TransNusa #10

Page 1

May - Jun 11


Senggigi revisited

It’s showtime!

Regalia - The Enchanted Forest

Sepi - Belongas Bay Solitude & sharks

Kuta - bringing it on

Welcome Message

TransNusa Inflight Magazine

To customers of TransNusa Air Services Selamat Datang!

Welcome aboard!

Kami sangat berbahagia melihat Anda masih setia terbang bersama kami TransNusa Air Services kemanapun tujuan Anda – kami juga perhatikan, banyak sekali dari Anda terbang langsung dari Denpasar ke Labuan Bajo, yang merupakan pintu gerbang ke Taman National Komodo, membuktikan bahwa begitu populernya tempat ini. Kami berharap semoga Anda menikmati perjalanan Anda.

Very happy to see you on one of our flights wherever you may be headed – we have noticed that so many of you are taking advantage of our direct jet flights from Denpasar to Labuan Bajo, the gateway to Komodo which is proving so popular – I hope and am sure you will have or had a spectacular time there.

Wilayah timur Indonesia saat ini sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk menyambut musim turis dimana cuaca cerah sangat cocok untuk kegiatan outdoor dan petualangan. Jadwal penerbangan kami dirancang untuk memberikan kenyamanan bagi semua orang untuk mengunjungi daerah timur Indonesia yang menakjubkan. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penerbangan ini, kami menambahkan satu lagi Fokker 50 dengan interior yang nyaman dan berwarna merah menyala yang siap melayani Anda lebih baik. Edisi Mei – Juni, majalah TransNusa inflight dikemas dengan berbagai artikel dan beberapa gambar yang menakjubkan - semua sangat berbeda dan mencerminkan berbagai tujuan dan rute menarik TranNusa Air Services, dan juga menyoroti apa yang terjadi bersamaan dengan hal-hal menarik yang dapat dilakukan. Bagaimana orang bisa berpikir Bali (salah satu hub kami yang penerbangannya membawa Anda ke semua titik timur Indonesia) tidak seperti dulu - tujuan yang luar biasa – ada di sekeliling kami, dan kami menunjukkan di artikel Bali bringing it on sesuatu yang luar biasa menunggu Anda, di mana salah satunya adalah Regalia the Enchanted Forest, pertunjukan akrobat theater spektakuler baru hadir di Bali yang kami gambarkan di salah satu di majalah ini. Setelah Bali adalah Lombok, kami juga menampilkan potensi bawah laut yang spektakuler dari dua tempat di Lombok yaitu Gili dan Belongas Bay ( Lombok Selatan). DSM dengan senang hati akan membantu Anda menyelam di kepulauan Gili, sedangkan DiveZone yang telah mengenal daerah Selatan Lombok, dalam artikel Sepi-Belongas Bay akan membantu Anda menyelam di daerah ini. Anda akan melihat ada banyak sekali kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan didaerah kami, tetapi bagi yang hanya ingin bersantai, silahkan membaca artikel kami tentang Senggigi revisited dimana penulis menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana menikmati tempat ini tanpa melakukan apa-apa!

Our whole area of eastern Indonesia is now preparing for the tourist season when the weather will be perfect for outdoor activities and adventure. Our flight scheduling is designed to provide as much opportunities for everyone to visit the fabulous east of Indonesia. Addressing the need for more flights, we are now adding an extra Fokker 50 with nice new interior and a bright red tail fin to our fleet which, with our BAE 146 jet aircraft, will enable us to serve you better. The May/June edition of the inflight magazine is packed with a variety of articles and some stunning pictures – all very different and reflecting the variety of destinations and the attractive routes of TranNusa, but also highlighting what’s going on as far as great things to do. How anyone can think Bali (one of our hubs with flights taking you to all points east) is not what it used to be – a superb destination - is beyond me, and we show in our article Bali bringing it on just what fabulous delights await you; where one of those delights is Regalia the Enchanted Forest, Bali’s new must-see acrobatic theatre performance and described in one of our articles with the same title as the show. Close to Bali is Lombok which we have also featured bys showing off its underwater potential – two great dive spots: The Gils where you are looked after by DSM dive and in South Lombok at Belongas Bay where Dive Zone keep you amongst the fish – large and small. You will see there is lots to do but for those of you who like to kick your feet up and just relax, please read our story just for you entitled Senggigi revisited where our writer shows you how to enjoy doing nothing! We hope you enjoy your time in our area of Indonesia and do have a nice flight!

Kami berharap Anda dapat menikmati perjalanan di daerah kami di Indonesia!

Juvi Jodjana CEO

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011 | 01


TransNusa Inflight Magazine




06 Kuta - bringing it on

30 Sepi - Belongas Bay

16 Senggigi revisited

36 It’s showtime

after 6 months of rain, blue skies are back

the return of the lounge lizard

24 DVDs

what may be Lombok’s quietest, yet most extreme destination

Regalia - The Enchanted Forest - an acrobatic theatre extravaganza

40 TransNusa Route Map & TransNusa Schedules

movie reviews

26 Gadgets hot hi-tech


TransNusa Magazine ‘E’-edition on-line now available at Read the magazine, see the pictures from cover on-line

Cover shot courtesy of DiveZone / Michael Tan


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011


TransNusa Inflight magazine is published bi-monthly

The Agency Nakula Plaza A10 Jl. Nakula, Legian Bali, Indonesia 80361 | Tel / Fax: +62 361 737 285

The views or opinions expressed or implied in TransNusa Inflight Magazine are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of TransNusa or The Agency.


We welcome readers’ photographs and articles but cannot accept liability for loss or damage however caused.



Alan Brayne, Natasha Dewianti Radinow, E.M Forster

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or trasmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of The Agency


Wiwik Mulyani


Arif Novianto, Aditya Nugroho


Olive, Wiwik Hp: +62 81 236 127 327 | +62 361 743 3013

Inflight Magazine available on all TransNusa routes, selected expos & travel events, TransNusa offices and participating businesses in Bali & Nusa Tenggara.


Olive, Yosi

Inflight Magazine Special Advertising Rates!

1 Page rp 6.000.000,1/2 Page rp 4.000.000,1/3 Page rp 3.000.000,-

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Online version of magazine:

More than 30,000 pax/readers per month - in every seat pocket! Oct - Dec 09

Jan - Mar 09

BAE 146 jet aircraft Jul - Aug 10

Apr - Jun 10

Sep - Oct 10

Dragon Quest

Sailing to Komodo

Bridging the gap Lombok moving forward


The mountain that spawned Frankenstein

Alor What a dive!

east Indonesia

Indonesia’s finest foreshore Gili Trawangan

Ministry of Culture and Tourism Republic of Indonesia


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

Mbeliling forest

Labuan Bajo


Labuan Bajo gateway to komodo VOTE FOR KOMODO NEW 7 WONDERS OF NATURE

experience the wonder


Lombok’s hidden valley


very dry; stirred not shaken

The Gili islands The other Kuta south lombok


Sunny wet season

Diving the east lombok & alor Ménage à trois

the perfect threesome

a breath of fresh air

Tanjung Lombok Ringgit

South - Sumbawa west 4"*- */%0/&4*"

KUTA World’s most famous beach

bringing it on

Story by The Agency Photos by various sources

Berjalan menyusuri pantai, berjemur atau menikmati matahari terbenam, pantai Kuta yang terkenal, ya pantai ini telah kembali ... dengan atraksi terbaik di Bali yang ditawarkan


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun


Walking along the beach, getting a golden tan or hitting Kuta’s famous sunset strip after dark just got even better, because the beach is back with the best that Bali has to offer

Hello! from Waterbom

Setelah berbulan-bulan hujan dan langit abu-abu, akhirnya langit biru Kuta telah kembali, pantai ini bagaikan magnet raksasa yang memikat semua orang untuk datang menikmatinya. Seperti beruang yang muncul dari gua-gua persembunyian mereka tampak bertebaran untuk menikmati pantai terbaik dunia serta tujuan surfing - di mana semua kebutuhan berlibur tidak lebih dari beberapa menit jaraknya. Tidak perlu khawatir dengan kemacetan.

After months of rain and grey clouds Kuta’s blue skies are back, the beach is like a giant magnet luring everyone to the water’s edge. Like bears emerging from their caves we dust off our eyes and once more start enjoying what has always been the world’s best beach and surf destination – where all the necessities of holiday life are no more than a short stroll away. No need to give traffic the slightest thought.

Hal pertama apa yang terlintas dalam pikiran Anda ketika Anda memikirkan pantai Bondi di Sydney, Rio Copacabana atau Perancis Riviera? Ok tenang, saya tahu, G-string, Brasil waxes dan kulit-keemasan. Tapi ‘sabarlah’, hal lain yang Anda perhatikan adalah ruang handuk dipantai menjadi tempat yang premium. Pantai ini akan tampak deretan manusia yang sedang berjemur.

What are the first things that come into your mind when you think of Sydney’s Bondi beach, Rio’s Copacabana or France’s Riviera? Ok settle down, I know, G-strings, Brazilian waxes and well-tanned bods. But ‘seddle’ down, the other thing you notice is that beach towel space comes at a premium. Those beaches are human grid looks.

Kuta tidak berbeda. Akan segera macet. Saat ini “pantai” perlahan-lahan mulai beralih dari berawan – berangsurangsur membiru. Tempat surfing terbaik dunia telah selesai beristirahat, akan segera memompa semangat para peselancar dari seluruh penjuru dunia mulai memasang mata mereka untuk mengincar gelombang yang akan mereka taklukkan, mulai dari Uluwatu kemudian turun ke Padang Padang serta Dreamland dan melewati pantai daerah Kuta hingga Medewi lebih jauh ke utara.

Kuta’s no different. It will soon be jammed. Right now “the beach” is just beginning to stir – sky blue days are still punctuated by cloudy days. The best surf breaks in the world will soon be pumping – boardriders the world over have their eyes on the coastline from Uluwatu down through Padang Padang and Dreamland and past the Kuta beach area and on to Medewi further north.

