面的(positive)態度,故選 (D)。(A) 他們 期望很低; (B) 他們認為這家公司很快就會失敗; (C) 他們沒有意見。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


That ’ s right. Your quarterly taxes are almost due again. Do you feel like you’re paying too much in taxes? We offer tax advantages for your home or business. Write off your travel & vacation expenses. Turn your home office into a tax deduction. Make all your cars tax deductible. Write off your medical expenses. Pay your children $ , 00 a year and you’ll be able to send them to college tax free. Yes, you heard me right. I can help you cut your taxes in half! Call me, George McSavings, at 1- - - . • write off 註銷;勾銷 • deductible 可扣除的

• deduction 扣除額

沒錯,又到了申報季稅的時 候了。您是否覺得稅好像繳得太 多了?我們為您的家庭或事業提 供稅賦優勢。您的旅遊及渡假花 費可以當作扣除額。在家工作 也可以減稅。您的車子都可用 來扣除稅賦。醫療支出也能夠 獲得扣除。每年為您的孩子花 四千七百元就能讓他們上大學 還不用繳稅。是的,您沒有聽 錯,我能幫您將稅賦減半!請來 電找我,喬治節稅王,電話是 1- - - 。

. What can be done with your cars, according to the speaker? (A) Make them tax deductible (B) Refund the taxes on them (C) Pay them off (D) Pay more taxes on them 根據 Make all your cars tax deductible.(您的車子都可用來扣除稅賦。)可 知答案為 (A)。 (B) 退還車子的稅賦(refund the taxes); (C) 全額繳付; (D) 付更多的稅。

. What does the company claim it will do regarding your taxes? (A) Cover your travel expenses (B) Send your children to college for free (C) Save you fifty percent (D) Pay for your medical expenses 廣告最後有提到 I can help you cut your taxes in half!(我能幫您將稅賦減 半!) ,因此最接近題意的選項是 (C) 幫你省下百分之五十。(A) 支付你的旅行 花費; (B) 免費送你的孩子上大學; (D) 支付你的醫療支出。

. What tax deduction is NOT mentioned in the advertisement? (A) University tuition (B) Automobiles (C) Housing (D) Medical costs 題目為:「廣告沒有提到哪一種減免?」根據題意,答案應為 (C) 購屋支出。(A) 大學學費(tuition); (B) 汽車(automobile); (D) 醫療花費,這三者均有出 現在廣告中。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

Questions 86 through 88 refer to the following advertisement.

364 Listening Comprehension

Questions 89 through 91 refer to the following radio broadcast. In other news, a large female gorilla escaped from the San Francisco Zoo this morning shortly after six a.m. Apparently, while her zookeeper Saul Lou was feeding the five-year-old gorilla, she made a run for the open gate and was able to disappear into the nearby forest. Darla, or “Flighty” as she’s fondly referred to by her keepers, has tried to escape many times, but this was the first time she was successful. Zoo employees and volunteers were able to trap and catch the primate shortly after noon. There is no need for worry: The gorilla was not harmed during her little field trip.

接下來的新聞,今早六點過後 不久,一隻巨大的母猩猩從舊金 山動物園逃脫。顯然地, 她是趁 動物園管理員索爾.盧在餵食五 歲的小猩猩之際,衝向打開的大 門,然後消失在附近的森林裡。 這隻母猩猩叫達拉,被管理員暱 稱為小「逃」氣,牠曾多次試圖 逃脫,但今天是她首度成功。中 午過後不久,動物園職員和志工 終於圍捕住這隻靈長類動物。不 用擔心,這隻猩猩出去小小考察 之際並未受傷。

• gorilla 大猩猩 • fondly 深情地 • volunteer 志工 • primate 靈長類動物 • field trip 田野調查;戶外教學

. At approximately what time did the gorilla escape from the zoo? (A) Noon (B) a.m. (C) Just after 6 a.m. (D) Just before a.m. 新聞一開始就說 a large female gorilla escaped from the San Francisco Zoo this morning shortly after six a.m.(今早六點過後不久,一隻巨大的母 猩猩從舊金山動物園逃脫) ,故答案為 (C)。

0. What happened to the gorilla after it escaped from its cage? (A) It hid in the forest. (B) It was harmed. (C) It returned to the zoo. (D) All of the above. 根據新聞報導, she made a run for the open gate and was able to disappear into the nearby forest(衝向打開的大門,然後消失在附近的森林 裡) ,因此最接近的答案為 (A)。

1. What is the gorilla’s nickname? (A) Darla (B) Saul (C) Flighty (D) Lou 新聞提到達拉時說到 “Flighty” as she’s fondly referred to by her keepers (被管理員暱稱為小「逃」氣),因此她的綽號應該是 (C)。flight 為名詞,有 「逃走」的意思, Flighty 便是從這個字衍生而來的。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


We’ ve just had a report of a serious traffic jam on the M Highway between junctions six and nine. Apparently, there has been an accident involving a bus and a chemical truck. Fire crews are currently at the scene trying to remove the chemical spillage. If you are travelling on the M , you should expect delays of between one and two hours. Firefighters warn that these chemicals are hazardous and motorists should roll up their windows to not breathe in the fumes. And for you smokers, please do not throw cigarette butts out your window, since these chemicals are highly flammable. And now on to today’ s weather report. In the afternoon there will be light showers, but skies will clear up in the evening.


M 公路的六號和九號匯入口, 車輛大排長龍。該處顯然是發生 一起車禍,肇事車輛為一部公車 與一輛裝載化學物質的卡車。消 防人員目前在現場設法清除外洩 的化學物質。如果您在 M 公 路上,應該會被耽擱一到兩個小 時。消防人員警告說,這些化學 物質相當危險,駕駛應關上車窗 以免吸入有害的氣體。如果您有 吸菸, 請勿將煙蒂丟出車窗,因 為這些是易燃的化學物質。接下 來是今日氣象預報,下午會下毛 毛雨,不過晚上天氣會放晴。

• traffic jam 車輛大排長龍;塞車 • junction 公路或鐵路的交叉點  出的物質 • spillage 外洩 溢 • hazardous 有危險的 • fume (有害的)氣體 • flammable 易燃的

2. Who is the speaker? (A) A bus driver (B) A news reader (C) A police officer (D) An actor 說話者講完公路上的意外事故後,隨即提到 and now on to today’s weather report (接下來是今日氣象預報),可見他是在播報新聞,故選 (B)。

3. How long of a delay should someone traveling on the M expect? (A) An hour or two (B) Six hours (C) Nine hours (D) A day 題目為:「如果有人在 M 公路上,會被耽擱多久時間?」,根據 If you are travelling on the M , you should expect delays of between one and two hours.(如果您在 M 公路上,應該會被耽擱一到兩個小時。),故正確答 案應該是 (A)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

Questions 92 through 94 refer to the following talk.

366 Listening Comprehension

. What is not mentioned as a problem affecting listeners? (A) Drivers will have delays on the highway. (B) Luggage from the bus is scattered on the highway. (C) The chemicals that spilled are flammable. (D) The chemicals are dangerous to breathe in. 新聞裡頭有提到的是 (A) 公路上的駕駛會被耽擱; (C) 溢出的化學物質具易燃 性; (D) 吸入化學物質的氣體會有危險。但 (B) 公車上的行李散落在公路上,這 點並未被提及,故為正確答案。

Questions 95 through 97 refer to the following announcement. You ’ re listening to WHUH FM, the best for today’s Top 0 hits. That was Brittney’s new single “Tomorrow’s Joys” from her new album Big Top. Before I get to our next song, I have a little announcement to make. Later this hour we’ll be continuing our Thailand Adventure giveaway contest. Be today’s winner and you’ll get a T-shirt and . . . be in the running for our grand prize: a trip for two to Phuket, Thailand. We already have six of our ten finalists, and today we are looking for lucky number seven. Yesterday’s question was to name Michael Jackson’s first Number One hit on the Billboard Hot 100 charts as a solo artist. Listener Freda Adams called in to tell us it was his 1 2 hit “Ben.” Keep listening for when we announce today’s question and you might just be our seventh finalist. Now, for more of today’s hits, here’s a new single out by Justin, called “In Your Face.” Don’t forget: You’re listening to WHUH FM, the best for today’s Top 0 hits. • giveaway 贈品 • be in the running for 有獲得……的機會 • finalist 決賽選手

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

您 正 在 收 聽 的 是 W H U H FM ,今日四十大熱門金曲的最 佳選擇。剛才您收聽的是布蘭妮 的最新單曲「明日歡樂」,收錄 在她的最新專輯《登峰造極》。 我在播放下首歌之前,要宣佈一 件事情。在稍後這個小時,我們 將繼續進行「泰國探險大方送」 的比賽。今天的贏家可以得到一 件 T 恤,還有機會獲得我們的 大獎:泰國普吉島雙人遊。十名 決賽者已經選出六名,而今天我 們要找尋第七名幸運兒。昨天的 問題是,說出麥可.傑克遜在單 飛後首度拿到告示榜百大單曲冠 軍的熱門歌曲。聽眾芙芮達.亞 當斯打進來告訴我們是一九七二 年的熱門金曲「班」。繼續注意 收聽我們今天宣佈的問題,您可 能成為我們的第七名決賽者。現 在繼續收聽今日的熱門金曲,這 首是賈斯汀的新單曲「天生贏 家」。別忘了,您正在收聽的是 WHUH FM,今日四十大熱門金 曲的最佳選擇。


節目裡提到 we already have six of our ten finalists(十名決賽者,已經選出 六名) , 可見答案是 (A)。

. What will the grand prize winner receive? (A) A Michael Jackson album (B) A radio station T-shirt (C) A trip from Phuket (D) A trip to Thailand 題目為:「大獎贏家可以獲得什麼?」,根據 be in the running for our grand prize: a trip for two to Phuket, Thailand (還有機會獲得我們的大獎:泰國普 吉島雙人遊) ,故正確答案是 (D)。

. Who is most likely the speaker? (A) A radio DJ (B) A finalist (C) A bus driver (D) A famous musician 節目一開始就說 you’re listening to WHUH FM(您正在收聽的是 WHUH FM),可見說話者是電台的節目主持人,故應選 (A)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

. How many finalists does the radio station already have? (A) Six (B) Seven (C) Ten (D) Zero

368 Listening Comprehension

Questions 98 through 100 refer to the following talk. Ladies and Gentlemen: Thank you for coming to tonight’s fund-raising banquet. I’d like to draw your attention to the screen behind me. We’re going to be showing a brief video clip that will introduce the ever-increasing need for sustainable energy in the manufacturing industry.

