July adonai 2013 final

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Joyce Meyer

For more on this topic, order Joyce’s four-CD series Pressing In and Pressing On. You can also contact us to receive our free magazine, Enjoying Everyday Life, by calling (800) 727-9673 or visiting www.joycemeyer.org. Ladies, join Joyce Meyer for the 30th Anniversary Love Life Women’s Conference September 20-22 in Saint Louis, MO. For more information, go to www.joycemeyer.org/womensconference

THE GREATEST CHANGE OF ALL visit www.adonaimag.tv for more articles

or many years, I was an unhappy, negative person. Even after I became a Christian, it was a long time before I had God’s peace and joy in my life. The problem was, I didn’t understand what God had given me through His gift of salvation, so I wasn’t experiencing the blessings He wanted me to have. But when I was in my late thirties, my eyes were opened to how much I needed a change in my life. I needed a change in my mindset, they way I talked and in my attitude. And I needed the power of God’s Word to experience those changes. As I spent time studying the Word, meditating on scriptures, praying the Word and declaring it over my life, a miracle happened: God changed me! I began to get more revelation of what it means to be born again and to really understand who I am in Christ. Second Corinthians 5:17 says, “If any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!” I believe the greatest miracle of all happens when God changes a person’s heart and character to be more like Christ—to be “a new creature altogether”!


You Already Have Everything You Need

In 2 Corinthians 5:17, the scripture says as a new creation in Christ, the old spiritual condition has passed away, and the fresh and new has come. Notice the word “has.” This means God has already 4

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given us everything we need in Christ to become all that He created us to be. We need to stop trying to get something we already have and learn how to believe it and receive it. See, when you accepted Christ as your Savior, the seed of all that God is and that God has came to live in your spirit. The Amplified Bible says of the believer that “God’s nature abides in him [His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently within him]” (1 John 3:9). So if you are genuinely born again, you are pregnant with everything God is—it has come to you as a seed and must grow for you to be rooted and grounded in God’s love and your relationship with Him.

Get Rooted and Discover Who You Really Are

Ephesians 3:17 (AMP) says, “May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love.” Getting rooted in the love of God is the key to growing up spiritually, becoming more like Christ and bearing good fruit that will help others. As we grow in our relationship with God, we discover who we are and what we have in Christ. And the one thing we need more than anything else is to know who we are in Christ and what we have been given as an inheritance through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Ephesians 1:3-7 says: • God “has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm.” • God has chosen us in Christ because of His cont. on pg. 42



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WWW.ADONAIMAG.TV The name Adonai is translated Lord in the Bible. Adon means, “steward administrator, master, or Lord.” The addition of ai to adon intensifies or elevates its meaning, changing it to mean “the ultimate Lord, the Supreme Lord, or Lord of all.” The vision of Adonai Magazine goes beyond denominational, traditional, ethnic and cultural barriers that are sometimes imposed and have interfered with the Lord’s vision for an international kingdom building.




More Than Conquerors Conference is an annual event organized by Bishop Dominic Allotey, the Head Pastor of Living Faith International Church, Mt. Vernon, New York, with a vision of empowering believers to realize, live and walk in the Kingdom promises of God with no limitations and boundaries. Apostle General Sam Korankye Ankrah from Ghana is the main speaker for this years event under the theme, “ THERE IS A LIFTING UP”

Job 22:29 Says “When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person.” Difficult situations are not inevitable in the life of the believer, but there is a promise by God that even if life should take us down, the devil does not have the right to rejoice when we fall, for there is a lifting up which can not be compared to the extent of the fall we experienced.

As believers, we have an anchor in Christ through His Word that makes us more than conquerors and overcomers. For this reason I personally invite you to join us from 14-21, July 2013 at 7:00pm every night to be enlightened through the scriptures and with intensive prayers that will cause you to be lifted up from your current position. Jesus Christ is waiting to uplift you. God Bless you.

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Henry Ayensu Franklin Kwaku Kyei Pas. Abraham Obadare

Publisher Editor-In-Chief Columnist

Dr. Myles E. Munroe


Joyce Meyer


Dr. Ralph F. Wilson


Jimmy Evans


Dr. William D. Watley


Dr. Kelafo Collie M.D.


