29 minute read

Founda on Phase



This workshop covers assessment management in the Founda on Phase star ng with the planning for assessment, then the design and development of assessment ac vi es and tasks, followed by analysis and review of assessment. Lastly, we learn how to interpret and report on assessment results.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • defi ne assessment and explain its diff erent purposes • plan and prepare for assessment • understand what modera on and quality assurance is and how to implement it • design and develop assessment ac vi es and tasks • analyse and review the assessment • interpret and report on assessment. Dura on: Full day

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop will help you understand how to assess learning to measure what has been achieved.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • create a posi ve learning environment • share ideas on how to plan diff erent ac vi es • iden fy ques ons to ask to plan for assessment • know the mul ple intelligences and how they link with CAPS • prac se how to assess for learning (informal assessment) • know how to assess learning to measure what has been achieved • plan for teaching and learning Dura on: Full day

• iden fy ac vi es for each mul ple intelligence • create appropriate tools to assess learning and to assess for learning.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop will help you understand how to assess learning so as to be able to measure what has been achieved.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • demonstrate an understanding of formal assessment in CAPS • know the number of formal tasks per subject • explore how to group assessment criteria into formal assessment ac vi es • break down assessment criteria into level descriptors • design a rubric • compile your teacher assessment plan • demonstrate understanding of how to record formal assessment • learn how to report learner achievement • iden fy verbs in formal assessment criteria • choose an appropriate form of assessment • design an appropriate instrument. Dura on: Full day

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop will help you plan your assessments according to CAPS requirements

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • demonstrate an understanding of informal and formal assessment according to CAPS • know how to assess informally Dura on: Full day

• be able to complete a Teacher Assessment Plan • design instruments for formal assessment • be able to record formal assessment • know how to report learner achievement • be able to compile a metable • be able to plan daily ac vi es.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs



This workshop is a short introduc on to the CAPS curriculum

Dura on: Half day

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • understand the need for a new curriculum • know which subjects will be off ered and the me allocated to each • understand the structure and content layout of the CAPS documents • understand the subject specifi c changes within specifi c subjects • know how to implement CAPS.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides teachers with a clear understanding and implementa on of the CAPS curriculum.

Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: Half day This workshop will enable you to: • become more knowledgeable of the CAPS requirements for all the components

• confi dently do formal and informal assessment at the right me with the right tools • use the CAPS-complaint DBE workbooks for all the subjects eff ec vely.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop will help you put magic back into teaching.

Dura on: Half day

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • understand and apply brain gym exercises in the classroom • understand what a dynamic teacher is • be able to teach thinking ac vi es in the classroom to enhance learner percep on • be able to help and support learners to do problem solving through crea ve and cri cal thinking • be able to do energe c and lively ac vi es and put magic back into teaching by planning well.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop will teach you to teach, plan and make resources with your laptop.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to be familiar with basic laptop skills, such as: • table construc on and layout • manipula on of pictures • numbering Dura on: 3 hours

• headings • line spacing.

Target Audience

HODs, lead teachers, Founda on Phase teachers


This workshop will teach you to teach, plan and make resources with your laptop.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • work through the diff erent language elements to create lessons in which the laptop is integrated into the teaching of lessons • use Microso Word and PowerPoint to design visual fl ash cards and worksheets to use in teaching of maths, languages and life skills. The workshop is subject specifi c. Dura on: 3 hours

Target Audience

HODs, lead teachers, Founda on Phase teachers


This workshop will teach you to teach, plan and make resources with your laptop for Founda on Phase.

Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: 3 hours This workshop will enable you to prepare your laptop and: • install font (Grade 1 font) • download video content • do screen grabs or screen shots • use Microso Word and PowerPoint to design visual fl ash cards and worksheets to use in teaching (fl ashcards for maths, languages and life orienta on).

Target Audience

FP Teachers, HODs, Subject advisors


Learn how to make and use resources to enhance learning in your classroom.

