Gratitude is good libre

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Articles from Portal Inspirational pentru Lumea Ta Gratitude is good?

2014- 05- 16 16:05:31 D.O.R. Romania

Hotel Cannes

ab-in-de /Ho te ls

Hote l Canne s güns tig buche n! Te s t "Se hr Gut" & Tie fpre is garantie

Grat it ude is an acknowledgment made by a person t o ot hers f or receiving anyt hing of value. It is ext ended only when a benef it is evaluat ed posit ively or when it is not due t o own ef f ort . It is an emot ion, posit ive in nat ure, associat ed wit h past and has pot ent ial t o generat e great er posit ive f eelings in t he f ut ure. Grat it ude act s as an ant idot e t o ruminat ion which is an enemy of well-being. It also helps in generat ing opt imism while overcoming negat ivit y bias and in providing reason enough t o be t hankf ul f or in lif e despit e of several st ruggles t hat we come across. Grat it ude has also been f ound t o be associat ed wit h increase in happiness, lif e sat isf act ion, hope, empat hy, self -est eem, and posit ive emot ions. All t he major world religions emphasize and prof ess highly of grat it ude. Hinduism: “Father and mother are Gods of the family; even so, honor them as Gods with heartfelt service, all you of human birth.” Christianity: “For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.” Islam: “O my Father, Great Elder, I have no words to thank you, but with your deep wisdom I am sure that you can see how I value your glorious gifts.” Buddhism: “But the worthy person is grateful and mindful of benefits done to him. This gratitude, this mindfulness, is congenial to the best people.” Baha’i: “In these times thanksgiving for the bounty of the Merciful One consists in the illumination of the heart and the feeling of the soul.” It is evident t hat grat it ude is indispensable as f ar human exist ence. T he result s of t he research project , Expanding the Science and Practice of Gratitude, managed by Robert Emmons, prof essor of psychology at t he Universit y of Calif ornia, Davis, in part nership wit h t he Great er Good Science Cent er (GGSC) at t he Universit y of Calif ornia, Berkeley, has been synt het ized in t he f ollowing inf ographic:

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