IECA 2016 Diary

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I nternational Erosion Control Association


2016 Diary

Australia Pacific LNG Gas Gathering Project – Winner of the IECA Australasia 2015 Environmental Excellence Award

CDM Smith’s highly qualified and experienced technical team specialises in water engineering, water science and environmental consulting services. Combined with the power of our global resources and expertise, we provide our clients with a range of soil and water management services for bulk earthworks, civil infrastructure and construction projects. Our team of Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), Certified Professional Soil Scientists (CPSS) and Chartered Professional Engineers (CPEng) design effective erosion and sediment control (ESC) Plans that can be implemented onsite in accordance with the Best Practice in Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines, International Erosion Control Association. .

Perth • Brisbane • Adelaide • Melbourne • (07) 3828 6900 aspx

Healing the Scars of Progress and Restoring Nature

SPRAYGRASS Hydromulching Hydroseeding Hydrocompost Matrix™ Enviroguard (BFM)

Strawmulching Conventional Seeding Organic Fibre Matting Soil Amelioration

Commercial Landscaping Residential Landscaping/ Platinum Outdoor Consultancy

Centre for Environmental Training CET provides professional short courses and in-house training in a range of environmental and geotechnical topics including on-site and decentralised wastewater management, erosion and sediment control, soil and water management and waste and landfill management. Our courses combine both theory and practical sessions and promote relevant best practice in science, engineering, management and regulation. They are prepared and delivered by experienced practitioners working at the forefront of their fields. All courses are reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that new developments in research, technology and legislation are incorporated.

We currently offer the following soil and water management courses

Erosion and Sediment Control Workshop (IECA CPESC examination preparation) NSW (Blue Book and IECA manual)

Erosion and Sediment Control Workshop (IECA CPESC examination preparation) QLD (DERM and IECA manual)

Practical Erosion and Sediment Control for the Workforce

Erosion and Sediment Control for Coal Seam Gas (CSG) Development

Fundamentals of Erosion and Sediment Control for Main Road and Rail Construction

Design and Management of Sediment Basins and Flocculation

Erosion and Sediment Control for Waste Landfills

Environmental Awareness for Underground Boring

Acid Sulfate Soils Management for Construction Sites

Other specialised and higher level courses

Erosion and Sediment Control for Unsealed Roads

Erosion and Sediment Control for Mines and Quarries

Please check out our website for more information

CDM Smith’s highly qualified and experienced technical team specialises in water engineering, water science and environmental consulting services. Combined with the power of our global resources and expertise, we provide our clients with a range of soil and water management services for bulk earthworks, civil infrastructure and construction projects. Our team of Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), Certified Professional Soil Scientists (CPSS) and Chartered Professional Engineers (CPEng) design effective erosion and sediment control (ESC) Plans that can be implemented onsite in accordance with the Best Practice in Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines, International Erosion Control Association. .

Perth • Brisbane • Adelaide • Melbourne • (07) 3828 6900 aspx


Products for


Erosion Control




Contact us today to discuss your project! 1800 643 384 | |

Soil and Water Management Specialists Erosion and Sediment Control Plans CPESC Inspection and Auditing Erosion Assessment Rehabilitation and Revegetation Training Soil Characterisation Soil Profile Reconstruction Land Capability Assessments Landform Design Landform Evolution Modelling Expert Witness Services Product Performance Testing

International Erosion Control Association


2016 2016 Diary The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) serves as a global resource for people who share a common responsibility for the causes, prevention and control of soil erosion. The erosion control industry is rapidly evolving.

Contractors, engineers, educators, business owners and others count on IECA to keep them informed about the latest practices, regulations and technology. Can you afford to fall behind?


