14 minute read
School and Classroom Management
Understand the importance of a tudes, percep ons and posi ve behaviour during confl ict handling; iden fy and apply the steps in the suggested confl ict handling model in the workplace and future confl ict situa ons.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • understand and defi ne the term confl ict and terminologies used during confl ict handling • determine and iden fy obstacles during the confl ict handling process from a personal point of view • iden fy and interpret your individual confl ict handling style and suggest uses for the other confl ict handling styles • understand the importance of a tudes, percep ons and posi ve behaviour during confl ict handling • iden fy and state posi ve communica on prac ces during confl ict handling • iden fy and apply eff ec ve listening techniques during confl ict handling • iden fy the workplace culture and understand the infl uence of the individual and workplace culture on the confl ict handling process • iden fy and apply the steps in the suggested confl ict handling model in the workplace and future confl ict situa ons • draw up a confl ict handling ac on plan and apply confl ict handling techniques within the workplace and future confl ict situa ons.
Target Audience
Principals, deputy principals, HODs, subject heads, team leaders, teachers, RCL members and SGB members Dura on: Full day
This workshop will help you to understand what curriculum planning and management entails, as well as effec ve QA, analysing stats and mee ng procedures.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • understand what curriculum planning and management entails • plan for curriculum development Dura on: Full day
• develop a management plan • follow assessment and quality assurance procedures • apply assessment and evidence principles • use monitoring and modera on tools • iden fy the different HOD fi les required • capture and analyse sta s cs • get to know about and apply mee ng procedures.
Target Audience
Deputy principals, HODs
This workshop explains and defi nes diversity and iden fi es problems/barriers to diversity, as well as the value and benefi ts that may exist when dealing with diversity.
Outcomes of Workshop
Dura on: Full day
This workshop will enable you to: • understand the diff erent types of diversity in a school and classroom • be able to apply diff erent strategies to implement in a school and classroom to address diversity issues • be able to select and use diff erent learning and teaching material to address diversity in the school/classroom • be able to dra policies to ensure inclusivity • have an understanding of the values of the Cons tu on in the school/ classroom • as a school leader, understand and realise your responsibility and accountability in terms of diversity management.
Target Audience
Principals, deputy principals, HODs, teachers, RCL members and SGB members
Educa on is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X
This workshop covers everything you possibly need to know about establishing a media centre at your school and will equip you to manage it effi ciently.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • create vision and mission statements for your school’s media centre • generate a budget • learn about and prac se collec on building, cataloguing, classifi ca on and processing of books • answer requests • learn about copyright, plagiarism and referencing. Dura on: 2 days
Target Audience
Media Centre teachers and assistants, SMTs
This workshop will help you to understand PLCs and the roles of stakeholders as well as set up func onal PLCs using a set of guidelines. Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: Full day This workshop will enable you to: • develop an understanding of professional development and professional development communi es • apply your knowledge of PLCs to advocate their importance • discuss the diff erent aspects of PLCs and the roles of their stakeholders • iden fy the professional learning community that will work best for you • set up PLCs as the lead teacher or subject facilitator using a set of guidelines • set up a year-long PLC programme according to the needs of your community • realise the importance of support for your staff in being a member of a PLC (as principal).
Target Audience
Teachers, HODs and SESs
This course will equip school district offi cials, school management team members, principals, teachers and other key stakeholders within school or educa onal environments with the necessary strategies and skills to enable them to facilitate posi ve human rela ons.
Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: 3 hours This workshop will enable you to: • describe what emo onal intelligence is and refl ect upon their own in order to understand interac ons with others more clearly • prac se self-awareness as a founda on to healthy rela onships with others • explain how understanding what mo vates individuals assists in crea ng a climate of respect in working environments • prac se asser veness to build healthy professional rela onships • embody trust and inspire confi dence • build high levels of respect • prac se ac ve listening in order to communicate eff ec vely • describe the causes and eff ects of confl ict • refl ect upon and appreciate the consequences of confl ict • use eff ec ve communica on strategies to manage confl ict construc vely • apply a mul -dimensional approach to problem-solving • describe and use diff erent styles to manage confl ict appropriately • refl ect on their learning in order to improve their rela onships with others in personal and professional contexts.
