Newsflahs | 20 January 2017 Dear Colleagues, Accept my best wishes for the New Year. I pray that God will give you the wisdom, capacity and anointing for your ministry in 2017 and beyond. I would like to remind you that January is dedicated to Prayer & Fasting in the AFM. I am thankful to all of you who have already commenced with prayer & fasting. I would like you to add the following items to your prayer list: Rain Let us thank God for the rain we have received. I am told that it has slightly increased the water content in some of our encashment areas. There are however, many other areas that are still in the grip of drought. Some of the country’s water reservoirs remain very low. This means that AFM must continue to pray for more rain. Economy The growth prospects for our economy remains gloom. As a result, many of our people are unemployed and go to bed on empty stomachs. Let us pray for growth and employment opportunities. Church Growth It is God who makes church growth possible. Let us pray that our congregations’ numbers and finances will grow this year. Let us also pray that AFM congregations will have the kind of impact that will cause our communities to experience God’s intervention and transformation. Up4SA is a national prayer initiative to engage as many local communities as possible in active prayer for our country, South Africa. Coorindated by Pastor. Robbie Black (082 462 1540), AFM assemblies and members are invited to participate in this nation-wide initiative on 26 February at 17h00. Kindly find all the information to participate here: To download a document for more information: To volunteer: or 072 083 1371 Website: Facebook:
1. AFM NATIONAL OFFICE: STAFF Staff members at the National Office wish all pastors a prosperous new year! To know which staff member to contact for specific enquiries, kindly click on the link below for a visual illustration showing all staff members and the administrative processes they will take responsibility for from the 1st of February: To download a copy of the AFM National Year Planner kindly follow the link below: 2. 2017 NOB STREEKSBESOEKE The NOB is looking forward to meeting with regions, networks and departments in 2017. February February February February March March March March April
3-4 3-4 17-18 17-18 3-4 3-4 24-25 24-25 21-22
Eastern Cape Northern Cape Free State Cape Town Limpopo Mpumalanga North West Gauteng Kwazulu-Natal
AFM Despatch AFM Lofoord (Upington) AFM Jubilate (Bloemfontein) AFM Goodwood AFM Tshifulanani AFM of SA Lighuis Gemeente (Middelburg) Rheeboksfontein Herlewingsentrum (Mayville – Pretoria) AFM Kingsway (Amanzimtoti)
For more information download the formal Invitation Letter and Program from the link below: 3. MIL Workshops Dr. Christo van den Berg will be facilitating MIL (Ministry Integrated Learning) workshops in Cape Town, Pretoria and Amanzimtoti. Details follow: Cape Town: 23,24 & 25 January Pretoria: 30,31 January & 1 February Amanzimtoti: 6, 7 & 8 February Cost: R250 (for the three days) Lunch and refreshments included. All pastors are welcome to attend the MIL workshops. If interested, contact Dr. Christo van den Berg to confirm your booking (10 PCD points will be awarded by attending the 3 days). Kindly note that the R250 fee applies. Blessings MG Mahlobo
THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION OF SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL OFFICE Building no.14 | Central Office Park | 257 Jean Ave | Centurion Gauteng South Africa P.O. Box 9450 Centurion 0046 Tel: 27 12 644 0490 | Fax: 27 12 644 0732/4 | Newsletter Editor: Past. M.G. Mahlobo (President of the AFM) Additional Enquiries: Chantalle Schutte (Internal Communication Specialist) The WHOLE church taking the WHOLE Gospel to the WHOLE world.