Advanture Magazine Issue 02 - All Things Dirt

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Spring 2020

+ Trails & food MTB vanlife Travel Blogs Unplanned Staycation: COVID19 Not In Our Back Yard UNLOCK with Basecamp Fitness Downsizing - road tripping Lanzarote to ride MTB

All Things Dirt! ISSUE

a magazine dedicated to #vanlife in Europe



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ENDURO MOUNTAIN BIKING IN AINSA, ZONA ZERO Let us guide you around on the coolest natural singletracks of the Spanish Pyrenees. Ainsa, Zona Zero has over 2000 km of flowy, technical and unforgettable trails with amazing views around every corner


Book your next mountainbike adventure op



@unbeatenadventures +34 670 44 33 73


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→ Spring. No better time of the year to explore the dirt tracks and fresh forests as winter retreats.








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EDITORS NOTE. When Spring arrives, there is usually a bit of conflict between my girlfriend and I while we plan the weekend ahead. The one sure thing is that we are going to leave Barcelona city on Friday after noon. But the thing that usually takes more time to figure out, is where exactly are we going to go. Having spent the last few months at our f a v o u r i t e s k i r e s o r t s c h a s i n g t h e s n o w, my girlfriend is always keen to retur n to the coast as soon as the chair lifts close. I t ’s b e e n m o n t h s s i n c e w e l a s t s w a m i n the sea or sat in our van with the doors opened up to some stunning coastline.

w i n t e r, f i r e u p t h e e n g i n e a g a i n . Yo u ’ l l all be getting excited about jumping back in your campers and eager to hit the open road again. Due to the absolutely huge impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, I think things are going to be pretty different from n o r m a l f o r t h e r e s t o f t h e y e a r. F i r s t l y, all of us thinking about luxuries such as where we want to go running or cycling must acknowledge how fortunate we are to have the health and means to be a b l e t o d o s o . S e c o n d l y, i t i s l o o k i n g like practices of social distancing and reducing unnecessary risk will be an ongoing topic that will concern everyone for some time to come - which definitely means us vanlifers too.

For me, the allure of the shoulder season sports is present. I love going for long runs through alpine valleys, and up to the occasional summit. Pulling into any dirt But this absolutely isn’t the end of the c a r p a r k a r o u n d t h i s t i m e o f y e a r, I g e t v a n l i f e w e k n e w ! excited seeing the climbers preparing their rack and mountain bikers unloading the carriers. Spring is also the time when those who choose not to use their vans during the


The days are getting longer, and warmer! There is no better choice than heading out in your camper to enjoy the abundant trails that are back on offer after the snow melts. ALEX BROWN



Advanture Magazine

Professional automotive photographer, Tom, shares the details on his beautiful VW T6 Highline conversion. TOM KAHLER

We hit the road in this months Travel Blogs with some MTB action from the UK to the Alps with MTBvanlife. LUKE DOKIC



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Join former “BIKE Magazin� journalist and now professional photographer, Markus, to Lanzarote with his photo essay. MARKUS GREBER




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TWO MONTHS WITH THE HANDBRAKE ON. THIS IS WHAT YOU ALL GOT UP TO DURING THE LOCKDOWN ACROSS EUROPE. ↓ Having purchased a T4 VW before the UK lockdown, I really wanted to capture my love for VW’s within a drawing, from the beginning to the present. Kerry Evans

↑ One of our competition winners with her Revell VW T3 model kit. Stephanie, Austria

↑Congratulations to vanlife explorers Brina and Igor. Keep sharing your awesome pictures from Germany! Brina.explores


↓ These campers barely made it out of Morocco as boarders closed in March. They were able to return home and have made a roof terrace to relax on. Joren Dekker

↓ This Mercedes Marco Polo van owner has called her vehicle GioVANni. We love that! Susan Tucker

↑ The Great British Camp-out in the UK saw a massive amount raised for NHS staff, with people all over the country joining in. At time of print, the number sits at over £172,000 donated.

↑ AM editor took up yoga, where he is still confined to an apartment in Barcelona. A lot of Spaniards have now been in confinement for over 2.5 months.. Alex Brown

Not on social media? Then send us your stories via email!



