‘Respect in Every Style’
‘Breath of Freedom’
Fashion Show shines spotlight on teen dating violence. See page 5.
Exhibit details civil rights experience in Germany. See page 4.
Team Resilience
Combat Sports Program boosts host nation friendship through joint events. See page 13.
erald Union H Vol. XVI, No. 11
Wiesbaden: Your home in Germany
March 13, 2014
Patient focus
Wiesbaden Health Clinic earns national recognition By Ed Drohan
Europe Regional Medical Command Public Affairs Office
Fasching fun Wiesbaden Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts joined their German peers in celebrating the Fasching season at the Wiesbaden Children’s Fasching Parade March 1. Community members had a wide variety of opportunities to celebrate Germany’s “fifth season.” See page 9 for more local Fasching fun.
Photos by Shayna Brouker
After nearly a year of hard work, the Wiesbaden Army Health Clinic has been recognized by the National Committee for Quality Assurance as an Army Patient Centered Medical Home. PCMH is a team approach to health care. In a PCMH, patients are partnered with a team of health care professionals which includes their primary care provider, registered nurse, licensed practice nurse and medic. Together over time, the patient and their health care team, work to treat illness and injuries, promote healthy living and manage ongoing health care issues. “NCQA Level III accreditation is recognition of the professional, quality and safe health care provided by our health care team,” said Lt. Col. Michael
Hughes, clinic commander. “In addition, it instills a sense of trust and confidence in our Wiesbaden community that their Patient Centered Medical Home provides the highest quality health care possible.” The NCQA is a non-profit organization that measures the ability of medical facilities to provide quality health care through standardized, objective measurement guidelines. NCQA requires recognized facilities to enhance access to care and patients’ continuity with their provider teams, keep track of patient data to help manage patients’ well-being, plan and manage care using evidencebased practices, provide selfcare support and community resources, as well as track and coordinate tests, referrals and other care for patients. Finally, clinics have to show that they See Patient focus on page 3
Garrison updates neighbors on Hainerberg construction Story and photos by Shayna Brouker
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
Garrison leaders updated their German neighbors at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center Feb. 26 on upcoming construction projects at Hainerberg Housing — particularly, the access control point, or ACP, which will make Hainerberg a closed post. Approximately 25 German community members, including city officials and representatives, attended to get information and share their concerns. While the construction of a new post exchange and the new high school facilities is well underway, future plans include building a commissary, middle
school, elementary school and high school, completing the closure of the American Arms complex and constructing the ACP. “I hope to get the reactions of the firms involved in the construction,” said Ulrich Weimer, WiesbadenSudhof representative. “I know it should be closed, but what happens to the people who work there?” The PX is scheduled for completion Dec. 2014 and will open spring 2015. The commissary construction is currently programmed for 2016, and if funded could be finished by 2018. The high school’s last classroom building will be finished in 2017.The See Hainerberg construction on page 3
German officials examine a model of the new AAFES Exchange in Hainerberg Housing.
Trekkies get their Star Trek on at Frankfurt convention . . . pages 16 and 17
Commentary Second thoughts Seniors brace for whatever the future brings next Commentary by Kierra Carr
Special to the Herald Union
“Senior year is winding down and now I’m realizing that when life knocks me down, my parents won’t be right behind me, picking me up and encouraging me to keep moving forward,” said Wiesbaden High School senior Savannah Simmons. With less than 60 days left of our high school journey, many of us seniors are having a hard time getting our heads wrapped around the fact that “The Real World” is swiftly approaching. Our parents will no longer hold our hands during every step we take. Not only are most of us moving out of the house, many of us will be saying farewell to our families as they remain in Germany while we attend a university in the United States. “My parents will stay here as I go to college, but I find myself comfortable with that idea because my college lets me bring my pet with me,” said Jonathan Romine. Challenge after challenge, doubt after doubt, anxieties are nearing their peak, the same questions run through our minds: “Will we be able to stand on our own?” “Will I like my new roommate?” “Where will I get a homecooked meal every Sunday?” As we wonder what it will be like not having our parents nearby to provide everything for us, each individual has his or her own way of preparing.
“I’m not entirely focused on what the future has in store. I find it useless to dwell on it,” said Senior Class President Francesca Lee. “I’d much rather be led on whatever path life takes me.” As all seniors finish up their required math, English and other coursework, Wiesbaden H i g h ’s K e n d r a Shaw offered this advice: “With only a few months left, I feel like all the seniors should use this time to buckle down on studying and preparing for the final examinations left.” For teachers too, the impending graduation can be an emotional journey. Tom Rooney, who in the past has taught math classes to underclassmen, now teaches advanced functions to mostly seniors. “This is my first year really teaching seniors, therefore I haven’t really experienced what it’s like to see the seniors walk across the stage. In saying so, it will be nice for the first time, witnessing some of my fellow 12th-grade students graduating,” Rooney said. With slightly more than 100 seniors gearing up to celebrate the school year’s end, each one of us has our own feelings about what it means to look back while moving on to new horizons. We can all agree on one thing — high school has been an incredible learning experience and hopefully a chance to mature while looking forward to whatever challenges life brings next.
Herald Union published by
Freedom 6 sends Strategic priorities for a ready and modern Army By Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr.
Commander of U.S. Army Europe
This month, as I continue to highlight the Chief of Staff of the Army’s strategic priorities, I want to focus on the readiness and modernization of our Army and how U.S. Army Europe supports both. Right now the Army and USAREUR are in a time of transformation as we seek to reach our authorized end strength to meet the needs of the nation. As we transform, we must ensure that our actions enable us to build readiness and continue modernization for the future. Here in USAREUR we have an exceptional opportunity to meet the CSA’s challenge of conducting tough, realistic, multi-echelon home station training using our live, virtual and constructive capabilities to efficiently and effectively assure individual, leader and unit competencies. Along with the forward pres-
ence of our maneuver and logistical support forces and our dayto-day relationships with allied and partner nations, our robust exercise program and use of the outstanding capabilities provided by the Joint Multinational Training Command, enables us to conduct realistic and innovative training and exercises. These events challenge us to improve our combined arms maneuver and wide area security capabilities, which play a key role in our readiness. USAREUR is also well suited to make the best use of current and emerging technologies. Our brigade combat teams are fully modernized and are incorporating the latest force structure changes such as the activation of engineer elements in the 2nd Cavalry Regiment and 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. Enablers such as the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, 5th Signal Command, 66th Military Intelligence Brigade and others, continually evolve to provide
us the capabilities to maintain the strategic access we need. Additionally, the return of the M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank and the M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle to USAREUR as part of the European Activity Set along with other modernization efforts in our formations continue to provide state of the art, interoperable combat power in support of both assigned and rotational units. Our ability to structure training events that include our joint and multinational partners provides an excellent opportunity for us to be both responsive to multiple combatant command requirements, while being adaptive to the wide range of contingencies posed by an increasingly complex security environment. The USAREUR team is ready, today and always, to face the challenges of an increasingly complex world. I am confident that we are not only meeting the CSA’s challenges, but leading the way with our agile, ready and modern force. Strong Soldiers, Strong Teams.
Soldiers, civilians win Keith L. Ware awards Several Wiesbaden area military and civilian public affairs professionals were recognized in the U.S. Army Europe and Installation Management Command levels of the 2013 Maj. Gen. Keith L. Ware Public Affairs Competition. Wiesbaden USAREURlevel Keith L. Ware winners include (all from USAREUR Public Affairs): Spc. Glenn Anderson, first place Feature Article and second place Photojournalism; Sgt. Michael Reinsch, first place Feature Photo; Spc. Joshua Leonard, second place Feature Photo; Jesse Granger, first places
Video Spot Production and Video Feature Report, third place Video News Report; Sgt. Ryan Barwick, third place Video Spot Production. Wiesbaden IMC O M - l e v e l K LW winners are (all from the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office): Teri Viedt, first place Community Relations Individual Achievement and Cathy Canham-Ross Award of Distinction; Herald Union, second place Civilian Enterprise News Publication; Public Affairs Office, second place Digital Communications
Campaign; Chrystal Smith, first place Feature Article; Karl Weisel, first places News Article and Photojournalism, second place Feature Photo and third place Commentary. The annual awards program recognizes military and civilian employees for journalistic excellence and furthering the objectives of the Department of the Army Public Affairs program. First-place winners advance to represent IMCOM and USAREUR at the Department of the Army-level competition.
Command and newspaper staff
The Herald Union, printed exclusively for members of U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden, is an authorized, unofficial Army newspaper published under USAG Wiesbaden Commander..................Col. David H. Carstens the provisions of AR 360-1. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. government or the Department of De- USAG Wiesbaden Acting Command Sergeant Major fense. The editorial content is the responsibility of the USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office. No payment is made for contributions. Everything ......................................Master Sgt. Richard Jungmann advertised in this publication shall be made available for sale, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. This is a biweekly newspa- Public Affairs Officer.......................................Anemone Rueger per published by AdvantiPro GmbH and printed by Oggersheimer Druckzentrum. Circulation is 6,000 copies. For display advertising rates call Editor....................................................Karl Weisel (mil 337-7405) Jaqueline Samad at civ (0631) 3033 5537, email; classified advertising rates call Isabell Smith at civ (0631) 3033 5531 or Associate Editor................................Chrystal Smith (mil 337-1400) post at Editorial offices are in Building 1205 on Clay Kaserne. Address: USAG Wiesbaden, Herald Union, Unit 29623 Box 60, Reporter...........................................Shayna Brouker (mil 337-5150) APO AE 09005-9623; Telephone: mil 337-7405; civ (0611) 705-7405; Email:; Home page:
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Herald Union
March 13, 2014 ......................................................................
News and features News flash Vet Clinic hours
The Wiesbaden Veterinary Clinic will close at noon on March 13 and 27 for training and at noon on March 31 for inventory. The clinic will also be closed April 7-11 as a new computer operating system is installed linking all military veterinary treatment facilities worldwide eliminating the need to carry hard copy records from one duty location to the next. Call the clinic at civ (0611) 705-6283 for more information.
Utilities survey
Military personnel living in off-post private rental housing are asked to complete the annual Overseas Housing Allowance Utility Expenses Survey by March 31. Data from the survey is used to determine utility allowances. Visit https:// site/oha-util-mar.cfm to take the survey.
Photo Contest
Get your photos featured in the Herald Union and vie for the chance to win an Army and Air Exchange Service gift certificate in our Earth Day Photo Contest. Photos should have been taken in 2014 in and around Wiesbaden with the theme “Green Cities.” Be sure to include your name and “Earth Day” in the subject line when sending your digital photos (no more than three per person) to army.wiesbadenpao@ by April 15.
EasyTV available in Aukamm
Aukamm Housing residents can now get TKS’s easyTV cable television service. The all-digital service features USA cable networks with 109 digital channels, 47 high definition networks and all AFN digital channels. The basic service starts at €19.95 a month. For more information visit your local TKS office at the Hainerberg Shopping Center or www.
Patient focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued from page 1 measure their performance and patients’ feedback to continue improving the quality of care. “Our staff is working at maximum capacity daily,” Hughes said. “We have grown our enrollment from 6,000 to 8,300 in a 12-month period. This effort is done regardless of the NCQA application process. The application packaging was a huge effort, to dig into all the essential elements of the accreditation, capture the data, and package it in the appropriate way for the NCQA. We had three to four primary personnel working on this packaging and presentation of the hard work Photo by Chrystal Smith that is done daily.” Wiesbaden’s Health Clinic was recognized by the National Committee for Quality AssurHere’s what patients can ance as an Army Patient Centered Medical Home. expect from an Army Health the patient’s health care needs pointments, secure messaging, great team day in and day out.” Clinic Medical Home: Wiesbaden Army Health l A personal provider: Each or for arranging care with other and other innovative options qualified professionals. for communication between Clinic is the 13th PCMH in patient has an ongoing relationpatients, their personal physil Coordinated and inteunder the Europe Regional ship with a personal Physician, grated care: Each patient’s care cian and practice staff. Medical Command. Army Physician Assistant or Nurse is coordinated and integrated “NCQA level three ac- Medicine’s goal is to have all Practitioner who is trained to across all elements of the health creditation is an incredible of its primary care facilities in provide first contact, continuous care system and the patient’s achievement,” Hughes said. the continental United States and comprehensive care. community. “We have attained this during and overseas achieve NCQA l Physician-directed medl Quality and safety focus: a very turbulent transformaical practice: The personal All members of the healthcare tion process in Europe, where recognition and transform to the physician leads a team(s) of team are focused on ensuring we increased our enrollment Patient Centered Medical Home individuals at the practice level high quality care in the medi- over 30 percent in a very model of care no later than Oct. who collectively take responsi- cal home. short period of time. It truly 1. The transition to the PCMH bility for ongoing patient care. l Improved access: In the is an appropriate recognition model of care is part of Army l Whole person orienta- PCMH, enhanced access to care of our incredible health care Medicine’s overall shift from a tion: The personal provider is options are available through professionals and how they health care system to a system responsible for providing all of open scheduling, same day ap- come together and work as a for health, officials said.
Hainerberg construction . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Continued from page 1 middle and elementary schools are still in design and will be completed after 2018, according to Roger Gerber, director of the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Transformation Stationing Management Office. “We cannot continue operating multiple manpower-intensive security islands in Hainerberg,” said Garrison Commander Col. David Carstens, garrison commander, explaining that the new construction supports consolidation and better serves the more than 19,000 Soldiers, families and civilians who make up the Wiesbaden community now that U.S. Army Europe has completed its relocation from Heidelberg. The ACP has been in planning since 2008 and will be con-
structed at Washington Strasse. It will feature two auto lanes and a truck lane that city planners believe will ensure smooth flow of traffic, according to a 2011 traffic study. Traffic lights will be installed at Washington Strasse and B455 to make this dangerous intersection safer. The two access points from New York Strasse are planned to become pedestrian control points only, with an option for use by school buses during specific time windows. Community members expressed unease over increased traffic and limited parking. “I work at Mewa on JFK Strasse, and I’m interested in what’s going on,” said Vanessa Jung. “We have more than 200 workers and are concerned about the parking situation.”