各位先生、女士:謝謝各位前 來參加今晚的募款餐會。我要請 大家注意我身後的螢幕。我們將 要播放一支短片,來介紹製造業 對於永續能源日益增加的需求。

As you all very well know, today’s global economy relies on non-sustainable energy resources, such as fossil fuels. How to implement these kinds of energy, such as solar and hydroelectric power, into our factories and plants still isn’t fully understood by industry professionals. But this isn’t the fault of production managers. Researchers need to be out in full force. We need to be telling the world about developments in sustainable energy. But, the research and marketing of our discoveries need funding.

相信各位已經很清楚,今日全 球經濟依賴非永續性的能源,像 是石化燃料等。業界的專家尚未 完全瞭解要如何將太陽能和水力 發電這類的永續能源使用在工廠 和廠房中。然而這並不是生產主 管的錯。研究人員需要盡全力對 外宣傳。我們需要將永續能源的 發展告訴世人。然而我們的發現 需要資金才能進行研究與行銷。

You might have noticed that each table has an empty seat. Following the presentation, that seat will be occupied by one of our researchers. He or she will walk you through our current research projects and answer your questions about sustainable energy.

各位也許已經注意到每張桌子 都空出一個位子。在簡報之後, 我們的研究人員會就座,跟大家 詳細解釋目前的研究計畫並回答 各位對永續能源的疑問。

Now, for the show. • banquet 宴會 • sustainable 永續的 • fossil fuels 石化燃料 • implement 實施;實行;履行 • hydroelectric 水力發電的 • occupy 佔據;佔用(位子) • walk sb through sth 詳細地對某人解釋某事

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC



發言人先提到業界不懂得運用永續能源,接著說 But this isn’t the fault of production managers.(然而這並不是生產主管的錯。),故答案為 (D)。(A) 製造業公司; (B) 工廠老闆; (C) 能源研發人員。

. What does the speaker say will happen immediately next? (A) He will show a movie about energy. (B) Researchers will answer questions. (C) Volunteers will come to the tables. (D) The speaker will give out handouts. 發言人一開始就說 We’re going to be showing a brief video clip that will introduce the ever-increasing need for sustainable energy in the manufacturing industry.(我們將要播放一支短片,來介紹製造業對於永續能 源日益增加的需求。) ,可見接下來是要播放影片,故應選 (A)。(B) 研發人員會 回答問題,這應該是在影片播完之後; (C) 志工會到餐桌前; (D) 發言人會給大 家新聞資料(handout)。

100. Who is most likely in the audience? (A) Average people interested in manufacturing (B) Plant owners and manufacturing executives (C) Wealthy people interested in research (D) Sustainable energy researchers 發言人對現場來賓說 thank you for coming to tonight’s fund-raising banquet(謝謝各位前來參加今晚的募款餐會),並在介紹影片時提到 But, the research and marketing of our discoveries need funding.(然而我們的發 現需要資金才能進行研究與行銷。) ,故可知與會來賓應該都是金主,故選項 (C) 最接近題意。(A) 對製造業有興趣的一般人; (B) 工廠老闆和製造業主管; (D) 永續能源的研究人員。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

. According to the speaker, who is NOT at fault for the problem? (A) Manufacturing corporations (B) Factory owners (C) Energy researchers (D) Production managers



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372 Reading Comprehension

PART 5 101. The way technology is advancing today, just about anything seems ------- in the future. (A) possibility (B) possible (C) positive (D) impossible ,為連綴動詞,後面須接形容詞,故不選 (A)。根據題意,以 seem 指「似乎」 今日科技進步的情況,未來任何事似乎都有「可能」 ,故選 (B)。(C) 肯定的; (D) 不可能的

102. Our estimate is ------- the current cost of materials, which may change by the time of production. (A) as a result of (B) caused by (C) based on (D) because of 根據題意,應該是我們的估計(estimate)是「根據」目前材料的成本,可能 會因生產時間而有所改變。不管成本為何,估計還是要做,因此成本和估計並 沒有因果關係,故選 (C)。(A)、(D) 同義,都是「由於」的意思; (B) 由…… 所造成的。

103. There is a possibility of rain tomorrow, ------- it is not likely. (A) though (B) which (C) because (D) since 根據題意,應該是明天有機會下雨, 「雖然」不太可能,故應選 (A)。(C) 因 為; (D) 自從、因為。it is not likely 無法作為前面句子的補述說明 故不選 (B)。

10 . Rick has done such a good job this year that he has been ------- to assistant marketing director. (A) promoted (B) produced (C) prompted (D) proactive 根據題意,瑞克今年工作表現優異,應該是「被擢升」為行銷副主任 (assistant marketing director) ,故應選 (A)。(B) 被製造; (C) 被鼓舞 的、被驅使的; (D) 積極主動的。

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根據題意,應該是許多職業運動員(professional athletes)退休後,都因教 育程度不夠而無法維生,故應選 (C) 依靠;求助。(A) 回到; (B) 繼續往前; (D) 先走;繼續前進。

10 . The receptionist says he hasn’t received our package -------. (A) now (B) until (C) yet (D) soon 根據題意,應該是櫃檯接待員(receptionist)說他尚未收到我們的包裹,故 選 (C) 尚未。選項 (B) 作介系詞或連接詞用,故不能選。(A)、(D) 與題意不 合。

10 . The price of a bond depends on several -------, including its yield. (A) factions (B) factories (C) factors (D) factorings 根據題意,債券(bond)的價格,應該是倚賴好幾個「因素」,包括收益 (yield)。因此答案應為 (C)。(A) 派系; (B) 工廠; (D) 出售應收帳款。

10 . Some business people are ------- while others are followers. (A) leaders (B) leading (C) leadership (D) leads while 可作為表「對比」的連接詞,意思是「然而」。本題的關鍵在於 follower(跟隨者), 具有對比意義的字應該是 leader(領導者),故選 (A)。 (B) 領導;主要的、領導的; (C) 領導才能; (D) 榜樣、領先地位。

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Test 2 Answer Key

10 . Many professional athletes have no education to ------- once they retire. (A) go back to (B) move forward on (C) fall back on (D) go ahead with

374 Reading Comprehension

10 . The most ------- thing to remember for the test is the vocabulary. (A) importance (B) importantly (C) important (D) import 看到 the most 即可推測為最高級用法,且空格之後為名詞,故應填入形容 詞,選項中只有 (C) 為形容詞,故為答案。(A) 重要性:名詞; (B) 重要地: 副詞; (D) 進口:動詞。

110. ------- the fact that the ozone layer continues to deteriorate, we can expect the sun to do more and more damage to the environment. (A) Giving (B) Give (C) Gave (D) Given 四個選項看似動詞 give 的變化,其中只有 given 可作介系詞用,與 in view of、considering 意思相似,表示「有鑑於…… 、考慮到…… 」,故答案選 (D),即「考慮到」臭氧層(ozone layer)持續惡化(deteriorate)的事實, 我們預測陽光對環境的破壞會越來越嚴重。

111. The whole team ------- a valiant effort. (A) took in (B) sat in (C) took down (D) put forth

四個選項皆為片語動詞,(A) 觀賞;參觀; (B) 代表參加;靜坐抗議; (C) 拿 下;使屈服; (D) 發揮;施展,由題意得知正確答案為 (D) 整個團隊奮勇發 揮全力。

112. It is often difficult to ------- between a Canadian and an American accent. (A) decide (B) discern (C) concern (D) discipline 根據題意應為:要「辨別」加拿大和美國口音(accent)通常很難,故選 (B)。(A) 決定; (C) 關心、使擔憂; (D) 訓練、懲戒。

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根據題意,伯恩斯太太決定要換(switch)工作,因為每天「通勤」的時間很 長。commute 為「通勤」的意思,可作名詞或動詞使用,此外,空格前面有 定冠詞 the,故用名詞 commute 而不用 commuting。(A) 社區; (D)(歐 洲一些國家)最小的地方自治體、社區,皆不合題意。

11 . It is hard for some people to respect their boss because they have a problem with -------. (A) authorization (B) authorities (C) authors (D) authority 根據題意,對有些人來說,要尊敬老闆很難,因為他們對「權威」難以適從 (have a problem with) 。authority 指「權威;當權者」的意思,複數形 authorities 則指「官方;政府當局」,故本題應選 (D)。(A) 授權; (C) 作者。

11 . The conference ------- by more than one hundred management executives last week. (A) attendance (B) was attended (C) has been attended (D) is attended 本題缺少動詞,句中又出現 by + 名詞,故可推斷應用被動式;而 last week 為過去時間,因此答案須用過去被動式,故選 (B),表示:上週的這場研討會 (conference)有一百多名管理階層來參加。(A) 參加、出席人數。

11 . I listened carefully to my opponent’s arguments before ------- my own. (A) present (B) being present (C) presenting (D) to present before 在此是介系詞,之後只能接動名詞或名詞,故選 (C)。

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Test 2 Answer Key

113. Mrs. Burns decided to switch jobs due to the length of the ------- every day. (A) community (B) commuting (C) commute (D) commune

376 Reading Comprehension

11 . When buying a new car, it is important to consider how ------- the car is. (A) dependable (B) reliability (C) dependability (D) reliance how 為疑問副詞,後面須接形容詞,表示「多麼的」,所以答案為 (A) 可靠 的。 (B) 可信賴性; (C) 可靠性; (D) 信賴,三者皆為名詞。

11 . We can’t ------- to make the types of mistakes that we have been making. (A) afford (B) prefer (C) accept (D) agree 根據題意,我們無法負擔犯這類一再犯的錯誤,故選 (A)。(B) 寧願; (C) 接 受; (D) 同意,選項 (B)、(D) 意思不符。(C) agree 之後接受詞或介系詞。

11 . I want you to be home before the clock ------- ten. (A) strikes (B) points (C) rings (D) predicts 題意為:我要你在鐘響十點之前回家。 「鐘響報時」動詞要用 strike,因此要 選 (A)。(B) 指示; (C)(電話、電鈴)響; (D) 預測。

120. I am genuinely looking forward to ------- our new CEO. (A) have meeting (B) have met (C) meet (D) meeting look forward to 指「期待」的意思,後面要接名詞或動名詞,因此只能選 (D)。題意為:我真心(genuinely)期待能遇見我們的新上任的執行長。

121. I need to get the proposal back which I ------- you last week. (A) lent (B) borrowed (C) wrote (D) read 根據題意,我需要把那份企畫書拿回來,可知書已經被「借出去」了,故答案 應選 (A)。(B) 跟別人借入; (C) 書寫; (D) 閱讀。

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本題缺少動詞,加上空格後面有 by + 名詞,故推斷空格要用被動或過去分詞作 形容詞用,故選 (A)。intimidate 是「威脅;使……感到害怕」的意思,整句 意思是:我的主管很懼怕總經理。

