Newsflash | 28 April 2017 Dear Colleagues, 1. SOAKING SOUTH AFRICA IN PRAYER! The 22nd of April 2017 will forever be etched in history as the day where a million South Africans of all races, gender and ages came together to pray for our beloved country. It was a powerful day of collective prayer that demonstrated South Africa’s unity in Christ: I now call upon all AFM congregations to be part of the campaign to continue to soak our country in prayer. Some of you may be aware of the 50 days of joint prayer from Easter to Pentecost (2017) by various denominations and prayer movements of South Africa affiliated to IFSA (Intercessors for South Africa): IFSA website: IFSA YouTube Channel: The focus of this joint prayer effort is to speak love and blessing over South Africa. Our members are urged to participate in this effort to soak our country in prayer. I would suggest that the following payer points be included in our prayers: • CRIME: Pray for empowered civil society acting together with the country’s Security Agencies and Justice System to eradicate the scourge of crime, especially violent crime. • ECONOMY: Pray for economic growth, out of junk status. Pray for the kind of economy that will create jobs and reduce poverty levels. • EDUCATION: Pray that our education system will be improved to deliver needed skills and that solutions in dealing with the current financial challenges in the Educational Institutions, will be found. • CHURCH UNITY: Pray that the church will be enabled to rise and speak with one voice against conduct within the churches that compromises our collective witness and, also on South Africa that we are dreaming and praying for.