7 minute read
Grade R
This workshop introduces assessment in Grade R in a prac cal manner.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • understand principles and types of assessment in
Grade R • apply the requirements for assessment through the daily programme • u lise specifi c ac vi es to integrate assessment • understand the six steps of the assessment process • implement proper observa on skills • design and develop a rubric and checklist. Dura on: Half day
Target Audience
Grade R prac oners, HODs and SESs
This workshop covers everything that a Grade R prac oner needs to know about assessment in Life Skills, Language and Mathema cs.
Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: Four days This workshop will enable you to: • understand assessments in Grade R • understand and apply the requirements for assessment through the daily programme • u lise specifi c ac vi es to integrate assessments • understand and implement proper observa on skills • refl ect on your teaching and assessments • design and develop a rubric and checklist • capture observa on notes • transfer marks to a recording sheet • capture marks on the relevant tool and on SA-SAMS • establish a baseline knowledge of the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) • understand the integrated daily programme • recognise and apply the correct terminology within the Grade R daily programme • understand and apply the requirements per play area within the Grade R classroom
• crea vely u lise specifi c resources within the various play areas • understand and implement proper rota on within the daily programme of focus and side ac vi es • complete a Grade R daily planner for implementa on in the classroom • understand assessment through the daily planner • capture anecdotal notes based on your observa on in the observa on book • capture observa ons onto a checklist • recognise the value of the integrated approach to the Grade R daily programme towards the holis c development of the child.
Target Audience
Grade R prac oners, HODs and SESs
This workshop deals with the use of assessment tools in a prac cal way to ensure that prac oners are confi dent using the diff erent assessment tools.
Outcomes of Workshop
Dura on: Full day
This workshop will enable you to: • understand the various forms of assessment in Grade R • know the programme requirements for Grade R • set up a Grade R classroom • know how to complete a report card • understand how to use a work schedule • use checklists, recording sheets and rubrics eff ec vely to record assessments.
Target Audience
Grade R prac oners and HODs
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.
Benjamin Franklin
Teachers are guided to develop a classroom where distrac ons are minimised, access to resources is maximised and synergy is developed between the lesson plan and the classroom layout.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • establish a baseline knowledge of the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) • understand the Integrated Daily Programme • recognise and apply the correct terminology within the Grade R classroom • understand and apply the requirements of each play area within the Grade R classroom • u lise specifi c resources within the various play areas in a crea ve way • understand and implement proper rota on within the daily programme of focus and side ac vi es • plan lessons to cater for differen a on in the classroom • understand and implement the correct Grade R classroom layout • recognise the value of the playroom towards holis c development of the child • interact with the Grade R play areas • understand and implement the Grade R ac vity rings • develop a classroom where distrac ons are minimised, access to resources is maximised and synergy is developed between the lesson plan and the classroom layout. Dura on: Full day
Target Audience
Grade R prac oners and HODs
This workshop will assist early childhood professionals in implemen ng an integrated approach to the daily programme.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • be er understand the Integrated Daily Programme • apply the requirements per play area in the Grade R classroom • use specifi c resources to enhance the Daily Programme Dura on: Full day
• implement proper rota on within the Daily Programme of focus and side ac vi es • recognise the value of the integrated approach towards the holis c development of the child.
Target Audience
Grade R prac oners and HODs
This workshop unpacks school readiness: general, emo onal and social development.
Outcomes of Workshop
This workshop will enable you to: • understand school readiness and its diff erent domains • understand the diff erence between school readiness and school maturity • understand the importance of the senses • establish a baseline knowledge of the perceptual development skills • understand how the science ac vity and make and bake ac vity forms part of the
Grade R syllabus in prepara on for school readiness • acquire skills to further enhance the use of the senses in the Grade R class • recognise the value of the child being ready for formal schooling • refl ect on your own teaching and assessment. Dura on: Half day
Target Audience
Grade R prac oners and HODs
This workshop will assist early childhood professionals with a variety of teaching ideas which will help the cogni ve development of a child. Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: Half day This workshop will enable you to: • understand cogni ve development and its different domains • differen ate between language and mathema cal emergent skills • understand the importance of the cogni ve development ac vi es
• establish baseline knowledge of the cogni ve development skills • understand how cogni ve development forms part of the Grade R syllabus in prepara on for school readiness • acquire skills to further enhance the use of cogni ve skills in the Grade R classroom • implement an integrated approach towards language and mathema cal development • recognise the value of the child being ready for formal schooling.
Target Audience
Grade R prac oners and HODs
This workshop will assist early childhood professionals with a variety of teaching ideas which will help the sensory development of a child.
Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: Half day This workshop will enable you to: • be er understand sensory motor development • understand the different domains of sensory motor development • differen ate between fi ne motor and gross motor development • understand the importance of the motor development ac vi es • establish a baseline of knowledge of the motor development skills • understand how fi ne and gross motor development forms part of the Grade R syllabus in prepara on for school readiness • acquire skills to further enhance the use of motor skills in the Grade R classroom • recognise the value of the child being ready for formal schooling.
Target Audience
Grade R prac oners and HODs
Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. Anthony J. D’Angelo
This workshop explores ac vi es which will enhance the development of the child’s visual, auditory and spa al development Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: Half day This workshop will enable you to: • understand visual, auditory and spa al development and their different domains • differen ate between visual, auditory and spa al skills • understand the importance of visual, auditory and spa al development ac vi es • establish a baseline knowledge of visual, auditory and spa al development skills • understand how visual, auditory and spa al development form part of Grade R in prepara on for school readiness • acquire skills to further enhance the use of visual, auditory and spa al skills in the
Grade R classroom • implement an integrated approach towards visual, auditory and spa al development • recognise the value of the child being ready for formal schooling.
Target Audience
Grade R prac oners and HODs