Outcomes of Workshop

Dura on: Full day

This workshop will enable you to: • u lise specifi c resources to enhance teaching and learning • link CAPS skills to the use of a specifi c resource • follow the step-by-step guide on how to make and u lise resources • understand that play is important in the developmental stages of a child • u lise resources to be er explain concepts to learners in their classrooms • ensure that resources used are relevant and age appropriate • refl ect on own teaching prac ces in an a empt to enhance learner understanding.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs



This workshop will show you how to assist learners with their comprehension ability and improve overall literacy.

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of this workshop, par cipants will: • know what the Balanced Language Approach entails • have knowledge and skills to apply the following seven steps involved in reading comprehension: 1. make connec ons as a pre-reading ac vity Dura on: 3 hours

2. ask eff ec ve ques ons to improve comprehension during reading 3. monitor the understanding of the text during reading 4. facilitate inference of the text during reading 5. summarise the text a er reading 6. synthesise the text a er reading and connect new informa on to current knowledge 7. evaluate the text a er reading and give own opinion • have knowledge and be able to use diff erent strategies for each of the seven steps to aid learners with their comprehension ability and improve overall literacy.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop gives an exci ng look at how to teach phonics.

Dura on: Half day

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • understand how to teach phonics using the Balanced

Language Approach • diff eren ate between Phonemic Awareness and Phonics • interact with the en re class using prac cal Phonemic Awareness ac vi es • understand that Phonemic Awareness and Phonics can be taught together • understand that phonics is progressive across the Founda on Phase and within a grade • compare the phonic requirements per grade in the Founda on Phase as s pulated in

CAPS • translate the required phonics into CAPS-linked ac vi es for Grades 1–3 • understand the phone c vocabulary that is taught in Grade 3 • know the diff erences between consonant digraphs, vowel digraphs and vowel and consonant blends • diff eren ate between the diff erent phonemic awareness skills during an assessment task • assess phonics using the Balanced Language Approach • diff eren ate between beginner, intermediate and advanced phonics ac vi es.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop focuses on how to use Shared Reading and Group/Guided Reading to improve the reading skills of learners in diff erent grades.

Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: Half day This workshop will enable you to: • know what the Balanced Language Approach entails • understand and be able to use the Shared Reading technique of the Balanced

Language Approach • use the Group Guided Reading technique of the Balanced Language Approach • use Shared Reading and Group Guided Reading to improve the reading skills of learners in diff erent grades and on diff erent reading levels; for example, beginner readers, intermediate readers and advanced readers • have knowledge of how to foster independent reading in your learners • understand where Shared Reading and Group Guided Reading fi t into CAPS.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


How, when and why do we teach sight words and vocabulary? This workshop addresses these important ques ons.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • know what the Balanced Language Approach entails • understand the role sight words play in teaching reading in the Founda on Phase • know how to use diff erent techniques to teach sight words to learners on the Beginner

Reading Level and Intermediate Reading Level • understand the role vocabulary plays in teaching reading and comprehension in the

Founda on Phase • know how to use vocabulary strategies to broaden the vocabulary of a Founda on

Phase learner with focus on the advanced reading level • understand where sight words and vocabulary fi t into CAPS. Dura on: Half day

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop will present you with the skills needed to apply the Balanced Language Approach’s wri ng process as prescribed by CAPS Founda on Phase.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • apply the Shared Wri ng technique • understand and apply the subs tu on strategy to build sentences • implement the Balanced Language Approach’s wri ng process as prescribed by CAPS

Founda on Phase: 1. Planning 2. Dra ing 3. Revising 4. Edi ng 5. Presen ng. Dura on: Half day

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provide a comprehensive approach to teaching comprehension using a variety of techniques and strategies. Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: Half day This workshop will enable you to: • use the Shared Reading and Group Guided Reading techniques of the balanced language approach • understand the diff erent building blocks of reading comprehension and have knowledge of diff erent strategies to aid learners with their comprehension ability • understand the importance of the ques oning technique used during reading • apply the K-W-L technique for se ng ques ons to enhance comprehension