Elsie Osae-Kwapong Rev. Nick Anane-Agyei Cre8ive House

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Franklin K. Kyei

Editor of the Adonai Magazine Send your letters and suggestions to the editor at info@adonaimag.tv or call: 347 449 5892

Seven Viruses That Infect the Church (Part 1) visit www.adonaimag.tv for more articles

But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (II Timothy 3:13). n the Kingdom of God– the church on earth, if you will– bad ideas and wrong-headed philosophies function in the same way as viruses. They infect a church and as members and leaders interact with other churches, as people relocate and assume places in other congregations, the infection is spread. The result is always deadly.


anymore. You have a diverse population in your classroom, many of them from different religious backgrounds, and your little sermon is upsetting some. Bobo, you must understand that as a Christian college, we have a product to sell. The students are our customers. If they do not like what we have to offer, they go elsewhere. If enough of them leave, you and I are out of a job.” Bobo soon transferred to another college.

Here are seven viruses which I have observed affecting and infecting the Lord’s Church leaders fall prey to this kind of carnal interwork on earth today....

1) The people who come to church are our customers and our job as leaders is to satisfy them. I first encountered this from a longtime friend who was teaching on the campus of a well-known and historically conservative Christian university. Bobo– not his name, but close enough; the “Bobo” will give him a smile–would use part of one class period each semester to share his testimony with his class, no matter what the subject he taught. He told me, “It’s vital that students know the worldview their professor is coming from. If they don’t, they can make some major errors in receiving his teaching. So, I tell them how Jesus Christ entered my life and changed me forever.” The dean called him in. “You must not do this 6

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pretation of our mission. Our role is to satisfy the pew-dwellers. If they are unhappy with their leadership, they go elsewhere, the church dries up, and we are out of a job. Therefore, we will soft-pedal any preachings and standards that upset any segment of the congregation. The second virus is like unto the first….

2) The pastors are here to make us happy and if they don’t, we get rid of them. It is a rare congregation that can abide a minister who speaks the whole truth–”preaches the Word,” Scripture calls it–and upsets members from time to time. However, I will go so far as to say that any minister who does not offend or upset some of his people from time to time is probably playing at his assignment. cont. on pg. 40

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Dr. Myles Munroe

For Books or Teachings by Dr. Myles Munroe on CD, audio or video tapes, call or visit us at: Bahamas Faith Ministries International. The Diplomat Center, Carmichael Road. P.O.Box N-9583, Nassau, Bahamas Tel: (242) 341 – 6444. Fax: (242) 361 2260

The Measure of True Leadership visit www.adonaimag.tv for more articles

t takes courage to make yourself unnecessary. We do not want to feel that we are not significant, but great leaders move themselves out of the spotlight. So often, when we get in a place of power, we settle in. We begin to make plans on how we are going to hold our positions permanently. It takes courage for leaders to work themselves out of a job, but that is what succession is about: making room for the next phase of leadership.


Jesus Christ, the greatest leader, expressed His great leadership in His statement, “It is good that I go” (Jn 16:7). What kind of leadership philosophy is that? It is a philosophy based on maturity and self-confidence. It is an awareness of one’s value. If your significance comes from being called pastor, bishop, or manager, I hope you never lose that job. However, if your value is not in the title, position, or paycheck, wherever you go, your value goes with you. Do not become synonymous with your title. Be willing to relinquish power. It is a sign of greatness. Diminishing dependency is the measure of effective leadership and the tenet upon which leadership success is based. It takes all the skills of a leader to create an environment where they become less important. Sometimes the quality of the people around you may be tough to work with, and you may have to start from zero. The people in your en8

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vironment that you want to develop into leaders may need a lot of work. However, you must have a great deal of skill and patience to be an effective mentor. You have to trust your successors with power and with the right to make decisions. As a leader, your greatest contribution is to outlive yourself. How do you outlive yourself? Through effective mentorship—you transfer yourself to other people. Succession is about living beyond the grave. The only way to outlive your life is to reproduce yourself in the next generation. If you seek power because you need power, you will never mentor. However, if you seek to serve the next generation, you will always desire to mentor. As people rise in the ranks of leadership, they need to remember that they are dispensable. You should think of yourself as a flower that can fade. You are here today and gone today. If you think that way, you will work harder on the right things. We must not measure leadership in what we achieve or by the programs and projects that we complete or establish. People do not remember your events or projects. You cannot build projects as your legacy. We need to measure leadership and success in terms of the kind of people that we produce and by what we do for those people. That is how you measure success.

