Please take some time to get to know the layout of our magazine. The Magazine focuses on national resources, support, community, and inspiration for our veterans and the military families that keep it together.
Our magazine is driven by passion, vision, reflection and the future. The content is the driving force behind our magazine and the connection it makes with our veterans, service members, military families, and civilians.
The magazine is supported by a distinguishing list of national veteran organizations, resource centers, coalitions, veteran advocates, and more.
We are honored to share the work of so many committed and thoughtful people.
Homeland Magazine is a veterans magazine for veterans by veterans.
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Mike Miller Publisher/EditorHomeland Magazine is published monthly. Submissions of photographs, Illustrations, drawings, and manuscripts are considered unsolicited materials and the publisher assumes no responsibility for the said items.
All rights reserved.
6 Breaking the Stigma: Debunking Suicide Myths
Suicide is seldom a topic people feel comfortable talking about, but it’s important to be able to discuss the subject openly in order to combat stigma and help remove obstacles to getting help.
Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) is committed to helping warriors find the help and care they need to live successful and fulfilling lives. WWP’s 2021 Annual Warrior Survey showed some disturbing trends when it comes to mental health and suicidal ideation. According to the survey, nearly 1 in 4 warriors served by WWP have had suicidal thoughts in the past 12 months. Of warriors who reported having suicidal thoughts, 70% reported having them in the previous two weeks.
Those same warriors also reported the following:
• 21.2% used drugs in the past year for reasons other than medical purposes.
• 39.1% presented moderate to severe anxiety symptoms.
• 76.2% presented post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms.
• 80.8% reported experiencing moderate to severe depressive symptoms.
These are just some of the reasons it is so important to make sure veterans know they are not alone, and care is available.
1. What are some of the risk factors and warning signs that someone is at risk for attempting suicide?
• Risks and warning signs of suicide can be very different for each individual, but some common signs are isolation from friends, family, and activities they used to enjoy.
• Giving away prized possessions.
• Changes in overall demeanor/behavior compared to how they typically are.
• Feelings of being a burden or that they have no purpose.
• Learning that someone has experienced big changes in their life; could be positive (getting promoted, married, having a baby) or negative (losing a job, divorce, death of loved one).
• Other possible warning signs can include having attempted suicide before, a mental health condition, long-term-pain or terminal illness, financial problems, substance use disorder, talking about suicide or making final preparations. For more warning signs, go to https://www.nimh.nih. gov/health/publications/warning-signs-of-suicide.
“There are factors that can make an individual more at risk, such as mental health issues, experiencing physical health problems, or recently receiving information that puts their life in a negative light,” Patel said. “But honestly, anybody can be at risk for suicide because there are not always warning signs.”
2. Veterans have higher suicide rates than the general population. What are some of the specific reasons behind this and what can we do to combat it? Some issues that particularly affect veterans:
• Isolation
• Nightmares (sleep problems)
• Flashbacks
• Severe pain
• Financial struggles
• Loss of purpose or feeling as though they are a burden.
• Not asking for help due to stigma. Some of the best ways to combat these issues include:
• Therapy, such as dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and brief interventions strategies.
• Getting them connected to support groups or something that gives them more meaning.
• Validating feelings and offering support.
“When we think about transitioning [from military to civilian world], it can affect a person’s mood and judgment,” Patel said. “Factors that can affect our mood or judgement could include, looking for a job, not getting or holding a job, or connecting with your family or the people around you. Maybe moving to a new place and being out of a structured environment, and now you have to find where your place is and how that structure looks for you. That can all be overwhelming when it all happens at one time.”
3. Many people, including veterans, worry about seeking mental health care or revealing thoughts of suicide because it could be seen as a weakness. Why is that thinking a myth?
Mental health still has a stigma associated with it. WWP offers many innovative opportunities for warriors to work on their mental health. Asking for help can actually promote feelings of control in an individual’s life and allow them to make healthier choices for themselves moving forward.
WWP Talk program director Sonal Patel, Ph.D., and members of the WWP Talk team helped answer some common questions about suicide to debunk myths.“It’s important to recognize that an individual can seek help and live a healthy lifestyle, but I believe the stigma around mental health and treatment is still a big factor, especially in the military community,” Patel said. “At Wounded Warrior Project, we are providing services that help our warriors and family support members open up to the idea of seeking help and, in doing so, decreasing that stigma.”
4. Many people feel uncomfortable asking someone if they are thinking about suicide or worried that talking about it will make someone more likely to do it. Why is it important we have this dialogue?
Having this dialogue can be uncomfortable, but it can open up the doors for assistance to work through those difficult times. Having this conversation can also give someone relief and the understanding that they are not alone. More importantly, asking this question could save a life.
“We have to be mindful when an individual is in deep psychological pain, we have to put whatever feelings we have aside and reach out,” Patel said. “We have to listen, provide support, and make sure that we can help in any way possible to get them the support they need.”
If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, contact the Veterans Crisis Line by dialing 988 (press 1), or texting 838255
Learn more about how WWP helps warriors, family members and caregivers through mental health support programs at www.woundedwarriorproject.org/CombatStigma.
Since 2003, Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) has been meeting the growing needs of warriors, their families, and caregivers — helping them achieve their highest ambition. www.woundedwarriorproject.org
Myth: Someone who takes their own life is “cowardly,” “selfish,” or “weak.”
Fact: Someone who completes suicide is in psychological pain and is likely thinking suicide is their only solution. In their mind, they have lost all hope for answers that will help them see beyond the current situation. This myth solidifies that there is still stigma around mental health and suicide, and that suicide is not understood by most. Despite someone’s personal views of suicide, it is important that we all recognize the possible warning signs, ask someone if they are thinking of suicide, and get them connected to resources that can help save their life.
Myth: If someone is talking about taking their life, they are just trying to get attention and won’t actually do it.
Fact: If someone is talking about suicide, they are likely asking for support and they have some hope that they can still live. Talking about suicide can be a plea for help and the individual may also be exhibiting behaviors other than talking about suicide. Someone who is actively thinking about suicide may be at a higher risk in carrying out his/her plan. Any time someone is talking about taking their life, it should be taken seriously.
Myth: Suicide or suicidal ideation is caused by mental illness.
Fact: While individuals who struggle with mental illness can experience thoughts or attempts at suicide, it does not necessarily mean that their mental illness caused their suicidal thoughts. Individuals can experience suicidal thoughts by having big life changes (both positive and negative), being isolated and having no support, feeling trapped or stuck, experiencing relationship problems, etc.
Myth: If someone really wants to die, they’ll find a way, and there’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Fact: This can be true in some instances, but most suicides are not sudden or impulsive and there are often many warning signs. If someone has expressed thoughts of suicide or has warning signs, then there is still hope that they can get support and save their life. If there are warning signs, it is important to listen to the individual, ask if they are thinking about suicide, and encourage them to seek support.
Sources: WWP Talk Director Sonal Patel and WWP Talk managers Erika Myers, Nelson Lorenzo, Nicole Saunders, and Reginald Adeogun.
Warrior Care Network® has helped countless veterans take back their lives.
In 2004, on only his third day in Afghanistan, Chris suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) during Humvee rollover training. But, like many TBIs at the time, it went undiagnosed, and he was sent back to work. A few days later, Chris’ unit lost six soldiers.
After returning home, Chris’ post-traumatic stress disorder sent him into a downward spiral and he contemplated taking his own life.
He believes that Wounded Warrior Project® Warrior Care Network and the more than 170 hours of intensive mental health treatments he received saved his life.
“I am a ten times different person today because of how the program is structured. I don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t gone.”
You don’t have to go it alone — find the treatments, connection, and support you need to heal at:
— WOUNDED WARRIOR CHRIS HOFFA leading neurologist and naval officer who created the first-of-its-kind military epilepsy treatment center, Dr. Etienne says when it comes to Traumatic Brain Injury—speedy diagnosis and medical care is key.
Mill Etienne, M.D., M.P.H., FAAN, FAES, was completing his final year of medical school at New York Medical College (NYMC) at the time of the September 11 terrorist attacks— prompting him to answer the call to duty.
As a neurologist and officer of the U.S. Navy, few have better first-hand understanding of the dangers of brain-related injuries for our troops. “Soldiers who suffered from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) are at a much greater risk of developing epilepsy,” explains Dr. Etienne of his decision to help create the first comprehensive epilepsy treatment center for the U.S. military soon after he began his active military service. In 2011, Dr. Etienne
founded the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. The Center has become the hub for epilepsy care where anyone in the U.S. military suffering from seizures is likely to be referred to.
