Warrior champions
Retiree Appreciation
Ask the commander
Athletes shine at golf, tennis, football, volleyball championships. See page 12.
Information fair dedicated to those who served. See page 6.
Wiesbaden leads the way — in traffic accidents. See page 2.
erald Union H Vol. XVI, No. 3
Wiesbaden: Your home in Germany
Wellness Center
Nov. 7, 2013
New facility aimed at helping community members build, sustain healthy lifestyles mander, said the facility expands local health care U.S. Army Garrison by focusing on improving Wiesbaden Public Affairs the lives of military health Office care recipients. The Wiesbaden military “Our average Soldiers community celebrated its and family members come latest quality-of-life imto our health clinics approvement — the opening proximately five times a of the Wiesbaden Army year, or approximately 100 Wellness Center — Nov. minutes. The other 525,000 1 on Clay Kaserne. minutes throughout the “As a garrison comyear we are all making mander in one of the choices that affect our Army’s most rapidly transshort-term and long-term forming communities, I’ve health,” Hughes said, “for had the opportunity to cut a Lt. Col. Michael Hughes, Wiesbaden better and for worse. lot of ribbons and dig lots of Health Clinic commander, talks “The Army Wellness holes in the ground,” said about the value added by Wies- Center Wiesbaden is this Col. David Carstens, U.S. baden’s new Wellness Center. community’s newest reArmy Garrison Wiesbaden the Army’s Ready and Resilsource that will empower commander. “Without question, ient Campaign. It will provide people to build, sustain and no ribbon cutting done on my Soldiers, civilians and family manage their health through watch will have meant more to members with health assess- individualized plans to achieve obtaining the wellness of our ments, tools and education behavioral change and ultiforce in Wiesbaden than this aimed at improving their overall mately improve their health,” one today.” health and readiness. he added. Enhancing sleep, activity The $400,000 renovation Calling the Wellness Center project, which saw the reloca- opening “a critical milestone,” and nutrition are among the corSee Wellness Center tion of Heidelberg’s Wellness Lt. Col. Michael Hughes, on page 3 Center to Wiesbaden, supports Wiesbaden Health Clinic comStory and photos by Karl Weisel
Photo by Karl Weisel
Having a ghoulish good time
Amy Congdon, a Family Advocacy Program victim advocate, gets into the spirit of Halloween while handing out goodies at the Army Community Service trick-ortreat event Oct. 31. More than 500 children enjoyed the ACS Halloween party — one of many including haunted houses courtesy of Wiesbaden BOSS, Amelia Earhart Playhouse and 1-214th Aviation Regiment.
USAREUR to dedicate new headquarters building
Photo by Staff Sgt. Brooks Fletcher
USAREUR’s new headquarters will be named in honor of Lt. Gen. Geoffrey Keyes.
U.S. Army Europe will commemorate its headquarters building to an important past leader Nov. 14. Lt. Gen. Donald Campbell Jr., USAREUR commander, will dedicate the new headquarters building to Lt. Gen. Geoffrey Keyes in a ceremony to be held at Building 1042 on Clay Kaserne at 4 p.m. “I think it is a fitting tribute to commemorate the selfless service and enduring contributions of Lt. Gen. Geoffrey Keyes to United States Army Europe,” said Campbell. Keyes’ ties to the U.S. Army in Europe go back to his command of Seventh Army, which played a significant role in post-war Germany. While the dedication is to commemorate the lasting impression Keyes had on USAREUR and its European
allies, it also recognizes a family with a long history of service ranging from the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and the Spanish-American War. “Lt. Gen. Keyes comes from a family with a strong patriotic history of service to our nation,” Campbell said. “We are honored that members of the Keyes family will be able to be with us here in Germany to mark this historic dedication.” Family members who will be in attendance include Dorsey Chescavage, Keyes’ granddaughter; her husband, retired Col. William A. Chescavage; and cousin, William Broughton. The command invites Soldiers, civilians and family members to attend this historic event.
Commentary How USAREUR fits in the Army’s strategic vision in support of combatant commanders to defend the nation Commander of U.S. Army and its interests at home and Europe abroad, both today and against At the recent Association emerging threats. of the United States Army’s To achieve this vision, Annual Meeting, our 38th the CSA has set five strategic Chief of Staff of the Army, priorities for the Army, and Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, USAREUR plays a vital role rolled out his strategic pri- Lt. Gen. Donald in contributing to each: orities, which will serve as M. Campbell ? Adaptive Army Leadthe basis for the objectives Jr., U.S. Army ers for a Complex World outlined in the upcoming Europe comincludes educating and devel2014 Army Strategic Plan- mander oping all Soldiers and civilning Guidance. I would like to take this ians to grow the intellectual capacity to opportunity to discuss those priorities understand the complex contemporary and how they pertain to our mission security environment to better lead here in USAREUR. Army, joint, interagency, and multinaFirst, the Army’s strategic vision is tional task forces and teams. that our all-volunteer force will remain ? A Globally Responsive and the most highly trained and professional Regionally Engaged Army requires us land force in the world. It is uniquely to maintain a responsive force posture organized with the capability to provide and effective network of installations expeditionary, decisive land power to the and capabilities to protect U.S. interests joint force and ready to perform across and those of our allies. We need to shape the range of military operations — to and set theaters for regional commanders prevent conflict, shape the environ- employing unique total Army characment, and if necessary, win decisively teristics and capabilities to influence By Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr.
the security environment, build trust, develop relationships and gain access through rotational forces, multilateral exercises, military-to-military engagements, coalition training and other opportunities. This is something that we do well on a daily basis and will continue to improve upon. ? A Ready and Modern Army means conducting tough, realistic multiechelon home station training using our live, virtual and constructive capabilities to efficiently and effectively assure individual, leader and unit competencies. Our Joint Multinational Training Command already leverages multi-echelon joint and multinational command post exercises, staff rides and simulations. In the future we will continue to develop more creative and cost-effective ways to train with our allies and partners. ? Soldiers Committed to Our Army Profession focuses on renewing the foundation of our Army’s strength daily by living the values of our profession and exhibiting the character, competence and commitment that are hallmarks of an Army professional. We
must continue to build the comprehensive physical, mental, emotional and spiritual resiliency of our Soldiers, civilians and their families to enable them to thrive personally and professionally. The premier all-volunteer Army deserves our commitment and responsibility to provide benefits and high quality services such as morale, welfare and recreation, education assistance, exchanges, housing, dependent schools, commissaries, and child and youth programs, that are components of a professional force dedicated to the Army for the long term. These priorities and the strategic guidance will provide the total Army and USAREUR a definitive statement of our mission as we look ahead to build upon our hard-earned experiences of the previous decade of war and toward a future that poses distinct challenges of its own. Over the next few months I will talk about each of these priorities and how they relate to and affect our mission. I am confident that no matter what is asked of our team, we will continue to be the force the Army and nation, need here in Europe.
Ask the commander ... Ask the commander Editor ’s note: Have something you’d like to share with the commander? Visit the garrison’s Facebook page (Garrison Wiesbaden), send an ICE comment or contact the Commander’s Hotline (click the Feedback link on the garrison home page).
We are two times the Army average for traffic accidents. The majority of these occur in parking lots at places such as the Hainerberg Shopping Center, Commissary, Clay Col. David parking garage and Carstens, U.S. at the Postal SerArmy Garrison vice Center. StatisWiesbaden tics show that these commander types of accidents Traffic accident have increased by 50 zone percent over last year. Col. Carstens commented: While no serious injuries To put it bluntly — there are sim- have yet occurred due to people ply too many traffic accidents improperly clearing the rear in the Wiesbaden military com- before backing out, if people munity. And most are the fault don’t make more of an effort to of drivers not taking the time to concentrate on the job at hand properly ensure their vehicles — to always be situationally are cleared of all obstacles and aware and entirely focused on pedestrians before backing out driving — there’s no predicting of parking spaces. when the first serious accident
will happen. Before getting into your car, walk around the vehicle and see how much room is available on all sides. Use a ground guide if possible when the least bit unsure about available space. Always back out extremely slowly and check all mirrors in addition to looking over your shoulder before proceeding. Look for hidden hazards and accurately gauge the available space, being especially on the lookout for smaller individuals and children who may suddenly appear in your blind spot. Another important consideration is to never compromise your driving abilities with distractions. Don’t use a cell phone while driving (it’s against German law), keep the radio off while backing out and stay alert. Leave plenty of time to get to and from work — don’t
Unfortunately, judging from the number of fender-benders that consistently appear on our weekly blotter reports, too many drivers are not taking the time to properly judge clearance when navigating through community parking areas. I ask all of you to please, slow down, concentrate and do the right thing.
Driving on farm roads rush — that’s frequently when accidents take place. And also, don’t overly rely on backup sensor devices — they don’t tell the whole story and may not reveal every obstacle. In the next several weeks you’ll be seeing yellow “Traffic Accident Zone” signs in high traffic areas around the community. They advise drivers to “check rear view mirror.”
Herald Union published by The Herald Union, printed exclusively for members of U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden, is an authorized, unofficial Army newspaper published under the provisions of AR 360-1. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. government or the Department of Defense. The editorial content is the responsibility of the USAG Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office. No payment is made for contributions. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for sale, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. This is a biweekly newspaper published by AdvantiPro GmbH and printed by Oggersheimer Druckzentrum. Circulation is 6,000 copies. For display advertising rates call Sabine Vogl at civ (0631) 3033 5537, email; classified advertising rates call Isabell Smith at civ (0631) 3033 5531 or post at Editorial offices are in Building 1205 on Clay Kaserne. Address: USAG Wiesbaden, Herald Union, Unit 29623 Box 60, APO AE 09005-9623; Telephone: mil 337-7405; civ (0611) 705-7405; Email:; Home page:
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Herald Union
Matt H. asked: What is the garrison policy regarding the farm roads outside of the back gate? Are they allowed for Soldier individual running/cycling, unit PRT and/or driving? Response: Matt, thanks for giving me the opportunity to once again stress that the paths behind Clay Kaserne’s South Gate (by Mechtildshausen and around Newman Housing) are See Ask the commander on page 3
Command and newspaper staff USAG Wiesbaden Commander..................Col. David H. Carstens USAG Wiesbaden Command Sergeant Major .......................................Command Sgt. Maj. Sa’eed A. Mustafa Public Affairs Officer.......................................Anemone Rueger Editor....................................................Karl Weisel (mil 337-7405) Associate Editor................................Chrystal Smith (mil 337-1400)
Nov. 7, 2013...........................................................................
News and features News flash Inclement weather updates
Be sure to tune in to AFN radio (FM 98.7) starting at 6 a.m. weekdays to hear the latest road, traffic and school closure information. Community members can also call the Weather Hotline at civ (0611) 705-7245 or 6101, check the Garrison Wiesbaden Facebook page or click on the Weather and Road Conditions link on the garrison’s home page ( for the latest updates on delays and closures due to weather.
AFAP Conference
Wiesbaden’s annual Army Family Action Plan Conference, delayed because of the government shutdown, has been rescheduled to Nov. 18-19. If you still have topics to be discussed or want to volunteer to get involved, please call Annikka Trabucco at civ (0611) 4080-254.
Snow and ice response
The U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden’s Directorate of Public Works provides snow and ice removal after major storms. Priority is given to clearing the airfield taxiways, garrison-controlled roads and common area walkways. The city of Wiesbaden clears road in open housing areas giving priority to city bus routes, then major roads feeding to city bus routes and then residential areas. Housing residents are responsible for clearing sidewalks from the front door to the parking space. Newman Village residents are also responsible for clearing the sidewalks in front of their quarters. Tenant units/activities are responsible for clearing the steps leading to their facilities while DPW crews will clear the steps of public facilities.
Veterans Day observance
Community members are invited to show their respects during a Veterans Day observance Nov. 7 at 11 a.m. at Veterans Park on Clay Kaserne. During that time the Main Gate will be closed to vehicle traffic. Veterans Park is located just inside Clay Kaserne by the Main Gate — across from the 5th Signal Command Headquarters.
CFC-Overseas extended
There is still plenty of time to give to this year’s Combined Federal Campaign. The deadline has been extended through Dec. 6. Help support the charities of your choice by giving through the annual federal workforce fund-raising campaign. See your unit or organization keyperson for an allotment form or visit for more information and to donate online.
AAFES photo contest
Win a diamond Juno Lucina pendant worth more than $300 in the Army and Air Force Exchange Service “Mom and Baby” photo contest through Nov. 14. Authorized shoppers ages 18 and older can enter by submitting a photo of mom and baby to with “Mom and Baby Photo Sweepstakes” in the subject line. Visit for more information.
Photo by Karl Weisel
Sending a greeting for the holidays American Forces Network Wiesbaden’s Sgt. Marlon Styles captures holiday greetings from 5th Signal Command’s Sgt. 1st Class Nathan Hale, his wife Leah and son Michael at the Hainerberg Shopping Center Oct. 29. The greetings of Wiesbaden military community members will be aired on stateside television stations during the holiday season.