123. ------- our decreased revenue, we have been forced to reduce expenses. (A) Regardless of (B) Depending on (C) Due to (D) According to 根據題意,應該是「由於」我們的營收(revenue)減少,我們被迫要縮減支 出,因此答案應為 (C)。(A) 不管; (B) 依賴; (D) 根據。

12 . Our new benefits package seems to be quite popular ------- our employees. (A) for (B) with (C) about (D) from be popular with sb 是固定用法,指「受……的歡迎」,因此答案是 (B)。 benefit packages 是「工資福利;套裝福利」的意思,包括紅利獎金、健康 保險、假期、公司補助等各項措施。

12 . ------- what happens, I’ll have my report on your desk by Friday morning. (A) However (B) No matter (C) Apart from (D) Despite 「no matter + 疑問詞」與「疑問詞 + -ever」意思相近,用來引導副詞子句, 比方說 no matter what 等於 whatever,表示「無論什麼」。根據題意,

應是「無論」發生什麼事,我都會在星期五早上前把報告放到你桌上,故選 (B)。(A) however 是疑問詞 how 加上 -ever,指「無論如何」,後面不能再 接 what,且意思也不對; (C) 除了……之外; (D) 儘管,均不符題意。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

122. My boss ------- by the general manager. (A) is intimidated (B) has intimidated (C) is intimidating (D) intimidates

378 Reading Comprehension

12 . Employees were allowed to invite three ------- to the company picnic, such as their spouse or other family members. (A) guests (B) clients (C) visitors (D) customers 題意為:員工可以邀請三位「客人」參加公司野餐,如他們的配偶或家人。因 此 (B) 客戶、(C) 訪客、(D) 顧客皆非合適答案,故選 (A) 賓客。

12 . Technology has made it possible for objects to travel ------- the speed of light. (A) faster than (B) the same as (C) slower than (D) more quickly 根據題意,空格裡的文字應該是要描述物體行進速度,(A) faster than 表示科 技讓物體移動的速度比光速「更快」 ,此為正確選項。(B) the same as 不能形 容速度,應改為 as fast as ; (C) slower than 雖然文法正確,但不合邏輯, 因為物體移動速度本來就比光速慢,不需要科技輔助; (D) more quickly 是 比較級,必須加 than 才合文法及語意邏輯。

12 . It looks like you could use some help ------- for the conference. (A) prepare (B) prepared (C) preparation (D) preparing 選項是 prepare 的詞類變化。本題省略了介系詞 in,原來的句子是 . . . use some help in preparing . . . (需要……方面的協助),故答案是 (D)。

12 . Contrary to popular belief, significant revenue does not always ------- into profit. (A) transcend (B) transport (C) translate (D) transgress 本句題意為:與一般認知不同的是,龐大的(significant)收益並非都能「等 同」利潤。 translate 原指「翻譯」,可引申指「等同」,故應選 (C)。(A) 超 越; (B) 運送; (D) 違反(法律、規則等)。

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根據題意,多數雇主希望員工擁有的第一項特質就是良好的「態度」,故答案 為 (C)。(A) 站立; (B) 外表; (D) 職業。

131. It is difficult to be successful in business without some kind of ------- advantage. (A) competing (B) competition (C) competitive (D) competitively advantage(優勢)為名詞,前面的空格應為形容詞,故可先刪除 (B) 比賽: 名詞及 (D) 競爭地:副詞。根據題意,如果沒有「競爭的」優勢就很難在商場 成功,因此答案為 (C)。(A) 敵對的。

132. It is impossible to maintain a ------- relationship with someone without trust. (A) working (B) wanting (C) waning (D) willing 「工作」關係,故答案應為 (A)。 根據題意,沒有信任就無法維持(maintain) (B) 缺乏的; (C) 逐漸減少的; (D) 有意願的。

133. Each manager formatted their report differently, so Jack was asked to make the reports look -------. (A) synonymous (B) monotonous (C) simultaneous (D) uniform 根據題意:每個主管的報告形式都不同,所以傑克被要求把報告弄的看起來都 「一致」 ,故選 (D), uniform 作形容詞時意思是「相同的;一致的」。(A) 同 義的; (B) 單調的; (C) 同時的。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

130. The first thing most employers look for in an employee is a good -------. (A) standing (B) appearance (C) attitude (D) occupation

380 Reading Comprehension

13 . John said he couldn’t make the retreat because he had ------- made plans for the weekend. (A) never (B) since (C) already (D) anyway 約翰說他沒辦法參加研討會(retreat)因為他「已經」有計畫了,had made 為過去完成式,可用 already 來修飾,故答案為 (C)。

13 . Your presentation is excellent, but you might want to ------- it by a couple minutes. (A) be shortened (B) shorten (C) be shorten (D) have shortened 幾分鐘,空格中要 根據題意為:你的報告很精彩,不過你也許會想要「縮短」 接動詞原形,故選 (B)。

13 . I expect everyone to ------- the company banquet next Saturday night. (A) attend (B) apply (C) adopt (D) adapt 題意為:我期待大家都「參加」下週六晚上的公司宴會,故答案為 (A)。(B) 申請; (C) 採納、收養; (D) 使適應、改編。

13 . There will be a $10,000 bonus to the staff member with the ------- sales this month. (A) furthest (B) farthest (C) tallest (D) highest 根據題意,本月銷售額「最高」的員工可以得到一萬元的獎金(bonus),因此 答案應為 (D)。(A) 最遠的(時間、數量程度); (B) 最遠的(空間) ,不過兩 者常可通用。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


某事物的優缺點 advantages and disadvantages of sth 要用介系詞 of,因 此答案選 (C)。

13 . You will be provided ------- an extensive handbook at the start of the seminar. (A) for (B) with (C) against (D) to provide sb with sth 或 provide sth for sb 為「提供某事給某人」的用法, 本句為被動,主詞為人,故用介系詞 with 再接事物,故選 (B)。

1 0. Someone is going to have to ------- the blame for losing that file. (A) take (B) make (C) have (D) find 題意應該為:有人要為遺失檔案而負責。 「為某事(損失、過失等)負責、接 受責難」片語為 take the blame for sth,故答案為 (A)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

13 . There are both advantages and disadvantages ------- driving a car to work. (A) with (B) on (C) of (D) in

382 Reading Comprehension

PART 6 Questions 141–144 refer to the following medical announcement. 手機皮膚炎

Mobile Phone Dermatitis Hopefully, you aren’t one of the thousands of people with “mobile phone dermatitis.” This onceunexplained rash _____ doctors, but now we know why some cell phone fanatics are sporting red, itchy rashes on their ears and cheeks. Late last week, British dermatologists _____ published studies said this rash is caused by an allergic reaction to the nickel surface on mobile phones. They say prolonged usage _____ the devices creates the sensitivity to the metal. On Thursday, the British National Association of Dermatologists said doctors should be on the alert for a skin allergy caused by too much mobile phone use. They are putting out this announcement because, as they say, many doctors are unaware that mobile phones can cause the condition. As we grow more _____ more reliant on mobile technology, safety concerns need to be of top importance to the medical field.

1 1. (A) buffeted (C) battered

許多人都得了「手機皮膚 炎」,希望你不是其中之一。這 種一度無法解釋原因的紅疹,讓 醫生百思不解,不過現在我們知 道,為什麼有些手機愛用者的耳 朵和臉頰會出現又紅又癢的疹 子。上週末,一群英國的皮膚科 醫生引用已發表的研究指出,這 種紅疹是因為手機表面的鎳讓皮 膚產生過敏反應。他們說長時間 使用手機會讓皮膚對鎳金屬敏 感。英國國家皮膚科協會於週四 表示,醫生應該隨時注意因過度 使用手機而產生的皮膚過敏。他 們說,之所以會宣佈這項消息, 是因為許多醫生都不知道手機會 引發這種症狀。隨著我們的生活 越來越依賴手機,對醫界而言安 全考量是最重要的。

• dermatitis 皮膚炎 • fanatic 對……狂熱者 • dermatologist 皮膚科醫生 • prolonged 延長的 • reliant 依賴的

(B) baffled (D) buttressed

空格前面提到 once-unexplained(在從前原因不明),因此根據題意應選 (B) 使困惑、難倒。(A) 揍、打; (C) 連續猛擊; (D) 支持、加強。

1 2. (A) citing (C) cited

(B) cite (D) cites

形容詞子句中的動詞為表主動的簡單式時,省略關係代名詞時須將動詞改為 現在分詞,此句原是 British dermatologists who cited published studies said . . . 改為現在分詞故選 (A) citing。

1 3. (A) in (C) of

(B) at (D) to 在這裡指的是此項裝置(device)的使用,介系詞要用 of,故選 (C)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

383 (B) by (D) and more and more 是固定用法,表示「越來越…… 」,故答案為 (D)。

Questions 145–148 refer to the following advertisement. 賺錢的十大步驟

Ten Steps to Money Do you wake up in the morning with brilliant ideas? Elias Howe invented the sewing machine based on the events of a terrible nightmare. How about moments of inspiration, when good ideas just pop _____ your head? Post-It sticky notes were thought up in 1 when Arthur Fry was daydreaming in church. Or, perhaps you have come up with a simple solution to a difficult problem? Earle Dickson created the BandAid in 1 21 in his kitchen using tape and gauze to help his accident-_____ wife. Yes, that’s right. These revolutionary inventions came from ordinary people at ordinary times. Just about every great service or product started as just a twinkle in someone ’s eye. But, _____ you have connections, your great idea might stay but that. Want to sell your idea and possibly make millions? We have guided many inventors through the process. Over time we’ve streamlined it into a ten-step program, which we are happy to help you through as well. The key to making your idea a _____ is making sure the right people take it seriously.