• use your own language experience and available printed material to create your own reading cards which can be used as resources in the classroom for homework ac vi es, remedial ac vi es or ac vi es for extended opportuni es • prac se inference skills by answering ques ons that do not have explicit answers, but require higher order thinking skills • prac ce your summarising skills by using the sentence frames to create a summary of the story.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop will empower you to teach crea ve wri ng using the wri ng process.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • understand and apply the Shared Wri ng technique • understand and apply the subs tu on strategy to build sentences • learn how to use a wri ng frame when teaching learners to write a story • implement the wri ng process as prescribed by CAPS Founda on Phase: 1. Planning (Pre-wri ng) 2. Dra ing 3. Revising 4. Edi ng 5. Presen ng. Dura on: Half day

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

Online learning is rapidly becoming one of the most cost-eff ec ve ways to educate the world’s rapidly expanding workforce. Jack Messman, former CEO at Novell, Cambridge Technology Partners, Unionacifi c Resources, Somerset House Corp.


This workshop will give you clear, easy and innova ve guidance about teaching reading in the Founda on Phase step by step, star ng with phonemic awareness and moving through reading strategies to understanding of text.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • be able to teach learners the founda onal skills of reading – phonemes and phonics • develop ini al reading skills • teach your learners basic comprehension skills so that their reading is meaningful • assess pre-reading and reading skills in an objec ve way • create excitement about reading for enjoyment in your classroom, at school and in homes. Dura on: Half day

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides teachers with knowledge and skills to teach a fi rst addi onal language with success.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • understand and know the CAPS requirements for EFAL Grades 1–3 • apply vocabulary-building ac vi es and strategies eff ec vely • use diff erent resources to achieve eff ec ve EFAL acquisi on • recognise the value of specifi c resources during the language teaching process • apply reading and storytelling ac vi es and strategies eff ec vely in your class • apply phonics teaching strategies and resources eff ec vely to maximise learner pronuncia on and spelling • understand the value of group guided reading and implement eff ec ve techniques • discover innova ve ways to encourage crea ve wri ng. Dura on: Half day

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides a balanced language approach to teaching a home language. The focus of this workshop is on Listening and Speaking, Reading and Phonics and Wri ng and Handwri ng. Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: 1 day By the end of the this workshop, par cipants will: • become more knowledgeable on the CAPS requirements for all the components of HL • teach listening and speaking in a crea ve and effec ve way • apply the methodology of teaching Shared Reading to improve the fl uency and comprehension of learners • develop the learners’ vocabulary by using a variety of ac vi es and teaching tools • establish ability groups for Group/Guided Reading and encourage improvement of learner competency • follow the processes of Pre-reading, During-reading and Post-reading to highlight the comprehension strategy • teach phonics effec vely using the Balanced Reading Approach • integrate language structure and use with the teaching of the other language components • use a variety of strategies and tools to develop the crea ve wri ng skills of the learners • confi dently do formal and informal assessment at the right me with the right tools • use the CAPS-compliant DBE workbooks for all the subjects eff ec vely.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides a Balanced Language Approach to teaching English First Addi onal Language. It focuses on Listening and Speaking, Reading and Phonics, and Wri ng and Handwri ng.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • understand the CAPS requirements for Storytelling as a methodology to teach FAL • be able to teach Storytelling eff ec vely • understand when and how to use resources for Storytelling Dura on: Full day

• understand the diff erences between Informal and Formal Assessment • apply Informal and Formal Assessment appropriately during Storytelling and Total

Physical Response • use the CAPS-compliant DBE Workbook correctly and op mally • par cipate ac vely and use puppets successfully in the classroom • listen to music and perform and sing an ac on song • develop an oral vocabulary and make connec on between the ac ons and gestures • demonstrate the importance of doing the ac ons when singing to enhance the eff ec veness of Total Physical Response.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop teaches wri ng in an innova ve way that learners can relate to.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • explain what indigenous stories are all about and discuss the value for your learners • iden fy indigenous stories relevant to the Founda on Phase learners • explain the wri ng process • support learners to make their own indigenous storybooks • teach wri ng in the classroom. Dura on: Half day

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

People expect to be bored by eLearning – let’s show them it doesn’t have to be like that!