Wellness Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
provide tools and education to address Continued from page 1 those reducing the negative impact. nerstones of the Surgeon General’s strategy, Hughes said, explaining Army Wellness Center services are that changing lifestyles as part of an also available to retirees, officials said. overall effort to prevent future health The center’s six core programs concerns is the ultimate goal. include a health assessment review, “Army Wellness Center offer physical fitness, healthy nutrition, services that help achieve lifestyle stress management, general wellness change to prevent chronic diseases and tobacco education. Center staff like diabetes, heart disease and members take a holistic approach when stroke,” he said. serving clients taking into account all of the individual’s physical, psychoThe Wellness Center can help unit logical and social circumstances. leaders by conducting onsite unit assessments aimed at improving strength, The 3,000-square-foot facility is flexibility and cardio-respiratory fit- Kurt Peterson, a Wellness staffed by nurse and health educators. ness. It also offers Soldiers stress man- Center nurse educator, Referrals can be made by medical agement tools, Carstens said, such as talks about the Bod Pod providers or unit commanders and biofeedback to teach individuals how with Sgt. 1st Class Randall self-referrals are always welcome, to control their stressors effectively, Jackson during the center officials said. wellness coaching to help set realistic opening. The Wiesbaden Army Wellness goals and sleep education classes. Center, located in Building 1201 on Clay Kaserne “The center will provide metabolic testing and (above the Warrior Transition Unit), is open weekdays basic nutrition education,” Carstens explained, and it from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To make an appointment will help individuals identify health risk factors and call mil 337-6816 or civ (0611) 705-6816.
Ask the commander . . . . . . . . . . . .
Continued from page 2 strictly for farm use traffic only — not to be used as a shortcut for privately owned vehicle traffic. While runners, pedestrians and cyclists are welcome to share the roads with farm traffic, all other drivers will be ticketed by the German police.
Good Samaritans
Kathy M. commented: Thank you, thank you to the good citizen who turned in my ID card to the
Military Police — and a special thanks for the MP tracking down my husband’s unit and bringing it there for me. I didn’t even know it was lost, so you both made my day. Response: Once again, an example of the great people who help make “Wiesbaden: Your home in Germany.” Kathy, thanks for sharing your gratitude and reflecting the caring individuals who live and work in the Wiesbaden military community. ..............................................................................Nov. 7, 2013
Herald Union
Page 3
News and features From the blotter
Compiled by the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Directorate of Emergency Services
Oct. 17 Traffic accident — A noncommissioned officer is being charged with a traffic accident: Fleeing the scene, failure to re-register a privately owned vehicle and failure to judge proper distance. Vehicle damage/vandalism — A Soldier became a victim when an unknown person fled the scene after damaging the Soldier’s vehicle while parked in Crestview Housing.
Oct. 18 Drunk Driving — A civilian employee is being charged with driving while intoxicated, fleeing the scene of a traffic accident and civilian misconduct.
Oct. 19 Larceny — An NCO is being charged with larceny of private property $100 and more.
Oct. 21 Theft — A Soldier became a victim when an unknown person stole various items from the Soldier’s vehicle while it was parked in Hainerberg Housing. Forgery — An NCO is being charged with forgery.
Oct. 22
Conspiracy — Two Soldiers are being charged with conspiracy to commit offense or counterfeiting and possession of marijuana.
Oct. 24 Bribery — An NCO is being charged with bribery. Assault — Two family members are being charged with simple assault and civilian misconduct. Insult to law enforcement officer — A civilian employee is being charged with insult to a law enforcement officer, failure to obey traffic control devices and civilian misconduct.
Oct. 26 Tax evasion — An officer is being charged with tax evasion, misuse of the Value Added Tax relief program, misuse of tax-free fuel privileges and failure to obey order or regulation.
Oct. 27 Vehicle damage/vandalism — A civilian employee became a victim when an unknown person fled the scene after damaging the employee’s vehicle while it was parked at the Hainerberg Exchange.
Oct. 28 Vehicle damage/vandalism — An NCO became a victim when an unknown person fled the scene after damaging the Soldier’s vehicle while it was parked on Clay Kaserne. Traffic accident — An NCO is being charged with a traffic accident: Failure to yield the right of way.
Oct. 29 Traffic accident — A family member is being charged with a traffic accident: Failure to judge proper distance. Failure to obey regulation — Two family members are being charged with allowing an unlicensed person to operate a vehicle, operating a vehicle without a valid license and civilian misconduct.
Oct. 30 Drunk and disorderly — An NCO is being charged with drunk and disorderly conduct, disrespect to a senior NCO and failure to obey order or regulation.
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Herald Union
James Hamiliton, U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt vice consul, talks about the immigration visa process at Wiesbaden Army Community Service Oct. 25.
Getting an immigrant visa
Don’t wait till last minute to apply
Story and photo by Chrystal Smith
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
Some military families are realizing too late that the process of acquiring an immigrant visa should begin long before trying to relocate to the United States. Members of the U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt’s Consular Section took time to enlighten community members during an information session Oct. 25 at Army Community Service. “More people need the service than we realize, even people you don’t think would,” said Jodie DeLeon, ACS Relocation technician. “We bring the consulate to them so they can get the questions they have answered.” DeLeon said many have inquired of the ACS about various details of the immigration process. “We have a lot of family members who are not U.S. citizens. They want to start the process and don’t know where to start,” she said, adding, “This education is not only for the community, but also for us at ACS.” Military and U.S. citizens should know that marriage does not automatically absolve one of completing the immigration process. Any family member who is not a U.S. citizen will need an immigrant visa to live in the United States permanently or indefinitely. “I’ve heard people tell me, ‘just get married and they will have to give her a visa,’” said Staff Sgt. Jose Espinoza, Wiesbaden Warrior Transition Unit, who said he attended the session to get accurate information about obtaining a visa for his fiancee. “They think they can fly on your orders, and that is not true. They can visit but they cannot stay.” Jim Hamilton, Consular Section vice consul, said the consulate is interested in keeping military families together when they Permanently Change Stations, so he and his team have been conducting this type of outreach to ensure the right information is getting out to the people who need it. “We don’t like it when families are separated because of the immigration process,” he said. “We’re always trying to help the military.”
Those seeking to obtain an immigration visa should know that it is a three-part process — the petition, interview and U.S. point-of-entry inspection for a green card — that typically takes six months. There are also various fees — filing, visa application and visa issuance — that add up to more than $800 per petition. The U.S. citizen makes the request for the family member by submitting an I-130 Petition to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service. If you are assigned to Germany, you should file your petition at the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt. Review by the Department of Homeland Security element can take about 90-120 days. Approved petitions are then sent to the consulate, and the Consular Section’s Immigrant Visa Unit contacts the applicant. Hamilton said a formal letter accompanying the petition can help military applicants. “It’s possible, but it doesn’t necessarily speed up the process,” he said. Consular officials advised that during the wait for the petition’s approval, applicants should gather the required documents; but not submit them until prompted by the Immigrant Visa Unit. The list includes passports, certificates — birth, police, and marriage, divorce and death, records — court and prison, and military, photographs, evidence of support, custody statement and translations. Within one week after petition approval, IVU contacts the applicant, gives specific instructions and schedules an interview. In that time applicants are instructed to submit required forms and documents and to undergo a medical exam. The interview is generally scheduled within three weeks. And, if all paperwork is complete and in order, the applicant should receive the visa within 10 days following the interview. When the immigrant visa holder enters the United States he or she is processed for a Permanent Resident Card or Green Card, initiated by the Department of Customs and Border Patrol. More detailed information is available at the consulate’s website at http://germany.usembassy.
Nov. 7, 2013...........................................................................
News and features
FARP lets aviators refuel quickly, safely Story and photo by Sgt. Daniel Cole U.S. Army Europe Public Affairs Office
Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 214th Aviation Regiment demonstrated the effectiveness of Forward Arming and Refueling Point fueling operations during a training session observed by members of the Defense Logistic Agency’s Europe and Africa program and an exchange officer with the French Army’s military fuel service. The event was coordinated by members of the Petroleum and Water Branch of the U.S. Army Europe’s logistics directorate (G4). The Oct. 9 training focused on operating a FARP using the Army’s Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck Tanker Aviation Refueling System. The basic HTARS setup uses the HEMTT in its M978 tanker truck configuration as a fuel source, and employs multiple hoses and nozzles to create up to four temporary fuel points. FARP operations allow helicopters such as Black Hawks,
Chinooks, Apaches and Kiowas to be serviced at forward locations quickly and safely while running, rapidly returning to battle or training. Sgt. Marlon Montufar, a petroleum supply specialist assigned to the 1-214th’s distribution platoon, explained that a FARP can also be set up using sources such as rubber fuel bladders — known as “blivets” in Army slang — or in-ground tanks, and can be established at almost any location accessible to vehicles and helicopters. The training began with a tour of the M978 carrying a 2,500-gallon tank, a fuel and water separator, and multiple hoses for dispensing fuel or removing fuel from aircraft and vehicles. The Soldiers explained each major part to create an overall picture of how the fuel system works from the tanker, through the hose and nozzles, and into the aircraft. Safety is paramount in FARP operations. Fuel handlers scout and mark out FARP locations carefully to identify and mitigate possible hazards and
Sgt. Brandon Davenport, 1-214th Aviation, describes the components of a HEMTT to Maj. Cyrille Cardonna, a French military engineer, during training in Wiesbaden. ensure safe aircraft and fueling operations. They take measures to safeguard the environment as well, operating in a way that minimizes the risk of fuel spills. After making sure all safety checks and preparations had been completed, the command was given to allow a Black Hawk helicopter to land to receive fuel. Replicating a real battlefield scenario, Montufar and Spc. Terrance Beal waited in a kneeling position until the aircraft’s crew chief dismounted and gave
the signal for them to approach the helicopter and dispense fuel. Once in motion the operation moved quickly. Within minutes the aircraft was filled, the fuel nozzle detached from it and placed into a safety pan, and the fuel handlers returned to their kneeling position to wait for the Black Hawk to take off to return to the fight. “They executed flawlessly,” said 2nd Lt. Nalton Green, the distribution platoon leader. “They come out and they test the equipment, and when it is
time to execute they can get up and go and get it done.” Maj. Cyrille Cardona, a military engineer with France’s military fuel branch — the Service des Essences des Armees — was on hand to watch. Cardona said the training was very interesting and he was impressed by the fuel handlers’ performance. He said learning the methods and equipment used by U.S. Soldiers is a valuable asset that enhances interoperability. DLA-E/A, which provides combat logistics support to U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command, facilitated Cardona’s visit as part of an officer exchange program designed to build skills and USAREUR’s European partnerships. DLA-EA’s Carl Varner said the program gives officers an opportunity to learn the various techniques and equipment used by their allies and partners. Under the program, exchange officers spend approximately three weeks observing training and operations at various U.S. units.
Photo by Karl Weisel
ACS celebrates Halloween
Jodie and Rolando DeLeon hand out goodies to young trick-or-treaters at Wiesbaden’s Army Community Service Oct. 31. The staff went all out in helping younger community members enjoy the holiday. ..............................................................................Nov. 7, 2013
Herald Union
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News and features
Retiree Appreciation Day Showing continued support for those who served
Head to the Thrift Shop Holiday Boutique for a host of gift ideas and selections.
Holiday Boutique
Get a head start on the holidays with help from the WCSC Thrift Shop Looking for inexpensive gift ideas? Stop by the Wiesbaden Community Spouses Club’s Thrift Shop Holiday Boutique. Located across from the Power Zone on MainzKastel Storage Station, it will be open Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the first and third Saturdays In November and December from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tucked away at the MainzKastel Storage Station (across from the shoppette), the WCSC Thrift Shop is housed in a space reminiscent of the bargain shopping stores people frequent in the United States. There’s something for everyone, including a wellstocked baby section complete with cribs and rocking chairs, curtains of all sizes and styles, and winter coats for every member of the family. Now, in anticipation of the holiday shopping season, the thrift shop staff is opening another shopping space directly across from the Power Zone filled to the brim with everything needed to create holiday magic in the home.
