The Messiah In Disguise – short story with moral 2014- 05- 30 13:05:49 D.O.R. Romania
High in t he mount ains was a monast ery t hat had once been known t hroughout t he world. It s monks were pious, it s st udent s were ent husiast ic. T he chant s f rom t he monast ery’s chapel deeply t ouched t he heart s of people who came t here t o pray and medit at e. But , somet hing had changed. Fewer and f ewer young men came t o st udy t here; f ewer and f ewer people came f or spirit ual nourishment . T he monks who remained became disheart ened and sad. Deeply worried, t he abbot of t he monast ery went of f in search of an answer. Why had his monast ery f allen on such hard t imes? T he abbot came t o a guru, and he asked t he mast er: “Is it because of some sin of ours that the monastery is no longer full of vitality?” “Yes”, replied t he mast er, “it is the sin of ignorance”. “The sin of ignorance?”, quest ioned t he abbot . “Of what are we ignorant?” T he guru looked at t he abbot f or a long, long t ime, and t hen he said: “One of you is the Messiah in disguise. But, you are all ignorant of this.” T hen, t he guru closed his eyes, and he was silent . “The Messiah?” t hought t he abbot . “The Messiah is one of us? Who could it be? Could it be Brother Cook? Could it be Brother Treasurer? Could it be Brother Bell-Ringer? Could it be Brother Vegetable Grower?” “Which one? Which one? Every one of us has faults, failings, human defects. Isn’t the Messiah supposed to be perfect? But, then, perhaps these faults and failings are part of his disguise. Which one? Which one?” When t he abbot ret urned t o t he monast ery, he gat hered all t he monks t oget her and t old t hem what t he guru had said.
“One of us? The Messiah? Impossible!” But , t he mast er had spoken, and t he mast er was never wrong. “One of us? The messiah? Incredible! But, it must be so. Which one? Which one? That brother over there? That one? That one?” Whichever one of t he monks was t he Messiah; he was, surely, in disguise.
Not knowing who amongst t hem was t he Messiah, all t he monks began t reat ing each ot her wit h new respect . “You never know”, t hey t hought , “he might be the one, so I had better deal with him kindly”. It was not long bef ore t he monast ery was f illed wit h new f ound joy. Soon, new st udent s came t o learn, and people came f rom f ar and wide t o be inspired by t he chant s of t he kind, smiling monks. For once again, the monastery was filled with the spirit of love. Inspired by ht t p://www.inspirat
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D.O.R. Romania