Do you know these 24 essential facts about your brain libre

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Articles from Portal Inspirational pentru Lumea Ta Do you know these 24 essential facts about your brain? 2014- 05- 02 11:05:15 D.O.R. Romania

Brain is t he cent ral organ of t he human body. It is ext remely complex and sophist icat ed. T he f unct ions of t he brain were f ound by t he ancient Egypt ians and Greeks in 400 BC. It was Hippocrat es who f irst discovered t hat brain played an import ant role in sensat ion and int elligence. Nowadays, everyone underst ands t he import ance of having t he brain, but most of us don’t know much about it . In t his art icle I will present you 24 essent ial f act s about t he human brain. 1. Weight T he weight of t he human brain is about 3 lbs. 2. Cerebrum T he cerebrum is t he largest part of t he brain and makes up 85% of t he brain’s weight . 3. Skin Your skin weighs t wice as much as your brain. 4. Gray matter T he brain’s gray mat t er is made up of neurons, which gat her and t ransmit signals. 5. White matter T he whit e mat t er is made up of dendrit es and axons, which creat e t he net work by which neurons send t heir signals. 6. Gray and white Your brain is 60% whit e mat t er and 40% gray mat t er.

7. Water T he brain is made up of about 75% wat er. 8. Neurons Your brain consist s of about 100 billion neurons. 9. Synapses T here are anywhere f rom 1,000 t o 10,000 synapses f or each neuron. 10. No pain T here are no pain recept ors in t he brain, so t he brain can f eel no pain. 11. Largest brain While an elephant ’s brain is physically larger t han a human brain, t he human brain is 2% of t ot al body weight (compared t o 0.15% of an elephant ’s brain), meaning humans have t he largest brain t o body size. 12. Blood vessels T here are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in t he brain. 13. Fat T he human brain is t he f at t est organ in t he body and may consist s of at least 60% f at . 14. Neurons Neurons develop at t he rat e of 250,000 neurons per minut e during early pregnancy. 15. Newborn’s growth A newborn baby’s brain grows about t hree t imes it s size in t he f irst year. 16. Stopped growing Your brain st opped growing at age 18. 17. Cerebral cortex

T he cerebral cort ex grows t hicker as you learn t o use it . 18. Stimulation A st imulat ing environment f or a child can make t he dif f erence bet ween a 25% great er abilit y t o learn or 25% less in an environment wit h lit t le st imulat ion. 19. New neurons Humans cont inue t o make new neurons t hroughout lif e in response t o ment al act ivit y. 20. Read aloud Reading aloud and t alking of t en t o a young child promot es brain development . 21. Emotions T he capacit y f or such emot ions as joy, happiness, f ear, and shyness are already developed at birt h. T he specif ic t ype of nurt uring a child receives shapes how t hese emot ions are developed. 22. First sense T he f irst sense t o develop while in ut ero is t he sense of t ouch. T he lips and cheeks can experience t ouch at about 8 weeks and t he rest of t he body around 12 weeks. 23. Bilingual brains Children who learn t wo languages bef ore t he age of f ive alt ers t he brain st ruct ure and adult s have a much denser gray mat t er. 24. Child abuse and the brain St udies have shown t hat child abuse can inhibit development of t he brain and can permanent ly af f ect brain development . Inspirat ion source: ht t p:// Share Facebook T wit t er

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