Now an officer in the U.S. Navy Reserves, he is also an associate dean for student affairs and associate professor of neurology and medicine at the NYMC School of Medicine, Dr. Etienne shares his advice to soldiers, veterans, military leaders and policy makers on how best to protect our brave troops from TBI.
If soldier survival rates are rising, why are our troops still so vulnerable to TBI?
Facing threats including explosive devices, roadside bombs and weaponized sound waves—traumatic brain injury is one of the leading injuries among troops deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. Continuous and significant improvements to both body armor and field training, soldiers are surviving combat situations that may have been deadly in the past…so as a result, we are actually identifying more instances of TBI.
You called TBI the invisible injury. Can you explain what this means?
Widely underdiagnosed, TBI is typically not seen with the naked eye. The vast majority of TBIs are undetectable even with a CAT scan or MRI. This is because typically, TBI does not involve the structure of the brain; rather the damage is to the neural connections within the brain, which are destroyed.
Even worse, many patients suffering from TBI may never even realize they incurred a brain injury because TBI can result without a single bump to the head. Think of Shaken Baby Syndrome (also known as Shaken Impact Syndrome) in which trauma to the brain occurs when the brain rattles against the skull. In other instances, sound or pressure waves may cause TBI. Unseen and undetected by even the TBI patient, many people “work through” the brain injury making it even worse.
Speedy diagnosis and treatment lead to better prognosis. That is because over time the connections that have been damaged during TBI can be rebuilt with proper rest, while putting pressure on the brain (including physical and mental exertion) makes TBI worse. Left untreated, TBI can lead to headaches, irritability, sleep disorders, memory problems, slower thinking, depression and ultimately lasting physical and mental harm.
If you have been in the area of an explosion, see a health care provider. If someone around you—doing the same things you have been doing—was exposed to TBI, you should get checked out as well. If you have or are displaying any TBI symptoms, get checked out.
TBI symptoms include headache, nausea, problems with balance, dizziness, sensitivity to light and or sound, irritability, changes in mood, difficulty concentrating and difficulty sleeping.
Accurate TBI diagnosis relies on clinical skills of the health care provider. I commend the military doctors who swiftly diagnosed the more than 100 soldiers (as reported by the Pentagon) diagnosed with TBI following Iran’s missile attack near a U.S. military base in Iraq in January 2020. The fact that so many soldiers were rapidly diagnosed conveys that the screening was exemplary. It tells me that everyone in the vicinity was most likely required to undergo screening for TBI whether or not they self-reported a TBI risk.
Any last thought for policy makers and leaders who may need more information about the risk of TBI for our troops?
As an invisible injury, soldiers, who had struggled with an undiagnosed TBI before finally finding treatment, reported pain and frustration with being treated like they were faking an injury. Undiagnosed TBI may lead patients to feel isolated and depressed and may lead to suicidal thoughts. Additionally, many troops who have suffered TBI may also develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). By understanding these consequences, it is vital that we have the appropriate funding to support our veterans and military members with TBI. It is especially important that we give our troops appropriate funding for psychiatric and mental health services to prevent suicide and other selfinflicted injuries and also to improve their overall quality of life.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder does not always allow the affected to seek help. Lend a hand and provide them with methods of help, listen and be a friend.
Homeland Magazine works with nonprofit veteran organizations that help more than 1 million veterans in life-changing ways each year.
At Homeland Magazine you can visit our website for all current and past articles relating to PTSD, symptoms, resources and real stories of inspiration.
Resources & Articles available at: www.HomelandMagazine.com
PTSD treatment can turn your life around.
information visit:
“I’m happier with myself. Having been in therapy, period, has helped me be in a better place now.”
When John Lennon sang, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans,” he could have been referring to military servicemembers and their families.
Military service is a life that changes quickly, often from one transition to another: entering service, deployment, permanent change of station orders, and the BIG one…leaving service, whether it is after four years, 14 years or 30 years.
As a bride of four days, my husband and I arrived in Twentynine Palms, California and moved into our lovely cinder block house at the bottom of a rocky, dusty mountain. The next day, he arrived home from work and announced that “a Middle East country invaded another one.” He was not sure which countries were involved. Two weeks later, our state of newlywed bliss was shattered as I wept and watched him board a bus at 0300, bound for a flight that would take him halfway around the world from me, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It was so painful and so frightening. Once I finally stopped crying for a moment, I asked over and over again, “How would I cope?”
At first, I did not cope. I was depressed and dysfunctional, barely making it to work. My skin erupted in acne, and I lost weight. After a few weeks, I realized that I needed to pivot and build a life. But how could I start? Friends, family, and the community offered some answers:
• Volunteering my service. I spent time at the Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society. I learned much needed budgeting skills and planned to reduce the debt incurred before I married.
• Meeting other spouses. I made some banana bread and knocked on my neighbor’s door. This bold move allowed me to meet a lifetime friend.
Slowly, we added others and went on walks together and gathered for meals.
• Joining a support group. A local church started a group, and these lovely people shared my struggle.
Then came the next transition…homecoming. When my husband came home, tired, and thin, we had to start all over. It took time and 11:00 p.m. arguments about things I don’t remember, but we stuck with it…only to move again.
In a few months after coming back, we received orders to South Carolina, all the way on the other side of the country. Here, I found it took nothing short of hard work, perseverance, faith and love…and a wonderful therapist. My husband and I learned the delicate dance of developing our own confidence and independence while at the same time leaning on each other, even as we were far from family and familiar surroundings. The words of the therapist still ring in my ears today, “remember why you love him and why you married him.” With these wise words, we planned our next adventure, and prioritized having fun at the same time with whirlwind visits to the majesty of the Grand Canyon, the surreal sights of Carlsbad Caverns, the cool vibes of Austin, Texas, and iconic food and jazz of New Orleans.
Here is my best advice for Permanent Change of Station (PCS) moves:
• Use tried and true checklists to keep track of the details. Military One Source provides an excellent set of tools: www.militaryonesource.mil/moving-housing/ moving/pcs-and-military-moves
• Make moving fun. Build adventure into your move and plan to experience the beauty of our world, nation, and nature. Try to take at least a few days to spend time enjoying the trip to a new duty station.
• Be patient and creative. We learned to love picnics on top of moving boxes and the thrill of finding the best taco shop in our new hometown.
The final transition is truly the most difficult – end of active service (EAS) or retirement. By this time, four children’s voices echoed in our halls and financial stressors of home ownership loomed large.
My spouse was the poster child of a “hot mess express” as he juggled the huge job as executive officer for a 1,400-person battalion and tried to find a job outside of the military. Waves of self-doubt, discouragement, anxiety, and fear washed over our home daily. Yes, he found a terrific job that fit his skills perfectly, but the process was extremely rough.
A U.S. Navy spouse wisely shared with me that she recommends attending couples counseling to help the service member manage the fear and for the spouse to learn patience and coping tools. This support helps both to understand the irrational words and uncharacteristic behavior. If the service member is not able to accept counseling, then she encourages spouses to attend counseling to learn self-care techniques and how to coach the service member through this loss of identity and help them to refocus on new opportunities.
I saw another post on Instagram that advises post military members to be bold and to choose the path that brings passion and fulfillment – try something completely new. It is critical for spouses and other supporters to constantly encourage and remind the transitioning member that they are worthy and equal to civilian peers. For example, another peer, who served for 26 years as a Naval Aviator and followed a post-military career path in sports, education, and coaching.
A short stint as an “Ice Technician” driving the Zamboni for a professional hockey team connected him to the San Diego sports industry.
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Transitions are a part of life. Believe it or not, once you develop coping mechanisms like those discussed, you may even start to enjoy them and find something really important: that couples can function as an effective team. Don’t be afraid to try. Start early and develop the habits of finding the “helping people” in your area, sharing your talents in volunteer service and plugging into wellness and emotional support providers. While it takes flexibility and patience, the Beatles remind us, “no matter how you toss the dice, it had to be…so happy together!”
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17 Today, he is the military Community Outreach Manager for the San Diego Loyal Soccer Club.
The only thing that remains constant in this life is change. Change is inevitable. Change can be scary. Change can be exciting. Change can cause stress. Change can result in sadness and grief or happiness and pure joy. As human beings, we often brace against and resist change; yet it comes at us continuously.
