OWN A PIECE OF ADIRONDACK HISTORY Situated on scenic Fourth Lake, part of the Fulton Chain of Lakes, the historic Fieldstone Estate provides the perfect private setting for a vacation home or family compound. Built in approximately 1893 on 11+ acres, the granGHXU RI WKH UXVWLF *UHDW /RGJH FDQ EH IHOW WKURXJKRXW HDFK URRP IURP WKH PDVVLYH *UHDW 5RRP ZLWK ÀHOGVWRQH ÀUHSODFH DQG DFFHQWV WR WKH $UWV &UDIWV VW\OH ZLQGRZV JUDFLQJ HDFK ZDOO DOORZLQJ IRU H[WHQVLYH QDWXUDO OLJKW There is no shortage of space for overnight guests in the 5 bedrooms and sitting area upstairs, each providing a bright and airy feeling in true camp fashion. 6LWXDWHG D IHZ VWHSV DZD\ LV WKH 0DLQ +RXVH IHDWXULQJ D ODUJH OLYLQJ GLQLQJ DUHD ZLWK ÁRRU WR FHLOLQJ ZLQGRZV RYHUORRNLQJ WKH ZDWHU D ODUJH FR]\ OLYLQJ URRP ZLWK ÀUHSODFH DQG EHGURRPV EHDXWLIXOO\ ÀQLVKHG PRGHUQ rustic bathrooms boast expert craftsmanship from the tile walk-in showers to the live-edge vanities. ([WUD JXHVWV FDQ HQMR\ SULYDF\ DQG VROLWXGH LQ DGGLWLRQDO FDELQV HDFK IHDWXULQJ NLWFKHQHWWHV DQG OLYLQJ VSDFHV &RQJUHJDWH WRJHWKHU RQ WKH ÀHOGVWRQH SDWLR RU VLW ODNHVLGH RQ WKH ÁRDWLQJ GRFN EHORZ WDNLQJ LQ WKH EHDXW\ RI the area.