Do you know how scent jet lag and estrogen affect your memory libre

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Do you know how scent, jet lag, and estrogen affect your memory? 2014- 05- 27 10:05:48 D.O.R. Romania

T he human brain cont rols t he cent ral nervous syst em by way of t he cranial nerves and spinal cord, t he peripheral nervous syst em and regulat es virt ually all human act ivit y. T he brain is made up of over 100 billion nerve cells wit h each brain cell connect ed t o around 10,000 ot her cells, which equals around 1000 t rillion connect ions in your brain. Your brains is act ually very sof t , jelly-like, and not grey but a deep red in color. T he brain cont rols bot h involunt ary, or “lower” act ions, such as heart rat e, respirat ion, and digest ion. Complex, or “higher,” ment al act ivit y, such as t hought , reason, and abst ract ion, is consciously cont rolled. Previously I present ed 24 essent ial f act s and more 26 int erest ing f act s about t he human brain. In t his art icle I will present 22 less known f act s about t he human brain. 1. Jet lag Frequent jet lag can impair your memory, probably due t o t he st ress hormones released. 2. New connections Every t ime you recall a memory or have a new t hought , you are creat ing a new

connect ion in your brain. 3. Create associations Memory is f ormed by associat ions, so if you want help remembering t hings, creat e associat ions f or yourself . 4. Scent and memory Memories t riggered by scent have a st ronger emot ional connect ion; t heref ore appear more int ense t han ot her memory t riggers. 5. Anomia Anomia is t he t echnical word f or t ip-of -t he-t ongue syndrome when you can almost remember a word, but it just won’t quit e come t o you. 6. Sleep While you sleep at night may be t he best t ime f or your brain t o consolidat e all your memories f rom t he day. Man should f orget his anger bef ore he lies down t o sleep. – Mahat ma Gandhi 7. No sleep It goes t o f ollow…lack of sleep may act ually hurt your abilit y t o creat e new memories. 8. World Champion A world champion memorizer, Ben Pridmore memorized 96 hist orical event s in 5 minut es and memorized a single, shuf f led deck of cards in 26.28 seconds. 9. Estrogen and memory Est rogen (f ound in bot h men and women) has been shown t o promot e bet t er

memory f unct ions. 10. Insulin Insulin works t o regulat e blood-sugar in t he body, but recent ly, scient ist s have discovered t hat it s presence in t he brain also helps promot e memory. 11. Everyone dreams Just because you don’t remember your dreams doesn’t mean you don’t dream. Everyone dreams! …A quest ion which one cannot solve in t he world of wakef ulness is solved in t he world of dreams. In wakef ulness t he eye sees only f or a short dist ance, but in dreams he who is in t he East sees t he West . Awake he sees t he present ; in sleep he sees t he f ut ure. In wakef ulness, by means of rapid t ransit , at t he most he can t ravel only 80 miles an hour; in sleep, in t he t winkling of an eye, he t raverses t he East and West . – Abdu’l-Baha (ref erence dat e 1921) 12. Nightly average Most people dream about 1-2 hours a night and have an average of 4-7 dreams each night . 13. Brain waves St udies show t hat brain waves are more act ive while dreaming t han when you

are awake. 14. Lost dreams Five minut es af t er a dream, half of t he dream is f orgot t en. Ten minut es af t er

a dream, over 90% is f orgot t en. Writ e down your dreams immediat ely if you want t o remember t hem. 15. Blind people dream Dreams are more t han just visual images, and blind people do dream. Whet her or not t hey dream in pict ures depends on if t hey were born blind or lost t heir vision lat er. 16. Color or B&W Some people (about 12%) dream only in black and whit e while ot hers dream in color. 17. Virtually paralyzed While you sleep, your body produces a hormone t hat may prevent you f rom act ing out your dreams, leaving you virt ually paralyzed. 18. Snoring If you are snoring, you are not dreaming. 19. During a dream If you are awakened during a dream, you are much more likely t o remember t he dream t han if you slept unt il a f ull night ’s sleep. 20. Symbolism As t hose who invest in dream dict ionaries can at t est , dreams almost never represent what t hey act ually are. T he unconscious mind st rives t o make connect ions wit h concept s you will underst and, so dreams are largely symbolic represent at ions. 21. Adenosine Caf f eine works t o block nat urally occurring adenosine in t he body, creat ing alert ness. Scient ist s have recent ly discovered t his connect ion and learned t hat doing t he opposit e–boost ing adenosine–can act ually help promot e more nat ural sleep pat t erns and help eliminat e insomnia. 22. Dream showings Japanese researchers have successf ully developed a t echnology t hat can put t hought s on a screen and may soon be able t o screen people’s dreams. HERE YOU CAN READ T HE 24 ESSENT IAL FACT S ABOUT T HE HUMAN BRAIN and


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