Advanture Magazine

Are you safely parked up? U n f o r t u n a t e l y, most of the world was during the past two months. But we we’re happy to be bringing some European vanlife culture to your living rooms in the mean time. At the time of release with our pilot issue, many of you, including our team here at Advanture Magazine, were having a great winter season in the mountains. It feels like our time was cut short due to the outbreak of COVID-19, but we are hoping to help pass

some of this quarantine time, with some Spring news on your digital screens in this issue. R i g h t n o w, m a n y b o r d e r s a r e closed, but this definitely does not mean the end of vanlife as we knew it! Read our feature on page 16 about our back yards. News reports have been seen across social media about some of the positive changes to the natural environment. For the first time in years, a bear has been photographed scaling the mountains in the Pyrenees, and a number of major cities are

r e p o r t i n g c l e a n e r a n d c l e a r e r a i r, with dramatically fewer levels of PM10. Both Barcelona and Lisbon reported a 40% reduction in just one week. Summer of love, try summer of camping. There is a lot of buzz in media all around Europe with regards to staycationing and c a m p i n g t h i s s u m m e r. W i t h a huge range of various restrictions in different countries, will many be setting off for long haul trips this year? No better time than to see what is in your local area and spend money at businesses c l o s e r t o h o m e . AM

# A D VA N T U R E M A G A Z I N E @advanturemagazine




YOU K EheadDed once W EwherAe areS you your lockdown ends?




→ AM editor, Alex, is making sure to enjoy the incredible conditions in the Pyrenees this winter.


Advanture Magazine



IN THE NEW NORMAL Words by Alex Brown



Advanture Magazine


f one thing is for sure, most of us have probably had enough after months of lockdowns and strict new regulations everywhere we turn. I think first though we need to acknowledge that most of us are feeling the pressure while sitting in somewhat of a luxurious position. This year a huge number of people have died, families have been separated and many have lost their jobs. With that said, I hope everyone really appreciates that having their dream van parked on the driveway and those of us who are looking ahead to plan that next trip, admits we are extremely fortunate. I t ’s t h e e n d o f M a y a n d t h e media headlines are now filling up with stories about towns not happy with, or wanting to accept tourists. They are talking about y o u a n d I , m y f o u r- w h e e l e d travelling friends. While many of our countries start to outline how to move forwards into a “new normal”, there are many concerns about how the virus could be spread when travel opens back up again. Let us be honest, the last thing any of us wants is a new outbreak of the virus and to be put back in lockdown. But what about the areas that are dependent on summer tourism and who need an influx of cash into their local economy again? Looking closer at the headlines there are a few more pieces that catch my eye. The summer of camping. I could see this actually being a thing. Airports are still empty and there are a number of places with travel bans in place. Here in Spain, the government has told people to plan for a summer s e a s o n s t a r t i n g i n J u l y, s o w i l l foreign guests take that risk to book up a holiday so soon after this unprecedented event?

Prior to all of this I was in talks with one campervan rental c o m p a n y. A G e r m a n c o m p a n y taking the marketplace with both hands and reporting fantastic growth. We were set to partner up to promote their business and the Advanture Magazine to a large number of the vanlife community in G e r m a n y. N o w h o w e v e r, t h e y have since had to lay off team members and are hiring out sections of their office to cover the bills. This made me wonder about the imminent impacts that we could be facing within the camping and campervan i n d u s t r y, a n d i f w e s h o u l d b e planning better for what is coming next. There is nothing more fun than planning a trip in your van, whether that is just for the weekend to get away from home or even somewhere on a long h a u l j o u r n e y. A h o t t o p i c w i t h i n the community online has been “where do you want to head to first, once all of this is done!” If you are asking me, I need to get in my camper and up to the Costa Brava for a swim in the warming Mediterranean Sea. I had an interesting chat with another van owner (in the UK), who fairly raised his concerns about the reality of the situation we are indeed talking about.

“Why risk infection or spreading infection if not essential? If I had a garden I'd pop a tent in there for the kids but right now keeping everyone safe must be the highest priority” - Andrew Albert, UK So, considering if we were a l l h y p e r- a w a r e o f r e d u c i n g t h e possibility of spreading the virus and contaminating the areas we have stayed away from for the past months, should we drive off into the sun? I read a report quoting health

authorities and experts in Spain, who recommends that “this summer we should, as much as possible, use our own private vehicles to travel to vacation spots.” It makes sense to me as I can control what comes in and out of my van and how clean I keep it. This goes for everyone with a holiday home, yacht or patch of garden wherever that might be too. If there is one thing that generally makes camping and campervanning an option for m a n y, i t i s t h a t i t i s c o n s i d e r a b l y more affordable vacation opposed to one you would n e e d f l i g h t s a n d a h o t e l f o r. S o here it comes. The buzz word for the summer 2020 season, the staycation. It is kind of a perfect solution if we break it down a little. There is so much on each of our doorsteps that we probably have not taken time to discover yet before, so how about booking a pitch on a camping trip somewhere in your county and going back to the basics for a bit? We’ll all save on fuel, that will keep the environment c l e a n e r f o r a l i t t l e w h i l e l o n g e r. Our local economies will get the cash injections they so b a d l y n e e d . A n d u l t i m a t e l y, we’ll continue to contain the spread of the Coronavirus for a l i t t l e w h i l e l o n g e r. I connected with Indie Campers, one of Europe's largest rental companies, to find out more.

