Articles from Portal Inspirational pentru Lumea Ta 6 Signs You Could Be a Highly Sensitive Person 2014- 06- 04 21:06:00 D.O.R. Romania
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In recent years’ research on a t emperament cat egory described as t he “highly sensitive person” has been gaining increased at t ent ion. Could you be among the 15-20 percent of the population believed to make up this group? Learned if you are, and f inding t his out will change the way you look at… EVERYT HING. According t o psychologist Elaine Aron, a lot of kids grow up f eeling f lawed (and perhaps medicat ed on t hat assumpt ion) when t hey are not really f lawed at all — t hey are just expressing a t rait well wit hin t he normal human range: HIGH SENSITIVITY. In some cult ures, such as Japan, t he t rait is highly valued, t hough sadly, t his is of t en not t he case in West ern societ y, and such children can experience negat ive or conf used react ions f rom peers and adult s. In t he 2011 document ary Bully, a child who commit s suicide in response t o bullying shows his f irst signs of being “dif f erent ” as high sensit ivit y t o loud noises, a f act no one comment s upon as linked t o his dist ressing experiences at school. A Highly Sensitive Person‘s t emperament appears t o be largely inherit ed (revealed t hrough t win st udies and ot her research), t hough environment plays a key role in how it develops. If t he child is eit her overprot ect ed or chast ised f or expressing what is f or him or her perf ect ly normal, problems develop. Researchers who st udy t he brain f ind t hat Highly Sensitive Persons are aroused by st imuli t hat may not be det ect ed by ot hers and t heir dif f erence has t o do wit h how t he brain processes inf ormat ion. T hey can’t change what t hey are, t hough t hey can learn how t o cope and monit or t hemselves. High sensit ivit y can be seen in ot her higher animals, t oo. From an evolut ionary st andpoint , t he t rait is valuable in a group. While you don’t want everyone, or even most members t o have it , height ened sensit ivit y in some individuals is
benef icial: T hey can warn of pot ent ial danger, make acut e observat ions of t he behavior of ot her animals, and share t he wisdom of t heir t endency t oward great er ref lect ion. In hist ory, Highly Sensitive Persons would be t he priest -advisors in t he communit y. Today t hey are of t en t he art ist s, t eachers, researchers, and judges. In t he modern world, t he t rait has bot h posit ive and negat ive aspect s. On t he good side, you may be bet t er able t o spot errors and process inf ormat ion t o deeper levels in your brain. On t he bad side, you can react t o f alse alarms and become rat t led by loud noises and ot her st imuli. Caf f eine and medicines may cause you t o react more t han most . Aron has also observed in her work t hat Highly Sensitive Persons who had dif f icult childhoods are part icularly prone t o anxiet y as adult s. According t o Aron, t his t rait is not a new discovery, but it is somet hing t hat has of t en been misunderst ood and cult urally devalued, making lif e challenging f or people who live wit h it . Here are some t hings t hat t end t o be associat ed wit h Highly Sensitive Persons.
1. You were described as sensitive or shy as a child You were t he kid who knew what somebody was about t o say bef ore t hey said it . You react ed st rongly t o changes in your environment . Maybe you were t he one who paused t o wat ch bef ore jumping int o t he game.
Aron emphasizes t hat while most Highly Sensitive Persons have been labeled shy, a f ull 30 percent have not and would be described as ext rovert ed. She not es t hat some observers like Susan Cain in her best -selling book Quiet: The
Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, may really be t alking about sensit ivit y when t hey discuss int roversion. Being highly react ive t o st imuli does not necessarily mean you don’t seek out crowds or new acquaint ances, alt hough it of t en does. T he key underlying t rait is sensit ivit y, not inhibit ion. Some Highly Sensitive Persons are act ually sensat ion-seekers — st imuli can bring t hem int ense pleasure as well as discomf ort .