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International Erosion Control Association



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Voting privileges Subscription to Erosion Control, the IECA bi-monthly publication, electronically. All nominated employees eligible for member discounts to IECA educational events, conferences and publications. Discounts on advertising packages on our website and in newsletters. Updates on IECA (Aust) activities, publications and other information resources. The opportunity to be listed on the Chapter Website and in the Products and Services Directory in your nominated category. Special IECA (Aust) artwork for promotional use. Membership certificate issued annually on the anniversary of your membership. Access to members only section on the Chapter website to view past conference papers and seminar/workshop presentations. Access to the IECA Region 1 website members only section as a guest to view conference papers, articles etc. The opportunity to list positions vacant and positions wanted in the Chapter e-News and Newsletter. Emerald members get special recognition in the Chapter Newsletter. Access to the IECA industry mentoring program. Emerald members get: - Company logo displayed in the Chapter Newsletter - A direct link from the Newsletter to their company website - An Emerald Member profile in the Newsletter to showcase their business.


Membership Fee (incl. GST)

Emerald Membership Fee (incl. GST)





Small Corporate (<5 members)



Medium Corporate (5-20 members)



Large Corporate (>20 members)



To apply for membership to IECA Australasia please visit our website For more information on membership, please contact the IECA Australasia chapter. IECA Australasia PO Box 33 Picton NSW 2571 AUSTRALIA Phone: +61 2 4677 0901 Fax: +61 2 4677 0902 Email: Web:



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International Erosion Control Association




• To educate IECA members, the public and the erosion and sediment control industries. • To disseminate information through conferences, seminars and communication media. • To provide technical expertise for people, organisations and governments seeking assistance in the field of erosion and sediment control and soil conservation. • To establish standards for erosion and sediment control materials and installation procedures. • To promote the expertise of erosion and sediment control through professional certification.

Members receive the “Erosion Control” journal, published six times a year, electronically. It features articles on:

Conferences • Cover all aspects of soil and water management. • Provide a series of technical and special topical sessions. • Offer papers about hands-on experience • Provide practical applications of old and new technologies.

Short Course / Field Days Another way we serve our membership is through workshops, short courses, seminars and field days on erosion and sediment control. Members gain substantial discounts to these events and an opportunity to be involved in their organisation and running of events on the day

Awards The Association and the Chapter like to recognize those who are demonstrating industry best practice along with industry innovators. This is done through the Association’s and Chapter Awards program.

• Erosion control techniques. • Unique problems and solutions. • National programs round the world. • Special member profiles. • Association news. • Information on new products. The Chapter Newsletter is published at least twice a year. It includes information regarding Chapter activities and technical reviews relevant to the Australasian environment. Best Practice Erosion and Sediment Control document is the most recent and comprehensive erosion and sediment control document in Australia and is published by IECA Australasia.

Website The Association has a comprehensive website that provides information on conferences, member/expertise search, a member only section, membership application, on-line training, course details and student resources, erosion and sediment control industry links. Further, the Chapter site includes information on all Chapter activities and events, membership details, a products and services directory, information and application forms for the Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control and more. All members also have the opportunity to be included in the Chapter’s Products and Services Directory that can be found on the website.

International Erosion Control Association

AU STR A LAS I A International Erosion Control Association




Best Practice Erosion and Sediment BestControl Practice Erosion and

Sediment The essential referenceControl for building and construction erosion and sediment The site essential reference for building and control forconstruction Australia. site erosion and sediment control for Australia.

IECA Australasia is proud to publish Best Practice Erosion and Sediment Control. This publication is Practice IECA Australasia is proud to publish Best the most recent andand comprehensive erosion Erosion Sediment Control. Thisand publication is the most recent and comprehensive sediment control document currently availableerosion and sediment document currently in Australia. Its origin control lies in the Soil Erosion andavailable in Australia. Its originGuidelines lies in the Soil Sediment Control, Engineering for Erosion and Sediment Control, Queensland Construction SitesEngineering publishedGuidelines by the for Queensland Construction Sites published by the then Institution of Engineers, Australia back in 1996.

then Institution of Engineers, Australia back in 1996.