"We have also witnessed an upsurge in domestic travels in comparison to 2019 for the past three months, the below data confirms our claims. Indie Campers is encouraging aspiring travellers to extend their safety measures by

turning mostly to rediscovering local wonders within their country of residence. Due to the autonomous nature of campervans, a remote trip to nature and away from crowds can be a protected way to travel d u r i n g t h i s s u m m e r. Renting a campervan serves as an eco-conscious holiday option which advocates latest travel trends like Flygskam, a Swedish word that translates ‘flight shame’ - an anti-flying movement which encourages people to stop taking flights to lower carbon emissions - and Undertourism, that prompts

the exploration of locations outside the main touristic routes have been a popular option amongst responsible travellers." Melita, Marketing w w w. i n d i e c a m p e r s . c o . u k Considering both those who own their own vehicle, and those who can rent one out, the principal is the same. While talking with Melita, she also mentions the fact that travelling in this capacity gives us the freedom to also choose our own routes. While one might need to navigate the booking of a campsite or two, we do have the power to leave crowded a r e a s e a s i l y, a n d s i m p l y m o v e t o another place to set up camp. N a t u r a l l y, w e c a n h e l p l i m i t contact between people and places.

Once I am back in my van (fingers crossed that it is before the release of issue 03!), I will happily travel a little bit less for the foreseeable future. Until then, I continue travelling in my head and am looking forward to getting some feedback from all of the readers, from issue 02 of t h e A d v a n t u r e M a g a z i n e . AM Editor of Advanture Magazine, Alex on Instagram @alexbrowndop

ADVERTISE IN AN INTERACTIVE, D I G I TA L M A G A Z I N E We built a community of nearly 4000 people across our platform on the back of the pilot issue. They are European adventure travellers and passionate van campers, who are just like you. Contact us to find out why print magazine value can not compete with digital, and how we will be the number one publication in the industry. MEDIA KIT



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AINSA-SOBRARBE Words & photos by Jeroen Spoelstra



insa- Sobrarbe, is simply a sanctuary for mountain biking and outdoor action.

In a fully loaded Mercedes Sprinter van, my wife and I set off from Haarlem in the Netherlands to Ainsa in the foothills of the Spanish Pyrenees. W ith our Australian cattle dog, Jago, we left for a new life to live outdoors and adventurous. This is where I started a small mountain bike guiding & rental business called Unbeaten Adventures. Ainsa-Sobrarbe is a perfect spot to park you van or motorhome for a few days if you are c o m i n g t h r o u g h t h e r e g i o n . Yo u c a n e i t h e r choose to stay on the motorhome parking just o u t s i d e t h e A i n s a O l d To w n , o r y o u w a n d e r into the remote hills with its small and often abandoned villages to pick your spot in nature there. And the best part for me, is that it is paradise for mountain biking.

↑ Click the map above to set your route to Ainsa-Sobrarbe. ©OpenStreetMap contributors



Advanture Magazine

The best way to see various towns throughout the Pyrenees? Hike or bike from one to another.

I think a 5th of my mountain bike guiding customers sleeps in a van or motorhome. Most are here just for holiday but I have also made a few new friends that have been living in their van for a c o u p l e o f y e a r s n o w, a n d w h o p a s s t h r o u g h A i n s a o c c a s i o n a l l y. In 2005 some of the local guys started cleaning the mass of overgrown, ancient hiking paths that their ancestors used to walk from villages to villages, to hermitage, to church, to even the c a s t l e s . H o w e v e r, n e a r l y a l l o f these places are now abandoned. Ye a r b y y e a r, a n e t w o r k o f a l l natural mountain bike trails, which are excellent for enduro, have now appeared. Access is often good via double track or fire roads, and today there is over 2000 km of trail (> 1000km single track) spread out over an area of 250 square km (50 x 50 km), on over 80 routes. The

biggest concentration of trail is found around Ainsa / BoltaĂąa a n d i n t h e L a F u e v a v a l l e y. Mountain biking here is not for the beginners, you need to have a good level of experience to enjoy these trails. Really it does not matter which trails you choose to ride because the views across them all are mind blowing! Often a climb ends at a old church or an abandoned town. These are generally situated on top of a hill or mountain in such a way that they can see another one of the numerous towns, churches or castles. If you love the easy mountain layers, you will be fulfilled with layer love here. One of my favourite things about mountain biking and hiking in this area is the amount of water points, called fuentes i n S p a n i s h . M o s t l y, e a c h v i l l a g e that is still habited has a source w i t h g o o d q u a l i t y w a t e r. O n l y i n