2. You pick up subtleties in your environment T he Highly Sensitive Person‘s brain processes inf ormat ion and ref lect s on it more deeply. One t hing Highly Sensitive Persons share is t he t endency t o not ice t hings ot hers might not pick up on so readily, like t he mood of a t eacher or t he rearrangement of f urnit ure in a room. An art if icial sweet ener might t ast e like a chemical experiment , and someone’s slight ly of f -key singing might sound like a f ingernail on a chalkboard. Highly Sensitive Persons might also have not iced a t endency t o det ect when someone is t elling a lie, or int uit anot her person’s f eelings.
3. You can easily become overwhelmed Too much int ensit y, chaos and noise can wreak havoc on a Highly Sensitive Person, which is why t hey of t en work bet t er in quiet environment s. When t hey are able t o concent rat e, Highly Sensitive Persons are excellent at work t hat requires deep t hinking and f ast t urnover. But t urn up t he volume around t hem and ask t hem t o do t oo many t hings at once and t hey become overloaded. If you’re t he kind of person who f eels t he need t o ret reat by yourself af t er a t rip or an out ing wit h f riends or a busy day, you might be a Highly Sensitive Person. Part of managing lif e f or a Highly Sensitive Person (or somebody who is close t o one) is t o underst and and respect t he need f or ext ra t ime t o regroup and making allowances f or your part icular work st yle.
4. You fall hard and fast
Aron has devot ed an ent ire book, The Highly Sensitive Person in Love, t o t he t opic of Highly Sensitive Persons and t heir st yle of loving. When t hey f all in love, t hey of t en f eel t remendous ecst asy, and of t en very quickly, but t hey also f eel anxiet y, overst imulat ion and dif f icult y processing t heir int ense emot ions. Overst imulat ion and int ensit y can make int imacy dif f icult f or Highly Sensitive Persons, who are also t he t ype of people who nat urally seek it out .
For Highly Sensitive Persons, t he risk of heart break and unhappy relat ionships is unf ort unat ely higher t han average, but underst anding t he t rait and f inding a part ner who can be pat ient wit h it can increase t he odds of success.
5. You are conscientious Highly Sensitive Persons t end t o be conscient ious people who t ry hard t o perf orm t heir dut ies well and execut e t heir work at t heir very best level. T hey of t en have part icularly good manners, and not ice when ot hers don’t . Rudeness and work t hat is f ull of errors drive t hose nut s. Highly Sensitive Persons are of t en especially concerned wit h issues of social just ice, and will f ight hard t o right wrongs in t he world.
6. You have a vivid imagination Highly Sensitive Persons are of t en very creat ive people. T hey have vivid dreams and can wander of f int o imaginary realms in t heir minds. T hey are also very empat het ic and can imagine t he t hought s and f eelings of ot hers. An int erest in art , philosophy and spirit ualit y is common. Carl Jung was one of t he early psychologist s most int erest ed in Highly Sensitive Persons (he used a dif f erent t erm), probably because he himself was one. He t hought t hat people wit h “innat e sensit ivit y,” as he put it , were more in t ouch wit h t he unconscious mind and could be especially insight f ul. If all of t his sounds like you, you might just be a Highly Sensitive Person,
equipped wit h a t emperament t hat requires special skills and knowledge t o deal wit h. Aron does not pat hologize it , but t reat s it as somet hing t hat simply is. Even f or people who are not Highly Sensitive Persons, inf ormat ion on t he t opic can surely be usef ul t o parent s, t eachers, part ners, and co-workers who have an Highly Sensit ive Person among t hem. In a f ut ure art icle we will provide you a T EST t o discover if you are a Highly Sensitive Person. If you want t o be inf ormed when t he T EST will be available, YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE HERE T O OUR NEWSLET T ER or You can LIKE and receive not if icat ions f rom our Facebook page: ht t ps://www.f or You can FOLLOW our Google Plus Page: ht t ps:// ernat ional Inspired by: ht t p://www.alt ernet .org/ Hochzeit Verl
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