Massa akan datang – dari hampir seluruh penjuru dunia. Memang, saat ini Kuta masih menjadi tujuan yang

Crowds will come – the world will arrive in hordes. It was and probably still is the most utilized exotic beach destination on the planet. How popular is gauged by how large or small the piece of sand you lay your beach towel on is.

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011 | 07

Fear not the fast food

Inside Discovery Mall - yoghurt

paling eksotis di planet ini. Seberapa popular tempat ini dapat diukur dengan berapa helai handuk yang terhampar di pantai. Dan pantai Kuta, merupakan ground zero. Kembali ke era 60 an, Kuta merupakan ikon (sebelum kata ikon populer) setiap turis di jalan harus bisa mengatakan Kuta dari mana atau kemanapun tujuan mereka. Di pantai inilah dimulainya adegan moderen yang saat ini kita lihat. Beberapa dekade lalu sebagian besar surfer dunia masih terikat dengan pantai-pantai dekat rumah mereka - kecuali Aussies (Australia) muda yang telah sejak lama menunggangi gelombang di Kuta. Tidak lama kemudian, kaum hippies dan pelancong dengan angaran pas-pasan mengikuti jejak mereka untuk menikmati keindahan pantai Kuta - yang menjadikan perhentian terakhir para back-packer setelah perjalanan dari Kathmandu, Marrakech dan Goa. Surf fashion

Waterbom’s lates thrill, “Climax�


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

Designer sunsets - be there!

Let’s go bowling

Pull up some sand

And Kuta beach is ground zero. Back in the 60’s Kuta was an icon before the word icon was popularized – every traveler ‘on the road’ had to be able to say Kuta was where they had been or where they were headed. It’s where the modern beach “scene” all started. A few decades ago most of the world’s surfers were still tied to the womb of their home beach breaks – except young Aussies who were hitting the perfect waves of Kuta reef. Not long after that the hippies and other cashstrapped travelers on shoe string budgets (now they wear those other strings) followed to the hang-out haven known as Kuta beach – which became another stop on the back-pack trail that included Kathmandu, Marrakech and Goa. Times have changed. Brazilians, Japanese have fallen in love with Kuta. Russians are learning to surf and learning how to party without Vodka in a fashion begun by the boys ‘from down unda’ that rings to the tune of beer, beer and more beer.

When the kids are happy, so are you

Waterbom’s H2O buckets of fun

Learning how to surf... everybody wants to

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011 | 09

Waktu terus berubah. Pelancong dari Brazil, Jepang telah jatuh cinta dengan Kuta. Rusia mulai belajar untuk bersurfing dan berpesta tanpa Vodka. Dalam hal ini, trend ini dimulai oleh para Aussies dengan lagunya bir, bir dan bir lagi.

But Kuta is now even more universal. It’s a holiday destination for everyone including families and the huge Indonesian domestic market that have changed from spectators into participants in the summer thrill that is Kuta.

Tapi Kuta kini lebih universal. Merupakan tujuan liburan bagi semua orang termasuk keluarga dan pasar domestik yang telah berubah dari penonton menjadi peserta dalam gairah musim panas di Kuta.

Experiencing the Kuta menu is having a massage, getting your hair plaited or acquiring a 2-week tattoo. It’s throwing caution to the paranoia of Bali belly and trying delicacies cooked up under the palm trees such as gado-gado and noodle soup. It’s riding a motorcycle to beat the traffic. It’s learning to surf at the many “surf schools” such as ODYSSEYS SURF SCHOOL where the teachers paddle out into the waves with you. It’s getting a golden tan and buying bikinis, t-shirts, sarongs, and board shorts at bargain basement prices.

Menikmati menu Kuta; pijat, kepang rambut atau bertato yang tahan 2 minggu. Hilangkan rasa khawati tentang sakit perut dengan menikmati gado-gado atau mie di bawah pohon kelapa. Mengendarai sepeda motor untuk mengalahkan lalu lintas. Belajar surfing di “ODYSSEYS SURF SCHOOL” yang akan mengajarimu mendayung dan menaklukkan ombak Kuta. Mencoklatkan kulit dan membeli baju renang, t-shirt, kain pantai dan celana pendek dengan harga murah. Semua bercampur baur, orang tua dari Rotterdam, gadis cantik dari St Petesburgh, perempuan paruh baya dari Florentine, Kuta cowboys dari dataran tinggi Bali, mantan narapidana dari Marseilles, gadis-gadis cantik dari Madura dan masih banyak lagi. Bak bungai rampai ras dan budaya dari seluruh penjuru dunia ada disini. Bagi mereka yang ingin “melakukan hal-hal lain” ada WATERBOM yang menunggu Anda untuk meluncur dengan berbagai macam pilihan papan luncur sesuai dengan usia dan

It’s mixing stories with an old guy from Rotterdam, a tall vixen from St Petesburgh, an elderly Florentine damsel, Kuta cowboys from the Bali highlands, the ex-con from Marseilles, veiled maidens from Madura and many more. It’s a potpourri of race and culture from all over the world. For those who want to “do stuff ” there’s WATERBOM just waiting to take you for a ride. As gentle or as rugged as you’d like, it’s as laid back or as intimidating as you desire. Try the “Climax” or “Superbowl”. Be relaxed, be splashed down by its slides. It’s often called Bali’s best daycation that doubles as a restaurant-within-awaterpark serving outrageous delicacies like fish and chips, teriyaki sandwiches,nasi goreng and super smooth juicy milk shakes. The park looks after everyone. There’s a mega bucket of H2O spillage that is one of the many do-we-have-to-go-homenow enjoyment magnets for the brood that still gives vent to bravado, bravery and squeals of delight – it has all the things kids love. Ten-pin bowling in Bali? Yes – possible at PARADISO LIFESTYLE CENTRE which they call a leisure centre for the whole family because it has everything including pool

Kuta beach lifeguard station

Makes it look easy (they can all surf pretty good!)


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

Discovery mall

Midday at the oasis

Waterbom’s “racetrack”

nyali Anda. Hanya ingin bersantai, atau melakukan hal yang memompa adrenalin Anda, semuanya ada, cobalah Climax atau Superbowl!. WATERBOM merupakan waterpark terbesar dan terbaik di Bali yang memiliki 17 papan luncur bagi segala usia dan sering disebut-sebut sebagai “Bali best daycation” yang didalamnya juga dilengkapi dengan restauran yang menyuguhkan hidangan penggugah selera seperti fish & chips, terayaki, sanwiches, nasi goreng, aneka sate dan berbagai macam minuman dingin selepas beraktifitas. Hey Anda bahkan dapat bermain bowling dan billiard di PARADISO LIFESTYLE CENTRE dimana merupakan indoor entertainment kompleks, bukan hanya diperuntukkan bagi orang dewasa, tetapi dapat pula dinikmati oleh seluruh keluarga Anda. Dilengkapi dengan Kids Fasilities, layar lebar untuk menyaksikan acara olah raga dan musik. Gerai makanan dengan berbagai macam pilihan menu plus live band setiap harinya yang akan menghibur selama Anda bersantap di STATION CAFE. Untuk penikmat kehidupan malam/ night life ataupun clubbers, mereka harus ke DEEJAY CLUB yang merupakan salah satu fasilitas kompleks tersebut. Andapun dapat menginap di KUTA STATION HOTEL & SPA yang memiliki fasilitas seperti CONTENDER GYM, JALANIDI SPA bahkan “long” pool didalamnya letaknya sangat strategis diantara aksi - atraksi, pantai, restoran dan toko-toko yang jaraknya hanya selemparan batu. Saat matahari terbenam, perubahan mulai tampak, semua mata tertuju ke cakrawala yang perlahan-lahan menelan sang surya jingga menakjubkan. Kemudian tenang menghanyutkan, beberapa orang memanjakan diri mereka dengan minuman happy hour yang disuguhkan oleh cafe - cafe hampir disepanjang pantai mulai dari Kuta hingga Canggu. Bukan hanya pantai yang berubah. Seiring dengan pohon-pohon kelapa dan surfing, merupakan campuran dari hotel-hotel berbintang, butik villa dan losmenlosmen (yang tidak perlu menghabiskan banyak uang).


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

tables that may make you look a mite more pro than your performance with the 10-pins. And you can stay at the KUTA STATION HOTEL & SPA and never be far from the action – no excuses – the beach, the DJs, the restaurants, the shops they’re all no more than five minutes away. There’s Discovery Mall – you might say what a shame, but the crowds there show that the modern traveler wants what malls provide – fast food! Starbucks, Burger King, Pizza Hut, KFC – the names are there just like back home except this Mall looks like the Parthenon recreated, right on the beach – Kuta Beach. Shops, shops, shops, and more shops! They will no doubt lure you in and make you look like you’re part of the surf scene – T shirts, sneakers, board shorts and sunglasses – as Stephen Tyler (Arrowsmith) on American Idol said ‘looking cheap was never so expensive’. And if you want “equipment” like surfboards, fins, boogie boards there’s an endless supply – you may not be able to surf like Kelly Spater but with a board under your arms on Kuta beach – the kudos will be all yours! Outlets like Billabong, Rip Curl, Surfer Girl, Oakley and Volcom will most definitely attract you or your kids! As the sun goes down, the scene changes and all eyes peer out to the horizon to catch a designer sunset. Then there’s a lull between sets. Many indulge in happy hour drinks as they prepare for a night on the Kuta sunset strip – a strip that stretches in an arc from the runway extension jutting out into the Indian Ocean right down to the Canggu breaks. It was never just another beach but it has changed. Along with the coconut trees and classic surf breaks, it’s an amalgam of 5-star hotels, boutique villas and an array of budget losmens (you still don’t have to spend a fortune).

