Newsflash | 9 June 2017 Dear Colleagues, RECENT ACTS OF ABUSE, RAPE AND KILLING OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN IN OUR COUNTRY South Africa has become a dangerous country for children and women. Violence has become endemic. During the past five months, a shocking number of women and children were killed in South Africa. What is of concern is that many of them died at the hands of their male partners or men they knew. This seems to be the continuation of a national trend. According to the SA Medical Research Council a woman is killed every eight hours by an intimate partner. According to Statistics South Africa (South Africa Demographic and Health Survey 2016 released in May), one in five (21%) women in a relationship has experienced physical violence from a partner. From January to date more than 19 children have been killed in the Western Cape. These abhorrent crimes are clear indicators of the breakdown of family values. Among others these values include mutual respect, care and protecting the inherent dignity of each other. In the past, statistics indicated that most children grow up in homes where fathers are alive but absent. While some have physically left homes, others are physically present but absent in terms of grooming their children especially boy children. I think it is time to make a plea to all absent fathers to come back home. These gruesome acts are an indictment to the patriarchal system that tend to regard children and women as objects, and not fellow human beings who are created by God as equals. The fact that men and women have dissimilar roles in the family should never be construed to mean that they do not share the same dignity and equality as human beings created by God. All kinds of problems should be solved through negotiation - a problem-solving method that should be promoted in our homes and local churches. There is no problem that is so complicated that it warrants name calling, insult and violence. I am calling on our members and leaders to stand in the gap and say “No!” to the abuse, rape and killing of our children and women. We must openly declare that these crimes as heinous. We must report these to law enforcement agencies. 1. National Sisters’ Fellowship Conference 2017 The National Sisters’ Fellowship promotes prayer, fellowship and spiritual growth among AFM women. The Department promotes a Christ-centred character through annual conferences, special weekends and prayer days. Evangelism is facilitated through the Sisters’ Fellowships at local AFM congregations where the focus is on the community and world evangelism. Taking care for the needy is done through donations to charitable organisations and hospices. In support of the above, the Fellowship also dedicates time to raising funds and goods in kind.
The National Sisters’ Fellowship invites all AFM women to their annual conference that will be held in Durban this year. The theme of the conference is: LET THE LIFE OF CHRIST BE SEEN IN US Date: 6-9 July Place: Moses Mabhida Stadium, People’s Park East, Durban Cost: R250 per person Registration & Enquiries: Contact Mrs. Zungu at 078 065 2368
2. AFM National Conference 2017 The NOB hereby invite you to the 2017 AFM National Conference! The theme of the conference is: COHESION Living as people of the Spirit in a secularizing society. Joh.17:20-21 Date: Sunday Evening 10 September – Wednesday Evening 13 September Place: AFM Kwazulu Natal Celebration Centre (Past. Ronnie Naidoo’s assembly) 33 High Street Tongaat, Durban (Close to the King Shaka Airport) Cost: R300 (Registrations close 31 July. Thereafter registrations fee is R350) Registrations are now open. You are welcome to download the Registration Form and follow the instructions: Accommodation options are also available and can be downloaded from the link below: We will have PCD workshops on the Monday and Tuesday during the day and Conference services every night. More detailed information will follow shortly. If you have any questions about the conference, please contact Mr. Desmond Alie at the AFM Head Office at 012 644 0490. 3. Preparing For Your Marriage Officer License Exam Pastors that are in the process of preparing for their marriage officer exams, are encouraged to contact Dr. Paul La Poorta for study support at Blessings MG Mahlobo THE APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION OF SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL OFFICE Building no.14 | Central Office Park | 257 Jean Ave | Centurion Gauteng South Africa P.O. Box 9450 Centurion 0046 Tel: 27 12 644 0490 | Fax: 27 12 644 0732/4 | Newsletter Editor: Past. M.G. Mahlobo (President of the AFM) Additional Enquiries: Chantalle Schutte (Internal Communication Specialist) The WHOLE church taking the WHOLE Gospel to the WHOLE world.