summer it is advised not to drink from the ones that are more open a n d d o n ’t h a v e a t a p t h o u g h . Often, I plan my guided rides around the water points when it is really warm. There is just nothing better then cold mountain water after 20 or 30km of the best track you have ever ridden. Enduro mountain biking in Ainsa is both an adventure and an extraordinary experience, trails are insane but there is more. The nature and the rich culture of the area make it a marvelous p l a c e . D o n ’t j u s t p l a n a t r i p t o Ainsa to just bike, but go and explore some of the abandoned villages, swim in one of the pools o f t h e A r a R i v e r, e a t a t o n e o f t h e restaurants hidden within one of the remote towns. The tiny shops are full of local produce that includes wine, cheese, ham or delicious fuet. The





Riding along the old routes in the Pyrenees, it is impossible for one to not think about centuries that have passed & how people have used this area differently over time


totally underrated playground. So this summer if you are en-route to enjoy the beaches of Spain or Portugal, be sure to set some time aside to enjoy a stay in Ainsa. I am looking forward to guide you around on the mountain bike in this amazing area. H e a d t o w w w. u n b e a t e n a d v e n t u r e s . c o m t o r e a d more about riding in the area with Jeroen.



Advanture Magazine

< T R AV E L B L O G S > As the white peaks retreated, a number of advanture campers started t o r u b t h e i r h a n d s t o g e t h e r, r e a d y to head out to explore the hidden t r e a s u r e s b e n e a t h t h e s n o w. I n t h i s m o n t h s Tr a v e l B l o g s , h e a d o u t with English friends Luke & Sam for a taste of MTB vanlife, and around Europe with full time vanlifer and a r t i s t , S i m e o n B a k e r.


Two weeks to ride some of the most epic downhill trails in Europe, & no better way to realise this than in their VW conversion. MTBvanlife


Advanture Magazine


TBvanlife - Best friends Luke and Sam set their minds on a project fuel their desires to ride new trails. The vision was to have a purpose built solution to allow them to adventure f u r t h e r, with everything they needed onboard, and ready for the great outdoors. “We had always ridden fairly locally but found that driving with a car both limited us in how far we could go, and the amenities we could bring along. S a m p u r c h a s e d a V W Tr a n s p o r t e r new in 2017 which we then set upon kitting out and modifying for the ‘Ad-van-ture’ and MTB scene. It was as we put pen to paper and started designing, that we thought about publishing our journey online as a great way to share ideas and make new friends. Where





depends on how much time we have. We often decide on last minute trips and have been to Wa l e s n u m e r o u s t i m e s , l e a v i n g after work on a Friday and coming back on a Sunday evening. The distance is not so much of an issue! The more remote, the more comfortable we feel."

WE OFTEN DECIDE ON LAST MINUTE TRIPS, LEAVING AFTER WORK ON A FRIDAY, COMING BACK SUNDAY EVENING. Their big trip last year was a run down to the French Alps. On the itinerary were a number of bike parks, that are actually ski resorts during the winter season. Many stations convert their chair lifts to carry the bikes, offering some incredible downhill options. “We went for two weeks, and had the best time at Alpe d’Huez who had sponsored us. Riding the

A l p s i s l i k e Wa l e s o n s t e r o i d s ! A t home a normal weekend would see us on relatively flat trails, compared to the insane size and scale of what is on offer in the Alps. We love this varied choice, which comes easy when you have a campervan. Our bodies were so tired a t t h e e n d o f e a c h d a y. T h e mountain terrain is so different on each bump and turn. It was really important for us to be comfortable each night.” A c t u a l l y, t h e y h a d f o u n d a somewhat luxurious camping site, halfway up one of the mountains. Complete with outdoor swimming pool and a hot tub, it's easy to feel refreshed when climbing back in the van each night to recharge for another day of action! Find out more about MTBvanlife on their website and social media channels.


1. Insurance & break down: easily overlooked, but be sure to check how far your policy covers you for off-road rescue, especially in foreign countries. 2. Supplies: keep your dry stores stocked, some pasta and a quick sauce can save you time while trying to get somewhere fast, and also provides you with something to eat if you are broken down somewhere more remote. 3. Plan B: do you have a back up plan, if for some reason, you can’t sleep in your van? A simple pop-up tent can get you out of a sticky spot, but you should also be prepared to hop into an AirBnB if the vehicle needs something like repair work done.