According to Veteran’s Affairs, approximately 250,000 service members transition back to civilian life each year, after serving in the military. These service members face an enormous change when they transition from military into civilian life; a change that can be extremely difficult, confusing, and a challenge to maneuver.The Transition Assistance Programs (TAP) (www.dol.gov/agencies/vets/programs/tap) can be pivotal in a soldier’s life during their separation or retirement from the armed forces.
TAP provides resources, information, online education and classes, and tools for those service members transitioning back to civilian life. These services are also extended to a military member’s loved ones to educate them about some of the issues and challenges that may arise. Service members are encouraged to take advantage of all the TAP program has to offer a year before their separation, or two years from retiring, from the military. The VA also extends specific transition assistance for those who have served in the reserves, understanding that these individuals have lived as both a civilian and service member, addressing the unique challenges this type of service presents.
Throughout life, all of us experience numerous changes – some are welcome while many feel like a challenge, a burden or just plain difficult. As we age, we face many changes: changes in our physical appearance and abilities, changes in our mental and emotional state of mind, and changes in our family, friends, and community dynamics. With all these life transitions and changes, we can become overwhelmed and not know which way to turn. This is where a bit of planning ahead can go a long way. Whether we are planning to age in place in our homes or investigate transitioning to an independent/assisted living community, planning today for the steps that will need to be taken can help ease our anxiety and fear of the unknown in the future.
As our aging military veterans start considering “what’s next”, a conversation about the Veterans Aid and Attendance benefit may be appropriate. This lesser-known benefit can assist a veteran and his/her spouse with some of the financial aspects of aging and remaining as independent as possible, whether in the home or in an assisted living community.
Just as the TAP program helps military members transition back into civilian life once their military service has ended, engaging in some planning for aging well can help all of us as we transition from one life stage to another.
Plan well to age well.
All the cancer survivors I have ever talked to know exactly when and where they were when they heard the news. For me, it was June 14, 2010 at 4:45 p.m. in a general surgeon’s office.
The background on getting to that day was surreal. After 23 years of military service, I was six weeks away from retiring. My friends and family had plane tickets and hotel reservations to my retirement ceremony and parties, I had been admitted to San Diego State University for that fall, and I was ready for the next chapter. I was having my retirement physical when the mammogram technician noticed something on my scans that she wanted the radiologist to see. She brought him into the room, he looked at the images and said, “There’s an area that we need to look at with an ultrasound.”
I burst out in tears and told him, “But I’m too young to have breast cancer.” He never said the Big C word, but I knew. I was 41 years old and as it turns out I was not too young. Three days after the biopsy, my suspicions were confirmed when I heard those three life-changing words. That was the day my retirement plans came to a stop and the next chapters in my life were rewritten.
I left the doctor’s office in tears, went to the silence of my car, and called my sister. I told her that this was not a death sentence because I had too much to live for. I vowed to fight so that I could see my niece and nephew grow up, go to college, get married, and have children. They were three and six years old at the time.
The next nine months were filled with surgeries, 16 rounds of chemo, flushing the medicines from my body, genetic testing, and 30 rounds of radiation therapy. I know it sounds like a lot. I got through the journey doing it the only way I knew how…just figuring it out day to day.
I still remember the day when my oncologist told me that the pathology report revealed my cancer was aggressive. She said, “This is going to be a marathon, not a sprint” and told me that I needed chemotherapy. Just like many women, the girl in me asked her if I was going to lose my hair. She was honest and said, “yes.” As it turns out, losing my hair was not so bad – it was temporary, and hopefully that treatment killed all the potential free flowing bad cells so that I live a long life.
Never ever did I think I would hear the three words that would forever change my life… “You have cancer.”
After my second round of chemo, my hair started falling out. In true Holly style, I had it all planned out. I had my stylist cut it to a pixie cut so I was “ready”. Well, nothing prepares you when it starts to fall out in clumps in the shower, when it is in your pillow every morning, your shower drain, and all over your counters. I realized then that there was one thing I could control and so I got out my electric razor and shaved as much as I could. Then I got soap, lathered my hands, and got to work shaving my head with a new razor. I figured it was just like shaving your legs, right?
Going through the cancer journey was THE hardest thing I have ever done; but it taught me so many things. I learned that even on your toughest days how important it was to stay positive. From that call to my sister until my “free and clean” scan, I never thought I wouldn’t beat it. I learned that cancer does not discriminate. Cancer doesn’t care if you are old, young, rich, poor, white, black, brown, gay, or straight – it will find you. And I learned how important it was to allow people to help you and to ask for help. I will be forever grateful to my family, friends, and co-workers for being my support network. It was because of them that I could take the time I needed to heal my body.
The most important thing I learned through all of this was the importance of early detection. There is no doubt that I am here today because of that mammogram tech who saw something abnormal on my scan. As it turned out, the tumor was so deep on my chest wall that the ONLY way to find it was through a mammogram.
So, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I encourage you to have those mammogram conversations with the special women in your life –your mother, wife, sister, aunt, and best friend. Ask them when they are due for their mammogram and encourage them to go. If they say they are not going because they are afraid, then offer to go with them –it is THAT important.
Since arriving to San Diego, I have become a volunteer with the American Cancer Society and was a peer mentor for newly diagnosed women, national trainer of the mentors, walked in numerous Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks, and helped to raise hundreds of dollars for breast cancer research.
For all those years, I looked up to my fellow pink ribbon warriors who made it to 5, 10, 20, 30 years as a survivor. Well, this year I hit a milestone. I am a 10-year cancer survivor and I look forward to the next 50 years! For information about cancer resources, go to: www.cancer.org
Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of control. When cancer starts in the breast, it is called breast cancer. Except for skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women.
Breast cancer screening means checking a woman’s breasts for cancer before she has any symptoms. A mammogram is an X-ray picture of the breast. Mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat and before it is big enough to feel or cause symptoms.
Most women who are 50 to 74 years old should have a screening mammogram every two years. If you are 40 to 49 years old, or think you may have a higher risk of breast cancer, ask your doctor when to have a screening mammogram.
The main factors that influence your breast cancer risk are being a woman and getting older. Other risk factors include—
• Changes in breast cancer-related genes (BRCA1 or BRCA2).
• Having your first menstrual period before age 12.
• Never giving birth, or being older when your first child is born.
• Starting menopause after age 55.
• Taking hormones to replace missing estrogen and progesterone in menopause for more than five years.
• Taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills).
• A personal history of breast cancer, dense breasts, or some other breast problems.
• A family history of breast cancer (parent, sibling, or child).
• Getting radiation therapy to the breast or chest.
• Being overweight, especially after menopause.
www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast/ • (800) CDC-INFO (800-232-4636)
• TTY: (888) 232-6348
With no-cost mammograms* available at professional, medical facilities, there’s no reason to wait. The sooner you have a mammogram, the greater your chances are of finding cancer in its early stages and making a full recovery. It’s your life. Go live it.
Homeland Magazine had a chance to speak with Army Staff Sergeant Ben Hilgert, who was inspired to honor our soldiers and veterans and tell the Army story through the creation of an opera, The Falling and the Rising. Based on true stories of active duty soldiers, Arizona Opera will open its 2022/23 Season with The Falling and the Rising this October in Phoenix (Oct. 14-16) and Tucson (Oct. 22-23).
Homeland: What is The Falling and the Rising?
Hilgert: The Falling and the Rising is an operatic story of service and sacrifice, which traces the inner journey of a soldier who enters a coma after she suffers a roadside attack. As the soldier moves through her unconscious dreamscape, the audience will serve as both companion and witness, sharing powerful encounters with fellow service members along the way.
The opera centers around a strong female hero known only as “Soldier.” After sending a video message home on the eve of her daughter’s thirteenth birthday, Soldier is severely wounded by a roadside bomb. As she experiences a medicallyinduced coma, she sees visions of other soldiers’ stories, each on their journey toward healing and home.
Homeland: How did you come up with the idea to create an opera?
Hilgert: Before I enlisted in the Army, I toured the world as a freelance opera singer, and in high school, I was involved with musical theater. So I come from a musical background and I love all the elements of opera- from the storytelling and visual art to the powerful human voice- the art form truly speaks to my soul.