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Pas. Abraham Obadare

Pastor Abraham Obadare is a minister at Christ Apostolic Church WOSEM, New York City •Our TV programs show: Queens: QPTV 34 on Wednesdays at 10:30pm & Fridays at 5:30pm, Brooklyn: BCAT 56 at 12am on Sunday Long Island: CABLEVISION 20 on Saturday 7:30am Tel: 718 658 8981.

Give me a man … visit www.adonaimag.tv for more articles

ike Goliath, the enemy often brags and threatens God’s children, believing that we are week and helpless. In 1 Sam. 17:10 Goliath said, “This day I defy the armies of Israel! Give me a man and let us fight each other …” David came forward as the man and God used him to put Goliath to shame and bring peace, pride and rest to the land of Israel. I want to seize this opportunity to let you know that God is looking for a person He would use as His vessel of honor to bring to a stop the bullying of the devil over His children. He is looking for someone who will say, “here I am, send me” as we see in Isa. 6:8.


Human Eligibility – to be “a man” You will notice that if you speak of age, David was not a man yet. He neither had money, car or house of his own nor was he married yet. He had no unusual stature or status of any kind. All he had that made him become “a man” or THE MAN was his boldness in the Lord. Therefore let everyone of us know that we can still be presented as the MAN or the person whom God will use to bring praise to His name if we make ourselves available, though we have no positions, titles, fame or something of such. Saul had position and title, yet he was afraid; his army, though arrayed in physical armory, was in dismay; but the man could boast in the Lord was the one who stood in the gap for the fearful. For forty days Goliath had threatened Saul’ army and the people of Israel at large; so it is, for a long time the people of God around us and the Christians all over have suffering from the Devil’s threats of death, sickness, infirmities, failure, poverty, etc. and he dares us, saying “give me a man who can fight with me.” 10

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Godly Eligibility - to be the man? • Someone who is obedient to instruction; David obeyed his father to run an errand and God positioned him for show-casing – 1 Sam. 17:17-18 • Someone who does not back down because of discouragements -1 Sam. 17:28, 33-36. People around you may ask why you want to get involved; they may remind you how incapable you are, etc. • Someone who cannot stand it when the things or people of God are being messed up – 1 Sam. 17:37 • Someone who knows their God and is bold in Him – 1 Sam. 17:45-47 You know, when Satan puts up this type of threat, the opportunity for someone to rise up to the task is now open. Note that if no one rises, Goliath would destroy the people, therefore someone has to rise. I tell you today that God is looking for the person who will volunteer to the one who will face the Goliath on behalf of God’s people. ➢ Many people in our church, family and society are being bullied by sicknesses; who will be the man who will rise to pray for their healing? ➢ Many people are suffering from marital problems; God is looking for a person who will counsel men and women to stop their treacherous treatment of their spouses. ➢ Many Christians are weak in their spiritual lives; who is the man who will intercede for them for empowerment? ➢ Satan continues to ensure that people are not listening to the gospel and the church of God is not growing as it should; who is the man that will face the devil and rebuke him for us? ➢ God is looking for someone who can repcont. on pg. 43

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Living Faith International Church TEMPLE DEDICATION


Bishop Dominic & Rev. (Mrs.) Naomi Allotey are the General Overseers of Living Faith International Church, Mt. Vernon, New York, which was officially dedicated to the Lord on June 16th, 2013. The occasion was officiated by Apostle Jannie Ngwale, graced by other great men of God and State officials from New York and around the world.



The City Council of Mount Vernon, on behalf of the citizens of Mt. Vernon, recognized Bishop Dominic Allotey for his leadership, community work locally and internationally, committing his life to serve and help people achieve their fullest potential. 12

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First Lady Naomi Allotey was ordained and prayed for to assume the position of a Reverend Minister of Living Faith Int’l Church. She is a great speaker of the Word, enthusiastic in her ministry and has been a good support to his husband Bishop Allotey through the years.

