10 Choices to Change Before Regretting Them 2014- 05- 31 11:05:19 D.O.R. Romania
“If only…” T hese t wo words paired t oget her creat e one of t he saddest phrases in t he English language. Here are 10 choices t hat ult imat ely lead t o t his phrase of regret , and how t o elude t hem: 1. Wearing a mask to impress others If t he f ace you always show t he world is a mask, someday t here will be not hing beneat h it . Because when you spend t oo much t ime concent rat ing on everyone else’s percept ion of you, or who everyone else want s you t o be, you event ually f orget who you really are. So don’t f ear t he judgment s of ot hers; you know in your heart who you are and what ’s t rue t o you. You don’t have t o be perf ect t o impress and inspire people. Let t hem be impressed and inspired by how you deal wit h your imperf ect ions. “Somet imes people carry t o such perf ect ion t he mask t hey have assumed t hat in due course t hey act ually become t he person t hey seem.” - W. Somerset Maugham 2. Letting someone else create your dreams f or you T he great est challenge in lif e is discovering who you are; t he second great est is being happy wit h what you f ind. A big part of t his is your decision t o st ay t rue t o your own goals and dreams. Do you have people who disagree wit h you? Good. It means you’re st anding your ground and walking your own pat h. Somet imes you’ll do t hings considered crazy by ot hers, but when you cat ch yourself excit edly losing t rack of t ime, t hat ’s when you’ll know you’re doing t he right t hing. “T he f ut ure belongs t o t hose who believe in t he beaut y of t heir dreams. ”- Eleanor Roosevelt 3. Keeping negative company
Don’t let someone who has a bad at t it ude give it t o you. Don’t let t hem get t o you. T hey can’t pull t he t rigger if you don’t hand t hem t he gun. When you remember t hat keeping t he company of negat ive people is a choice, inst ead of an obligat ion, you f ree yourself t o keep t he company of compassion inst ead of anger, generosit y inst ead of greed, and pat ience inst ead of anxiet y. „O Son of Dust ! Beware! Walk not wit h t he ungodly and seek not f ellowship wit h him, f or such companionship t urnet h t he radiance of t he heart int o inf ernal f ire.” – Bahaúllah 4. Being self ish and egotistical A lif e f illed wit h loving deeds and good charact er is t he best t ombst one. T hose who you inspired and shared your love wit h will remember how you made t hem f eel long af t er your t ime has expired. So carve your name on heart s, not st one. What you have done f or yourself alone dies wit h you; what you have done f or ot hers and t he world remains. “Manif est plainness, Embrace simplicit y, Reduce self ishness, Have f ew desires. ” – Lao T zu
5. Avoiding change and growth If you want t o know your past , look int o your present condit ions. If you want t o know your f ut ure, look int o your present act ions. You must let go of t he old t o make way f or t he new; t he old way is gone, never t o come back. If you acknowledge t his right now and t ake st eps t o address it , you will posit ion yourself f or last ing success. “St rengt h and growt h come only t hrough cont inuous ef f ort and st ruggle.” – Napoleon Hill
6. Giving up when the going gets tough T here are no f ailures, just result s. Even if t hings don’t unf old t he way you had expect ed, don’t be disheart ened or give up. Learn what you can and move on. T he one who cont inues t o advance one st ep at a t ime will win in t he end. Because t he bat t le is always won f ar away and long bef ore t he f inal vict ory. It ’s a process t hat occurs wit h small st eps, decisions, and act ions t hat gradually build upon each ot her and event ually lead t o t hat glorious moment of t riumph. “Our great est weakness lies in giving up. T he most cert ain way t o succeed is always t o t ry just one more t ime.” - T homas A. Edison 7. T rying to micromanage every little thing Lif e should be t ouched, not st rangled. Somet imes you’ve got t o relax and let lif e happen wit hout incessant worry and micromanagement . Learn t o let go a lit t le bef ore you squeeze t oo t ight . Take a deep breat h. When t he dust set t les and you can once again see t he f orest f or t he t rees, t ake t he next st ep f orward. You don’t have t o know exact ly where you’re going t o be headed somewhere great . Everyt hing in lif e is in perf ect order whet her you underst and it yet or not . It just t akes some t ime t o connect all t he dot s. “If a man insist ed always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of f un and relaxat ion, he would go mad or become unst able wit hout knowing it . ” – Herodot us 8. Settling f or less than you deserve Be st rong enough t o let go and wise enough t o wait f or what you deserve. Somet imes you have t o get knocked down lower t han you have ever been t o st and up t aller t han you ever were bef ore. Somet imes your eyes need t o be washed by your t ears so you can see t he possibilit ies in f ront of you wit h a clearer vision again. Don’t set t le. “T he minut e you set t le f or less t han you deserve, you get even less t han you set t led f or.” - Maureen Dowd 9. Endlessly waiting until tomorrow T he t rouble is you always t hink you have more t ime t han you do. But one day you will wake up and t here won’t be any more t ime t o work on t he t hings you’ve always want ed t o do. And at t hat point you eit her will have achieved t he goals you set f or yourself , or you will have a list of excuses f or why you haven’t . “Change your lif e t oday. Don’t gamble on t he f ut ure, act now, wit hout delay.” - Simone de Beauvoir 10. Being lazy and wishy-washy
T he world doesn’t owe you anyt hing, you owe t he world somet hing. So st op daydreaming and st art DOING. Develop a backbone, not a wishbone. Take f ull responsibilit y f or your lif e – t ake cont rol. You are import ant and you are needed. It ’s t oo lat e t o sit around and wait f or somebody t o do somet hing someday. Someday is now; t he somebody t he world needs is YOU. “T he lazy man always does t wice t he work” - Spanish Proverb Inspired by ht t p://www.marcandangel.com
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