After I enlisted in 2010, I joined the Army Field Band’s Concert Band and Soldiers’ Chorus as a tenor, and started thinking about this idea of creating an “Army opera.” In 2015, I shared my idea with Army Field
Band’s Commander Colonel Jim Keene, who saw the potential and invited me to submit a proposal. From there, I found myself in the offices of Opera America alongside Col. Keene, discussing how to turn that inspiration into reality. When the project was approved, I began searching for collaborators who would help bring my idea to life.
Homeland: What was the process like of bringing a concept to stage?
Hilgert: I spent months researching composers, librettists, source material, and the history of military operas and was grateful to find librettist Jerre Dye and composer Zach Redler. Jerre’s work stood above the rest in its ability to transport the audience, to make the theater vanish as the story drew you in.
And Jerre’s enthusiasm for the project was overwhelming. He had recently worked on a theater project based on a theater project based on interviews with women veterans and had developed a sense of devotion to veterans’ issues. It was a perfect fit.
Homeland: Why is The Falling and the Rising unique?
Hilgert: The Falling and the Rising is based on real-life interviews with more than 30 wounded soldiers at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, this soldier’s odyssey was created to honor the indomitable spirit of our U.S. Military veterans. This particular opera is unique due to its attempt to connect civilians and military through untold soldiers’ stories; to raise awareness of emotional trauma experienced by those who dedicate their lives to serving in the military, and to understand the healing process that is needed for veterans and activeduty military by sharing the stories they are often unable to share.
Homeland: Why do you feel The Falling and the Rising is an important production?
Hilgert: By shedding light on the inspirational power of untold soldiers’ stories, The Falling and the Rising aims
to knit the civilian and veteran and military populations together through a story of family, service, sacrifice, hope, and resilience. Not only does the opera raise awareness of the sacrifices that modern service members make, but also the emotional trauma experienced by those who dedicate their lives to serving in the military. Importantly, this opera is also meant to display the professionalism of the American soldier. Music, especially opera, has the power to move us, transform us, and heal us. I hope that the audience leaves with a better understanding of the healing process that is needed for veterans and active-duty military by sharing the stories they are often unable to share.
Homeland: How can we learn more about The Falling and the Rising and where do we purchase tickets?
Hilgert: You can learn more about Arizona Opera’s production of The Falling and the Rising and purchase tickets by visiting www.azopera.org.
Tickets start at $25.
• Student tickets are available for $5.
• Military discounts are available.
“Music, especially opera, has the power to move us, transform us, and heal us.”Photo’s by Ziggy Mack
The world today can be a stressful place for anyone, and for service members and veterans experiencing challenges such as post-traumatic stress or traumatic brain injury, that stress can create barriers to fully experiencing life. Military participants, specifically, need ways to process a ‘new normal’ if medically separated or disabled. Activities such as bonding with family and navigating civilian life can become tasks that feel too difficult to manage when symptoms arise, and the results of these experiences can lead to hopelessness and isolation.
However, thanks to the support of the community, those living in San Diego County have a respite from what can sometimes feel like a bombardment of stressors. Resounding Joy, which began as a team of volunteers offering music therapy-informed supportive experiences for socially-isolated seniors, has grown to include Semper Sound.
Semper Sound is Resounding Joy’s program for military service members, veterans, and their families who need resilience and self-efficacy, a safe space to practice decision-making, and permission to express emotions and experiences.
Semper Sound offers music therapy led by trauma-informed Board-Certified music therapists (MT-BC), who serve as coaches, teachers, and guides for participants.
The team strives to transform the health and well-being of San Diego County by employing music as a therapeutic medium to effectively address physical, emotional, social, and cognitive goals. Music’s unique ability to target and navigate damaged areas of the brain and transcend verbal communication makes it a powerful tool when in the hands of a qualified professional.
“I struggle to do what makes me happy but playing with that song makes me feel pure joy and makes me want to live.”
Resounding Joy provides clinical, evidence-based therapy through partnerships with other agencies, such as the San Diego Department of Veteran Affairs, their Spinal Cord Injury Unit, and various drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs. On the community side, the organization offers Semper Sound Drums It Out and the Semper Sound Band Rehearsals, two of the weekly programs available to service members, veterans, and their families.
Imagine the feeling of sitting in a drum circle, or rehearsing or performing in a band, with others who have experienced similar challenges in their lives. Bensimon et al. (2008) notes that, although trauma can isolate and disconnect individuals from society, musical activities such as group drumming can restore social relationships by fostering feelings of belonging. Traumatic memories and evoked emotions can be managed through group improvisation while promoting a sense of relief and empowerment.
Semper Sound, in both clinical and community settings, offers a spectrum of music engagement activities and opportunities, from songwriting workshops to one-on-one music therapy sessions at no cost or sliding scale fees. Participants benefit from stress reduction, resiliency, emotional expression, self-help strategies, family bonding, tools for navigating civilian life, and symptom management for those with compounding challenges.
Music therapy through Semper Sound is accessible to those with physical challenges as well. For example, when learning guitar, a participant with physical disabilities can explore modified guitar picks and a variety of devices (including a foot pedal that holds chords) until they find an accommodation they like. The team also has experience in supporting deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals with music making. The education of the music therapists ensures that Semper Sound conducts trauma-informed activities with a facilitator who is trained to recognize signs of overstimulation, dissociation, and other symptoms of posttraumatic stress or brain injury.
Resounding Joy enhances the human experience through the therapeutic use of music, improving the health, well-being, and quality of life of military service members, veterans, and their families. To quote a Semper Sound participant, “Music therapy has greatly helped me. It is relaxing and therapeutic on many levels… I can focus on the music which allows me to not think of my physical and psychological issues.”
Experiencing feelings of hopelessness and isolation as the results of post-traumatic stress, traumatic brain injury, or other challenges faced by members of the military can cause someone to feel alone. With the help of Semper Sound, people can come together from the difficulties they face and make something beautiful.
Military participants, specifically, need ways to process a ‘new normal’ if medically separated or disabled, and creative arts and music engagement programs that can accommodate all their symptoms and disabilities are the perfect assist. Music therapy can enhance social integration and quality of life for military populations, increase patient motivation and participation in interdisciplinary care, assist treatment processes from clinic to community, and provide a platform to prevent social isolation by promoting community integration through music performance (Vaudreuil, R., et al., 2018).
Resounding Joy
Donate to Resounding Joy
Music Therapy for Service Member and Veteran Rehabilitation
Found myself to be a total hot mess with a thick Cuban accent when I transitioned from the military into the civilian world, forced to learn a new way of living unfamiliar to me, had to snap out of depression and come up with a sustainable plan. After considering my choices, decided to use my education benefits and go back to school. That was a critical moment because it gave me the opportunity to explore the world of business at a deep level and I found a way to apply my many years of experience in the field of logistics.
While attending a supply chain program, at the Miami Dade College, I turned a simple class project into a life-changing enterprise, not only for me, but for many of my peers, because I created AMOR Umbrella, a heart-centered organization dedicated to help women veterans and military families to start new businesses to improve their own economy and the quality of the communities where they live.
When I had to navigate my exit from the army, and decided to establish my own business, I experienced first-hand how the whole thing can get so confusing, challenging, frustrating and wicked expensive! That’s what prompted me to write a business guide, bringing solutions to the people facing similar situations. That same business guide, quickly, evolved into a college course. As you can see, it all comes down to informed decisions, action taking and dedication.
Now, my new mission is to inspire others to be creative and launch their own entrepreneurial ideas. The thrilling part is to facilitate the same resources and strategies that worked for me, so, more of us can become successful in the next chapter of our lives, away from the military. It lights me up bridging the gap between these 2 often divided worlds - military and civilian.
I have found it critical to take full inventory of personal talents and transferable skills along with life experiences and passions. Then, you need to craft a plan on howto provide something of value that might be missing in the market. We all have different gifts; the key is to find out how to put those gifts to service. Don’t be afraid to create your own space in the market and be a pioneer. The world needs more creative minds.
I invite you to become an explorer, explore your own ideas, explore new environments, and explore new possibilities. And make it a point to have fun along the way! Foster your inner child, and play what’s called Imagined Reality, which is a neuroscience mental hack. How would it feel to make those dreams go from fantasy into real experiences?
Changes are the only constant in life, don’t be afraid of them, turn them into something big and flamboyant, be flexible and adjust course as many times as needed.