Page 6
According to thrift shop manager Christy Nichols, the boutique will house ornaments, holiday decor, Christmas mugs, virtually everything the shopper needs to get into the holiday spirit. Additionally, there will be holiday and gift-themed baskets of all sizes that will be very easy on the holiday gift-giving budget. Donations and consignments are currently being accepted for the holiday boutique. Community members can bring them to the Thrift Shop during regular business hours of Tuesday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the first and third Saturday of the month from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Thrift Shop is completely self-supporting and is run by its hard-working volunteer workforce. All profits are returned to the community in the form of scholarships and welfare grants. If you are interested in volunteering to work at the Thrift Shop send an email to wcscthriftsho@ (Information courtesy of WCSC)
Herald Union
medical assistance if needed. Retirees and their families were given the opportunity to receive flu shots and Story and photos ophthalmolby Spc. Glenn M. ogy exams. Anderson There were U.S. Army Europe Public Affairs Office also various information U.S. Army Garrison Retired Master Sgt. Merrill Phillips gets a flu shot booths, such Wiesbaden hosted more from the Wiesbaden Health Clinic’s Pfc. Kim Gois as medical inthan 200 retired service during the Retiree Appreciation Day. surance and and family members at veterinarian the annual Army ReWiesbaden Community Activservices, to provide the retirees tiree Appreciation Day Oct. 26. ity Center was filled to capacity with useful information. The event was aimed at by veterans who ranged from “I think this is a great event,” honoring the service of veterans World War II and Korean War said retired Staff Sgt. Rual by providing them with retiree veterans to the more recent Stancil Jr. “It brings to the table health care services and benefi- wartime retirees. a lot of information for retirees cial information to better their living in Europe, and we also Health care concerns lifestyles here, organizers said. have the opportunity to get a One of the key issues of “This is one of seven Retirelot of things completed such as veterans was health care. Round ment Appreciation Days that benefits, news in the community table meetings were held durare held throughout U.S. Army and things that you can do later ing the day to address those Europe annually to bring all the on down the road, and this helps concerns. retired service members who others.” “I think that the retirees want to come and update their “I try to make it every year to records and finances and get understand limitations that we this event because I like to keep have in regards to health care health counseling, simple health up with the new information for them,” said Col. Judith procedures, and preventive that is going on in Europe and A. Lee, Landstuhl Regional medicine and tests done,” said going on outside,” said Stancil. Medical Center commander and retired Sgt. Maj. Dave Stewart, a “As far as other friends who are keynote speaker. “We do have member of the Army in Europe disabled and not able to travel, about 400 retirees enrolled in Retiree Council and the chief I can return and tell them what the Tricare Plus program here in of staff of the Army Retiree is being done and what will Wiesbaden, and it is unfortunate Council. “Here in Wiesbaden happen in the future. I would that we cannot enroll them all, there are several opportunities to get a lot of those issues taken but there is very good health encourage everybody who is care on the German economy.” retired and living in Europe care of.” Lee went on to say that for so many years like myself USAREUR officials were retirees are not forgotten and to come out and see what they also present to show their described some of the changes can do in order to help the comsupport. Guest speaker Brig. coming for retirees to receive munity and help themselves.” Gen. Walter E. Piatt, Joint
Multinational Training Center commander, was joined by other top USAREUR military and civilian officials who took time to speak with retirees and hear their concerns. “These retirement appreciation days are critically important so that these retirees can first of all get the awareness of the services that we have as well as getting their records updated,” said USAREUR Command Sgt. Maj. David S. Davenport. “Plus it is our way of saying thanks, and we appreciate their service Retirees and their family members participate in a round to our country.” table discussion with military personnel during the RetirAlmost every seat at the ee Appreciation Day Oct. 26.
Nov. 7, 2013...........................................................................
USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
PWOC gets to root of faith, fellowship By Chrystal Smith
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
Wiesbaden women took the opportunity to deepen spiritual and social relationships during an annual retreat to southern Germany Oct. 18-20. To the theme “Getting Back to Our Roots,” the Protestant Women of the Chapel hosted 72 women at the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort in Garmisch. “This was a great opportunity to bring together the many new women in our growing community so that they could deepen their relationships with each other and with God,” said Lori Adams, PWOC president. Chaplain (Col.) Carleton Birch, PWOC chaplain adviser, said the generosity of some made it possible that a few who were impacted by the furlough could attend. Also, he mentioned that the chaplaincy’s restructuring changed the scale
for exploration of the local area, too. Retreat goers were also able to take in the breathtaking sights of the Alps, get in some shopping and hike. “It was definitely a spiritual retreat, but a time for people to get away and bond with each other as well,” said Hemphill, who said the opportunity of exploring and experiencing the Zugspitze heightened her spiritual experience. “We all got something out of the corporate experience, but apart we got something, too. Just being in that setting, at nearly 10,000 feet, added to the overall experience for me.” PWOC is open to all, provides onsite child care and meets on Tuesdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. and from 6-7:30 p.m. at Clay Kaserne Chapel.
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attendee a “personal” care bag filled with special care items. “It was done very well,” said Melinda Hemphill, PWOC spiritual life adviser, giving credit to the retreat’s coordinator Julie Shackelford and other PWOC board members who were able to pull off the grand event in less than two months, adding that “it was very organized and very well thought out … a nice personal touch. Never have I experienced a local retreat of this size and quality in all of my 22 years of PWOC involvement.” Photo by Chandee Ulch Birch, reminded those presWiesbaden’s Protestant Women of the Chapel enjoy a mo- ent that the first PWOC retreat ment of laughter during a retreat in Garmisch Oct. 18-20. occurred in Berchtesgaden in 1955 and continues to be a of the retreat taking it from a A special touch at the retreat mainstay of the military chapel regionally coordinated event was a group of ladies skilled at community. to a locally coordinated effort. making crafts who offered each The event’s agenda allowed The retreat included music, skits, crafts and speeches. Main sessions convened daily and included announcements, prayer, worship and a speaker.
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What could be nicer than a shopping trip for the whole family? At LilienCarré, unique shopping experiences are only a short drive away. Located conveniently at Wiesbaden’s main station, right in the heart of the city. Lilien-Carré can be reached easily via Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring. Leave your car safely in our underground parking lot or the parking garage next door – just take your pick from1,200 extra-large parking spaces. And off you go on a relaxed shopping stroll through the beautiful Lilien-Carré. And if you’d rather take public transportation, one of the many public buses will drop you off right at our front door. ..............................................................................Nov. 7, 2013
Herald Union
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USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Shutdown affects some planning a PCS move Photo by Kristopher Joseph
Doing their part
Members of the 5th Signal Command (above), local Airmen (left) and fellow area service members help beautify the Wiesbaden military community Photo by Chrystal Smith during the garrison’s Fall Cleanup Oct. 24. Community members came out in force during the cleanup effort. Housing officials reported that the community’s effort was one of the best seen in years.
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Question: I am about to make a permanent change of station move to my next duty assignment, but I have heard that the government shutdown may affect my PCS. Is that true? Answer: Yes, it is true. The Department of the Army recently suspended PCS moves because of the government shutdown. While you will still receive military pay and allowances, PCS moves are suspended until further notice. Question: How will this affect my apartment lease? Answer: Your lease will not be automatically extended because your PCS has been delayed. You will need to coordinate with your landlord and Housing if you believe you will still be in Germany past the termination date of your apartment lease. Even if you live in government housing, be sure to notify Housing that your PCS has been suspended. Be proactive. Question: What if I already gave notice to my landlord that I would be vacating the premises and now my PCS has been delayed. Is it possible to stay longer in my house/apartment? Answer: Contact your landlord and inform the landlord as soon as possible if you can’t move out at the agreed time. Try to negotiate a short-term extension of your lease. Question: What if the landlord insists that I move out? Answer: You should try and comply with this request. Otherwise, the landlord can start legal action to evict you. You will be responsible for the landlord’s le-
gal fees. Also, the landlord could claim damages. For example, if the new tenants had to stay at a hotel while you were on the premises, or if the new tenants cancelled the lease, you would be held responsible for these costs. If your landlord denies your request, you should immediately contact the housing office for alternative accommodations. Question: What if I request an extension from my landlord but he does not respond to me? Answer: A landlord must respond within 14 days to your notification, otherwise it will be construed as their consent to an extension. Be sure to save a copy of the notification you send. The notification does not need to be by certified mail, but email or certified mail is best. If you extend your lease and your landlord does not respond, you still must comply with the notice requirement in your lease. For example, if your lease requires 90 days notice before you vacate, and you extend your lease by notification and your landlord does not respond within 14 days, you must give a new 90-day notice to vacate the premises. It is best to work diligently to speak with your landlord. Question: If I don’t move
Legal advice
out, can I get evicted? Answer: Yes. However, the landlord must first obtain a court order to evict you from the premises. Going through the court system will be a lengthy process, and a court can assess you liability for damages. The landlord cannot evict you on his/her own. Question: Could the landlord enter the apartment and change the locks on me? Answer: A landlord cannot change the locks or clear the premises without your permission. Otherwise, the landlord will be held liable for damages. Question: If I have I need additional assistance, who can I contact? Answer: There are several routes to pursue in getting assistance with any housing issue. You can schedule an appointment with the Wiesbaden Legal Assistance Office or contact Wiesbaden Housing. Wiesbaden Legal Assistance (located in Building 1023W on Clay Kaserne) can be reached at mil 337-4725 or civ (0611) 705-4725. Wiesbaden Housing can be reached at mil 337-7058 or civ (0611) 705-7058. You may consider joining the local tenants association, called Mieterbund. For a fee of €80, they will help represent you and work on your behalf to resolve differences with your landlord. The Mieterbund in Wiesbaden can be contacted at Mieterbund Wiesbaden und Umgebung e.V. Adelheidstrasse 70, 65185 Wiesbaden (call civ 0611-7165470, send email to info@mieterbund-wiesbaden. de or visit online).
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Herald Union
Nov. 7, 2013...........................................................................
USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Signal officer wins Rising Star contest Sings self-penned song during finals showdown Story and photo by Spc. Glenn M. Anderson
U.S. Army Europe Public Affairs Office
More than 150 spectators filled a small, dark, side room of the post entertainment center to watch the 2013 Wiesbaden Operation Rising Star competition Oct. 18. Five finalists, each with hopes of winning $500 and a spot in the U.S. Army Rising Star competition, sat anxiously in the front row, ready to perform for the waiting crowd and judges. As four of the participants performed their songs for the standing-room-only crowd, one wore a look of confidence and waited patiently for his turn. 1st Lt. Matthew Kalani Gabriel, executive officer for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 5th Signal Command, and a Waddell, Ariz., native, approached the stage with guitar in hand. It was not a top-40 hit, or even a song anyone had heard before. The song, “Past Denial,” is a song Gabriel wrote himself. “This is the second time during the competition I had to change the song I had planned on singing because another performer prepared the same piece,” said Gabriel. “I always have a few extra songs that I love in case I need to present something different for the audience.” At first, the crowd and judges seemed thrown for a loop by Gabriel’s relatively quiet ballad, but when he started to rap in the middle of the song the crowd showed their approval with cheers and clapped vigorously. The song was an instant hit with the crowd and the judges. By the time he was finished, the crowd was on its feet. “I have been singing since my sophomore year of high school,” said Gabriel. “I picked up my basic guitar skills and perfor-
1st Lt. Matthew Kalani Gabriel, 5th Signal Command, wows the judges and listeners at Wiesbaden’s Operation Rising Star final. mance demeanor from my brother, Christopher, a music director at Musikhaus in Portland, Ore.,” said Gabriel. “Living in Seattle, I wrote a lot of music to pass the time during the rainy seasons. I found my own style through different experiences in life, as I would assume all artists do.” One of the judges said Gabriel went out on a limb to sing one of his own songs, a tactic that he would not have tried but, the judge added, the lieutenant performed the song perfectly. After a brief intermission, the crowd returned to the small room to hear the contest organizers announce the winner. First place and the $500 went to Gabriel.
“It was an honor to perform for Soldiers and military family members in our community,” said Gabriel. “The best part of the experience was sharing the music with my teammates at 5th Signal Command.” Following the winners announcement, Gabriel gave an encore performance of the song he was originally supposed to sing — “Titanium” by David Guetta — and once again the crowd went wild. “It would be a dream to one day record an indie or R&B album,” said Gabriel. “It would be more of a relief to finalize all the songs I’ve written over the years. I’m looking forward to what other opportunities lie ahead.”
MPs give Cub Scouts class in law enforcement Story and photos by Bill Heiges Special to the Herald Union
Bear Cub Scout Den 9 of Pack 13 in Wiesbaden got an inside look at law enforcement operations during a visit to the Clay Kaserne Military Police Station Oct. 22. The visit helped the Scouts fulfill one of their rank Pfc. Gabriel Rolanramos fingerprints Bear requirements. After being greeted by Master Cub Scout Andrew Mosman. Photo right: Sgt. Richard Jungmann, Staff Staff Sgt. Joseph Onessimo and Spc. BobSgt. Joseph Onessimo, Spc. by Noriega describe law enforcement opBobby Noriega and Pfc. Gabriel erations to visiting Cub Scouts. “This is really cool,” said Bear Cub Rolanramos, the Bear Cubs were shown the inside of a patrol car and had Brian Allen. Inside the station the Scouts got to the opportunity to use the PA system and overhead lights. Afterwards the Scouts sit inside the D-Cell where detained took turns sitting in the patrol car and persons are held while being processed cruised around the parking lot sounding and each of the 10 Scouts, ages 8-9, were off on the PA system and turning on the fingerprinted. Other highlights included a demonsiren and lights.
stration on the use of hand irons and the handcuffing of Pack 13 Cubmaster Marcus Grimes. The visit ended with a questionand-answer session and the Scouts gaining a greater appreciation for the jobs performed by Wiesbaden military community law enforcement officers.
Scout leaders thanked the MPs, calling them “true professionals,” for their support of the community and local Scouting programs. To learn more about Cub Scouting in Wiesbaden visit https://www.facebook. com/CubScoutPack13wiesbaden or send an email to ............................................................................. Nov. 7, 2013
Herald Union
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USAG Wiesbaden — Wackernheim, Wiesbaden
Community notes ... Community notes Holiday food drive
Willie H. Dixon Lodge 143 and Blanche M. Bruner Chapter 17 is holding a holiday food drive through Dec. 15 to support the Army Community Service food bank. The organizations are accepting nonperishable foods in donation bins located at the Wiesbaden Commissary and Hainerberg Shopping Center near the Cappuccino Casino.
