TransNusa #4

Page 1

Apr - Jun 10


experience the wonder

Labuan Bajo gateway to komodo VOTE FOR KOMODO NEW 7 WONDERS OF NATURE

Sembalun Lombok’s hidden valley


very dry; stirred not shaken

Welcome Message

TransNusa Inflight Magazine

To customers of Beberapa dari Anda mungkin baru pertamakali terbang kedaerah timur Indonesia, dimana terbentang pulau-pulau yang indah dan menarik. Kami TransNusa merasa bangga mendapat kesempatan penting untuk dapat mengantar perjalanan Anda ketempat-tempat terpencil dengan nyaman dan aman. Tidak semua dari kita memiliki waktu yang panjang untuk menempuh jalan darat atau lautan ke Komodo, oleh sebab itu kami dari TransNusa mencoba membuat perjalanan Anda lebih mudah. Anda mungkin pernah terbang dengan pesawat Jet terbaru kami – BAE 146/200 yang di operasikan oleh AVIASTAR yang mana begitu banyak dari Anda mengatakan kepada saya bahwa perjalanan ke Komodo (Labuan Bajo) beranjak ketingkat yang baru. Sangat mudah untuk membuat perjalanan opsional selama tinggal di pulau Bali dan melihat atraksi lain yang paling unik di planet ini – Pulau Komodo. Seiring dengan kebijakan kami untuk meningkatkan jumlah penerbangan ke daerah-daerah spektakuler, kami juga aktif berpartisipasi untuk menyebarkan informasi tentang tempattempat tersebut pada Asean Tourism Forum (ATF) di Brunei, Januari 2010 dan Deep Indonesia di Jakarta, Maret 2010. Jika dilihat dari jumlah peserta dan pengunjung pameran tampak dengan jelas betapa populernya “Wisata Indonesia” dimata Dunia. TransNusa juga aktif meng-kampanye-kan Komodo sebagai New 7 Wonders of Nature, untuk itu saya ingin mengajak Anda untuk melakukan voting ke sampai dengan akhir Desember 2010 ini. Melalui TransNusa Inflight Magazine kami terus mencoba mempromosikan atraksi-ataraksi yang dapat disuguhkan oleh Indonesia terutama bagian Timur. Dan dalam edisi ini kami akan membawa Anda ke beberapa lokasi yang luar biasa: tidak hanya ke Komodo, tetapi juga ke daerah-daerah yang kurang dikenal seperti daerah pegunungan yang indah di Lombok, yang dikenal sebagai Sembalun “Shangri-La” yang tersembunyi dan Labuan Bajo – pintu gerbang ke kepulauan Komodo yang memiliki atraksi unik tersendiri. Jika Anda tidak dalam penerbangan menuju kota-kota dalam majalah ini – mungkin lain kali!, begitu banyak yang dapat Anda nikmati di daerah timur Indonesia .... Dan tentunya saya tidak lupa mengucapkan selamat menikmati penerbangan Anda!!

TransNusa Air Services

Welcome aboard!

Some of you are probably flying for the first time across the skies of eastern Indonesia on your way to some of the most idyllic and interesting islands in the archipelago. Let me say how proud we at TransNusa are to be instrumental in affording the opportunity for travel to these out-of-the-way places in comfort and safety. Not all of us have the time to take the slow overland or sea routes to destinations like Komodo. It’s easy now to make an optional trip while staying on the island of Bali to see what is one of the and most unique natural attractions on the planet – Komodo island. You may be flying on our latest acquisition – the BAE 146/200 of AviaStar which so many of you have told me has taken travel to Komodo (Labuan Bajo) to a new level. It’s comfortable and fast and we hope that you are able to readily experience our concern with customer care in the form of our friendly inflight attendants. Not only in the air, but in our many sales offices on the ground, we are aiming for the complete customer-care package where our staff are always happy to assist you. Our sales offices also provide the opportunity for you to vote for Komodo on-line to become one of the new 7 wonders of nature. Along with our policy of improving travel connections to spectacular locations, we are also very concerned with providing information about the many wonderful attractions in Indonesia’s east – with this in mind, we recently participated in the Asean Tourism Forum in Brunei as well as the Deep Indonesia Dive Expo in Jakarta which clearly showed through the numbers of exhibitors, participants and visitors how active and popular marine tourism is throughout Indonesia. Our inflight magazine continues our promotion of the attractions of Indonesia, and in this edition takes you to some remarkable locations: not only to the home of the Komodo dragons, but also to lesser known areas, such as the beautiful mountain area in Lombok, known as Sembalun that still exists like a hidden Shangri-la and Labuan Bajo – very close to Komodo but with unique attractions itself. If you are not on a flight to the destinations in the magazine, maybe next time – there’s so much to enjoy in the east of Indonesia …. And oh yes, enjoy the flight too!!

Juvi Jodjana CEO TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010 | 01

TransNusa Inflight Magazine






04 Gadgets

32 Sembalun

06 Labuan Bajo

38 TransNusa Route Map

lombok’s hidden valley

gateway to komodo

12 Dragons

40 TransNusa Schedules

very dry; stirred not shaken

16 Movies

43 Things to know

18 Lombok

44 News

experience the wonder

28 The Blues what is/are?


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010


TransNusa Inflight Magazine

Photo: Komodo

Publisher The Agency Nakula Plaza A10 Jl. Nakula, Legian Bali, Indonesia 80361 Tel / Fax: +62 361 737 285

TransNusa Inflight magazine is published tri-monthly The views or opinions expressed or implied in TransNusa Inflight Magazine are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of TransNusa or The Agency.

Editor Tim

We welcome readers’ photographs and articles but cannot accept liability for loss or damage however caused.

Contributors Budhy, Steve Bolton, Wiwik

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or trasmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of The Agency

Director Wiwik Mulyani Graphics Arif Novianto, Novie Makatita Sales Andika Hp: +62 81 236 127 327 | +62 361 743 3013 Admin Ganetrix, Yosi

Advertising enquiries & stories:

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We Can Help Ph +62 361 737 285 Winner “Best ad campaign” Yak awards 2009 Nakula Plaza A10 | Jl. Nakula, Legian, Bali, Indonesia 80361

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010 | 03

TransNusa Inflight Magazine


Canon PowerShot G11 Informasi Gadget terbaru 2010 Kamera Canon PowerShot G11. Mungkin Anda akan tertawa melihat bentuknya yang retro. Namun, jangan salah, di balik body jadulnya, kamera saku papan atas ini memiliki jiwa layaknya kamera SLR. Canon telah memperkenalkan kamera saku ini sebagai suksesor seri Power Shot G10 terdahulu. Dengan lensa 28140mm nya, Canon PowerShot G11 bakal menggantikan G10 di pasaran. Namun sayang G11 ini memiliki sensor 10MP [3744 x 2784], daripada G10 yang memiliki sensor 15MP [4480 x 3348]. Untungnya Canon telah membenamkan prosesor DIGIC 4 dalam G11, yang membuat kamera ini makin responsif. Salah satu fitur unggulan lainnya adalah sistem Dual Anti-Noise, yang memiliki sensitivitas sensor 2-stop lebih tinggi dibanding G10. Kamera retro ini juga memiliki teknologi i-contrast, yang berfungsi mengurangi cahaya over ataupun under.

USB Lego-themed Ajay Bhatt dari Intel memang pantas berstatus sebagai rock star. Tanpa kerja kerasnya tersebut saat ini mungkin tidak ada hal yang menakjubkan dari device USB, seperti gambar hub di atas. Legothemed adalah sesuatu yang terbaru (meski bukan Lego速-branded) seperti hub USB yang peragakan di atas, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menambahkan perangkat USB elegan ke setup Anda dalam 4 blok.

Sony NV-U35

alat navigasi (GPS) untuk dipasang di sepeda Apakah kita butuh sebuah GPS di sepeda? Setidaknya Sony bisa memenuhi kebutuhan sebuah GPS yang ditargetkan untuk pengendara sepeda. Sony NV-U35 adalah sebuah GPS dengan ukuran layar 3,5 inch (QVGA) yang dibuat untuk disandingkan dengan sebuah sepeda. Karena digunakan di outdoor, Sony NV-U35 dibuat anti lecet, anti air dan lainnya yang membuat kita tidak perlu kuatir akan kondisi alam di luar sana. Alat ini juga mendukung 3D View untuk membuat kita lebih mudah mengikuti rute yang ada. Sony NV-U35 akan mulai dijual bulan April di Jepang sana dengan harga 37.000 Yen (sekitar hampir Rp. 4 jutaan). Mahal?? Sony gitu loh!!!


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

Text :

gateway to komodo

Pada tahun 1970-an, ketika dunia luar pertama kali mengetahui tentang Komodo, desa nelayan yang sepi Labuan Bajo, terletak di ujung barat pulau Flores, sekitar 400 km sebelah barat pulau Bali, menjadi pintu gerbang utama menuju ke Taman Nasional Komodo.


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

In the 1970s, when the outside world first became curious about the giant dragons of Komodo, the sleepy fishing village of Labuan Bajo, located on the west tip of West Flores and some 400 km west of Bali, served as the traditional starting point for the adventurous boat-based excursions to the nearby Komodo National Park.

