Booking deadline: 9 June 2014 Material deadline: 11 June 2014 Publication date: 30 June 2014
62 July
issue – Out 30 June
DRC at a crossroads
OVERVIEW DRC is #4 Africa’s FDI destination and #4 Africa’s GDP growth forecast in 2014. The IMF is indeed forecasting 10.5% real GDP growth in 2014. The main driver will be rising mining output. The country is at a crossroads both in the politics and economic prospects. ECONOMY Economic growth will also depend on continuing the government’s reform drive. The government has implemented a series of measures to stabilise macroeconomic performance, including a restrictive budgetary policy and a gradual softening of monetary policy. In 2014, it is going to try to maintain the policies that Prime minister Matata Ponyo established in 2012 to reduce inflation, stabilise the exchange rate and increase the level of foreign exchange reserves. The mining of gold, copper and cobalt as well as agricultural growth are constrained by the lack of electricity production and infrastructure. Reconstruction of Gecamines. Grand Inga project takes shape. Southern Katanga is booming; how about other provinces? SECTOR BY SECTOR growth is due to the performance of the extractive industries, agriculture and the dynamism of trade, construction & public works PEOPLE TO WATCH The movers and shakers of DRC’s promising future
AGRIBUSINESS & FOOD SECURITY Collective action, business‐ business‐minded: Agricultural co‐ co‐operatives in Africa are making a comeback, and are helping smallholder farmers get better access to markets. ● FOOD SECURITY: How to feed two billion Africans by 2050? Fertilisers and intrants ● The role of Fertilisers and intrants in increasing Africa’ increasing Africa’s production. ● Assisting and training African Farmers ● Agriculture successes in West & East Africa. ● Southern African agribiz eyes West Africa. ● Asia’s agribusiness expansion in Africa.
Extra circulation includes: ● Nigeria Com ‐ Lagos ● 3rd Annual Africa Pensions and Sovereign Fund inv. ● Ipad DRC Oil and Gas + IPAD Mining & Katanga ‐ DRC ● Agribusiness Forum, Kinshasa THE AFRICA REPORT is published by Groupe Jeune Afrique Phone: +33 1 46 47 25 44 - Email:
Circulation: 60,000 copies 450,000 regular readers