Ada Discovery Mall - Anda mungkin mengatakan sayang, tapi banyak orang yang mengunjungi tempat ini. Para pelancong modern menginginkan mal yang menyediakan - Starbucks, Burger King, Billabong - rasanya sama seperti kembali ke rumah kecuali Mall ini terlihat seperti Parthenon, yang letaknya tepat di tepi pantai Kuta. Shopping, shopping dan terus shopping! Mereka tidak segan-segan akan memikat Anda dengan t-shirt, sepatu, celana pendek, tas, kaca mata hitam - seperti Stephen Tyler (Arrowsmith) di American Idol yang kelihatannya murah tetapi mahal. Jika Anda menginginkan peralatan Surfing, seperti papan surfing, fin, boogie board dan lainnya - walaupun mungkin kamu belum mahir berselancar seperti Kelly Spater tetapi dengan papan selancar dibawah lengan - kamu tampak seperti pro. Outlet seperti Billabong, Rip Curl, Surfer Girl, Volcom Oakley sudah pasti akan menarik perhatian Anda atau anak-anak Anda! Dan Anda dapat melakukan semua hal di atas tanpa harus naik mobil atau naik sepeda motor. Dari Legian terhampar pantai yang indah menawarkan berbagai macam aktivitas yang Anda bisa pilih.

Looking for a taxi?

And you can do all of the above without ever having to ride in a car or hop on a motor bike. From Legian to the airport reef there’s a great beach that is a thoroughfare taking you to the smorgasboard of activities that is Kuta.

Jika Anda ingin persembunyian yang indah dan sempurna pergi ke pulau Pacific atau Tasmania, untuk menikmati kesendirian Anda. Kuta adalah untuk orang yang ingin bersosialisasi dengan orang-orang.

If you want that perfect idyllic hideaway go to Easter Island or Tasmania, and enjoy your solitude. Kuta is for people who want to be with people.



How to get there

Setiap hari TransNusa Air Services melayani penerbangan ke Denpasar (Bali). Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi kantor TransNusa terdekat di kota Anda (atau buka halaman 40).

Daily flights to Denpasar (Bali) are operated by TransNusa Air Services. For further information, please contact the TransNusa office at each destination (further details available P40).

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2010 | 13

You hear that gone are the days when you beg, borrow or steal a surfboard to try and teach yourself how to surf – besides that takes a long time …. And you discover that one of the best and safest ways to learn is to attend learn-to-surf-classes at a recognised surf school using accredited instructors and the best equipment available. With a few lessons you too can feel the excitement and sensation of surfing. You decide to look into the possibilities and this is what you find out:

Let your

imagination loose

As with most people, the image in your mind of Bali had always been a place of incredible beauty, of fantastic scenery, a place of unique arts and culture and a place offering a range of incredible and exciting things to do while on your holiday. Bali’s beautiful beaches are known throughout the world and were high on your list of priorities of places you wanted to visit in Bali – especially the world’s best beach – Kuta – the most famous in the world drawing both local and international tourists alike and somewhere that is almost impossible to resist while on holiday in Bali. The beauty of its white sand and the cleanliness of the beach continue to bring back tourists year after year. But it’s only now that you discover there’s something far better and more interesting than swimming in the Kuta beach waves or sunbathing on its sand - SURFING! “It really is like flying”, says Aussie, Kelly-Ann from Queensland “and it’s not as difficult as your imagine, it’s fun”.

Why surf?


surfing! Odysseys Surf School with its office located at the Mercure Hotel Arcade just across the road from the beach at Kuta is one of the best and has the perfect location for learning to surf where the waves break nicely in waist deep water onto a white sandy ocean floor. A surfing school with a reputation for its open, fun and friendly atmosphere, Odysseys was established in 2003 and sponsored by Oakley is supported by the Academy of Surfing Instructors Australia, Hard Rock Cafe, Surftime surf magazine and Surfer Girl. It has the know-how, skill, experience and resources that make the surf school one that can basically teach anyone with the will-to-succeed to surf. Odysseys Surf School’s professional and accredited instructors (Australia certified) are trained in all aspects of customer safety, including the Bronze Medalion for Surf Lifesaving and Rescue, as well as Advanced Resuscitation Techniques and International Standard Senior First Aid. All of the instructors are fluent in both English and Japanese . The school has a dedicated team who will go the extra mile and more to help you have the most enjoyable learn-to-surf experience. Young or old, male or female – if you want to learn how to surf, Odysseys Surf School is the right Bali surfing school for you. Everyone stands up on their first day!


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | Mar - Apr 2011

Odysseys lessons Odysseys surfing lessons are suitable for beginners and intermediate level surfers between the ages of 6 and 60. Odysseys offers lessons lasting two and a half hours consisting of 15 minutes’ theory, 15 minutes’ break time and 2 hours in the water and provides lessons for ages six and onwards for anyone considered fit and healthy with no historical illness and can swim. It offers the best value-for-money and most affordable tuition fee/rates in the industry. At Odysseys all beginners find themselves standing on a board by the end of two-hour activity session. Odysseys Surf School ensure you have the essential knowledge and skills needed to practice surfing safely during your surfing lessons and of course later after you have completed the course. Odysseys provides group surfing lessons, semi private surfing lessons, private surfing lessons, group or corporate surfing lessons and kids’ surfing lessons with a beginners or intermediate level surfing experience. To offer you flexibility while you are vacationing in Bali, Odysseys provides two daily classes and one to five-day Bali surfing lesson packages. You are free to choose single classes or daily packages that suit you although odysseys usually recommends an ideal duration is one based on your previous level of experience. If you wish to

learn as much as you can while on a limited budget, single classes are a great way to get started and can be upgraded later. When you book your Bali surf lessons with Odysseys Surf School, it includes a free pick up service (a small fee applies if you are staying in the Sanur area). Apart from the lessons ... remember that Surfing is all about having fun! From several different Kuta activities available to choose from, Bali surfing is considered by many as being the most fun and challenging Bali activity while you are in Kuta and doesn’t cost a fortune if you book through Odysseys Surf School. It is really simple and it’s so much easier than you think. Just bring your spirit of fun, with Odysseys surf lessons you will love every minute of it. Odysseys will make sure you have that perfect fun surf lesson. You decide to take one of their courses and a few days later you are hooked – you’re now a surfer!

Includes Free hotel transfers, Insurance coverage, Certificate, Changing room, Safety locker, Safe surf equipment, Clean shower & toilet facilities, Mineral water & Clean towels. So join the fun and start surfing, Because…..” Surfing is Fun….!!!!!!! “

Happy Cafe - great acoustic evenings

The Gili Lounge - at The Santosa Villas & Resort Lombok

Cafe Alberto - always fun!

Senggigi internationally acclaimed cuisinerite


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

SENGGIGI revisited Alan Brayne story updated by The Agency Photos by various sources

Seorang Novelis dan pernah tinggal di Lombok, Alan Brayne, menemukan kembali daya tarik tersembunyi Senggigi - merupakan tempat bagi orang yang memiliki ide berpetualang untuk menguji cocktail lokal dengan namanya yang unik

Novelist and former Lombok resident, Alan Brayne, rediscovers the hidden allure of Senggigi – it’s a place for ‘real people’ whose idea of adventure is testing a local cocktail with a dodgy name

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2010 | 17

Saya benci kepada para guide yang dengan sepenuh hati mereka selalu bercerita tentang petualangan super yang menghabiskan waktu mereka untuk menelusuri pegunungan, mengembangkan pemahaman lintas-budaya dan melakukan olahraga energik. Mengapa tidak ada buku pedoman untuk orang seperti saya? Seorang yang memiliki ide berpetualang dengan hanya menguji cocktail lokal dengan namanya yang unik. Buku bagi para turis malas; yang hanya ingin menghabiskan waktunya dibawah sinar matahari dan menikmati minuman dingin memabukkan.

I hate most tourist guides with a vengeance. They’re always written for superhuman adventurers who spend their holidays scaling mountains, developing cross-cultural understanding and doing energetic sports, whilst picking up a smattering of the language along the way. Why are there never any guidebooks for people like me? Real people whose idea of adventure is testing a local cocktail with a dodgy name. Books for the tourist as slob: sizzling in the sun and getting sozzled.

Jadi ketika saya mendapat kesempatan ke Senggigi untuk menulis tentang tempat ini, saya melompat kegirangan. Saya akan tinggal di sana selama enam bulan menyelesaikan novel saya, jadi saya belajar dari pengalaman sebelumnya tentang tempat yang bagus untuk mendedikasikan diri serta menghindari kerja keras. Saya bertekad akan menulis sebuah artikel perjalanan yang tidak akan menyebutkan Gunung Rinjani atau budaya lokal, tetapi memberi gambaran sebuah tempat untuk memanjakan diri serta bermalas-malasan dan mencicipi cocktail lokal.

So when I got the chance to go back to Senggigi and write about the place, I jumped at it. I’d lived there for six months writing my novel, so I knew from experience that there were few better places to dedicate one self to avoiding hard work. I determined I would pen a travel article which didn’t even mention Mount Rinjani or local culture, but gave the lowdown instead on the best places to get blotto.

The Senggigi sidewalk


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

Any self-respecting slob must hang out in decent bars, of course, so the quality of the local watering holes is vital. Are they dark,

are they seedy and do they stay open late? In Senggigi, yes, yes and yes. The most up market place – and we are not talking the Moulin Rouge here – was Tropicana, bang in the centre of town. This was where Lombok’s trendy young things used to strut their stuff on malam minggu – Saturday night. But there’s no need to worry – Lombok people aren’t that good at being trendy, so you won’t find yourself surrounded by the beautiful and terminally cool. Instead, you’ll meet a mixed bag of friendly young people who just want to have fun. Male and female. Indonesian and white. Gay, straight, and open to all comers. So, if you prefer your nightclubs with a hint of decorum, Tropicana was a good way to ease yourself into the Senggigi scene. That was the way it used to be. For all of the above, nowadays, Marina is the word. Marina is probably and rightly Senggigi’s most famous bar. Razed to the ground in 2000, it has risen from the ashes to become (with admirable logic but scant imagination) the New Marina. I checked it out with a friend to find very little had changed.