Labuan Bajo Photo by The Agency

Membentang sepanjang lereng curam yang menghadap ke tepi laut yang sibuk oleh para nelayan dan kapalkapal wisata, desa Labuan Bajo merupakan rumah bagi lebih kurang 12.000 penduduk yang datang dari berbagai daerah di seluruh nusantara. Labuan Bajo saat

Stretched along a seaside escarpment overlooking a busy fishing and tourist port, the village of Labuan Bajo is home to some 12,000 locals form all over the archipelago. With its recently refurbished airport, scheduled services from Bali are, if you fly TransNusa’s latest operation with AviaStar and its swift and comfortable BAE 4-engine-jet aircraft, a mere 54 minutes away.

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010 | 07

ini telah dilengkapi dengan bandara (Bandara Komodo), penerbangan dari Bali ke Labuan Bajo tersedia setiap hari dengan menggunakan pesawat Avia Star yang dioperasikan oleh TransNusa, berkapasitas 84 penumpang pesawat bermesin 4 jet ini akan menerbangkan anda dengan nyaman dan hanya memerlukan waktu 54 menit. Labuan Bajo merupakan tempat persinggahan bagi turis yang akan melanjutkan perjalanan mereka ke pulau Komodo. Yang dulunya hanya dilengkapi dengan penginapan kecil, sekarang telah tersedia hotel berbintang lengkap dengan segala fasilitasnya. Diantaranya adalah The Jayakarta Suites Komodo Flores dan Ramada Bintang Flores siap memanjakan perjalan dan liburan anda.

Resembling a romantic (though slightly frayed) fishing village from a Somerset Maugham novel, Labuan Bajo has colourful local markets, restaurants, warungs and accommodation options ranging from guest houses to some new upscale medium sized hotels with every modern facility. A good selection of local and western foods in small restaurants at moderate prices can be found clinging to the cliff overlooking panoramic views of the sea. Try Paradise Cafe! Information and bookings for trips to the National Park, diving expeditions, fishing trips and overland journeys can easily be arranged through local tour and travel operators based in Labuan Bajo.

Labuan Bajo “Marina� Photo by The Agency

Kota nelayan yang romantis mirip cerita novel Somerset karya Maugham. Labuan Bajo memiliki pasar local yang


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

Photos courtesy of

berwarna-warni, warung-warung dan restoran yang menyediakan hidangan local maupun international dengan harga yang relative cukup murah. Salah satunya adalah Paradise Café, terletak tepat ditepi tebing memiliki pemandangan yang spektakuler untuk menikmati matahari terbenam, ditemani dengan minuman segar dan musik yang dilantukan para musisi Flores.

The attractions

Informasi dan pemesanan untuk perjalanan ke Komodo, ekspedisi diving, memancing dan perjalanan darat

Many largely uninhabited islands with white sandy beaches, crystal clear waters and many reefs provide retreats and opportunities for

Designated a “World Heritage Site” by UNESCO in 1991, Komodo National Park is famous for its prehistoric Komodo Dragons – the world’s largest lizard found only in the park and some close-by areas of West Flores. But they are only one of the many wonders to which Labuan Bajo is now a gateway.

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Photos courtesy of

dapat dengan mudah dilakukan melalui wisata lokal dan operator perjalanan yang berbasis di Labuan Bajo.

Atraksi Pada tahun 1991, UNESCO menetapkan Taman National Komodo sebagai “Dunia Heriatge Site” terkenal karena memiliki kadal terbesar didunia - Komodo Dragons – dan hanya ditemukan didaerah Flores Barat. Tapi itu hanya salah satu saja dari sekian banyak keajaiban yang Labuan Bajo suguhkan. Banyak sekali pulau-pulau kecil tak berpenghuni dengan pantai berpasir putih, air jernih dan banyak karang membuka peluang untuk bersantai, berenang atau bersnorkeling dan menyelam menikmati alam sekitar. Dive operator local akan membantu memilih tempat menyelam terbaik yang cocokkan sesuai dengan selera dan tingkat kemampuan Anda untuk menikmati keajaiban dunia bawah laut di kepulauan Komodo ini. Ketika petualangan berakhir, Labuan Bajo akan menyambut Anda kembali untuk bersantai sejenak sambil bersiap-siap untuk melanjutkan perjalanan mencari keajaiban lain yang ada di Indonesia. Jangan lupa untuk memilih Komodo menjadi salah satu new 7wonders of nature! How to get there


Setiap hari TransNusa Air Services melayani penerbangan ke Labuan Bajo. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi kantor TransNusa terdekat di kota Anda (atau buka halaman 40).

| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

relaxing, swimming or snorkeling and diving. Local dive operators help select the best dive spot to match every diver’s taste and level of competence. High voltage current dives, gentle drift dives, cliff dives, cave dives – you name it, the underwater wonder of the Komodo islands awaits you. And when the adventure is over, Labuan Bajo will welcome you back as you prepare to leave, having experienced another of the wonders of Indonesia. Don’t foreget to vote for Komodo to become one of the new 7wonders of nature! Daily flights to Labuan Bajo are operated by TransNusa Air Services. For further information, please contact the TransNusa office at each destination (further details available P40).

Sh eer Comf



n its own white sandy beach resides East Indonesia’s newest and most exciting resort, The Jayakarta Suites. All eight floors of the 4-star resort have rooms of elegant luxury waiting for your return from the attractions of Labuan Bajo: spectacular diving, snorkeling and fishing in crystal blue waters surrounded by amazing mountain scenery and the ancient habitats of Komodo dragons, Komodo island only 90-minutes away by sea and Rinca island, a mere 45 minutes away.

The Jayakarta Suites fast facts Location An area dedicated as an ecological destination – “a place for tourists, leisure and adventure.” With various activities, facilities and services are provided, it’s no doubt became your next Holiday destination.

Accommodation 71 suite rooms including Deluxe suites, Jayakarta suites and Presidential suite.

Dining Coffee Shop, Bar, 24-hour in-room dining.

Facilities Meeting Rooms, Fitness Center, Sauna & Massage Centre, Swimming Pool, Tennis Court, Jogging Track, Karaoke.

Business & Conferences




Fully equipped 350-person meeting room for conventions and incentive programs.


The Jayakarta Suites, at last an accommodation choice that brings luxury and comfort to the dramatic east of Indonesia.

fficial air



| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

DRAGONS very dry; stirred not shaken Text : Steve Bolton

While it’s possible to cruise the pristine waters of the Komodo islands in the lap of luxury, out intrepid writer and his entourage show that steerage and deck class can be just as rewarding – if not just as fun. Strange beasts, crystal clear waters, stunning sunsets, and a network of small islands fit for a James Bond movie - all await visitors to the island of Komodo just a 4-hour boat ride from mainland Flores to the East of Indonesia’s atoll milky way. Since there’s nowhere to stay on Komodo, visits are often made as part of a short tour that includes the Flores port town of Labuan Bajo, Rinca island, and Komodo as the climax of the tour. Many package deals are available, most of which include at least one night on a boat. It can be a rough night but well worth the back ache. We opted for a three-day package that began with a short flight from Bali to Labuan Bajo. Our party included two adults and two boys age 5 and 10. Approaching Labuan Bajo from the air, hundreds of small islands come into view, each boasting a thick halo of white sandy beach and an even thicker outer aura of coral. Aware that this is what we were about to be sailing through, we knew we were in for some spectacular panorama. After our landing at Bandara Komodo, our tour guide escorted us to the boat in a clapped out microbus - the first reflection of the extremely low price we had paid for the holiday. The Flores guys moved quickly to the front seats, stretched out and lit up, leaving the rest of us to huddle in the back, unable to sit up straight, and craning our necks towards the open door as a thick plume of clove cigarette smoke soon began to drift to the rear of the smoke capsule. Fortunately the suffering did not last, as the driver, a blood relative of Lewis Hamilton, brought us swiftly to the dock and just a few steps from the boat. Here was the next sign of the low price of the trip - a single deck fishing vessel with a small, at most three-birth cabin. We all eyed each other a little apprehensively - my brother-in-law and I, the two boys, and two strangers who had been bundled into the microbus with us. Including the guide and the crew of the boat we numbered 9. Clearly the plan was for the

guests t tto sleep l on ddeckk - really ll tthe h only l di ddisappointment i t t off th tthe h ttrip. i I hhadd specifically checked with the tour operator to make sure we would have a boat to ourselves, but later read in Lonely Planet that tour operators are apt to increase numbers at the last minute. But what to do? We were there, and the boat’s engines were already running. Loudly. So we boarded the boat and introduced ourselves to the strangers, who to be fair were as surprised as we were to find themselves in such large company. Irritation soon turned to eager apprehension as the boat made its way out of the harbour and into island-filled open water. But for the boat’s engine, which was louder than the AviaStar BAE and slightly louder than the microbus’ exhaust, all was idyllic - cool wind, clear skies, mildly choppy water, and high hopes of things to come. Just as our stomachs started rumbling, a feast of various kinds of seafood appeared on the boat’s table for four, and the nine of us sat down to eat. The food was varied enough to satisfy all tastes, even the boys, and when we awoke from our siestas we found ourselves entering a gorgeous bay, at the end of which two other boats were moored at the entrance to Rinca National Park. What lay ahead was a 5km walk across rocky but by no means unsurpassable terrain. There was plenty of time to look at the wildlife and many opportunities to take a rest. Indeed after barely 5 minutes of walking, our guide was already shouting his whispered mantra ‘dragon over there, take foto’, after which he leaned against his 8ft walking stick-cum-dragon deflector, and waited patiently as people took copious bad photographs of animals spied through several metres of dense foliage. Oooh.. we all cooed. The most impressive part of the tour is knowing that the whole island is a self-sufficient eco system within which the food chain is not tampered with by humans. Dragons are not fed. They eat other animals, often weeks after they have infected them with small but poisonous bites. The water buffalo we saw with chunks of flesh missing will not be drinking from that river for much longer! TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010 | 13