Carstens emphasized that Hainerberg has about 550 housing units and is the largest housing area for Americans in the Wiesbaden community. Most residents work on Clay Kaserne, and even with the current three exits from Hainerberg, they most often use the Washington Strasse/B455 exit. A peak flow of 700 vehicles per hour pass through Hainerberg during morning rush hours, according to TSMO’s traffic model study. Any additional traffic comes from people shopping at the PX and commissary during nonrush hours. Wiesbaden’s bus company, ESWE, has already increased routes and frequency between Hainerberg, Clay Kaserne and Wiesbaden city center to accom- .........................................................................March 13, 2014
modate the garrison’s transformation. Carstens remarked that while Americans by nature are not a bus-riding culture, the garrison is trying to nudge them in that direction. The garrison is also working with ESWE on additional adjustments to accommodate the increased traffic flow and make the use of public transportation more attractive. “We have tried to be as transparent as possible about this transformation, and tonight is another example of that transparency,” Carstens said. Construction of the ACP will begin in fall 2014 and be completed in spring 2015. (Editor’s note: For the latest transformation updates visit mil/sites/directorates/transformation.asp.)
Herald Union
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News and features From the blotter
Compiled by the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Directorate of Emergency Services
Feb. 20 Property damage: An Airman became a victim when an unknown person damaged his or her vehicle while parked in Aukamm Housing. Property damage: A family member became a victim when an unknown person damaged his or her vehicle while parked in downtown Wiesbaden.
Feb. 21 Tax evasion: A family member and local national are being charged with tax evasion, unlawful possession of tax-free goods and unlawful possession of rationed items.
Feb. 22 Traffic accident: An Airman is being charged with damage to government property and failure to maintain control of a vehicle.
Feb. 23 Traffic accident: An officer is being charged with a traffic accident — following too closely.
Feb. 24 Assault: A Soldier is being charged with aggravated assault. Marijuana: A Soldier is being charged with controlled substance violations — use of marijuana. Larceny: A Soldier is being charged with larceny of government funds.
Feb. 25 Property damage: A noncommissioned officer became a victim when an unknown person damaged his or her vehicle while parked on Clay Kaserne. Sexual contact: An NCO is being charged with abusive sexual contact.
Feb. 27 Tax evasion: A civilian employee is being charged with tax evasion, unlawful possession and operation of a U.S. Army Europe-plated vehicle, black marketing (tax-free fuel) and civilian misconduct.
Feb. 28 Larceny: A family member became a victim when an unknown person stole a bike from his or her residence in Aukamm Housing. Traffic accident: A civilian employee is being charged with a traffic accident — inattentive driving.
March 1 Traffic accident: An officer is being charged with a traffic accident — following too closely. Traffic accident: A civilian employee is being charged with fleeing the scene of a traffic accident, improper backing, failure to report involvement and civilian misconduct.
March 3 Drunken driving: An NCO is being charged with drunken operation of a motor vehicle, damage to private property and improper backing.
March 5 Traffic accident: A civilian employee is being charged with a traffic accident due to inattentive driving. Property damage: A family member became a victim when an unknown person fled the scene after damaging his or her vehicle while driving in Wiesbaden. Possession: A Soldier is being charged with wrongful use and possession of spice.
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Herald Union
Photo by Karl Weisel
Community members browse through the “Breath of Freedom” photo exhibition during the garrison’s Black History Month Observance Feb. 24.
‘Breath of Freedom’
Capturing aspects of the black American experience By Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
While the civil rights movement didn’t achieve dramatic results in changing perceptions and treatment for all citizens in the United States until the 1960s, black service members stationed in Germany in the years after World War II found a much more open and equal society. Wiesbaden military community members had a chance to take a photographic look at this time in German and U.S. history during a special exhibition — “Breath of Freedom: The Civil Rights Struggle, African-American GIs and Germany” — at the Tony Bass Fitness Center during Black History Month in February. “Black American service members serving in Germany in the ‘40s through the ‘60s experienced a lot more freedoms than in some places in the United States,” said Sgt. 1st Class Edwin Lauderback, U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Equal Opportunity adviser. “This exhibit walks you through the different movements the African-Americans went through in Germany in those years. “We think about the civil rights struggle in America, but we forget about the African-American GIs serving in Germany and their impact on the civil rights struggle,” Lauderback said, explaining that the images capture the different experiences and social protests that were occurring in Germany at the time. The exhibit, assembled by Maria Hühn and Martin Klinke from the Heidelberg Center for American Studies with support from Vassar College and the U.S. Archives, featured mostly black-and-white photographs of influential black American visitors to Germany, U.S. Soldiers going about their lives in Germany and events capturing the times. The special exhibit also featured a short film. “Because of the open-mindedness of the Germans, American GIs felt a breath of fresh air,” said Ernestine
Hatley, outgoing chief of the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden’s Military Personnel Division and guest speaker at the garrison’s Black History Month Observance Feb. 24. Saying that while things have definitely improved as regards overt racism in American society, all Americans must still take a stand to end covert racism. “A lot of times people will not step forward to stop a racist act,” Hatley said. “You’ve got to either fix the problem or get out of the way and let someone step in to fix the problem. It all starts with you and teaching your children the right thing to do. “Right now we don’t have a black-and-white country, we have a melting pot,” said Hatley, stressing that it’s time for all Americans to get into the habit of not thinking of people as black or white, but simply as people. During Black History Month local schools also participated in various events aimed at celebrating America’s diversity. An event at Wiesbaden Middle School featured student performers singing, dancing and acting while presenting different aspects of the African-American experience. Students, parents and staff were treated to portrayals of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by Joseph Moseley, Marcus Garvey by Uche Wozu, Thurgood Marshall by Caleb Brown and others.
Photo by Michael Coleman
Delaney Karr, Isabel Lee, Hannah Engelbrecht and Ava Spencer perform a Waka Waka dance during the Wiesbaden Middle School event.
March 13, 2014 ......................................................................
News and features
Shining the spotlight on teen dating violence Fashion show aimed at raising awareness about prevention, ways to save money porting the youth of the com“You can still be cute, you munity for the special event can still rock your clothes withSpecial to the Herald Union is just one example of how we out showing a lot of skin,” the strive to meet that goal.” high school freshman said. “Just Respect. be you, and don’t let anyone Ross teamed up with Maj. That seven-letter word apinfluence you.” Gen. Richard Longo, deputy peared everywhere at the Tony commander of U.S. Army EuBoys and girls alike can be a Bass Fitness Center Feb. 28 as rope, to narrate the event during victim of dating violence, which more than 220 supporters atthe 60-minute fashion show. high school senior Cameron tended the “Wiesbaden Walks Miller said he believes can Tracy Schreurs, production the Runway Against Teen Datbe solved by simply avoiding manager, and Kim Saucedo, ing Violence” fashion show. isolation. decoration designer, dedicated “Teen dating violence is a “One way is to have friends problem here,” said Kari Ross, more than 200 volunteer hours to assist in the planning, orgaaround you,” he shared. “That Army Community Service nizing and executing of Ross’ is probably the time that abuse victim advocate and event vision for the event. does happen — when the couple coordinator. As an Army spouse and is alone.” Ross regularly visits with Immediately following the students at Wiesbaden High mother to two teenage boys, School where students in her Schreurs regularly speaks with fashion show, teens were invited briefings all attest to having her sons about respect and to attend the after party, which featured a live DJ, door prizes witnessed some form of dating dating. “I think teenagers need to be and swag bags tailored specifiviolence. “We want the teens of Wi- aware of respecting themselves cally to teen boys and girls. ACS is hosting a “Scream esbaden to know that there are and their date,” Schreurs said. Chonda Jones, an Army Free Parenting” seminar April people out there who care, and we are listening,” she said. “But spouse and mother of teenage 16 from 6-10 p.m. at the WiPhoto by Elaine Wright we can’t help if we don’t know.” girls, encourages her daughters esbaden Entertainment Center Spc. Nicole Woodswells and Carlo Vonte Augo model variOrganizers said the event to openly communicate in, and with free child care, seminar ous forms of respectful attire during the fashion show. and bowling. aimed to highlight Teen Dating about, their relationships. To celebrate the Month of “If healthy communication Violence Awareness Month in the Military Child and Child is there, your relationship will February. Abuse Awareness Month, ACS fall into place,” Jones said. “I wanted to show everyone will also host a Kinderfest with Ross also advises parents that it does not matter what a community egg hunt April 19 to, “Talk with them — not at someone looks like, or how he from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Withem, and listen. Be aware and or she is dressed,” Ross said. esbaden Entertainment Center. non-judgmental.” “Respect each other, and respect To sign up for upcoming In addition to healthy comyourself.” The event also showcased munication, teen model Tayah ACS events or for more inforMilitary Saves Week through Williams, shared that teens mation on ACS services, call affordable wardrobe options should resolve to stand firm in mil 335-5254 or civ (0611) 408-0254. the face of peer pressure. for every occasion. The Army and Air Force Exchange Service’s Wiesbaden Main Store loaned nearly $3,000 in shoes, clothing and accessories in support of the event, said Rick Finley, sales and merchandise manager. “ I t ’s t h e Army and Air Force’s goal to Photo by Melissa Taeu Copeland be a part of the Wiesbaden High School’s Emma Holland walks the runway during the community,” Respect in Every Style fashion show. he said. “SupBy Melissa Taeu Copeland .........................................................................March 13, 2014
Herald Union
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News and features Charlie’s Angels comediennes get lots of laughs During Armed Forces Entertainment show in Wiesbaden
out with someone,” she joked. The funny ladies all come from diverse backgrounds. Shehata is Egyptian-American and hails from Columbus, Ohio. She said her parents Story and photo by had an arranged marriage after knowing Shayna Brouker each other for three days. Alvarado is a U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Peruvian single mother from Chicago, Public Affairs Office and Lopez is a blonde Puerto Rican “I’m Latina, so my mom retired military brat “from everywhere and and moved in with me because it’s the nowhere.” law,” said Lisa Alvarado, comedian “Maybe that’s why I like being a and single mom. comedian — I’ve always been a nomad,” “It’s great because I love my mom, said Lopez, whose father and grandfather she helps me out with my son. But were in the Army. “I’m an Army brat, you know when you hang out with cubed.” your mom, you start to become your Her mother was a civil servant, and mom? You morph into her,” Alvardo her brother and husband also currently Christina Lopez opens for the Charlie’s Angels Comedy Tour March 2 at continued. “The other night, I actually serve as Soldiers. She grew up on bases the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center. around the world. She said fans have washed a paper plate.” “I joined, which was a requested more military material in her Such was the flavor of “tasteful, yet ment of Defense’s Armed Forces Enfunny, adult-themed jokes” that kept tertainment, has been touring military huge mistake because I realized I’m routine. “I’m able to say a lot of the lingo,” installations in Europe never going to meet anyone on match. the audience roaring at ’m an Army since Feb. 19. com if I keep judging people for being on she said. “And I understand the culture the Wiesbaden EnterApproximately 50,” Shehata quipped. “Anyone — that no pain, no gain, suck-it-up tainment Center, where brat, cubed,” — mentality.” Alvarado, Christina Lo- Christina Lopez people attended the show, else in here single?” The tour runs until March 12. which gave the comediWhen one brave woman raised her pez and Maria Shehata Check http://wiesbaden.armymwr. of the Charlie’s Angels Comedy Tour ennes plenty of opportunity to interact hand, Shehata heckled her a little but with the audience — particularly on the encouraged her to sit at a table with some com/europe/wiesbaden for more upcomperformed March 2. single men. “Make friends tonight, make ing events. The trio, sponsored by the Depart- topic of online dating.
Garrison honors Wiesbaden’s longtime employees By Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
It was a full house at the Community Activity Center Feb. 21 as friends, coworkers and family gathered to recognize longtime employees. With more than 1,000 years of service to the Wiesbaden military community represented, U.S. and host nation workers stepped forward one-by-one to be honored by U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden leaders Col. David Carstens and Master Sgt. Richard Jungmann. “Of all the events I get to preside over as garrison commander, this is my favorite, because it is a reminder to all of us in this military community that civilians serve and sacrifice as well as those who wear the uniform,” said Carstens. “Without your commitment and hard work, we would not be able to sustain the mission of this garrison. “USAG Wiesbaden is an enduring part of the U.S. military footprint in Europe,” Carstens said. “Jobs are secure. Our mis-
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sion continues. We have lots to be thankful for in 2014.” Calling his civilian workforce “the backbone of the garrison,” Carstens thanked the honorees for their “dedication, service, professionalism” and for “a job well done at making Wiesbaden home for our community.” Before honoring each employee in the various years of service categories, the garrison leaders paid a special tribute to several longtime employees and the Directorate of Public Works supervisory mechanical engineering technician Ernst Kusiak. Kusiak was presented with the Army’s Meritorious Civilian Service Award for “exceptional achievements from July 1967 to November 2013.” After going through the rolls — five years to 35 years — the garrison leaders reached the benchmark years of four decades of service which included Generoso Ravago and Leonard Sharp. Two employees were singled out for recognition for reaching the 45-year mark — the
Herald Union
Photo by Carl Burnettt
Longtime employees join garrison leaders Col. David Carstens and Master Sgt. Richard Jungmann Directorate of Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation’s Joseph Cooper and Joe Midgett. “It makes me feel good,” said Cooper, manager of the Automotive Skills Center as an Army civilian after having served for 24 years in the military. “I enjoy giving to work and I enjoy going home at night.” Cooper said he appreciates the ongoing opportunity to work with Soldiers in his capacity at the Automotive Skills Center. Looking back over his career, Cooper said after being
drafted and serving in Vietnam in 1968, “When I made it out of there, that was really special.” Midgett, who retired as an Army master sergeant, said, “It makes me feel good when a customer walks into the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center and says ‘Wow.’” Looking back over his longtime military and civilian career, Midgett said the highlight was “taking care of Soldiers as a first sergeant. That’s the best job in the Army.” He and his wife have also
enjoyed the chance to serve as volunteer foster parents. “We have more than 58,000 volunteer hours,” Midgett said. He said he plans to work for six more years before retiring to build a log cabin in Montana. DFMWR’s Robert Minsky, facility manager for the Community Activity Center, was recognized for 50 years of service. The former Coast Guardsman and U.S. Army Soldier who retired in Bad Kreuznach in 1986, said he felt great about the accomplishment. “I’m starting my next 50. “I like serving the troops — it’s something to do and a way to pay back what the federal government did for me,” Minsky said. Among the highlights of his career — sailing on the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Eagle and “some of the great Army leaders” he served with during his time in the military. (Editor’s note: For more photos from the length of service ceremony visit http:// sets/72157641450903393.)
March 13, 2014 ......................................................................
USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Meet Wiesbaden’s newest Eagle Scout
Troop 106 inducts first in 11 years By Shayna Brouker
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs office
Out of 100 Boy Scouts who endeavor to become Eagle Scouts, 30 quit their first year; 30 will go on to join the military; five will become religious leaders; one will save a life, and one will save his own life. Four will actually become Eagle Scouts. Trae Slade, a senior at Wiesbaden High School, became the first Boy Scout from Troop 106 to join this elite cadre of young men in 11 years. He was honored at an official ceremony Feb. 20 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Chapel in Wiesbaden, where he serves as a priest. More than 20 friends, family, fellow Scouts and adult mentors attended. “When a boy becomes an Eagle Scout he is expected to live by the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. He makes a promise to God and country, himself, and others,” said Michael Seage, assistant senior patrol leader. “Tonight we meet one who kept his promise to be the best
that he can be.” Slade went above and beyond by earning 26 merit badges, when he only needed the required 21. Even though at 18, Slade is too old to participate in Troop 106 activities, he continues to serve as an assistant scout master. He recently mentored younger Scouts to overcome challenges during a campout — “he leapt right in there,” said Seage. “He’s quite an inspiration.” “Trae is an honest spirit, very outgoing, pleasant, helpful and courteous,” said Troop Committee Chair Paul Woolston. “He is a big brother, friend and neighbor.” In addition to scouting, Slade runs track and cross country and plays the trumpet. His dream is to become an environmental scientist in order to “teach people how to treat the world better and learn to appreciate it.” After serving two years in another country as an LDS missionary, Slade hopes to attend college. Wies baden has two Boy Scout troops: Troop 106 and 107. Troop 106 is associated with the LDS faith.
Photo by Shayna Brouker
Troop leaders and parents applaud newly inducted Eagle Scout Trae Slade for achieving the highest position in scouting.
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YOU SHOP WHILE YOUR KIDS PLAY! What could be better than a shopping trip for the whole family? At Lilien-Carre a unique shopping experience is only a short drive away. Take advantage of the certified child care service at the Knirps-Garten, every Saturday from 11:00 – 18:00. is service is absolutely free for up to 2 hours, keeping your littlies amused while you shop in peace! Lilien-Carre has something in store for everyone from fashion, shoes & accessories, cosmetics, electronics, groceries, books, hair dressers, to toys and more. And if your husband isn’t into shopping, just drop him off too – at Fitness First or Starbucks… .........................................................................March 13, 2014
Herald Union
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USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Ensuring cycle season starts, continues safely s Protective clothing includes longsleeved shirt or jacket, long trousers, and full-fingered gloves or mittens made Athletes could not recall their maxifrom leather or other abrasion-resistant mum performance without continuous material. Motorcycle jackets and pants training. This is true for motorcycle constructed of abrasion-resistant materiders too. rials such as leather, Kevlar or Cordura During the winter break or a long and containing impact-absorbing padperiod away from riding, a rider’s feeling ding are strongly encouraged. Soldiers for the motorcycle and reflexes become assigned to Army in Europe units diminished. Riders with a long riding will wear a vest, jacket, upper outer experience may see it differently, but it garment, or motorcycle clothing that is true. The ability to react fast and corincorporates fluorescent and highly rectly must be retrained again after the reflective material at all times when several-month-long break. Riders who operating or riding as a passenger, on have not ridden for a long period of time and off post, regardless of local civilmust first ride very carefully until driving ian requirements. Military uniforms, skills return to safely master daily, tricky including Army physical training wear Photo by Chrystal Smith that is designed to be reflective, do not traffic situations. A good start to get ready for the season It’s important that tires and wheels, brakes s Helmets must meet the host nation’s meet this criterion. Civilian employees is to practice techniques of braking and and brake fluid, lights and the chain are standards. In those instances where the (excluding local national employees) and swerving in an empty parking lot. Check checked and properly serviced. Use the HN has no standard, helmets must, at a family members must wear fluorescent with your unit to see if it has a Motor- owner’s manual or the MSF T-CLOCS minimum, meet the Department of Trans- and reflective outer garments at all times cycle Mentorship Program established or (Tires and Wheels, Controls, Lights portation Federal Motor Vehicle Safety when operating or riding as a passenger attend a Motorcycle Safety Foundation and Electrical, Oil and Fluids, Chassis standard. All helmets must be properly while on U.S. Army installations and are course. A schedule for MSF courses can and Sidestand) checklist or consult a fastened under the chin. highly encouraged to wear this type of be found at dealer to ensure all safety critical parts s Eye protection must be designed equipment off installations. usg_disclaimer.aspx. are checked. Find the MSF T-CLOCS to meet or exceed American National The risk to be involved in an accident The rider and motorcycle are a system; checklist at: Standard Institute Z87.1, reference (z) at the beginning of the new motorcycle both parts must match to be safe on the mil/webs/sites/staff_org/safety/atstp/ for impact and shatter resistance includes riding season is very high for several road. That means one must choose the class_requirements/index.html. goggles, wraparound glasses or a full-face reasons. First, riding skills are not as right motorcycle — considering size, In addition to that, it’s important to shield (properly attached to a helmet). A good as they were before the long winter control and function — and it has to be in check and always wear your Personal windshield or fairing does not constitute break. Second, road conditions can be good mechanical condition to have a safe Protective Equipment; because only ap- eye protection. bad after the winter due to frost damage start into the motorcycle riding season. propriate PPE can prevent serious injuries s Foot protection includes sturdy over- such as potholes. Third, other drivers When a motorcycle has not been used in case of an accident. Army Regulation the-ankle footwear that affords protection and pedestrians are not used to looking in a while, a thorough technical check 85-10, requires the following for person- for the feet and ankles (durable leather out for motorcycles and they may get must be performed before the first ride to nel riding motorcycles outside of the or ballistic-type cloth athletic shoes that overlooked. get the motorcycle safe and ready to ride. United States: Do it right and ride safely. cover the ankles may be worn). By Helmut Schartel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Safety Office
Legal advice:
Filing early can protect and advantage taxpayers take steps to file as early as possible:
By Capt. Stephen Hermann Officer-in-Charge of the Wiesbaden Tax Center
As many of you may know, U.S. taxpayers living overseas have until June 16 to file their taxes. But don’t use this 60-day extension as an excuse to wait until the last minute to file a return. In fact, it could cost more in the long run to wait. For some of the following reasons, one should get his or her tax documents together, and
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already issued 15 percent more refunds than this time last year.
and apply for a Personal Identification Number. This extra level of security will help protect one from scams or fraud. Visit the Wiesbaden Tax Center to get help in establishing a PIN.
Options for investing Financial aid application The Internal Revenue If applying for college finanService does not pay cial aid for oneself, a spouse or a interest on the refund child, taxes need to be filed before one may receive from a applying for financial aid. Waiting Ex-spouse matters return. Thus, the sooner until the last minute could cause Problems with the ex-spouse any money is received, the earlier delays in processing a financial usually includes debate over who it can be put into a bank account aid package. should claim children when filing. or invested to earn more money. Identity theft The person who files first will Refunds come sooner Identity theft is the number receive the credits. Remember, only one parent Second, returns filed in the one cause of consumer fraud. can receive the Day Care Credit, beginning of tax season are Thieves are now using stolen processed quicker than those personal information to file an Child Tax Credit and Earned filed later. Electronically filed IRS tax return. Last year the IRS Income Credit, per child. Early filing eliminates the tax returns take on average of 21 initiated nearly 1,500 investigadays during the beginning of the tions for identity theft-related tax worry related to someone else tryseason and 30 days the closer it returns — a 66 percent increase ing to claim the child; otherwise, gets to April 15. Filing sooner will from 2011. If you are worried ex-spouses will have to settle with be rewarded with getting a faster about identity theft or have been each after one has already claimed return or refund. The IRS has a recent victim, take steps now the credits.
Herald Union
Avoid penalties Chances are you will make a mistake in filing your tax returns and it may come back as rejected. No need to panic, typically, a number was entered incorrectly or an extra vowel was added. But filing now, and catching the mistake early, will give one time to fix the error and resubmit and avoid the IRS’ penalty on late filing fees. The Wiesbaden Tax Center, located on Clay Kaserne in Building 1043, holds Junior Soldier and Retiree Day March 22 from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. For more information call mil 337-4755 or civ (0611) 705-4755, visit www.wiesbaden. asp or find Wiesbaden Tax Center on Facebook.
March 13, 2014 ......................................................................
USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Customer service standouts
Photo by Shayna Brouker
Photo by Karl Weisel
tracting representative officer in addition to her regular duties.
Command picks
The following individuals were handselected by garrison leaders for observed exceptional service that impacted the com munity: Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Carr, AFNEurope, was recognized for his volunteer work with the Ame lia Earhart Playhouse, which included redesigning the stage. Master Sgt. Daniel White, DHR noncommissioned officerincharge, was recognized for taking on the responsibility of managing the casualty affairs program and doing a “great job with it.” Haciba Lathrache, DHR Official Mail Room, was hon ored for always providing a high quality of professional service to customers, as noted through ICE comments. See the garrison’s Flickr photostream to download pho tos at wpao.
A Mainz Fasching Parade float depicts the headline “Living like God in Limburg” — one of many floats making satirical reference to current events or the headlines of 2013. Photo below: Wiesbaden Lord Mayor Sven Gerich (from left) celebrates Fasching with Tina and Maj. William McGlothin, Directorate of Public Works’ operations officer, during the Mainz-Kastel Fasching parade. Photo bottom: A Mainz float comments on the European Union’s handling of immigration issues
Photo by Anemone Rueger
Photo by Shayna Brouker
15th + 16th March 2014
Readiness Center Wiesbaden Dining Facility food service work leader, was lauded for consistent work ethic and step ping in to assume a leadership role in the absence of a coworker. Spc. William Owen Jr, Wi esbaden Legal Center paralegal, received acclaim for providing “five-star” service to customers. Helen Lucy, Directorate of Emergency Services, was recognized for her willingness to meet the needs of customers, even when additional time or ef forts were required. Notably, she took on an extra duty to allevi ate a backlog of administrative work that significantly reduced 99 percent of the load. Leary Henry and Irma Sneed of Army Community Service were lauded personally giving money to help a Depart ment of Defense Education Activity employee finance a birthday party for his/her child. Earl Small, Directorate of Human Resources Community Mail Room postmaster, was hon ored for his many efforts behind the scenes to meet the needs of customers of the Wiesbaden Postal Service Center. Michelle Stosich, ACS Family Advocacy Program manager, was honored for vol unteering to serve as the con
Crazy daze
08th + 09th March 2014
Col. David Carstens thanks Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Carr for his volunteer contributions during a live broadcast of Ask the Commander at the American Forces Network Wiesbaden studio.
monastery Seligenstadt
U.S. Army Garrison Wi esbaden Commander Col. David Carstens recognized two Soldiers and 13 civilians March 5 for outstanding customer service during the past several months. The following people re ceived Army certificates of appreciation and time off for their overall efforts: Asuman Contay, Director ate of Public Works Furnishings Management Office housing man agement assistant, was formally recognized for the numerous, positive Interactive Customer Evaluation cards her workplace has received specifically mention ing her and the quality service she provided customers. Maria Diaz, Directorate of Family, Morale, Welfare and Rec reation administrative support, was lauded for her dedication to the community in supporting Sol diers and families for efforts with a variety of MWR programs and special events during the past year. Yohannes Haile, DPW Housing Facilities Branch hous ing inspector, was honored for accepting the duties of a cowork er out on extended sick leave. His efforts helped eliminate delays for getting families assigned to quarters and avoid additional temporary lodging costs. Lewis Hale, DFMWR Out door Recreation specialist, has been a great asset to his work center since his first day on the job, according to his supervi sor. He was lauded for his initiative in aiding the family of a deceased coworker’s fam ily with administrative matters regarding the late employee and funeral arrangements. Leroy Hale, DFMWR Spe cial Events recreation special ist, was recognized for his consistent efforts in ensuring the success of multiple special events during the year. John Huebner, 405th Army Field Support Brigade, Logistics
0 61 34 - 616 92
ll US We serve aropean cars and Eu .........................................................................March 13, 2014
easter egg market
GM PROFI GmbH Anton Hehn Strasse 09 55246 Mainz Kostheim-Kastel
Herald Union
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USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Community notes ... Community notes Bystander education
Become an intervention expert — learn the steps to make a difference. During the four sessions you will develop skills and techniques needed to make you an intervention expert. Classes will be held April 8, 15, 22 and 29 from 6-8 p.m. Call Army Community Service at civ (0611) 408-0254 to register.
Kinderfest, egg hunt
Celebrate the Month of the Military Child April 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center. The event will feature games, music, crafts and a community egg hunt.
Volunteers of the Month
Kaserne for details.
9:30 a.m. for the next Community Information Briefing. Pick up the latest news and information. Or follow it live or ask questions for the commander during the CIB on the Garrison Wiesbaden Facebook page.
Welfare grants
Is your private organization in the Wiesbaden community in need of funds for a worthy cause? Consider applying for a Wiesbaden Community Spouses Club welfare grant. Visit www.wiesbadenspousesclub. com or email wcsc_welfare@ for details.
FOIA/PA training
Pancake breakfast
The Knights of Columbus Timothy J. Maude Council No. 10292 will host a free pancake breakfast March 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Army Community Service cafeteria in Hainerberg Housing. Enjoy some good food and fellowship.
Photo by Karl Weisel
Resiliency Open House
Sgt. 1st Class Adam Martinez, U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden operations noncommissioned-officer-in-charge, talks with visitors to the Resiliency Open House March 4 about opportunities for fitness and training with the Combat Sports Program. The open house featured a wide range of community resiliency programs ranging from Outdoor Recreation adventures to dental hygiene and care.
Kudos to February’s Volunteers of the Month: Melanie Marquess, Natasja Ewing, Jennifer Lanterman, Julie Parker, Karen Ravensbergen, Lt. Col. Dennis Kilian, Curt Parker, Charlene Hormann, Sgt. 1st Class Vido T. Barina, Lori Baby Fair Adams, Nigel Lewis, DonoCar seat safety checks by van Edwards, Adrianna Edcertified technicians and a host wards, Renee Moore, Andrew of other offerings for expecting Schumacher, Sgt. Maj. Chrisparents and those with infants topher Williams, Capt. Lonnie up to 6 months of age will be Williams, Bernstein Steven and featured at the New Parent SupPfc. Donovan Cox. port Program’s Baby Fair March Next CIB is March 25 28 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Be sure to be at the Com- at the Wiesbaden Entertainment munity Activity Center on Clay Center. Call civ (0611) 4080Kaserne March 25 starting at 234 for more information.