Historically, strategies the reduction of soil of soil Historically,for strategies for the reduction erosion and land degradation have primarily erosion and land degradation have primarily been developed the agricultural sector andsector and beenby developed by the agricultural soil scientists.soil However, erosionsoil and land and land scientists.soil However, erosion is notto restricted to just agricultural degradation degradation is not restricted just agricultural areas. Uncontrolled sedimentation, and areas. Uncontrolled sedimentation, pollution pollution and Best Practice and Sediment Control ErosionErosion and Sediment Control is anis an changesfrom resulting from constructionBest Practice hydrological hydrological changes resulting construction reference for erosion and sediment control arelargest one of contributors the largest contributors to land and essentialessential reference for erosion and sediment control sites are one sites of the to land and professionals nationally. water quality degradation in Australia. professionals nationally. water quality degradation in Australia. In addition to the 3 hard copy volumes purchasers

Best Practice Erosion and Sediment Control is In addition to provided the 3 hard copy purchasers Best Practiceindicative Erosion and Sediment Control is will be with a CDvolumes containing volume 4 of the significant contribution currently will be provided with a CD containing volume indicative of being the significant contribution currently and the free download material as well as a 4unique made to the practice of urban soil erosion and and thecode free that download material as well a uniqueweb being made to the practice erosion including and will allow them access to as a restricted sediment controlofbyurban other soil professions, code that will allow to4aofrestricted web page that will them includeaccess volume the document sediment control by other professions, engineers, ecologists and civilincluding contractors. It andwill a host of freevolume downloadable Volume include 4 of theextras. document contains the strategies Itand techniquespage to that engineers, ecologists andnecessary civil contractors. 4 contains comprehensive extras. range ofVolume erosion and erosion and sediment control practitioners and a host of freeadownloadable contains the assist necessary strategies and techniques to sediment control fact sheets will be updated reduce the degradation of land and water from 4 contains a comprehensive rangethat of erosion and assist erosiontoand sediment control practitioners and sedimentation. regularly tofact reflect current knowledge. sediment control sheets that will be updated to reduce theuncontrolled degradationerosion of land and water from uncontrolled erosion and sedimentation. regularly to reflect current knowledge.

IECA Prelims 2014 2.indd 11

5/09/13 3:25 PM

solutions for mine rehabilitation and erosion control

optimising rehabilitation with specialist compost and mulch SUEZ environnement* is one of the largest processors of urban-generated organics in Australia.

Our network of state-of-the-art facilities across Australia create specialist composted products used in a variety of land remediation and rehabilitation works. We support businesses across a variety of disciplines working to restore eroded and depleted environments into stable and, preferably, vegetated landforms.

Our products can be used for: • Minesite revegetation and rehabilitation • Erosion and sediment control • Compost blankets** • Spraygrassing activities such as hydromulching or hydroseeding • Commercial civil works • Commercial landscaping works

For more information, contact one of our Organics specialists on

02 9708 7861 or *SUEZ environnement recycling and waste recovery (referred to as SUEZ environnement) (ABN 70 002 902 650) is the new business name of SITA Australia Pty Ltd. SITA Australia Pty Ltd is part of the SUEZ environnement global group of companies. **In cooperation with licensed or approved compost blanket installers.

International Erosion Control Association


PUBLICATIONS (CONTINUED) Overview of ESC Best Practice Documents The following is an overview of the Best Practice Erosion and Sediment Control documents published by the Australasian Chapter of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA). A total of 6 books make up the full suite of documents, those being: Book 1: Chapters (hard copy for purchase) Book 2: Appendices A to G (hard copy for purchase Book 3: Appendices H to N (hard copy for purchase) Book 4: 136 individual fact sheets on various ESC techniques (electronic PDF files)

Book 5: Erosion and Sediment Control – A Field Guide for Construction Site (free PDF file) Book 6: 136 individual A4 standard drawings of various ESC techniques (free PDF files) The publication has been divided into 6 books to allow individual practitioners to readily access the information relevant to their working conditions, and to allow for the review and updating of individual sections without having to review the whole document. Each book has been developed for a particular audience. The following table outlines which books are likely to be of most relevance to various professional groups.