Cleverly, the final stage of the tour is downhill and offers breathtaking views of the island and finally the sea, just as the afternoon sun is approaching the islet-contoured horizon. There had been so much to see that we hadn’t noticed our energy draining, and we were all looking forward to some more of that fancy seafood back on the boat. After another fantastic meal, the crew began arranging bedding and moved the boat away from the dock, finally weighing anchor towards the middle of the sheltered bay, whose waters soon became cool and still. It was a moment I had been looking forward to from the start of the trip – floating gently in the calm, crystal clear water of a tropical paradise at dusk. Sadly there was more to this picture than the description given by Joseph Conrad, and more recently Lonely Planet. The fact is that we were not alone. In total six boats were anchored in the bay, each carrying parties of tourists, some of whom were quieter than others. Actually it was amazing that we could hear the Russians above the din made by the boats’ engines and electricity generators. We know they were Russians because after around 11pm, when the last of the generators had been turned off, the singing could be heard perfectly clearly well into the night. The Swiss schnapps we had taken along was not enough to force my body to accept either the background noise, or the painful excuse for a mattress that I had been given. But sleep I finally did, for I will never forget the rude awakening caused by the boat’s engines firing up at around 5am. Unable to get back to sleep, I squinted through the darkness and gulped in the fresh sea air, as the boat plowed through some alarmingly rough seas on its way to Komodo. As dawn began to break, I took a few photographs of the technicolor sky, and felt happy that I had been deprived of slumber – a happiness made complete by the arrival on deck of hot coffee and freshly fried bananas. Gradually the others roused themselves and all took turns in the boat’s sardine can of a toilet. The seas became calmer, and breakfast was served as we entered a larger bay than the previous day’s and arrived just ahead of the other five boats at the entrance to Komodo National Park. 14

| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

Our guide must have been feeling sorry for us on this second day, as this time we walked for only about 2km. Having been warned that we might not see any dragons as this was mating season, we actually saw more than a few. One was even kind enough to lead us for some 25m along one of the man-made walking paths that criss-cross throughout the park. Just like the previous day, the walk ended with a descent from one of the island’s peaks, and spectacular views of the bay and the six white specks bobbing up and down close to the beach, waiting to whisk us away. After a brief visit to the island’s impressive visitors’ centre, we boarded the boat and set off in search of reef. There would be time for a spot of snorkeling before lunch, and memories of those desert islands seen from the air had us wetting ourselves with anticipation. Now I’ll never know why all six boats had to anchor together at the same bay, but who cares? The water was unreal – at least 30m visibility, teeming with fish, and weird looking coral straight out of that James Bond film, and exotically coloured birds of prey circling overhead. After lunch there was the feeling that the holiday was coming to an end, with relatively little to look forward to after the 4-hour journey back to Labuan Bajo. But then, after checking into a very average hotel, we walked over to the other side of town to see the sunset from a restaurant we had heard about, aptly named ‘Paradise Restaurant’. From the restaurant’s high vantage point, the islands closest to Labuan Bajo resemble, in silhouette, a woman lying on her back along the horizon. The view really is spectacular, and what with this and the previous two days’ other adventures, a sound night’s sleep was had by all. After a brief stop at some rather bizarre caves, the Philip Morris microbus returned us to Labuan Bajo airport, and our holiday of three days that had felt more like three weeks had finally drawn to a close. If you think this might be the thing for you, then all you need is walking shoes, sun cream, and a hat. And perhaps a bottle of gin. Maybe a spring bed. Industrial strength ear plugs. A couple of Ian Fleming novels.

TransNusa Inflight Magazine

DVDs The Losers

Awalnya tim khusus ini hanya tahu kalau mereka ditugaskan ke belantara Bolivia untuk sebuah misi penghancuran. Tanpa mereka sadari, seseorang bernama Max (Jason Patric) telah menyusup ke dalam organisasi CIA dan memastikan tim ini tak akan pernah kembali. Untungnya tim super ini berhasil lolos dari maut dan Max tak sadar kalau mereka sebenarnya masih hidup. Dengan bantuan Aisha (Zoe Saldana) yang ternyata punya agenda sendiri, lima prajurit handal ini pun merancang balas dendam mereka pada Max. Meski terdengar mudah, misi ini sebenarnya hampir mustahil karena tak satupun dari kelima prajurit ini boleh terlihat karena status mereka saat ini telah dianggap mati.

Jenis Film Sutradara Produksi Pemain

:Action :Sylvain White :Warner Bros. Pictures :Chris Evans, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Zoe Saldana, Jason Patric, Columbus Short, Jeremy Renner, Idris Elba

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Prince Dastan harus mendapatkan pisau waktu (dagger of time) yang bisa membuka The Sands of Times (The Sandstorm). Jika The Sands of Times terbuka maka akan menghancurkan dunia. Tugas Prince Dastan dan Princess Tamina untuk merebut pisau dan membawanya ke The Secret Guardian High Temple. Dengan produser Jerry Bruckheimer, yang sama dengan Pirates of Caribean, Prince of Persia menampilkan spesial efek bagus dengan aksi loncat sana loncat sini sama seperti permainan gamenya. Prince of Persia adalah game aksi petualangan yang dibuat oleh Jordan Mechner. Sekitar 7 seri telah dikeluarkan hingga tahun 2008. Sedangkan game seri ke-8 “Prince of Persia : The Forgotton Sands� akan dikeluarkan di pertengahan 2010 bersamaan dengan filmnya yang berjudul Prince of Persia : The Sands of Time.

jenis Film Sutradara Produksi Pemain

:Action :Mike Newell :Walt Disney Pictures :Jake Gyllenhaal, Ben Kingsley, Gemma Arterton, Alfred Molina, Toby Kebbell, Reece Ritchie

Kick-Ass KICK-ASS bercerita tentang remaja rata-rata Dave Lizewski (Aaron Johnson), sebuah buku komik fanboy yang mengilhaminya sehingga ia memutuskan untuk mengambil obsesinya menjadi superhero dalam kehidupan nyata. Seperti superhero yang lain, ia memilih nama baru Kick-Ass merakit pakaian dan mengenakan topeng, untuk bekerja memerangi kejahatan. Hanya ada satu masalah; dia tidak memiliki kekuatan atau jurus adikuasa sama sekali. Hidupnya berubah selamanya ketika ia menginspirasi seorang copycat, diburu oleh berbagai macam karakter kekerasan dan tidak menyenangkan, dan bertemu dengan sepasang preman gila, termasuk 11 tahun sword-wielding dynamo, Hit Girl dan ayahnya, Big Daddy.

Jenis Film :Comedy Sutradara :Matthew Vaughn Produksi :Maple Pictures Pemain :Aaron Johnson, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Mark Strong, ChloĂŤ Moretz, Nicolas Cage, Clark Duke, Evan Peters, Lyndsy Fonseca, Michael Rispoli, Garrett M. Brown, Xander Berkeley, Omari Hardwick


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

Puri Bunga Beach Cottages | Senggigi - Lombok - NTB

Priceless panoramas affordable prices s s s s


TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010 | 17

LOMBOK experience the wonder Text : The Agency


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

Mt. Rinjani crater lake Cidomo Photo by Wiwik

Lombok, adalah pulau besar persis disebelah timur pulau Bali, dengan berbagai macam atraksi yang menakjubkan, cepat berkembang menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata utama di Indonesia. Bandar udara besar akan segera rampung yang dapat mengakomodasikan pesawat terbesar di dunia dan sejumlah kapal cepat pun tersedia diperairan antara Lombok dan Bali.

Lombok, that big island in the ocean directly to the east of Bali is, with its huge variety of stunning attractions (we’ve got it all), fast becoming a major drawcard in Indonesian tourism. With its range of fast boats plying the waters between itself and Bali and its near-to-completion mega airport that can accommodate the largest of the world’s aircraft, it’s off-the-beaten track image is slowly disappearing.

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Gili Trawangan sunset Photo by Tim

Mungkin itu hanya masalah waktu, beberapa orang lebih memilih untuk mengikuti jejak para petualang yang jarang digunakan seperti di National Geographic. Biarkanlah mereka pergi selama berhari-hari tanpa mandi dan makanan yang enak. Sebagian dari kita ingin menikmati dua minggu liburan berharga selepas dari penatnya pekerjaan. Jumlah pengunjung melalui laut meningkat sangat pesat diikuti dengan ledakan jumlah populasi di kepulauan Gili. Pengunjung langsung menuju ke salah satu dari

Perhaps it’s a sign of the times. Most prefer to leave the track less used to adventurers on National Geographic. Let them go for days on end without a bath and a nice meal. The rest of us want to enjoy our precious two weeks off work. Uncork the champagne darling! Numbers arriving by sea have already grown dramatically with the explosion in popularity of the Gili islands. Visitors go direct to one of the three Gili islands (Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno or Gili Air) on any of the regular daily fast boats plying the Lombok Straits between themselves and Bali. The Gili Cat and the Blue Water Express boats are the most popular.