Cammy Bean


A comprehensive programme to train reading coaches

Dura on: 5 days

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: DAY 1 • Understand the roles and responsibili es of the reading coach. • Recognise the important role and posi ve contribu on that the reading coach will bring into the classroom. • Implement the strategies and vision of the Northern Cape Department of Educa on. • Realise the long-term posi ve results of the reading coach ini a ve. • Par cipate in all ac vi es and see the rela on between the ac vity and the purpose of the training. • Enjoy the workshop and fi nd meaning and common understanding in all ac vi es. DAY 2 • Understand what CAPS is and how to use the document in everyday teaching and learning. • Get to know the me alloca on for languages in the diff erent phases. • Familiarise yourself with the specifi c CAPS language content and skills. • Discover the value of the annual teaching plan for guidance towards teaching and assessing. • Understand the progression and conceptual development from one grade to another when teaching and learning a language. • Create awareness of the CAPS-recommended reading, and wri ng processes according to CAPS. DAY 3 • Know what the Balanced Language Approach entails. • Understand how reading takes place. • Have knowledge of diff erent texts and how we read them. • Understand and be able to use the following techniques of the balanced language approach: 1. Phonics and sight words 2. Phonemic awareness 3. Vocabulary and fl uency 4. Sentence construc on 5. Language experience and wri ng.

DAY 4 • Use the shared reading technique of the Balanced Language Approach. • Understand the diff erent building blocks of reading comprehension and have knowledge of diff erent strategies to aid learners with their comprehension ability. • Understand and be able to use the group guided reading technique of the Balanced

Language Approach. • Use your own language experience and available printed material to create your own reading cards which can be used as resources in the classroom for homework ac vi es, remedial ac vi es or ac vi es for extended opportuni es. DAY 5 • Understand and be able to apply the shared wri ng technique. • Apply the subs tu on strategy to build sentences. • Understand and be able to apply the wri ng process of the Balanced Language

Approach as prescribed by CAPS (Founda on Phase, Intermediate Phase and Senior

Phase): – Planning – Dra ing – Revising – Edi ng – Presen ng.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This course will equip teachers in doing shared reading in the classroom and value the benefi ts in terms of the development of reading. Dura on: 2 hours

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • review the reasons for doing shared reading in the classroom and the benefi ts in terms of the development of reading • apply prac cal ps and ideas to establish the building blocks of language using the shared reading strategy • unpack the reading process when presen ng a shared reading lesson • prepare for a shared reading lesson and know how to start a shared reading lesson.

• start a shared reading lesson • read to a class using shared reading • wrap up a shared reading session.

Target Audience

Founda on phase teachers


Learn how storytelling can be used to develop literacy development.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • understand why telling or reading stories to learners on a regular basis is important for literacy development • choose suitable stories for your learners • tell a story in an interes ng way using interes ng resources • develop learners’ retelling skills • understand what a graphic organiser is and be able to use a graphic organiser with learners in class a er telling a story • be able to change the graphic organiser to suit the level of the learners • develop storytelling ac vi es. Dura on: Half day

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides strategies to teach handwri ng skills to your learners.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • understand the importance of systema c instruc on of handwri ng • abide by general principles regarding the development of good handwri ng skills • apply the correct posi oning of the book Dura on: Half day

• learn how to teach pa erns successfully • teach le er forma on techniques and habits correctly • follow proper techniques to teach wri ng on broad lines • teach learners to write between the lines.