你在早上起床時會想到很棒的 點子嗎?艾力司.哈維因為做了 恐怖的惡夢而發明了縫紉機。你 會不會有時突然心生靈感,絕妙 點子頓時在腦中浮現?一九七四 年,亞瑟.傅萊在教堂裡做白日 夢,想出了便利貼的概念。或 者,你是否曾用簡單的方法解 決困難的問題?一九二一年,厄 爾.狄更生在廚房裡用膠帶和紗 布幫他常發生意外的老婆包紮, 因而發明了 OK 繃。 是的,你想得沒錯。這些革命 性的東西都是平凡人在日常生活 裡發明出來的。每一樣了不起的 服務或產品剛開始都只是某人的 得意想法而已。然而,除非你有 人脈,否則你的偉大構想永遠不 會成真。想要推銷你的構想嗎? 也許還能賺個幾百萬喔。我們指 導過許多發明家經歷這段過程。 如今我們已將過程簡化成十個步 驟的綱要,我們也很樂意幫你一 步步地實現。讓夢想成真的祕訣 在於找到關鍵人物,並讓他認真 看待你的想法。

• inspiration 靈感;啟發 • think up 想出 • gauze 紗布 • revolutionary 革命性的 • streamline 簡化

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

1 . (A) in (C) so

384 Reading Comprehension

(B) into (D) with

1 . (A) by (C) to

pop 是「突然出現、浮現」的意思,因此 pop in/into your head 便指「突 然想出來;腦中突然浮現」的意思,故選 (B)。

1 . (A) prune (C) provide

(B) prone (D) purse

空格前有一個連字號,可見這是個複合形容詞,四個選項中,只有 (B) prone 「有……傾向的;易於……的」意思相符,accident-prone 則指「很容易發 生意外的」。 (A) 修剪; (C) 提供; (D) 錢包。

1 . (A) if (C) unless

(B) in case (D) not

but 之後的兩個句子都是完整句子,因此需要連接詞,故不選 (D)。根據題 意, 「除非」你有人脈,否則你的偉大構想永遠不會成真。因此答案為 (C)。 (A) 如果; (B) 假使,if 和 in case 意思相近。

1 . (A) real (C) reality

(B) realty (D) retails

空格前面有不定冠詞 a,可見答案是名詞,故不選 (A)。根據題意,應該是指 讓夢想成「真」 的祕訣,因此答案為 (C),指「真實;現實」。(B) 不動產; (D) 零售。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


TO: Hiring Managers FROM: Human Resources RE: Panel Interviewing Starting next month, we will begin using a new technique in interviewing. In order to hire a new employee, you and two other managers from related departments will meet and conduct a panel interview. The following outlines why this style will benefit our company. _____ with all job interviews, panel interviews serve two purposes: First, they allow the interviewers to determine if candidates are suitable for the position. Second, they give candidates an opportunity to learn about the business and the job. _____ the structure of a panel interview may be more intimidating to a candidate than a one-on-one interview, this can be a useful way of determining how candidates fare under pressure. _____, the session should not turn into aggressive or hostile grilling. There are a number of tips and tricks to conducting a panel that helps ensure it proceeds according to plan and assists _____ identifying the best person for the role.

收件人:招募經理 寄件人:人力資源部 關於:集體面試 自下個月開始,我們將採用新的 面試方式。雇用新員工時,你們 和其他兩位相關部門的主管要一 起召開集體面試。以下將概述為 何這種方式對公司有利。 如同所有的工作面試,集體面試 有兩個目的 : 第一,能讓面試官 決定應徵者是否適合該職位。第 二,能讓應徵者有機會瞭解該行 業及工作。由於對應徵者而言, 集體面試可能比一對一面談還可 怕,因此能幫助面試官評量應徵 者在壓力之下的表現。然而,集 體面試不應該變成咄咄逼人或不 懷好意的盤問。集體面試有幾項 進行的訣竅和技巧,可以確保面 試如計畫進行,並協助面試官找 出最適合該份工作的人選。

• outline 概述 • determine 決定;確定 • candidate 求職應徵者; 候選人 • intimidating 令人害怕的 • hostile 懷敵意的;不友善的 • grilling 盤問

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

Questions 149–152 refer to the following memo.

386 Reading Comprehension

1 . (A) As (C) Under

(B) To (D) For

此題的功能是要連接片語和主要子句,因此要選連接詞,故只剩 (A)、(D) 可 選。根據題意, 應該是:「如同」所有的工作面試,集體面試有兩個目的,故選 (A)。(D) for 作連接詞時,指「因為」的意思,不符題意。

1 0. (A) Nevertheless (C) Indeed

(B) Since (D) To

此題需要一個連接詞連接兩個句子, 故選 (B), since 在此表示「因為」。(A) 然而:副詞; (C) 的確:副詞; (D) 到:介系詞。

1 1. (A) However (C) Indeed

(B) More (D) Despite

此題的空格單獨存在, 前後都無文字, 因此只能是表達語氣的副詞。根據題 意, 集體面試可以測試應徵者承受壓力的程度, 但不能變成咄咄逼人的盤問, 兩者之間有轉折的語氣, 故選 (A) 然而。(B) 更多; (C) 的確; (D) 儘管:介 系詞。

1 2. (A) in (C) for

(B) on (D) out assist in 是「幫助;協助」的意思,之後的動詞要用 V-ing 的形式,所以答案 是 (A)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


Questions 153–155 refer to the following memo. 備忘錄

MEMO Date: April 17 To: Kitchen Staff From: Joe, Kitchen Manager Re: New menu items

As we have discussed before, we will add several new menu items at the beginning of next month. I have devised several recipes which you can find in the kitchen folder behind the bar. Please test all of these recipes. Your opinions are appreciated, as well are alternative recipes you believe may be good additions to our menu. Take into consideration our clientele and the skills of your fellow kitchen workers. We all recall the utter disappointment when the ostrich egg quiche did not create the excitement we expected. I will invite staff and friends to try these new items this Sunday, April 20 at 2:00 p.m.

日期 : 四月十七日 收件人 : 廚房員工 寄件人 : 廚房經理喬 主題 : 新菜色 我們討論過要在下個月初在菜單 上增加幾樣新菜色。我設計了幾 份食譜,就放在吧檯後方的廚房 用檔案夾裡。請各位試做全部的 菜色。各位如果有任何意見,或 認為有其他值得加入菜單的食譜 都歡迎提出。請將客戶的口味與 廚房同事的烹飪技巧納入考慮。 大家應該還記得上次鴕鳥蛋餅造 成的迴響不如預期,的確令人失 望。本週日四月二十號下午兩 點,我會邀請員工和朋友來試吃 新菜。 謝謝。

• alternative 替代的 • take into consideration 將……納入考慮 • clientele 顧客 • quiche (有加切碎火腿、海 鮮或蔬菜的)蛋餅

Thank you. 1 3. Who is the memo written to? (A) All staff members (B) The manager (C) Kitchen staff (D) New menu items 備忘錄有提到 To: Kitchen Staff(收件人:廚房員工),可知答案為 (C)。

1 . Where can the new recipes be found? (A) In the kitchen (B) In the manager’s office (C) In the kitchen folder (D) With the manager 題目為:「哪裡可以找到食譜?」,備忘錄寫說 I have devised several recipes which you can find in the kitchen folder behind the bar.(我設 計了幾份食譜,就放在吧檯後方的廚房用檔案夾裡。) ,可見答案為 (C)。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key


388 Reading Comprehension

1 . When will staff and friends try the new menu items? (A) Sunday, April 1 (B) Friday, April 20 (C) Saturday, April 1 (D) Sunday, April 20 題目為:「員工與親友何時會試吃新菜色?」,根據最後一句 I will invite staff and friends to try these new items this Sunday, April 20 at 2:00 p.m.(本週日四月二十號下午兩點,我會邀請員工和朋友來試吃新菜。),可 知答案為 (D)。(A) 是陷阱選項,這是備忘錄撰寫的日期,不是試吃日期。

Questions 156–157 refer to the following article. 科技股大漲

Technology Stocks Soar By John Wood

NEW YORK — Investors ’ confidence in the t e c h n o l o g y i n d u s t r y i m p r o v e d g r e a t l y yesterday, as quarterly reports from market leaders showed profits up 1 % from the final quarter of last year. The reports attributed this growth to a recent demand in handheld devices and improved technology. As a result, several technology stock prices rose dramatically, especially in afternoon trading. “This is the kind of activity the market needs

now, and I for one am upping my investment in stocks, especially Thai-operated entities,” says one analyst who wished to remain anonymous. This trend is expected to continue, as it is anticipated that the remaining reports coming out this week will also be positive.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

約翰.伍德 【紐約訊】昨天科技業投資人信 心大增,因為市場龍頭公司的季 報顯示,去年第四季獲利上漲了 百分之十四。季報將獲利成長歸 因於近來掌上儀器的需求增加以 及技術進步。結果,多檔科技類 股的股價大幅上揚,漲勢在午盤 過後尤其明顯。 一名要求匿名的分析師說 :「這 就是現今市場所需要的表現,我 要在股市投入更多資金,尤其是 在泰國有實際營運的公司。」這 股趨勢應當會持續下去,因為市 場預期,本週尚未公布的季報也 將會有正面的表現。

• attribute to 把……歸因於 • handheld 手持的; 掌上型的 • dramatically 戲劇性地; 大幅地 • entity 實體公司


題目為 :「科技類股股價上漲的主因為何?」,根據一開始的 as quarterly reports from market leaders showed profits up 1 % from the final quarter of last year(因為市場龍頭公司的季報顯示,去年第四季獲利上漲了 百分之十四) ,可知是因為季報顯示利潤增加,故應選 (B)。(A) 投資者獲利; (C) 午盤後的交易; (D) 對獲利的預期。

1 . What is expected to continue? (A) Rising stock prices (B) Lowering profits (C) Distributing quarterly reports (D) Hiring market leaders 文章最後提到 this trend is expected to continue(這股趨勢應當會持續下 去) ,這裡所說的趨勢,就是前一段提到的 several technology stock prices rose dramatically(科技類股價上漲),因此最接近的選項是 (A)。(B) 降低獲 利; (C) 分配季報; (D) 雇用市場龍頭。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

1 . What is the main reason why technology stock prices rose? (A) Investors gained profits (B) Quarterly reports showed increased profits (C) Afternoon trading (D) Anticipation of profits

390 Reading Comprehension

Questions 158–160 refer to the following article. 親愛的 AWA 航空人事經理 :

Dear AWA Airlines Personnel Manager: My name is Bob Richards. I have just returned from a business trip to Hong Kong aboard your airline service. I have been flying with various airlines for over twenty years, and I feel obliged to inform you that I have never received poorer service than I did from your company this past weekend. It started when I first arrived at the airport. Even though I had a confirmed ticket for your 1 : 0 flight, I was told that there were no seats left. You had overbooked the flight. Now, you would think in such a situation your representative, in this case Shirley Andrews, would be quite apologetic. But when I asked what type of compensation I would be given for my inconvenience, Ms. Andrews was extremely rude. She implied that it was my fault and that I should have arrived earlier, even though I arrived more than three hours before my departure time. She used incredibly offensive language and basically ruined my trip. I was eventually put on the 21: 0 flight, without so much as an apology. My request for an upgrade to business class was refused. I would like to make a formal complaint against Ms. Shirley Andrews, and I feel I am entitled to some form of compensation for my inconvenience. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Sincerely Bob Richards President Hofstra, Ltd.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