I encourage you to actively look for ways to grow, whether it is by reading a book, listening to a podcast, or taking a cooking class. The important thing is to engage into something different so you can expand your way of thinking, and expand your current vision of the world. I want for more of us to get past that PTSD we are so famous for and start living our own version of the
message and
of the American Dream? And what are you going to take upon yourself to bring the change you want to see in the world?
niurka@amorumbrella.com https://amorumbrella.com
Lovingly, Niurka Castaneda
The Defense Department’s Military Spouse Employment Partnership program expects to add more than 70 new companies to its roster during the upcoming “MSEP Engage” event next month.
Currently, more than 540 government organizations, nonprofits and private sector companies have made a commitment to the Defense Department to recruit, hire, promote and retain military spouses, said the associate director of military community support programs.
“Annually we bring all of our partners together for what has traditionally been a two-day event,” Eddy Mentzer said. “The first day is spent with our new partners — this year, we have a class of more than 70 new MSEP partners that will be joining us. We conduct a number of orientation sessions with those partners that focus on how they can engage with the military spouse community and we have a formal induction ceremony.”
The second day of the event, Mentzer said, is typically spent in several networking and breakout sessions focused on areas such as recruiting military spouses, understanding the challenges that military spouses face, and making their companies more military friendly and specifically, military spouse ready.
This year’s MSEP Engage event kicks off October 25 in Arlington, Virginia. For the first time, Mentzer said, a third day has been added to the event where military spouses looking for work can meet with potential employers.
“This is the first time that we’ve actually done an event that includes our employer partners and spouses together,” Mentzer said. “We’re going to host our firstever MSEP in-person hiring fair. We’ll have a number of our MSEP employer partners that are present, and the opportunity for military spouses to come and meet with those companies that have really made this commitment to open that aperture and hire military spouses.”
While the MSEP Engage event in October will mostly serve military spouses in the Washington, D.C., area, Mentzer did say that the program’s primary method for matching spouses with employment opportunities is through the program’s website and events that allow spouses to meet virtually with employers. https://myseco.militaryonesource.mil/portal/ The program plans to host several virtual hiring events in 2023, he said.
Since the MSEP program began in 2011, the program’s partnering efforts have helped 220,000 military spouses find work with more than 540 partners, Mentzer said. And right now on the MSEP website, there are more than 600,000 jobs posted. It’s important to understand that each of these jobs has been posted by a committed, engaged MSEP employer partner.
The Military Spouse Employment Partnership, launched in June 2011, is a targeted recruitment and employment solution that provides companies with direct access to military spouses seeking career opportunities, and spouses with direct access to employers who are actively committed to recruiting military spouses.
Mentzer said helping military spouses find work is an important aspect of military readiness because while the military recruits individuals to join the service, it must create an environment that retains that service member’s family.
“The challenges faced by military spouses are not new,” Mentzer said. “This is a historic challenge. Over the last decade, our unemployment rate for military spouses has hovered well above 20%, which is more than five times the national average. And it presents a huge challenge for our military families.”
Family satisfaction, Mentzer said, plays a big part in the retention of married service members, and the Department wants to ensure that it’s doing everything it can to keep those families strong. Part of that means ensuring that military spouses can be employed if they need to be.
“We know that the majority of military families want or need to be dual-income families,” he said. “That’s not different than the rest of society. And we want to make sure that our spouses have those opportunities.”
Photo By: DODFor many Veterans, leaving the service is as life-altering as entering it – and just as disorienting. It’s a seismic shift that leaves them floundering despite their militaryearned competencies. One of the biggest anxiety- and stress-inducing issues? Employment.
Determining a career path is a huge stumbling block for a lot of Veterans, especially those recently mustered out. Many want to try something new, but don’t know where to start. Others struggle with how to best leverage their military skills.
Our suggestion? Look into tech.
“In today’s digital landscape, the range of job opportunities is virtually endless.”
The tech industry is booming – and this isn’t changing any time soon. In fact, studies show that tech is on the rise, which puts technology professionals in high demand across all industries. Coders, data analysts, network administrators, Azure specialists, and more: companies need them, actively look for them, and pay them well.
Veterans are particularly well-positioned to step into tech sector roles. With excellent soft skills in areas such as leadership, communication, focus, and confidence, Veterans are effective team members and problemsolvers who know how to overcome obstacles and can see a project through to the end.
Those Veterans with security clearances and other credentials are uniquely qualified for roles with bigname employers like Microsoft, Google, the DoD, etc., that require high levels of security authorization for employment.
The key is recognizing these skills and qualifications for the job-landing gems they are and capitalizing on them.
In today’s digital landscape, the range of job opportunities is virtually endless. From writing to code to analyzing data to managing hybrid networks, tech roles are as diverse as the people who fill them. All offer stability, room for growth, and competitive incomes.
Roles that Veterans are particularly well-suited for include:
• Business Analyst
• Project Manager
• IT Security Specialist
• Network Engineers/Administrator
• Cloud Infrastructure Engineer
• Security Engineer
• Software Engineer
• Cybersecurity Analyst
• Cybersecurity Program Manager
• Data Security Technologist • Cloud Security Engineer• System Administrator
• Scrum Master
• Service Now Specialist • Program Manager • Help DeskLike any mission, successfully achieving a new career hinges on clarity and structure. There are numerous organizations designed to help Veterans transition successfully into the civilian workforce.
The National Veterans Transition Services, Inc. (NVTSI), www.nvtsi.org founded and led by Maurice Wilson, MCPO, USN. (ret), is one of the most well-known. Its REBOOT program picks up where the military’s Transition Assistance Program (TAP) leaves off.
A two-week intensive program, REBOOT works with Veterans to relearn, rebuild, and rebrand themselves as civilians. It provides networking opportunities and other career-defining exercises that help Veterans get clear on their future and what they need to do to make their dreams a reality.
Whether you held a technology position in the military or not, a major hurdle to stepping into the civilian tech sector is bridging the gap between your military experience and the civilian workforce’s reliance on documentation.
Civilian employers look for and make hiring decisions based on diplomas, certifications, licenses, etc. Many qualified and capable Veterans lose out on jobs simply because they don’t have papers verifying their expertise.
Recognizing this gap and including it in your career planning helps mitigate frustration, stress, and confusion.
Again, there are numerous organizations out there who can help you earn the necessary credentials for the tech role(s) you’re interested in. Many of them are schools/education facilities, and you can also learn directly from working tech professionals.
CCS Learning Academy (CCSLA)
www.ccslearningacademy.com is the training division of CCS Global Tech, a full-service tech provider. Designed by tech professions to support upcoming and current technology professionals, CCSLA offers industry-leading courses and credentials in many current technologies and applications, including DoD required certifications.
Their experienced team has been helping Veterans design and execute successful career paths for 20+ years. From newly-transitioned Vets to those looking to change or boost their established career, CCSLA offers insider perspective and know-how not found in conventional learning institutions.
Once you’ve got clarity and the right documentation, there’s still the stomach-knotting process of actually finding a job. Do you wade through LinkedIn’s job board? Hire a headhunter?
CCS Global Tech (www.ccsglobaltech.com) offers another option: their Veteran Job Placement Services.
Based in California, the international tech company specializes in business intelligence, data analytics, Azure management services, and cybersecurity training and job placement.
Their Veteran Job Placement Services are designed to leverage the highly-skilled ex-military workforce by placing qualified Veterans on established projects; they work with clients such as Microsoft and Amazon, and they need qualified people to fill open roles. With projects in both the public and private sectors, CCS Global Tech can help Veterans leverage their military skills and get their civilian career off to a strong start.
Your military experience should enhance your future, and the tech sector offers a multitude of opportunities for translating your service into a satisfying career. NVTSI, CCS Learning Academy, and CCS Global Tech are efficient, effective conduits for Vets ready to tap into the tech industry.
www.ccsglobaltech.comHarrier pilot and 7-year veteran of coordinating the Miramar Air Show for the Marines had the world at his fingertips.
“First, NEVER pay for advice, counsel, or job training. There are groups that will ask for thousands of dollars to help place you and network. I tried it. It was a miserable failure, but I was desperate at the time as I was leaving the military and still didn’t have a job.”
“Second, learn to interview like a boss!”
When you finally get the interview, you have one chance to nail it.
So, how do you interview like a BOSS?
In addition to his military success, he excelled at networking. His boss at Mirimar pushed him to join LinkedIn five years prior to getting out. It started a snowball effect - he quickly had hundreds of contacts and became heavily involved in community relations. It seemed that everyone in San Diego knew Phil Kendro! He was a connector!