Bagi saya seorang turis pemalas, lebih memilih nongkrong di bar-bar, tentu saja kualitas dari bar merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Apakah mereka gelap atau buka hingga larut malam? Di Senggigi, ya, ya dan ya. Tempat yang paling berkelas saat itu Tropicana - kita tidak berbicara Moulin Rouge. Dulu terletak tepat di jantung Senggigi. Di sinilah hal-hal trendi di Lombok digunakan oleh para muda untuk menghabiskan malam minggu mereka. Jangan khawatir - orang Lombok sangat terbuka dengan orang asing, kamu akan menemukan anak muda ramah yang hanya ingin bersenang-senang. Laki-laki, perempuan, Indonesia, barat, gay, atau yang lurus, semua terbuka bagi siapa saja. Jadi, jika Anda suka denga club malam, Tropicana adalah tempatnya. Untuk semua hal yang saya ceritakan diatas, saat ini bisa dinikmati di Marina Café. Marina Café merupakan sebuah bar yang paling popular di Senggigi saat ini. Dimana sempat rata dengan tanah pada tahun 2000, yang kemudian dipugar kembali dengan wajah yang lebih modern. Saya mencoba datang ketempat ini bersama seorang teman untuk melihat secara langsung. Masih dengan suasana

Same atmosphere, same live band, same pirate uniforms for the staff, same opportunity (speaking euphemistically) for East to meet West. So just what is new about the place? Next door is new. The Sports Bar and billiard room – some of us just have to keep one eye on the football. If you’re looking for some spectator sports action, it’s the place to be – lounge lizards and couch potatoes like myself can’t find anywhere better – watching sport while still able to keep an eye on the dance floor…… Scraping the bottom of the barrel at the end of a long night, you may gladly be lured by the sheer magnetism of a last drink to Plaza Senggigi behind the early closing Happy Café that true to its namesake

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Marina - rocking on through the night

yang sama, live band dan staffnya yang ramah dan menyenangkan berseragam bajak laut. Yang tampak berbeda adalah pintu, bar yang dilengkapi dengan layar datar menayangkan program olahraga serta ruang biliar – tampak beberapa dari pengunjung mata mereka tertuju pada pertandingan sepak bola yang sedang berlangsung. Jika Anda sedang mencari hal seperti itu, inilah tempatnya.

Marina quest DJ - Julia Peres (Jupe)


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

Manghabiskan sisa makanan dan minuman hingga tetes terakhir di Square, malam mulai menjelang, bak mahnet saya terpikat pada sebuah café diseberang jalan, mengapa tidak, seteguk lagi pikirku sebelum tidur. Happy Café, sesuai dengan namanya, merupan tempat bahagia dengan sekelompok musisi yang memainkan musik rock & roll, country, hingga pop. Dibelakang café ini tampak beberapa bar remang-remang dan kurang berkarakter. Terdengar ledakan suara musik Indonesia dan barat dengan volume yang menyakitkan ketika melewatinya. Jika memasuki tempat ini, kamu akan menemukan bahwa dirimulah satusatunya orang asing yang ada di sini, tapi jangan khawatir, mereka tidak akan memojokkanmu

is a happy sort of place with a friendly bunch of Country/rock/pop musicians. In the Plaza celubrious establishments with different names are dingy, smoky and without charm or character (or air-conditioning), blasting out Indonesian and western house music at a painful volume. You’ll often find yourself the only foreigner there, but don’t worry, the locals won’t pin you down and practice their English. They’re probably too far out of their skulls to even notice you’re there. They are the kind of place you turn up at when anywhere seems more attractive than going home. As such, it’s generally the very last place in town to close. I’m not sure I’d recommend them, but, if you’re a serious clubber, you’re sure to end up there at some stage. Health freaks delight in telling us, between mouthfuls of muesli and vegi burgers, how all that late-night drinking can play havoc with our health, especially on an empty stomach. Fair enough, I guess – I don’t know about you, but I’ve got nothing against eating. On the contrary. I believe good food is an essential part of being a slob. Dining out is where

dan memaksamu untuk melatih bahasa Inggris mereka. Mereka mungkin terlalu menikmati sehingga tidak menyadari bahwa dirimu ada di sana. Tempat seperti ini mungkin yang lebih menarik dari pada kembali pulang. Yang mana pada umumnya tempat terakhir di kota ini yang tutup. Saya tidak yakin saya akan merekomendasikan kepada mereka, tetapi, jika kamu seorang clubber sejati, saya yakin kamu akan berakhir ditempat ini. Pakar kesehatan sering mengatakan, antara bubur gandum dan burger vegetarian, serta bagaimana pengaruh minuman dapat menimbulkan efek buruk terhadap kesehatan terutama di saat perut kosong. Cukup adil saya kira – saya tidak tahu dengan Anda, Dan saya tidak menentang makanan. Sebaliknya, saya percaya makanan merupakan bagian penting dari bermalas-malasan. Santap malam untuk menikmati kelezatan serta keunikan yang disuguhkan oleh sebuah restauran lokal, dimana kita dapat bersosialisasi dan bercengkrama. Restoran terbaik di Senggigi - setidaknya di luar hotel - adalah Square. Letaknya tepat di pusat Senggigi, memiliki reputasi yang bagus, terutama dengan makanannya. Café Alberto dengan home made pastanya, memiliki tempat yang strategis untuk merayakan pesta Anda - mereka selalu berpesta - merupakan tipe saya. Atau Lotus by View – menyuguhkan makanan khas Italia/ Australia dengan bir dan obrolan yang menyenangkan dengan Maurizio yang selalu bersedia mendengarkan dan didengarkan. Jika Anda hanya ingin tinggal dekat dengan air dan restaurant di Senggigi, hanya bersantai tanpa harus beranjak kemana-mana, untuk mempersiapkan diri diesok hari, The Sentosa Villas & Resort hanya beberapa menit dari itu semua. Yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah bersantai dikolam renang dengan menikmati ‘Kelapa Muda Cocktail’ atau mencicipi pilihan menu masakan Indonesia dan International yang disediakan oleh Seaside Restaurant. Jika itu masih kurang, selalu ada The Gili Lounge, di mana Anda dapat bersantai setelah sibuk disiang hari! Berkendara sekejap ke Holiday Resort Lombok dengan beraneka ragam pilihan makanan. Hanya di sebelah utara Senggigi yaitu Mangsit, Resort ini menawarkan suasana yang menawan dengan pemandangan pantai yang luar biasa, Anda dapat

the unrespectable habit of getting legless mingles with the connoisseur delight in fine cuisine. Where slobbery meets snobbery, so to speak. The most celubrious restaurant in Senggigi – at least outside the hotels – is generally reckoned to be Square. It’s smack in the centre of town and merits its reputation by and large, especially as far as the food is concerned. It’s fine, fine dining with imported meats and designer dishes. For more continental eating, but with a to-die-for setting overlooking the beach, try Café Alberto which has home - made pasta and doubles as a great venue for celebrations - they are always partying - my type of people. Or try Lotus comfort food a la Aussie/ Italy with plenty of beer, lots of idle chatter and host, Maurizio - there’s always someone willing to listen or be listened to. If you want to stay close to the watering holes and cookhouses of Senggigi, yet be able to seek some respite in order to live another day, The Sentosa Villas & Resort is just a few minutes away from it all. All you need do is hang out by the pool close to your own cocktail bar and perhaps try the ‘Young Coconut Cocktail or slip over to the Seaside restaurant with its selection of fine Indonesian favorites. If that is not enough there is always The Gili Lounge where you can unwind after a busy day or night!

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Relaxed dining at Holiday Resort, Mangsit

menghabiskan waktumu dengan hanya berbaring di sebuah pondok, dan menikmati bir dingin dibawah hangatnya matahari. Tidak banyak penjaja souvenir ke daerah ini, sehingga Anda hampir tidak pernah terlihat lagi. Hamburger yang dibuat dengan daging sapi impor, steak super kaya variasi, prasmanan bertema; Lombok, Jawa atau Bali menunggu siapa pun yang ingin mencicipi “masakan lokal” dilakukan demi kenyamanan pengunjung. Dimana Anda dapat mengenalinya sebelum, sebelum benar-benar mencoba pedasnya masakan Lombok yang terkenal itu. Akhirnya, timbulah pertanyan? Mengapa ke Senggigi ketika Anda bisa pergi ke Bali? Banyak orang mengatakan bahwa Bali memiliki banyak pilihan klub dan bar, belum lagi restorannya. Yah, saya tahu ini mungkin terdengar klise, namun Senggigi untuk semua. Semua orang berbicara dengan Anda di sini, bukan hanya karena mereka ingin menjual sesuatu, tetapi karena mereka benar-benar ingin bercengkrama. Saya tidak tahu mengapa Senggigi sangat ramah. Mungkin karena tempat itu benar-benar multikultural - Sasaks asli, Bali, Jawa, penduduk putih lokal, masyarakat dari seluruh Indonesia - semua orang campuran untuk menciptakan suasana indah. Dan akhirnya, bermalasan bukan hanya sekedar untuk minum dan makan – in tentang hubungan yang menyenangkan. Senggigi sangat ramah mungkin karena masih relatif baru – sehingga tidak ada waktu untuk letih. Di Senggigi sulit untuk capek, bahkan waktupun terasa lambat.

Grill - The Santosa Villas & Resort

A short ride out of town is Holiday Resort with its selection of fine food outlets. Just north of Senggigi in Mangsit, the Resort offers a magnificent setting overlooking an empty beach where you can spend an entire afternoon alone, stretched out on a pondok, swilling down cold beers. Not many hawkers get this far north, so you hardly ever see anymore. Hamburgers made with imported beef, super steaks richly varied, theme buffets and ‘signature’ Lombok, Java and Bali dinners await anyone wanting to sample the “local cuisine” done to suit visitors. Where you can get your feet wet before jumping into the pool of chili filled and potentially lethal Lombok dishes. Finally, the $ 64,000 question. Why go to Senggigi when you can go to Bali? Fans of the latter will point out that Bali has bigger choice of clubs and bars, not to mention better restaurants. Well, I know this might sound corny, but go to Senggigi for the people. Everyone talks to you here, not only because they want to sell you something, but because they genuinely like to chat. I don’t know why Senggigi is so friendly. Maybe it’s because the place is truly multicultural – native Sasaks, Balinese, Javanese, local white residents, people from all over Indonesia – everyone mixes to create a wonderful atmosphere. And, in the end, being a slob is not just about food and drink – it’s about good conversation and congenial company. Or maybe Senggigi is so friendly because it’s still a relatively new resort – not much more than ten years old – so the people haven’t had time to get jaded. In Senggigi it’s very hard to be jaded, even as a time weathered slob.