90P0 H

Please call (0361) 271680 for bookings and seat confirmation - - email : Jl. Danau Tamblingan No.51, Sanur 80228, Bali - Indonesia


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

Looking down on Villa Ombak Gili Trawangan Photo courtesy of Villa Ombak

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010 | 21

Clown fish Gili Trawangan Photo by The Agency Senggigi Square Photo by The Agency Gili Trawangan Photo courtesy of Lombok SumbawaPhoto Club

tiga pulau Gili (Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno atau Gili Air) penyebrangan dengan menggunakan fast boat tersedia setiap hari baik itu di Selat Lombok ataupun dari pulau Bali. Gili Cat dan Blue Air Express merupakan fast boat terpopuler yang siap membawa anda kesalah satu pulau tersebut. Merupakan kombinasi atraksi alam dan fasilitas yang luar biasa yang Lombok miliki, daratan dan ketiga pulau Gili yang benar-benar membuat mereka menonjol - mereka terkenal dengan karang birunya dan lebih dari 3.500 spesies habitat laut hidup disana. Penginapan berstandar International dapat dengan mudah anda temui seperti


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

It’s the combination of natural attractions and superb facilites on Lomkbok’s mainland and the three Gili islands that really make them stand out - they are as famous for their blue coral and more than 3,500 species of fish as they are for their superb lodgings like Villa Ombak, Villa Almarik, The Beach House and ko-ko-mo with their restaurants right on the beach. Accommodation on mainland Lombok like Holiday Resort and The Jayakarta have been drawing touritsts to the Senggigi area for many years. Dive shops like Dive Zone and Dream Divers line the beach. Surf breaks on Lombok have become world famous for the quality of the waves. Desert Point on Lombok’s south west is one of the best breaking lefts in the world, while the waves of Grupuk, Ekas and Maui

Villa Almarik

Lotus Bayview A feast of the world’s varied cuisines...

One of the first resorts on Gili Trawangan’s prime beachfront area. Everything is on your doorstep, a white sandy beach on the edge of a wide assemblage of beautiful blue coral and only a few minutes walk from the island’s central area. If you’ve been dreaming of white sandy beaches and crystal clear blue waters, look no further – you’ve found it. Welcome to Villa Almarik.

Dining on a distinct blend of the world’s varied cuisines including Asian and European specialties with an Italian accent, along with a wide selection of beverages, surrounded by Asian flowers and Indonesian antiques, and an enchanting and relaxing atmosphere this is what will await you at our restaurants.

The Resort has 20 simply and elegantly appointed cottages. Each is airconditioned and has a spacious living area, a terrace and a traditional outdoor courtyard attached to the bathroom and is finished with traditional furnishings. A Balinese bale (elevated lounging area) completes each cottage.

Lotus Restaurants have satisfied the most demanding of guests from all corners of the globe and we are proud to have established landmark status at all our locations. After our overwhelming success in Bali it was only natural for us to bring our cuisine and hospitality concept to Lombok island.

A mix of Indonesian and Mediterranean dishes awaits you at our restaurant.

Within the Senggigi Beach Art Center complex, adjacent to Lombok’s Sheraton Hotel lies the Lotus Bayview. The restaurant is only a few meters from the shoreline and from here you can see Bali’s Mount Agung while enjoying a gentle sea breeze. The menu includes the most popular dishes of all Lotus restaurants in Bali.

Gangga Divers at Villa Almarik, a PADI 5 STAR Dive Resort, is managed by the well known Gangga Divers Team. The Dive Center offers a large range of diving courses conducted by professional, PADI instructors, and caters to divers of every age and level of experience.

Witnessing a stunning sunset from Lotus Bayview while indulging in our delicious food will certainly become an unforgettable memory of your stay in Lombok.

Spa at Holiday Resort Lombok Photo courtesy of Holiday Resort Lombok

Villa Ombak, Villa Almarik, The Beach House dan ko-ko-mo. Restoran dan banyak sekali Dive shop seperti Dive Zone dan Dream Divers berjejer disepanjang jalan yang menyuguhkan segala atraksi yang anda inginkan. Akomodasi di daratan Lombok seperti The Jayakarta dan Holiday Resort telah membuat Senggigi menjadi tujuan wisata bagi wisatawan asing dan domestik bertahuntahun lamanya. Surfing di Lombok telah dikenal oleh mata dunia dengan kualitas gelombangnya. Salah satunya adalah Desert Point di Lombok Barat yang memiliki gelombang kiri (left) terbaik di dunia, sedangkan gelombang di Grupuk, Ekas dan Mawi di selatan pantai Kuta Lombok merupakan tempat para peselancar dari Brazil dan Jepang secara teratur mengunjungi tempat ini setiap tahunnya.


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

on the Kuta south coast are now regular points on the yearly exodus for surfers from Brazil to Japan. Lombok’s diamond is Mt. Rinjani. At 3,726 meters, Rinjani waits to be climbed as a safe but arduous 3-day trek to view the turquoise waters of its crater lake. In 2004 Mt Rinjani received a World Legacy

Sunset at Holiday Resort Lombok Photo courtesy of Holiday Resort Lombok The Jayakarta Lombok Photo courtesy of The Jayakarta Lombok

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Surfing Grupuk Photo courtesy of Lombok Sumbawa Photo Club Pure Meru (Hindu Tample) Mataram Photo by The Agency Mawi Sunset Photo courtesy of Lombok Sumbawa Photo Club

Lombok telah lama dikenal dengan Gunung Rinjani trekking. Dengan ketinggian 3.726 meter, Rinjani menunggu untuk didaki. Aman tapi cukup sulit, membutuhkan waktu 3-hari perjalanan. Pada tahun 2004 Gunung Rinjani menerima penghargaan World Legacy Award dari National Geographic untuk pengembangan ekowisata di Taman Nasional Rinjani.

How to get there


Award from National Geographic for developing ecotourism in the Rinjani National Park.

Lombok memiliki budaya yang berbeda dan beraneka ragam dimana istana-istana dan pura-pura tua peninggalan Hindu Bali masih tampak berbaur penuh warna dengan warga asli Sasak.

Lombok has its own distinct and vibrant cultures where palaces and temples dating back to the island’s colonization by Bali still remain in a mix with the colourful indigenous Sasaks.

Ya, Lombok memiliki segalanya.

Yes, Lombok has it all.

Setiap 3 x per hari TransNusa Air Services melayani penerbangan dari/ke Mataram, Sumbawa, Bima dan Denpasar. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi kantor TransNusa terdekat di kota Anda (atau buka halaman 40).

| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

Flights 3 times per day to/from Mataram, Sumbawa, Bima and Denpasar, are operated by TransNusa Air Services. For further information, please contact the TransNusa office at each destination (further details available P40).

for the love of life ko-ko-mo

Beachside Bar & Restaurant

Off the Northwest coast of Lombok floats Gili Trawangan – an island renowned for its’ white sand beaches, aqua clear water, stunning coral reefs, abundant sea life and excellent snorkeling and scuba diving. ko-ko-mo Resort is situated directly opposite the beach, facing the beautiful highlands of Lombok. Eleven 1 and 2 and 3 bedroom private Villas, each with their own freshwater swimming pools, provide an exclusive retreat from the noise and bustle of hectic city life. A fine dining restaurant caters to modern culinary tastes and guests can relax on ko-komo Beach in the evening while sipping on delicious cocktails and enjoying the eclectic music and spectacular views. Gili Trawangan is one of the three main Gilis (small islands), and has a reputation for being relaxed and laid-back, yet sophisticated and chic. It’s the combination of these traits that makes it an increasingly popular place to visit and it is no surprise that many repeat visitors to the island are so captivated that they end up purchasing villas and share in the wonderful lifestyle that Gili Trawangan has to offer.

What is lifestyle without delicious food? Of ko-ko-mo’s restaurant, Fine Restaurants and Villas magazine says “In a sense, they are trying to create one of the world’s greatest, and maybe one of the most difficult to get to, destination restaurants on the planet. But they have one major trick up their sleeve; arriving on that white sandy beach on a beautiful speed boat, booking into a luxurious, but not pretentious, resort and dining in what could be one of the country’s finest restaurants does have a certain hedonistic, ‘I love life to the fullest’ ring to it.”