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w a s n ’t u n t i l I h a d t h e f l e x i b i l i t y to be where I wanted to be, that photography became such a big Growing up in Adelaide, South part of my life. I t h i n k i t ’s n o s e c r e t t h a t u s v a n A u s t r a l i a , t r a v e l w a s n ’t s o m e t h i n g my family and I did much of. At hippies love to photograph and age nineteen I packed a bag and video our journeys, but for me, a guitar and moved to London to the van was a real game-changer p l a y m u s i c t h e r e . Tr a v e l w a s n ’t w i t h b e i n g a b l e t o b e a t t h e what I was interested in at this locations I wanted to photograph stage of my life but for some first thing in the morning. reason, I knew I needed to go to Pretty much every photograph London for my music. In those first three years of being based I’ve taken at sunrise was also in London, I ended up playing a location I have camped at. m u s i c a r o u n d a l o t o f p l a c e s i n Wa k i n g u p o n l o c a t i o n a t 5 a m Europe which is how my passion is super convenient. And that memory which surrounds each t o e x p l o r e n e w p l a c e s g r e w. p h o t o g r a p h i s e v e n g r e a t e r. LITTLE DID I KNOW, I WOULD N o w f o u r y e a r s o n , I s h o o t professionally for tourism LIVE FULL TIME IN A SMALL SILVER BOX boards, various brands and also my own projects that I work on Throughout the early days while moving around in my home living in my VW T5 and playing on wheels. music for people around Europe, I started to become obsessed Music is a huge part of my w i t h p h o t o g r a p h y. B a c k w h i l e j o u r n e y, a n d a l w a y s w i l l b e . F o r living in London, I had started to me, a brilliant part of living on develop an interest in it, but it the road in Europe is that it has become my home for the next four years.


i m e o n i s t h e r e a l d e a l . H e ’s a full time vanlifer traveling Europe. He spends his days shooting incredible images for client projects, and entertains c r o w d s a l l o v e r w i t h h i s g u i t a r. “When I bought my VW T5 I never thought that it would

Entertaining the crowds in St Gallen Switzerland. ADVANTURE_FR

given me the opportunity to share my music with people in so many countries. I’ve played in cities like, Lisbon, Copenhagen, Dublin and many places in-between.

for around two weeks while performing street music.

“I just parked by La Poste Saint Louis in Paris so I could get out of bed and get playing. It saved me so much LIVING ON THE ROAD IN t i m e w i t h o u t n e e d i n g t o d r i v e EUROPE ALLOWED ME TO i n t o t h e c i t y a n d b o t h e r w i t h SHARE MY MUSIC IN SO finding parking. Notre Dame MANY COUNTRIES was the view out the back window when I woke up, which Sleeping in a van in a city was nice. i s f a r l e s s f u n t h o u g h . Wa k i n g u p t o p e o p l e w a l k i n g b y, c a r s Living in a van full time rushing around you and sirens when your family lives on the b l a r i n g . T h a t i s n ’t t h e v a n l i f e o t h e r s i d e o f t h e w o r l d i s n ’t d r e a m p e o p l e f a n t a s i s e b u y i n g a l w a y s e a s y, e s p e c i a l l y w h e n a v a n f o r. the going gets rough. But it I d e f i n i t e l y d o n ’t l i v e i n m y van to create some wanderlust dream for people. I live in it so I can afford to see new places and share my art with others. The occasional car park for a night sleep goes OK with me!” Simeon tells us that at some point, he had slept in Paris

taught me many life lessons and allowed me to experience incredible places and meet many wonderful people that I ’ l l c h e r i s h f o r e v e r. I f y o u a r e still reading until now then please do reach out and say hi! I hope to meet you on the r o a d i n E u r o p e s o m e d a y. Say g’day to Simeon @simeonbaker



Advanture Magazine

A D VA NT U R E MAGAZINE: The most exciting thing about launching the pilot issue of Advanture Magazine earlier t h i s y e a r, w a s s t a r t i n g t o “meet� all the other people out there who love to spend outdoors in their vans, doing sports and exploring. W ithin the vanlife world there are definitely two main genres which are well catered for with regards to magazine and online coverage: the retro scene and the DIY crowd. So for me, creating a magazine packed with content focusing on what we actually do with our vans seemed inevitable!

How did the pilot issue go? Words by Alex Brown

In January when I first started to create a bit of a buzz on the inter net, there were 0 subscribers, 0 Instagram followers and I had 0 brands answering my emails. With the release of the pilot issue in February and the development of the Advanture Magazine website during the past few months, I have seen the platfor m grow to over 4000 interested people ahead of launching issue 02. A number of leading brands in the industry have reviewed the pilot, and now I have been able to start forecasting better what stories we could be producing o v e r t h e c o u r s e o f a y e a r. B u t

the real material is coming from people just like you. Advanture Magazine is a digital platform being built to showcase the adventures, designs, stories and reports from the European v a n l i f e c o m m u n i t y. So please tag us in your shots, send me some emails about your latest trips, and don’t forget to download and share our magazine with your friends!