我叫鮑伯.理查茲。我日前搭乘 貴公司的班機到香港出差剛返 國。二十多年來,我搭乘過多家 航空公司,而我覺得我應該告訴 您,上週末貴公司提供的服務是 我碰過最糟的。 整件事從我剛抵達機場時開始。 雖然我有貴公司晚上六點五十分 航班的確認機票,但我卻被告知 已經沒有座位。貴公司超賣機 位。在此情況下,代表貴公司的 雪莉.安德魯斯理當深感抱歉才 是。但是當我問到貴公司造成我 的不便、要如何賠償的時候,安 德魯斯女士卻相當無禮。她暗示 說這是我的錯,還說我應該早些 抵達機場,即便我在飛機起飛前 三個小時就已經抵達。她的用詞 相當令人反感,基本上壞了我整 趟旅程。最後他們安排我搭晚上 九點五十分的班機,連一聲道歉 也沒有。我要求升等商務艙也遭 到拒絕。 我要對雪莉.安德魯斯正式提出 申訴,我認為我有權因遭受不便 而獲得某種形式的賠償。感謝您 撥冗閱讀這封信。 謹致 鮑伯.理查茲 海飛斯查有限公司總裁

• obliged 有義務的 • overbook 超量預訂;超賣 • apologetic 感到抱歉的 • compensation 補償;賠償 • offensive 唐突的;令人反 感的 • upgrade 升級 • entitled 有……權利的


鮑伯.理查茲寫這封信的目的,可從最後一段 I would like to make a formal complaint against Ms. Shirley Andrews(我要對雪莉.安德魯斯 正式提出申訴)看到,因此答案為 (D)。(A)、(C) 與內容不符; (B) 他的班機 被延誤了。

1 . What time was Mr. Richard’s flight originally scheduled? (A) 0 : 0 (B) 0 : 0 (C) 18:50 (D) 21: 0 題目為:「理查茲先生原本(originally)預定搭幾點的班機?」,根據第二段 說的 even though I had a confirmed ticket for your 1 : 0 flight(雖然 我有貴公司晚上六點五十分航班的確認機票) ,可知答案應該是 (C)。

1 0. What was Mr. Richards given for his inconvenience? (A) He was given a coupon for a free flight. (B) He was given an upgrade to business class. (C) He was given a night’s stay in Hong Kong. (D) He was given nothing. 理查茲先生雖然向航空公司提出要求,但最後他說 I was eventually put on the 21: 0 flight, without so much as an apology. My request for an upgrade to business class was refused.(最後他們安排我搭晚上九點五十

分的班機,連一聲道歉也沒有。我要求升等商務艙也遭到拒絕。) ,可見航空 公司都沒有回應,因此最接近的答案是 (D)。(A) 他得到免費機票優惠券; (B) 他被升等坐商務艙; (C) 他能夠免費在香港待一晚。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

1 . Why did Bob Richards write this letter? (A) He wanted to go to Hong Kong. (B) His flight was delayed. (C) He was unhappy with his food. (D) He wanted to make a formal complaint.

392 Reading Comprehension

Questions 161–163 refer to the following flyer. 學習音樂的機會

MUSIC OPPORTUNITY A former professional musician is offering advanced oboe lessons to experienced students of music. Geoffory Violet was principle oboist for fifteen years in the Chicago Philharmonic Orchestra before retiring last year. He has offered to take up to ten qualified students for a threemonth period. Lessons will be individual, and his students will have the opportunity to play in performances with some of the country’s most talented musicians. Mr. Violet was trained in Vienna under the instruction of oboe master Gustav Mand. He has performed in a number of orchestras around the world. Whether it be for a concerto or a solo performance, Mr. Violet has entertained tens of hundreds in packed houses. Taking a dramatic turn from his performing career, Mr. Violet slowly began taking on students. Now, retired, Mr. Violet instructs promising young people full-time. Studying under such an accomplished oboist would truly be an honor. Auditions will be held December 1st and 2nd, 10 a.m.– p.m. at Mozart Hall (2 King St.).

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

前專業的音樂家將提供進階 雙簧管課程,對象為有經驗的 學生。 傑佛瑞.維歐雷去年退休 前,在芝加哥愛樂管絃樂團擔任 首席雙簧管演奏達十五年。他答 應接受十名符合資格的學生,課 程為期三個月。課程採一對一教 學,學生將有機會和全國最有天 分的音樂家一同演出。 維歐雷先生曾在維也納學藝, 指導老師為雙簧管大師古斯塔 夫.曼德。他曾在世界各地的 許多管弦樂團裡演奏。無論是協 奏曲還是獨奏,維歐雷先生都能 讓上千名滿座的觀眾聽得如痴如 醉。之後他在職業生涯中做出重 大改變,漸漸地開始收學生。如 今退休的維歐雷先生開始全職指 導有前途的年輕人。能夠跟這位 造詣高深的雙簧管演奏者學習, 可說是莫大的榮幸。 甄選時間將於十二月一日與二 日、上午十時至下午四時舉行, 地點在莫札特音樂廳(金恩街 二十五 號)。

• philharmonic 愛音樂的 • concerto 協奏曲 • accomplished 有造詣的; 熟練的 • audition 甄選


根據文章內容,Geoffory Violet was principle oboist for fifteen years in the Chicago Philharmonic Orchestra(傑佛瑞.維歐雷在芝加哥愛樂管絃 樂團擔任十五年的首席雙簧管演奏) ,因此答案為 (C)。

1 2. How many students will there be in each lesson? (A) One (B) Three (C) Ten (D) Unknown 由 lessons will be individual(課程採一對一教學)可知每堂課只會有一個學 生,故答案為 (A)。

1 3. When will people be able to try out for one of the positions? (A) December 1st only (B) December 2nd only (C) December 1st or 2nd (D) After December 2nd 題目為:「何時可以參加甄選(try out)爭取名額?」,文末提到 auditions will be held December 1st and 2nd(甄選時間訂於十二月一日與二日), 故選 (C)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

1 1. How long did Geoffory Violet play in the Chicago Philharmonic Orchestra? (A) 3 months (B) 3 years (C) 15 years (D) 0 years

394 Reading Comprehension

Questions 164–167 refer to the following newspaper article. 並非人人都認同賭博問題

Not All Agree City Has Problems The Bloomfield Baptist Church will begin a support and rehabilitation group for people addicted to gambling. The idea to establish such a support group came from Reverend Winkler’s wife, Mrs. Sally Winkler. When asked why the community had reason to offer support for people with gambling problems, Mrs. Winkler responded, “I have seen too many wives driven to the brink of insanity as they sit idly by and watch their husbands spend day after day betting their paychecks away.” While there are no casinos in the area, it is nonetheless one of the only districts in the country that permits gambling. There has been significant opposition concerning the support group from a few locals and gambling fanatics, who have stated that it is their God-given right to gamble, and reap whatever may come their way. There is general concern among these folks that this support group is a first step towards reversing the gambling legislation. If you suffer from a gambling addiction, or know anyone who does, meetings start this upcoming Sunday from a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Bloomfield Baptist Church’s basement. The group will continue on a weekly basis.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

布盧菲爾德浸禮教會將開始 為有賭癮的人舉辦支持及勒戒團 體。設立這種支持團體的想法來 自溫克勒牧師的太太,莎拉.溫 克勒夫人。有人問溫克勒太太, 教會為何要支持有賭博問題的 人,她回答說:「我見過許多太 太看著先生日復一日把薪水賭光 卻無計可施,而被逼到快發瘋的 情形。」 儘管這裡沒有賭場,卻是國 內少數幾個允許賭博的行政區之 一。少數當地人及嗜賭成癮的人 強烈反對這個支持團體,他們說 賭博是上帝賦予的權利,只要有 機會就會大撈一筆。這些人都擔 心這個支持團體是推翻合法賭博 的第一步。 如果你深受賭癮之苦,或知道 有人有相同問題,團體聚會於本 週日早上九點到十二點開始, 地 點在布盧菲爾德浸禮教會地下 室,聚會會每週舉行一次。

• baptist 浸禮教 • rehabilitation 勒戒 • addicted 上癮的 • reverend 牧師 • district 行政區 • significant 重大的 • fanatic 狂熱者 • reap 獲得;收獲 • legislation 立法


題目為:「這種支持團體是誰的想法?」,本題的線索在第二句 the idea to establish such a support group came from Reverend Winkler’s wife(設 立這種支持團體的想法,來自溫克勒牧師的太太) ,故答案為 (C)。(A) 布盧菲 爾德的市長; (B) 牧師; (C) 牧師的女兒,均不符合題意。

1 . Why are local gamblers worried about the support group? (A) They feel that it would infringe upon their ability to gamble freely. (B) They want to bet their paychecks away. (C) They weren’t invited to participate with the group. (D) They want to see the gambling laws changed. 當地賭徒反對支持團體,因為 There is general concern among these folks that this support group is a first step towards reversing the gambling legislation.(這些人都擔心這個支持團體是推翻合法賭博的第一 步。) ,因此最接近的答案是 (A),他們覺得這會侵犯(infringe)他們自由賭 博的權利。(B) 他們想把薪水賭光; (C) 他們沒有受邀參加(participate)這 個團體; (D) 他們想看到賭博法被修改。

1 . How long will each support group session last? (A) hours (B) hours (C) 1 hours (D) 3 hours 在文章最後提到聚會時間是早上九點到中午十二點,故選 (D) 三小時。

1 . What is the main focus of the passage? (A) Support groups for religious people (B) Conflict of interest in a small community (C) New gambling legislation (D) Promotion of a church service 這段文章談到成立協助受賭癮之苦的人的支持團體,但這個團體不被部份 人士及賭徒認同,因此最接近題意的選項應該是 (B) 小社區裡的利益衝突 (conflict)。(A) 宗教人士的支持團體,此選項錯誤,應該是賭徒的支持團 體; (C) 新的賭博法; (D) 教會服務的推廣活動。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

1 . Whose idea was it to have a support group? (A) The mayor of Bloomfield (B) The reverend (C) The reverend’s wife (D) The reverend’s daughter

396 Reading Comprehension

Questions 168–170 refer to the following letter.

