Newsflash | 1 September 2017 Dear Colleagues, BIBLE READING PRACTICES IN THE AFM How important is the Bible in the lives of Pentecostal believers? How frequently do they read the Bible and what role does the Bible play in their daily lives? The Education and Training Department of the AFM decided to do empirical research across the country, representative of all our assemblies, to investigate how and why our members read the Bible. A questionnaire was utilised in the analysis and the demographic realities of South Africa were reflected in the data collection. The most important results of the study is summarised by Professor Marius Nel (Chair, Ecumene: Pentecostalism & Neo-Pentecostalism at the North-West University) in the article below: I also encourage you to perhaps consider repeating this research in your own assembly. The specific questionnaire that was used can also be downloaded: 1. AFM National Conference 2017 As of today registrations for the AFM National Conference is officially closing. After today (Friday, 1 September) no registrations will be processed at the National Office. However, delegates are welcome to still register at the Conference. The Registration Fee will be R400 and will include a conference goodie bag. Kindly note that the goodie bags are limited. All Conference Delegates are kindly requested to bring their proof of payment along. Refer to the information below if you require more details about the conference: COHESION Living as people of the Spirit in a secularizing society. Joh.17:20-21 Date:
Sunday Evening 10 September – Wednesday Evening 13 September
AFM Kwazulu Natal Celebration Centre (Past. Ronnie Naidoo’s assembly) 33 High Street Tongaat, Durban (Close to the King Shakta Airport)