For more information contact: T: +62 (0)370 642 352 M: +62 (0)813 377 73900 F: +62 (0) 370 649 365 /



What is / are ? Muddy Waters dan Howlin’ Wolf mereka pemain blues. Big Bill Broonzy juga blues, Robert Johnson, Lonnie Johnson, dan mungkin beberapa pemain gitar bernama “Johnson” adalah musisi blues. Cap yang sama diberikan kepada pemain gitar kulit hitam yang bernama “King” - B.B. King, Albert King, dan Freddie King semuanya ini adalah pemain blues. Tetapi Don King bukan pemain blues, walau dia mungkin bisa bermain gitar. Eric Clapton bukan pemain blues. Buddy Guy pemain blues. Phil Guy juga blues. Phil Collins bukan blues. Albert Collins dulunya blues. Fat Albert bukan blues, tetapi memiliki nama seperti itu. Big Mama Thornton pemain blues. Li’l Ed Williams juga blues, tetapi Robin Williams bukan pemain blues. Charles Brown adalah pemain blues, tetapi Charlie Brown dan James


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

Muddy Waters and Howlin ’ Wolf are blues. Big Bill Broonzy is blues. Robert Johnson, Lonnie Johnson, and probably any other guitarplaying “Johnson” is blues. The same statement can be made of any black man playing guitar named “King”—B.B. King, Albert King, and Freddie King are all blues. Don King is not blues, but he doesn’t play guitar, so the rule still holds. Eric Clapton *IS NOT* blues. Buddy Guy is blues. Phil Guy is blues. Phil Collins is not blues. Albert Collins was blues. Fat Albert is not blues, but could be with a name like that. Big Mama Thornton was blues. Li’l Ed Williams is blues, but Robin Williams is not blues. Charles Brown is blues, but Charlie Brown and James Brown are not blues, which is why there is not a “Brown” rule like the “Johnson” and “King” rules. Rufus Thomas is blues, but Dave Thomas is not blues. Anybody with an album on Arhoolie, Alligator, or Yazoo Records is blues. Some people with an album on Atlantic Records are blues, but they may not be getting royalties for it.

Brown bukan pemain blues, ini menunjukkan tidak ada peraturan dengan nama ”Brown” sama halnya dengan nama “Johnson” dan “King”. Rufus Thomas adalah blues, tetapi Dave Thomas tidak blues. Setiap orang dengan album yang berjudul Arhoolie, Alligator, atau Yazoo Records adalah blues. Beberapa orang dengan album yang direlease oleh Atlantic Record adalah blues, tetapi mungkin mereka tidak mendapatkan royalitas untuk itu. Setiap orang yang menggunakan nama panggung dengan kata kunci: “Blind”, “Magic”, “Guitar”, “Sonny”, “Junior”, “Little”, “Big”, “Screaming”, “Lightning” atau nama sebuah kota adalah blues. Ini membuat “Detroit Junior” doubly-blues and “Luther ‘Guitar Jr’, Johnson” triply-blues. Memiliki nama “Blue” didalam namamu bukan berati kamu pemain blues, walaupun “Sugar Blue”, “Bobby ‘Blue’ Bland,” dan B.B. King (“Blues Boy” jika kamu tidak tahu) tiga nama ini diluar merupakan pengecualian. Orang-orang dengan menggunakan nama binatang untuk nama panggilan, seperi Hound Dog Taylor dan Howlin ’Wolf, biasanya blues, tetapi the Animals dan binatang yang ada di Muppets Show bukan blues. Memiliki kata blues didalam sebuah album atau judul lagu, bukan berarti membuat anda menjadi pemain blues. Eric Clapton kadang-kadang bermain blues. Beberapa orang mengatakan dia pemain blues, walau tidak begitu bagus. Stevie Ray Vaughan dulunya blues. Kadang dia bermain musik rock dan kadang bermain musik lainnya, tetapi orang masih mengenalnya sebagai pemain blues. Sama halnya dengan Duane Allman and Johnny Winter, kecuali Johnny Winter yang masih

Anybody using a stage name with any of the following keywords are: blues: “Blind”, “Magic”, “Guitar”, “Sonny”, “Junior”, “Little”, “Big”, “Screaming”, “Lightning” or the name of a city. This makes “Detroit Junior” doubly-blues and “Luther ‘Guitar Jr.’ Johnson” triply-blues. Having the word “Blue” in your name doesn’t necessarily make you blues, although “Sugar Blue”, “Bobby ‘Blue’ Bland”, and B.B. King (“Blues Boy” if you didn’t know) are three notable exceptions. People with animal nicknames, like “Hound Dog Taylor” and “Howlin Wolf”, are usually blues, but the Animals and Animals of the Muppets are not blues (though Animal did jam once with Koko Taylor’s Blues Machine).Having “blue” in your album name or your song title does not make you blues, period. Eric Clapton is blues sometimes. Some say he’s blues, but that he’s not very good at it. Stevie Ray Vaughan was blues. Sometimes he played rock and sometimes he played other stuff, but he was still blues. The same can be said of Duane Allman and Johnny Winter, except Johnny Winter isn’t dead yet. Gary Moore is not blues—he plays blues sometimes, he has played with 2 blues “King”s, and he has a song called “Still Got the Blues For You, ”but he is not fundamentally blues.The same statement applies to Jimi Hendrix, even if he does have an album called “Blues.” The following people are not blues: Green Day, Madonna, REM, Whitney Houston, David Lee Roth, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Garth Brooks, Michael Jackson, Walter Cronkite, Zubin Mehta, Julie Andrews, Michael Jordan, Vanilla Ice, Bill Clinton, Pat Boone, and Elvira. The last 5 are not even musicians, if you didn’t know, although Bill Clinton will play the saxophone every now and then. From the previous 2 paragraphs, we see that being black does not make you blues, and being white does not make you not blues. Tim Kaihatsu is blues, proving that it’s possible to be Asian and blues. Eric Clapton *IS* blues.

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The Blues Brothers !

hidup. Gary Moore bukan blues— kadang kala dia bermain blues, dia pernah bermain dengan 2 musisi blues “King”s, dan dia menciptakan lagu berjudul “Still Got the Blues For You” tetapi masih saja dia bukan pemain blues karena pada dasarnya dia bukan blues. Statement yang sama bisa diberlakukan buat pemain gitar terkenal Jimi Hendrix, walaupun memiliki album berjudul “Blues” masih saja orang menyebutnya bukan pemain blues. Beberapa nama orang yang bukan blues: Green Day, Madonna, REM, Whitney Houston, David Lee Roth, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Garth Brooks, Michael Jackson, Walter Cronkite, Zubin Mehta, Julie Andrews, Michael Jordan, Vanilla Ice, Bill Clinton, Pat Boone, dan Elvira. Urutan ke lima terakhir mereka bukanlah orang-orang musisi, juga Bill Clinton bisa bermain saxophone semua orang tahu itu. Dari paragraph dua sebelumnya, kita melihat bahwa bukan berarti orang berkulit hitam adalah blues dan berkulit putih tidak blues. Tim Kaihatsu adalah blues, hal ini membuktikan bahwa warga Asiapun bisa blues. Eric Clapton *juga* blues. Beberapa band menjual musik “Alternative” ini bukan blues. Setiap judul lagu dengan kata awal, “Woke up this morning” adalah blues. Zydeco musik ini tidaklah asli blues, tetapi musiknya sangatlah mengasikkan. Jika kamu mendengar dengan seksama, Ella Fitzgerald dan Mozart bisa juga dibilang blues—dengan cara pandang yang berbeda tentunya. Penyanyi country bukan blues, walau dengan cara apapun untuk menyanyikan lagu dengan judul “Woke up this morning” masih saja dibilang tidak blues. The Blues Brothers mereka tidak terlalu blues, walaupun mereka mempromosikan sebagai pemain blues. Pemain harmonica biasanya sudah digambarkan sebagai musik blues, tetapi tidak menggambarkan Huey Lewis. Elvis, the Beatles, dan Buddy Holly mereka bukan pemain blues, tetapi mereka belajar dan berkecimpung dalam musik blues. Diterapkan juga oleh goub band seperti Rolling Stones dan Fleetwood Mac, tetapi mereka past tanse belum lewat. Eric Clapton adalah pemain blues itu jika kamu ingin mengatagorikan dia disini. Pernyataan ini bisa dipakai untuk semua artis, kecuali beberapa nama yang telah disebutkan diatas Pada akhirnya, BLUES selamanya andalah blues!


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

Any band marketed as “Alternative” is not blues. Any song that starts with the words, “Woke up this morning” is blues. Zydeco music isn’t really “pure” blues, but it’s a hell of a lot of fun. If you listen carefully enough, Ella Fitzgerald and Mozart can be blues— just not the way you think. Country singers are not blues, no matter how they sing about how their baby left them and even if their songs begin with “Woke up this morning”. Elevator music is not blues. (Picture, if you dare,“Hoochie Coochie Man“ with no vocals arranged for flute and assorted strings. If you were silly enough to do this, run right out and listen to some Muddy Waters to negate the side-effects.) The Blues Brothers were not really blues, although one of them is promoting the blues very heavily these days. A harmonica player is generally a good sign of the blues, but that doesn’t explain Huey Lewis. Elvis, the Beatles, and Buddy Holly were not blues, but they learned and evolved from the blues. This applies to the Rolling Stones and Fleetwood Mac as well, but they’re not in the past tense yet. Eric Clapton is blues if you want him to be. This statement can apply to just about any artist, except for those listed in paragraph 8. Finally, BLUES is blues. Most of the time...

Mannekepis fun dining at its best!