Miss Cindy Oaks Lemming Road Short Lane, NY 0 0 Mrs. Wendy Mell Green Corp., Inc. 101 1st Avenue New York, NY 10002

Dear Mrs. Mell: It was wonderful news when you called this afternoon to offer me the position of buyer for Green Corp. Please consider this letter as an eager acceptance. I am pleased to accept your offer at a salary of $3 ,000 annually. I understand that we will discuss benefits and insurance options at a later date. As agreed, my starting date will be on August 13th to allow me to finish summer academic courses. I greatly appreciate this, as I believe these classes will enhance my skills for Green Corp. Thank you again, Mrs. Mell, for giving me this opportunity. Please let me know if I can do anything in advance of my start date to facilitate the paperwork, or if there are any areas you would like me to read up on. I look forward to working with you and the Green team! Sincerely,

Cindy Oaks Cindy Oaks

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

辛蒂.歐克斯小姐 0 0 0 紐約州修特連市 雷明路七號 溫蒂.梅爾女士 格林股份有限公司 10002 紐約州 紐約市第一大道一○一號 親愛的梅爾女士 : 您今日下午來電,錄用我擔任格 林股份有限公司的採購員,真的 是個好消息。我想以這封信告訴 您,我非常樂意接受這份工作。 我很高興您願意支付我三萬五千 美元的年薪。我知道關於福利和 保險事宜,將於日後另行討論。 我將依照約定於八月十三日開始 上班,以便讓我完成暑期學術課 程。對此我非常感激,我相信這 些課程能提升我的工作能力,好 為格林公司服務。 梅爾女士,再次感謝您給我這個 機會。在我正式上班前,如果有 任何文書工作需要協助,或有任 何領域要我先研究的,都請通知 我。 我很期待能與您以及格林公司的 團隊共事 ! 謹致 辛蒂.歐克斯

• eager 急切的 • annually 每年地 • academic 學術(上)的 • enhance 提升 • facilitate 幫助;促進


這封信的目的在第一段就提到了: Please consider this letter as an eager acceptance.(我想以這封信告訴您,我非常樂意接受這份工作。),可見答案 應為 (C)。(A) 拒絕(decline)這份工作; (B) 延遲(defer)這份工作; (D) 給予一份工作。

1 . Why will Cindy begin work at Green Corp. on August 13th? (A) She needs to finish company training. (B) Negotiation over her benefits package must first be dealt with. (C) She will have to finish projects at her current place of employment. (D) She will need time to complete courses at school. 這一題的線索在於 As agreed, my starting date will be on August 13th to allow me to finish summer academic courses.(我將依照約定於八月

十三日開始上班,以便讓我能完成暑期學術課程。) ,可見最接近題意的答案是 (D)。(A) 她必須要完成公司訓練; (B) 他們要先談妥她的福利待遇; (C) 她得 把目前公司的案子先完成。

1 0. What position will Cindy be accepting? (A) Manager (B) Buyer (C) Sales assistant (D) Human resources manager 辛蒂接受的工作由第一句就可知道: It was wonderful news when you called this afternoon to offer me the position as a buyer for Green Corp.(您今日下午來電,錄用我擔任格林股份有限公司的採購員,真的是個 好消息。) ,故應選 (B)。(A) 經理; (C) 業務助理; (D) 人力資源部主管。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

1 . What is the main purpose of the letter? (A) To decline an offer (B) To defer an offer (C) To accept an offer (D) To give an offer

398 Reading Comprehension

Questions 171–173 refer to the following notice. 九月十七日及十八日(週六及週 日) 上午九點至下午五點 克伍街二十四號

September 1 and 1 (Saturday and Sunday) :00 a.m.– :00 p.m. 2 Kerwood Ave.

搬家拍賣 我們即將搬到國外,必須將家裡 的物品全數出清。凡出價合理者 均可接受。過來看看吧——我們 知道這裡有您需要的東西。

Moving Sale We are moving out of the country and must sell all of our household items. No reasonable offer will be refused. Come by and take a look—we know we have something you need.

2-inch television with remote control

Three-piece leather sofa set



特大尺寸床(橡木床架與床頭 板。請恕不含床墊。)

大冰箱(冷凍庫裡有自動製冰 機)

餐廳傢俱(橡木桌,附六張椅 子)

洗衣烘乾兩用機(使用三年, 購買時是全新的,仍在保固 內!)

廚房器具(包括銀製餐具、餐 盤、水壺、平底鍋和烹飪器 具)

King-size bed (Has an oak frame and headboard; sorry, mattress not included) ◆

Large refrigerator (Has automatic ice maker in the freezer) ◆

Dining room set (Is an oak table with six chairs)

Washer and dryer (Is three years old and purchased new—still under warranty) ◆

K i t c h e n g a d g e t s ( I n c l u d e s s i l v e r w a r e , plate, pots, pans and cooking utensils)

Lots more!

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

還有很多 !

• household 家用的 • headboard 床頭板 • automatic 自動的 • gadget 器具 • silverware 銀製餐具


佈告一開始就寫著星期六上午九點至下午五點,因此答案是 (B)。

1 2. Why is the family selling their things? (A) They need the money. (B) They are moving to a smaller house. (C) They have too many things. (D) They are moving to another country. 這一家人要賣東西的原因在於 We are moving out of the country and must sell all of our household items.(我們即將搬到國外,必須將家裡的 物品全數出清。) ,可見答案應為 (D)。

1 3. Which item is not advertised for sale? (A) A bed (B) A mattress (C) A TV (D) A fridge 這四個選項中都有出現在告示中,但從 sorry, mattress not included(請恕 不含床墊)可知答案應選 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

1 1. When will the moving sale start? (A) Sunday afternoon (B) Saturday morning (C) Sunday morning (D) Saturday evening

400 Reading Comprehension

Questions 174–176 refer to the following letter. 敬愛的產品開發經理:

Dear Product Development Managers: My name is Peter Sandler. My partner/brother Dennis and I have created a product we think you will be interested in — a device that fits comfortably in one ’ s pocket and is able to perform two unique tasks. The first is that of a high-performance recorder. With the touch of a button, one can record any conversation within ten meters. The uniqueness lies in that it is able to do this from the confines of a bag, pocket or briefcase. The second feature is a .0-megapixel digital camera. It can take detailed pictures of objects as far as one hundred meters away without making a sound. We have also come up with what we think is a very marketable name for this product, Spy-Pod. If you would like to meet with us to discuss the features and costs of Spy-Pod, please respond to this letter. We will send you an e-brochure with all the information you will need. We will be touring Europe in January and February with a prototype of our product, so if you are interested, please let us know as soon as possible so we can fit you into our travel plans. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely,

Peter Sandler

Peter Sandler President Spy-Pod Inc. peter@spypod.com

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

我叫做彼得.山德勒。我和弟弟 同時也是我的夥伴丹尼斯共同研 發出一項產品,我想您會很有興 趣——這種裝置可以舒適地放在 口袋裡,還有兩種獨特功能。第 一項功能是高性能的錄音機。只 要按一下按鈕,就可以錄下十公 尺內的任何對話。它的獨特之處 在於即使放在包包、口袋、 公事 包裡仍能錄音。第二項功能是 六百萬畫素數位相機。它最遠能 在一百公尺外拍出畫質細膩的照 片,拍攝時安靜無聲。我們也為 產品想出利於行銷的名稱 : 特 務法寶。 如果您願意跟我們會面,討論特 務法寶的功能與成本,請回信給 我們。我們會寄給您一份電子手 冊,包含您需要的所有資訊。我 們一、二月會在歐洲巡迴展示我 們的原型機,如果您有興趣,請 儘快讓我們知道,以便將貴公司 排入我們的巡迴行程裡。謝謝您 撥冗閱讀此信。 期盼很快聽到回 音。 謹致 彼得•山德勒 特務法寶有限公司總裁

peter@spypod.com • device 裝置 • unique 獨特的 • confine 範圍;邊界 • megapixel 百萬畫素的 • marketable 可行銷的 • prototype 原型


高性能的錄音功能只是這項產品的特色,最獨特的地方則出現在 The uniqueness lies in that it is able to do this from the confines of a bag, pocket or briefcase.(它的獨特之處在於即使放在包包、口袋、公事包裡仍 能錄音。) ,因此答案要選 (C)。(B) 它能錄下方圓(radius) 十公尺內的聲 音; (A)、(D) 不合題意。

1 . What is the range of the Spy-Pod camera? (A) From zero to ten meters (B) From ten to one hundred meters (C) From fifty to one hundred meters (D) Up to one hundred meters 特務法寶的相機範圍在這句中有說明: It can take detailed pictures of objects as far as one hundred meters away without making a sound. (它最遠能在一百公尺外拍出畫質細膩的照片,拍攝時安靜無聲。) ,可見 (D) 是最接近的答案。

1 . Why will the Sandler brothers be traveling in Europe? (A) They will be meeting with potential distributors. (B) They will be looking for a prototype. (C) They are travel planners. (D) They will be on vacation. 第二段最後提到 we will be touring Europe in January and February with a prototype of our product(我們一、二月會在歐洲巡迴展示我們的 原型機) ,可見山德勒兄弟打算親自拜訪客戶,推銷產品,因此最接近的答案 是 (A) 他們要和潛在的經銷商(distributor)碰面,故選 (A)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

1 . What is unique about the recording feature of the Spy-Pod? (A) It is a high-performance recorder. (B) It records within a ten-meter radius. (C) It can record from within a bag or pocket. (D) It fits in your pocket.

402 Reading Comprehension

Questions 177–180 refer to the following article.

With everyone practicing “safe investing” these days, it’s hard to find something to get excited about in the financial world. Are people really on cloud nine because they are making one percent a year from interest on their savings account? What ever happened to rolling the dice? There is obviously something to be said about working hard, putting money in the bank every month and watching it grow ever so slowly, so that kids can go to college and parents can retire eventually. This is what the majority of our population does, so it must be the most reasonable thing to do. B u t w a i t . T h e r e a r e m a n y i n v e s t m e n t opportunities out there. Most analysts agree that it ’ s a buyer ’ s market. Investing blindfolded is risky, so putting your money in areas you are not familiar with is not advised. Get yourself a good financial advisor and get your money working for you—not the other way around.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

今日大家都從事安全的投資行 為,想在金融世界裡找到刺激並 不容易。一年從儲蓄存款裡賺個 百分之一的利息真的會讓人欣喜 若狂?從前大膽冒險的風氣到哪 裡去了? 認真工作、每個月把薪水存入銀 行,看著存款緩慢成長,好讓小 孩能夠上大學、最後熬到退休, 顯然是有道理的。這是大多數人 的做法,所以一定是最合理的做 法。 但是請等一下。外頭可是有好多 投資機會等著你。多數分析師 同意現在是買方市場。盲目投 資有風險,所以我們不建議你把 錢放在你不熟悉的領域。你應該 找個好的財務顧問,讓錢為你工 作——而不是反過來為錢工作。

• on cloud nine 欣喜若狂; 非常高興 • roll the dice 擲骰子,引申 指「冒險賭一把」 • majority 多數 • advisor 顧問


這篇文章主要在鼓勵大膽投資,以賺取更高的利潤,因此最接近的答案應該是 (C) 冒險賭一把。

1 . What type of investor is the writer? (A) Conservative (B) Aggressive (C) Passive (D) Dependent 題目為:「作者是什麼類型的投資者?」,以全文支持大膽投資的論點,答案應 該是 (B) 積極的;有進取心的; (A) 保守的; (C) 被動的; (D) 依賴的。

1 . What does the writer say about majority of the population? (A) They invest money conservatively. (B) They go to college. (C) They retire early. (D) They are smart investors. 本題的線索在第二段,作者認為多數人都是慢慢存錢等退休,但財富增加緩 慢,可見作者認為他們太保守了,因此要選 (A) 他們謹慎投資。