Target Audience
School principals, Deputy principals, Heads of department, teachers, District offi cials
This workshop will help you to understand the roles, func ons and characteris ce of eff ec ve mentors and coaches, and will help you to establish a sustainable culture of mentoring and coaching in your school/department/team.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • understand the roles and responsibili es of a mentor and coach Dura on: Half day
• learn different models of effec ve mentors and coaches • learn the quali es and skills of effec ve mentors and coaches.
Target Audience
Principals, deputy principals, HODs, subject heads and team leaders
This workshop is the solu on to all your event and project management nightmares.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • approach sponsors and donors • choose an eff ec ve team • budget correctly.
Target Audience
Principals, deputy principals, HODs, subject heads, team leaders, teachers, RCL members and SGB members Dura on: Full day
This workshop provides a new perspec ve on the importance of parental involvement at school and in the child’s development. We discuss the partnership between parentes and the school.
Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: Full day This workshop will enable you to: • explain why the teachers and parents need each other to provide sustainable quality educa on to all • dra a basic agreement about the partnership between teachers and parents for your specifi c school • discuss possible stumbling blocks between the partners • develop a communica on strategy and process between the partners • understand what parental involvement at school entails • demonstrate understanding of parental involvement with own child
• support the teachers to provide sustainable quality educa on to all the learners in the school • iden fy the posi ve a tude between the partners to succeed together.
Target Audience
Principals, deputy principals, HODs, teachers, SGB members, parents
How do you know whether your conduct at school is in line with the code of ethics? This workshop will assist you to behave ethically at all mes.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • be able to discuss and describe ethics using diff erent defi ni ons and interpreta ons • understand how ethical behaviour is infl uenced by a variety of contexts • have an understanding of how vices can lead to unethical behaviours • see how legal ac vi es and some laws can also lead to unethical behaviour • know how diffi cult it can some mes be to make the correct ethical choice when confronted by ethical dilemmas • realise that there are always consequences when deciding to act ethically or unethically • have an understanding of how descriptors of the IQMS help teachers to make ethical decisions daily as part of their teaching prac ce • know the responsibility of ac ng when you see or experience unethical behaviour • be able to refl ect on your own values and the way they help you to make ethical decisions.
Target Audience
Grade 1–12 teachers, HODs, Principals, Deputy principals and SESs Dura on: Half day
For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them. Aristotle
This workshop explores the use of resources in teaching and how they enhance the learning process.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • defi ne resources • evaluate the use of resources in the past • assess diff erent resources • develop strategies for using resources of diff erent types • gain a greater understanding of teaching styles • discuss the teaching styles in rela on to a list of features and benefi ts of Macmillan books • understand how the VARK model relates to diff erent teaching techniques • analyse a number of teaching techniques in terms of learning styles • draw up a class profi le • evaluate pages from textbooks in terms of the design principles discussed • devise a lesson using a dic onary • draw up a checklist to use in evalua ng websites • watch four video clips and comment on them. Dura on: Half day
Target Audience
HODs, teachers, School Media Centre (library) teachers
A guide to survive your me in office using case studies, checklists, informa on on roles and responsibili es, mee ng procedures and protocol as well as confl ict handling. This training programme is for newly appointed parents and school members who are appointed to serve on School Governing Bodies. Taking our diverse South African context into considera on, the approach is culturally sensi ve and aims to inform the SGB members of their roles and responsibili es in light of provincial and na onal legisla on in the simplest way.
Outcomes of Workshop
By the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to understand, apply and implement the following: • Handover procedures – When must this take place? – What must be handed over? ›Previous records such as agendas and minutes ›Policy fi les ›Financial fi les, including list of suppliers, audited statements, contracts, etc. – Change in signatories for the par cular school’s accounts, especially in the case of higher-quin le schools and Sec on 21 schools. • Signing of handover checklists by incoming and outgoing SGB members • Elec on of members to specifi c por olios • Co-op ng members for their exper se • Sending out mee ng invita ons and agendas • Mee ng protocol • Mee ng procedures • Minutes of mee ngs • The roles and responsibili es of diff erent members • Establishing commi ees and defi ning roles within these commi ees (sec on 30(1)) • Recruitment of teachers (sec on 20(1)(j);(7)) • Confl ict management.