How to get there


Setiap hari TransNusa Air Services melayani penerbangan ke Mataram (Lombok). Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi kantor TransNusa terdekat di kota Anda (atau buka halaman 40).

| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

Daily flights to Mataram (Lombok) are operated by TransNusa Air Services. For further information, please contact the TransNusa office at each destination (further details available P40).

Café Alberto

Relaxed beach-side dining Angin laut berhembus, deburan ombak terdengar, matahari terbenam tampak begitu dekat, serasa Anda dapat menyentuhnya membuat suasana relax dan romantis di restaurant ini. Dari namanya, sudah jelas sebuah restaurant Italia. Tetapi jangan khawatir, jika Anda memiliki selera Asia, ada beberapa pilihan lain yang Anda dapat nikmati disini seperti sup Tom Yam serta hidangan Asia lain; lumpia, mie goreng dan nasi goreng juga ada. Home-made pasta yang satu ini pasti ada. Ibarat laut tanpa garam sama seperti ibarat Italia tanpa pastanya. Tampak bendera merah putih dan hijau pada menu - jadi cobalah pomodoro con ravioli - pasta yang didalamnya berisi bayam, disiram dengan saus tomat atau pilihan lain dari daging dan hidangan ikan - Café Alberto tepat ditepi pantai sudah tentu memiliki ikan segar.

The salty air, sea breezes, close proximity to the water, sunsets you can reach out and touch make for an atmosphere that spells kick back and relax, you’re where you should be and the ambience is tops. The excellent food and service add to the pleasure of dining at Café Alberto. There’s also home-made pasta – the owner is Italian and no Italian worth his salt would serve anything but the best pasta. It’s definitely an Italian restaurant (the name) but don’t worry if you have Asian or other tastes in food. There’s superb Tom Yam soup and other Asian delights such as lumpia and all the other “gorengs” like mie and nasi (fried rice and fried noodles). But it does sport the red white and green – so try the ravioli con pomodoro – filled pasta with tomato sauce and optional spinach or select from the meats and fish dishes – Café Alberto is as mentioned before right on the beach and the fish is as fresh as.

Untuk mengunjungi Café Alberto sangat mudah - ada layanan antar jemput! Jika Anda berada di Senggigi area.

Getting to Café Alberto is easy – there’s the pick-up service!

Dengan akses internet WiFi, makanan yang lezat dan suasana luar biasa merupakan tempat yang sempurna untuk bersantai dan bersantap.

With WiFi internet access, great food and superb atmosphere there’s nothing missing for that perfect relaxed beach-side dining.

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TransNusa Inflight Magazine


Water for Elephants

Berdasarkan novel oleh Sara Gruen.

Hancur oleh kematian mendadak orang tuanya dalam kecelakaan mobil, mahasiswa kedokteran hewan Jacob Jankowski (Robert Pattinson) meninggalkan studinya. Dia segera menjadi bagian dari sebuah sirkus keliling dan mencoba untuk bekerja dengan mereka. Ketika Agustus (Christoph Waltz), kepala pelatih hewan, mengetahui Jacob adalah seorang dokter hewan, dia menyewa dia untuk merawat binatang. Namun, Jacob jatuh cinta kepada istri muda Agustus, Marlena (Reese Witherspoon).


Genre: Drama Director: Frances Lawrence Producer(s): Erwin Stoff, Gil Netter Cast: Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon, Christoph Waltz, Hal Holbrook, Mark Povinelli, Jim Norton

Thor (Chris Hemsworth), seorang pejuang kuat tapi arogan, diturunkan ke bumi sebagai hukuman untuk kembali memicu perang sembrono. Tapi setelah penjahat berbahaya dari dunianya mengirimkan pasukan tergelap Asgard menyerbu Bumi, Thor belajar untuk menjadi pahlawan sejati untuk menyelamatkan umat manusia.


Genre: Action Director: Kenneth Branagh Producer(s): Kevin Feige Cast: Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins


X-MEN: First Class Sebelum Charles Xavier dan Erik Lensherr mengambil nama Profesor X dan Magneto, mereka berdua adalah pemuda yang menemukan kekuatan mereka untuk pertama kalinya. Sebelum mereka saling bermusuhan, mereka adalah teman dekat, bekerja sama dengan mutan lain untuk memerangi semua ancaman. Hingga akhirnya keretakan antara mereka menyebabkan dimulainya perang abadi antara Magneto’s Brotherhood dan Profesor X’s X-Men. Genre: Action Director: Matthew Vaughn Producer(s): Simon Kinberg, Lauren Shuler-Donner, Bryan Singer Cast: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Rose Byrne, January Jones, Jason Flemyng, Lucas Till, Edi Gathegi, Kevin Bacon, Oliver Platt, Jennifer Lawrence

| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

Villa Almarik One of the first resorts on Gili Trawangan’s prime beachfront area. Everything is on your doorstep, a white sandy beach on the edge of a wide assemblage of beautiful blue coral and only a few minutes walk from the island’s central area. If you’ve been dreaming of white sandy beaches and crystal clear blue waters, look no further – you’ve found it. Welcome to Villa Almarik. The Resort has 20 simply and elegantly appointed cottages. Each is air-conditioned and has a spacious living area, a terrace and a traditional outdoor courtyard attached to the bathroom and is finished with traditional furnishings. A Balinese bale (elevated lounging area) completes each cottage. A mix of Indonesian and Mediterranean dishes awaits you at our restaurant. Gangga Divers at Villa Almarik, a PADI 5 STAR Dive Resort, is managed by the well known Gangga Divers Team. The Dive Center offers a large range of diving courses conducted by professional, PADI instructors, and caters to divers of every age and level of experience.

Lotus Bayview

A feast of the world’s varied cuisines... Dining on a distinct blend of the world’s varied cuisines including Asian and European specialties with an Italian accent, along with a wide selection of beverages, surrounded by Asian flowers and Indonesian antiques, and an enchanting and relaxing atmosphere this is what will await you at our restaurants. Lotus Restaurants have satisfied the most demanding of guests from all corners of the globe and we are proud to have established landmark status at all our locations. After our overwhelming success in Bali it was only natural for us to bring our cuisine and hospitality concept to Lombok island. Within the Senggigi Beach Art Center complex, adjacent to Lombok’s Sheraton Hotel lies the Lotus Bayview. The restaurant is only a few meters from the shoreline and from here you can see Bali’s Mount Agung while enjoying a gentle sea breeze. The menu includes the most popular dishes of all Lotus restaurants in Bali. Witnessing a stunning sunset from Lotus Bayview while indulging in our delicious food will certainly become an unforgettable memory of your stay in Lombok.

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2 Nintendo 3Ds Here we go!! Akhirnya Nintendo merilis versi 3D yang tidak perlu kacamata 3D. Seperti review para penggunanya, kualitas 3D-nya tidak kalah dengan konsol game lain, bahkan mungkin yang terbaik pada jenis konsol compact. Konsol ini dilengkapi juga dengan Sensor & sensor gerak Gyro, stylus Adjustable, cradle Pengisian, kontrol Analog, SpotPass (fitur yang memungkinkan 3DS Nintendo mendeteksi wireless hotspot atau jalur akses LAN dan memperoleh informasi, data game, free software dan videos). Akan tetapi, konsol ini memiliki satu kelemahan, yaitu baterainya yang cepat habis. Overall konsol ini sangat bagus buat para gamer yang mau mencoba selain PSP.

Evil 1 Nikon (Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens) Nikon EVIL adalah kamera mirrorless dengan sistem baru dan dianggap sebagai kamera terbaik keluar pada tahun 2011. Meskipun tidak banyak yang telah mengungkapkan tentang hal itu, presiden Nikon telah mengindikasikan bahwa konsep baru sedang dikembangkan dan tipe baru kamera digital mungkin akan dirilis sebelum 2011. Hal ini berspekulasi bahwa ini akan menjadi kamera mirrorless dengan sensor lebih besar dan lensa non-removable. Penasaran? Kita tunggu saja rilis resminya....

1 2



3 HTC Thenderbolt Dunia 4G mendapat sambutan besar dengan munculnya ponsel-ponsel yang menggunakan teknologi 4G LTE. HTC Thunderbold dan Samsung SCH-I520, merupakan ponsel pertama yang menggunakan teknologi 4G ini. HTC Thunderbold ini, menggunakan processor dual-core Snapdragon MSM8960 1,2 GHz dan mempunyai kemampuan penyimpanan data dengan SDXC hingga 128 GB. HTC Thunderbolt juga mempunyai dual kamera, yang mana kamera utama (primary camera) 8 megapixel, dan kamera 5 megapixel untuk kamera depan (secondary camera). Dengan kamera tersebut, HTC Thunderbold dapat merekam gambar berkualitas high defintion 720p.


