Articles from Portal Inspirational pentru Lumea Ta 21 definitions of Happiness that could guide you 2014- 04- 24 14:04:02 D.O.R. Romania
You may be successf ul and wealt hy, but you won’t f ind your lif e meaningf ul wit hout happiness. What is happiness and why do we want t o f ind t he pursuit t o it ? Here are some def init ions of happiness t hat might guide you, t ake some t ime t o absorb t heir meaning: 1. Happiness is not somet hing ready-made. It comes f rom your own act ions. – Dalai Lama 2. Happiness is when what you t hink, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. – Mahat ma Gandhi 3. Happiness doesn’t depend on any ext ernal condit ions; it is governed by our ment al at t it ude. – Dale Carnegie 4. Happiness depends more on how lif e st rikes you t han on what happens. – Andy Rooney 5. Happiness is it self a kind of grat it ude. – Joseph Wood Krut ch 6. Happiness comes only when we push our brains and heart s t o t he f art hest reaches of which we are capable. – Leo Rost en 7. Happiness is not somet hing you experience, it ’s somet hing you remember. – Oscar Levant 8. Happiness is not a st at ion you arrive at , but a manner of t raveling. – Margaret Lee Runbeck 9. Happiness is t he spirit ual experience of living every minut e wit h love, grace and grat it ude. – Denis Wait ley 10. Happiness is t he meaning and t he purpose of lif e, t he whole aim and end of human exist ence. – Arist ot el 11. Happiness of t en sneaks in t hrough a door you didn’t know you lef t open. – John Barrymore 12. Happiness is t he int erval bet ween periods of unhappiness. – Don Marquis
13. Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is. – Maxim Gorki 14. Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product . – Eleanor Roosevelt 15. Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it t o enjoy it . – Bernard Melt zer 16. Happiness is t he only good. T he t ime t o be happy is now. T he place t o be happy is here. T he way t o be happy is t o make ot hers so. – Robert Green Ingresoll 17. Happiness is not somet hing you post pone f or t he f ut ure; it is somet hing you design f or t he present . – Jim Rohn 18. Happiness is dif f erent f rom pleasure. Happiness has somet hing t o do wit h st ruggling and enduring and accomplishing. – George Sheehan 19. Happiness does not come f rom doing easy work but f rom t he af t erglow of sat isf act ion t hat comes af t er t he achievement of a dif f icult t ask t hat demanded our best . – T heodore Isaac Rubin 20. T rue happiness is…t o enjoy t he present , wit hout anxious dependence upon t he f ut ure. – Lucius Annaeus Seneca 21. Happiness consist s of t wo kinds; physical and spirit ual. T he physical happiness is limit ed; it s ut most durat ion is one day, one mont h, one year. It has no result . Spirit ual happiness is et ernal and unf at homable. T his kind of happiness appeared in one’s soul wit h t he love of God and suf f ered one t o at t ain t o t he virt ues and perf ect ions of t he world of humanit y. T heref ore, endeavor as much as you are able in order t o illuminat e t he lamp of your heart by t he light of love. – Abdu’l Baha Share Facebook T wit t er Google+ Pint erest
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