Target Audience
Principals, deputy principals, parents, teachers and RCL members Dura on: Full day
Empowering discipline, an interac ve workshop about developing strategies to manage learner behaviour. It focuses on posi ve a tudes and the development of suppor ve rela onships with learners, to create a disciplined learning environment.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • understand what posi ve classroom discipline is about • recognise the meaning of ‘discipline’ and ‘punishment’ Dura on: Half day
• learn how to design a classroom discipline plan • realise the importance of character development and ins lling values in maintaining posi ve discipline • develop strategies to manage learner behaviour in a posi ve way.
Target Audience
Teachers, HODs, Depu es, Principals, TVET lecturers and managers
White Paper 6 states that all learning ins tu ons should establish an Ins tu onal-Level Support Team to support teachers. This workshop will focus on the func ons, roles and responsibili es of members of the ILST (SBST).
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • understand what an SBST is • know the roles and responsibili es of an SBST • know how to compose an SBST • know the characteris cs of a func onal SBST • understand inclusive educa on • know how to make your school an inclusive school • know the most common barriers to learning • know how to establish a support network for learners with barriers • be able to list the necessary resources for an SBST • establish an SBST that is func onal, suppor ve and las ng.
Target Audience
Members of the SBST, principals, deputy principals, HODs, subject heads, grade heads, teachers, school psychologists and school counsellor/s Dura on: Full day
We need to bring learning to people instead of people to learning. Elliot Masie
This workshop will enable you to prac se effec ve communica on in the workplace. It will also look at iden fying people you should build rela ons with as an HOD, the rela onship challenges that HODs encounter, as well as possible solu ons to these challenges.
Outcomes of Workshop
Dura on: Full day
This workshop will enable you to: • apply eff ec ve communica on at your workplace • iden fy the people you built rela ons with as an HOD • iden fy the rela onship challenges that HODs encounter that prevent them from being eff ec ve in carrying out their core du es • provide possible solu ons to these challenges • share best prac ces with each other • list the various discipline problems that occur in your school • determine your success in addressing these discipline problems • iden fy your du es as HODs in rela on to a grade head, subject head and phase head • list the various ways in which your school communicates with parents • iden fy the purpose/reason for communica ng with parents • iden fy the support that the HOD can get from the Departmental offi cials • iden fy the reason to maintain a good rela onship with Departmental offi cials.
Target Audience
Principals, deputy principals, HODs, subject heads and team leaders
This workshop is intended to assist teachers in managing their me and stress, through developing knowledge and understanding, and by equipping them with various skills and strategies. Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: Full day This workshop will enable you to: • understand stress and me management and how they impact you as an individual on a personal and professional level • learn what can be done to address personal and professional stressors • be be er equipped to manage your stress by altering your mind-set, improving the balance in your life, saying a ‘professional no’ and prac sing mindfulness exercises
• equip yourself to manage your me be er by – formula ng SMART goals – learning to priori se – formula ng to-do lists, and – minimising me-wasters.
Target Audience
Teachers, HODs, Depu es, Principals
We all get the exact same 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. So, why is it that some people seem to be able to accomplish so much more with their me? By a ending this workshop, you will learn effec ve me management techniques to help improve your focus, be more produc ve, have a be er work/life balance, and reduce stress and anxiety.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • establish what wastes your me • understand the purpose of me management • learn planning techniques and resources for eff ec ve me management • know how to set goals • know how to priori se • learn how to use to-do lists and other me management tools • be able to create a me management schedule. Dura on: Half day
Target Audience
Teachers, HODs, deputy principals, principals, administra ve staff
If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don’t bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking. R Buckminster Fuller, author, inventor, architect, futurist