Cork Space travel yoga mat. Sat all day either at home or in the office? If you have not tried yoga yet then do not delay. Follow a few lessons on Youtube and you'll feel the benefits quickly. We love this 100% sustainable sourced cork and natural rubber travel mat.


Nanuk first aid kit box. These Canadian made equipment boxes are top-of-class when it comes to protecting what is inside. The new first aid boxes are ideal for keeping a small supply of medical material on-board. And now we all should be carrying some sort of mask and gloves as Europe starts to open boarders post COVID19.


Thule Vital women's hydration pack. New women's specific packs add to the large line of quality hydration packs for biking and running. An essential item to keep in the van, ready for day excursions on the trail. A M





Advanture Magazine


With all that extra time we had to flick through endless pages on the internet during the last two months, here are some of the best creations we saw from around Europe!


Va n i d e a i n G e r m a n y h a v e started sewing their own door bags, initially for the VW T4. A strong and customisable storage for first-aid bags, safety equipment and things like a head torch or gloves. Soon they hope to release a version for the T5, and others.


Adventure travellers and foodies, Maria and Domini f r o m I t a l y, a r e l a u n c h i n g a crowd funding campaign for their new cookbook. We have seen some of the recipes and they are perfect for all season van camping. Head to page XX f o r a l i t t l e t a s t e r. H e l p b a c k thier kickstarter here!


Since a young age Anthony from the Czech Republic,

was always drawing while on the road with his parents. He studied art at high school, and has now combined a love for nature and cozy spaces. A classic vehicle illustration starts at â‚Ź49. Have one designed for your IG account at


Stitcha is a new brand from the UK that designs sustainable furnishings and accessories for campers and other tiny homes. From sourcing environmentally conscious fabrics to using recyclable packaging that you can plant in the ground, Stitcha is firmly backing the leave no trace ethos in the vanlifing world. Pop along to @Stitchaco on Instagram to see if there is something to s t y l i s e y o u r v e h i c l e w i t h ! AM

Are you a digital nomad busy creating the next app, or maybe you are finding inspiration from the road and building something out of raw materials? We’d love to see what our community has got g o i n g o n , t o f e a t u r e i n t h e n e x t TA L L E R .



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Advanture Magazine

INTERVIEW: EMTB STYLE The end of one road and the start o f a n o t h e r. Hear how Andi Whittmann recovered from injury then upgraded his camper to cater for g r o w i n g a m o u n t o f t o y s & f a m i l y.

AM: Hi Andi, thank you for talking with us. Who are you and what do you do for a living? Andi: I’m an MTB and E-MTB brand ambassador for several brands, building bike tracks, commentating at mountain bike events. A M : Yo u ’ r e a n a m b a s s a d o r f o r eMTB brand Haibike, how did you get into eMTB and what is special about it? Andi: I had a big crash in 2015. This crash ended my pro MTB S l o p e s t y l e c a r e e r. I h a v e a l w a y s b e e n a n e M T B k i n d o f h a t e r, b u t the fact the eMTB brought me back on two wheels after breaking both of my feet, showed me how rad these bikes are. Nowadays I am super thankful having Haibike as my partner and you have so many different possibilities using a n e M T B . F o r m e , i t ’s f u n r i d i n g both up and downhill. Also being on tour with the camper is so much more fun when you can take out your eMTB quickly for a ride around a new town to organise things and

explore. AM: When it comes to road trips, what is your vehicle setup and how are you enabled by the camper to travel and ride in new places? Andi: We have got a nice 4x4 camper which is set up for nearly every kind of adventure sports trip. W h e t h e r t h a t ’s j u s t a s h o r t t r i p to some nice location close to home, or also be a longer trip including some off-road driving, it is perfect for our ideas. Exploring new places is definitely always an adventure especially with a two years old child! What I love most is going off-road where possible. AM: Why is a campervan lifestyle an awesome choice when combining it with a sport such as eMTB? Andi: Our vehicle is the Homer M LT- 5 6 0 4 x 4 a n d i t ’s t h e p e r f e c t camper for us as an outdoor s p o r t s f a m i l y. F o r u s , i t ’s t h e d r e a m . W e a r e super flexible on our trips and it

feels great when you can move a r o u n d f r e e l y. B e i n g a b l e t o include also our little Felix in the activities is great - he loves it too. We had a classic VW T6 camper v a n p r e v i o u s l y. B u t w i t h o u r k i d and the fact that we love doing sports on our trips where you end up carrying so much equipment, it just got too small. A M : F o r y o u a n d y o u r f a m i l y, what makes campervan trips a choice rather than flying somewhere for vacation? Andi: Independence for sure. We just love being flexible. We can bring all the sports equipment we want. We can drive to each place we want. We can sleep directly next to the spots we want to do some activities around … there are so many reasons. As soon as boarders are open again, we want to head south to visit our favourite places in south T i r o l a g a i n . AM Follow Andi on Instagram @andiwittmann