Sesuai dengan namanya Mannekepis, pasti bukan restauran Indonesia. Ya… restauran ini adalah sebuah restauran Belgia yang berada di pulau Bali. Restauran ini menyediakan makanan yang sangat lezat. Yanik dan Alice pemilik restauran ini sangat ramah, Anda akan melihat para pengunjung menikmati tempat ini. Banyak yang menganggap mereka memiliki steak terbaik dan bagi Anda para pencinta musik Jezz atau Blues, setiap hari Rabu, Kamis, Jumat dan Sabtu inilah tempatnya. Sambil menikmati santap malam, Anda dapat menikmati permainan para musisi terbaik di pulau ini. Cobalah Belgische Stovers yang merupakan masakan khas Belgia; daging sapi rebus dibumbui dengan bir hitam buatan Belgia disajikan dengan kentang goreng dan salad hem...benarbenar menggugah selera! Atau Udang Fettucinni ala Mannekepis yaitu udang windu dengan Saus’ Mannekepis ‘- merupakan resep rahasia Yannic, terdiri dari Tomat, Cream, dan bumbu khas Mannekepis.

Don’t let the name put you off. That’s right –I thought it was going to be an Indonesian restaurant! It’s Belgian and it refers to the little fellow with the little fellow. And don’t worry about it being Belgian – they have more varieties of beer than anywhere else in the world and they invented French fries – credentials not to be treated lightly - which they call Belgian fries (not chips). And I now realize that those Belgians prepare seriously good food – or should I say exceptionally good. Affable Yannic and Alice (the footstomping, handclapping, music loving, owners of the place) mentioned in passing that many consider they have best steaks on the island. They do. And then there is the music to match. Mannekepis seems to have become the unofficial converging point for some of the best musicians in Bali. Every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday night the place rocks and pumps…or whatever you’d like to call it when blues and jazz lovers get it on. It’s entertainment while you eat.

The menu has regular dishes like steak, nachos, Caesar salads, many varieties of fish but also some other tantalizing items that (again!) must be originally Belgian or belong to the personal collection of Yannic and Alice. Check out Belgische Stovers which is a traditional Belgium beef stew flavoured with dark beer served with homemade Belgium fries and salad - a stew that actually has taste! Or the Prawn Fettucinni ‘Mannekepis with black tiger prawns and Sauce ‘Mannekepis’ – a secret recipe known only to the creator, Yannic, consisting of Tomato, Cream, Ricard, and Mannekepis Spices. Or if you’re hunting for a salad there’s the Crottin Chauvignol made up of caramelized goat cheese, honey, mixed greens, raspberry Jadi itulah deskripsi singkat tentang tempat menyenangkan yang Anda dapat kunjungi ketika Anda vinaigrette, garnished with strawberries. berada di Bali. Percayalah pasti tidak mengecewakan!. So there you have a brief description of an outstanding venue any fun loving visitor to Bali should Dan kami sarankan untuk memesan tempat terlebih consider for a great night out. Trust me you won’t be disappointed. Better book your reservation as the dahulu karena tempat ini cukup ramai dan kadang kala kita harus duduk dan makan di bar. Letaknya tepat place can be fairly crowded early in the evening. Or do what I sometimes do – sit and eat at the bar. di jantung Seminyak – Kuta, Mannekepis menyajikan Right in the heart of Seminyak, Mannekepis presents a new concept - ‘fun’ dining. konsep baru - ‘fun dining’.


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

SEMBALUN And the lights all went out in Lombok’s hidden valley

Text : Bob Robinson

Saya berada di sana ketika Lampu di Massachusetts padam pada tahun 1965, sekitar ± 40 juta penduduk pantai Timur Laut Amerika Serikat - tapi berapa banyak dari kita yang berada di Sembalun ketika lampu padam di tahun 2001?. Rasanya tidak seperti awal yang menjanjikan untuk menjadi hit sebuah lagu, tetapi jika Bee Gees menghubungi, saya akan memberi mereka beberapa gambaran, dan merasakan salah satu bagian dari Lombok yang mungkin dapat mengilhami lagu-lagu mereka seperti halnya tempat-tempat lain didunia. Pesta kecil kami adalah menikmati udara pegunungan yang segar, udara dingin mulai turun diikuti dengan senja yang menghilang dari kerumunan kota kecil di antara bukit-bukit terpencil Rinjani. Kami berkendaraan di sekitar Lombok Utara, menaiki lereng-lereng perbukitan yang diselimuti udara sejuk pegunungan. Kami menikmati keramahan dan rasa penasaran para petani setempat. Akomodasi sederhana Lembah Rinjani Homestay yang terletak tepat dikaki gunung Rinjani dimana kita menginap, menikmati

I was there when the Lights went out in Massachusetts, as were 40 million or so inhabitants of the North East coast of the USA in 1965—but how many of us were there in Sembalun when the lights went out in 2001? It doesn’t seem like a promising start for a hit, but if the BGs want to get in touch, I’ll give them the details. Or perhaps I can give the remaining brothers, through TransNusa inflight magazine, a taste of a part of Lombok which would inspire them as much as any place they could hope to meet in their travels. Our small party were enjoying the fresh mountain air, which was just starting to chill down as the last glimmers of twilight disappeared from this small town which huddles among the outlying hills of Rinjani. We had driven around the North of Lombok and up the slopes of the volcano, the air invigoratingly cool as we enjoyed being strangers among the friendly and mildly curious farmers. Accommodation obtained at the Lembah Rinjani Losmen in Sembalun, we put on another layer and proceeded to enjoy the simple but delicious, (and healthy) meal provided. Local rice, vegetables and fish from a small pond. So we settled down around the table, and someone blew out everybody’s lights. All over the valley darkness settled in, and we had a romantic candlelight dinner of an impromptu kind; and all the more pleasant for its unexpectedness.

Sembalun valley Photos by Wiwik

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Sembalun valley Photo by The Agency

kesederhanaan dan hidangan sehat yang lezat. Beras lokal, sayuran dan ikan dari kolam kecil, kami duduk mengelilingi meja, sambil menghirup kopi panas yang mereka suguhkan. Seluruh lembah tampak gelap, dan gunung Rinjani tampak sangat dekat didepan mata menjulang menembus gumpalan awan putih, suasana dingin yang hanya diterangi oleh cahaya lilin terasa sangat romantis.

No light outside except the stars. And what stars! In Sembalun, the clear mountain air brings out those constellations—gone are the familiar shapes and patterns of the Northern hemisphere, and instead of the occasional spectacle of the Northern Lights in my native Scotland, the Milky Way is a slash of magic dust across the bejewelled blackness of the night. There’s nothing more apt than thinking at a time like this, and my thoughts turned to reflect on where we were, and the journey that we had had taken through one of the less touristed areas of Lombok.

Suasana gelap membuat bintang-bintang begitu dekat sehingga dengan mudah dapat mengenali rasi-rasi bintang dilangit. Sesekali tampak seperti debu gemerlap melintas diantara kegelapan malam. Walau perjalanan yang kami tempuh cukup melelahkan, kami merasa sangat beruntung dapat menikmati keindahan lembah Rinjani yang mungkin jarang dijamah para pelancong.

It’s a place of neat rice fields, well tended maize, tobacco and chili plots. No dramatic tourist sights, just honest men and women going about their labour in the fields regardless of tourists and tourism. Figures in triangular hats are dotted among the regular pattern of ripening fields, heads down as they dig, hoe and harvest. The planting, nurturing and harvesting of their crops went on. We turned off the made road down a narrow gang near the crossroads in Sembalun Lawang, bumped and rolled down past the more modern houses, over a narrow concrete strip of a bridge. Through the dark mystery of a bamboo forest. The rays of the morning sun streamed through the dust roused by our passing. A water buffalo trotted energetically towards us. It then trotted rather more rapidly, pursued by a small boy with a stick.

Tempat dimana sawah-sawah tersusun rapi, tanaman jagung, tembakau dan cabai. Tidak ada pemandangan yang dramatis untuk turis, hanya para lelaki dan perempuan yang sedang bekerja diladang tanpa


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

wisatawan dan pariwisata. Topi segitiga mereka tampak seperti pola yang tersebar disekitar kebun yang siap untuk dipanen, kepala menunduk ketika mereka menggali, mencangkul dan menuai. Penanaman, pemeliharaan dan panen sedang berlangsung. Kami keluar dari jalan utama dan mulai menyusuri gang sempit dekat persimpangan jalan di Sembalun Lawang. Bergerak dan berguling melewati rumah-rumah yang lebih modern, melewati jembatan beton yang sempit. Tibalah kami di hutan bambu yang gelap, sinar matahari pagi mengalir melalui debu yang berterbangan oleh langkah-langkah kaki kami. Seekor kerbau berlari penuh semangat ke arah kami, diikuti oleh seorang gembala kecil dengan tongkatnya. Mobil kami berhenti di depan sekelompok rumah-rumah tradisional. Mereka melihat kearah kami dengan ramah dan rasa ingin tahu. Kami berjalan sedikit lebih jauh dan berbicara dengan beberapa orang menuju ke ladang, jalan setapak dan melewati beberapa rumpun pohon dan bukit-bukit kecil. Tepat diatas salah satu bukit, dibaliknya tampak sebuah pemandangan sawah dan aktivitas

The car stopped in front of a cluster of traditional houses. A few villagers showed us the beginnings of their restoration of two of the houses of the village. An open friendliness and curiosity as we looked, and then as we walked a little further and talked with some of the men heading for the fields, the path dived down past a clump of trees. A vista of rice fields and agricultural activity opened up before us. A hidden valley tucked away between the peaks stretched into the distance—a place which must have been farmed for century after century, efficiently but unassumingly. Justt a little time and effort away from the beaten tourist track, and you are repaid hundredfold.