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Elsie Osae-Kwapong

Email Auntie Elsie at elsie@adonaimag.tv

visit www.adonaimag.tv for more articles


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Copyright - Superbook_Devotional_New_Journey_With_God

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Jimmy Evans

© 2010 MarriageToday. All rights reserved for more information visit www.marriagetoday.com

The Customer Service Counter of Marriage visit www.adonaimag.tv for more articles

ne day, getting dressed for work, I decided to wear a new shirt someone had given me. I took it out of the package and looked at the size: it was exactly what I wear. I asked Karen to iron out the creases. Then I put the shirt on. It didn't fit. It was an "Italian cut," and apparently I'm not Italian because it was snug in all the wrong places. I ended up wearing a different shirt that day.


Later, I dropped by the high-end retail shop where it had been purchased. I told the man at the counter that I needed to exchange it for a larger shirt. He unfolded the shirt, examined it, and announced, "This shirt has been worn." "No, it hasn't," I replied. I told him my wife had pressed it, and that was all. "It didn't fit. I never wore it, and I never washed it." "We can't exchange used clothing," he said. "It's not used. I didn't wear it." I was getting agitated. We went back and forth this way—him glaring at me over his glasses, me trying to understand how suddenly the shirt had become "used" until, finally, he brought his manager up from the back. They both spoke about me and my "already worn" shirt as if I wasn't there. The manager examined the shirt, sniffed the armpits, then laid it back on the counter. "Give him another one," he said, then walked away with his nose in the air. Not once did he make eye contact with me or even acknowledge that I was there. It was humiliating. I've never felt so judged or belittled by a salesman, and I've not been back to that store

In every great marriage, the husband and wife allow each other the freedom to complain.


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again. I'm no retail expert, but that was pretty bad customer service. Good customer service, on the other hand, occurs when a store cares about what customers think, gives customers the opportunity to complain or offer feedback, and works hard to solve problems. That's a store I'll return to again and again. The best marriages follow this example. A good marriage offers the equivalent of a good customer service counter. "If you ever have a problem," one spouse might say, "don't be afraid to talk to me about it. If I do anything to offend you, please tell me. If I'm not treating you right, you can feel safe coming to me. I promise I won't get defensive. I won't turn you away. We'll find a way to work it out."

In every great marriage, the husband and wife allow each other the freedom to complain. They encourage open and honest communication with no strings attached, no concerns of retribution, no fear or ridicule or rejection. The customer service counter is always open. Karen and I are committed to good "customer" service. We want a marriage where there is no issue that can't be resolved by simply talking it through, and no conflict we can't fix through loving and honest communication. At our customer service counter, no one will be humiliated or talked down to. No one will be turned away. No complaint will ever be questioned. No concern will ever be snubbed. No one will sniff any armpits to try to discover the truth. Why? Because we each want to be the only store either of us shops in. I pursue good communication because I want Karen to be my customer for life. What happens at the customer service counter in your marriage?

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Dr. Ralph F. Wilson

Dr. Ralph Wilson is a California pastor, director of Joyful Heart Renewal Ministries, and author of more than a dozen free online Bible studies from the Old and New Testaments. (www.jesuswalk.com/ebooks). Copyright © 2006, Ralph F. Wilson: pastor@joyfulheart.com. All rights reserved.

Learning Faith from Doubting Thomas visit www.adonaimag.org for more articles

homas is a late bloomer, I guess. A commercial fisherman, he grew up around the Sea of Galilee. Jesus comes to Capernaum, calls him, and he follows. For three years Thomas follows.


Thomas's Pessimism and Courage

But Thomas is a pessimist. Some people rejoice to see a glass half full, but Thomas sees it half empty. Oh, he's full courage, but also possesses a streak of fatalism. Once, when Jesus and his disciples hear about their friend Lazarus's death near Jerusalem, the center of Jesus' opposition, Thomas comments darkly, "Yes, let's go there that we might die with him." His words are almost prophetic. Soon, his world falls apart. Thomas sees his Master arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and he flees for his life. On Good Friday he watches at a distance as they spike his Friend to a cross on the Roman killing grounds of Golgotha. As Jesus' life drains away, so does Thomas's hope.