Reduced bank hours
The Community Banks will have reduced hours on Thanksgiving, Nov. 28: Clay Kaserne and Mainz-Kastel branches 9 a.m. to noon, Hainerberg Shopping Center branch 9:30 a.m. to noon. ATMs remain available for service throughout the community.
Angel Tree program
Sabine Reighard-Orf and Barbara Hennig invite community members to learn more about the German culture and have fun with Wiesbaden Outreach-Kontakt.
New home for Kontakt
German-American friendship club invites all comers ter Opportunities for Single Soldiers for donating their free time to help the club. With a new home and The club invites everyone plans for a host of upcom- to join them on a special trip ing activities, the Wiesbaden Nov. 23 to Valkerberg ChristOutreach-Kontakt Club in- mas Cave in the Netherlands. vites everyone to join in the The bus will leave at 8 a.m. fun — especially members from the Wiesbaden Enterof the former Heidelberg tainment Center and return around 7 or 8 p.m. The price Kontakt Club. “A dream came true on Oct. of €50 includes lunch, a city 1 for the Wiesbaden Outreach- tour, market entrance and the Kontakt Club,” said Barbara bus ride. Sign up by Nov. 8 Hennig, club president, describ- by sending an email to baring the opening of the club’s bara@outreach-wiesbaden. new office on Texasstrasse 31 com or by calling civ (0157) 8191 9929. in Hainerberg Housing. The Outreach-Kontakt Hennig thanked Kontakt Club members and friends office is open Tuesdays and for helping the German- Thursdays from 10 a.m. to American friendship club find 1:30 p.m., Wednesdays from a new home in the heart of the 3:30-6:30 p.m. and every Wiesbaden military commu- first and third Saturday of the nity. “Already weeks before, month from 1-5 p.m. Upcomeverybody helped renovate, ing events include cooking decorate and furnish the office courses, first aid courses and with little money and lots of regular meetings. Stop by to enthusiasm,” she said, giving find out about joining in the a special thanks to Spc. Peter fun, meeting new people and Maraman and Sgt. David learning more about the GerRandall of Wiesbaden’s Bet- man culture. By Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
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Herald Union
Give a needy child a gift this holiday season through the Wiesbaden Army Community Service/Chaplains Corps Angel Tree Program Nov. 21 to Dec. 17. Pick up a tag from an Angel Tree (located at commissary, PX, Post Office, Power Zone, Toyland, Andrews Federal Credit Union and Community Bank), purchase a gift and drop off the unwrapped gift (along with the tag attached) to any Angel Tree drop box by Dec. 17.
Vet Clinic closings
The Wiesbaden Veterinary Treatment Facility will be closed Nov. 11, 21, 28 and 29. The facility will close early on the following dates: Nov. 7 at 2 p.m., Nov. 8 at 11:30 a.m. and Nov. 27 at noon. Call civ (0611) 705-6470 for more information.
First aid course
The Wiesbaden American Red Cross hosts a standard adult and pediatric first aid/CPR/AED course Nov. 16 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Cost is $55. Sign up by Nov. 14 by calling civ (0611) 705-1760 or email Wiesbaden@
Spouse sponsorship
The Spouse Sponsorship Program is a new initiative aimed at helping spouses integrate into the Wiesbaden military community. Volunteer spouse sponsors are needed. Training will be held Nov. 13 from 9-10:30 a.m. Call Army Community Service at
civ (0611) 4080-234 to reserve a spot.
Col. Christopher Ingels and Carrot Robinson.
‘American Girl’ social
Special CYSS opening
An “American Girl” social for girls ages 6 and above is held every third Saturday of the month (next one is Nov. 16) at 10 a.m. at the Wiesbaden Library on Clay Kaserne. Girls should bring their American Girl dolls with to the social. Activities include the reading of an American Girl book, artwork, discussion of etiquette, tea and cookies. Make reservations by calling the library at civ (0611) 705-1740 or Joyce Schloesser at civ (06128) 489 202.
EFMP coffee
Get support, network with other parents, share challenges and pick up the latest information concerning the Exceptional Family Member Program at one of the EFMP coffees Nov. 14 or Dec. 12 from 10-11 a.m. at Texas Str. 57 in Hainerberg Housing. Call civ (0611) 4080-254 for more information.
The Child Development Center in Building 1502 on Clay Kaserne features a special opening Nov. 22 from 6:30-11:30 p.m. Current CYSS registration is required. Make reservations with Parent Central Services at least four working days in advance by calling civ (0611) 705-7928.
Culture College
New to the Wiesbaden community? Attend the three-day Culture College Nov. 13-15 to get familiar with the German culture and basic German language, find out about Army Community Service programs, go shopping, enjoy local cuisine and experience public transportation. Call ACS at mil 335-5254.
Holiday Tree Lighting
Join fellow community members at the Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony on Clay Kaserne Dec. 6 from 5-9 p.m. The event will be held between Get busy with BOSS Wiesbaden’s Better Op- the Gen. Shalikashvili Mission portunities for Single Soldiers Command Center and the Wiprogram invites service mem- esbaden Fitness Center. Enjoy bers for BOSS movie nights live entertainment, children’s at the Warrior Zone on Clay activities, a visit by the jolly old Kaserne Mondays at 6 p.m. A elf, food, beverages and more. BOSS council meeting will be Unitarian chapel held Nov. 20 at 3 p.m. at the service Warrior Zone. BOSS hosts an A Unitarian Universalist Xbox Tournament at the Warrior chapel service is held every Zone Nov. 22 from 6-9 p.m. and third Sunday of the month at teams up the Rhein Main Area 2 p.m. (next one is Nov. 17) at USOs for a special dinner Nov. the Hainerberg Chapel. Visit 28 from 6-9 p.m. Call civ (0611) or 705-5042 for more information. Wiesbaden Unitarian UniverKudos to volunteers salists for more information. Congratulations to the OcHoliday tree and tober Volunteers of the Month: Brayden Love, Sophie Parker, wreath auction The Wiesbaden Community Mandi Love, Rebecca Kuhn, Spouses Club holds a holiday Whitney Hussey, Mike Bradtree and wreath auction Nov. ford, Lt. Col. Bryan Love, Mi20. Proceeds benefit welfare chael Roy, Omoni Williams, grants and scholarships. Make Maureen Mangar, Julianne reservations by Nov. 10 to Yuhas, Annalisa Taylor, sica Koehn, Constance Ellis, Seydou Dembele, LaTonya CIB Nov. 26 Kilgo, Carelease Kouneski, The next Community InforMatthew Kilgo, Eric Wil- mation Briefing will be held liams, Kendall Body, Krystal Nov. 26 at 9:30 a.m. at the Body, Sharron Dembele, Community Activity Center on Charlene Hormann, Jen- Clay Kaserne. Attend in person nifer Lanterman, Michelle or follow it live on the Garrison Melicosta, Curt Parker, Lt. Wiesbaden Facebook page.
Nov. 7, 2013...........................................................................
Schools page — Partners in education Schoolbits
Wiesbaden Middle School students browse through the displays of the John F. Kennedy in Hessen exhibition, currently on display at the school. The exhibit, compiled by members of the Hessen State Archive, continues through Nov. 24.
Family bingo night
Wiesbaden High School’s Senior Parent Association invites everyone out for a night of fun Nov. 21 during family bingo night in the school’s multipurpose room. Doors open at 5 p.m. (pizza dinner available for purchase) and bingo games (win a themed gift basket) will be featured from 6-8 p.m. Proceeds benefit the class of 2014. Email Wiesbaden. for more information.
Tell Me A Story
John F. Kennedy exhibit Learning about a critical time in German-American relations Story and photo by Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
It might seem like ancient history to Wiesbaden Middle School students. But thanks to a special exhibition on display at the school through Nov. 24, students are getting a chance to revisit a crucial time in the history of GermanAmerican relations — the four-day visit by President John F. Kennedy to Germany five decades ago. The traveling exhibit, put together by members of the Hessen State Archive to commemorate Kennedy’s visit to the German state in June 1963, details the precarious world situation and stormy political environment of the Cold War years, the history of the Kennedy family and the massive reception received by the president during his visit to cities in Hessen and West Berlin. “This exhibition aims to build a bridge from the past to the present,” said Dr. Johann Zilien of the Hessen State
Archive during the exhibition opening at Wiesbaden Middle School Nov. 4. “It is my hope that every student in this school gets a chance to learn about our 35th president — John F. Kennedy,” said Dr. Susan Hargis, the school’s principal. “I hope that you will learn and that you keep this memory with you for the next 50 years.” “In this exhibit you will see how the citizens of Hesse enthusiastically received him and cheered him on in 1963,” said Col. David Carstens, U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden commander. “He was warmly embraced, not only because he had a way of inspiring people with ringing phrases on democracy and freedom, but because he embodied a United States that was seen at the time as a steadfast protector and a beacon of hope for people facing the threat of tyranny and oppression during the Cold War. Carstens added that despite some of the challenges in relations today, “things have really not changed that much.” “The people of the United States
and the people of the German Federal Republic share the same hopes, desires and aspirations,” he said. “As we stood together in 1963 and throughout the Cold War to deter the Soviet threat, so we need each other, more than ever, to confront the serious environmental, economic, social and geo-political challenges of today and in the days to come.” Calling the exhibit timely, Carstens said that it’s important for members of the older generation to teach younger people about the bonds established over time. “This 20th century exhibition will help our students grow into 21st century leaders,” said Dr. Dell McMullen, Department of Defense Dependents Schools-Europe Kaiserslautern District superintendent. Community members are invited to stop by during school hours to view the exhibit which is arranged in the lobby and two classrooms of the Wiesbaden Middle School in Hainerberg Housing. People can also call the school at civ (0611) 4080-373 to inquire about group visits to view the exhibition.
to 1 p.m. ? A College Fair in the Gen. Shalikashvili Mission Command Center lobby Nov. 19 from 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. ? Education Center open house (Building 1023E on Clay Kaserne), free hot dogs courtesy of the USO, Nov. 20 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. ? College Fair at the Postal Service Center on Clay Kaserne Nov. 21 from
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ? Parent-student information night at Wiesbaden High School Nov. 21 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. ? College Fair at the Dagger in Darmstadt Nov. 22 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Stop by the Education Center for more information on the many programs available or visit www.ArmyEducation.
Events planned for Education Week The Wiesbaden Education Center will join the Army in celebrating American Education Week Nov. 18-22. With the theme, “Army Continuing Education — Strength and Resiliency Through Education,” the Education Center will feature a variety of special programs during the week. These include: ? A College Fair at the Wiesbaden Dining Facility Nov. 18 from 11 a.m. ............................................................................ Nov. 7, 2013
The Parent-To-Parent Program hosts a Tell Me A Story event Nov. 17 from 3-5 p.m. at Hainerberg Elementary School. Lt. Gen. Donald Campbell Jr., U.S. Army Europe commander, will read “The Remarkable Farkle McBride” by John Lithgow. Families will receive a free copy of the book — and activities and snacks will be provided. Reserve a space by Nov. 11 by emailing PtoP.
Activities at Aukamm
Aukamm Elementary School holds an awards ceremony Nov. 12 at 1:30 a.m. The Parent Teacher Association meets at 8:15 a.m. Nov. 14 and a Principal’s Coffee is at 9 a.m. Nov. 14. The school holds a School Advisory Committee meeting at 2:45 a.m. Nov. 20. Aukamm school spirit days are Nov. 15, 22, Dec. 6, 13 and 21. Wear blue and yellow to show your spirit.
Parent-teacher conferences
There will be school for students at Aukamm and Hainerberg Elementary Schools Nov. 7-8 during school parent-teacher conferences. Wiesbaden Middle and High School students are off Nov. 8 during the parent-teacher conferences.