1 0. What advice does the writer give? (A) Hire someone knowledgeable to help invest (B) Invest in anything, especially if it involves risk (C) Put more energy into earning money at work (D) Cover your eyes when you invest your money 作者提供的建議在最後一段 get yourself a good financial advisor,故選 (A) 雇用專業人士幫忙投資; (B) 投資尤其具有風險的領域; (C) 更努力工作 賺錢; (D) 盲目投資。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

1 . What would be the best title for this article? (A) Invest in Safe Investing (B) Trust the One Percent (C) Roll the Dice (D) Work for Your Money

404 Reading Comprehension

Questions 181–185 refer to the following e-mail and draft of a merger agreement. To: Winston Aims From: James Canada Date: 0 /0 /0 Subject: FWD: Merger Agreement Draft

Attached is the text of the agreement you requested in yesterday’s meeting. I agree that we need to change the section about training sessions. We need to sign and send this letter by tomorrow afternoon. Look at this and then stop by my office. James

收信者:溫斯頓.艾姆斯 寄信者:詹姆斯.肯拿大 日期:二○○九年五月八日 主旨:轉寄:合作協議草稿 附件是你昨天在會議中要求的 協議內文。我同意我們需要修 改訓練講習的部份。我們需要 簽署然後於明天下午前將這封 信寄出。 請看一下內容,然後到我辦公 室一趟。 詹姆斯

MERGER AGREEMENT (Draft) This agreement is made between Harrison Medics and the Combs Retirement Complex. Points: A. Harrison Medics expresses desire to provide emergency medical support to the Combs Retirement Complex. B. Both parties desire to form a Tactical Emergency Medical Team (TEMT) to work out of what will be the Emergent Care Unit of the Combs Retirement Complex. The TEMT will consist of health-care professionals from Harrison Medics and on-staff caregivers and nurses at Combs Retirement Complex. C. The TEMT will provide advanced and intermediate life support and emergency medical care at the Combs Retirement Complex. If a patient needs to be treated for long-term needs or must be treated in a hospital, responsibility for the patient will be transferred to the hospital and the Combs Retirement Complex’s administration. D. Training sessions will be provided year-round by external specialists. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have hereto executed this agreement and multiple originals as of the last date written below. Signed, ____________

Winston Aimes and James Canada, Harrison Medics

合作協議(草稿) 這份協議由哈里遜醫療公司與康 姆斯養老村共同簽訂。 要點 :

A. 哈里遜醫療公司希望能為康 姆斯養老村提供緊急醫療支 援。

B. 雙方均欲成立策略性緊急醫 療團隊(TEMT),以共同研 討康姆斯養老村緊急醫療小 組的任務內容。TEMT 成員 包括哈里遜醫療公司的保健 專家,與康姆斯養老村的醫 護員工。

C. TEMT 將在康姆斯養老村提 供先進與中階維生與緊急醫 療服務。如果病人需要長期 醫療,或必須在醫院接受治 療,那麼照顧病人之責任便 轉由院方與康姆斯養老村之 管理部門負擔。 D. 全年都有訓練講習,由外部 專家提供。 在見證人會同下,根據下方簽署 的最後日期,雙方履行本協議與 多項原文內容。 簽名

__________ 哈里遜醫療公司溫斯頓.艾姆斯 與詹姆斯.肯拿大





__________ 日期

Sylvia Potter, Combs Retirement Complex Date

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


1 1. What is the main point of the e-mail? (A) That Winston will be in his office (B) That Winston needs to look at the attachment (C) That a medical support system is needed (D) That James needs to sign the letter 信件最後有提到 Look at this and then stop by my office.(請看一下內 容,然後到我辦公室一趟。),所以最接近的選項是 (B) 溫斯頓需要看一下附 件。

1 2. Who are the two parties of the agreement? (A) TEMT, Combs Retirement Complex (B) Harrison Medics, Combs Retirement Complex (C) Harrison Medics, TEMT (D) Winston Aimes, James Canada 題目為:「協議雙方各是誰?」,協議內容一開始就提到 This agreement is made between Harrison Medics and the Combs Retirement Complex.(這份協議由哈里遜醫療與康姆斯養老村共同簽訂。),因此答案 為 (B)。

1 3. What is true about the agreement? (A) It has not been approved yet. (B) Both parties have signed it. (C) Only Harrison Medics has approved it. (D) Only Combs Retirement Complex has approved it. 協議書一開始就有 draft(草稿),可見協議書尚未經過同意(approve),故 答案為 (A)。 (B) 雙方都已簽約; (C) 只有哈里遜醫療公司同意; (D) 只有康 姆斯養老村同意。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

• complex 綜合設施 • tactical 策略性的 • intermediate 中級的;中等程度的 • administration 管理部門 • external 外部的 • multiple 多樣的;複合的

406 Reading Comprehension

1 . Who is not eligible to be part of the TEMT?

(A) A cafeteria worker at Combs Retirement Complex (B) A nurse hired by Harrison Medics (C) A nurse at Combs Retirement Complex (D) A doctor employed by Harrison Medics 題目為:「誰沒有資格(not eligible)加入 TEMP 團隊?」,協議書的第二點 提到 The TEMT will consist of health-care professionals from Harrison Medics and on-staff caregivers and nurses at Combs Retirement Complex.(TEMT 成員包括哈里遜醫療公司的保健專家,與康姆斯養老村的 醫護員工。) ,因此康姆斯養老村自助餐廳的員工不在其中,故答案為 (A)。

1 . What is most likely to change in the final draft of the agreement? (A) Part A (B) Part B (C) Part C (D) Part D 信件提到 I agree that we need to change the section about training sessions.(我同意我們需要修改訓練講習的部份。),training sessions 也就 是 Part D 所討論的,故選 (D)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


親愛的法蘭克 :

Dear Frank, It ’ s clear that new efforts for offshore drilling will lead to lower prices in fuel costs now. How can they not? With more oil, supply will rise above demand. Some may argue drilling in environmentally sensitive areas where oil extraction has never taken place will endanger ocean life; however, this argument is outdated. Drilling technology has advanced tremendously over the last twenty years and would pose very little danger to the environment. It’s time we began drilling for oil before supplies dry up. Regards,

在近海開挖油井顯然會讓燃 料成本立即下降。怎麼可能不降 呢?有了更多的石油,供給就超 過需求。也許有人會認為,在未 開採過石油的環境敏感區鑽油井 會危及海洋生物,但是這種說法 早就過時了。過去二十年來,鑽 井技術已有極大改善,對環境的 傷害微乎其微。我們應該在石油 供給枯竭之前進行開採。 敬祝 商祈 保羅

• environmentally sensitive area 環境敏感區 • extraction 抽出;萃取 • endanger 危及 • outdated 過時的 • tremendously 極大地

Paul 保羅 :

Paul, I don’t see it that way, Paul. First, drilling is not the same as actually discovering oil. There is no guarantee oil will be in the locations chosen for drilling. Second, drilling in these areas will take five to ten years to get underway. It will take longer to extract the oil, refine it and put it on the market. So, I hardly see how that will lower prices

保羅,我不這麼認為。第 一,鑽油井不等於真的會發現石 油。我們無法保證油井的預定地 會有石油。第二,在這些地區鑽 油井需要五到十年的時間進行。 若要採得石油、提煉然後上市則 需要更多時間。因此我看不出來 油價會立即下降。最後,我不知 道你怎麼有辦法預測鑽井會對這 塊環境敏感區產生多大傷害。你 自己也說了,這項工程以前根本 沒做過。

now. Finally, I don ’ t see how you can forecast


the amount of damage that will be done to the

• underway 在進行中的 • forecast 預測

environment in sensitive areas. You yourself just said it has never been done before. Frank

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

Questions 186–190 refer to the following letters.

408 Reading Comprehension

1 . Where does Paul want drilling to take place? (A) In remote, deserted areas of the countryside (B) In desert regions of the United States (C) In developing nations (D) In the ocean, near the coast 保羅在信裡提到 It’s clear that new efforts for offshore drilling will lead to lower prices in fuel costs now.(在近海開挖油井顯然會讓燃料成本立 即下降。),因此答案應選 (D)。(A) 在偏遠荒蕪(deserted)的鄉下; (B) 在 美國的沙漠地帶; (C) 在開發中國家。

1 . What does Paul think about drilling hurting ocean life? (A) He thinks drilling is of great danger to local ocean life. (B) He thinks the supporting argument is outdated. (C) He thinks it will be of no danger in twenty years. (D) He thinks that drilling poses no danger. 保羅對「鑽井會危害海洋生物」的看法是 this argument is outdated(這 種說法早就過時了),故答案為 (B)。(A) 他認為鑽井對當地海洋生物相當危 險; (C) 他認為在二十年內不會有危險; (D) 他認為鑽井不會造成(pose) 危險,此為陷阱選項,因為保羅說的是 would pose very little danger to the environment(對環境的傷害微乎其微),可見危險還是存在,只是影響 很小。

1 . How long does Frank say it would take to extract the oil? (A) More than twenty years (B) More than fifteen years (C) More than ten years (D) Less than five years 法蘭克說 . . . drilling in these areas will take five to ten years to get underway. It will take longer to extract the oil . . .( ……在這些地區鑽 井需要五到十年的時間進行。若要採得石油……則需要更多時間),可見答案 應為 (C)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC


題目為:「保羅有哪個論點沒被法蘭克反駁(rebut)?」,答案應為 (A) 鑽井 技術已有進步。(B) 環境敏感區可以鑽井採油; (C) 鑽井只會對環境敏感區造 成微小的破壞; (D) 鑽井會降低油價。

1 0. What is Frank’s response to Paul’s claim about oil prices?