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

4 Lenovo IdeaPad U1 Lenovo menghadirkan IdeaPad U1 yaitu sebuah perangkat laptop yang dapat berubah fungsi menjadi sebuah tablet layar sentuh. Lenovo IdeaPad U1 mengambil bentuk laptop pada umumnya, namun pengguna dapat melepaskan bagian layarnya menjadi sebuah tablet berukuran 11,6 inci yang mendukung multi-touch. Pada saat menjadi tablet, IdeaPad U1 memiliki sebuah keyboard yang cukup besar pada layar yang berfungsi untuk memudahkan pengguna dalam memasukkan alamat URL, namun jika ingin melakukan pengetikkan email yang cukup panjang, sebaiknnya dilakukan pada modus laptop agar pengetikkan menjadi lebih nyaman

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1 F y a d n u S Big

y a d e c a r

Season starters Melbourne, Sepang and China show that 2011 may be the most interesting season yet After the first three races Vettel (two wins) and Webber (two podiums & best drive) appear to have resumed where they left off last season – up front and fast; BUT behind them there’s a lot of potential for change. Hamilton and to a lesser extent Button appear a lot more competitive than they did last year, while Ferrari seem to be having problems. What could bring about an exciting season is to see the Renaults with a bit more oomph as witnessed in two strong drives by Vitaly Petrov (3rd Melbourne) and Nick Heidfield (3rd Malaysia) and possibly – just possibly, signs of good things to come for Mercedes and their drivers, Rosberg and Schumacher. Some say that the combination of KERS, movable wings and the new Pirelli tyres have somehow helped to keep the outcome of races open right up to the end – the Red Bull appear to have the fastest cars – Webber 18th to 3rd in China - but they can be overtaken as Hamilton proved in leaving Vettel in his dust in China.


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

The Ferraris have been struggling and something is needed to spur the prancing horse on, but as in the past Ferrari seem to inevitably improve their performances – it will be nice to see if the much improved Massa can stay with Alonso on the track. Everyone’s talking about the black Renaults – they ‘look’ the meanest most intimidating team and with two fairly uncompromising drivers might just muscle their way to a few wins. The Mercedes team of Rosbergh and Scumacher may slowly be coming to life with Rosbergh leading for a lot of the way in China and Schumacher prominent at last in many of the midfield duels – with Ross Brawn at the helm it’s hard to think they wont soon be competitive.

Mark Webber & Sebastian Vettel

Driver points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



Sebastian Vettel Lewis Hamilton Jensen Button Mark Webber Fernanado Alonso Felipe Massa Vitaly Petrov Nick Heidfeld Nico Rosberg Kamui Kobayashi Michael Schumacher Sebastian Bueni

Red Bull Renault McLaren Mercedes McLaren Mercedes Red Bull Renault Ferrari Ferrari Renault Renault Mercedes GP Sauber Mercedes GP Toro Rosso Ferrari

Points 68 47 38 37 26 24 17 15 10 7 6 4

Constructors points Red Bull McLaren Ferrari Renault Mercedes GP

105 85 50 32 16

Come and join the fun and excitement at Arena Pub and Restaurant where every race is shown live!

Races to come: Turkish Grand Prix Istanbul Park, 6-8 May

European Grand Prix Valencia, Spain, 24-26 June

Belgian Grand Prix Spa-Francorchamps, 26-28 August

Spanish Grand Prix Circuit de Catalunya, 20-22 May

British Grand Prix Silverstone, 8-10 July

Italian Grand Prix Monza, 9-11 September

Monaco Grand Prix Monte Carlo, 27-29 May

German Grand Prix Nurburgring, 22-24 July

Singapore Grand Prix Singapore, 23-25 September

Canadian Grand Prix Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, Montreal, 10-12 June

Hungarian Grand Prix Hungaroring, 29-31 July

Japanese Grand Prix Suzuka, 7-9 October

Korean Grand Prix Korea International Circuit, Yeongam, 14-16 October Indian Grand Prix Greater Noida, 28-30 October Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Yas Marina, 11-13 November Brazilian Grand Prix Interlagos, 25-27 November

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011 | 29

Belongas Bay

Sepi - Belongas Bay Story by The Agency Photos by DiveZone / Michael Tan

Pantai selatan Lombok yang indah dengan zona menyelam yang spektakuler Lombok’s quiet south coast getaway and spectacular dive zone Dengan banyaknya informasi tentang tujuan berlibur menjadi penuh sesak dengan lalu lintas serta banyaknya pengunjung, salah satu tujuan di Lombok, teluk Sepi, mungkin telah mencuri minat beberapa wisatawan yang mempromosikan diri mereka sebagai tempat yang sepi - karena ‘Sepi’ sendiri berarti tenang.

With all the news these days of holiday destinations becoming overcrowded with too much traffic and noisy vistors, one of Lombok’s destinations, Sepi, may have stolen the jump on other places that might want to promote themselves as being quiet – because ‘sepi’ itself means quiet or still and that’s what it is.

Pertama kali mendengar nama teluk Sepi dari seorang tukang listrik. Dia bercerita bahwa setiap hari Minggu, waktunya dihabiskan untuk memancing di Teluk Sepi. Gambaran yang diberikannya tentang keindahan teluk Sepi sangat menggelitik keinginan saya untuk mengunjunginya.

I had first heard of Sepi from an electrician who every Sunday went fishing at a place called Sepi bay and the picture he painted of the place more than inspired me to want to see for myself what it was like - it really aroused my curiousity – a place off the beaten that may still be free of crowds.

Perjalanan menuju Teluk Sepi pun segera kami rencanakan, seperti biasa, perjalanan kami gunakan sebagai acara piknik keluarga di hari Minggu dengan menggunakan mobil dan peta Lombok ditangan, kami berangkat keselatan menuju Lembar, tepat seperti tukang Listrik sarankan. Dari Lembar kami terus melaju menuju Sekotong (area baru di pantai barat daya Lombok). Tetapi setibanya di persimpangan, kami berbelok ke kiri dan menuju daerah pedalaman - kami melintasi bagian selatan Lombok dan menurut perhitungan saya, bila kita terus melanjutkan perjalanan yang akhirnya akan


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2010

An expedition needed to be organized – a perfect opportunity for a Sunday family picnic and so in the car and with map in hand we set off south towards the port of Lembar, a place according to our electrician, not far from Sepi. From Lembar we made our way towards Sekotong (area of new develoment on Lombok’s south west coast) but at a three-way intersection instead of turning right and following the coast we turned left and headed inland – we were obviously traversing the southern

tiba di pantai selatan Lombok - merupakan wilayah liar dan pantai berbatu. Jalan beraspal membawa kami melalui hutan yang menyediakan panorama indah menakjubkan yang kemudian perlahan-lahan tampak biru laut dan pantai semakin mendekati kita. Setelah dua jam perjalanan, kami tiba di teluk yang indah dan tampak beberapa perahu kecil berlabuh siap menghatar kesisi lain pulau itu. Perjalanan melintasi lautan biru yang indah dari teluk itu sangat menyenangkan saat kami melihat ke air – biru bebas dari sampah plastik dan sampah lainnya yang sering kita jumpai di pantai-pantai. Pantai di daerah ini sangat bersih serta berpasir putih, hal lainnya adalah tidak terlalu banyak pengunjung. Disini kita masih dapat bersantai, berjalan menyusuri pantai tanpa gangguan para penjual cendramata. Sumber pendapatan utama masyarakat di Lombok Selatan ini adalah sebagai seorang nelayan dan petani mutiara (Lombok Selatan adalah pengekspor utama mutiara di Indonesia). Saat itu bertepatan dengan pasang surut, tampak perempuan dan anak-anak berlomba-lomba mengumpulkan kerang, kepiting dan “harta karun” lainnya dari laut. Hari minggu bukan hanya hari libur saya. Tetapi merupakan “hari libur” bagi masyarakat Indonesia, tampak beberpa keluarga sedang asik bermain dengan anak-anak mereka menikmati udara dan air di pantai. Tidak lama kemudian, kami telah bergabung dalam kegembiraan dan tertawa bersama mereka. Daerah ini dihuni oleh hanya segelintir penduduk lokal - mungkin 300 jiwa - sebagian besar adalah nelayan. Diseberang teluk, ada sebuah akomodasi bagi para traveler – The Belongas Bay Lodge, merupakan satu-satunya tempat untuk tinggal dan letaknya sedikit tersembunyi. Lodge ini terdiri dari tiga kamar tidur terbuat dari kayu serta memiliki fasilitas lengkap

portion of Lombok island and my reckoning told me if we continued on we would eventually arrive somewhere on Lombok’s south coast – a wild and rocky area of coastline. The windy but nicely paved road took us through forests that encroached from all sides and over hills that provided a beautiful panorama exploding in our faces that clearly showed ocean and beach in the distance. After the journey of about two hours we arrived at the shore of beautiful bay from where small boats made the crossing to the other side. The journey across the beautiful blue waters of the bay was relaxing as we looked into the deep below – free of the plastics and other waste from tourism found so often in the waters of our archipelago. Even though the clean white sandy beaches are amongst the best on Lombok, you will not find many travelers. Here it’s still possible to take relaxing walks along the beach without meeting annoying sellers trying to sell their watches, necklaces and so on. The inhabitants’ main source of income in South Lombok is fishing and pearl farming (South Lombok’s pearl farms are the main exporter of quality pearls in Indonesia). It was low tide, and women and children were collecting clams, crabs and other “treasures of the sea”. Sunday not only my day off. It’s the traditional “off day” for the Indonesian community, and other families with their children were enjoying and playing at the beach. It wasn’t long before we had joined in the fun and were laughing along with them. The area is inhabited by only a handful of locals – possibly 300 - mostly fishermen. Over on the other side of the bay Across the bay there is some

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Sharks aplenty

Locals know whore ďŹ sh are biting

Enjoying the drive

Sea snakes

Beautiful coral


pendek dan denga grlombang ng rfi su t pa m te ang dan emiliki dua i gelombang panj Teluk indah ini m rat teluk memilik ba i sis Catatan di i. n in t ka pa ng menyukai tem kencang, seda h bi le ta -ra ta ra ringkat, di mana para surfer ini memiliki 6 pe lebih berongga si ka lo u hi n besi! ti dengan ika rada di kandang menarik - hati-ha nyelam harus be pe = 10 n da u, a. hi pal tib 1 = tidak ada ini ramai ketika ka Tempat Info dari: surflin

Para Surfer

eka yang one, karena mer ghubungi Dive-Z en m n ka rmasi dan fo ah in sil g an ntu kami deng Penggemar Divin ba em m ng ya n merekalah tahu daerah ini da veZone-Lombo foto bawah air. m dan Dive@Di co k. bo m Lo ewww.DiveZon y Lodge. ungi Belongas Ba ahkan menghub sil i as od om ak k Untu www.thelodge

