An exemption certificate from Universities South Africa (USAf) if you have an N5 or N6 SA qualification
Proof of payment for your USAf exemption certificate if your school leaving qualification is not a South African qualification and you wish to study a degree Proof of payment for your SAQA evaluation certificate if your school leaving qualification is not a South African qualification and you wish to study a higher certificate, diploma or post graduate qualification Certified copy of your higher education qualification and academic transcript (if applying for postgraduate studies)
For those with a GED qualification - a SAQA evaluation certificate with NQF 4 equivalence when registering for a higher certificate
If you completed the national senior certificate, IEB or senior certificate prior to 2021 please submit a certified copy of your certificate. If your certificate has been lost or needs to be combined, you need to provide proof of application for the combination or replacement from the Department of Basic Education. If you never received your certificate – please check with your school as they may still have it. You should receive your official Umalusi NSC certificate in the middle of the year If you have completed the SACAI or IEB curriculum’ a certified copy also needs to be submitted as soon as you receive it. This is needed to fully complete the registration process in terms of the South African legislation and will be required before you can graduate. SENATE DISCRETIONARY ADMISSION (mature age, School of Tomorrow and GED) Please refer to the Varsity College website because the requirements differ for degree, diploma and higher certificate.
If you are studying towards any qualification other than a degree e.g. a Higher Certificate or Diploma, a certified letter from SAQA confirming the NQF level of study
If you are studying towards a degree, a certified letter from USAf, confirming that you qualify for an exemption
Proof of medical aid membership
A copy of your NBT AQL test score (if applicable)
International Student Requirements: Study Visa If you are an international student you are required, by law, to apply for a study visa in your country of residence before entering South Africa (this does not apply to students studying in the IIE Distance mode). The onus is on you to provide The IIE’s Varsity College with both the number and a certified copy of the visa. You will not be able to attend lectures until you have done so. Please ensure that, when you apply for your study visa, you specify that you intend to study at The IIE and that the study visa is made out to The IIE as per the study visa application letter. You must also specify the qualification and the duration of study. Your nearest South African Embassy or Consulate will be able to assist you with this. Failure to submit the required documentation can result in an incomplete or pending registration, your student record being placed on hold and ultimately deregistration. Please ensure you comply by submitting the required documentation timeously.
Certified copy of an NSC equivalent qualification (SAQA Certificate of Evaluation) and Universities South Africa (degree exemption certificate)
Certified copy of your NSC or statement of results or equivalent.
Certified copy of a valid study visa made out to The IIE and valid for the full duration and qualification of study
Academic Info
Certified copy of the account payer’s ID/ passport. Please note that this is required for first time registration OR if you are a returning student and the account payer has changed from the previous year
Online Centre
Certified copy of the student’s ID/passport
The IIE Policies
Certified copy of the account payer’s passport. Please note that this is required for first time registration OR if you are a returning student and the account payer has changed from the previous year
Student Services
Certified copy of your passport (first time registration)
Student Systems
Campus Info
The following documents must be submitted in order for your admission to be approved:
Documents Required