Envision Exercise (Five Finger Philosophy)

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Unlocking the Vision If I'm going to achieve anything that I envision in my life then I believe that the steps and process I design for myself need to be very simple. They better all fit on one hand cause I still have trouble counting past five.

The Five Finger Philosophy

Unlocking the Vision Listen to the gut

Stellar time managementÂ

Consistent challenge

Treating people like people

Pursuit of passion

Unlocking the Vision Listen to my gut: I need to live my values and set the standards for my success. This means I need to listen myself and how I feel about where I'm going and what I'm doing. Consistent challenge: I need to live a life where there is no complacency. I think the only form of celebration I need is a beer at the bar and then to hit the next challenge going 100 mph. Pursuit of passion: If I'm going to spend thirty years of my life at work then it better not feel like I'm working. I need to be involved in things that I'm passionate about or I'll struggle to succeed and even if I do I'll hate myself for it.

Unlocking the Vision Treating people like people: I think I have a tendency to go through my day interacting with others but not really listening to what they're saying or why they're saying what they are. If I want to be successful I think one of the most important things I can do is learn to connect with others better. Stellar time management: If I had to choose the hardest element from my "five finger philosophy" this would be it. I'm a professional time waster and I'd really only like to be an amateur or semi-pro at best.

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