He admits “I thought I could succeed in anything, and it got a bit to my head.”
As the time to transition out got closer, his list of contacts grew exponentially. However, his job offer count didn’t reflect it. He got only ONE job offer, and it wasn’t one on his dream list.
Phil recalls, “It was a true rollercoaster ride with the highest peaks and lowest troughs. I can say that YES, I did generally stay positive as I was surrounded by an amazing network of friends and supporters, but there were many dark days in my household, mostly within myself. After 20+ years of so many mission successes, how could I fail my family in such a fashion?”
His post-military career may have started off without his dream job, but that didn’t stop him. He networked and got that dream job.
We caught back up with him to ask his advice for those in similar situations.
What are two pieces of advice you’d give your fellow transitioning brothers and sisters?
Use the S.T.A.R. Method! This means, when asked a question, frame it like this: Here’s the SITUATION, here’s the TASK I was given, here’s the ACTION I took, and here’s the RESULT of my achievement.
Trained for combat but not trained for an interview, those veterans who are not well practiced in interviewing, fail. The S.T.A.R method to help keep you focused in an interview. This is a tried and true format that helps keep you succinct and focused in your answers.
Often people start to ramble and talk too much if they are nervous or not prepared. Don’t be the interviewee from ‘Talkers Anonymous.’ You won’t get the job.
Just as making a great shot depends on sight picture and trigger control, a great interview depends upon staying focused and purposeful in your execution of your answer.
Let’s put Phil’s interviewing skills to the test!
Phil, “Tell me about a time when you were faced with a challenge and how you overcame it.”
“I was an Iraq Invasion Company Commander and a Harrier pilot at time when the Harrier aircraft had severe maintenance issues.”
In one sentence, Phil is setting the stage for his answer before he moves into what he was assigned to do. After setting the stage, he pauses to move into the Task section.
Phil Kendro, AV-8“While stationed in Iraq I was given the position of Company Commander for the 2003 Invasion to takeover and rebuild air bases, provide refueling for aviation assets anywhere. I had zero previous experience.”
“In a very short period of time we rebuilt 3 different airfields, including one the size of Miramar Air Station. We also provided security, food, living quarters, and an airfield to thousands of pilots and aircrew. Our team included military police, engineers, fueling experts, logisticians, motor transport personnel, administrative staff, fire/rescue, expeditionary airfield personnel and an explosive ordnance disposal team.”
This is clear, succinct, and well-framed, leaving no room for confusion.
And now for the moment that the interviewer has been waiting for…
“With no previous knowledge of the job I was to perform, I rebuilt multiple airfields in a high-risk environment with no casualties, and returned everyone home safely. Our team achieved accolades from all who worked with us. From the lessons that were learned I helped develop the standard operating procedures for future missions. I went from having no knowledge of the unit to which I was assigned to a subject matter expert in rebuilding, maintaining, and multiple airfields throughout southern and central Iraq.”
Great job Phil!
Jim Gruny
Hear this loud and clear - Employers are results driven!
Past performance predicts future behavior. The results you created while you were in the military matter to your potential employer as they are expecting you to do the same for them. How did you increase productivity? How did your leadership result in achieving an outstanding safety record? How did you save time and money for your division? Answer with a clear, well-framed story of how you created RESULTS and offers will be knocking at your door.
Need help with your transition? Have questions? Link up with Eve on Linked In today.
For those of you looking to transition from the military to the private sector, it’s generally considered an incredibly healthy job market for candidates and a really tough market for employers. You’ve no doubt heard all about the Great Resignation, and candidates are in a healthy place and have reason to be optimistic when the marketplace trends are considered.
There are currently roughly 10.6 million unfilled jobs and 6.3 million unemployed. So even if every unemployed person got a job, there would still be a shortfall of four million openings that need to be filled. That math works to your advantage as a transitioning member of the military service into the private sector.
The Covid pandemic is the main culprit behind today’s imbalance between job openings and available talent. After two-and-a-half years of “treading water” careerwise, many workers wanted to make up for lost time, triggering a scattergram of talent nationwide in pursuit of greater responsibilities, higher titles, and more money. Combine that with workers who opted to no longer work in their current professions because of the sudden realization that life is too short, and you can see why things began to fall apart very quickly once the worst part of Covid began to subside.
But there’s a lot more at play than initially meets the eye. Covid may indeed be the trigger to many of the gargantuan changes in the employment marketplace, but broader demographic trends are even more significant.The “Gray Resignation” speaks to people in their late 50s who decided to retire or start their own business before the general retirement age of 65 or 67. Here’s what the demographics look like.
Baby Boomers were born between 1946 (the year after World War II ended) and 1964, when the birth control pill was introduced. Over those 18 years, 77 million babies were born, i.e., 10,000 newborns per day. In 2011, something very critical happened that got barely any press: that first cohort of babies born in 1946 began to retire. Our reality now is that 10,000 workers per day are retiring and exiting the workforce between 2011 and 2029. In other words, we’re only a little over halfway through this massive demographic shift and workplace exit.
When the birth control pill was introduced in 1964, the “Baby Boom” generation was replaced by the “Baby Bust” (i.e., Generation X). Gen X only had 44 million babies, relative to the Baby Boom’s 77 million babies. Starting later this decade, we’re going to feel the massive loss of talent that will plague us for years to come.
Don’t let this Covid or general demographics guidance fool you: It will still be challenging to build careers and generate job offers because, no matter how tight the labor market, employers are still the ones with the job offers to give. That being said, you can tune into the tremendous labor shortfalls that exist out there as employers face this current “sansdemic” (meaning “without people”) and strategically place yourself in situations where there’s a greater chance of being discovered.
First, work with private sector recruiters who specialize in military and veteran placements. (The employer pays their fee, not the candidate.) Start with Bradley-Morris (www.bradley-morris.com) or Orion International (www.OrionInternational.com) and look for others. Second, beef up your LinkedIn profile and list your LinkedIn address at the top of your resume. LinkedIn is the first place that employers look, so you might as well get in front of the issue and master your online presentation.
Third, big job boards like Indeed, CareerBuilder, Zip Recruiter, Simply Hired, Monster, and others are having challenges identifying the volume of talent for today’s many employment openings. Companies are therefore turning to new boutique websites for their recruitment outreach efforts, which likewise serve their diversity and inclusion needs. Try accessing some of the following: VeteranJobs.net, DiversityJobs. com, LatinoJobs.org, OverFiftyJobs.com, BlackCareers. org, AsianHires.com, NativeJobs.org, LGBTjobsite.com, and WeHireWomen.com.
Finally, make good use of the resources already in place to support veterans: Feds Hire Vets (www.fedshirevets.gov ), Veterans Opportunity Network (www.Benefits.VA.gov/VOW), and Veterans Employment and Training Service (www.DOL.gov/VETS) are all available to help you.
Another key? Look to see which jobs are most recession-proof and have the highest projection of year-over-year growth for the coming decade. Yes, even that exists! Research the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook at www.bls.gov/ooh. Find the “Occupational Group” that most closely matches your area of interest, select an “Occupation,” and then click on the “Job Outlook 20212031” tab for that particular occupation. There’s even a ”Get Data” spreadsheet that shows “Employment Percentage Change” for each position over the next ten years. In short, you’ve got all the tools you need, plus the right labor market, plus employers’ goodwill to help you in your upcoming or current transition. It will still require a lot of hard work on your part, no doubt, but will be well worth the effort to find not just “a job” but “the right job” and career path.
You can connect with Paul on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/paulfalcone1
Paul Falcone (www.PaulFalconeHR.com) is a leadership consultant, trainer, and bestselling author on hiring, performance management, and leadership development.
Originally from northern Minnesota, Travis Johnson is a retired Naval Officer, married with two children, and on move #50. His humble beginnings include 36 moves before graduating high school at 17, 12 schools, 6 states, 5 foster homes, surviving 2 murder attempts, and mother with type 1 bipolar disorder.
Travis hosts the top-rated Nonprofit Architect Podcast, hosted the 2021 Veteran Podcast Awards, and is the only professional podcaster with an accredited course available at the university level. Travis holds a Bachelor’s in Science and received a 4.0 for his Master’s in Human Relations.
I enlisted in the Navy in July 2000. I served 11 years maintaining ejection seats, cabin pressurization systems, environmental control systems, and egress systems. I was commissioned in Dec. 2011 and went to flight school. I earned my wings as a Naval Flight Officer in June 2013. I finished my service with nearly 1500 flight hours and saw 12 countries and all 50 states. Ultimately retiring in February 2022 after declining O-4.