Target Audience

Founda on Phase teachers, HODs and SESs



This is a prac cal session and par cipa on and ac ve involvement needs to be encouraged throughout. Allow me for sharing of ideas and prac cal implementa on strategies in the classroom.

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of this workshop, par cipants will: • understand that the subject life skills in Founda on Phase has been organised into four study areas: Beginning Knowledge, Personal and Social Wellbeing, Crea ve Arts and

Physical Educa on • know that Beginning Knowledge and Personal and Social Wellbeing in the life skills curriculum are organised in topics • pay a en on to the progression and level at which the topics within and between grades are addressed • be able to teach the four crea ve art forms: dance, drama, music and the visual arts in an innova ve and confi dent way • understand that the development of the learner’s gross and fi ne motor skills and perceptual development is fundamental in the Founda on Phase • understand that play, movement, games and sport contribute to developing posi ve a tudes and values • be aware that the focus in the Founda on Phase is on games and some ac vi es that will form the basis of par cipa ng in sports later on • be equipped to guide learners to achieve the specifi c aims of the life skills subject for

Founda on Phase. Dura on: Full day

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop will show you how to implement various improvisa on and interpreta on ac vi es in order to achieve the aims of the performing arts component of the Founda on Phase Life Skills programme. Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: Half day This workshop will enable you to: • know the four study areas embedded within the Founda on Phase Life Skills programme • understand the reasoning behind the organisa on of study areas in the Founda on

Phase Life Skills programme • know the four art forms learners are exposed to in the Founda on Phase Life Skills programme • know the two main content areas developed within the Performing Arts sec on of the

Founda on Phase Life Skills programme • iden fy and implement various ac vi es in performing arts which develop perceptual skills • implement various crea ve games and skills in order to achieve the aims of the performing arts component of the Founda on Phase Life Skills programme • implement various improvisa on and interpreta on ac vi es in order to achieve the aims of the performing arts component of the Founda on Phase Life Skills programme.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This interac ve workshop will equip you to teach physical educa on with confi dence.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • understand what physical educa on is • develop diff erent ac vi es within the various aspects of physical educa on • obtain knowledge about the diff erent sports and games • develop an indoor obstacle course. Dura on: Full day

Target Audience

Grade R–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


1,2,3 … FUN COUNT

In this workshop you will explore various coun ng strategies to make coun ng effec ve and fun for learners.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • understand the diff erence between rote and ra onal coun ng • use apparatus that encourages coun ng in mul ples • iden fy pa erns within a sequence of numbers • move from teaching coun ng in ones to coun ng in mul ples. Dura on: Half day

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


Division is spli ng into equal parts or groups. It is the result of ‘fair sharing’. This workshop is a step-by-step guide into introducing division in the Founda on Phase.

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to facilitate learners to: • share objects equally among 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 • divide whole numbers with and without remainders • break down large numbers into mul ples and then divide them equally • divide whole numbers using the division sign • use mul plica on and division as inverse opera ons. Dura on: 2 hours

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


A frac on simply tells us how many parts of a whole we have. Let’s have fun with frac ons.

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to facilitate learners to: • iden fy a whole and a frac on • show parts of a whole using real objects, geo-shapes, paper shapes, models and a collec on of objects • use and name unitary frac ons and non-unitary frac ons • recognise frac ons diagramma cally • write out frac ons, e.g. 1 half • match illustra ons with frac on names • recognise equivalent frac ons. Dura on: Half day

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop will help you to understand: • Decimal frac ons • Introducing decimals in diff erent ways • Applying Bloom’s Taxonomy Dura on: 2 hours

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • create and use apparatus to introduce decimal frac ons to your learners • fully understand how our decimal number system developed • make the frac on-decimal connec on • compare and order decimal numbers • mul ply and divide decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1 000.

