How complex is your brain 26 interesting facts libre

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Articles from Portal Inspirational pentru Lumea Ta How complex is your brain? 26 interesting facts! 2014- 05- 17 16:05:28 D.O.R. Romania

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T he brain is t he cent er of t he nervous syst em in animals. All vert ebrat es, and t he majorit y of invert ebrat es, have a brain. Some “primit ive” animals such as jellyf ishes and st arf ishes have a decent ralized nervous syst em wit hout a brain, while sponges lack any nervous syst em at all. In vert ebrat es, t he brain is locat ed in t he head, prot ect ed by t he skull and close t o t he primary sensory apparat us of vision, hearing, balance, t ast e, and smell. T he human brain appears t o have no localized cent er of conscious cont rol. T he brain seems t o derive consciousness f rom int eract ion among numerous syst ems wit hin t he brain. In a previous art icle I present ed 24 essent ial f act s about t he human brain. In t his art icle I will present more 26 int erest ing f act s about t he human brain. 1. Oxygen Your brain uses 20% of t he t ot al oxygen in your body. 2. Blood As wit h oxygen, your brain uses 20% of t he blood circulat ing in your body. 3. Unconsciousness If your brain loses blood f or 8 t o 10 seconds, you will lose consciousness. 4. Speed Inf ormat ion can be processed as slowly as 0.5 met ers/sec or as f ast as 120 met ers/sec (about 268 miles/hr). 5. Wattage While awake, your brain generat es bet ween 10 and 23 wat t s of power–or

enough energy t o power a light bulb.

. . . . the mind is the power of the human spirit. Spirit is the lamp; mind is the light which shines from the lamp. Spirit is the tree, and the mind is the fruit. Mind is the perfection of the spirit and is its essential quality, as the sun’s rays are the essential necessity of the sun. – Shoghi Effendi 6. Food and intelligence A st udy of one million st udent s in New York showed t hat st udent s who at e lunches t hat did not include art if icial f lavors, preservat ives, and dyes did 14% bet t er on IQ t est s t han st udent s who at e lunches wit h t hese addit ives. 7. Neocortex T he neocort ex makes up about 76% of t he human brain and is responsible f or language and consciousness. T he human neocort ex is much larger t han in animals. 8. 10% T he old adage of humans only using 10% of t heir brain is not t rue. Every part of t he brain has a known f unct ion. 9. Brain death T he brain can live f or 4 t o 6 minut es wit hout oxygen, and t hen it begins t o die. No oxygen f or 5 t o 10 minut es will result in permanent brain damage. 10. Highest temperature T he next t ime you get a f ever, keep in mind t hat t he highest human body t emperat ure ever recorded was 115.7 degrees–and t he man survived.

11. Stress Excessive st ress has shown t o “alt er brain cells, brain st ruct ure and brain f unct ion.” 12. Love hormones and autism Oxyt ocin, one of t he hormones responsible f or t riggering f eelings of love in t he brain, has shown some benef it s t o helping cont rol repet it ive behaviors in t hose wit h aut ism. We have three aspects of our humanness, so to speak, a body, a mind and and an immortal identity – soul or spirit. We believe the mind forms a link between the soul and the body, and the two interact with each other. – Shoghi Effendi

13. Yawns It is t hought t hat a yawn works t o send more oxygen t o t he brain, t heref ore working t o cool it down and wake it up. 14. Seaf ood In t he March 2003 edit ion of Discover magazine, a report describes how people in a 7-year st udy who at e seaf ood at least one t ime every week had a 30% lower occurrence of dement ia. 15. T ickles You can’t t ickle yourself because your brain dist inguished unexpect ed ext ernal t ouch and your own t ouch.

bet ween

16. Imaginary playmates A st udy f rom Aust ralia showed t hat children wit h imaginary playmat es bet ween t he ages of 3 and 9 t ended t o be f irst -born children. 17. Reading f aces Wit hout any words, you may be able t o det ermine if someone is in a good mood, is f eeling sad, or is angry just by reading t he f ace. A small area in t he brain called t he amygdala is responsible f or your abilit y t o read someone else’s f ace f or clues t o how t hey are f eeling. 18. Ringing in the ears For years, medical prof essionals believed t hat t innit us was due t o a f unct ion wit hin t he mechanics of t he ear, but newer evidence shows t hat it is act ually a f unct ion of t he brain. 19. Pain and gender Scient ist s have discovered t hat men and women’s brains react dif f erent ly t o pain, which explains why t hey may perceive or discuss pain dif f erent ly. 20. Supertasters T here is a class of people known as supert ast ers who not only have more t ast e buds on t he t ongue, but whose brain is more sensit ive t o t he t ast es of f oods and drinks. In f act , t hey can det ect some f lavors t hat ot hers cannot . 21. Cold Some people are much more sensit ive t o cold and act ually f eel pain associat ed wit h cold. Researching shown t hat t he reason is due t o cert ain channels t hat send cold inf ormat ion t o t he brain. 22. Decision-making Women t end t o t ake longer t o make a decision, but are more likely t o st ick wit h t he decision, compared t o men, who are more likely t o change t heir mind af t er making a decision. 23. Exercise Some st udies indicat e t hat while some people are nat urally more act ive, ot hers are nat urally more inact ive, which may explain why get t ing out and

exercising is more dif f icult f or some. 24. Boredom Boredom is brought on by a lack of change of st imulat ion, is largely a f unct ion of percept ion, and is connect ed t o t he innat e curiosit y f ound in humans. 25. Physical illness T he connect ion bet ween body and mind is a st rong one. One est imat e is t hat bet ween 50-70% of visit s t o t he doct or f or physical ailment s are at t ribut ed t o psychological f act ors. 26. Sadness and shopping Researchers have discovered t hat t hose experiencing t he blues are more willing t o spend more money in an at t empt t o alleviat e t heir sadness. HERE YOU CAN READ T HE 24 ESSENT IAL FACT S ABOUT T HE HUMAN BRAIN Inspirat ion source: ht t p:// Nice



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