“ . . i t ’s t h e d r e a m . We are super flexible on our trips ...“



Advanture Magazine




hat to eat if you spent Friday night looking for a place to park, and need to be up at the crack of dawn ready for the hike ahead?

you barely spy a human face brings its difficulties when the tummy starts growling. So t h a t ’s h o w i t a l l b e g u n .

Inventing n e w, colourful recipes, and also making old family recipes adaptable for the wildlife became our Or what about when you’ve passion. We realised more been exploring all day and more that we don’t have (yeah, and eaten all your to reserve any table for a trail snacks!), and need to sparkling candlelight dinner eat something packed full and that there is no need for a fancy kitchen to create of the essentials to get outstanding meals in.

you back on track?

While Dominic was cutting hair and I studying foreign languages, we both thought about our next weekend trip together in the van. Last y e a r, w e f i n a l l y d e c i d e d t h a t , waking up by the first sunrays of the day warming our faces, opening the door of the van and breathing the fresh ocean air with our feet already in the Since then, we began sand. spending even more time in remote places seeking new This is the life we always adventures. As you can assume want to live. being on a 3,000m peak or backpacking around a small Check out @biwakkitchen on IG! island in the Atlantic where Hello friends, adventure seekers and food lovers! We‘re Maria and Domini, two mountain kids that met four years ago and found each other through our shared love of mother nature and good food (and perhaps also a few more things!).

Head over to help their KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN for their new cookbook!


Advanture Magazine

A photo essay by Markus Greber



Advanture Magazine

@markusgreber @sabinegreber

EXPLORE: Lanzarote has a large number of volcanoes over its island, no better way to explore the wild landscape by bike and foot. EAT: Taste exquisite and very uniquely prepared steak and fish, cooked on layers of volcanic rock. SLEEP: While wild camping is not actually permitted, there is a number of incredible spots around the island. Camp smart, and clean, and you shouldn't have a problem. Check out Orzola in the very north of the island for a spot on the beach.



Advanture Magazine

BASE CAMP FITNESS W o r d s b y C h a s e Tu c k e r


f you’ve ever spent more than 5 h o u r s i n t h e d r i v e r ’s s e a t you’ll know that long road trips a r e n o t f r i e n d l y o n t h e b o d y. Being Australian, I’m familiar with aches and pains associated with spending hours behind the wheel for the sake of reaching a secluded beach or mountain.

W h e t h e r i t ’s b e h i n d t h e w h e e l o r behind a desk / at home (think of that COVID19 lock-down), sitting still can take its toll on all of us. I’ve selected the following three movements to teach you, so that you can gain a deeper understanding of both the movements themselves, and start taking steps to mitigate pain and chronic stiffness while simultaneously building the strength that will make any outdoor adventure far more enjoyable. Chase is a certified strength & conditioning coach and personal trainer who specialised on the needs of outdoor adventurers and mountain sports such as hiking, skiing and c l i m b i n g . C h a s e ’s p a s s i o n f o r t h e mountains led him to permanently depart his home of Australia to move to Spain, allowing him to pursue his passion for hiking, skiing and mountaineering in the Pyrenees. L e a r n a b o u t C h a s e ’s m i n i m a l i s t a p p r o a c h to building strength and endurance for the m o u n t a i n s o v e r o n h i s Yo u t u b e c h a n n e l “Chase Mountains” or

What it does: Strengthens and solidifies deep core muscles, reduces low back pain

Tuck Hollow Hold

How to do it: Lie on your back and scoop your hips so that your lower back is completely flat on the floor or mat. Bend your knees and keep your feet just hovering over the ground. Round your shoulders and reach forward slight with your hands so that your shoulder blades are no longer touching the floor. Set a timer for 30 seconds and begin creating pressure in your core by squeezing your pelvic floor (as if you were holding in a pee on a long road trip) Progress it: Aim for 4 sets of 60 secs with 1 min between each. When you can perform that you are ready to progress to a more advanced hollow.

Click the images to get a video tutorial on each of the movements !

What it Does: Strengthens the upper body, stretches hip flexors, latissimus dorsi and obliques among other smaller muscles.