Target Audience

FP maths teachers and SESs


This workshop will assist you in understanding how to teach the diff erent topics and to know which mathema cal strategies to teach in each grade. Outcomes of Workshop Dura on: 1 day By the end of this workshop, par cipants will: • become more knowledgeable on the CAPS requirements for all the components • confi dently do formal and informal assessment at the right me with the right tools • use the CAPS-complaint DBE workbooks for all the subjects eff ec vely.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop takes a look at repeated addi on leading to mul plica on through problem solving.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • show how repeated addi on leads to mul plica on • illustrate number sentences as groups or rows and columns • solve problems on a concrete, representa ve and an abstract level • count on in mul ples rather than in ones • break down numbers and then mul ply them • use halving and doubling to solve problems faster. Dura on: Half day

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

Technology will never replace teachers, but a teacher who cannot teach with technology will be replaced by another one who can.

Zuzana Molčanová, Slovakia


This workshop focuses on exploring mass using real objects.

Dura on: Half day

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to facilitate learners to: • choose an appropriate measuring unit • weigh diff erent objects to show that the size of an object does not determine its mass • apply diff erent strategies to solve problems • compare, order and record commercially packaged objects in grams and kilograms.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop will explore exci ng and hands-on ways to teach Mental Mathema cs.

Outcomes of Workshop

Dura on: Half day

This workshop will enable you to: • build confi dence by solving problems quickly and accurately • choose problems that reinforce a specifi c strategy taught • adapt diagrams to provide for the needs of all learners • iden fy how the same resource can be used for diff erent calcula ons.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

You can’t teach people everything they need to know. The best you can do is posi on them where they can fi nd what they need to know when they need to know it. Seymour Papert, MIT mathema cian, educator, and computer scien st


This workshop provides an overview on teaching place value eff ec vely.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • know what place value is • understand when to introduce place value • know how to introduce place value • understand numbers more thoroughly • implement the instruc onal sequence of teaching place value – regroup, exchange, recount – describe numbers – learn the signifi cance of 10 – learning the place value of numbers greater than 19 – stressing regrouping – coun ng in 10 and ordering numbers – working with 100 • play place value games. Dura on: One hour

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop explores addi on and subtrac on. Dura on: Half day

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to facilitate learners to: • interpret problems within context and context free problems • use the three levels of solving addi on and subtrac on problems • choose an appropriate strategy to solve a problem • choose relevant resources to solve diff erent problems • show all the steps in solving problems.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides teachers with the necessary skills to set, teach and use problem solving ac vi es effec vely.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • understand the role of the teacher when teaching problem solving • know how to set appropriate word problems • diff eren ate between problem types • use diff erent strategies to solve problems • build confi dence by solving problems. Dura on: Half day

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


In our decimal number system, the value of a digit depends on its place, or posi on, in the number. Explore numbers in this workshop.

Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to: • select relevant resources for teaching place value • apply instruc onal sequence when teaching place value • regroup tens and units • make tens full • work with numbers greater than 19 • compare, order and describe numbers • round numbers off to nearest ten • work with numbers up to 100. Dura on: Half day

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop focuses on working with 2-D and 3-D shapes.

Dura on: Half day

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to facilitate learners to: • iden fy and analyse 2-D shapes and 3-D objects • understand the rela onship between 2-D shapes and 3-D objects • iden fy results when geometric shapes undergo change • iden fy and demonstrate refl ec on, line and mirror symmetry • build 3-D objects using nets • rotate 2-D shapes to make them fi t into a pa ern and pictures • using 2-D shapes, show the rela onship between size and shape.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs


This workshop provides a fun way to work with me.

Dura on: Half day

Outcomes of Workshop

By the end of this workshop, par cipants will be able to facilitate learners to: • read and show analogue and digital me • understand frac ons of an hour • sequence events according to the me it took to complete • calculate the passage of me on a number line.

Target Audience

Grade 1–3 teachers, HODs and SESs

eLearning doesn’t just ‘happen’! It requires careful planning and implementa on. Anonymous

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