Perspective is everything when dealing with difficult people

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Perspective is Everything When Dealing With Difficult People T he f irst t hing we need t o do is broaden your perspect ive. T here are at least 4,628 unique human t rait s or behaviors ident if ied t o dat e. New ones are being added regularly like “blogging” and “t wit t ering.” In nat ure each of t hese behaviors has helped one of us survive and so had a usef ul purpose at t hat moment . Each cult ure and each person in t hat cult ure gives a good or bad label t o each behavior based on t heir value syst em at t hat moment . For example, behaviors like smoking cigaret t es and eat ing meat are considered eit her good or bad based on who you t alk t o and where t hey live on our planet . Smoking cigaret t es was once promot ed by t he medical communit y f or relaxat ion and st ress management . It is because of eat ing meat t hat humans are able t o live just about anywhere on our planet . At t he same t ime we know bot h have been linked t o cancer. So t hese were and are usef ul behaviors depending on who is judging t hem, t heir level of awareness and t heir personal value syst em. But in nat ure each one is neit her good nor bad. Rat her each is or has been usef ul at some point t o someone. So you could say every behavior is neit her good or bad or bot h good and bad. T his is an import ant point because when you look at dif f icult behaviors and realize t hey are bot h or neit her good or bad you are able t o deal wit h t hem much more ef f ect ively.

Life’s Three Guarantees T here is a common saying t here are only t wo guarant ees in lif e: deat h and t axes. While it is probably t rue, it is incomplet e. T he most import ant one is missing. And t hat is evolving! Many people connect evolut ion t o Charles Darwin. But , Louis Dollo is equally import ant t o remember. You are a part of our universe and so are const ant ly evolving in some way. It is also guarant eed! Louis Dollo, a Belgian biologist , discovered t his law a long t ime ago. Most of us don’t know about it or just ignore it . Dollo’s Law st at es you cannot not evolve, you cannot not learn f rom your lif e’s experiences. It is guarant eed because it is wired int o your body…you are a ‘perfect learning machine!’

Owning Your Genius Look at your ‘writ ing’ hand, lef t or right . Do you realize, since you are a member of t he human race, you have t he same hand as everybody else, including Albert Einst ein. Since you have t he same hand you also have t he same brain as Einst ein. So you have t he same capacit y f or genius as Einst ein.

If you are doubt f ul check out Carolyn Abraham’s book, Possessing Genius – The Bizarre Odyssey of Einstein’s Brain. She t ells t he st ory of Dr. T homas Harvey who spent many years t rying t o prove Einst ein’s brain was dif f erent . Dr. Harvey was unsuccessf ul. T hey have f ound not hing remarkable about Einst ein’s brain f rom t he rest of our species. Genius is act ually like beaut y, always in t he eye of t he beholder. I have an aut o mechanic who I t hink is a genius. He can just list en t o my car and usually t ell me what is not working. He is so skilled and pract iced he displays “genius” in aut o repair. Albert Einst ein never f inished high school and was considered such a poor st udent he was asked t o leave. Yet he is considered a genius by most people. So if genius is in t he eye of t he beholder like beaut y, t hen do you ever wonder where your genius is hiding?

What if… ‘What if ’ quest ions are always about t he f ut ure, t he place where all our f ear is locat ed. But what if you also have a genius t o develop and display t o t he world.

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