UMUC registration
There is still time to register for weekend classes with the University of Maryland University College. The class meeting dates for BMGT 398Z, Creative Problem Solving, are Nov. 16 and 17 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; LIBS 150, Introduction to Research, is a two-week hybrid class which meets face-to-face on Nov. 16 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information stop by the UMUC office in the Education Center on Clay Kaserne (Building 1023E, Room 12) or call civ (0611) 705-5917, Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
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Sports and leisure Wiesbaden’s Daivon Poole heads for open field during the Division 1 final against Ramstein Nov. 2. Photo by Joshua L. Demotts, courtesy of Stars and Stripes
DoDDS champions Warrior athletes lead the way
“I have a lot of time to develop and still mature my game,” she added, looking forward to another successful year and a possible future playing professionally. By Karl Weisel U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden On Oct. 26 it was Wiesbaden’s Public Affairs Office Jade Sullivan claiming first place and tournament MVP honors It’s been one heck of a ride for at the DoDDS-Europe Tennis Wiesbaden High School athletes. Championships in WiesbadenAfter laying claim to DepartNordenstadt. Sullivan, a sophoment of Defense Dependents more, beat the International School Schools-Europe golf and tennis of Brussels’ Anouchka Laurent championships, capturing a slew Josi 6-2, 7-5 to win the final. of top 10 slots at the cross-country Sullivan, who finished third Europeans, now Wiesbaden Warat the DoDDS championship in riors can celebrate having earned Photo courtesy of David Eidem the Division 1 football crown. DoDDS-Europe golf champion 2012 as a freshman, was in good After defeating Kaiserslautern in Jenna Eidem lines up a putt dur- company at the 2013 title matches. She was joined by Wiesbaden’s the lead-up to the championship ing a tournament. Peyton Taylor and Kate Connors game the week before, the Warwho placed second in girls doubles riors headed to Kaiserslautern play. The Wiesbaden team earned third place overall. Nov. 2 where they bested Ramstein 38-21. Meanwhile, “Wiesbaden had an amazing four Players and coaches credited an outstanding effort by all and said having the influx of new talent from finishers in the top 10 at the DoDDS Cross-Country Heidelberg helped Wiesbaden regain the crown they Europeans” in Baumholder Oct. 26, according to captured in 2011. Wiesbaden’s Reymoi Lewis was Coach Travis Schupp. They included Alex Wieman in named the offensive MVP and teammate Gum Chow third place finishing the five-kilometer run in 17:16.41, Ryan Parker fourth place, Kelsey Thomas sixth and Cho earned defensive MVP honors. Wiesbaden High School hosts the DoDDS-Europe Jesse Hendrix seventh. all-star game Nov. 9 starting at 4:30 p.m. “No other school placed as many runners in the Earlier in the fall sports wrap-up, it was Wies- top 10,” Schupp said, adding that Wiesbaden finished baden’s Jenna Eidem notching her third consecutive second overall for the boys, just behind Patch. European Golf Championship Oct. 9-10 at WiesOn the girls’ side of the cross-country finals, Wiesbaden’s Rheinblick Golf Course. baden claimed third overall. Eidem, a junior, spent the summer tuning up for “Our returning top runner for the girls battled inanother championship season by playing in golf jury all season,” said Schupp. “Despite captain Anna Seiferth’s absence at this year’s Europeans, the girls tournaments across the United States. “Intense is an understatement,” said Eidem, about had a strong performance and surprised themselves the experience of competing in some 50 stateside with a third-place finish in Division 1.” Wiesbaden’s fastest female runner was Rachel events. “I’d be so exhausted, but I would go back and Braun, a sophomore, who earned an 11th-place finish. do this in a heartbeat. … It’s so much fun because With Wiesbaden’s girl volleyball squad taking you compete against the best.” Currently rated third in the South Central PGA fourth place at the Division 1 finals, Wiesbaden’s Ellen Junior Tour ranking, Eidem said playing with the boys Tafoya was named to the Division 1 All-tournament team. this season also helped step up her game.
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Herald Union
Sports shorts Fishing course
Wiesbaden’s Hunting, Fishing and Sport Shooting Program offers a German Fishing Course Nov. 9-11. Classes will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Outdoor Recreation (Building 1043) on Clay Kaserne. Cost is $75 per individual or $115 per family (must be age 12 or above). Members of the Hunting, Fishing and Sport Shooting Program pay $60 or $100 per family. Call civ (0611) 705-5760 to sign up.
Flag football champs
Congratulations to Headquarters Support Company, 2nd Military Intelligence Battalion, for taking the top spot at the Army Europe Unit-Level Flag Football Championships in Baumholder Nov. 1-3. The Wiesbaden team defeated Grafenwöhr’s HHT, 1st Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 12-7 to win the final. The 2nd MI team won the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Unit-Level Flag Football Championships Oct. 18 to advance to the U.S. Army Europe championship. Members of the 2nd MI team bested a squad from Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 24th MI Battalion, 2714 to claim the USAG Wiesbaden championship for the third year in a row. Third place went to a team from the 485th Intelligence Squadron and members of the 529th Military Police Company took fourth. The 2nd MI’s Cornelius Graham and Michael Hardman were named tournament co-Most Valuable Players in the Wiesbaden showdown.
Warrior Care Month
Wiesbaden’s Warrior Transition Unit, part of the Warrior Transition Command, will sponsor an adaptive wheelchair basketball and seated volleyball tournament Nov. 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Wiesbaden Fitness Center. Wheelchairs will be provided. There is no entry fee. Service members interested in playing should contact Linda Steil at in advance as space is limited. The event is sponsored by the Wounded Warrior Project, American Red Cross and USO.
Recreational shooting
Wiesbaden’s Hunting, Fishing and Sport Shooting program hosts recreational shooting at the Wackernheim Range Nov. 16 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost is $8 for members or $12 for nonmembers. Firearms will be available for rent. A basic firearms safety briefing will be conducted at 10 a.m. Participants must be age 14 or older and accompanied by a parent or legal guardian adult. Call civ (0611) 705-5760 for more information.
Boxing Tournament
Come out for an exciting evening of fisticuffs at the Wiesbaden Boxing Tournament Nov. 16 at the Wiesbaden Fitness Center. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the action kicks off at 7 p.m. Call civ (0611) 705-5541 for details.
Youth sports registration
Register now through Nov. 15 for Child, Youth and School Services winter sports including basketball, cheerleading and wrestling. Call Parent Central Services at civ (0611) 705-7928 for details.
Nov. 7, 2013...........................................................................
Sports and leisure
Photo by Chrystal Smith
Gridiron action
Wiesbaden Eagles, Bantum League — 9-11-year-olds, line up to defend the Kaiserslautern Knights offensive attack during the second quarter of tackle football play Oct. 26 at the Mainz-Kastel Storage Station field. Photo left: Jaylen Day, of the Wiesbaden Eagles is pursued by Kaiserslautern Knights defenders and cuts up the field to gain yardage during the second quarter of play. The six-game season wrapped up at Wiesbaden High School Nov. 2. Winter sports registration continues through Nov. 15 and the seasons begins Jan. 7 and goes until March 15.
Theater showcase
Things to do ... Things to do
Wiesbaden’s Amelia Earhart Playhouse features a for a wine tasting are €12. variety of performances Visit for including “27 Wagons more information. Full of Cotton” Nov. 15 Nightfire at the at 6 p.m. at the ComWEC munity Activity Center. Enjoy live rock music Cost is $30 for adults and with U.S. Army Europe’s $25 for students/seniors Nightfire Nov. 23 at 8 including dinner and the p.m. The performance will Photo by Karen Ravensbergen show. Parental guidance feature a laser light show. is strongly recommended While other fall sports are wrapping up, (contains adult situa- the Wiesbaden Wahoos are in mid-stroke St. Martin’s tions and language). Pick as Kristy Peng competes in a breast stroke procession The Taunus town of up tickets at the CAC, heat at the recent NATO meet Oct. 20. VisIdstein invites everyone, playhouse or Wiesbaden it for details. heimer Markt Dome. Cost is young and old, to take part Entertainment Center. €20 for the wine tasting. Call in a St. Martin’s procession Nov. Outdoor Rec getaways civ (06146) 909-8216 or visit 9 starting at 5 p.m. at the town Head to Venice for some www.hochheimer-markt-dome. hall (König-Adolf-Platz). “St. pre-holiday shopping and de for tickets. Martin” will ride his horse leadsightseeing Nov. 15-17; Prague ing the parade of children with Nov. 23-24 or Zermatt, Swit- Praise Night Wiesbaden-Nordenstadt’s lanterns. Participants (children) zerland, Nov. 27 to Dec. 1 for will get St. Martin’s bread at the some winter sports fun with Saturday Night Church holds end of the procession and parWiesbaden Outdoor Recreation. a Praise Night Nov. 9 from ents can purchase mulled wine. Call civ (0611) 705-5760 for 7-10 p.m. at the Christlichen Zentrum (Daimlerring 8b). The AFRC Winter Guide more information. free event will feature a host The Edelweiss Lodge and Hochheimer Market of Christian music, dance and Resort in Garmisch-PartenHead to nearby Hochheim theater including the groups kirchen invites military comNov. 8-12 to enjoy the annual Mauerfall Projektchor, Colors munity members to enjoy a wide Hochheimer Markt, a festival of Gospel, Verylives and Mes- range of winter sports opportufeaturing various stands, foods, sianischer Lobpreis. Visit www. nities and holiday tours. Visit wine tastings and carnival rides. for details. www.edelweisslodgeandresort. Admission is free. A special com or stop by the garrison’s wine tasting will be featured Wine Fair A Wine Fair will be held Public Affairs Office in BuildNov. 8-10 at 4, 5:30, 7 and 8:30 p.m. offering tastes of the 15 Nov. 8-9 in Wiesbaden’s City ing 1205 on Clay Kaserne for best local wines in the Hoch- Hall. Admission is free. Tickets an AFRC Vacation Guide.
Wine tasting
The Clay Kaserne Troop Store hosts a wine tasting with Rex Goliath Nov. 27 at 4 p.m. (AAFES Public Affairs)
Bowling action
Enjoy Cosmic Bowling ev- ............................................................................ Nov. 7, 2013
ery Friday starting at 8 p.m. at the Wiesbaden Entertainment Center. Shoot pool for free every Monday night starting at 4 p.m. in the WEC lounge. Other WEC highlights include bingo every Sunday at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday night country, Thursday night karaoke and Friday night DJs.
Herald Union
Page 13
For your health
Hypertension: By Ayanna Robinson
U.S. Army Public Health Command program evaluator
There’s a silent killer lurking, and in 2007 it claimed the lives of 336,000 Americans, as either a primary or contributing cause of death. Although you can’t see the culprit, it’s present in about one in three adults in the United States. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a serious condition often referred to as the “silent killer” because it frequently has no warning signs or symptoms. It also increases the risk for heart disease and stroke, which are leading causes of death in the United States, so it’s important to get your blood pressure checked regularly. What exactly is blood pressure? Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood. It is measured as
systolic (blood pressure when the heart beats while pumping blood) and diastolic (blood pressure when the heart is at rest between beats). Blood pressure is always reported as systolic over diastolic pressures, for instance, 120/80. A person is said to have high blood pressure when the systolic pressure is 140 or higher and the diastolic pressure is 90 or higher. What can you do to prevent high blood pressure? People of all ages can make healthier lifestyle choices that will keep blood pressure in a normal range. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Follow these key steps to prevent high blood pressure and maintain a healthy heart: Be active. Physical activity can help lower blood pressure. Spending at least 30 minutes on most days of the week engaged
Be aware that high blood pressure may give no warning before it kills
in moderate levels of physical activity, like water aerobics or brisk walking, is recommended for adults. Eat healthy. A healthy, well-balanced diet that is low in total fats, saturated fats and cholesterol is a good way to keep blood pressure down. Also, eat lots of fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products. Certain foods like whole grain oats,
Frankfurt–Paris in less than 4 hours. From 39 Euros. By high speed trains ICE or TGV.
celery, salmon, black beans and low-fat yogurt contain nutrients that lower blood pressure. It is also important to reduce sodium intake. You can do this by limiting the amount of salt you add to your food. Watch your weight. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing high blood pressure. In fact, your blood pressure rises as your body weight increases. Losing even 10 pounds can help lower your blood pressure. Limit alcohol. While research shows that drinking a glass of red wine a day may be a heart healthy choice, you don’t want to drink in excess. Drinking too much alcohol, among other harmful health effects, can raise your blood pressure. If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so moderately. This is equal to one drink a day for women
and two drinks a day for men. Don’t smoke. Smoking injures blood vessels and speeds up the process of hardening arteries. Smoking is especially bad for people with high blood pressure. If you don’t smoke, don’t start. If you do smoke, talk to your doctor about ways to quit. Monitor blood pressure levels. It’s important to know where you stand, especially since high blood pressure often has no warning signs. Be sure to have your blood pressure checked regularly by your doctor. You can also monitor your blood pressure between visits. People with high blood pressure may be prescribed medications by their doctors. Remember if you have high blood pressure, lifestyle changes are just as important as taking medications. For more information about preventing and treating high blood pressure, visit the following sites: F Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — www.cdc. gov/bloodpressure F Hooah 4 Health — www. F National Institutes of Health — health/health-topics/topics/hbp F UCanQuit2 — www.
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Nov. 7, 2013...........................................................................
Bulletin board Movie plots
Mighty Thor is back as he battles to save the Earth once again against a shadowy enemy in “Thor: The Dark World in 3D.”
At the movies Nov. 7-20
Nov. 7 — Jackass: Bad Grandpa (R) 7 p.m. Nov. 8 — Ender’s Game (PG-13) 7 p.m. Nov. 9 — Free Birds in 3D (PG) 4 p.m., Ender’s Game (PG-13) 7 p.m. Nov. 10 — Free Birds in 3D (PG) 4 p.m., Ender’s Game (PG-13) 7 p.m. Nov. 11 — Ender’s Game (PG-13) 7 p.m. Nov. 12 — Gravity (PG-13) 7 p.m. Nov. 13 — Ender’s Game (PG) 7 p.m. Nov. 14 — Parkland (PG-13) 7 p.m.
Nov. 15 — Thor: The Dark World in 3D (PG-13) 7 and 9:45 p.m. Nov. 16 — Free Birds (PG) 4 p.m., Thor: The Dark World in 3D (PG-13) 7 p.m. Nov. 17 — Free Birds (PG) 4 p.m., Thor: The Dark World in 3D (PG-13) 7 p.m. Nov. 18 — Thor: The Dark World (PG-13) 7 p.m. Nov. 19 — Parkland (PG-13) 7 p.m. Nov. 20 — Thor: The Dark World (PG-13) 7 p.m.