I started preparing for retirement a full three years before my planned retirement date. I made sure to have my finances in order; we paid off 100% of our consumer debt. We only have the house payment remaining.
I began with the question, “What does my ideal day look like?” I knew I didn’t want to continue with military service and I was not interested in simply starting my next job. I wanted to do something that gave me flexibility, a solid income, and freedom of location. I didn’t want to be tied to a building that I needed to report to daily.
I began as a podcast guest but when I got stationed in Bahrain without my family, I knew I needed something positive that would keep me out of trouble. My friend convinced me to start a podcast. Since I had been helping nonprofits, I began the Nonprofit Architect Podcast dedicated to helping nonprofits design, build, and grow. We quickly shot up to #4 in the US, Top 10 in eight countries, featured in Podcast Magazine in the Top 25 Veteran hosted podcasts, and by Feedspot in the Top 25 Nonprofit Podcasts.
I don’t know about the skills to write a book. I did purchase a podcast guide in December of 2020. I was so irritated by the guide I purchased because I felt like I got ripped off. My friends allowed me to whine about it for two days before holding me accountable for my nonsense. They said, “If you want to be an entrepreneur, shouldn’t you write something better and stop whining?” They were right, whining doesn’t get you anywhere.
I set out to write the Ultimate Podcast Guide https://nonprofitarchitect.org/ultimate-podcast-guide/ I wanted to make it readable and actionable. I didn’t stop at the what, I included the how and why for everything listed. I wanted to ensure anyone reading it could implement anything and everything included in my guide and not feel like they needed to spend more to get the answers they needed.
My customers helped me write my book. For every copy that sold I solicited feedback and a review. Every question I was asked turned into a revision of the book. The Ultimate Podcast guide was a huge success and was turned into the Ultimate Podcast Course https://envisageconnect.com/course/ultimate-podcast/
What tips do you have for any veterans wanting to chase a very different passion when out of the military?
Ask yourself, “What skills do I need to be successful? What education do I need? How do I create a network of people that will add value to my life and I can add value to theirs?” The answers to these questions will help guide your next career move. If you start early enough, you can complete most of these things before you retire or leave the military. Make sure your debts are paid off and you have 6-12 months of expenses in the bank. This gives you the freedom and peace of mind to explore what the civilian world has to offer without being under too much pressure.
The structure of the military that served me well for 22 years was removed and I struggled to find my footing until I developed and implemented my own structure. The biggest thing that has helped me has been the company I’ve kept. My inner circle holds me accountable, pushed me to be better, and checks in on me. Every conversation I have with them keeps me motivated, energized, and on track to achieving my dreams and goals.
Keeping mentally fit has been my top priority over the past several decades. I did this by getting quality sleep, surrounding myself and my family with abundant, low-stress people, and taking care of my responsibilities.
Many veterans suffer from PTSD and I’ve had my share of mental health struggles. You must decide to get the help you need, take responsibility for where you are in life, and own your future going forward. The bottom line, if you show up, have a great attitude, and are willing to work, you’ll be successful in whatever you choose to do next.
Connect with me on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/nonprofitarchitect/ and check out my show the Nonprofit Architect Podcast. https://nonprofitarchitect.org/
Finding a job in the civilian world may seem easy at first. After all, you have learned skills, practiced leadership and demonstrated initiative that will make you successful wherever you go.
The reality, though, is that it can be difficult. In fact, it can be downright depressing, demotivating and you may feel totally disillusioned.
Veterans In Transition is dedicated to you and to helping you succeed in your transition.
For editorial & monthly columns regarding transitioning to business, career advice, tips, workshops, transition to education, entrepreneurship, straight-forward legal tips for Military and Veteran Business Owners and more visit Veterans In Transition at www.tinyurl.com/Veterans-In-Transition
What is it inside of people that makes them willing to risk everything they have to be in business? Is it to join the league of greats like Ford, Carnegie, Hearst, Jobs, Gates or just to have the freedom of being in a business of their own?
Perhaps it is the spirit passed down by parents or grandparents who ran the butcher shops, bakeries and small service businesses from the beginning of time. Some say it is a burning desire that hits like a flash of lightening or an idea that begs to be developed.
At the height of it all, entrepreneurship screams freedom – freedom to direct one’s own life, freedom to earn as much as one can, freedom to set one’s own hours, freedom to be in control.
In the thick of it, entrepreneurship demands risk, it demands new skills, it demands financial liquidity and demands the effective use of time and life. Over the past 30 years, my experience facilitating hundreds of business owners in Mind Masters groups, highlights the struggle they have, wearing all of the “hats” of running a business and still maintaining some balance.
Many things happen when you go into business for yourself. You face tremendous obstacles, significant opportunities for growth and the personal fulfillment of achievement. There are essential factors that come together to make it happen.
You might remember the day you first entered high school; where are your classes, how do you get to your home room? Then you entered your first biology class and realized you found your life direction. Or maybe it was English class, or mathematics, something that pointed you in a direction. As you mastered the science, the language, the equations, you started to feel the sense of having a path to follow that carried you into a career.
Sometimes the sense of direction wasn’t all that obvious, it might have taken a few years in the
military to recognize where you wanted to direct your career. And just like serving in the military, personal achievement in any area of life requires commitment and consistency, and perhaps, as a business owner, it requires it even more.
You must maintain the right mindset and the ACTION that goes with it, to produce the success you want. Your dream may not have included the amount of work necessary to live it. You may not have realized how much on-going learning is required to run a business and sell successfully. Both work and learning take patience while consistently going beyond your limits. The rewards of personal, professional and financial growth far out-weigh the struggles to get there, take time to enjoy the path you have chosen
The Challenge: It is the last quarter, take time to work on yourself and your business, the road ahead will be easier.
Many things happen when you go into business for yourself. You face tremendous obstacles, significant opportunities for growth and the personal fulfillment of achievement.
Entrepreneurship demands risk!
Maintain the right mindset and the ACTION that goes with it, to produce the success you want.
Barbara Eldridge has built a solid reputation as a Results strategies specialist, within industry and business over the past 40 years. Her unique message, since starting Mind Masters 30 years ago for entrepreneurs and small business owners, continually stresses vision, purpose and values as the key elements of business philosophy. Her undying compassion for the entrepreneur’s journey, her tireless capacity to listen, and her sincere enthusiasm for other’s success have insured her growing influence and her own mastery with MIND MASTERS.
Most entrepreneurs do not have a team of lawyers to help advise on all business related issues until its too late. Just as entrepreneurs need to know the basics of accounting and marketing, they also need to understand the basics of business law to avoid the potential failure that follows costly litigation.
As a lawyer and an entrepreneur, I have experienced the struggles of business on both sides. Most entrepreneurs do not have legal experience so they end up making big decisions that could lead to big legal ramifications. You do not need to go to law school to be a successful entrepreneur, but you do need to learn the essentials, so you make the right decisions.
Here are three laws every entrepreneur should know:
Most business owners understand they are responsible when their employees cause harm to themselves or others while on company property, but the truth is that you can be liable for harm caused by an employee anywhere at any time if that employee caused harm within the course and scope of the employee’s job duties. As an example, if you ask an employee to drop something off at the post office on the way home, and the employee causes an accident en route, even if the employee was driving their own vehicle, you could be liable for damages. This is a common situation, but it is one that could have major consequences for your business.
To avoid finding yourself on the wrong end of a vicarious liability summons, define your employee’s job descriptions clearly and purchase a commercial general liability insurance policy that covers employees at work and in personal vehicles (also known as non-owned auto coverage).
Most people know that putting in more than 40 hours per week equates to working overtime, but it is important to remember that certain salaried employees are entitled to overtime pay. Some employers attempt to avoid overtime entirely by classifying employees as independent contractors. Not only is this illegal, you are opening yourself up for violations of wage and hour laws. Make sure you classify your employees properly.
If you have non-exempt employees working overtime, including off the clock work, pay them for that time and make sure your payroll administrators are up to date on current wage and hour laws. Although it might feel expensive now, doing so will save avoidable litigation costs down the line.
You might have the perfect product, logo, website photo, and company name, but if any of those constitute someone else’s intellectual property, you will have to pay for using them without permission. Intellectual property law covers patents, which protect inventions; copyrights, which protect artistic creations; and trademarks, which protect brands. Violations for infringing intellectual property rights range from crippling monetary penalties to injunctions, both of which can be fatal to your business.