Shock and Disbelief

On Saturday he is in shock. On Sunday he is so disillusioned that he doesn't gather with his fellow disciples for an evening meal. Thomas is dazed, hurt, bitter — and lashing out. Monday morning, the disciples go looking for Thomas and tell him what has happened in his absence. "Thomas, we were in that upper room where we'd been meeting. We lock the doors for protection. Yet, all of a sudden, Jesus appears. 'Peace, Shalom,' he says. Then he shows us his hands. There are jagged holes where the nails had been. He pulls back his tunic and shows us where the spear penetrated his chest. . He is alive, raised from the dead!"

Afraid to Believe

"I don't believe it," barks Thomas. "I don't believe a word of it. You're seeing what you want to see. Jesus is 28

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dead. I saw him die, and part of me died with him. But he's dead, and the sooner you accept that fact, the better off you'll be. Give it up!" Peter pleads with him. "Thomas, I saw him myself, I tell you, and he was as real as you are!" "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it." But Thomas's anger cools, and by the next Sunday evening he is eating with his fellow disciples in the same locked room. Suddenly, Jesus stands among them once again and speaks — "Shalom, peace be with you." All the blood drains from Thomas' face. Jesus turns to him and speaks plainly, without any hint of rancor or sarcasm, "Put your finger here, see my hands." Jesus holds out his scarred hands for him to examine. Thomas recoils. Not out of fear, really, but from a mixture of amazement and revulsion. Jesus begins to open his outer garment and says, "Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe."

My Lord and My God

Thomas is weeping now and then begins to sob out loud. Jesus reaches out and puts a hand on his shoulder. Then Thomas slips to his knees and says in awe, "My Lord and my God!" Thomas, "Doubting Thomas," as he is sometimes called, is the first disciple to put into words the truth that Jesus is both Lord and God. "Doubting Thomas" utters the greatest confession of faith recorded anywhere in the Bible. Jesus replies, "Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." What happens to him? Doubting Thomas does not stay a doubter. When he sees the risen Jesus, all that Jesus has taught over the years now clicks in, and to his death Thomas is an outspoken advocate for his Lord.

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Dr. Kelafo Z. Collie M.D.

Dr. Kelafo is a life coach, leadership developer and trains persons into purpose worldwide. He is president of Kingdom Apostolic Ministries Intl. and Kingdom Apostolic School of Ministry. He is the author of two books “You are my Father, I am your Son- Understanding Kingdom Sonship” and “ Re Ordering the Nation- Principles to transforming the Bahamas”,

Tips for a safe and healthy summer visit www.adonaimag.tv for more articles

ummer is here at last, a time for sun and fun. Unfortunately, summer time can also present its own set of safety hazards for both adult and child. Therefore, the following safety tips will assist in helping you and your family to avoid the typical summer mishaps and injuries;


• To prevent heat exhaustion/stroke avoid strenuous activities during high temperatures. Engage in physical activities during cooler evening hours and drink plenty of water or sports drink to keep hydrated. • Avoid the consumption of alcohol and beverages containing caffeine before engaging in physical activities to avoid dehydration. • Don’t dive in any body of water if the depth is unknown. Severe spinal injuries can occur if you dive and hit your head on the bottom of a pool, lake or any other body of water. • Swim in designated areas only and never swim alone. • Be vigilant when accompanying children to the beach or at swimming pools and ensure that the proper floatation devices are worn. 30

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• In order to prevent head injuries, children and adults should wear proper fitting helmets when riding bikes, motorcycles, or skateboards. • Always watch children and pets when grilling outdoors. • Try to avoid using fireworks, but if you can’t, be sure to keep flames away from you while lighting and ensure that the area where the fire works is being lit is cleared of people and debris. Never light fireworks amidst a crowd or in an enclosed area. • Ensure playground safety. Be sure to check equipments for damage before allowing children to use them. • Be sure to wear a hat, sunglasses and sun screen with an SPF of 15 or higher when spending time exposed to the sun and be sure to reapply sunscreen as needed. • Be sure to wear insect repellants when hiking or camping in order to prevent contracting diseases and viruses. Summer is meant to be an enjoyable time for the entire family. However, in order to achieve this goal safety must be at the center of all your plans, and remember that in everything you do be sure to put Christ first.