Books likely to be of most relevance


• Book 1, Ch-4 for the setting of design standards • Books 2 & 3, App-G, H, I & L for model codes of practice • Book 1, Ch-3 for planning issues and data collection

Planners Designers of ESC Plans

Project Managers and Construction Industry Personnel

• Book 1 for ESC principles and default design standards • Book 2 for specific design procedures and guidelines • Book 3 for the application of ESC to specific site conditions • Book 4 fact sheets for design principles and selection of appropriate ESC techniques for specific site conditions • Book 6 standard drawings for attachment to contracts • Book 1, Ch-2 & 6 for principles of ESC and site management • Book 4 fact sheets listed under the “Miscellaneous” heading • Book 5 field guide for ‘preliminary’ advice on issues not adequately addressed within the ESC plan • Book 6 standard drawings for materials, installation, maintenance and removal specifications on ESC techniques

International Erosion Control Association



Service Installers

Site inspectors & Regulators

• Book 3, App-H for design guidelines and model code of practice • Book 4 building site fact sheets listed under “Miscellaneous” • Book 6 standard drawings ESC-1, ESC-2, ESC-3, ESC-4 & ESC-5 for installation specifications on ESC techniques • Book 1, Ch-2 for principles of ESC • Book 3, App-L for design guidelines and model code of practice • Book 4 fact sheets listed under the “Miscellaneous” heading • Book 5 field guide for ‘preliminary’ advice on issues not adequately addressed within the ESC plan • Book 6 standard drawings for materials, installation, maintenance and removal specifications on ESC techniques • All books

Book 1: Chapters

Book 3: Appendices

1. Introduction

H. Building sites I. Instream works J. Road and rail construction K. Access tracks and trails L. Installation of services M. Erosion processes N. Glossary of terms X. Index (Books 1 to 3)

2. Principles of erosion and sediment control 3. Site planning 4. Design standards and technique selection 5. Preparation of plans 6. Site management 7. Site inspection

Book 4: ESC Technique Fact Sheets

8. Bibliography

Each fact sheet is available for download from the IECA web site (free to those that purchase Books 1 to 3).

Book 2: Appendices A. Construction site hydrology and hydraulics B. Sediment basin design and operation C. Soils and revegetation D. Example plans E. Soil loss estimation F. Erosion hazard assessment G. Model code of practice

136 fact sheets are grouped under the following categories: A. Drainage control measures B. Erosion control measures C. Sediment control measures D. De-watering sediment control measures E. In-stream flow and sediment control F. Miscellaneous topics

International Erosion Control Association


PUBLICATIONS (CONTINUED) Book 5: Erosion and Sediment Control – A Field Guide for Construction Site Managers The field guide has been developed as an easy-touse pictorial guide to the application of erosion and sediment control measures on typical construction sites. It is an essential reference document for all site inspectors, project managers and leading hands. Book 5 is currently available as a free PDF download from both the IECA (Australasia) and Catchments & Creeks’ web sites. A high quality version (suitable for printing) is available on request from Catchments & Creeks Pty Ltd.

Contents: Impacts of soil erosion and sediment runoff Site management Site inspection and monitoring Vegetation management Soil management Management of dispersive soils Management of temporary access roads Temporary site shutdowns Site rehabilitation Drainage control measures Erosion control measures Sediment control measures De-watering sediment control Glossary of terms

Book 6: Standard Drawings Book 6 consists of 136 individual A4 standard drawings of various ESC techniques. The standard drawings consist of diagrams displaying typical installation layout and dimensions (e.g. below left), and specifications for the materials, installation, maintenance and removal (e.g. below right). Standard drawings are available for 92 different ESC techniques. The standard drawings are available for free download from the IECA web site Books 1, 2 & 3 (set) are available through: IECA Australasia (A.B.N. 40 390 817 321) PO Box 33, PICTON, NSW, 2571, Australia Phone: (02) 4677 0901 Fax: (02) 4677 0902 Email: Please fax, email or post the following order form to IECA Australasia.