Para Diver


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

Transport across the bay



the bay’s te Surfers take no cent surf spots, a short, punchy right on e - fun for de left on the east sid enic bay has two

The sc more hollow) 1 more perfect (and er - rated 6, where side and a longer, rding shark dang ga re te no ng sti r. Intere m sur the average surfe iron cage!! Info fro an g in br = 10 d = none an s arrive. n liveaboard boat Only crowded whe ny who know the Zone dive compa ve Di e th t g ac nt co please is article, providin Diving enthusiasts information for th ith w us ed lp he d else an area like nobody ul cover shot. os and the beautif ot ph er at rw de us with un Dive@DiveZone d an m co k. bo Lom www.DiveZonelongas Bay Lodge. ion contact the Be at od m m co ac ic For idyll www.thelodge


untuk kebutuhan anda selama berlibur. Teras yang untuk bersantai setelah menyelam, dan teluk berpasir putih untuk berenang! Teluk Sepi atau Teluk Belongas dikenal dengan tempat-tempat menyelam spektakuler, seperti “magnet” lokasi ini memiliki banyak sekali terumbu karang serta ikan baik itu kecil hingga ikan besar! Sekelompok ikan makarel, rainbow runner, tuna, dan barakuda akan menemani penyelaman Anda, sementara Anda menyelam, Anda juga akan menemukan Hiu martil. Hiu putih dan hiu karang cukup umum terlihat diperairan ini. Saya mencoba bersnorkling, kemudian ada peringatan – hanya untuk para penyelam berpengalaman saja! Tempat menyelam lainya di Belongas Bay juga cocok bagi para penyelam pemula dan Anda akan melihat keindahan alam bawah laut yang menegangkan dan menakjubkan. Oh iya sekelompok ikan pari juga ada disini. Teluk Sepi merupakan tempat yang tenang dan cocok untuk menanggalkan kesibukan dan rutinitas sehari-hari, di sinipula Anda dapat melakukan kegiatan olahraga yang agak ekstrim. Dengan ini apakah Sepi akan tetap sepi seperti namanya? Satu hal yang pasti, ada banyak pilihan untuk dijelajahi – yang cukup untuk beberapa Minggu lagi.

How to get there

accommodation available for travellers – the Belongas Bay Lodge is the only place to say and is nestled in the protected bay. The lodge is made up of three comfortable and tastefully furnished teakwood bungalows. The terrace invites you to enjoy a relaxed post dive evening, and the bay offers pristine beaches for swimming and relaxing! Teluk Sepi or Belongas Bay as it is otherwise known is famous for its dive sites such as “The Magnet“ which is a pinnacle in the open sea with challenging conditions and big fish action! Schools of mackerel, rainbow runner, tuna and barracuda accompany your dive, while you are on the lookout to spot the hammerheads. White-tip and black-tip reef sharks are fairly common, but on occasion you can also see the one or other pelagic shark around the pinnacle. But as I got my snorkel out of a back pack I was warned - Experienced divers only! The other dive sites in Belongas Bay are very suitable for the less experienced divers and await you with breathtaking coral reefs and an abundance of underwater life. I was told you can find it all. While Sepi reflects quiet and the layback life, it is also a jump-off point for some relaivley extreme sports activities. With this in mind I wonder if Sepi will continue to be “sepi”!!! One thing for sure, there is a lot to explore – enough for a few more Sundays.

Setiap hari TransNusa Air Services melayani penerbangan ke Mataram (Lombok). Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi kantor TransNusa terdekat di kota Anda (atau buka halaman 40).

Daily flights to Mataram (Lombok) are operated by TransNusa Air Services. For further information, please contact the TransNusa office at each destination (further details available P40).

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011 | 33

DIVING Gili Trawangan, the best diving experience in Indonesia Explore a whole new world of underwater magic with...

... DSM Dive Center ! DISCOVER

Outstanding dive sites With more than 16 dive sites to discover ... see large fish such as turtles, black or white-tip sharks, stingrays, bumphead fish, vibrantly colorful fish like nudibranches, mentis shrimp and many more.


Diving for all Meet our passionate team and share all your diving moments with them. Our dives are fun, there’s a family feeling - it’s the best way to dive. Our international team will enhance your diving activity while viewing the amazing sub-marine life assisting you in English, Japanese, German, Dutch, French or Italian.


From beginner to pro The new and exciting Dive Centre operated by DSM Lombok with its state-of-the-art equipment welcomes everyone from absolute beginners to experienced professionals.

New equipment ! No more dirty wetsuits and outdated equipment. To make your diving experience all that you expect it to be, DSM has the latest range of BCD and aqualungs.


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

Introducing Hadi aka ‘fishman’ With his long hair and slim body, Hadi has gained respect and popularity in recent years as the area’s most amazing instructor. With over 15 years of diving experience, he still feels a passion for diving and loves teaching and discovering new underwater marine-life. 1. As a child Hadi wanted to be a policeman but when he discovered diving everything changed. 2. Originally from Lombok, he started diving in 1994 and he hasn’t been out of the water since. 3. With his passion for diving, he helped to launch the first diving centers in Lombok and Gili Trawangan (Albatros, Villa Ombak). 4. Hadi has done more than 14,000 dives. 5. Hadi speaks fluent Indonesian, Sasak, English and Japanese all of which he learned from divers and guests. 6. Twice awarded ‘Best Instructor’ in the Asia Pacific Region by PADI, he takes care of your life like it was his own. 7. The DSM dive center is now one of his treasures, opening it in partnership with his French friends. Yes his dream is now a reality, he has his own dive center.

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011 | 35

Las Vegas memiliki Caesar Palace, Paris memiliki Folies Beger, Gold Coast Australia memiliki Warner Bros, LA dan sekarang Singapura memiliki Universal Studios lengkap dengan pertunjukkan mereka. Untuk memenuhi keinginan para pelancong yang tumbuh pesat, pertunjukan spektakuler merupakan keharusan. Sesuatu yang “harus dilihat” kini menjadi bagian terpenting dari tujuan itu sendiri - kita tidak berbicara Eiffel Tower atau Menara di London!. Mutasi dari satu kegiatan jalan-jalan, berbelanja dan sinar matahari ke parade dan pertunjukan sekarang dibutuhkan, merupakan upaya yang cukup berhasil untuk menangkap pasar dengan pertunjukan yang mengagumkan. Pertunjukan sangat dibutuhkan layaknya seperti kita membutuhkan WiFi.

Las Vegas has Caesar’s Palace, Paris has Folies Beger, Australia’s Gold Coast has Warner’s Bros, LA and now Singapore have Universal Studios with their shows. To satisfy the growing penchant of holiday makers for ‘enertainment spectacular’ while on vacation “extras” are now de rigeur. Something you “must see” has now become an integral part of the destination – and we’re not talking Eiffel Tower or Tower of London!. The mutation from one-dimensional activities and shedding the skin of sightseeing, shopping and sunshine to parades and performances is now necessary if a destination is to capture the market of travellers used to the awe inspiring. They insist on more for their money. It’s as needed as WiFi. Cue for Bali. It’s showtime.

Saatnya untuk Bali. Sambutlah Regalia – hutan ajaib - timing yang sempurna, peran telah dilatih dan panggung telah diatur.

Come in Regalia – the enchanted forest - the timing is perfect, the roles have been rehearsed and the stage is set. Bali is soon to have a lavish extravaganza of its own.

Bali akan segera memiliki ekstravaganza mewah sendiri.


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

Regalia, the Enchanted Forest – merupakan satu-satunya pertunjukan akrobat di Indonesia, menampikalkan 10 dari 20 penampilan terbaik dari Cirque Du Soleil dan lebih dari 30 karakter etnik. Para pemain di acara ini merepakan pemain-pemain akrobatik yang telah melakukan pertunjukan di Nevada (Las Vegas), California dan Florida, juga telah melakukan pertunjukan dengan Aerosmith, Prince, Sarah McLachlan, Cindy Lauper, Jason Mraz, The Black Eyed Peas dan DJ Tiesto - mereka dianggap sebagai pemain akrobat terbaik Dunia. Selain para akrobat yang berbakat, produser acara ini pernah terlibat dengan desainer Swiss terkemuka Orlando Bassi (yang mendesign kostum di film Lord of the Rings, 10.000 BC , Legend of the Seeker, dll) dan perusahaan inilah yang menciptakan kostum yang menakjubkan, topeng dan rambut palsu, serta special kostum untuk penari api yang dikreoagrafikan oleh Jerome “Jay” Maurel dari Xtreme Productions yang mewah dan ringan bagi para penari. “Sirkus ini akan hadir” yang dahulu kita menyaksikan parade mengelilingi kota untuk mengumumkan kehadiran mereka. Pertunjukan kuda terlatih, beruang menari, gajah, dan singa serta beberapa pertunjukan menarik yang nyata, yaitu para pemain manusia: akrobat, pelempar pisau, berjalan dan berayun di tali yang menegangkan dan masih banyak lagi. Saat ini berbeda, suatu pertunjukan yang dramatis dipadu dengan seni sirkus yang spektakuler, lahirlah Cirque du Soleil – minus hewan dan lebih menonjolkan pertunjukan akrobat yang luar biasa dalam produksinya Regalia!.

Regalia – The Enchanted Forest An Acrobatic Theatre Extravaganza

“The international cast of fifty-two eclectic and awe-inspiring acrobatic performers, dancers and characters reaches out and enchants the audience with this powerful seventy minute theatrical encounter, moving all senses and touching all emotions in a new form of sensuality-blending movement, style, acrobatics, elaborate costumes and beautiful bodies the insistent pulse of South East Asia rhythms. World class performers, awe-inspiring aerial acts, beautiful musical score and jaw dropping costumes.