A hidden valley tucked away between the peaks stretched into the distance—a place which must have been farmed for century after century

The often-visited “beaten track” was forsaken by us on the way up to Sembalun - the beaten track being the oft-pounded concrete steps of the path leading to the Sendanggila waterfall from Senaru (about 600 meters altitude) up the Northern slope of Rinjani. However, we left the eroded concrete and set off upstream from the more commonly visited curtain of water that is Sendanggila and headed through the forest alongside an aqueduct. Aqueduct turned to weir, weir to stream, stream to boulder hopping sandal sucking rapids, and we walked into the spray that announces the awesome Tiu Kelep.

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010 | 35

pertanian yang luar biasa. Lembah yang tersembunyi di antara puncak-puncak perbukitan dari kejauhan tampak sawah dan ladang membentang yang sudah pasti telah dilakukan oleh masyarakat ini berabad-abad lamanya. Dalam perjalanan ke Sembalun, kita mencoba menelusuri jalan setapak yang membawa kita ke air terjun Sedang Gila yang memiliki ketinggian sekitar 600 meter. Air terjun ini sering dikunjungi oleh para wisatawan. Namun kita mencoba menelusuri jalur lain, berjalan melalui hutan tropis dan sungai-sungai kecil berbatu yang membawa kami ke air terjun Tiu Kelep. Semburan air terjun yang turun lebih dari seratus kaki tingginya, dari kejauhan terasa lembut menerpa wajah. Air terjun Tiu Kelep memiliki energi yang luar biasa, mendarat kesebuah batu dan membentuk sebuah lubang bak kolam renang. Tirai aliran air dari bebatuan dan suara gemuruh air terjun Tiu Kelep sangatlah menantang. Berenang disini suatu keharusan. Berenang menembus tirai air terjun yang turun deras terasa seperti dikelilingi oleh dinding air, dibaliknya akan tampak sebuah gua yang menuju entah kemana. Suara gemuruh menghatam, Anda bisa berteriak sekuat tenaga melawan gemuruh air, atau meluapkan segala perasaan hati dan bersyukur atas kehidupan yang indah ! Kami telah melakukan semua, kemudian duduk dan menyaksikan satu atau dua pengunjung lainnya berenang menembus air terjun, berteriak, dan kembali dengan penuh kemenangan. Udara basah dari air terjun Tiu Kelep masih terasa, perjalanan kembali membuat kami terasa lapar dan kami makan dengan

A spout of water blasts down from over a hundred feet. This is no rock hugging, soft foamy-caress-the-skin trickle of a waterfall. Tiu Kelep blasts out from the harder strata above you in an awesome spout of energy, landing in the pool below about six feet out from the undercut cave. Accompanying curtains of water stream from the softer rock below is the thunder of Tiu Kelep. A swim in the dark pool is a must, and you can feel you have done a brave thing, as you skirt the downfall and climb on the ledge behind. The wall of water surrounds you, the cave stretches back to where? The noise pounds your senses, and you must, must shout to say you made it, to say that for all the mind numbing noise and spray and wind you have made it around the fall, you are a year younger, and above all it’s good to be alive! We did our circuit, and sat and watched as one or two other visitors climbed behind the fall, shouted, and

Tiu Kelep waterfall Photo by The Agency Sunset in Sembalun with Mt. Rinjani Photo by The Agency


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

returned in triumph. Spray and the air are the same thing at the base of Tiu Kelep, so we walked back wet, regained the concrete track and ate hungrily at the restoran just past the loket . Another group paid to visit pretty but effete Sidanggila. They looked at us, bemused. We dripped and smiled. This elevated part of Lombok to the east of Rinjani, was unknown to me when I was last here almost seven years ago. The effort required to get there is repaid with interest. As a glimpse of rural life, and as an expansion of the way you look at this beautiful island it can be equalled, I am sure, but I’d be surprised if it could be bettered. For our small party the lights went out in Sembalun, but the night was soon over, and the freshness of dawn lit up the Eastern slopes of Rinjani, framed by the red poinsettia hedges. The roads filled up with school children and workers heading for the fields. Still wrapped against the coolness of morning, their bright shawls and headgear stood out against the grey ash of Rinjani’s upper slopes high above them. So leading to last philosophical thought—again no claims for originality—the lack of something can be the greatest gift of all. We lost our electricity, but got so much more back. (Bob Robinson is a script writer for International Audio Describer Agency [IADA], Scotland. They write and record audio descriptions of films so that visually impaired people can enjoy movies with the rest of us. Recent films described by the agency include Chicken Run, Sexy Beast, Moulin Rouge). lahap di restoran yang letaknya tidak jauh dari loket. Para pengunjung tampak berdatangan menatap kami dan kami balas dengan senyuman. Daerah pegunungan ini merupakan bagian dari Lombok di sebelah timur Rinjani, hampir tujuh tahun yang lalu saya ke tempat ini dan baru kali ini saya bisa sampai disini. Upaya yang kami lakukan hingga sampai ke sana membuahkan hasil yang luar biasa. Menikmati sekilas kehidupan pedesaan, dan perluasan cara kita melihat pulau yang indah ini. Bagi kami lampu padam di Sembaluan merupakan hal kecil, dan kami tahu malam pasti berakhir, dan fajar akan segera tiba untuk menerangi lereng lereng Timur Rinjani, dibingkai oleh pagar tanaman Poinsettia merah. Jalan-jalan penuh dengan anak-anak sekolah dan pekerja menuju ladang. Masih terbungkus kain sarung melawan kesejukan pagi, warna cerah selendang dan penutup kepala berdiri keluar menuju lereng Rinjani yang tinggi dan abu-abu.

Trekking to Rinjani from Sembalun valley Photo by Wiwik Tiu Kelep Waterfall Photo courtesy of Benny

(Bob Robinson adalah penulis naskah untuk Audio Internasional pendeskripsi Agency [IADA], Skotlandia. Mereka menulis dan merekam audio deskripsi film, sehingga orang-orang cacat dapat menikmati film dengan kami. Film-film terbaru yang dijelaskan oleh agen termasuk Chicken Run, Sexy Beast, Moulin Rouge). How to get there

Setiap 3 x per hari TransNusa Air Services melayani penerbangan dari/ke Mataram, Sumbawa, Bima dan Denpasar. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi kantor TransNusa terdekat di kota Anda (atau buka halaman 40).

Flights 3 times per day to/from Mataram, Sumbawa, Bima and Denpasar, are operated by TransNusa Air Services. For further information, please contact the TransNusa office at each destination (further details available P40).

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010 | 37

Route Map

TransNusa Inflight Magazine


Labuan Bajo (Komodo) Surabaya


Bima Denpasar (Bali) (Hub)

Mataram (Lombok)








Bajawa Tambolaka Waingapu

Jawa Bali

Kupang (Hub)

West Nusa Tenggara


East Nusa Tenggara

Rote Airbus 320

ATR 42-300 / Fokker 50 / BAE 146

HEAD OFFICE KUPANG Jl. Palapa No. 7, Naikoten – Kupang Telp. (+62 380) 822555 Fax. (+62 380) 832573 Email:

BRANCH OFFICES DENPASAR Jl. Sunset Road No. 100 C Kuta Telp. (+62 361) 8477395 Fax. (+62 361) 8477454 Email:

SURABAYA Jl. Ngagel Jaya No. 53 A Telp. (+62 31) 5047555 Fax. (+62 31) 50111749 Email:

MATARAM Jl. Panca Usaha No. 28 Telp. (+62 370) 624555 Fax. (+62 370) 647535 Email:

Coming Soon



Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 100 Telp. (+62 380) 21039, 2222555 Fax. (+62 380) 2222555 Email:

Jl. Anggrek No. 02 Telp. (+62 382) 21393, 21369 Fax. (+62 382) 23821 Email:



Jl. Kelimutu No. 37 Telp. (+62 380) 24222, 24333 Fax. (+62 380) 23592 Email:

Jl. Niaga No. 17 Telp. (+62 385) 21123, 21829 Fax. (+62 385) 21983 Email:

Labuan Bajo Jl. Kasimo Manggarai Barat Telp. (+62 385) 41800 Fax. (+62 385) 41954 Email:

Lewoleba Jl. Trans Naga Wutun Telp. (+62 383) 41636 Fax. (+62 383) 41636

Rote Hotel Ricky Jl. Gereja No. 04 Telp. (+62 380) 871045 Fax. (+62 380) 871123

ADVERTISING INFO Hubungi: The Agency Office Wiwik Mulyani Telp. (+62 361) 737285 / 7433013 Email: | Nakula Plaza A10 | Jl. Nakula, Legian, Bali 80361


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

Tambolaka Hotel Aloha Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 26 Telp. (+62 387) 22563 Fax. (+62 387) 21245

Bajawa Jl. Gereja Eben Hezer No. 1 Telp. (+622 384) 21078, 2223111 Email:

Larantuka ka Jl. Herman an Fernandez No. 289 (Depan Optic Reinha) Kel. Amagarapati garapati

Telp. (+62 383) 2325387 Fax. (+62 383) 2325386 Email:

Mataram (sub sales) Jl. Adi Sucipto No. 43 Ampenan Telp. (+62 370) 6162428, 6162433

