Do you know these 15 strange or funny facts about your brain libre

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Articles from Portal Inspirational pentru Lumea Ta Do you know these 15 strange or funny facts about your brain ? 2014- 06- 06 20:06:05 D.O.R. Romania

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Previously I present ed 24 essent ial f act s, 26 int erest ing f act s and more 22 less known f act s about t he human brain. In t his art icle I will present more 15 f un and int erest ing f act s about t he human brain. 1. Airplanes and headaches A st udy showed a correlat ion bet ween f lying and headaches and st at es t hat around 6% of people who f ly get headaches brought on by t he f light it self . 2. Juggling Juggling has shown t o change t he brain in as lit t le as seven days. T he st udy indicat es t hat learning new t hings helps t he brain t o change very quickly. 3. Disney and sleep A st udy published in t he journal Sleep Medicine describes how Disney creat ors used real sleep disorders in many of t heir animat ed pet s. 4. Blinking Each t ime we blink, our brain kicks in and keeps t hings illuminat ed so t he whole world doesn’t go dark each t ime we blink (about 20,000 t imes a day). 5. Laughing Laughing at a joke is no simple t ask as it requires act ivit y in f ive dif f erent areas of t he brain. 6. Yawns are contagious Ever not ice t hat you yawned af t er someone around you did? Scient ist s believe t his may be a response t o an ancient social behavior f or communicat ion t hat humans st ill have.

7. Brain Bank Harvard maint ains a Brain Bank where over 7,000 human brains are st ore f or research purposes. 8. Outer space T he lack of gravit y in out er space af f ect s t he brain in several ways. Scient ist s are st udying how and why, but you may want t o hold of f on your next t rip t o t he moon. 9. Music Music lessons have shown t o considerably boost brain organizat ion and abilit y in bot h children and adult s. 10. T houghts T he average number of t hought s t hat humans are believed t o experience each day is 70,000. 11. Ambidexterity T hose who are lef t -handed or ambidext rous have a corpus collosum (t he part of t he brain t hat bridges t he t wo halves) t hat is about 11% larger t han t hose who are right -handed. 12. Stressf ul job According t o a st udy by Brist ol-Myers Squibb, account ant s have t he highest incidence of on-t he-job headaches, f ollowed by librarians, t hen bus and t ruck drivers.

13. Aristotle Arist ot le mist akenly t hought t hat t he f unct ions of t he brain act ually t ook place in t he heart . 14. Cannibalism Some research shows t hat humans carry genes t hat help prot ect t he brain f rom prion diseases, or diseases cont ract ed t hrough eat ing human f lesh, leading medical expert s t o believe t hat ancient humans may have eat en ot her humans (creepy f act but sust ained by scient ist s). 15. Shakespeare T he word “brain� appears 66 t imes in t he plays of William Shakespeare. Inspirat ion source: ht t p:// Hochzeit Verl

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