Tell Me a Story
The Parent-to-Parent program hosts Tell Me a Story March 23 from 3-5 p.m. at Aukamm Elementary School. Maj. Gen. Darryl A. Williams, U.S. Army Europe deputy chief of staff, will read “The Three Questions,” a book based on a story by Leo Tolstoy. Families will receive a copy of the book. Activities and snacks will be provided. Reserve a space by March 17 by emailing
Red Cross classes
The Wiesbaden American Red Cross holds a Volunteer Orientation March 20 from 1-3 p.m., a Blended Learning CPR/AED/ First Aid class March 21 from 9-11:30 a.m. and Babysitting and Pediatric CPR/First Aid classes March 21-22 and April 10-11. Call civ (0611) 705-1760.
Career Fair
We accept VAT forms Englisch speaking staff
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Schiersteiner Str.64 DE- 65187 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611/8904614 Fax: 0611/8904616 Mobil: 0172/4622832
Herald Union
Expand your opportunities with informative classes, educational and volunteer information, and essential networking and critical skills during the Career Fair March 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center. Call civ (0611) 4080-254 for details.
Financial classes
Army Community Service’s
A Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act training session will be held for primary and alternate FOIA/PO officers, attorneys and legal advisers March 25-27 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The class will be held in the Digital Training Facility (Building 1638) on Clay Kaserne. Register by sending name, nit, UIC and DSN to usarmy.badenwur.usareur.mbx. freedom-of-information-act@
Financial Readiness Program Scream-free parenting hosts a Budgeting for Baby Revolutionize your family class March 19 from 2-3:30 with a new approach to interactp.m. and First Term Financial ing with your child by learning Readiness classes for first term “Scream-Free Parenting.” The Soldiers March 20 from 8:30 free seminar will include child a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call civ (0611) care and bowling. It will be 4080-254 for more information. held April 16 from 6-10 p.m. at the Wiesbaden EntertainAuto Skills services Besides offering a state- ment Center. Sign up by calling of-the-art facility where com- Army Community Service at civ munity members can work on (0611) 4080-254. their own vehicles, Wiesbaden’s PWOC spring semester Automotive Skills Center also The Protestant Women features a variety of services of the Chapel will hold their including oil changes (bring spring semester of Bible studyour supplies), air conditioning ies Tuesdays from 9-11:45 service and repair and vehicle a.m. at the Hainerberg Chapel computer diagnostics. Call and Tuesdays from 6-8:30 civ (0611) 705-6679 for more p.m. at the clay Chapel. Child information. care will be provided. Email Spouse sponsorship for details. training Army Community Service UU spring field trips offers spouse sponsorship trainWiesbaden Unitarian Uniing classes on April 9 and May versalists invite community 14 from 9-10:30 a.m. Call civ members to explore sites of (0611) 4080-254 for details. interest for people of many faith
BOSS Prague getaway
Join the Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers on a tour to Prague March 29-30. BOSS also offers Movie Nights on Mondays from 6-8:30 p.m. and tours the Buchenwald concentration camp April 26. Stop by the Warrior Zone on Clay
traditions. Trips include Worms on March 29; Mainz on April 26; Bingen, Rüdesheim and Disibodenberg on May 10; and Hohenhof and Hözbach on June 14. Contact John Keating at or visit for more information.
March 13, 2014 ......................................................................
Schools page — Partners in education Schoolbits Award-winning video Out of 2,000 entries to the White House Film Festival, Hainerberg Elementary School’s “Hungry to Learn” film received an honorable mention. To view it visit com/watch?v=goObH_ WNTfw&safe=active.
Spring break
Mark your calendars — spring break is April 7-11. The next holiday after that is Memorial Day, May 26. The last day of school for students before summer vacation is June 12.
Chess showdown
Hainerberg and Aukamm Elementary School students will face off over the checkered boards March 29 in the Hainerberg Elementary School Multipurpose Room. Who will be this year’s champions? Stop by to find out starting around 9:30 a.m.
High school happenings
Wiesbaden High School presents a Spring Choir Concert March 26 and 27. An antique sale will be held at the school March 30. Call the high school at civ (0611) 705-2260 for more information.
Photos by Karl Weisel
Principal in place Students in Michelle Stephens fifth-grade class (right) at Aukamm Elementary School celebrate having collected the most boxtops for school — more than 1,000 out of a total of 6,835 — by taping Aukamm Principal Debbie Parks to the auditorium wall. The fifth-graders led the fundraising effort for the school in the Parent Teacher Association project after the principal challenged them, agreeing to the taping session for the winners. “They motivated themselves,” said their teacher, “saying, fifth grade is going to win.” Students and PTA helpers used about six roles of tape (about 216 meters in length) to secure their principal to the auditorium wall. Each boxtop raised 10 cents — money which is used to support the school’s math program, Scholastic program and various other school events and activities ranging from holiday happenings to the annual Read Across America Dr. Seuss observance.
Robowarriors gear up for stateside competition
Members of Wiesbaden High School’s Robowarriors team pose with this year’s version of their “Frau Pow” robot which heads to San Diego and Las Vegas for competition this month and next. Twenty high school students invested nearly 2,000 hours preparing this year’s entry in the robotics competition. Parents, students and sponsors raised nearly $30,000 to support the program, according to Robotics sponsor Frank Pendzich. Photo courtesy of Frank Pendzich
Registration for next school year
Wiesbaden community schools will hold registration for the 2014/2015 school year March 27 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and March 28 from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Wiesbaden Middle School gym. Parents should bring updated orders, shot records and contact information. All students presently enrolled in school must re-register for the new school year.
BITBURG GERMANY MAY 24 – 26, 2014 COLLEGES COMMITTED TO ATTENDING: • United States Military Academy – West Point (NCAA Div I) • United States Naval Academy (NCAA Div I) • United States Merchant Marine Academy (NCAA Div III) • University of Wisconsin (NCAA Div I) • University of North Carolina – Charlotte (NCAA Div I) • Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (NCAA Div I)
FAST classes
The Wiesbaden Education Center holds Functional Academic Skills Training classes May 1-21 and July 1-23. Classes are Monday through Friday from 7:45-11:45 a.m. Soldiers must see a counselor at the Education Center to enroll. Call civ (0611) 7055559 or mil 337-5559.
Photo by Karl Weisel
College Night Parents and students browse through the many tables featuring information about colleges and universities at Wiesbaden High School’s College Night March 4. The event, sponsored by the school’s Booster Club and Parent-to-Parent program, featured representatives and materials from the various schools of higher education, military academies and helpful seminars on requesting financial assistance.
• • • •
Yale University (NCAA Div I) University of Dubuque (NCAA Div III) Northern Kentucky University (NCAA Div I) Marquette University (NCAA Div I) • Bowling Green State University (NCCA Div I) • University of Central Florida (NCAA Div I) • University of Texas – Pan America (NCAA Div I)
College coaches will run 6-8 sessions (field – classroom sessions), provide individual feedback to players and give a presentation about athletics at universities, leadership and being a student athlete. Additionally, the coaches will provide information about the registration process with the NCAA Eligibility Center. FFollow Foll Fol llow low up on ou ourr FFace Facebook acebboo ace book page book page fo for uupdates for pdat pda d tes tes an andd w wh where here ttoo add her add you yourr pers ppersonal ersona ers onall vvid ona video ideo ttoo id showcase your skills.
Sportschule Bitburg •
Cost 300 Euro – includes room, board and training from college coaches Facebook American Forces Network (AFN)
For additional information and registration please email ........................................................................March 13, 2014
Herald Union
Page 11
Sports and leisure By Donald Seltzer Volksmarch Editor
Take a hike:
R The Wiesbaden International Wandering Club has set the date and location for its first-ever volksmarch event as Saturday, Sept. 6, in Delkenheim. The club’s Activity Coordinator, Vickie Southworth, notes the 5-, 10- and 20-km trails “…will include vineyards, pretty countryside, and gorgeous views.” Sign up online at if you can volunteer time, donate baked goods, deliver event brochures at volksmarches, etc. You can get details about the club’s other activities and monthly meetings at the website. R Many thanks to readers Pat and Cheryl Patterson, Johnette Scott, and James Meredith for providing event brochures. R Look for additional event choices at
Weekend of March 15-16
rankfurt/Main-Bergen-Enkheim (60388) — This event offers a variety of trails for different abilities, to include a marathon this year. The start hall is in the Enkheim area of Frankfurt, across the street from the Hessen Center shopping mall and streetcar stop. The mall is at the western end of Autobahn 66 when coming from Hanau. From Aschaffenburg and Hanau take A-66 right to the shopping center. From elsewhere, readers will need to consult their maps carefully if using a route other than A-66. Drivers can use Autobahns 3 and 661 (northbound) to find directional signs to Bergen-Enkheim, then follow small, white IVV signs to the start.
Start: Volkshaus Enkheim at Borsigallee 40 Saturday: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. (5 and 10 km), 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (20 km), 7-11 a.m. (32 km) and 7-9 a.m. (42 km) Sunday: 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (5, 10 and 20 km) , 7-11 a.m. (32 km) and 7-9 a.m. (42 km) Trails: Shorter trails are slightly hilly and stroller-friendly for the large-wheeled variety, longer trails are hillier; woods, fields and some city streets Award: From previous events or certificate only (marathon).
A guide to volksmarching in the Kaiserslautern/Wiesbaden area
rolsheim (55459) — This walk is just south of Bingen and offers a variety of trail lengths. From Wiesbaden, use Autobahns 643 and 60 toward Bingen, take the St. Goar exit to connect with B-9, and then the Gensingen exit to pick up B-50. From there, head south toward Bad Kreuznach and follow IVV signs to the start.
Start: Nahelandhalle on Aspisheimer Weg Saturday and Sunday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (5 and 10 km) and 7 a.m. to noon (20 and 30 km) Trails: Shorter trails are mostly flat, longer trails are hilly; fields, local neighborhoods and some woods Award: From previous events.
Weekend of March 22-23
ahnstätten (65623) — This event is directly south of Limburg and offers a marathon trail for challenge-seeking participants. Use Autobahn 3’s Bad Camberg exit (44) and follow a secondary road through Beuerbach, Ohren, Kirberg and Kaltenholzhausen and Hahnstätten. IVV directional signs will take you through the nearby town of Lohrheim to the start.
Start: Bürgerhaus at Austrasse 5 Saturday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (5, 11 and 20 km) and 7-9 a.m. (42 km) Sunday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (5 and 11 km) and 7 a.m. to noon (20 km) Trail: Fairly hilly, woods Award: None (shorter trails) or patch and certificate (marathon).
Weekend of March 29-30
appel (55483) — This event is in the scenic Hunsrück region west of Bingen, not far from Hahn airport. From Wiesbaden, use Autobahns 643 and 60 toward Bingen, and 61 toward Koblenz. Exit at Rheinböllen (45), take B-50 toward Simmern and Kirchberg, and use B-421 to reach Kappel. From the KMC, use Autobahns 6 and 62 north toward Trier, exit at Birkenfeld (4), and take B-269 and B-327 through Morbach. Continue onto B-50 to Kirchberg and connect with B-421 to the start at Kappel.
Start: Gemeindehalle Saturday and Sunday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. (5, 10 and 15 km)
and 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (20 km) Trail: Somewhat hilly trails, fields and woods Award: From previous events.
Weekend of April 5-6
üttenthal (64756) — This event is in the beautiful Odenwald southeast of Darmstadt and offers a 33-km trail on Saturday in addition to the usual distances. Good weather will make this a pleasant trip. This walk may reached via Autobahn 5 south from Darmstadt using the Heppenheim exit (31) and B-460 toward Erbach.
Start: Sporthalle at Güttersbacher Strasse 4 Saturday: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. (5 and 10 km), 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (21 km) and 7-11 a.m. (33 km) Sunday: 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (5, 10 and 21 km) Trail: Very hilly, mostly woods Award: None.
Wednesday, April 9
ainz-Gonsenheim (55124) — This midweek walk is easily reached via Autobahn and is just north of Mainz. Use Autobahns 60 or 643 to take the Mainz-Gonsenheim exit to find IVV signs or tape directing them to the start.
Start: Karl-Geib-Haus at Kapellenstrasse 44 Wednesday: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (6 km) and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (10 km) Trail: Flat, mostly stroller-friendly trails, woods. Award: None.
Weekend of April 12-13
iesbaden-Kohlheck (65199) — The Polizeisportverein Grün-Wieß Wiesbaden plays host to this annual walking event on the Polizeiakademie Kaserne. The visit is always interesting for children and Americans are welcomed. Use Autobahns 3 and 66 to reach Wiesbaden’s Schiersteiner Kreuz. Take A-643/Schiersteiner Straße north to the 2. Ring, turn left on Dotzheimer Strasse and cross the railroad tracks. Turn right on Schönberg Strasse and follow it to the suburb of Kohlheck and the police school. Start: Hessische Polizeiakademie at Schönbergstrasse 100 Saturday and Sunday: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. (6 and 10 km), 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (20 km) and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (swim) Trail: Somewhat hilly, neighborhoods and woods Award: Pendant without chain (walk).