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SevenViruses That Infect the Church (Part 1)

contd. from pg. 6

A faithful minister keeps pushing his people toward the Lord’s goal for them. Pushing is uncomfortable. We want to push back. There is a thinking abroad in the land that if the membership is unhappy, they will desert the program, withhold their offerings, and find other things to do on Sundays, and that therefore, the role of the leadership is to keep them happy. “Pastor,” the little committee said, “we thought you would want to know that some of the members are unhappy with you.” The minister, looking around at the six distinguished men and women who were standing in his office, said, “So?” “Well,” the speaker said, “We thought that would matter to you.”


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The shepherd said, “It does, but not much.” “Then we are under a misconception here,” said the spokesman. “Our understanding is that since a pastor serves at the pleasure of the people, if they are unhappy with him, he is failing at his job. And thus, his continued employment is in jeopardy.” The pastor said, “There is a misconception, but it’s on your part. The minister was not sent to make the congregation happy. He was sent to make you holy and spiritually healthy and to make the Heavenly Father happy. Those are two vastly different concepts.” There are not 10 members in a hundred who get this distinction. And we are paying a severe price in terms of pastoral turnover, church divisions, and ministerial illnesses. - Joe McKeever (To be continued)

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contd. from pg. 10 love for us. • He adopted us “as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will.” • God has bestowed on us His grace in Christ. • And “in Him we have redemption (deliverance and salvation) through His blood.” Ephesians 1:11 says in Christ “we obtained an inheritance,” and verse 14 says the Holy Spirit “is the guarantee of our inheritance.” Wow! Think about what this means… In Christ, we have what we need to learn how to think, talk and act like Him. And we experience these blessings as we feed our spirit with the Word and make the decision to believe God’s Word more than we believe how we feel.

Receive All God Has for You

To receive God’s blessings, we simply need to make


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the decision to believe Him and His Word more than our thoughts and feelings. The Bible is our instruction manual on how to grow into the new nature He’s given us and reach the fulfillment of what He wants us to be. So take some time each day to read and meditate on scriptures that tell you about God’s love for you, who you are and what you have in Christ. As the scripture in Ephesians says, God loves you and His will is for you to be His child and receive every blessing He has for you—righteousness, peace, joy, provision of your needs... In Christ, you have a personal relationship with your Father God. In Christ, you can hear from God and be led by the Holy Spirit, who lives in your spirit. In Christ, you have access to God’s grace and strength to do whatever you need to do. In Christ, you are blessed and you can have a victorious life!

Give me a man …

contd. from pg. 10 resent his or her people during hard times, even though they are facing the same problems as everyone else. David and everyone else were facing the same chance of getting destroyed by Goliath. Who will fast and pray for the church? Who would rise to lead where there is weakness? God is waiting on you to rise to the task. May you receive boldness in the Lord in the mighty name of Jesus.

If you allow God to use you as the Man (the person who will stand in the gap for others, you may ask, what is in it for you. • God will give you wisdom on how to fight and win the battle; ordinarily one does not expect that David will use ordinary sling but if you can first volunteer, God will give wisdom – 1 Sam. 17:49 • You will bring victory, pride and peace to your people as David did – 1 Sam. 17:49-51 • You will bring fear to the camp of the enemies – 1 Sam. 17:52

• God will be with you wherever you go – 1 Sam. 18:5 • You will be specially blessed - 1 Sam. 17:25 • God will prepare you for leadership (as David later became king after Saul). Jesus loves you; He came because of you. Start to pay more attention to the things that really matter: the salvation of your soul. Make choices that show you are saved; If you do this, you will be not only be saved but all other things will be added to you; it’s Christ’s promise. Do you have a sermon notebook for yourself? I have customized one for you. You can also request for my book “Chosen But Naughty” if you call 516-8605729. Also available for your benefit is a daily devotional that you may obtain by calling 718-658-8981

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w w w. a d o n a i m a g . t v

w w w. a d o n a i m a g . t v


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