Premiere and Gala Event Saturday – May 14th, 2011 Two shows every week (May to December 2011) |

“Regalia, The Enchanted Forest” - currently the ONLY fully realized professional acrobatic show in Indonesia, featuring twenty+ top Cirque Du Soleil performers and an additional supporting cast of over thirty ethnic characters. The headlining acrobatic performers have all previously worked at the premier Cirque Du Soleil shows in Nevada (Las Vegas), California and Florida, and have performed with Aerosmith, Prince, Sarah McLachlan, Cindy Lauper, Jason Mraz, The Black Eyed Peas and DJ Tiesto - they are considered the finest acrobatic performers in the World. In addition to the acrobatic talent, the producers have engaged world renowned Swiss designer Orlando Bassi (Lord of the Rings, 10.000BC, Legend of the Seeker etc.) and his Special FX company to create stunning costumes, masks and wigs, as well as the French Fire-dance specialist Jerome “Jay” Maurel of Xtreme Productions for a “live-fire” choreography and an extravagant LED-light costume design for some of the principal and supporting characters. “The circus is coming to town” was once the excited cry heralding the arrival of a circus. Pre baby boomers (born between 1930 and 1945) will tell you there was nothing more exciting. They will tell you their first trip to the circus was different than anything experienced before or after. That circus used to have trained horses, dancing bears,

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011 | 37

Anda akan melihat akrobat dan pertunjukan udara yang menakjubkan dengan hanya menggunakan tali, keseimbangan tangan, liuk, penari api, pemain berayun di awan, bungee, flying silks dan masih banyak lagi akrobat di udara yang diimbangi dengan lampu dan efek khusus menghasilkan pertunjukan yang spektakuler. Tidak ada yang berubah, kecuali pertunjukan hewan telah digantikan dengan manusia super – seorang bintang yang dapat berputar dengan hanya menggunakan gigi mereka, seorang dengan tubuh elastis menyerupai karet, dan lain-lainnya yang terbang di udara seolah-olah memiliki sayap. Pengunjung menginginkan sesuatu yang menunjukkan sebuah tujuan - dalam kunjungan ke Paris kita bersikeras pada sesuatu yang berbau Perancis, baik itu tarian Can Can atau Les Folies Berger. Perjalanan ke London, mungkin kami ingin menyaksikan konser atau pertandingan sepakbola - demikian juga kunjungan ke Bali kita menginginkan suguhan yang berbau Bali “Indonesia “ - dan untuk mewujudkan itu semua, maka dikemaslah suatu pertunjuakan luar biasa oleh para produser berpengalaman dan pemain bertaraf International untuk membuat pementasan ini. Sebuah kisah cinta dari Hutan Memikat di Regalia – yang menceritakan jalinan cinta antara dua dunia yang berbeda antara manusia dengan dunia Spiritual yang seimbang dan harmonis yang selalu ada dalam cerita rakyat tradisi Indonesia , namun diinterpretasikan dengan cara yang lebih modern dan menarik.


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

elephants and lion tamers as well as the real exciting stuff, the human performers: acrobats, knife throwers, jugglers, tightrope walkers, trapeze artists and more. It is now no wonder that the most famous and dramatic mix of circus arts is called the Cirque du Soleil – minus animals and significantly providing much of the performing and production capacity of Regalia! You’ll see acrobats and stunning aerial performances on trapeze, hand balancing, contortion, fire dancers, performers swinging from the clouds, bungee adaptions, flying silks, trapezes and many aerial performaces that defy the imagination in mesemerising lights and special effects. Nothing has changed except that animals have been replaced by super humans – stars that can cling to a rope by their teeth, others whose bodies resemble rubber puppets and others that fly through the air as if with wings. Visitors want material that is indicative of the destination – on a visit to Paris we might insist on something distinctly French, be it Can Can or Les Folies Berger. A trip to London and we will probably want a concert or see a football match – so too a visit to Bali will demand a performance that is “Indonesian in essence” – and embodies the very soul of Indonesian culture however drawing on all the

Para pemain internasional dengan kemampuan yang beraneka ragam dan penampilan akrobat udara yang menakjubkan, dilengkapi dengan penari dan musisi akan memikat emosi para penonton dengan alur cerita, gaya, akrobat, kostum yang memukau dengan belaian melodi indah irama Asia Tenggara. Musik telah ditulis oleh komposer terkenal Joshua Penman dan HP Heckmann serta koreografer oleh pakar tari Bali I Nyoman Sura, telah siap menghibur Anda. Jadi jangan ketinggalan, Sirkus akan datang!

experience and knowledge of its producers and performers straight from the tried and tested international stage. A romantic love story set in the surreal and mystical environment of the Enchanted Forest of Regalia - a moving tale of the intricate intertwining between the Human World and Nature’s creatures and the delicate balance and harmony with the ever present Spiritual World as told in Indonesian folklore tradition, yet interpreted in a new and exciting modern way. The international cast of forty-seven eclectic and awe-inspiring acrobatic performers, dancers and musicians reaches out and enchants the audience with this powerful sixty minute theatrical encounter, moving all senses and touching all emotions in a new form of sensuality blending movement, style, acrobatics, elaborate costumes and beautiful bodies with the sensual caress of beautiful melodies and the insistent pulse of South East Asian rhythms. The original musical score has been written by internationally renowned composers Joshua Penman and H.P. Heckmann and choreographed by the Balinese Master of Movement I Nyoman Sura. The circus is coming to town!

How to get there

Setiap hari TransNusa Air Services melayani penerbangan ke Denpasar (Bali). Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi kantor TransNusa terdekat di kota Anda (atau buka halaman 40). Daily flights to Denpasar (Bali) are operated by TransNusa Air Services. For further information, please contact the TransNusa office at each destination (further details available P40).

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011 | 39

Route Map & Flight schedules

TransNusa Inflight Magazine

Labuan Bajo (Komodo) Bima

Surabaya Denpasar (Bali) (Hub)

Mataram (Lombok)

Larantuka Ende









Jawa Bali West Nusa Tenggara

Sriwijaya Air

Kupang (Hub)


East Nusa Tenggara



Coming Soon

Fokker 50 / BAE 146





Kupang – Tambolaka

Sun, Tue, Fri

Tambolaka - Denpasar

Sun, Tue, Thu, Fri

Tambolaka – Kupang

Sun, Tue, Fri

Denpasar - Ende

Daily except Thu

Ende - Denpasar

Daily except Thu


Java Jakarta - Kupang


Surabaya - Kupang


Kupang - Surabaya


Denpasar - Mataram

2 x /Daily

Tambolaka - Ende

Sun, Tue, Fri

Kupang - Jakarta


Mataram - Denpasar

2 x /Daily

Ende - Tambolaka

Sun, Tue, Fri

Mataram - Sumbawa



Sumbawa - Mataram



Alor, Lembata, Timor, Flores, Rote Kupang - Alor

ROUTES CONNECTING with Sriwijaya Air (Boeing 737-300) From Jakarta/Surabaya:

Alor - Kupang


Mataram - Bima


Kupang - Ende

2 x /Daily

Bima - Mataram


Ende - Kupang

2 x /Daily

Mataram - Labuan Bajo


Kupang - Maumere


Labuan Bajo - Mataram


Maumere - Kupang


Mataram - Tambolaka

Sun, Tue, Thu, Fri

Kupang - Ruteng

Sun, Wed, Fri

Tambolaka - Mataram

Sun, Tue, Thu, Fri

Ruteng - Kupang

Sun, Wed, Fri

Denpasar - Labuan Bajo



Sun, Tue, Thu, Sat

Labuan Bajo - Denpasar




Sun, Tue, Thu, Fri


Sun, Wed, Fri

Kupang - Bajawa Bajawa - Kupang

Denpasar - Tambolaka

Sun, Tue, Thu, Sat







Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 100 Telp. (+62 386) 21039, 2222555 Fax. (+62 386) 2222555 Email:

Jl. Palapa No. 7, Naikoten – Kupang Telp. (+62 380) 822555 | Fax. (+62 380) 832573 Email:


Jl. Kelimutu No. 37 Telp. (+62 381) 24222, 24333 Fax. (+62 381) 23592 Email:

Jl. Sunset Road No. 100 C Kuta Telp. (+62 361) 8477395 | Fax. (+62 361) 8477454 Email:

Labuan Bajo


Jl. Ngagel Jaya No. 53 A Telp. (+62 31) 5047555 | Fax. (+62 31) 50111749 Email:

Jl. Kasimo Manggarai Barat Telp. (+62 385) 41800 Fax. (+62 385) 41954 Email:



Jl. Trans Naga Wutun Telp. (+62 383) 41636 Fax. (+62 383) 41636

Jl. Panca Usaha No. 28 Telp. (+62 370) 624555 | Fax. (+62 370) 647535 Email:


Thu, Fri, Sun





To Jakarta/Surabaya:





Hotel Ricky, Jl. Gereja No. 04 Telp. (+62 380) 871045 Fax. (+62 380) 871123 Jl. Anggrek No. 02 Telp. (+62 382) 21393, 21369 Fax. (+62 382) 23821 Email:

Mataram (sub sales)

Jl. Adi Sucipto No. 43 Ampenan Telp. (+62 370) 6162428, 6162433


Telp/Fax. (+62 387) 2564514


Jl. Niaga No. 17 Telp. (+62 385) 21123, 21829 Fax. (+62 385) 21983 Email:

For further information please check our website:

| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

Sun, Tue, Thu, Sat

Hotel Aloha Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 26 Telp. (+62 387) 22563 Fax. (+62 387) 21245 D.I. Panjaitan No. 10 Telp. (+62 384) 21755 | Fax. (+62 384) 21200 Email :


Jl. Herman Fernandez No. 289 (Depan Optic Reinha) Kel. Amagarapati Telp. (+62 383) 2325387 | Fax. (+62 383) 2325386 Email:

Sumbawa Besar

Bandar Udara Brang Biji Telp / Fax. (+62 371) 626161 Email:


Jl. Sulawesi No. 26 Telp/Fax. (+62 374) 647251 Email: or email: 40

To Jakarta/Surabaya:

TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011 | 41

Airline Partners

TransNusa Inflight Magazine | Fleet: BAE 146 200 | Fleet: Fokker 50


| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011 | Fleet: Boeing 737-300

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| TransNusa | Inflight Magazine | May - Jun 2011

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