Things to do ... Things to do
March 14, the Easter Market at Kloster Eberbach Wiesbaden Outdoor RecMarch 15, Amsterdam reation heads to London for ticket information. Sign up by calling ACS at civ March 15, St. Patrick’s Day March 14-17; Milan March Texas 9-Ball Express (0611) 4080-234 and meet at Parade in Munich March 16 or Every Wednesday in March, Museum Castellum 21-23; Calella, Spain, April 3-11; Europa Park April 12; April and May from 7-10:30 p.m. Explore the 2,000-year the Bookmark in the Hainerberg to the Italian Riviera of FlowPhantasialand April 19 and the Cappuccino Casino hosts a history of Mainz-Kastel at the Shopping Center. ers April 7-11. Stop by any area Brussels April 19. Stop by Texas Nine-Ball Express Tourna- Museum Castellum adjacent Theater highlights USO or call civ (0611) 4080-106 Outdoor Recreation on Clay ment. Entry is $10. First prize is to the Theodor Heuss Bridge Wiesbaden’s Amelia Ear- for more information. Kaserne or call civ (0611) 705- $80. Call civ (0611) 411-4444. on the bank of the Rhein River hart Playhouse features the Opera, ballet 5760 for reservations. Frankfurt Hof concerts in Mainz-Kastel. The free mu- musical comedy, “The Addams Enjoy opera and ballet in a Mainz’s Frankfurter Hof seum is open every Sunday Family,” March 27 to April grand setting at the Wiesbaden Duplicate bridge from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. features the Aziza Mustafa players Guided tours can be arranged 19. Call civ (0611) 816-2473 Staatstheater. Upcoming proDuplicate bridge players are Zadeh Trio March 16, Daniel for other times by visiting www. for reservations. The English ductions include the Verdi invited to join a group of interna- Melingo (Argentinian tango Theatre Frankfurt has extended opera “The Force of Destiny” tional players — former members music) April 1, Irish Spring performances of “Saturday March 18, the Cavalli opera of the American Bridge Club April 2, Amsterdam Klezmer Shopping on economy Night Fever” through April “La Calisto” March 17, the New to Wiesbaden or just Wiesbaden and/or the German- April 7, Luka Bloom April 19, 27. Call civ (069) 2423 1620 or Prokofiev opera “The Love of American and International the Crimson Project (music of want to become more comfort- visit for the Three Oranges” March 19, Women’s Club Wiesbaden. The King Crimson) April 23 and the able shopping on the Germany ticket information. the family concert “Mozart for group meets in the afternoon of the 12 Cellists of the Berlin Phil- economy? Join Army ComChildren” March 23. Call civ second Thursday of the month. If harmonic Orchestra April 25. munity Service’s free shopping USO highlights (0611) 132 325 or visit www. Join the USO for a trip to Po- for interested, contact Hisako Muehle Call civ (06131) 220 438 or visit on the economy tour March 25 at from 8:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. land: Pottery and Sightseeing ticket information.
Outdoor Rec trips
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March 13, 2014 ......................................................................
Sports and leisure
Team Resilience:
Boosting host nation relations through sports
By Shayna Brouker U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
The Olympics may be over and they’re not in Sochi, but Wiesbaden Soldiers are going for gold — or at least glory — against athletes from other countries. Unit-level competition with host nation athletes is nothing new, and the idea is getting an organized upgrade in order to bolster both resiliency and host nation relations in accordance with the Photo by Spc. Michael Johnson Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Ray Odierno’s Army Soldiers spar during a session of combative sports training Feb. Sports Program. 26 at the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Combat Sports Facility “Team Resilience,” led in preparation for tournament competition. by Sgt. 1st Class Adam he said. “We want to continue ships include the Hessen State Martinez, U.S. Army Garrison to build host nation relations Boxing Association and the Directorate of Plans, Training, for the Wiesbaden community handicapped wheelchair basMobilization and Security non— not just for boxing, but for ketball team, the Rhein River commisioned officer-in-charge, all sports.” Rhinos. The team lost its trainhas initiated and planned The combat sports organiza- ing location, so Combat Sports several measures to encourage tion plans to hold more events offered the Warrior Training participation. like these in the future as new Center for its use. One of the existing partner- members, such as the private The Warrior Training Center ships includes combat sports. organization “Team Choco,” now has full-duty cadre asSoldiers from U.S. Army Gar- join the program. Team Choco signed to fill the gap identified risons Baumholder and Wies- recently took over the martial between Morale, Welfare and baden, and the Army Recruiting arts section of the Combat Recreation and tenant units. Team-Europe most recently Sports program. The program MWR provides services and held a clinic at the Warrior offers a wide variety of skills events, and Team Resilience Training Center to share train- that are available to the comwants to ensure they’re trickling ing tips and techniques. It was munity, including Brazilian down to the company level. But the first joint training session to jiu-jitsu, freestyle grappling, they aim to get non-uniformed take place in the Combat Sports Muay-Thai, K1-style kickboxathletes involved, too. Training Facility between host ing and boxing. “The primary focus has nation and American Soldiers. Soldiers even traveled to “We want to provide more Lisbon, Portugal, to spar with always been our active duty team building and sports events the best in the European Open Soldiers and their families; for tenant units, as well as Jiu-Jitsu Championships Jan. however, the resiliency piece more sporting opportunities 23-26, an event the team takes goes much further than that,” said Maria Diaz, DFMWR for families, Department of part in every year. Defense civilians, and youth,” Other burgeoning partner- management support specialist and a personal trainer and fitness instructor with 16 years’ experience. “It’s about community and bringing our civilians, who are a vital part of this workforce, into it as well. We are not recreating anything, this is simply a committee and a process that has been invigorated with new initiative and drive to continue with the garrison commander’s vision of ‘Wiesbaden, your home in Germany.’” The next unit-level event Photo courtesy of Sgt. 1st Class Adam Martinez German and American athletes train together during a will be a combatives tournament March 29. session of combat sports training.
Sports shorts Out on the links
The Rheinblick Golf Course features Friday Night Scrambles April 11 and 25, May 9 and 23, June 6, 20 and 27. Rheinblick also hosts the Blickster Scramble April 19 starting at 8 a.m. Wiesbaden’s Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation offer golf lessons for children ages 7-17 every Saturday starting April 12 through Oct. 4. Cost is $50 per month or $150 for the full season. All ID cardholders receive free green fees during Rheinblick’s membership drive in March. Call the Rheinblick Golf Course at civ (0611) 5059-2717 for more information.
Recreational shooting
Head to the Wackernheim Range (Ober-Olmer Strasse 37, 55263) to enjoy some recreational shooting March 15, April 26, May 10, June 28, July 26, Aug. 23 and Sept. 27. Cost is $8 with membership in Wiesbaden’s Hunting Fishing and Sport Shooting Program, $12 for non-members. First-timers must register for the mandatory safety briefing by 9:45 a.m. Call Outdoor Recreation at civ (0611) 705-5760 for more information.
Combat sports
Wiesbaden’s Warrior Training Combat Sports Center on McCully Barracks in Wackernheim offers a host of classes and training opportunities. Instruction and training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and submission wrestling is held every Monday and Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. Mixed martial arts classes are every Friday from 6-8 p.m. Boxing classes are Tuesdays to Thursdays from 6:30-8 p.m. Muay Thai classes are Friday from 6:30-8 p.m. Call mil 337-6383 or civ (0611) 705-6383 for more information.
Racquetball tourney
A St. Patricks Day Racquetball Tournament will be held March 15-16 at the Wiesbaden Fitness Center. Cost is $25. Call civ (0611) 705-5541
Basketball showdown
Wiesbaden’s Fitness Center hosts an invitational basketball tournament March 21-23. The top men and women teams will compete in the season final. Cost is $300 per team. Call civ (0611) 705-5541 for details.
Freedom Run
Wiesbaden Fitness Center hosts the third annual Freedom Run April 12 starting at 10 a.m. The event will include a free five-kilometer and half-mile children’s run, and a 10-mile run (costs $25). Call civ (0611) 705-5541 for more information.
Soccer Camp
The 2014 Boys and Girls Soccer College Showcase Camp will be held May 24-26 in Bitburg. College coaches from West Point, the Naval Academy, University of North Carolina and other colleges will provide feedback and information. Cost is €300 including room, board and training. For details visit or email
Mainz-Kastel bike ride
The Equipe Wiesbaden Radsportverein 2011 e.V. invites bike riders to join in a Ride Around Petersweg in MainzKastel on April 6. The event will feature different distances for various age groups — starting at 10:45 a.m. Cost is €5 to enter. Register by email at or visit www. for more information.
Youth Sports in full swing
Wiesbaden Youth Sports hold a Wrestling Extravaganza March 15 and a Cheerleading Exhibition March 29. Sign-up for spring sports (soccer, baseball, softball) runs through March 14 with skills assessments March 17-20. Practice for Juniors and Bantams soccer, baseball and softball starts March 24. Call Parent Central Services at civ (0611) 705-7928 for more information. ....................................................................... March 13, 2014
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For your health Meeting the challenge of eating right on a budget By Claudia Drum
U.S. Army Public Health Command Registered Dietitian
Have you given up on eating healthy because you feel like it costs too much? Not sure how to save money while at the grocery store? While it is true that more convenient items such as pre-cut veggies cost more when compared to their made-from-scratch counterparts, it is possible to eat healthy while on a budget. Additionally, good nutrition, combined with adequate sleep and regular physical activity, are identified as key initiatives in Army Medicine’s “Performance Triad” for good overall health. Below are eight tips to help you stretch your food dollar, and “eat right” while shopping at the grocery store: < Plan menus and make a list: Wandering around the grocery store without a list only increases the likelihood that you will overspend. Plan a weekly
Photo by Patricia Dea
menu, and write an ingredient list that matches up with the store aisles at your favorite grocery store. < Shop seasonally: Buy fresh fruits and vegetables that
are in season to help you get the freshest produce at the lowest cost. In addition, check your local farmer’s market for deals on fresh fruits and vegetables. For produce that is not in season, frozen and/or canned fruits and vegetables (with little or no added salt or sugar) are a nutritious option. < Shop the perimeter; then think meatless: Start on
the outer edge of the supermarket where you will find fresh produce, meats, dairy and breads. Then, shop the aisle(s) for meatless alternatives like beans. Dried or canned (lowsodium, without added fat) are less expensive than most meats, and they make a tasty meal that is not only high in protein and fiber, but also low in fat and saturated fat. Aim for at least
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one meatless meal a week. Go to for more tips and recipes ideas. < Use coupons and inserts: Check the local newspaper, online, and at the store for sales and coupons of the products you normally purchase. Clipping coupons or printing them from websites can save you 10-15 percent on your grocery bill. Consider joining your supermarket’s shoppers club to enjoy price specials or to receive additional coupons. If you shop at the commissary, use your commissary rewards card. You can redeem coupons electronically after you register it online. Visit for more information on the benefits of registering your commissary rewards card. < Buy store (private label) brands: Choose the private label brand if it is comparable in size and ingredients. Oftentimes, private label brands are not only 15-20 percent less expensive, but also just as high in quality. < Compare unit prices: Locate the unit price (cost per ounce, pound or pint) on the shelf tag directly below the product. Use it to compare different brands and different sizes of the same brand to help you decide which item is the best buy. If your store doesn’t list the unit price, bring a pocket-sized calculator or use the calculator on your phone to speed up the process. Be on the lookout for items labeled “more economical” because sometimes, after you have examined the price per unit, the larger size may not be the better buy. < Buy on sale and in bulk: Look for sales on shelf-stable items or products you use regularly. However, only buy larger quantities if you have proper storage space and/or if you will use the food before it expires or spoils. < Read food labels: Compare nutrients using the Percent Daily Value in the nutrition facts panel. Aim for low or less than 5 percent in saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, and sodium. Aim for high or greater than 20 percent in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
March 13, 2014 ......................................................................
Bulletin board Movie plots
Diogo Morgado is adored by the masses in his role as Jesus in “Son of God.”
At the movies March 13-31 Taunus Theater
March 13 — Son of God (PG-13) 7 p.m. March 14 — 300: Rise of an Empire in 3D (R) 7 and 9:30 p.m. March 15 — Mr. Peabody and Sherman in 3D 2 and 4 p.m. 300: Rise of an Empire in 3D (R) 7 p.m. March 16 — Mr. Peabody and Sherman in 3D (PG) 4 p.m. 300: Rise of an Empire in 3D (R) 7 p.m. March 17 — 300: Rise of and Empire in 3D (R) 7 p.m. March 18 — 3 Days to Kill (PG-13) 7 p.m. March 19 — 300: Rise of an Empire (R) 7 p.m. March 20 — Endless Love (PG-13) 7 p.m. March 21 — Tyler Perry’s Single Moms Club (PG-13) 7 p.m.
March 22 — Mr. Peabody and Sherman (PG) 4 p.m. Tyler Perry’s Single Moms Club (PG13) 7 p.m. March 23 — Mr. Peabody and Sherman (PG) 4 p.m. Need for Speed in 3D (PG-13) 7 p.m. March 24 — Need for Speed (PG-13) 7 p.m. March 25 — 3 Days to Kill (PG-13) 7 p.m. March 26 — Tyler Perry’s Single Moms Club (PG-13) 7 p.m. March 27 — Need for Speed (PG-13) 7 p.m. March 28 — Divergent (PG-13) 7 p.m. March 29 — Despicable Me 2 (PG) 11 a.m. Frozen (PG) 1 p.m. Mr. Peabody and Sherman (PG) 3 p.m. Muppets Most Wanted (PG) 6 p.m. March 30 — Muppets Most Wanted (PG) 4 p.m. Divergent (PG-13) 7 p.m. March 31 — Divergent (PG-13) 7 p.m.
Mr. Peabody and his mischievous boy Sherman accidentally rip a hole in the universe while traveling back in time in the animated adventure “Mr. Peabody and Sherman.” Photo left: The next episode in the “300” saga sees Greek general Themistokles (Sullivan Stapleton) set on uniting all of Greece in the epic drama “300: Rise of an Empire.”
Tyler Perry’s Single Moms Club (PG-13) — A group of single moms are brought together in the aftermath of an incident at their children’s school. Stars Tyler Perry, Zulay Herna and Nia Long. Son of God (PG-13) — Told with the scope and scale of an action epic, the film features powerful performances, exotic locales and dazzling visual effects portraying the life of Jesus from his humble birth through his teachings, crucifixion and ultimate resurrection. Stars Roma Downy, Diogo Morgado and Amber Rose Revah. 3 Days to Kill (R) — Secret Service Agent Ethan Runner discovers he’s dying and decides to retire in order to reconnect with his estranged family. But when the Secret Service offers him access to an experimental drug that could save his life in exchange for one last assignment, he finds himself trying to juggle his family, mission and the drug’s hallucinatory side-effects. Stars Hailee Steinfeld and Kevin Costner. Pompeii (PG-13) — Set in the days leading up to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, a slave on a ship heading for Naples works to get home to save the woman he loves and his best friend, a gladiator trapped inside the city’s coliseum. Stars Carrie-Anne Moss, Kit Harrington and Kiefer Sutherland. 300: Rise of an Empire (R) — Based on Frank Miller’s latest graphic novel Xerxes and told in the breathtaking visual style of the blockbuster “300,” this new chapter of the epic saga takes the action to a fresh battlefield — on the sea — as Greek general Themistokles (Sullivan Stapleton) attempts to unite all of Greece by leading the charge that will change the course of the war. Mr. Peabody and Sherman (PG) — Mr. Peabody, the most accomplished dog in the world, and his mischievous boy Sherman, use their time machine — the Wabac — to go on the most outrageous adventures known to man or dog. But when Sherman takes the Wabac out for a joyride to impress his friend Penny, they accidently rip a hole in the universe, wreaking havoc on the most important events in world history. Before they forever alter the past, present and future, Mr. Peabody must come to their rescue. Need for Speed (PG-13) — Tobey Marshall (Aaron Paul), is a blue-collar mechanic who races muscle-cars on the side in an unsanctioned street-racing circuit. Struggling to keep his family-owned garage afloat, he reluctantly partners with the wealthy and arrogant ex-NASCAR driver Dino Brewster (Dominic Cooper). But just as a major sale to car broker Julia Bonet (Imogen Poots) looks like it will save Tobey’s shop, a disastrous race allows Dino to frame Tobey for a crime he didn’t commit, sending Tobey to prison while Dino expands his business out west. ....................................................................... March 13, 2014
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n o i t a k n e i r t T s e r D ta S Air Force Tech Sgt. Toneichia Graham, 86th Logistical Readiness Squadron, shows off a Star Trek bag she had made while stationed in the Pacific.