(A) That such drilling would only lower prices for a short time (B) That such drilling would actually raise oil prices (C) That such drilling would not lower oil prices now (D) That such drilling would increase prices in other commodities 法蘭克在信中提到 So, I hardly see how that will lower prices now. (因此我看不出來油價會立即下降。),因此最接近的答案是 (C) 。 (A) 鑽 井只會使油價下降一陣子 ; (B) 鑽井會提高油價 ; (D) 鑽井會使其他商品 (commodity)漲價。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

1 . What point does Frank NOT address when rebutting Paul’s argument? (A) That drilling technology has made advancements (B) That environmentally sensitive areas should be drilled for oil (C) That drilling poses little damage to environmentally sensitive areas (D) That drilling would lower oil prices

410 Reading Comprehension

Questions 191–195 refer to the following rating chart and review. 評審一 :

Judge One:


The New Trade-Web Ad Hits the Wrong Buttons

幽默感 : 一點五顆星

Timeliness: Humor: Originality: Memorableness:

★★ ☆ ★ ☆☆ ★★★★

時間掌握度 : 二點五顆星 原創性 : 四顆星 難忘程度 : 三顆星

★★★☆ 評審二 :

Judge Two: New Trade-Web Ad for Babies The recent Trade-Web ad, which fe atures a talk ing bab y pur cha sin g sto ck onl ine , is a complete waste of ad space. Ho w could the ad folks at Trade-Web pull such a cliché stunt? The only thing worse than a talkin g baby, in my humble opinion, is a talking dog or cat. That gimmick has been employed so often it ceases to be cut e or eng agi ng for vie we rs. Tha nk heavens Trade-Web didn’t take that route, but it was almost just as bad. Where is the talent in these giant ad agencies? How can these people justify the ridiculous salaries they are paid? And to top off this bad judgment, the commercial spot even seeks to disgust and sho ck the casual viewrime er. At tithe conclusion of the ad, the child vom its. Du rin g a pri me tim e sho w — dur ing dinner and family time—we are subjected to a baby getting sick on a laptop. All that can be said is that this ad will go down a s one of the worst of this year. But, we’ll all reme mber it.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

新的交易網廣告實在幼稚 最近交易網廣告的內容,是 一個會說話的嬰兒上網買股票, 這真是浪費廣告時段。交易網的 廣告企劃怎麼會用這麼老套的噱 頭?依我個人淺見,唯一比會說 話的嬰兒還糟的就是會說話的狗 或貓。這一招已經被濫用,觀眾 早就不覺得可愛討喜了。感謝老 天爺,他們沒有用小狗小貓,不 過用嬰兒也一樣糟。這些大型廣 告公司的人才在哪裡?這些人要 如何為自己的高薪合理化?這項 決策已經夠爛了,更爛的是,廣 告短片甚至會讓一般觀眾感到噁 心和震驚。在廣告結束時,這個 小孩吐了起來。這個廣告在黃金 時段的節目裡播出,這是全家一 起吃晚飯的時間,而我們居然得 看著一個嬰兒吐在筆記型電腦上 面。我只能說,這支廣告絕對會 是今年最爛的廣告之一。不過我 們都會記得這支廣告。

• timeliness 適時 ; 時間掌 握度 • memorableness 值得懷 念;難忘 • stunt 噱頭;特技 • gimmick 花招 • engaging 可愛的;迷人的 • top off 以……作為結束 • conclusion 結尾 • prime time 黃金時段


第一位評審在原創性(originality)這一項給了滿分四顆星,故選 (C)。

1 2. What did Judge Two think of the final part of the ad? (A) It was cliché. (B) It was disgusting. (C) It was humorous. (D) It was boring. 題目為:「第二位評審對廣告的結尾有何看法?」,文章提到 the commercial spot even seeks to disgust and shock the casual viewer(廣告短片甚至 會讓一般觀眾感到噁心和震驚) ,可見答案是 (B)。(A) 是陷阱選項,老套是指 「會說話的嬰兒」這個構想,而不是指結局部份。

1 3. Which of the following do the judges agree on? (A) The ad will be remembered for a long time. (B) The ad made them laugh. (C) The ad was made for children. (D) The ad is perfect for the market. 第一位評審就難忘程度( memorableness )給了三顆星;第二位評審提到 we’ll all remember it(我們都會記得這支廣告),故答案是 (A)。

1 . What is the talking baby doing in the ad? (A) Trying to tell a joke (B) Demonstrating how to buy children’s stockings (C) Showing how to buy a stock (D) Explaining how a parent should change a diaper 第 二 位 評 審 在 開 頭 就 說 這 支 廣 告 w h i c h f e a t u r e s a t a l k i n g b a b y purchasing stock online, is a complete waste of ad space(以一個會 說話的嬰兒上網買股票為訴求),因此答案應該為 (C)。(A) 想要講笑話; (B) 示範(demonstrate)如何買孩童長襪; (D) 說明父母應如何換尿布。

1 . Where does the child vomit in the ad? (A) On his mother (B) On his father (C) On a computer (D) On his lap 第二位評審在文章後段有提到 we are subjected to a baby getting sick on a laptop(我們居然得看著一個嬰兒吐在筆記型電腦上面),因此最合適的選 項是 (C)。 Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

1 1. What does Judge One NOT complain about? (A) How important the ad is for today’s viewers (B) How funny the ad is (C) How original the ad is (D) How memorable the ad is

412 Reading Comprehension

Questions 196–200 refer to the following witness accounts.

Witness One I was in the back of the store when I heard the clerk shout to the elderly woman to be careful walking down aisle three. He was at the cash register helping another customer. He said the floor was still wet from mopping. Well, just about that time, the woman turned down that aisle, and I then saw her fall down. The clerk ran to help her, and so did I. Everything seemed fine, since the woman was able to stand on her own and walk out of the store. She even told us she didn’t

證人一: 當我聽到店員對那位婆婆大喊走 在第三走道要小心時,我人正在 商店的後頭。他在收銀機那裡服 務另一位顧客。他說地板剛拖過 還很溼。喔,就在那時候,那位 婆婆就轉進了第三走道,接著我 就看到她跌倒了。店員跑過去幫 她,我也跑過去了。一切似乎都 沒事,因為那個婆婆可以自己站 起來、走出商店。她甚至還跟我 們說不需要我們幫忙。說實在 的,得知她要告店家害她受傷的 時候,我還挺驚訝的。

• cash register 收銀機 • sue 控告 • injury 傷害

need our help. To be honest, I was very surprised to discover she is suing the store for injuries.

證人二 :

Witness Two The clerk was busy at the front of the store, wrapping up an item for me. I saw the elderly woman begin to walk down aisle three, which still looked shiny and wet from mopping. From what I remember, I didn’t see a sign warning customers not to walk down the aisle. After the woman was halfway down the aisle, the clerk looked up and shouted for her not to walk there because the floor was slippery. But it was too late. The woman had already slipped and fallen. We all ran to help the woman stand again.

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

店員當時在前頭,忙著幫我把東 西包起來。我看到那位婆婆開始 往第三走道走去,走道看起來剛 拖過,還溼溼亮亮的。根據我的 印象,我沒看到有警告標誌叫客 人別走第三走道。那位婆婆走到 中間的時候,店員抬起頭。對她 大叫說不要走那裡,因為地板很 滑。但是已經來不及了,婆婆已 經滑倒了。我們都跑去扶婆婆站 起來。

• slippery 滑的


第一名證人提到: He said the floor was still wet from mopping.(他說 地板剛拖過還很溼。),因此答案為 (B) 。 (A) 地板該拖了; (C) 地板剛打過 蠟; (D) 要準備拖地板了。

1 . Why is Witness One surprised to discover the woman is suing the store? (A) Because at the time of the accident, she didn’t seem hurt (B) Because the woman has been a regular customer there for years (C) Because the woman told the clerk the accident was her own fault (D) Because the woman told the clerk she would not sue the store 第一名證人提到,意外發生後,the woman was able to stand on her own and walk out of the store(那個婆婆可以自己站起來、走出商店), 可見當時婆婆看起來沒受傷,故應選 (A) 。 (B) 因為婆婆是店裡多年的常客 (regular customer); (C) 因為婆婆告訴店員,這起意外是她的錯; (D) 因 為婆婆告訴店員說她不會告那間店。

1 . Where was Witness Two standing in the store? (A) In the front of the store (B) In the back of the store (C) Next to the elderly woman (D) In the third aisle 第二名證人說: The clerk was busy at the front of the store, wrapping up an item for me.(店員當時在前頭,忙著幫我把東西包起來。),可見 (A) 為正確選項。

1 . What is different between the two accounts?

(A) The fact that the clerk called out to the woman (B) The time that the clerk called out to the woman (C) Where the clerk was when the woman fell (D) How fast the clerk came when the woman fell 題目為:「兩者間的陳述有何不同?」,第一名證人說,店員先喊要小心,婆 婆才走進第三走道;但第二名證人說,店員喊小心的時候,婆婆已經走到第 三走道中間了,因此答案應為 (B) 店員叫住婆婆的時間點。(A) 店員有大聲提 醒婆婆的事實; (C) 婆婆跌倒時店員所在的位置; (D) 婆婆跌倒時店員有多快 過去幫忙。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC

Test 2 Answer Key

1 . What does Witness One say about the aisle’s floor? (A) The floor needed to be mopped. (B) The floor was recently mopped. (C) The floor was waxed recently. (D) The floor was about to be mopped.

414 Reading Comprehension

200. Which account would the elderly woman most likely agree with? (A) Witness One’s (B) Witness Two’s (C) The clerk’s (D) Both Witness One and Two’s 第二名證人提到 I didn’t see a sign warning customers not to walk down the aisle(我沒看到有警告標誌叫客人別走第三走道),又說店員是在 婆婆走到第三走道以後才大喊要小心,在在顯示店家有疏失,因此婆婆比較可 能同意第二名證人的說詞,故選 (B)。

Getting It Right on the New TOEIC





101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110




Part 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Part 1

111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20






Part 2

121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130


21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30






131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140


31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40







141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150




Part 6

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


Part 3

151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60







161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170




Part 7

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70


171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180


71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80






Part 4

TOEIC 模擬測驗 (1)答 案 紙


181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190


81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90






191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200


91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100









Part 1 No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Part 5 No.

101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110





Part 2 No.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120



131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140


31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40






Part 3 No.

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50



Part 6 No.

141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60




161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170





Part 7

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70


171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180


71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80






Part 4

TOEIC® 模擬測驗 (2)答 案 紙 No.

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130


81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90


181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190






91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100


191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200





TOEIC® 測驗分數換算對照表 完成兩回模擬測驗後,先核對答案,確認答對的題數,各單元答對的題數就是該 單元的原始分數,分別計算聽力與閱讀的原始分數後再對照下表,就可以換算出 實際的得分。 多益測驗分數換算對照表 原始測驗 分數換算



原始測驗 分數換算



100- 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 30 2 20 10 0 00 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 330 32 320 31 310 300 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 2

0 0 0 0 3 30 2 20 1 10 0 00 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 33 330 32 320 310 30 300 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 23 230 22 220

0 3 2 1 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 32 31 30 2 2 2 2 2 2 23 22 21 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 12 11 10 1-3

2 0 2 2 0 230 220 21 210 200 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 13 130 12 120 11 110 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 30 2 20 1 10

21 210 200 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 130 12 120 11 110 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 30 2 20 1 10 10

國家圖書館出版品預行編目資料 新多益藍皮書 = Getting It Right on the New TOEIC /

LiveABC 互動英語教學集團編譯 . —— 初版 . —— 臺北市:希伯崙公司,民 . 0 面; 公分 ISBN - - 0 -03- (平裝附光碟片) 1. 多益測驗 2. 問題集 0 . 1 00 0


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