Turkeys are the stars of “Free Bird,” an animated feature film about feathered friends who travel back in time to attempt to change Americans’ Thanksgiving dining habits.
Johnny Knoxville has been blasted, maimed, bounced and bruised before, but this time he’s on the road as “Bad Grandpa” to see how real A 6-year-old is Earth’s last hope to save the people react to his cranky old-man persona. human race in “Ender’s Game.”
Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa (R) — 86-year-old Irving Zisman is on a journey across America with the most unlikely companions, his 8-year-old grandson Billy. The signature Jackass character Irving Zisman (Johnny Knoxville) and Billy (Jackson Nicholl) will take movie audiences along for a crazy hidden camera road trip. Along the way Irving will introduce the young and impressionable Billy to people, places and situations that give new meaning to the term childrearing. The duo will encounter male strippers, disgruntled child beauty pageant contestants (and their equally disgruntled mothers), funeral home mourners, biker bar patrons and a whole lot of unsuspecting citizens. Real people in unreal situations, making for one really bizarre comedy. Ender’s Game (PG-13) — The Earth was ravaged twice by the Buggers, an alien race seemingly determined to destroy humanity. Seventy years later, the people of Earth remain banded together to prevent our own annihilation from this technologically superior alien species. Ender Wiggin, a boy of only 6, may become the savior of the human race. He is separated from his beloved sister and brought to battle school in deep space. He will be tested and honed into an empathetic killer who despises himself as he learns to fight in hopes of saving Earth and his family. Free Birds (PG) — In this irreverent, hilarious, adventurous buddy comedy for audiences of all ages, directed by Jimmy Hayward (Horton Hears a Who!), two turkeys from opposite sides of the tracks must put aside their differences and team up to travel back in time to change the course of history — and get turkey off the holiday menu for good. Thor: The Dark World in 3D (PG-13) — This Marvel adventure continues the big-screen adventures of Thor, the Mighty Avenger, as he battles to save Earth and all the Nine Realms from a shadowy enemy that predates the universe itself. In the aftermath of Marvel’s Thor and Marvel’s The Avengers, Thor fights to restore order across the cosmos ... but an ancient race led by the vengeful Malekith returns to plunge the universe back into darkness. Faced with an enemy that even Odin and Asgard cannot withstand, Thor must embark on his most perilous and personal journey yet, one that will reunite him with Jane Foster and force him to sacrifice everything for the greater good. ...............................................................................Nov. 7, 2013 Herald Union Page 15
Glorious Greece Finding a little piece of paradise in the Aegean “Happy is the man, I thought, who, before dying, has the good fortune to sail the Aegean Sea.” — Nikos Kazantzakis Story and photos by Karl Weisel
U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
unrises and sunsets. There are things that occur between, before and after those two auspicious times of the day, but life in Greece is somehow defined by the spectacular settings that consistently take visitors’ breaths away wherever they happen to venture. Whether overlooking a quiet fishing marina on a Cycladic island or gathering with fellow tourists and locals for an evening meal in an outdoor tavern in the Plaka district leading up to the Akropolis in Athens, Greece’s capital, one is never far from being treated to one more dazzling display of nature’s glory. Those who have been to Greece and spent time exploring the ancient reminders of the foundations of western civilization while also basking in the blue-green waters that lap over its many shores have their favorite places. While some may prefer sticking to the mainland — many find their way to any of the more than 170 islands (out of 3,000) that are populated. Where once travelers had to hitch a ride on a freighter or fishing boat, sleeping on deck with fellow islandgoers, for transport from Athens’ harbor, Piraeus, nowadays most of the popular islands are connected by direct flights from Athens and various cities around the globe. But one should still consider making the traditional journey by boat from Athens. While the boats
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Herald Union
connecting the islands to the mainland have grown in size, speed and convenience, they still offer a great way to view those amazing sunrises and sunsets while glimpsing one island after another on the way to one’s ultimate destination. Tickets to the boats can be purchased in advance online, through travel agents or at ticket offices directly in the harbor. Those who seek solitude may prefer heading to one of the islands in the Dodecanese such as Karpathos or Antiparos in the Cyclades. People wanting more of the trappings of city life will most likely prefer the larger islands such as Crete, Korfu or Rhodes. But all have their own distinct character and rewards for those willing to take the time to seek out popular
and less well-known sites. The same goes for its cuisine and customs. While fish, resinous white wine, Greek salads, oven-baked vegetables and flavorful, thick yoghurt (served with cucumbers and garlic, honey and almonds, and any number of other ways) are mainstays — different places feature different foods and traditions. And history is never far from view. Ancient temples, age-old churches, archeological museums and grasscovered amphitheaters where the ancestors of contemporary philosophers and healers once shared their knowledge with their young charges pay tribute to the vital role ancient Greece played in the history of humankind. Contemporary Greece is plagued
by financial challenges. Americans who experienced the effects of the recent U.S. government shutdown can easily relate to the Greek young people one will meet who lament about the lack of job prospects, universities that continue to stay open but without any administrative support while employees are on lengthy furloughs and various other daily inconveniences and challenges caused by an economy that continues to struggle. At the same time visitors can’t help but be impressed by the many Greeks one will encounter who
work from dawn to during the height of from spring to fall. Greece is a cou but one that welco is always open to age-old culture and why those who hav many offerings retu to catch just one m
Nov. 7, 2013 ....................................................................
A gull wings past the rising sun along the coast of Greece. Photo far left: The sun sets over the island of Paros.
Making a difference Feeding the homeless during annual outreach effort By Chrystal Smith U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office
A rainbow beams over a lighthouse near the town of Kolybithres on the island of Paros, Greece.
Tourists pose for a photo on the Akropolis hill overlooking Athens. Photo left: A donkey and goats graze in the hills near an ancient marble mine on Paros. Photo far left: A fisherman boards his boat in the town of Naoussa on Paros.
dusk — especially f the tourist season . untry of contrasts, omes visitors and o sharing its rich d traditions. That’s ve once enjoyed its urn again and again more Greek sunrise
and sunset. For more information about planning a trip, pick up a copy of Dana Facaros’ book “Greek Islands,” stop by your local library for reading materials both non-fiction and fiction, or inquire at a tourist office about inexpensive flights. While there are many travel agencies that provide package tours and information, Attika Reisen (check them out online or on Facebook) is a Greek-German travel agency specializing in travel to Greece and Cyprus.
or someone who eats regularly, missing a meal may be no big deal. But for one who is experiencing dire circumstances, one meal could potentially change his or her life. This year Army Community Service teamed with the USO, Blanche Photo by Morgan Jefferson M. Bruner Chapter 17 and Connica McFadden prepares a plate during the Make A Difference meal at Willie H. Dixon Military Wiesbaden’s Teestube Homeless Shelter. Lodge 143, and Wiesbaden Health and Dental assistance for problems related to And because of such connection Clinics to feed some of Wiesbaden’s drug addiction. “Coming here gives is why Davis said she prefers this homeless citizens at the Teestube me a future perspective. It gives me form of charity. Homeless Shelter for Make a Dif- connections to other organizations.” “When we go and give our ference Day Oct. 25. And while efforts for the one day time, that makes it special because “This year we’re reaching out to is the highlight, the BMB and WHD we fellowship and interact with our host nation neighbors,” said Earl organizations have been working the homeless. It makes them feel McFarland, ACS Volunteer Program with the Teestube for about two years special because they can put a face manager. “Make A Difference Day is and serving food at the shelter about with the action … it lets them know a national day for neighbors to help every third Friday a month. people care. It makes me feel more neighbors. Where there’s a need, Teestube social worker Kris- connected to the cause,” she said. there’s your neighbor.” tina Wessel said the visit from the George Davis, WHD lodge presi“A lot of people in the military American organizations is a much- dent, said homelessness is closer to community came together to support anticipated event. home for him and it is a call to duty a good cause,” said Lakesha Davis, “The people look forward to to offer support at the shelter. BMB chapter president. Fridays,” she said, explaining that “Being that I’m not in this situaFor Nicolas Mueller, who visits they serve meals at the shelter at tion, I feel it’s my job to give back,” the shelter at least once monthly, the least once a month. “They make he said. “I might just make their day hot meal and support at the shelter the people feel very happy. You see better, who knows?” has life-giving quality. “This gives them having a good time. … It’s like The Teestube has been around me power. They give me much en- a living room to them.” for more than 40 years, serving as ergy to want to live. … It restores “I love to come only Fridays,” a refuge to homeless citizens of Wimy strength,” he said explaining that said Mueller. “It is the best lunch esbaden. It is a 12-bed facility that he goes to the shelter seeking social here. It makes me very happy.” also offers social work services and self-improvement programs such as culinary economics and carpentry aimed at empowering its clientele. People come to the shelter for various reasons, she said. “We try to help step-by-step.” Individuals or organizations interested in volunteering at the shelter can contact Matthias Roehrig at (0611) 44566-12. Also visit Contact Earl McFarland to get connected with more volunteer opportunities throughPhoto by Chrystal Smith out the community at mil Students of the Teestube’s culinary skills program prepare quinces for 335-5234/5254 or civ (0611) 4080-234/254. preserving and selling Oct. 25. Nov. 7, 2013
Herald Union
Page 17
Have fun with the locals! Mainz Golden Eagles American Football Fri, Nov 8 Mainz-Mombach, BSA The training season of the American Football Senior team Mainz Golden Eagles will start on November 8 at 6:45 p.m. at the BSA Mombach field. New players, with or without football experience, are welcome to join the team. For more info in German see
More events on: and on pages 25 | 26 | 28 & 30 of this edition!
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Herald Union
Nov. 7, 2013..............................................................................
FreeStyle ACROSS
47. Awoke
12. Addition problems
1. “A Farewell to __”
48. Oz creator
15. Paraphrased
5. Bogus
50. Fabric
18. Organic fuel
9. “Against All __”
52. Poor person
22. Circles overhead
13. Interview wear
56. Dry, as a desert
24. “No problem!”
14. Full metal jacket?
57. Unskilled
26. “The Sound of
16. Land of the Incas
59. Ancient colonnade
17. English county
60. At no time
27. Altimeter units
19. Bit of news
61. Church part
28. Jagged wound
20. Figures of speech
62. “Critique of Pure
30. Stationed
21. Impetuosity
Reason” philosopher
32. German shepherd
23. Motown’s Marvin
63. Tyne of “Cagney
34. Cosmologist Sagan
25. Domestic flights? 26. G-sharp equivalent
& Lacey” 64. Comprehending phrase
29. King David’s wayward son 31. Bound
Music” setting
35. Hoskins role in “Hook” 37. Gastric woe 38. Hoity-toity type
41. Targeted
1. Aide: Abbr.
43. Japanese warrior caste
32. Dead ___ dodo
2. Essen basin
45. Was a wanderer
33. Bracers
3. “Catalan Landscape”
46. Hawaiian feast
36. Chest muscle
47. Magna ___
37. Joyce masterpiece
4. Temporary solution
49. Mimicking behavior
39. “Apocalypse Now”
5. Impudent
50. Lone Ranger’s need
6. Letters for a prince
51. Volcanic discharge
This is the solution to the crossword puzzle from October 24!
40. Swipes
7. Gulf VIP
53. Card spots
42. Conclusion
8. Quagmire
54. “In ___” (actually)
43. Desiccated
9. Two cents worth
55. First president of
44. Actor Montalban
10. Resolute
South Korea
Courtesy of
46. Dipper
11. Clothing
58. Address book no.
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FEDERALLY INSURED BY NCUA ...................................................................................Nov. 7, 2013 Herald Union Page 19
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Page 20
Herald Union
Culinary delights from the USA on a high gastronomic level, combined with top European specialties. You can look forward to enjoying superb international cuisine here featuring a variety of dishes and choice specialty beverages, as our freshly draft Andechser beer.
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Nov. 7, 2013..............................................................................
7 8 3 6 9 2 4 5 1 4 5 3 9 5 8 2 5 3 6 2
Fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids contains each of the numbers 1 through 9 once.
6 4 9 8 3 6 7 2 3 4
This is the solution to the sudoku puzzle from October 24! Courtesy of
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Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older they won't be lost!
Wiesbaden Middle School Halloween Dance
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Herald Union
Courtesy photo
Wiesbaden Middle School students take part in the annual Halloween dance.
Courtesy photo
Sidney Watters (left) and Jordan Brown (right) pose for a photo during the Halloween dance.
Courtesy photo
Samuel Embry presents his mexican costume.
Nov. 7, 2013..............................................................................
Kyndal Allen (left) and Morgan Hutsky (right) enjoy their time at the Halloween dance.
Courtesy photo
Braxton Behrendt poses for a photo at the Halloween dance!
Make music
Wiesbaden: Point your children in the right direction ... and when they’re older they won't be lost!