Photo by Karl Weisel
USAREUR fans join fellow Tre By Spc. Glenn Anderson and Karl Weisel U.S. Army Europe and Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Offices
Photo by Karl Weisel
Visitors wander through the various displays at the Destination Star Trek convention at the Frankfurt Messe.
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he Starship Enterprise touched down in Frankfurt Feb. 21-23 — as did the crews of several other Starfleet vessels. William Shatner, Levar Burton and other Star Trek mainstays were on terra firma at the Frankfurt Messe to greet fans, tell stories about the making of the various series and films and to spend a little time sharing their impressions of what made Gene Roddenberry’s vision such an enduring television and cinematic legacy. “I’m a huge Star Trek fan,” said Sgt. Emily J. Recchia, an oboe player with the USAREUR Band and Chorus. “This is my seventh or eighth convention, and I wanted to bring my baby girls to their first convention.” Some 10,000 fans were expected to attend Destination Star Trek which, in addition to offering photo and autograph opportunities, included seminars on the costuming and make-up of the show’s characters, a Borg recharging module, a Klingon weapons station, Star Trek museum and a host of stands offering everything from uniform accessories to attachable Vulcan ears for sale. “I grew up on Star Trek,” said Scott Sanchez, who came from Scotland to
attend the Frankfurt convention. The U.S. Army veteran and wounded warrior program alumnus said he attended his first Star Trek convention in the United States when he was 13 years old and also attended one in London in 2012 where “all of the Star Trek captains were in attendance. … I got a photo with Shatner.” Likewise, British Army veteran Andrew Pearce traveled across the English Channel to participate in the Star Trek convention on the continent. “I attended the one in London in 2012. It’s been 30 years since I’ve been back in Germany.” “You meet so many different people — you don’t even have to know anyone,” said Air Force Tech Sgt. Toneichia Graham, 86th Logistical Readiness Squadron, who drove up from Ramstein. Graham, who said her favorite Star Trek character overall is Captain Jean-Luc Pickard (played by Patrick Stewart) from “The Next Generation” series, wanted to “finish her collection of photo ops” with the cast members. “I like this — it makes me want to go back and watch all of the episodes,” said Spc. Holly Holt, a veterinary technician with the Public Health Command based in Pulaski Barracks in Kaiserslautern. Throughout the three-day convention, visitors had a chance to attend
large-scale ques forums where th with their favorite LeVar Burton (ali Geordi La Forge) (counselor Deann to enlighten audien their start in the making of the sho Burton, who wa and starred in th miniseries “Roots” in “The Next Ge about having live growing up in a “Being in a militar put the wanderlus it made me pretty around as much as w being “the new kid While license p parking lot indica from all corners convention, many identified themsel the U.S. military asking questions. “Elizabeth,” w in Landstuhl, aske ever-changing cos to year on “The N The Greek/Eng tress said her appe tied to her speakin rules in Hollywoo
March 13, 2014 .............................................................
William Shatner (from left, alias Capt. James T. Kirk) leads a discussion with fellow Star Trek alumni Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis and Gates McFadden.
Photo by Spc. Glenn Anderson
A Star Trek fan faces off against a member of the Borg for a photo op during the convention.
Photo by Spc. Glenn Anderson
ekkies at Frankfurt convention
stion-and-answer hey could interact stars. On Saturday ias chief engineer and Marina Sirtis na Troi) teamed up nce members about business and the ow. as born in Landstuhl he groundbreaking ” before appearing eneration,” talked ed in Hanau while a military family. ry family as a child st in me. … I think y resilient, moving we did” and always d in school.” plates in the Messe ated that fans came of Europe for the y in the audience lves as members of community when
who said she works ed Sirtis about her stumes from year Next Generation.” glish/American acearance was closely ng parts. “There are od. If a woman has
a cleavage, she cannot have a brain. When my cleavage disappeared (after one of several costume alterations) all my brains came back. Suddenly I was an expert in Romulan technology.” But “everytime I got miffed,” Sirtis said, “I would just think of the paycheck and then everything would be all right.” “I love nothing more than the new fans who are coming to see the show,” said actress Gates McFadden who played Dr. Beverly Crusher on “The Next Generation.” “We see three generations of fans. … It took me a long time to realize that my character was a role model. I’ve learned a lot from listening to the fans talking about the show.”
Life as a Klingon
“For seven years, the fans didn’t know what I really looked like,” said Michael Dorn, who played Klingon officer Worf on “The Next Generation” and added that he must have sat through at least 1,000 make-up sessions during his seven years on the show. But being able to act behind a mask was very liberating, he added. “When you put on the make-up you can be whoever you want to be.” Brent Spiner (Data on “The Next Generation”), like several of the Star
Trek alumni, passed on greetings to the U.S. military while appearing in Germany. “This is a shout out from America to you. We so appreciate what you do. “So many things have happened in my life because I’ve done Star Trek and keep happening,” Spiner told the appreciative crowd. “Being a part of it is very special.” Whether dressed as Klingons, Romulans or disguised in 2014 Earth attire, attendees took time to admire the creativity of their fellow Trekkies. “This is a distinctive opportunity to meet with actors and fans who share my love of Star Trek,” said Steven E. McKean, an information assurance officer with 5th Signal Command. “There are many wonderful actors at the event,” said McKean, who was garbed as a Vulcan science officer, “but the highlight for me was exchanging warm words with William Shatner during my photo with him.” As German fan Nadine noted during one of the meet-and-greets, “I don’t know if I would have survived without you guys.” After three days of shore leave for the Starfleet crew it was time once again to go where no crew had gone before — and fans of the series, as Mr. Spock might have noted, “to live long and prosper.”
Photo by Karl Weisel
Visitors get a souvenir shot of themselves taken on a makeshift bridge of the Starship Enterprise.
Photo by Karl Weisel
Star Trek-garbed fans wait as a vendor processes a digital image of themselves in a scene from the show. March 13, 2014
Visitors do battle at a Klingon weapons station. Photo by Karl Weisel
Herald Union
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Do you feel like you’re surrounded by total chaos all the time? Well, maybe you are. On top of all the normal hustle and bustle of life, many of us inadvertently make things tougher than they need to be, simply because we don’t follow some basic organization strategies in our everyday activities. Get organized and start enjoying simpler time management, reduced stress levels, and a serene, clutter-free environment. Here are some simple steps you can take right now.
move to get what you need — and move the less important stuff to the back of the room where it belongs. Add a file tray to your desk so you can organize loose papers on the fly. Don’t forget one of your most important office tools — your wastebasket. If you no longer need it, throw it out!
in loose “zones” to give yourself some wiggle room. Once you get used to relying on such a system, you may never feel pressed for time again!
If your financial situation keeps you awake at night, sleep more soundly by getting it organized. BE YOUR OWN GATE- Just knowing what’s going on can lift a huge weight from your KEEPER shoulders, because at least then you can take the right actions to You know those receptionists CORRAL YOUR TIME make things better. Start by gethired by super-busy executives ting yourself some reasonably who spend most of their time “I don’t have the time” sounds diverting those distracting calls easy-to-use financial software like a decent excuse until you that lets you create and adjust away from the boss? You can realize that everyone has exactly keep your daily world more calm budgets, view shortfalls and the same amount of time in a their underlying causes, and and organized by performing given day; it’s what they do with that role for yourself. Consider read up on money managePRIORITIZE YOUR OF- it that counts, and by organizing switching your phone to vibrate ment tips so you can save up for special purchases, adventures FICE TOOLS AND FILES yours, you can do more. Start by and only consulting it a few adopting some sort of regular times a day to see if you missed in foreign lands, or some other calendar tool, whether it’s a simple any calls — and set a specific (and great way to reward yourself for Is your office, either at work or day planner or a full-featured a new, organized, stress-free life. slow) time of day for returning at home, laid out in a logical program such as Outlook or iCal. those calls. and ergonomic manner? If you Stress can wreck your health, ruin constantly have to dig through Stop leaving your email window your productivity and generally piles of paper to find important Today’s cloud-based apps such as Google Calendar allow you make you miserable. Give the or tab open, and turn off any files, twist your body into crazy to keep your important events annoying beeps, dings or other aforementioned organizing meapositions to access frequentlysures a try — and enjoy the new used file drawers, or get up and on the web and view or update requests for your attention. If them from any Internet-enabled you can schedule a time to read control you have over your life! walk across the room and back device. At the same time, however, and return those emails, perhaps a hundred times a day, then you don’t create such an intricate early in the morning and late in Author Profile: need to do some reorganizing. William Reynolds has worked as a schedule that the slightest little the afternoon, then you’re free Position all your most frequently- hitch causes the whole thing to to focus on other things the rest freelance copywriter since 1997. William specializes in website content, fall apart. Schedule events that of the day. used objects and data at arm’s ghost-blogging, print marketing don’t require pinpoint precision length so you barely have to content and audio/video scripts. Page 18
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March 13, 2014 .........................................................................
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w w w. i ri sh - p u b - w i esb a d en . d e • w w w.iris h - p u b - m ain z.d e
o, ur r P i t n a v d A of yo publisher
ike to proud l d l u o w , ion local Herald Un w e f a u o y to introduce to help you get s businesse r new home, ou to know y , a little better. n Wiesbade
precious jewelr y
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NATURAL YELLOW FANCY DIAMOND Bärenstraße 2 // 65183 Wiesbaden // Tel: 0611 300286 // ..............................................................................March 13, 2014 Herald Union Page 19
s l o o h c S e h t n i c i s l Mu a c i s u M e s a e Gr
Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older they won't be lost!
The Wiesbaden High School Music and Drama program under the direction of drama teacher Mr. Chris Harbach and music teacher Mr. Scott McGlynn presented Grease.
Page 20
Photo by Peter Witmer
Male members of the cast perform “Grease Lightning”.
Photo by Peter Witmer
Jeremiah Ward in “Alone at the Drive-In”.
Photo by Peter Witmer
“Summer Nights” - featuring Allegra White on the table and Savannah Simmons and the female cast.
Herald Union
March 13, 2014 .........................................................................
Enthusiastic audiences were treated to a two hour production featuring classic tunes and stunning choreography. The students perform the finale from Grease “We Go Together”.
Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older they won't be lost!
Photo by Peter Witmer
Photo by Peter Witmer
“Beauty School Dropout”.
Photo by Peter Witmer
Another scene from the musical with the cast of Grease in “We Go Together” - Hannah Cornish as Rizzo & Jeremiah Ward as Danny (center). ..............................................................................March 13, 2014 Herald Union Page 21
Photo by Peter Witmer
Photo by Peter Witmer
Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re older they won't be lost!
Hainerberg Elementary School music teacher Ms Tawna Ashcraft leads her students in song.
Page 22
Photo by Peter Witmer
Students add movement and dramatic interpretation during the school music assembly.
Photo by Peter Witmer
Ms. Klara Mazelis, music teacher at Hainerberg Elementary School, gets her students singing to start a month of music in the school.
There are many musical activities planned for the students this month - music is awesome!
Herald Union
Photo by Peter Witmer
A dance and percussion presentation gets kids moving at the Hainerberg Elementary School music assembly. March 13, 2014 .........................................................................
FreeStyle Across
46 Province of SE China
12 ___ Christian Andersen
1 Thaw
47 Anew
15 Of this world
5 Mogul capital of India
48 Painter Schiele
18 “Shoo!”
9 Foot part
50 Armories
22 Might
13 Drama award
52 Intertwine
24 Cry loudly
14 Barely visible
56 Good farm soil
26 Dinner from a bucket
16 “Doctor Zhivago” heroine
57 “Schindler’s List” star
27 Sewing machine inventor
59 NYC art center
28 Magical phrase
19 Claim on property
60 Musical based on a comic strip
30 “The Forbidden City”
20 Origin
61 Noted short-story writer
21 Storms
62 Brewery products
23 Apparel
63 Grown-up elvers
25 High point
64 Tore
26 Young hog
29 Permitted
1 Unruly crowds
31 Prunes
2 Spain’s longest river
32 Elec. meas.
3 In ___ of (replacing)
33 Save from disaster
4 Crowd disperser
36 Be in debt
5 Following
37 Portuguese dictator
6 Blah-blah-blah
39 Timetable abbr.
7 Public ruckus
40 Writing implement
8 Temper, as steel
42 “My Gal ___”
9 Claims
43 Spanish ayes?
10 Created a disturbance
44 Jazz band member
11 Island where Minos ruled
17 Sternum
This is the solution to the crossword puzzle from February 27! Courtesy of
32 Finnish epic poem 34 Astronomical bear 35 Ireland, poetically 37 Important Phoenician city 38 Grey of westerns 41 Movie theaters 43 Overcast 45 City in NW Illinois 46 Put an edge on 47 Salivate 49 Hereditary factors 50 ___ mater 51 Compos mentis 53 “Pronto” in a memo 54 Furnace fuel 55 Author Bagnold 58 Fraction of an inch ..............................................................................March 13, 2014 Herald Union Page 23
7 1
3 6 2 8 3 5
Fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids contains each of the numbers 1 through 9 once.
8 5 2 9 2 3
6 4
This is the solution to the sudoku puzzle from February 27! Courtesy of
1 8
5 5
9 4
Special Order Any 2015 Audi At 2014 Prices* Lock in this year’s exceptional value exclusively at
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Herald Union
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Bei Michos
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Finest Greek Specialties in a cozy atmosphere! Special Lunch offers starting at € 6,90 Gyros Platter, tter, fries, es sala salad and more… • Dollars ok • take-out menu • parties • 100 yards from MainzKastel base!