Open Dog

How to do it: Begin in a standard downward dog position with both hands and feet on the floor. Being careful to keep your body weight supported by the muscles in your shoulders, push your hands actively into the floor, locking your elbows straight. Push your heels towards the ground and push your chest towards your knees. Keep your knees straight if at all possible. Once you are comfortable, then you can open your downward dog by rotating through the hips and carefully extending one hip and leg across the other as shown. Allow the weight in that leg to guide the stretch. Remain there for 3-5 breaths and repeat on the other side.

What it does: Strengthens hip flexors, glutes and lower back, can resolve knee pain. How to do it: Lie on your back with one leg straight, toes pointed up and heel pushing away from your body. The knee of the opposite knee should be bent, foot firmly gripping the floor. Push through the foot on the floor, squeezing your butt as you lift the hips off the floor and prepare to bring the straight leg directly upwards as shown in position 2. The hips should still be hovering just above the floor. Then thrust the hips upwards as far as possible, squeezing both the glutes. Reverse the movement slowly, demonstrating control. Regress it: This is quite an advanced move, so rather than progressing we’ll talk regression. If you struggle with this movement it’s likely you lack in glute and hip flexor strength. Try stepping down to a hip thruster.

Glute Quad Combo



Advanture Magazine


To m K a h l e r, a p r o f e s s i o n a l p h o t o g r a pher from the UK, travels the world shooting incredible images for brands such as Aston Martin and Mercedes Benz. Is it a surprise that he and his girlfriend would want to do a bespoke conversion, to make their dream camper for the road ahead? W o r d s & p h o t o s b y To m K a h l e r


ver since a t e e n a g e r, I’ve always yearned for adventure, to explore new places and to meet new people. My partner and I had planned to move to Canada on a working v i s a , u n f o r t u n a t e l y, w e m i s s e d the deadline application. We got thinking about a plan-b, talking about what was possible if we had a campervan. This led us to buy a VW T5. We loved the sense of freedom that the van provided, changing our plans and destination to suit the warmer weather and the feeling of uncertainty when thinking of where to stop for the night. After two incredible years and plenty of great memories, we decided it was time to sell the T5 and invest in a new project. In 2019 we picked up our new VW T 6 LW B p a n e l v a n . W e ’ v e a l w a y s known from the very beginning that we wanted something stylish and unique, reflecting our style. O v e r t h e p a s t y e a r, o u r v a n has transfor med from a standard panel van to a tiny home on four wheels. Now nearing the end of our conversion and adding those

f i n a l t o u c h e s , i t ’s r e a l l y s t a r t i n g to feel like our space. We’ve spent a few nights sleeping on the drive, figuring out if anything needs to change and if everything works as it should.

WE’RE PERFECTIONISTS & T H E R E ’ S A L W AY S S O M E T H I N G T H AT NEEDS DOING! Our interior is a little different from the majority you see in T5/ T6 builds. We wanted to build something that felt premium and homely whilst still feeling clean. So to achieve this we went for a non-conventional material for the walls, as we disliked the popular carpet or wood-clad. The choice was aluminium panels CNC’d in satin white which are so nice and light, easy to clean and makes the van feel much bigger than a dark grey carpet does. Inspired by Scandinavian design we followed a colour pallet of grey oak and white thought the van. We were never a fan of the rock and roll bed in the old van. It feels like it takes up a lot of unnecessary space and I think

that the seating position isn’t relaxing at all. We decided to build an L shape frame that could be transformed into a single bench, or removed completely when needed. An L shape bed/ sofa is much more comfortable in my opinion when looking at the layout for this sized van. One major benefit of this design is that I can fit my MTB between the bed and kitchen, or even my motorbike when I r e m o v e t h e b e d b a s e e n t i r e l y. A l l it takes is unscrewing a few M8 b o l t s . I t ’s a l s o a g o o d o p t i o n f o r when more camera equipment is needed or the van gets used as a tracking vehicle on a project. We recently added a locking draw right next to the sliding door which allows fast access t o c a m e r a g e a r, y o u n e v e r k n o w when you need to grab a quick shot in the moment. This is equipped with heavy-duty locks leaving it more secure, in those times I need to leave something in the van. Check out @wolfthevan on IG and also To m ’s w o r k a t t o m k a h l e r p h o t o . c o m


ISSUE 03 COMING SUMMER 2020 Nothing sells the camper lifestyle better than surf, jam, live in a van. Join us at the beach for surfing, and a comprehensive product test of some leading brands in the cooler and fridge department. Subscribe to Advanture Magazine today to get up to date news, exclusive content and notifications on upcoming issues.



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