Courtesy photo
Photo by Peter Witmer
The Roaring Twenties, an à capella group from Princeton University, poses for a photo with Wiesbaden High School’s à capella group Techniocolor. ...................................................................................Nov. 7, 2013 Herald Union Page 23
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Herald Union
Typical bavarian i meals l and a cool beer on tap. We are looking forward to your visit! Wilhelmstraße 58-60 65183 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611 / 1667 – 101 Fax: 0611 / 1667 - 102 email: Please visit: or join us on Facebook:
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2005 Toyota Corolla LE Gold. 4 door, automatic, 71K miles, power windows/locks, only 10000 miles on all weather tires, cruise control, 5 disc CD $8900 063039258906/ 2006 Audi A-8 Quattro! Super Clean! ! Silver color! Tan leather! Great service history! Long wheel base! Loaded! Navigation! Super nice ride! For more information Contact Lawrence and Maria at (39) 3466494965 or Email mtjfriula asking price 17,000 Euro 2008 BMW 328i coupe, 6 speed transmission. AC, leather, cruise, AUX, bluetooth, heated seats, 19" rims and loads more. Only $26,499, thats $2400 under NADA. Tel 0631 680 31210, email in 2010 RAV-4, Excellent Condition, 21,185 miles, Gas City/Hwy 21/27 mpg, Automatic Warranty 3 Yr./ 36000 Mi. Located in Bad Reichenhall, Seats 5 $15000 2013 BMW X5 5.0 Loaded! 7k Miles, Asking $65k, Premium Package, Premium Sound Package, Tech pkg, Adaptive Drive, Active Steering, Multi-contour seats, 20" alloy wheels, 19" winter wheels, Front and top view cameras, Hitch Call/SMS 01711404166 2013 Dodge Journey SE FWD. Only 8500 miles, 3rd row, AUX, AC, pwr windows, cruise, keyless start, factory warranty. Only $20.899. Call 0631 680 31 210 or email 4 Audi Q5 winter tires with rims only drove 200 km with them. Set price in euros. 235/60/18Fits some VW or Mercedes.Call 015125207361 Acura Integra GSR, Supercharged, 1997, only 86K miles, $10K in upgrades, No problems! US Spec. reduced to $8,700 obo !sel
Traditional Goose Feast and Christmas Celebration at Proviant Magazin Start the holiday festivities with a Christmas celebration in the cozy atmosphere of our historical Restaurant or in our stylish Brasserie.
ffet 11.11.2013 - Goose Feast Bu incl. 1 Tankard of Ale a la carte As from 11.11.2013 - Goose ical side typ h wit Crisp-tender roast Goose dishes Page 24
the Honored with preciation Cer tificate of Ap rters, V Corps ua dq of the “Hea y Europe” United States Arm vice and g ser din an tst ou for first class food!
al Christmas 11.11. - 23.12.2013 Tradition Celebration with Goose Feast istmas Buffet 25. + 26. December 2013 - Chr - baked, roasted, with Starters, Salads, Fish & Meat es. cooked and delicious dessert varieti
Nov. 7, 2013..............................................................................
For Sale, Jeep, Liberty Sport 4 X 4, 2006, Black, 3.7 Liter, AutomaAUTOS tic, Fog Lights, Cruise Control, Power Windows, Power Door 99 Opel Astra - Gas Saver/com- Locks, 6 Disc CD / Radio 88, xxx muter car! Good, Reliable, 5 Spd, miles, 5 new tires , $8000, German Spec. Passed insp. 10/ 28/2013; Oil changed; Brakes >yr old. Located in Kaiserslautern. Ford F-150 Harley Davidson Editi$2400 OBO. Pics online, call on SuperCrew 4X4 Fully Loaded, 01745390404. 4Dr/HB, A/C, Heat, Heated and Air Conditioned S/W Tires; 163,313km Seats, AWD and 4WD, Flex-Fuel, Remote Start, much more. Audi A4 Quattro engineered for $38,765 0176 3030 5058 driving. It has a dynamic design a leather appointed interior, and a light yet responsive 220 hp 2.0-li- Fully Loaded F150 Harley Davidter TFSI engine for agility and effi- son Edition.2010 with only 24,000 ciency.Contact me for more in- miles. Power everything, navigatifo:Dan CarriganOffice: (+49) on, remote start, bed liner, more 0631.351.87.25Cell: (+49) 01609 0176 3030 5058 0176 3030 5058
FWD, 2.5l, Auto, Red, heated blk ltr seats, loaded, dealer maintained, Appearance pk, sunroof, fog lights, Sony stereo, tilt, cruse, 25k HWY miles, Excel Cond! Serious inquiries only! 01746358481 or Gold, 4 door, automatic, 72K miles, power windows/locks, only 15000 miles on high end all season tires, cruise control, 5 disc CD, KBB 9100, NADA 9225 $8400 0152-2715-0009/06303925-8906/mikeschumacher2012@ Supercharged '97 Acura Integra GSR, only 86K miles, $10K in upgrades, No problems. US Spec. $9,700
Michelsberg 15 65183 Wiesbaden Tel.: 0611-300849
Weissliliengasse 5 55116 Mainz Tel.: 06131-231430
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Eating and drinking in the heart of Wiesbaden
Be the first to own one of these amazing vehicles!Contact me for more information. Dan Carrigan or 0631 3518725 BMW $3,800 U.S./2753 Euro, 185,000 km/114,950 miles, V6 Gas, Manual, power windows/ locks, Clean no rust, passes all inspections(Green Sticker), All-season tires, 2 year dealer backed warranty Call Eddie: 0176-40405687 BMW 318i, Automatic, power sunroof, power Mirrors, power window, Blue, new winter & summer tire 4 alloy rims, 18 inch tires, very good condition, just 51,500 Km. Origenal BMW Radio, Leather steering, one owner(Old Wommen). Inspection Guarantee.Phone:015117610336 BMW 320d Model 2005, 6spd manual, 5 doors, starblue metalic, 2 owners, non smoking car, power doors-mirrors-windowsbrakes-sunroof, CD/Radio, AC, ABS, HDH, new breakes, oil change & tires - on alloy rims. New inspection. Very well maintained, with books, Garage kept, very good condition, only € 5.250 obo. Call 0172-6762717 Car of the year. Contact me for more info: Dan dcarriga@military / 06313518725 Europe's No.1 vehicle, with fantastic MPG. Contact me for more info: Dan Carrigan dcarriga@military 06313518725 For Sale, BMW, Z4, 2003, 2.5i, 5 speed manual, Fully automatic soft top, Sports Package, Heated/ Power Seats, Always garaged and always serviced by BMW dealership. Sapphire Black with Grey leather/cloth interior, $12500.00,
The cozy pub and restaurant – the German way.
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HAVE FUN WITH THE LOCALS! WWW.MILITARYINGERMANY.COM EVENTS Re:Fresh Your Mind Sat, Nov 9 Wiesbaden, Kulturzentrum Schlachthof Visit one of the famous Re:Fresh Your Mind parties at the Kulturzentrum Schlachthof in Wiesbaden on November 9 from 11 p.m. Under the motto “Electronics, Different, Open Minded”
five DJs from Wiesbaden and Frankfurt will play techno and house music all night long. For more info in German and tickets from €8 see Best of Mainzer Wein Sat, Nov 9 – Sun, Nov 10 Mainz, Rathaus Experience a presentation of the best red wines, sparkling wines
and noble sweet wines at the 10th Anniversary of the event “Best of Mainzer Wein” on November 9 and 10 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m at the Rathaus in Mainz. Taste and buy your preferred kind of wine and get back your €10 admission fee if you spend more than €100 at the event. For more info in German see or contact 06131-509116.
Gourmet fair Sat, Nov 9 – Sun, Nov 10 Wiesbaden, Marktgewölbe Experience new tastes at the gourmet fair “Gaumentestspiele” (palate testing games) taking place on November 9 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on November 10 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. More than 40 exhibitors present regional specialties, cooking shows, seminars.
Day tickets for adults are €8, children up to ten years are free. For more info in German see
More events on pages 18 | 26 | 28 & 30 of this edition! ...................................................................................Nov. 7, 2013 Herald Union Page 25
Mercedes E320, 00, Automatic, 142000 km, with alloy wheels, leaAUTOS ther interior, DVDs in headrests, extra-fully loaded, & perfect mechanically!!! Super nice car! $8400 Honda Odyssey Mini Van, 2002, (or 6200 Euros) Wiesbaden, 0176silver, 7 passenger, dual sliding 69350-983. doors, fold away back seat, summer AND winter tires, 190k mi, Porsche Cayenne Turbo year: Runs Great!! $3500 obo, Tckrese 2009KM: 150.000 Fully loaded, (leather seats, Panorama Roof, Rear Entertainment System, Price New: 140.000,00 36.000 fuduric@ Mercedes Benz E 320 for sale! Bj. 1996, 174000 km only, Senior car, non Smoking car, excellent condition, Automatic transmision and much much more.Pictures can be send per E-Mail. beatricelui or 06364 - 175102 please leave a message Mercedes E 200 T, 00Automatic, leather interior with cherry wood decor, power steering, breaks, windows, doors. Cruise control, Xenon lights, ABS, Stero, fully loaded. new oil change & batterie. none smoking car - Garage keptgood condition - only € 3.950 obo call 0172-676 2717 06372995005 2008 Volvo C30 T5 Ver 2 2 doors Hatchback with power sunroof 5 CYL injection 2521 CC 227 HP 6 speed manual 4 winter tires W/rims and Volvo plastic caps orginal owner maintenance Record Mileage - 56,000 The hatchback the world loves to drive. Voted World Car of the Year for 2013. Contact me for more info / 06313518725 Tiguan is a compact crossover SUV with a premium vibe. Contact me for more info: dcarriga@mi / 06313518725
50 Years in business
Have fun with the locals! Your community, your website! EVENTS Painted plates exhibition Sun, Nov 10 – Fri, Jan 31 Bad Kreuznach, Schlossparkmuseum See a special exhibition for painted plates on November 10 at 11.30 a.m. The exhibition shows plates as part of traditional Christmas customs from the Biedermeier time until today. If you observe carefully, you will notice that the paintings reflect circumstances in history. A kids
plate painting workshop will take place. For more info in German see Start of the carnival season Mon, Nov 11 Wiesbaden, Rathaus Wiesbaden’s carnival club will welcome the “fifth season” of the year “Fassnacht” (carnival) with dancing interludes, music, light shows and more starting at 6.11 p.m. to 8 p.m. in front of the Rathaus. For more info in German see
More events on: and on pages 18 | 25 | 28 & 30 of this edition! Page 26
Herald Union
Weekly market Wed, Nov 13 Wiesbaden, Dern’sches Gelände Every Wednesday and Saturday the weekly market takes place at the Dern’sches Gelände from 7 am to 2 pm. Around 80 vendors offer fruit & veg, fish, agricultural and forestry products for sale. Take plenty of Euros to the market as vendors will accept cash only. For more information see
We at Auto Hollmann would like to invite you to stop by and visit our Collision Center. We have seven collision/paint technicians with a combined experience of years which enables us to fix your vehicle right the first time. We at Hollmann feel that our employees are our strongest asset so we work very hard to keep up to date with our training standards. Our techs are factory trained along with various accomplishments from the major paint manufactures.
Direct repair shop with most major insurance companies.
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Nov. 7, 2013..............................................................................
AUTOS The 2013 Volkswagen CC offers luxury vehicle styling at a non-luxury price.For $32902 you also get a 3 years free maintenance and a 6 years/75000 miles bumper to bumper warranty.For more information on this car or to get a pre-approval for an Auto Loan do not hesitate to contact me Best regards, Dan Carrigan Office: (+49) 0631.351.87.25Cell:(+49) 01609 4982566Email: dcarriga@military,
We now have discounts on all Honda's Even 2013 Models!!! We are the only location in Europe who will have Honda's to view. Looking to trade your current vehicle? We can help with that to! For more information on this car or to get a pre-approval for an Auto Loan do not hesitate to contact me Best regards, Dan Carrigan Office: (+49) 0631.351.87.25 Cell: (+49) 01609 4982566Email: dcarri
Veterinary Clinic Wiesbaden
English spea
For dogs, cats, companion animals & horses Litsch ¡ Eversf ield
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Schreberweg 19 ¡ 65191 Wiesbaden ¡ Phone 0611 - 50 20 13 mon-sat: 10 am - 1 pm ¡ mon, wed, fri: 4 pm - 7 pm ¡ tue, thu: 4 pm - 8 pm ANNOUNCEMENTS
The Used Car Guys - selling quality pre-owned US Spec vehicles. Up to 40 cars in stock, priced from 10k-25k! Located in Ramstein village and in K-Town. Call 0631 680 31 210, website
I am a PhD student of African Diaspora history at New York University. For my dissertation research I am looking to interview black American military women (spouses as well as servicewomen, nurses and teachers) who spent time Totally re-designed for 2013 and in Germany between 1945 and it is a HIT. The starting model now 1980. Please contact Felicitas at comes standard with features such as reverse camera, cruise control and Bluetooth. For more information on this car or to get a pre-approval for an Auto Loan do not hesitate to contact me.dcarri International Catholic or ty of Heidelberg, Invites you to ce06313518725 lebrate Mass in the English language.St. Michael's ChurchKirschVolkswagen, Passat Limousine garten Str. 3569126 Heidelberg 2004: Silver, Grey Cloth Interior, SudstadtMass Time: 1 pm Sun Dependable, Own Owner, only daysinfoheidelberg@international being sold because wife is driving
Veterinary Practice in Wiesbaden
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a company car now, manual transmission, 4 cylinders, 199.000 KM, etc. We want your car! We are looking to buy US spec vehicles, model yr 2005-2013, priced from $10,000$27,000. Top prices paid. 2 locations in the KMC area. info@used or call 0631 680 31 210.
