1 minute read
Assessment Grades 4–12
This workshop covers assessment management in schools star ng with the planning for assessment. Then we deal with the design and development of assessment ac vi es and tasks, followed by analysis and review of assessment. Lastly, we learn how to interpret and report on assessment results.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • defi ne assessment and explain its diff erent purposes • plan and prepare for assessment • understand what modera on and quality assurance are and how to implement them • design and develop assessment ac vi es and tasks • analyse and review the assessment • interpret and report on assessment. Dura on: Full day
Target Audience
Teachers, HODs, Depu es and SESs
This workshop looks into the importance of eff ec ve feedback to the learning process. We also deal with the do’s and don’ts of giving constructuve feedback.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • defi ne feedback • recognise the importance of feedback in the learning process • iden fy and list the benefi ts of feedback to teachers, learners and learning • iden fy the characteris cs of eff ec ve feedback • plan and give feedback eff ec vely. Dura on: Half day
Target Audience
Teachers, HODs, Depu es and SESs