Newsflash | 31 March 2017 Dear Colleagues, Current situation with Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan The leadership of the AFM of SA notes with great concern the unexplained recall of the Minister of Finance, Mr. Pravin Gordhan, the Deputy Minister of Finance Mr. Mcebisi Jonas and the Director General Mr. Lungisa Fuzile, from investor roadshows in the UK and in the USA. While we fully understand and accept the prerogative of the Presidency to do so, we question the manner in which it was done. The action on the part of the Presidency to abruptly end the investor roadshows has created a situation of suspense and uncertainty in the country. This may have an adverse economic impact. In the current circumstances it would be virtuous of the president to clarify any uncertainty regarding this matter. Our country needs a strong inclusive economy in order to deal with current levels of unemployment and poverty. It is the responsibility of the Government to create and sustain a conducive environment for investment and economic stability. We call upon the Government to display transparency when exercising state authority. Moving forward, we also call upon our Government to display prudent and responsible leadership over the country’s fiscus and economy. We further call on our pastors and members to bring the current situation of uncertainty to God in prayer this coming Sunday. 1. CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF UNITY IN THE AFM We have received many enquiries for physical copies of the Unity Video that was played at the General Business Meeting last year in September. Pastors are now welcome to order a DVD from the National Office! To order, download the form below and kindly follow the instructions: 2. 2017 NOB REGIONAL EMPOWERMENTS The National Office Bearers last visited the North West and Gauteng Provinces on their annual regional empowerment visits. Thank you for all our Pastors and leaders that attended. FRIDAY will be for Regional / Network Committees and Departments and will concentrate on current leadership issues, effective facilitation of the implementation of the Game Plan, as well as the focus and responsibilities of RLF’s and -Departments. The SATURDAY will be for all pastors, Governing Body members, as well as department and assembly representatives
and will concentrate on the President’s focus and the practical implementation of the One AFM Game Plan. The remaining date is: April 21-22 Kwazulu-Natal
AFM Kingsway (Amanzimtoti)
For more information download the formal Invitation Letter from the link below: Blessings MG Mahlobo THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION OF SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL OFFICE Building no.14 | Central Office Park | 257 Jean Ave | Centurion Gauteng South Africa P.O. Box 9450 Centurion 0046 Tel: 27 12 644 0490 | Fax: 27 12 644 0732/4 | Newsletter Editor: Past. M.G. Mahlobo (President of the AFM) Additional Enquiries: Chantalle Schutte (Internal Communication Specialist) The WHOLE church taking the WHOLE Gospel to the WHOLE world.