Sumbawa Besar Jl. Hasanudin No. 110 Telp. (+62 371) 21565, 23170 Fax. (+62 371) 21565, 22290 Email:

Bima Jl. Sulawesi No. 26 Telp/Fax. (+62 374) 647251 Email:

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010 | 39

TransNusa Inflight Magazine

Flight schedules








Kupang - Larantuka

Sun, Wed, Fri

Denpasar - Ende

Sun, Wed, Fri, Sat

Larantuka - Kupang

Sun, Wed, Fri

Jakarta - Kupang


Surabaya - Kupang


Kupang - Surabaya


Denpasar - Mataram

3 x /Daily

Kupang - Jakarta


Mataram - Denpasar

3 x /Daily

Mataram - Sumbawa

Daily Daily Daily


Alor, Lembata, Timor, Flores, Rote Kupang - Alor


Sumbawa - Mataram

Alor - Kupang


Mataram - Bima

Kupang - Ende Ende - Kupang

Bima - Mataram

4 x /Daily

Mataram - Labuan Bajo

4 x /Daily

Ende - Denpasar

Sun, Wed, Fri, Sat

Labuanbajo - Ende

Sun, Wed, Fri, Sat

Ende - Labuanbajo

Sun, Wed, Fri, Sat

ROUTES CONNECTING with Mandala Airlines (AIRBUS / A-320) From Jakarta/Surabaya:



Thu, Fri, Sun





To Jakarta/Surabaya:


To Jakarta/Surabaya:

Kupang - Maumere

2 x /Daily

Labuan Bajo - Mataram


Maumere - Kupang

2 x /Daily

Mataram - Tambolaka



Mon, Tue, Wed, Sat

Ende - Maumere


Tambolaka - Mataram



Tue, Thur, Sat, Sun

Kupang - Ruteng

Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat

Denpasar - Labuan Bajo




Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat

Labuan Bajo - Denpasar



Daily Tue, Wed, Thur, Sat, Sun Tue, Thu, Sat

Ruteng - Kupang Kupang - Bajawa

Sun, Mon, Fri

Denpasar - Tambolaka



Bajawa - Kupang

Sun, Mon, Fri

Tambolaka - Denpasar



For further information please check our website: or email:


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010 | 41

TransNusa Inflight Magazine

Airline Partners | Fleet: BAE 146 200 | Fleet: Fokker 50 | Fleet: ATR 42 300 | Fleet: Airbus 320

Pesawat Anda Bersama Kami, Pastikan Pembelian TiketKarena Kami Memberikan Yang Terbaik...�



He Head Office Mataram: Ph Phone: 62.370.632888 (HUNTING)

Branch Surabaya: Phone: 62.31.3555559

Outlet Sumbawa Besar: Phone: 62.371.22528,23222

Bra Branch Denpasar: Ph Phone: 62.361.728999 (HUNTING)

Outlet Ampenan: Phone: 62.370.646777, 62.370.621555,636111

Outlet Lombok Timur: Phone: 62.376.631706

Ou Outlet Surapati - Denpasar: Ph Phone: 62.361.261488,261489

Outlet Hotel Lombok Raya: Phone: 62.370.641220

Outlet Lombok Tengah: Phone: 62.370.654370

Ou Outlet Gatsu - Denpasar: Ph Phone: 62.361.261705, 261706

Outlet Cakranegara: Phone: 62.370.638 622

Outlet Newmont Sumbawa,NTB: Phone: 62.81.836.0909

Bra Branch Manado: Ph Phone: 62.431.877999, 878789

Outlet Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat: Phone : 62.372.817 79

Outlet Bima Phone : 62.374.423 82

| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

TransNusa Inflight Magazine

Things to know Airport Tax Airport tax untuk Bandara Ngurah Rai Bali, Rp 30.000,- Bandara Udara Nusa Tenggara Barat & Nusa Tenggara Timur sebesar Rp. 20.000,Airport Departure Tax Airport tax from Bali is Rp 30.000,- per passenger, and Rp 20.000,per passenger from West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara. ATM & Credit Card ATM ada di beberapa kota seperti Mataram, Bima, Kupang, Ende, Maumere, Ruteng, Bajawa dan lLabuan Bajo. Sebagian besar hotel dan restoran menerima pembayaran melalui kartu kredit dikenai tambahan biaya sebesar 1 - 3% surcharge. ATM Machines & Credit Card Automated Teller Machines (ATM) abound in major cities such as Mataram, Sumbawa Besar, Bima, Kupang, Ende, Maumere, Ruteng, Bajawa and centres of tourism such as Labuhan Bajo with many offering international withdrawals on major credit cards. Major credit cards are accepted at most hotels and many businesses. As a result, all final charges shown on your monthly statement will reflect inter-bank exchange rates and possibly even a 1 - 3% surcharge. Berkendara Sewa mobil dan sepeda motor tersedia terutama di Bali & NTB. Bisa juga menyetir sendiri atau juga menggunakan sopir setempat. Berhati-hatilah dalam berkendaraan, terutama kepada para pengendara sepeda motor agar terhidar dari kecelakaan.

Driving Self-drive car and motorcycle rentals are available for those holding an international driving permit, but Bali’s and Nusa Tenggara’s congested and unpredictable roads are not the place to learn how to drive a motorcycle. Consider hiring vehicles with drivers as rates are very reasonable.

Taxi & Transportasi Lombok dan Bali memiliki sejumlah operator taxi yang terpercaya dengan menerapkan argo. Sementara beberapa kota di Sumbawa, Flores dan Kupang taxi tidak menggunakan argo. Di Kupang menggunakan taxi perjam sebesar Rp. 50,000 dan minimum pemakaian adalah 2 jam. Ada juga mini bus atau angkutan kota yang sudah ditentukan rute dan tarifnya. Transportasi umum juga tersedia dari kota ke kota bahkan antar pulau di Nusa Tenggara.

Fasilitas Kesehatan Bali telah memiliki Rumah Sakit berskala internasional. Beberapa Kota besar di Nusa Tenggara telah memiki rumah sakit tetapi pelayanan dan peralatannya masih standard dan Taxi & Transportation belum memiliki standard international. There are several reputable metered taxi companies operating in Bali Medical Facilities and Lombok. For Sumbawa, towns in Flores and Kupang taxis do not Bali has some international hospitals including BIMC (Bali use meters. In Kupang taxis charge Rp 50,000 per hour and minimum International Medical Centre) with its state-of-the-art facilities. Major rent are 2 hours, but the small mini buses run very convenient routes population centres east of Bali have hospitals however their standard and schedules. Public transport, in the form of small local vans and is not always international. intercity buses, operate at very reasonable rates. Transportasi Laut Ferry adalah angkutan laut yang ada di masingmasing daerah di Nusa Tenggara, seperti Bali ke Lombok, Lombok ke Sumbawa, Sumbawa ke Labuan Bajo, Sumabawa ke Sumba, Kupang ke Flores, Kupang ke Rote dan Kupang ke Alor. Sea Access Regular car and passenger ferry services operate between all the islands such as Bali to Lombok, Lombok to Sumbawa, Sumbawa to Labuan Bajo, Sumbawa to Sumba, Kupang to Flores, Kupang to Rote and Kupang to Alor.

Ke bandara el tari +/- 9 menit Ke kampus undana +/- 8 menit ke SPBU El tari III +/- 3 menit Batas Kota/Tarus +/- 5 menit Flobamora Mall 15 menit Kantor walikota 10 menit

Developer : PT.PEMBANGUNAN SEHAT SEJAHTERA Office marketing, Jln. Jend. Sudirman No 19 (Apotik Kupang Farma) Kupang - NTT Hot Line : 0380-8013333, 822710

TransNusa Inflight Magazine


Popular BAE 146 jet aircraft Heralding a move into the jet-age for domestic flights in the NTB/NTT region, TransNusa’s AviaStar BAE 146 is proving a hit with travelers. Says Englishman, John Richmond “It was refreshing to board a well-maintained aircraft in Bali that soon had us in Labuan Bajo with a minimum of fuss and bother … of course it’s a British Aircraft …” he adds with a twinkle in his eye.

Launching of the Blue Dragon 2 Well-known “liveaboard” adventure specialist, Emil Bei showed off his recently completed schooner, the Blue Dragon 2 with on-board snacks and drinks in Serangan, Bali to those with hospitality based and tour based interests in the fast developing “ east” of Indonesia. The Blue Dragon 2 will soon be regularly making the run from Bali to the land of the dragons for divers and others with adventure on their mind. For info contact: or (0361)7420995


Diving Deep!

Asian Tourism Forum

Deep Indonesia Dive Held in Jakarta March 12 - 14 with its elaborate exhibitions/ stands and displays of high tech adventure equipmet left vistors buzzing with excitement at the endless possibilities Indonesia has to offer marine and adventure enthusiasts. TransNusa showed that they were the means of getting to the locations.

ATF Brunei afforded Indonesia-based travel and tour companies the opportunity to promote their business on the international stage. TrandNusa was a major showing that away from the well-used routes, efficient air travel solutions were available throughout the country.

| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | edisi Apr - Jun 2010

Brunei 2010

Valid 5 January until May 2010

P. +62 370 693 444 F. +62 370 693 092 E.

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