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AUTOS All ads and pics on
Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. 07 Volvo XC 70 AWD Cross Country, $15,000., AWD, Automatic transmission w/manual shifting option, PWR heated leather seats, pwr locks, sunroof, entertainment pkg/w wireless headphones, towing pkg, park assist, 017661266595 Scott 2003 BMW X5, automatic, power windows and sunroof, BMW premium CD and stereo system. Blue exterior and black leather interior. Approximately 112K miles. A must see! GPS5981@YA HOO.COM
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Culinary delights from the USA on a high gastronomic level, combined with top European specialties. You can look forward to enjoying superb international cuisine here featuring a variety of dishes and choice specialty beverages, as our freshly draft Andechser beer.
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Hours: Mon - Sat from 5 p.m. Sun from noon Tel: 0611 - 204 49 80
2006 Audi A-8 Quattro! Super Clean!! Silver Corlour! Tan Leather! Great Service History! Long Wheel Base! Laoded! Navigation! Super Nice Ride! For More Information Contact Lawrence and Maria at (39) 3466494965 or EMAIL Asking Price 17,000 Euro
2009 Mustang GT Convertible, Ford, Mustang GT Convertible, 2009, 2009 Ford Mustang GT Convertible for sale. Automatic transmission, heated seats and remote starter., $20,000, not available until May. 26peterc@
Great Condition & Priced to Sell MINI Cooper S 2010 Pepper White w/ Black Bonnet Stripes. One owner & in Great Condition. Dealer maintained! Check out the KA 2012 Mercedes-Benz M-Class online or www.ramsteinyardsa 4MATICcontact me by email:ab for more details. Email
Page 26
Herald Union
Mercedes E320, '00, Automatic, 144000 km, with alloy wheels, leather interior, DVDs in headrests, extra-fully loaded, & perfect mechanically!!! Super nice car! $8400 (or 6200 Euros) Wiesbaden, 017669350-983. Porsche Cayenne Turbo year: 2009 KM: 150.000 Fully loaded, (leather seats, Panorama Roof, Rear Entertainment System, Price New: € 140.000,00 Sale Price: €31.500 Please call: 01726235076 Tires, KUMHO 225 60 R16 102 H XL M + S ALL SEASON $350Used for 2 months before Van had to be scrapped. C: 015121481670 H: 063759946688Set of 4 on Ford 5 lug 15" rims., $350.00,
Modern style with Mediterranean flair
Kirchstraße 38 | 65239 Hochheim | Please visit: Tours in English | VAT Forms accepted
Insp.cleared 21 FEB 2014.$4000 or OBO. Auto.186,000KM.Burgundy.Int:Grey.Power windows, power sunroof, ABS brakes, dualairbags, CD player, air condit.rubber floor mats, all season tires.Please contact Christie at if interested.
2013 BMW low miles 33,500.00 USD or, BMW, 328I, 2013, 2013 4 door Imperial Blue 33,500.00 USD or 24,000 EURNavigationTechnology packageTechnology Package 17" light alloy wheels Star-spoke style Steptronic automatic transmission 2.0 tmiamor72@ya Mecedes converible for sale, Mercedes-Benz, clk 320 convertible, 2001, silver--loaded-one owFor sale is an Automatic Merce- ner-mercedes maintained-gargae des E200, 1999. Gorgeous blue- kept- summer and winter tires green color. German specs, in- with rims only 65k miles--call spections passed. No problems! 07031-280681 or email fritz_32@ Good shape - inside and outside., $12500.00, It has 270,000 km. $3700 cash please. We are in Wiesbaden. ser Mercedes E 200, Model 2000 Call 0176- tomatic, leather, power steering, breaks, windows, doors. Cruise 69342-601 or 0176-69350-983. control, Xenon lights, ABS, Stero, Good Year Ultra Grip Winter Ti- fully loaded. new oil change & batres with steel rims, 175/65 R14. terie. new winter tires. non smoExcellent condition used one win- king car - Garage kept- good conter. Rims came off Mazda 323, dition - only € 3.250 obo call 4x100. $180; Call: 0175-449-8922 0172-676 2717
Enjoy a harmonic synthesis of German-Mediterranean dishes, which assure freshness, subtle aroma and special herbs in our historic building „Dompräsenzhof“! REGULAR EVENTS • “KRUNCH”: The restaurant opens the kitchen doors for a delicous brunch • “Theme Nights”: Enjoy a great night with a special theme along with a 5-course menu • The Wine Estate - Passion instead of tradition Restaurant Hours: Mon+Tue closed | Wed+Thu 5:30 - 10 p.m. Fri 11:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. | Sat+Sun & Holidays 11:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. Vineyard Hours: Wed 6-8 p.m. | Fri 6-9 p.m. | Sat 12-2 p.m. & 6-9 p.m. Sun 2-7 p.m. | Or by appointment
I am selling 4 bmw alloy oem 15" rims taken off my `93 318i. The rims are in fair condition. Good for any BMW owner who need rims or spares. $100 ss2day@
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Toyota reliability, great milage 2.2 D4D turbo diesel engine, 6 speed transmission, front wheel drive, spacious interior. Rear seats fold flat. 2 sets of tires/ wheels Only 68000k. 9,900Euro Call 016091323360 email Volkswagen Passat, 2.0L 4 Cylinder Front Wheel Drive Turbo, Clean Car Fax Report, 86701 Miles, Color Gold W/Tan Leather, Automatic, Cruise Control, Power Windows Locks And Mirrors, AM FM CD Stereo Get Back For More Infos Thru My Email
March 13, 2014 ������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com
Have fun with the locals Cherry blossom festival March 15 - 16 Bad Dürkheim This is the season for cherry blossoms. Between the 15 and 16th of March the German Weinstrasse will full of cherry blossoms. Enjoy a nice glass of wine while taking a romantic tour through the wine-yards while enjoing the beautiful pink flowers in bloom. For more information contact the Tourist-Information in Bad Dürkheim at 06322-935140 or see
EVENTS Children’s music festival Tue, Mar 11 – Sun, Mar 16 Wiesbaden, Kinderhaus The annual Kinder Musik Festival (children’s music festival) will take place from March 11 to March 16 in the Kinderhaus Elsässer Platz in Wiesbaden. During a huge variety of workshops and concerts, the focus is on the musical education of kids. Tickets for €4 can be purchased from March 4 to 7 at the venue. For more info and a detailed program, contact the organizer at 0611-401652 or see CeBIT - info tech fair Mon, Mar 10 – Fri, Mar 14 Hannover, Messegelände Visit the world’s biggest fair for information technology from March 10 to 14 at the Messegelände Hannover. Since 1986 exhibitors from all over the world have been presenting the latest trends from the IT industry on an annual basis. This year, about 3,500 exhibitors are expected. Opening hours are everyday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tickets in advance are €55, at the box office €60. For more info see Vineyard night Fri, Mar 14 – Sat, Mar 15 Bad Dürkheim, Wurstmarktlatz Don’t miss Palatinate’s biggest open-air wine tasting, the “Weinbergnacht” (vine-
yard night) in Bad Dürkheim on March 14 and 15. On a 6 km trail, leading through the wonderful illuminated vineyards, 24 local wineries will be presenting their best wines. Tickets in advance are €15. For more info and pictures from last year, see or call the Tourist Information Bureau at 06322935140. Holland, theme year at Keukenhof Thu, Mar 20 – Sun, May 18 Holland, Keukenhof It is that time of year again where all sorts of tulips are on display from the 20th of March til the 18th of May at Keukenhof. This place is the most beautiful spring garden with over 7 million tulips and daffodils that cover over 32 acres. You can walk around the park or rent a bike or even go on a boat trip. Activities and various events are offered every weekend for people of all ages. Tickets are €15 for adults and children age (411) €7.50. For more information see Garden delights Fri, Mar 21 – Sun, Mar 23 Ludwigshafen, Friedrich-Ebert-Halle This event offers pure enjoyment as well as interesting information. A variation of creative workshops will be offered throughout the area.The event starts at 10 a.m. and will run until 6 p.m. Cost is €5. For more information see
Medieval Dinner Sat, Mar 22 Bad Kreuznach, Kauzenburg A typical medieval dinner awaits you at the castle Kauzenburg in Bad Kreuznach on March 22. During a seven course menu supported by typical music you will experience a feast in the style of the 13th century. Delicacies from knuckle of pork, to apple pie as well as plenty of water, beer and wine from local wineries will be served. Tickets for the dinner are €69 and available at Classic car expo Wed, Mar 26 – Sun, Mar 30 Essen, Messe Essen The 26th Techno-Classica Essen will be displaying vintage cars between the 26th – 30th of March at the Messe Essen. This event will excite automobile lovers of all sorts. More than 1250 exhibitors from over 30 nations will present the finest vehicles. For more information see CONCERTS Jason Derulo Fri, Mar 14 Berlin, Columbiahalle Jason Derulo, a joung multitalented artist will be performing on the14th of March in the Columbiahalle in Berlin. For tickets from €35.75 and for more information visit
More events on:
Yesterday - A tribute to the Beatles Sun, Mar 16 Mainz, Kurfürstliches Schloss Mainz Travel back in time with the show “Yesterday” a tribute to the Beatles on March 16 starting at 8 p.m. The show will include hit songs like “Let it be”, “Help” and many more performed by the band Silver Beatles. For more info and tickets from €41.95 see Backstreet Boys Fri, Mar 28 Düsseldorf, ISS Dome The Backstreet Boys are back again performing on the 28th of March at 20:00 at the ISS Dome in Düsseldorf. For tickets from €53 and info see SPORTS Volksmarching Sun, Mar 2 Lorchhausen, Bahnsteig Join the Rheinsteig Volksmarch on March 2 from 13:30 for approx. 9.5 km. Price per person is €5 and children up to age 14 are free. For more information see Hockey Sun, Mar 2 Mannheim, SAP Arena Support Adler Mannheim against ERC Ingolstadt March 2 from 14:30. Tickets start at €16 pending seat. For more information see
military IN GERMANY ..............................................................................March 13, 2014 Herald Union Page 27
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MOTORCYCLES All ads and pics on
Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash.
Getting ready to PCS. I will sell all together for $125. 1-1600 Watt $35 1-2000 Watt $30 750Watt $25 4-300 Watt $20 3-75 Watt $15 I also have a box of 220V extension cords and plug adapters that I will throw in for free if entire lot is bought.tele:015142646973
Keyboard from ASUS, black, with number pad, brand new, never used before! €5, coemser@, €5, coemser@ Lookin for Sportster parts or a bi-, pics on classke which needs some work, bas- ket case or sittin longer time too. BT Ultra Classic perhaps too. Just Keyboard from Saitek, grey, Keymake me your offer what you ha- board from Saitek, grey, with numve and we will ber pad, great condition! €5, coem, €5, coemser@, pics on Metal Slug Anthology, Wii game,
Lindberghstr. 5 Heidelberg Tel: 0 62 21-76 61 67 Tel: 0 62 21-76 61 02 Fax: 0 62 21-76 61 64 Opening Hours: Mon– Fri 9.00 –19.00 Sat 9.00 –18.00 Special arrangements possible
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World’s biggest Cuckoo-Clock the Honored with preciation Cer tificate of Ap rters, V Corps of the “Headqua y Europe” United States Arm vice and g ser for outstandin first class food!
CLOCKS • GIFTS • SOUVENIRS Full English Website incl. driving directions, payment methods etc.!
Typical bavarian i meals l and a cool beer on tap. We are looking forward to your visit! Wilhelmstraße 58-60 65183 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611 / 1667 – 101 Fax: 0611 / 1667 - 102 email: Please visit: or join us on Facebook:
Enjoy a relaxing meal on our beautiful terrace!
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Home made German cuisine! Menu available in English. Wambacher Mühle 1• 65388 Schlangenbad • Tel.: 06129/1227 15 Km from Wiesbaden, direction Rüdesheim/Bad Schwalbach Open daily from 7 a.m. until the last guest is gone •
Page 28
Herald Union
ke new!, €15,
Athletes Needed! Team Armed Forces Europe, Bodybuilding competition team seeking dedicated male and female athletes to compete in Italy May 31-June 2nd for Fitness Universe. See for details about auditions and the team.
Netgear, great condition, original $90, asking $45 obo, Tel: 015157571912 Rayman Raving Rabbits, Wii game, perfect condition, like new! €10,, €10,
SmackDown vs. Raw 2010, Wii game, like new!, €12, coemser@ Great soccer college recruitment camp here in Germany! No other Camp like this in Europe that is Small freezer, 3 drawer, 220 volt, there for our kids to be seen by good condition, $40, 0151American College Coaches. 57571912 Stearing wheel "Microsoft SidecerShowcaseCamp or email Colle winder Force Feedback" for your for more PC! Love to play auto games? info Wanna feel like yr r driving for reJesus World Outreach Center: Wiesbaden, Jesus World Outreach Center (JWOC) is a faith ministry that teaches men and women how to mix the Word of God with faith which will have an immediate impact on the world. We teach the Word of God with simplicity and understanding. Overeater's Anonymous, If food rules your life call Overeaters Anonymous. No weigh-ins, dues or fees. Meetings every Monday 1800. Landstuhl hospital chapel, building 3773. Contact for more info. The Knights of Columbus Timothy J. Maude Council 10292 will host a FREE Pancake Breakfast on 30 March 2014 at the ACS Cafeteria on Hainerberg from 1000 to 1400 hours. There will also be a Raffle with an Apple iPad-Mini Wi-Fi as the grand prize. The FREE Pancake Breakfast is open to everyone, so bring your appetite and come on out and have a good time!!!
ELECTRONICS All ads and pics on
Camerabag Crumpler "Messenger bag" for digital mirror reflex camera and equipment. Only used once, original price EURO 100, €50 OBO, pics on,
al? Then dont miss this!, pics on, €45, coemser@, pics on Super Mario Galaxy, Wii game, perfect condition, like new! €15,, €20, The Bigs Baseball, Wii Game, perfect condition, like new!, €10, The Bigs2 Baseball, Wii game, perfect condition, like new!, €10, Zelda Twilight Princess, Wii game, perfect condition, like new!, €15,
We proudly serve the US Community!