Roller Girls of the Apocalypse present November Pain!! 2 November at 19:00 at the Unisport, 28 Paul-Ehrlich Strasse Kaiserslautern. RGA's The Night Terrors VS Bembel Town Rollergirls. event/471982
LICENSED GM WARRANTY REPAIR GM PROFI GmbH Anton Hehn Strasse 09 55246 Mainz Kostheim-Kastel
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ll US We serve aropean cars and Eu
PORSCHE MILITARY SALES Hauptstr. 189 A | 70563 Stuttgart â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Vaihingen |
The Porsche Boxster. When you buy one we suggest you pick it up on a Friday.
Cats as well
We pick up your pets and bring them back home. me.
â&#x20AC;˘ Heated & air-conditioned vehicles cles â&#x20AC;˘ Heidelberg - Wiesbaden Kaiserslautern - Stuttgart Rex Kennel - Helfrich â&#x20AC;˘ Tiergartenstrasse 47 â&#x20AC;˘ 69121 Heidelberg Tel. 06221-41 24 90 â&#x20AC;˘
COMING SOON! The 2014 edition of The Find-it Guide will hit town in the 2nd week of December
Get your own copy here: â&#x20AC;˘ Army Community Service â&#x20AC;˘ Public Affairs Office â&#x20AC;˘ Commissary ...................................................................................Nov. 7, 2013 Herald Union Page 27
Beautiful hand-made felt shoulder bag in purple with flower demedium size, perfect x-mas ELECTRONICS sign, present. Check out for pics, €25, jenniferwil AFN satellite box, Need a box now and not ready to pay high priBeautiful hand-made purple/pink ce for the Cisco box. I am selling felt flower brooch, perfect a Scientific Atlanta PowerVu decostocking stuffer, can be pinned on der box with controller. , 30, jackets, scarves, bags and more. Absolutely wow! €12, jenniferwil Camerabag Crumpler "Messenger bag" for digital mirror reflex camera and equipment. Only used once, original price EURO 100, 50 OBO, coemser@
Step up. Get in. Hold on. 1.59
Singer Stylist sewing machine, purchased at Ramstein PX, hardly used. Comes with Singer accessories. Other optional free sewing stuff. Singer Stylist sewing machine, purchased at Ramstein PX, hardly used. Comes with Singer ac
Auto Loan
Bracelet, gold plated and silver with small stones between. Worn once for a Xmas party. 10, Brand new teal (green/blue) satin high heels with T-bar. Never worn - straight out of the box. US size 8.5 (euro 39). Ordered by mistake and unable to return - $15. Custom-made children's kindergarten bag with name. Send me a message if you are interested in a unique bag for your child. Perfect present. All bags are made using wet-felting technique with sheep wool, soap and water only! € neg, depending on design, jenniferwil
Wii console, like new, comes with 2 Remotes, 2 Motion Plus, 2 Nunchuk, 2 Classic Controllers, 1 Pist Grip, 3 Games:Wii Play, Sports, Sports Resort, 115 OBO, Eco warrior shoulder bag, made felt, environmentally friendly bag made using only wool, water and soap, €25, jenniferwilking@hot Felt bag, gorgeous grey handFOR SALE made felt bag with blue design, medium size, €30, jenniferwilking@ Caution: Some Classified ads have become a target Foxy lady, small felt shoulder bag for scams. Please be cau- with fox design. Discover your tious if potential buyers offer wild side! All bags are completely you payment methods other environmentally friendly made than cash. with wool, soap and water only!€25, jenniferwilking@hot 2 pair earrings, Kitty earrings and one pair is black , 5, s.vogl75@ Long necklace with a heart & terfly pendant, different stones. For pics please see www.classBallgown, size 14/16 German, 5, 44).Wore it for 4hrs, practically new. Wear w/ or w/o straps, co- Massive wood garden table. With mes with schal. Pics don't do it ju- 6 chairs and cushions. $150.00 stice, not as shiny as in pics +49 176 84658955/spvendor@ (thanx to flash). Asking $200 (was 300E new). Contact smoothsalsa Mens bike. Email dglore123@ya for info for more information. LE
Step up your commute and save. When buying a new or used auto, count on the Andrews Federal Auto Loan to help keep payments affordable. With rates as low as 1.59% APR* and fast pre-approvals, you can get your best showroom deal smartly. And for great auto buying tips, visit our website’s FREE Interactive Auto Buying Guide. With Andrews Federal Credit Union, it’s your money, your rules.
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Have fun with the locals!
CONCERTS Jimmy Eat World Mon, Nov 11 Wiesbaden, Kulturzentrum Schlachthof Jimmy Eat World will hold a concert in the Kulturzentrum Schlachthof Wiesbaden on November 11 from 8 p.m. The American alternative band with hits such as ‘Pain’ and ‘Just tonight’will present their latest album “Damage”. For more info and tickets from €25 see
Biffy Clyro Sun, Nov 17 Offenbach, Stadthalle Enjoy a concert by the Scottish band Biffy Clyro in the Stadthalle Offenbach on November 17 from 8 p.m. On this tour the alternative-rock band that was awarded Best Live Band by in 2011 presents their sixth album “Opposites” which ranked #1 in the UK album charts. For more info and tickets from €42 see
More events on: and on pages 18 | 25 | 26 & 30 of this edition! Page 28
Herald Union
Amon Amarth Wed, Nov 20 Wiesbaden, Kulturzentrum Schlachthof The Swedish band Amon Amarth (more info on the band at www. will play in the Kulturzentrum Schlachthof in Wiesbaden on November 20 from 8 p.m. The Viking Metal band will be supported by the British bands Carcass and Hell. For more info in German and tickets from €28 see
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Nov. 7, 2013..............................................................................
Show Me What You Got Talent Showcase, Dizzy is coming in town! Tickets on sale NOW for her FOR SALE " Show Me What You Got" talent show on 16 November! Call DSN Necklace with a cross pendant, 480-2333 or 06371-47-2333 to color is bronze/brown, for pics get tickets please see, 5, Striped hand-made felt shoulder Necklace, fashion jewelry, black, bag, large, perfect fall trend codifferent pearls & stones, 5, lors, perfect gift, €30, jenniferwil
Bed with night stand. Price is negotiable €340 017631704524
Nice necklace with a leather strap, 10, for pictures please go to,
Computer desk and chair. Price is negotiable €150 017631704524 Glass table with four chairs. Price is negotiable €200 017631704524 Mantel Clock, Mantel clock from the 60 era. Key wind chines on the half and full hour., $70.00 Nice balcony table with 3 chairs. Price is negotiable €80 017631704524
Nice tv stand for only 40 euro. PriOrg.Thomas Sabo Charm, price 80 euro clothes shelf/80 euro 4 ce is negotiable 017631704524 new was 49, never used, was a drawer dresser. Price is negotiabday present, selling price 20, ble €160 017631704524 Sewing machine, Antique sewing machine manufacture is SoWitch, Quinny stroller, Comes with bas- Beautiful handmade bed! Very $70.00, sinet and seat. Good shape. Bare- sturdy handmade bed.Size is 1.6 ly used. Set price, 320, m by 2m or standard queen size.Made from pine and only used for 2 years.Very solidly made bed 015125207361 JOBS with frame only.Will last a for Roller Girls of the Apocalypse years to come.Asking 100.00 eupresent November Pain!! 2 No- ros and must provide own trans- Leapforce is looking for highly vember at 19:00 at the Unisport, portation. Serious inquiries only. educated individuals for an exci28 Paul-Ehrlich Strasse Kaisers- Will provide pic ting work from home opportunity. lautern. RGA's The Night Terrors ture.chocolatekitty59@ya Please visit: https://www.leapfor VS Bembel Town Rollergirls. event/471982 Set of three pink vases, different shapes but matching in color, perfect for shabby-chic feature or to upcycle. €10, jenniferwilking@hot Small grey felt shoulder bag with mushroom design, perfect gift, €20
Cosmetic surgery - Free consultaion
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Kirchgasse 42-44 65183 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611 - 30 51 10
NEED DIRECTIONS? Use the FREE Find-It Guide App to find stores, lawyers, doctors, restaurants, car dealers, etc. Don’t know how to get there? Use the “Route” option to get GPS directions from your present position. Brought to you by ...................................................................................Nov. 7, 2013 Herald Union Page 29
ECCI, a US based DoD Contractor, is seeking a
Material Logistics Coordinator/Operator
responsible for providing procurement and logistics support for a large construction project at Clay Kaserne (formerly Wiesbaden Army Airfield), Wiesbaden, Germany. Strong MS Office Suite skills, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work in a fast-paced and team-oriented environment is a must. Candidates must possess at least 5 years of work experience within logistics including working with inventory control processes, materials planning, scheduling and supply chain management. Prior experience performing on a construction site is preferred. German language skills strongly desired. The position will be a full-time temporary term consultancy position (40hrs/week) for the duration of the project (2 years). Â Duties associated with the Material Logistics Coordinator/Operator position include: â&#x20AC;˘ Assist Project Team in identifying required material and equipment as specified in drawings and project specifications. â&#x20AC;˘ Obtain required approvals for proper document submission and scheduling of materi als delivery. â&#x20AC;˘ Assist Project Team in procuring and transporting material and equipment to the different construction project sites in a safe, timely and cost effective way. â&#x20AC;˘ Perform asset inventory control audits including vendor, supplier, manufacturing facilities and/or project sites and communicate results through appropriate channels. â&#x20AC;˘ Develop and maintain an inventory control system using existing bar code scanner system. â&#x20AC;˘ Conduct research and/or compile data, as needed. â&#x20AC;˘ Assist in the requisition of supplies and coding of invoices under appropriate project charge codes. â&#x20AC;˘ Coordinate the accurate and expeditious distribution of information regarding deliveries and invoices in order to avoid delays. â&#x20AC;˘ Compile adequate and complete documentation on all assets including airway bills, bills of lading, invoices and packing lists. â&#x20AC;˘ Ensure that asset costs are allocated and billed properly. â&#x20AC;˘ Update procurement and shipping plans. â&#x20AC;˘ Produce correct and adequate reports/paperwork needed for efficient information flow for all project stakeholders. â&#x20AC;˘ In addition to the accountabilities above, other responsibilities, tasks, and deliverables may be assigned to the incumbent of this position. Interested candidates should send their CV/Resume to: Ms. Shannon Haire at ECCO GmbH Richard-Wagner-Str. 1 67655 Kaiserslautern 0631-4140-6173
Have fun with the locals!
Lookin for a female who likes a harley ridin person, who is into PERSONALS Rock music, good food, havin fun, BBQ, beeing outside and enjoying a good time together. Just 35yrs single black lady with a ge- email me and we will see, what nerous touch of friendship seek to would happen. Pics would help find a happy relationship. gwendoli and let me know a little bit about you. Chiko busco chika, Single Latin American guy seeks a nice young lady 30-45, Spanish, European, or American, for friendship, fun, and possibly more if all goes well.. Email:, needs you to sign-up for a free lifetime membership.Don't leave your soul-mate alone.They need to connect with you. Sign up fast and easy. You know it's the right thing to do. Nothing to lose. Everything to gain. http://www.SingleOver
Opening Hours: Monâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; Fri 9.00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C;19.00 Sat 9.00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C;18.00 Special arrangements possible
m an T for ur VA l 10%!!! o y g Brin dditiona a save
Gebr. Stern GmbH An den Quellen 3 65183 Wiesbaden Tel.: 0611-30 21 12
Commute to WI-Clay Kaserne. I enter the A6 at Wiesloch-Rauenberg. I work from 0700-1600. Please email sharon.kraemer@ya
Heavy Metal Band needs a guitar player. No experience needed. $Guitar Player for a Heavy Metal Band 0151-70603055
One Price! One Plan! One Place! All included!
I am canvassing the KMC area for a talent event called "Show Me What You Got!" for a $500 prize. Email me directly @
Staying connected has now become easier!
Rental House Wanted, Searching for a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom unfurnished house with a kitchen in the Wiesbaden or Mainz area. Long term. No commission please., 1000,
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Page 30
Professional Services are offered by registered businesses as well as private people. To ensure a satisfactory service experience, please always ask for credentials and deny payments up front. For cleaning services, arrange for payments after a final walk-through and inspection of the clean house.
More events on: and on pages 18 | 25 | 26 & 28 of this edition!
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Mainzer WĂślfe â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Ice Hockey Sun, Nov 10 Mainz, Mainzer Eissporthalle See an exciting ice hockey game between the TSV Schott-Mainzer WĂślfe and the EHC Neuwied II on November 10 at 7.30 p.m. The game is part of the main round of the Rheinland-Pfalz-Liga (Rhineland Palatinate League). For more info in German see
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Nov. 7, 2013..............................................................................
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Kaiserslautern Kaiserstrasse 22 67661 Kaiserslautern Tel.: 0631 3547 900
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Italy Aviano Via Pordenone 48D 33081 Aviano (PN) Tel: 0434 676 613
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