Five Core Values Elemental Values
Five Core Values Elemental Values
Competition in my life drives how I do everything and is a fundamental part of my identity at the core. Note, this isn't about winning. To me, competition is about putting myself amongst rockstars and superhuman workers so that I demand of myself to rise to the occasion and deliver the best I can give. To go deeper, competition isn't an external battle for me--it's internal. I want to operate every day in a perpetual state of competitive fury trying to out do the "me" of yesterday. I know that if every day I can defeat who I was yesterday then I will be unstoppable in life and in anything I do.
Five Core Values Elemental Values
I think that establishing a habit of balance in my life is so important as a key to happiness. I know that in all of my documents I keep harping on time management but this ties hand-in-hand with balance. I know that if I can be an efficient worker and get what I need to get done then I'll be able to do the things I want to do. I'll be able to spend time with my family, get a beer with friends, or pursue that new hobby that seems really cool! Balance is actually the springboard to happiness in my life.
Five Core Values Elemental Values
Creativity is the why in my life. It's the part of me that is the direct route to my child-hood and grounds me in what has always made me happy and allowed me to view the world through a different lens. I operate with a creative gene in every endeavor I pursue, professionally or privately. To me, creativity is about trying new things and having fun while doing it. As a kid, building blocks or pretending falling leaves in autumn were targets for my lightsaber was a constant pursuit of creativity. I didn't do these things thinking "This will really work on my fluency or help my ability to connect ideas" but because I had fun doing it. My ability to incorporate creativity into my life every day, in every way, will lead me down the right road.
Five Core Values Elemental Values
Passion Passion is the fire that burns within and is the fuel for success. I need to be passionate about what I'm involved in to the point where work will never feel like work. I understand that this is a process and a journey. Being able to follow my passions professionally won't come passively and probably will not come immediately. However, I know if I apply myself and commit myself to a habit of brilliance and being prolific that I will be able to follow my passions as soon as possible. Being passionate about everything that I'm doing will set myself up for success and I trust good things will happen. Passion is the internal compass I'll need in life.
Five Core Values Elemental Values
Optimism Optimism is always seeing the sunny day. I don't mean to say that I see only what I want to see, but rather, I understand what is good in the present at this very moment, and I connect that with the good things that are coming tomorrow. Optimism is the strongest muscle in my body and needs to always be that way. At a very literal sense, when the rest of the muscles in my body are growing weak and passionate pursuits like sports are ripped away from me, my optimism will be the adaptive gear that shifts me into the positive mindset. Optimism is contagious. Spreading optimistic mindsets not only helps others, but when I'm having the darkest day and feel like giving up, there will be someone to bring that ray of sunshine back into my life.
Five Core Values Elemental Values
My Voice My voice is the result you get when you pile all five of my elemental values in to a bender and hit start. My voice is not what I say but what I listen to; it's that voice that's always been there whispering, begging me to listen. It's that inner peace that has always guided me even though I've not always chosen to follow. If my voice were to give me one piece of advice for life I think this would be it. "Follow your passions relentlessly and always put yourself among like minded individuals who strive to be rockstars through brilliance and prolific work. Like minded people will share your fiery passions and creative habits, help you maintain a life of balance, and bring that ray of sunshine when you need it most."