All ads and pics on
Wambacher Mühle
ANNOUNCEMENTS played once, perfect condition - li-
All ads and pics on
Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. 220 volt iron and ironing board. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674. $30, eyates9761@ Beautiful hand-made felt shoulder bag in purple with flower design, medium size, jenniferwil
Beautiful hand-made purple/pink felt flower brooch, perfect Gets over 90 UK Channels via stocking stuffer, can be pinned on your Internet Conection. Still has jackets, scarves, bags and more. 12 month Subscription and full Absolutely wow! €12, jenniferwil warranty.
March 13, 2014 ������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com
All ads and pics on
Bracelet - Brown, handmade! Beautiful accessory for any ocation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best girl friends. €10, coemser@, pics on Bracelet - Gray/Black, handmade. Beautiful accessory for any occation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best girl friends. €10, coem, pics on Candleholder: Nice candleholder, Candleholder: Nice candleholder for 4 tea lights. Perfect for your living room!, €8, pics on, coemser@ Comics & Graphic Novels - Collector and Reader, Ramstein Community Center March 15/16100s of comics and graphic novels!Vintage from the 60's and 70s and today's hottest!Contact me at cor if you would like me to bring you something.
Handbag "Alexander": Brown, leather bag, hardly used, perfect condition! €8, pics on, Handbag "clutch style": Love to go out and dont want to use a big handbag? Dont miss out on this small, black bag. Perfect for going out at night!, €8, pics on, Handbag "Esprit brand": Small bad, black leather, ideal if you only need to carry few things around with you like purse, cell phone etc., €10, pics on, Handbag: Classy black leather bag. Hardly used, perfect condition!, pics on, €20, Handbag: Classy black leather bag. Hardly used, perfect condition! €15, Jacket "Stones", perfect for men to wear in fall, 100% cotton, perfect condition, size 54 (german), €40, pics on,
Large Gym bags, 2 large Gym bags $10.00 each, spvendor@ Looking for a Metal detecting partner in the Wiesbaden area. Custom-made children's kinder- Call Frank Clemons at 06145garten bag with name. Send me a 5490684. message if you are interested in a Pore Cleanser from Tchibo, only unique bag for your child. Perfect used once, perfect condition, present. All bags are made using works great to get a clear skin!, wet-felting technique with sheep €8, pic on, coem wool, soap and water only! € neg, depending on design, jenniferwil Pumps "Life", black, hardly worn, great condition, size 9M!, Engleby from Sebastian Faulks! €8, Great book., €2, pic on class- Sandals "Life", black, always, loved to wear them. Great with Felt bag, gorgeous hand-made classy, fancy, trendy dresses or felt bag with blue design, medium pants. Size 8.5M, €8, coemser@ size, €30, jenniferwilking@hot, pics on GAP Sweatshirt: Perfect conditi- Small grey felt shoulder bag with on, like new. Size small., €8, coem mushroom design, perfect gift, €20
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Mainzer Str. 23a 65239 Hochheim ..............................................................................March 13, 2014 Herald Union Page 29
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Werther International, winter jacket for men, brown leather and FOR SALE 100% lambskin. Perfect conditiAll ads and pics on on, size 58 (german size)! â&#x201A;Ź50 OBO, pics on, Shamballa Bracelet - Black/Gray, handmade, adjustable in size, fits almost every wrist. Beautiful accessory for any ocation, any outfit. Treat yourself to something niFURNITURE ce or bring a smile to your best All ads and pics on girl friends. â&#x201A;Ź10, coemser@ Antique 100 y.o. German china cabinet, matching dining table Shamballa Bracelet - Brown/Cre- with 4 chairs. See photo on KA me, handmade, adjustable in size, classifieds web page. Contact fits almost every wrist. Beautiful Eric and Mia at 063759949674. accessory for any ocation, any â&#x201A;Ź950, outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best Antique Armoire, Nice antique Argirl friends. â&#x201A;Ź10, coemser@ miore. Bought 2000 for 1585 EUR, pics on class- in a antique shop with certifcate. To be picked up in Kaiserslautern. Now only 850 EUR, drdos331@ Shamballa Bracelet - Lilac/white, handmade, adjustable in size, fits Antique Bench, Antique bench almost every wrist. Beautiful acwith cushion seat, storage space cessory for any ocation, any outand wheels. See photo on KA fit. Treat yourself to something niclassifieds web page. Contact ce or bring a smile to your best Eric and Mia at 063759949674. girl friends. â&#x201A;Ź10, coemser@ â&#x201A;Ź600, Antique cabinet, restored antiShamballa Bracelet - Purple/whi- que cabinet. 3 doors with mirror. te, handmade, adjustable in size, 140cm wide, 2m high. Solid fits almost every wrist. Beautiful wood. To be picked up in Kaisersaccessory for any ocation, any lautern. â&#x201A;Ź350, drdos331@ outfit. Treat yourself to something nice or bring a smile to your best girl friends. â&#x201A;Ź10, coemser@ Antique corner desk. See photo on KA classifieds web page. tact Eric and Mia at Spring/Summer Bazaar at the 063759949674. â&#x201A;Ź150, English Church, Sat, April 5,10:00- 13:00 hrs at St. Augustine's, Frankfurter Str. 3, Wiesbaden, Antique French armiore with mirTel.0611-306674. Email parish@ ror doors. Louis IV style. Seeâ&#x201A;Ź per pew plus to on KA classifieds web page. Eric and Mia at home-baked cake or 10â&#x201A;Ź. Own Contact 063759949674. â&#x201A;Ź800, clothing stand 2 â&#x201A;Ź. Striped hand-made felt shoulder Antique French buffet. year 1890 bag, large, trend colors, perfect Henry II style. See photo on KA gift, â&#x201A;Ź30, jenniferwilking@hot classifeds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674. â&#x201A;Ź1000, Sweatshirt von GAP, perfect con- dition, like new. Size small., â&#x201A;Ź7, Antique French sofa. See photo pics on, coem on KA classifieds web page. tact Eric and Mia at
Mo-Fr: 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Sa: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday emergency hours 11 a.m. - 1p.m.
SmartVet-Practice in Pflanzen KĂślle Hagenauer Str. 38 65203 Wiesbaden phone: 0611 2400641
The Notebook from Nicholas Sparks - wonderful book!, â&#x201A;Ź3, pic on, coemser@
S. Servicemembers and their families in Germany. Fully guaranteed and highly recommended, visit or call Michael on 01578 4972338.
Inlaid Wooden End Table. Sorrento style. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674. â&#x201A;Ź30,
Antique secretary desk. See photos on KA classifieds web page. Eric and Mia at Tommy Hilfiger Jacket for men, Contact â&#x201A;Ź120, great condition, 100% cotton, si- 063759949674. ze 54, â&#x201A;Ź50, pics on class-, Beautiful sideboard, cherrywood veneer The sideboard is in very Transformers, Multiple 220 volt good condition with normal signs transformers. 4 X 300 watt for $40 of usage. Very decorative, beautieach and 1 X 75 watt for $20. ful eye-catcher for your home. Contact Eric and Mia at 97cm high, 193cm wide, 37cm de063759949674. $40, eyates9761@ ep, â&#x201A;Ź350, drdos331@gmail. Couch With Recamiere, 2 & 1/2 T-Shirt "America", perfect condi- seats Couch with recamiere with tion, like new, size small!, â&#x201A;Ź8, pics storage space under recamiere. sion, coemser@ ze 2.35cm X 0.53cm, recamiere 1.60cm X 0.80cm, color: terracotTwo brand new bikes in mint con- ta., â&#x201A;Ź500, earnest.epps@t-onli dition, 500 euro. Helmet, light, Tel. Cell 01737406216 bell, rain cover, chain and lock, Foxy lady, small felt shoulder bag back carrying clasp, & detachable with fox design. Discover your front basket included. krgween@ wild side! All bags are completely environmentally friendly made We offer premium car wrapping, with wool, soap and water onjenniferwilking@hot window tinting, racing stripes, rim ly!â&#x201A;Ź25, painting and repair tax-free to U.
March 13, 2014 ������������������������������������������������������������������������� www�herald-union�com
FURNITURE All ads and pics on
From custom Bavarian furniture maker - solid honey oak. Corner bench is 2m x 2m. With 2 traditional oak charis. Table top is 3" think oak with drawer. 15 years old but will last a lifetime. Masterful dovetail and joinery. Great condition. Great for those Germanstyle breakfasts.gauangeles@ya Original oil painting by Paul MorroOil on canvas. The subject is a colorful bouquet of flowers in a gray vase.The picture is framed with a broad, elaborate wooden frame. 85 x 95cm. Purchased 1978 – now only 590€, drdos331@ Sleeper Sofa, Queen size sleeper sofa, must pick up at Luxembourg American Cemetery. $50.00, or (00352)26361883
All ads and pics on
There have been reports of pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest professional standards. Please choose your pet carefully. Make sure you check the credentials of the people selling the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/ or other proof of healthy condition. For further advice, consult your Veterinarian.
Professional Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front. For cleaning services, arrange for payments after a final walk-through and inspection of the clean house.
Dog Kennel, Dog kennel made of galvanized metal, comes apart for shipping, upgradable in size with parts from manufacturer, metal gate, includes dog house that fits inside, must pick up at LuxemWooden bookshelf. See photo bourg American Cemetery. on KA classifieds web page. Con- $300.00. Contact cahilldd@ya tact Eric and Mia at or (00352)26361883 063759949674. $150, Excellent Starter Pet, Reverse Okeetee Albino Corn Snake - 1 y/ o. Healthy & PERFECT pet! Super Easy to care for! Includes compleJOBS te tank set. VERY Friendly - Does All ads and pics on NOT bite! Contact Ruth @ 01609559-4445. Photos on www.class**NEED HELP**, im looking for so- me help I need a side josb doing something to earn extra money. i Pair of Pretty Budgies (male & fecan do almost anything I have car male) are looking for a home. MaI can drive an please feel free to le is hand tame. Pair comes with call me anytime at 015129148662 XL cage & includes nesting box, bath, toys, food & more. Contact god bless you Ruth @ 01609-559-4445 if you would like to make them a part of your family. Photos are on PERSONAL Target practice, eco warrior shoulder bag, hand-made felt, environmentally friendly bag made using only wool, water and soap, €25,
All ads and pics on
Harley friends, Lookin for friends, female/male who likes harleys, works on them, who are into Rock music, good food, havin fun, BBQ, beeing outside and enjoying a good time together. Just email me and we will see when we can I am w/a/m 70 year old widower. I am 73" tall 175lbs in good health and looking for an attractive slim woman 60/70 years for friendship and a possible relationship.I enjoy traveling and fine things. You can contact me at 06131-4949643 or 015231807184.
All ads and pics on
Beautiful-Sweet-Gentle-SoundSafe South German Cold Blood (Bavarian Oberlander) Horse Team. Both Horses Drive a carriage & can be ridden. Mare-10 y/o & Gelding-15 y/o. Both come with Pferdepass. Please call Ruth at 01609-559-4445. More Info. & photos at:
Super Cuddly Bunny, Perfect pet, easy care & super friendly male Lion Head Bunny. This 1 y/o was a rescue & is looking for a permanent home. Cage, pet items & food included. He loves to be held and cuddled! Call Ruth: 01609-559-4445 to make him part of your family.
MOBILE DOG TRAINING I come to your home! Cell: 0170-204 0880
Search through our classified ad categories to find the perfect items in need of upcycling and to re-create the fun ideas of our bloggers!
Commission free home finding services for Soldiers, Civilians & Families. Contracts acc. to Housing standards. We have developed a great understanding for the special needs of short term living personnel. Our scope of service includes: Renting to American Government officials Purchase by American Government officials Property management of real estate incl. maintenance housing standards. For more information please send us an email: or just give us a call at 0611 / 205 46 116
• SCAR SPARING breast REDUCTIONS – even in large reductions! No T-shaped scars! • NEW breast LIFT techniques – reshaping your breast – providing a perky look! • Breast AUGMENTATION procedures We accept 19% VAT forms • TRICARE preferred provider Dr. Bianca Knoll • Savignystr. 61 • 60325 Frankfurt • Fon: 069-7422-7979 Email: •
Cosmetic surgery - Free consultaion • Breast augmentation, lift and reduction • Liposuction/lipo transfer • tummy tuck surgery • body contouring after massive weight loss • male breast • botox • fillers • fat transfer (treatment of wrinkles)
Prof. Dr. Ralf-Thomas Michel
VAT-forms accepted • Free consultation
Member of German Society of Plastic and reconstructive Surgery.
Office - Phone: 06062 - 26 67 84 • Hotline: 0160 - 91 92 78 45 • w w w . p r o f - d r - m i c h e l . c o m
Skin Care Center Wiesbaden
Dr. Peter Broichmann & Colleagues
Dermatology Dermatosurgery Allergies (hay-fever, asthma, eczema) Psoriasis Cosmetic Dermatology (wrinkles, fillers, anti-aging) Laser treatment (epilation, warts, moles, kouperosis, wrinkles, sun-spots)
Kirchgasse 42-44 65183 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611 - 30 51 10
HAUS BELSBACH Kennel for dogs and cats
Phone 0611-421185 Cell 01573-5283573
Silvia Pässler Auf der Aulenkaut 12 a · 65199 Wiesbaden
Professional Military & Family Photography
As a commander or first sergeant of a military unit you may want to create a visible history of your unit. Visit our website for more details and contact:
- Individual planning - Use your LQA / OHA / BAH to purchase your home in Germany - Available to servicemembers, government civilians and contractors - Financing available Germany wide with 0% down - Property acquisition in the areas of Kaiserslautern, Mainz, Wiesbaden, Stuttgart, Mannheim / Heidelberg, Spangdahlem, Bitburg - More than 10 years experience
Dr. med. Bernd Ditter Dr. med. Ulrike von Reyher
Daily appointments possible Years of experience with TRICARE Long cooperation with the U.S. military Prescriptions written in U.S. military style/ possible to process using email Service-oriented/geared to patient needs Excellent contacts with other medical specialists Family doctor/General Practitioner Two large parking garages close by Near the Wiesbaden city center
Dr. med. Bernd Ditter
Open hours: Mon - Fri: 8.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. Mon, Tue, Thur: 15.00 p.m. - 18.00 p.m.
Friedrichstraße 29 • 65185 Wiesbaden
E-Mail: bernd.ditter@ Tel: 06 21 - 15 03 00 58
0611 - 37 00 53 or 30 41 30 0611 - 9 92 59 21
Dr. med. Ulrike von Reyher ..............................................................................March 13, 2014 Herald Union Page 31
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