International Erosion Control Association


PUBLICATION ORDER FORM Best Practice Erosion and Sediment Control Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Company ___________________________________________________________________________ Postal address ________________________________________________________________________ Post Code ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________ Email ________________________________________ (We would appreciate your e-mail address so that we can forward correspondence to you electronically in future)

Sales within Australia This payment is for _______sets (Books 1, 2 & 3) IECA Members at $370.00 (incl. GST) per set Non Members at $390.00 (incl GST) per set Plus postage and handling of $20.00 per set within Australia

$ ___________________ $ ___________________ $ ___________________

Sales outside Australia This payment is for _______sets (Books 1, 2 & 3) IECA Members at $350.00 per set Non Members at $370.00 per set Plus postage and handling – please contact the IECA Australasia office.

$ ___________________ $ ___________________ $ ___________________


$ ___________________

Make cheques payable to: International Erosion Control Association (Australasia). All payments must be made in Australian dollars.

Enquiries phone Sandra Lanz on (02) 4677 0901, Fax (02) 4677 0902, or e-mail at: I am paying by (please tick):


Money order,




Valid until: ________/ 20________ Name on card (As appears on credit card) _____________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________________________________

EFT payment details: Bank: CBA. Branch: Camden. BSB: 062 516. A/C: 10032321. In deposit description please put the code BP plus your name or company name. Please send remittance advice to

International Erosion Control Association


CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL IN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL “An international registry of certified professionals technically qualified in erosion and sediment control.” The public demands evidence of professional competence from persons whose activities affect the physical and economic wellbeing of people throughout the world. Such professionals increasingly must be able to show evidence of their qualifications. CPESC, Inc. certifies individuals based on thorough examination and review of an individual’s educational, scientific and service activities in both the public and private sector. CPESC, Inc. has developed standards and procedures for certifying persons qualified to practice in the fields of erosion and sediment control. Individuals who demonstrate an established minimal level of competence through the application review process and an examination process will be certified in erosion and sediment control by CPESC Inc. This certification program is based upon scholarly preparation knowledge and experience. Certified professionals listed on the registry will: (a) meet the educational and practical experience standards, (b) subscribe to the code of ethics, (c) qualify for particular identification of special abilities, and (d) pass a qualifying examination.

The CPESC program started in the United States and is administered by IECA Australasia in Australia and New Zealand. An Australasian CPESC committee has developed the program to reflect Australian and New Zealand needs. This has occurred in close consultation with the CPESC Executive Committee in the USA that provides oversight for the program. The CPESC program is designed for individuals actively involved in the following E&SC activities: • Development and review of permits. • Design and review of E&SC plans. • Installation and inspection of E&SC practices. • Related activities (such as, assessing regulators, authoring handbooks, and educating the public). For more information or to apply for CPESC please visit .

Week 53

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New Years Day

For more information on DuraVeg Australia 1800 3872 8873 New Zealand +64 3 372 8719




2016 | January

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January | 2016




Week 53


At the forefront of innovation delivering complete environment rehabilitation and erosion control solutions


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Healing the Scars of Progress and Restoring Nature

For more information on DuraVeg Australia 1800 3872 8873 New Zealand +64 3 372 8719

SPRAYGRASS Hydromulching Hydroseeding Hydrocompost Matrix™ Enviroguard (BFM)

Strawmulching Conventional Seeding Organic Fibre Matting Soil Amelioration

Commercial Landscaping Residential Landscaping/ Platinum Outdoor Consultancy

Geospray – Winner of the IECA Australasia 2015 Award for Innovation, Education or Contribution to the Erosion and Sediment Control Industry.

I nternational Erosion Control Association


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