Before you sell that product, or choose that logo, and use that photo on your website, you should conduct a thorough search to make absolutely sure that you are not infringing upon someone else’s intellectual property. You can and should pay for a license to use a logo or photo or purchase them outright, which would give you the legal rights to use those items without infringing on intellectual property rights.
To run a successful business, you do not need to go to law school, but you do need to be prepared for common legal situations. Extended expensive litigation can drag down even the most promising businesses, therefore, educate yourself on relevant laws to avoid business losses.
As a fellow entrepreneur, I have authored four books that educate and support business owners in starting, running, and growing a business. I’m particularly excited to announce the launch of my new book called Legal Pearls, Pearls of Wisdom for Avoiding Business Litigation, releasing in November 2022. Becoming a business owner, you control your own destiny, choose the people you work with, reap big rewards, challenge yourself, give back to the community, and you get to follow your passion. Knowing what you’re getting into is smart business because the responsibility of protecting yourself and your family falls on you.
For more information on how to legally start and grow your business please visit my website at www.BaglaLaw.com
Disclaimer: This information is made available by Bagla Law Firm, APC for educational purposes only as well as to give you general information and a general understanding of the law, and not to provide specific legal advice.This information should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.
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Getting a divorce can be an emotionally taxing event, and it can be a daunting process as you navigate the legal system. No matter what period of your life you may find yourself in going through a divorce, most people have the same questions. These are some of the most common questions I see from clients.
California is a “no-fault” divorce state. In a no-fault divorce state, the spouse initiating divorce proceedings does not have to prove that the other spouse did something wrong. Either party can seek a dissolution of marriage on the grounds of “irreconcilable differences.” It is not necessary to prove adultery, abandonment, abuse, or any other wrongdoing. If you are unhappy in your marriage, you may file for divorce even if your spouse wishes to stay married. The marriage can be dissolved even if one party objects to getting divorced.
The soonest your status can be terminated is six months from the date of personal service of the Petition. However, it is likely you will have to seek this relief from the court by either filing a motion or a stipulation if you want your status terminated as soon as possible. This is because most divorces take more than six months to finalize.
It depends on your unique situation. Is your case simple or complex? Do you have a lot of assets to divide? Is there real property and businesses involved? Is custody and visitation at issue? Are there child or spousal support issues?
As mentioned above, divorce in San Diego has a mandatory waiting period of at least 6 months. The quickest a divorce can be finalized is 6 months from the time the petition for divorce was finalized if all parties agree on all issues and a marital settlement agreement is completed sooner than later.
However, in a contested divorce or a divorce where spouses do not agree on the settlement in a timely manner, it can take a year or more to be finalized. If you go through mediation or collaboration, it could take less time than going through litigation.
This is probably the most common divorce question. Again, every case is different. When you first file your initial paperwork to start the divorce process, you’ll need to pay a filing fee unless you apply and qualify for a waiver. The current filing fee for a dissolution petition in California is $435, but that amount is subject to change.
Beyond the filing fee, the cost of divorce will depend on a number of factors. An uncontested divorce is much less expensive than a divorce involving complex assets or a divorce in which children are involved. If you need to hire an attorney (which is advisable) to handle your divorce, the costs will also depend on what your attorney charges per hour and how long it will take to resolve the disputes in your matter. Another key factor is the number of issues that are disputed. Highly contested issues such as custody and visitation, support, or the value of assets can cost tens of thousands of dollars.
The main cost drivers are conflicts that must be litigated and issues that require outside experts such as appraisers, business evaluators, or forensic accountants. The more issues you can resolve out of court, the more you can keep costs down. The bottom line is that the actual cost of divorce varies widely.
If you want to get a divorce in California, you must meet the state’s residency requirements. You or your spouse must be a California resident for at least six months before filing for divorce and reside for at least three months in the county where the petition is filed. A military spouse can file for divorce where the service member is stationed, or in the state where he or she is a resident.
California is a community property state. Community property is all earnings, assets, and debts acquired during the marriage. In a community property state, the spouses are entitled to an equal division of everything acquired during marriage that is not either party’s separate property. Separate property is exempt, such as assets owned prior to the marriage or an inheritance received during the marriage. Some community assets cannot be divided in half (such as a house or a business), in which case one spouse is compensated in other ways to equalize the division of assets.
Defining what is community property and separate property cannot only be complex but greatly contested. In many contested divorces, the categorization of community property or separate property is at issue. In these cases, an expert is often necessary to establish the character of the property.
For more information about choosing an attorney in your military divorce, check out our website: www.frfamilylaw.com or call (858) 720-8250 and ask to speak with military family law attorney Tana Landau
This article is intended only for informational purposes and should not be taken as legal advice.
There is no doubt that real estate is one of the most popular and profitable investments that have a great deal of potential for success when done correctly. You don’t need any luck to win money in real estate; there is no magic formula. It’s all about studying a potential investment before making any decisions. Aside from that, you should also understand the short-term and long-term benefits of real estate if you want to succeed.
You can generate nearly tax-free passive income by investing in real estate. Even when you are sleeping, your rental properties will make money for you. Instead of spending all of your time working, you can purchase several rental properties that generate enough income to cover your expenses.
One overlooked benefit of real estate investing, specifically residential real estate, is the pride in helping provide a home for others. Everyone needs a roof over their head, but not everyone has the upfront resources to purchase a home, which makes renting the only other option for them. We often hear about landlords shirking their responsibilities and making living conditions downright nightmarish for their tenants. By investing in residential real estate, not only are you helping house a family, but you’re ensuring that the family is housed in safe, healthy, clean, and fair conditions.
Whether you are already in real estate investment or are just starting, you understand that real estate is not a short-term investment plan. On the contrary, the benefits of investing in real estate include the appreciation of capital assets (a.k.a. land) over time. In other words, your property’s value will be worth way more 30 years from now, hence why investors are in it for the long run.
Owning a rental property can afford investors a sense of security because of the property’s appreciation in value over time. This means that your property’s value is most likely going to increase because land and buildings are appreciating assets.
Invest When and Where You Want Investing in real estate is a numbers game. It’s easier to
pick and choose when you have an investing strategy to follow and an end game in mind. While you shouldn’t fall victim to ‘analysis paralysis,’ there’s also no reason to jump at the first deal that comes along. Instead, wait for an opportunity that makes sense, then seize the day by sealing the deal.
The equity sharing model is an increasingly popular way for investors to reap the rewards of investing even if their time or funds are limited. In such arrangements, new investors can team up with time-strapped investors who like funding smart deals. It may benefit any investor to participate in equity sharing. The ability to find excellent deals is incredibly valuable for those attempting to break into REI. There will always be dealfunders available for those who find deals.
A situation in which two or more investors work together to afford, finance, and purchase an asset may be called equity sharing. Everyone involved in sharing equity has an interest in the property. Family members sometimes use equity sharing to help transition mortgaged homes to the next generation.
Family members sometimes use equity sharing to help transition mortgaged homes to the next generation. Equity sharing may be used to:
• Divide costs of property and improvements
• Divide all profits/losses
• Get people in on the same deal with minimal hassle
• Allow one investor to live in the home (with the goal of paying off the mortgage)
• Develop short or long-term plans for the asset
Nominate a Hero: The National Veterans Chamber Radio Show
• Would you like to Nominate a Hero? Let us know, and we will announce it on the show.
• Would you like to share your story? Then, be our guest on the show - www.vccsd.org/radioshow.html
• If you have any ideas or a project that you would like to develop in collaboration with the National Veterans Chamber, please send your ideas to: veteransccsd@gmail.com
Military and law enforcement have had a longstanding relationship with overlaps in training exercises, equipment, and, most important, personnel.
It is not uncommon for a service member to make the jump from the military to law enforcement as both professions look for the same characteristics; leadership, fidelity, chain of command, and teamwork are all common themes in both professions.
Quite understandably, many American military veterans often gravitate to a career in law enforcement when the time comes to rejoin the civilian workforce.
The two professions have many fundamental similarities; from the uniforms they wear with pride, to the firm command structure they serve under, to great personal risk they endure while protecting those who cannot protect themselves.
The following agencies are actively hiring & proudly support our veterans, active military and the families that keep together.
As a military service member or veteran making the transition to a new career path, law enforcement can feel like a natural fit.